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Learning outcome

Analyze frames with the Stiffness Method.


Individually, determine the internal forces and reactions of the following frame structure using the
Stiffness Method.

• Determine the stiffness matrix of each element.

• Assemble the stiffness matrix of the structure.
• Determine the external force vector.
• Determine the fixed end force vector.
• Determine the displacements.
• Determine the internal forces at the ends of the elements.
• Draw the free-body diagram.
• Verify that the structure is in equilibrium with the reactions.
• Draw the internal forces diagrams.

The frame is made of reinforced concrete and has a modulus of elasticity 𝐸 = 1.8 × 105 𝑘𝑔/𝑐𝑚2.

Consider the shear deformation for the shear walls. Do not consider the shear deformation in the
Fig. 1. Geometry and loads definition.

Compare your results with those obtained from the commercial program. Show the main images of the
procedure to input data in the commercial program and images of the results: deformed shape, internal
forces diagrams and reactions.

Write your conclusions comparing the results and presenting your main learnings.

1. Select the units system of units and determine the parameters with that system of units.
The frame will be analyzed considering the units in tons and meters.

Material properties
𝐸 = 1.8 × 105 𝑘𝑔/𝑐𝑚2 = 1.8 × 106 𝑡𝑜𝑛/𝑚2

Geometric properties
• Walls: 𝐴 = 1.5 𝑚2 and : 𝐼 = 3.125 𝑚4
• Beams: 𝐴 = 0.21 𝑚2 and : 𝐼 = 8.575 × 10−3 𝑚4

2. Identify the rigid zone.

Fig. 2. Rigid zone size.

3. Identify nodes and elements. Define the local axis.

Fig. 3. Numbering of nodes and elements. Local axes x'.

4. Identify known and unknown degrees of freedom.

There are 6 unknown degrees of freedom:

(𝑢1 = 𝑣1 = 𝜑1 = 𝑢2 = 𝑣2 = 𝜑2 = 0

There are 12 unknown degrees of freedom:

𝑢3, 𝑣3, 𝜑3, 𝑢4, 𝑣4, 𝜑4, 𝑢5, 𝑣5, 𝜑5, 𝑢6, 𝑣6, 𝜑6

5. Identify the degrees of freedom of the structure organized into unknown and known:

𝑢3, 𝑣3, 𝜑3, 𝑢4, 𝑣4, 𝜑4, 𝑢5, 𝑣5, 𝜑5, 𝑢6, 𝑣6, 𝜑6, 𝑢1, 𝑣1, 𝜑1, 𝑢2, 𝑣2, 𝜑2
6. Determine the stiffness matrix of each element.
7. Determine the stiffness matrix of the structure.
8. Determine the submatrices of the stiffness matrix of the structure. In this case, there are no
prescribed displacements {𝑢∗ } = 0. Therefore, it is only necessary to determine: [𝐾𝑢𝑢], [𝐾𝑢∗𝑢].

9. Determine the external forces vector {𝐹𝐸𝑥𝑡}. In this case the external force vector is 12 rows
10. Determine the unknown displacements.
{u} = [𝐾𝑢𝑢 ]−1 [{ 𝐹 𝐸𝑥𝑡 } − [𝐾𝑢𝑢∗ ]{𝑢∗ }]

In this case, there are no prescribed displacements.

{u} = [𝐾𝑢𝑢 ]−1 [{ 𝐹 𝐸𝑥𝑡 }

Finally, determine the unknown displacements: {u}

The known displacements

11. Determine the displacement vector considering all degrees of freedom.

12. Determine the reactions: 𝑅𝑥1 , 𝑅𝑦1 , 𝑀𝑧1 , 𝑅𝑥2 , 𝑅𝑦2 , 𝑀𝑧2 ,

{R} = [𝐾𝑢∗𝑢 ]{u} + [𝐾𝑢∗𝑢∗ ]{u∗ }

13. Verify the equilibrium of the structure:

14. Determine the internal forces at the ends of the elements:

{𝐹 𝐼𝑛𝑡 } = [K]{u}
15. Draw the free body diagram.

Fig. 4. Free body diagram of internal forces in elements.

Fig. 5. Free body diagram of reactions and internal forces at nodes.

The following table shows that equilibrium is verify in each node of the frame according to the free body
diagram (Fig.5). This is because when adding the internal forces in each node, the result is zero.

Table 1. Verification the equilibrium

Internal forces in each node

Node Fx Fy Mz
1 16.806-16.806=0 3.988-3.988=0 88.145-88.145=0
2 13.194-13.194=0 3.988-3.988=0. 69.453-69.453=0
3 10.711+10-3.905-16.806=0 2.195+1.793-3.988=0 26.802+7.214-34.016=0
4 3.905+9.289-13.194=0 3.988-1.793-2.195=0 21.296+7.31-28.428=0
5 20-9.289-10.711=0 2.195-2.195=0 8.83-8.83=0
6 9.289-9.289=0 2.195-2.195=0 8.727-8.727=0
16. Obtain the internal forces diagrams.

Fig. 6. Internal forces diagram (axial).

Fig. 7. Internal forces diagram (shear).

Fig. 8. Internal forces diagram (bending moment).

1. Create a new file in the STAAD Pro program and configure it with metric units.
2. Enter the coordinates of the nodes and join them to form the elements of the frame.

3. Create and assign the cross-sections of the frame elements.

4. Assign the type of material. 2 types of materials were created:
- For walls: Concrete with modulus of elasticity of 𝐸 = 1.8×105 𝑘𝑔/𝑐𝑚2 and shear modulus:
G= 750000 𝑘𝑔/𝑐𝑚2
- For beams: Concrete with modulus of elasticity of 𝐸 = 1.8×105 𝑘𝑔/𝑐𝑚2 y and a large shear
modulus was indicated to not consider shear deformation.
5. Indicate the rigid zone by applying an offset to the beams.

