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Modal Verbs

Modal verbs express the modality of the verb, possibility, necessity,

ability or any other condition. Modal verbs help understand the full
meaning of a text. It is very important to understand them so that you
don't get confused with the meaning of the text.

Modal Verbs

1.Modals of Ability

• We use can and could to talk about our abilities.

• We use can to talk about present abilities and could for past abilities.
• Example : I couldn’t swim when I was a child , but I can now.

• Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of can or could.

• I …1.… play the guitar. I went to a guitar course.
• Chickens …2….. fly. They don't have to ability.
• Mel …3….. cook very well. Her dishes are really delicious.
• I …4……. run very fast when I was young. Now I …5….. . I don't do any exercises.
• Maggie …6….. write in Russian before the language course. She …7…. write in Russian very well now.
• Tim …8…… play the violin at the age of five. Now he's a 15 and he ……9…. play like a virtuoso.

PS : see the keys in the next slide

Other Uses of ‘can’ ‘cannot / can’t’





He can’t be at home at this time of the day. possibility/drawing

Modals of Obligation and Necessities: must / have to

We use must or have to talk about obligations and necessities in present.

The negative of must is quite different. It means don’t do it. It is used to talk
about prohibitions.
for example...
John must finish his homework before he goes out. (It’s an obligation for John.)
You mustn't take pictures in this museum. Look at the sign! (We're talking about a
prohibition here.)
You mustn’t extinguish with water.

The difference between have to and must

We can use both modal verbs to talk about obligations. In many circumstances both will
be ok to use. However, must expresses an internal obligation and have to expresses
an external obligation. So we prefer to use have to when we talk obligations based
on laws, rules or the obligation comes from an authority

 Let’s look at the sentences with must or have to.

 I ……. tidy my room. It looks really messy.
 I …….. tidy my room. My mum has told me to do it.
 I ……… go to the dentist.
 Men …….. do military service in many countries. It’s in their constitution.

Must /mustn’t - have to /don’t have to

Modals of Advice: ‘should / ought to’ ‘must’

 We use should and ought to to give advice.

 For example…
 You should go to the doctor. You look terrible. (It’s a good idea to go to the doctor.)
 You ought to watch this film. (It’s a good idea to watch this film.)

 We can also use must to give a strong advice.

 For example…
 You should go to doctor. (It means to go to the doctor is a good thing to do.)
 You must go to doctor. (It expresses the urgency and necessity of the action. It is a
strong advice or warning for the person.)

Modals of Permission and Requests ‘can, may, could
• We use can, may and could when we talk about permissions. Asking or giving a permission and
also formality a re important factors for us to choose the correct one. Could and may are forms
of formal English.
• Asking for permission : For example…
• Can I go outside?
• Could I go outside (please)?
• May I go outside (please)?
• We use will you and can you to ask people to do things informally. Could you is a more polite
way of asking people to do things. Could you possibly…? or could you please…? Are very polite
forms of requesting something.
• Will you please help me?
• Can you get me a cup of tea, please?
• Could you help me with this problem?
• Could you please give some water? I’m really thirsty.
• Could you possibly get me a coffee when you go to the kitchen?
Giving Advice

Giving suggestions

How to use
-Shall we go to the cinema? (suggestion)
-Yes, that’s a good idea. / I’m sorry. I m busy .

-I shall never forget you. (promise)

-You should go on a diet soon. (giving advice)

-I should be at work at 9 o’clock.(mild obligation)

Present Probability
‘must, can’t, could, may, might’ are practised in present probability.
• Example
• 1. Someone is knocking on the door. I’m sure it’s my brother – he promised to come today.
Someone is knocking on the door. It ………… be my brother – he promised to come today.
• Correct answer : must

• 2. They're coming this week but I don't know which day.

They ............. be coming tomorrow.
• Correct answer: may/could/might

• 3.I'm not sure I'm going to pass the exam. I don't feel very confident.
I ………………. pass the exam. I don't feel very confident.
• Correct answer: may not/might not

• 4.Someone told me that Jack was in Paris but I saw him yesterday so I'm sure he's not abroad.
Jack ……….. be abroad.
• Correct answer: can't
A Short Review of Modals

Present Modals : Exercises

Sample Dialogues

Vocabulary 1: Words and definations
Useful verbs and nouns for Reading activity

Vocabulary 2 : Global problems

• Read the text carefully and find the missing word for the blanks:

• The only reason 99% of these ……1….animals such as rhino or the panda is precisely because WE
are threatening their habitats, either by …2.….down the Amazon rainforest as you say or by
……3……. towns and farming into areas where these animals normally live and hunt. You can't
destroy an animal's ……4……and then turn around and say we can't ……5……… with nature to
save it.

• a. interfere , b. endangered, c.habitat, d.expanding , e.chopping

• PS: See the answers in the answer key

Vocabulary 3 : Present Modals

Useful verbs and nouns for saving enviroment: Choose the best to fill in the blanks

PS. See the answers in the keys.

Listening Activity : Global Problems
Listen to the dialogue carefully and then answer the following questions

• 1. What is the name of the girl being interviewed?

A. Alice B. Ellen C. Alex
• 2. She says we should save water when ______________.
A. washing cars B. cleaning clothes C. taking a bath
• 3. The girl's second suggestion is about _____________.
A. separating different types of garbage
B. disposing of trash properly
C. having a family clean-up party
• 4. By recycling paper, we can ___________________.
A. protect the forests B. cut down on waste C. save money
• 5. What does the girl do once a month?
A. She visits a recycling center. B. She cleans a neighborhood park. C. She collects

• Ps.See the tapescript in the Keys.



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