Business Plan 33

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“Eat healthy, live happily.”


“Sabungger” From the name Sabung (flower in Iloco) and Burger, combined to Sabungger. It
is a healthy vegetarian burger made from banana blossom, cornstarch, and egg to form a patty-
like filling to a burher bun. Sabungger is also from Sabunganay which is an Iloco word for
Banana blossom.


Squad’s Legendary Shanghai will offer unique, delicious snack and drinks, good quality
shanghai that will accommodate the taste of the students in Calancuasan National High School.
Through the observation students wants to taste new variety of food that suitable to their taste.
However, the school canteen not able to meet such demand resulting to a gap. This means that
Sthere is a big unmet demand of the school canteen when it comes in distributing and selling the
foods during recess time of the students and teachers. After all, our primary goal of this product
to keep our costumer happy and healthy and to fill something to meet the desired taste and to
satisfy the wants of costumers especially, to their stomach. Our business will be initially
operating as a school-based enterprise and will use marketing strategy (personal selling) to
promote our product Squad’s Legendary Shanghai these includes the drinks (Gulaman Flavor),
costumers may have the options to pick up the products or have it delivered at their home but
will have additional payment for the transportation fee, it will depend’s on the location of the

Initial capitalization for the business is Php1,000 good for one-day expenses. Expected
revenue for 1 week is Php2,000 while the total cost for good sold amounted Php700.



B. Logo:

C. Address: 3117, Calancuasan National High School, located at Brgy. Calancusan Sur
Cuypo, Nueva Ecija
D. Vision Statement: Sabungger Bites ‘N’ Buns will be the leading provider of delicious
taste, unique, and quality Banana Blossom Burger that will satisfy the taste of the
E. Mission Statement: Sabungger Bites ‘N’ Buns is responsible enterprise for providing
highest quality products and affordable price to our loyal costumer. It also provides the
best and most delicious snack that will undoubtedly awaken their dozing spirits during
siesta hour.
F. Key personnel: Owners
G. Work Force and support Personnel: Manager, Cashier, Cook, Seller, and Dishwasher,
H. Organizational Chart:

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Owners/ manager - They oversees and manages the business. They are responsible and
accountable for every decision or action for the business.
2. Cook- He/she cooks and manage the product.
3. Cashier- He/she responsible and manage money for instance when exchanging money to the
costumers for the proper way and good flow of the business.
4. Seller- He/she is responsible in selling the product to the costumers.
5. Dishwasher- a person that is responsible in washing the dishes and equipment before and
I. Ownership: Partnership
J. Capitalization: Php1,000
K. Compensation and Incentives: The income of the business will be divided equally to the
L. External Management Support: Stake Holders/ Investors/ Sponsors

IV. Product Plan

A. Purpose of the Product

Sabungger Bites ‘N’ Buns will offer the students and teachers of Calancuasan National
High School a unique, delicious, and good quality Burger.

B. Products Unique Features

Sabungger Bites ‘N’ Buns shows its unique features. Instead of using pork for the burger
patty this business of ours uses Banana Blossom that costumers will love. This is the best and
suitable to the costumer’s taste specifically, the students and teachers of Calancuasan National
High School that wants to taste new variety of healthy burger.

Below are the samples of Banana Blossom Burger:

C. Materials and Equipment Requirements and Sources of Supply

The material requirements and their sources are as follows:

(Banana Blossom Burger)

1. Burger Buns Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

2. Lettuce Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

3. Oil Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

4. Onion Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

5. Garlic Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

6. Flour Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

7. Egg Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

8. Corn Starch Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

9. Salt Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

10. Black Pepper Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

11. Mayonnaise Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

12. Banana Ketchup Market place of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

D. Production Process and Controls that will be used to manufacture the product

Below is the process on how to make a shanghai and drinks:

For Banana Blossom Burger
1. Wash and clean the ingredients.
a. Chop the vegetables finely except lettuce.
2. Mix all the ingredients and add seasonings.
3. Fry it in a circle shape
4. Put the orders in the tab and put the labels including the names.
5. Sell the product.
E. Distribution Logistics

Sabungger Bites ‘N’ Buns initially operates as a school-based enterprise and uses
marketing strategy (personal selling) to promote business. Online selling will be available too
and we are going to deliver it

F. Regulatory and Other Compliance Order

Sabungger Bites ‘N’ Buns will be registered as a partnership type of ownership in the
business. A formal letter will be sent to the Principal’s office, asking the permission and the
approval before conducting our business.


