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Commision on Higher
Brgy. Ilaya, Balud, Masbate


First Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024
BSED-English 2

Name:_____________________________________ Date: _____________

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read each questions carefully. Before writing, make sure that it will be
your final answer because ERASURES ARE AUTOMATICALLY WRONG.

TEST I. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Write the CAPITAL LETTER of your answer on the blank provided
before each item. Select your answer from the box below.
Brown(2019) Reliability Segmentals Manuscript Speech register Speech act
Intimate register Impromptu Formal Locutionary Consultative Burns (2006)
Memorized Role play Grammar Casual register Guess the picture Frozen or fixed
Perlocutionary Short speeches Speaking Interaction Pronunciation Authenticity
Vocabulary Accuracy Imitative Practicality Illocutionary Improvisation
Speech Assessment Fluency Speech Delivery Extemporaneous
Interviews Responsive
_________________1. Bachman & Palmer describes it as getting the same results when the same
tests were to be administered to the same group of individuals on two different occasions in two
different settings.
_________________2. This means that the tests should consider constraints like limitations, time
constraints, ease of administration and scoring.
_________________3. It describes the relationship between the test and the real world.
_________________4. Reveals the extent to which the test measures what is supposed to measure
Suprasegmental Validity
and nothing else.
_________________5. This is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal
and non verbal symbols.
_________________6. This is a category of pronunciation which is also called phonemes.
_________________7. This is the phonetic and phonological aspects of spoken language that
cannot necessarily be reduced to individual consonants and vowels.
_________________8. It refers to the level of formality and style in speaking anchored on different
situations and contexts.
_________________9. Refers to an utterance expressed by an individual that presents information
and performs an action as well.
________________10. This type of register usually occurs between husband and wife.
________________11. This type of speaking involves delivering a message on the spur of the
moment without preparation and predetermination.
________________12. This is the act of making an expressive meaning.
________________13. This type of register is often used in formal ceremonies and must be said the
same time we say it.
________________14. This register is the standard form of communication and the speaker uses the
participation and feedback of the listener.
________________15. This act is the meaning one wishes to convey. This is an utterance that has a
social function in mind.
________________16. This is an informal speech, usually used between friends or colleauges who
have things to share.
________________17. This act is the effect of our words that entails a person to do something.
________________18. It consists of delivering a speech in a conversational fashion using notes.
________________19. Consists of reading a fully scripted speech.
________________20. He emphasized that the teaching speaking cycle starts with focusing learner’s
attention in speaking.
________________21. Given a time frame, students are given a topic and deliver a speech before
the class.
________________22. This is delivering a scripted speech from memory.
________________23. One student has the picture and the partner needs to guess what’s the picture
by asking probing questions and clarifications.
________________24. Students pretend they are in various social contexts and have a variety of
social roles.
________________25. Students interview an interesting personality in the community and report to
the class the results of the interview.
________________26. This is the act of producing the sounds of speech, including
articulation, stress, and intonation.
________________27. This refers to the body of words used in a particular language .

________________28. This refers to the correct use of the language system.

________________29. This involves repeating a small stretch of language and focusing on


________________30. These are speaking tasks that involve responses to spoken prompts.

________________31. This refers to the ability to interact with others during communicative tasks.

________________32. It means speaking easily, reasonably quickly without having to stop and pause
a lot.

________________33. This drama-like task gives very little opportunity for students to prepare for the
situation and may incite creativity in using the language.

________________34. The focus of this extensive speaking assessment task is commonly practiced
to present a report, paper or design in a school setting.

________________35. This type of register often follows a prescriptive format.

TEST II. True or False. Write HUHUHU if the sentence below is correct and write HAHAHA if it is

______________1. An example of a memorized speech is a reporter delivering his report in an exact

words and manner as the event.

______________2. Extemporaneous speech includes an unexpected message or greetings during a

birthday celebration.

______________3. Since listening is an internal activity, it is difficult to know what goes on in the mind
of the students as they listen.

______________4. Recognizing phonological and morphological elements assesses student’s ability

to identify different phonemes correctly and morphemes commonly found in the English language.

______________5. People speak to convey thoughts.

______________6. We read to inspire people and spur them into action.

______________7. Statin an opinion, confirming or denying something is an example of a locutionary


______________8. In teaching speaking, the teacher provide speaking tasks for students to practice.

______________9. The students need to monitor their speaking activity because this enables them to
reflect on their experiences when doing speaking tasks.

______________10. Burns (2006) proposed that in teaching speaking, try to involve each student in
every speaking activity.

______________11. Your last word is mine is an example speaking activity where the first student
starts telling a story; another continues using the last word uttered by the first student, then another
continues until the story is finished.

______________12. Summative assessment is done throughout the listening tasks to check for
student’s progress and ability.

______________13. Assessment is important as this will serve as a basis for teachers to make
informed decisions as to his/her teaching practices.

______________14. You should not compromise being accurate by trying to be fluent in the

______________15. It doesn’t matter how you pronounce the word as long as you are speaking the
language, that is good.
Prepared by: Gecil Eden C. Gulmatico, Instructor

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