6. Create the fixed supports.

7. Create a new state of load.

8. Create the loads ítems:

Point load: −10 𝑡𝑜𝑛 = −98.0665𝑘𝑁
Point load: -20 𝑡𝑜𝑛 = −196.13𝑘𝑁

9. Assign the loads to the corresponding nodes.

10. View the 3D rendering.

11. Perform the configuration to run the analysis.

12. Run the program to analyze the framework and verify that there are no errors.

13. After running the program, perform the configuration to observe the values of the results obtained.

The results obtained from the STADD Pro program are presented below.

• Displacements

Fig. 9. Displacements results in each node of the frame.

• Reactions

Fig. 10. Reactions results.

• Internal forces

Fig. 11. Internal forces results.

Fig. 12. Internal forces diagram (axial).

Fig. 13. Internal forces diagram (shear)

Fig. 14. Internal forces diagram (bending moment)

Fig. 15. Deformed shape.

Comparing the results between Stiffness Method and STAAD Pro program:

Table 2. Comparison of reactions results.

Reactions (ton)
Reaction Stiffness Method STAAD Pro
𝑅𝑥1 -16.806 -16.819
𝑅𝑦1 -3.988 -3.931
𝑀𝑧1 88.145 88.427
𝑅𝑥2 -13.194 -13.181
𝑅𝑦2 3.988 3.931
𝑀𝑧2 69.453 69.624

Table 3. Comparison of displacements results in each node of the truss.

Stiffness Method STAAD Pro
Node Horizontal x Vertical y Rotacional rZ Horizontal x Vertical y Rotacional rZ
(m) (m) (rad) (m) (m) (rad)
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0.00015 0.00001 -0.00004 0.00014 0.00001 -0.00004
4 0.00011 -0.00001 -0.00003 0.00011 -0.00001 -0.00003
5 0.00037 0.00001 -0.00005 0.00036 0.00001 -0.00005
6 0.00029 -0.00001 -0.00004 0.00029 -0.00001 -0.00004
Table 4. Comparison of internal forces results.
Internal forces
Stiffness Method STAAD Pro
Element Node
Global coordinates Local coordinates
Fx Fy Mz Fx Fy Mz

1 1 -16.806 -3.988 88.145 -3.931 16.819 88.424

(Wall) 3 16.806 3.988 -26.802 3.931 -16.819 -27.036

2 2 -13.194 3.988 69.453 3.931 13.181 69.624

(Wall) 4 13.194 -3.988 -21.296 -3.931 -13.181 -21.513

3 3 -10.711 -2.195 34.016 -2.165 10.713 34.142

(Wall) 5 10.711 2.195 8.83 2.165 -10.713 8.710

4 4 -9.289 2.195 28.428 2.165 9.287 28.538

(Wall) 6 9.289 -2.195 8.727 -2.165 -9.287 8.609

5 5 3.905 -1.793 -7.214 3.894 -1.766 -7.105

(Beam) 8 -3.905 1.793 -7.131 -3.894 1.766 -7.024

6 3 9.287 -2.165 -8.83 9.287 -2.165 -3.298

(Beam) 4 -9.287 2.165 -8.727 -9.287 2.165 -3.197

Note: to the bending moment of the beams (element 5 and 6) obtained in Stadd Pro, an adjustment
was made to consider the bending moment of the rigid zone.


Element 5 (node) → 𝑀𝑧 = −2.69 𝑡𝑜𝑛 − 𝑚 + (−1.766 𝑡𝑜𝑛)(2.5 𝑚) = −7.105 𝑡𝑜𝑛 − 𝑚


In this ADA 5, a frame with shear walls was analyzed using the Stiffness Method, the values of the
displacements at the nodes, the reactions and the internal forces of the elements were obtained.
Subsequently, the same structure was analyzed in a computer program called STAAD Pro.

As could be seen in the tables previously presented, the results of the displacements, reactions and
internal forces obtained with the Stiffness Method and the STAAD Pro present differences that are
minimal and, therefore, could be neglected and it’s verified that the structural analysis is correct.

The values of internal forces of the elements, in Mathcad are obtained in the direction of global
coordinates and, on the contrary, in STADD Pro they are presented in local coordinates. For this
reason, the forces result Fx and Fy of the columns are presented the opposite of those obtained in
Mathcad. However, with the correct interpretation of the results with both methods, it is observed that
they are the same results. As part of my learning, I concluded that both methods are equally efficient,
however, using a computer program to analyze a frame with shear walls can be a faster and equally
accurate process than applying the Stiffness Method.

In this unit we learned about the rigid zone, which is formed when a beam is connected to two shear
walls. The beam has a certain inertia I along its length, however, at the ends where the beam and the
wall intersect, there is infinite inertia.

For this activity, I had to be careful when determining the stiffness matrix of each element. Because for
the beams, the stiffness matrix of an element with rigid zones was used, considering only the
contribution to bending and neglecting the shear. And in the case of shear walls, another stiffness
matrix was used considering the deformation due to axial force, bending moment and shear force.

Likewise, when performing the analysis in the Stadd Pro program, I realized that it is important to
indicate when there are rigidity zones and their location. because, if it is not considered, the results will
be completely different. In Stadd Pro the results of the internal forces are presented in the non-rigid
zone of the beams. Then, it is observed that, for the axial force and shear force, the results are the
same as those of Mathcad, this because they are constant along their length. On the other hand, for
the bending moment, different results are presented in Stadd Pro and Mathcad, this is because its
behavior presents a slope; however, adjusting the contribution of the rigid zone, the same results
remain at the ends of the beam.

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