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The English Department HS

Second Trimester
Grade 10

Week Eight


Things Fall Apart Scene Summary
Chapter 6
Chapter Analysis Worksheet

Page Analysis Key Themes

Number (Rhetoric/Effect/cultural
Line No: background)


Okonwko Feelings and Actions

Features of Igbo culture

Scene Summary
Things Fall Apart
Chapter 7
Chapter Analysis Worksheet
Page Number Analysis
Line No: (Rhetoric/Effect/cultural background) Key Themes

Characters Feelings and Actions

Features of Igbo culture

Things Fall Apart Scene

Chapter 8 Summary
Chapter Analysis Worksheet

Page Analysis Key Themes
Number (Rhetoric/Effect/cultural
Line No: background)


Okonwko Feelings and Actions

Features of Igbo culture

Prepositional Phrases Practice

Circle the prepositions in the following paragraphs, and underline the prepositional phrases.

Martha found the big box tucked away in a corner of the attic near the big
chimney. As you may suspect, the little girl longed to open the big box and see what
was in it. For we are all curious, and little girls are just as curious as the rest of us.

She stopped and clapped her little hands together gayly as she remembered a big
basket of keys on the shelf in the linen closet. They were of all sorts and sizes; perhaps
one of them would unlock the mysterious chest!

She flew down the stairs, found the basket and returned with it to the attic.
Then she sat down before the brass-studded box and began trying one key after
another in the curious old lock. Some were too large, but most were too small. One
would go into the lock but would not turn; another stuck so fast that she feared for a
time that she would never get it out again. But at last, when the basket was almost
empty, an oddly-shaped, ancient brass key slipped easily into the lock. With a cry of
joy Martha turned the key with both hands; then she heard a sharp “click,” and the
next moment the heavy lid flew up of its own accord!

The little girl leaned over the edge of the chest, and the sight that met her
eyes caused her to start back in amazement. Slowly and carefully a man unpacked
himself from the chest, stepped out upon the floor, stretched his limbs and then took
off his hat and bowed politely to the astonished child. Then another man emerged
from the chest, yawning and rubbing his eyes like a sleepy schoolboy. While Martha
stared open-mouthed at the remarkable sight a third man crawled from the chest.

Circle all the prepositional phrases in the following sentences and identify their

1. After the movie the group of teenagers went to McDonalds for a burger.

2. Without sugar the blueberries were too sour for the dinner guests.
3. Sally worked from midnight to noon on her science project.

4. Over the river and through the woods to grandfather’s house we go.

5. He ate three boxes of popcorn with butter during the movie.

6. Despite his fear of water Jack saved the drowning puppy.

7. Janet took her lunch with her to the seminar.

8. At the Country Fair the child with the freckles won the talent contest.

9. For breakfast she likes bananas with strawberries.

10. Down the dark alley the cat chased a rat with long whiskers.

Exercise III: Write a paragraph of 7 sentences. Use different prepositional

phrases between sentences.


Noun & Verb Phrases

Identify the noun phrases in the below extract. What is the purpose of them?

The sea which lies before me as I write glows rather than sparkles in the bland May
sunshine. With the tide turning, it leans quietly against the land, almost unflicked by
ripples or foam. Near to the horizon it is a luxurious purple, spotted with regular lines
of emerald green. At the horizon it is indigo. Near to the shore, where my view is
framed by rising heaps of humpy yellow rock, there is a band of lighter green, icy and
pure, less radiant, opaque however, not transparent. We are in the north, and the
bright sunshine cannot penetrate the sea. Where the gentle water taps the rocks,
there is still a surface skin of color. The cloudless sky is very pale at the indigo horizon
which it lightly pencils in with silver.


Write a paragraph about the best place you visited of (90-120 words) using at least
4 noun phrases /4 verb phrases:


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