A. Market Analysis which includes demand and supply vis-a-vis competitors

AJJNS- A MDRJ’s- B AV’s Cruchilicious Snacks and Drinks- C

Historical Total Supply: Previous 5 Total Historica Total Supply: Total

Data Demand days snacks sold by Supply l Data Demand Previous 5 days Supp
the competitors per drinks sold by -ly
(5 days)
day the competitors
per day


Day 1 A=400 40 50 50 140 Day 1 A=350 30 60 30 120

B= 250 B= 300

C=750 C= 150

Total=1,400 Total=800

Day 2 A=550 55 60 60 175 Day 2 A=400 40 70 50 160

B= 300 B= 350

C= 900 C= 250

Total=1,750 Total=1,000

Day 3 A=700 70 70 85 225 Day 3 A=450 45 80 60 185

B=350 B= 400

C=1,275 C= 300

Total=2,325 Total=1,150

Day 4 A=800 80 85 95 260 Day 4 A=500 50 90 80 220

B= 425 B=450

C= 1,425 C= 400

Total= 2,650 Total= 1,350

Day 5 A=900 90 95 100 285 Day 5 A=500 50 100 100 150

B= 475 B= 500

C= 1,500 C=500

Total=2,875 Total=1,500

Table 2 (Market Analysis)

The table above shows that there is an increasing demand for snacks and drinks among the
students of Calancuasan National High School. However, the existing three competitors cannot
sustain the needed demand. This shows that there is an unmet demand of the school canteen in
variety of snacks.

B. Marketing and Sales Projection

Marketing Strategy

A competitive and encouraging campaign will aim to increase the visibility for Squad’s
Legendary Shanghai. This will focus on the costumer’s desire to taste new variety of flavors for
snacks and drinks. Squad’s Legendary Shanghai will use fliers and will conduct personal selling
at the same time.

C. . Sales Strategy

Squad’s Legendary Shanghai sales strategy will assure that buying snacks and drinks is
very easy, exiting and a great experience. In order to do this, the enterprise will distribute fliers
where costumer’s can use to choose and buy Shanghai at our designated area in school. With this
sales strategies, the company develops the costumer’s excitement to buy and convenience to pay
at the said regulations.

D. Product Characteristics or Feature

Squad’s Legendary Shanghai has several competitive features that will be used to its
advantage to achieve market penetration.

 Unique Flavor - Customers will be offered flavor of Shanghai (Galunggong fish) and flavor
of drink (Gulaman flavor) to choose from.

 Affordability - Because this business is school enterprise that several students have limited
allowance to buy such snacks and drinks. However, food is a must especially to the students
to focus during class hour and learn something new without hesitation. This business is
favorable for the customers to have access to inexpensive food yet, good quality and
delicious snacks and drinks that they will love.

E. Pricing Policy

Squad’s Legendary Shanghai will adopt differing price based on the sizes and number of
pieces. As such, below is the pricing scheme that will be adopted.

Retail Price for Drinks:

Sizes of Cups ( Ounce or Oz) Price ( Peso)

Medium ( 8oz) 5

Large ( 12oz) 10
Retail Price for Snacks:

Number of Pieces Price (Peso)

3 pieces of Shanghai 20

F. Sales Projection

Day 1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5

Size Retail Qty./
Sales Qty. Sales Qty. Sales Qty. Sales Qty. Sale
Price Day
Qty. in in in in in
Peso Peso Peso Peso Pes


M 5 30 30 150 33 165 36.3 182 39.9 200 43.9 22

L 10 30 30 300 33 330 36.3 363 39.9 399 43.9 43


3pcs 20 30 30 600 33 660 36.3 726 39.93 799 43.9 87

Total 90 90 1,050 99 1,155 108.9 1,271 119.7 1,398 131. 1,5

9 7 7

Table 2.3 (Sales Projection)

(Note: In sales projections, from the word itself projections, meaning, you are just anticipating
possible sales or income for 5 days. You can do this by the help of information gathered from
other competitors offering the same products. But again, during this time of innovation, just
make your product innovative and resourceful.)

*Qty./day means Quantity per Day

*For day 1 computation of qty.:

Qty. per day multiply 1 (no. Of day)

= 30 x 1= 30

Formula used:

(Qty for day 1 multiply the given percentage) plus Qty. For Day 1 = Qty. For Day 2

= (30x.10) + 30

= 3+ 30

= 33 Qty. for Day 2

*For peso computation:

Qty. for Day = Qty. multiply by retail price

= 30 x5

= 150 Price for Day 1

* Do the same steps for Quantity Day 3- 5

* The increase of qty. Per day from day 2-5, 10%

G. Market Analysis Summary

The demand for snacks and drinks in Calancuasan National High School has shown
steady increase over the last 5 days. Because of the students, snacks are very in demand in
school. To increase market penetration, Squad’s Legendary Shanghai will offer variety of snacks
and flavored drinks. At the same time, competition and encouraging marketing campaign will be
done to increase the visibility of Squad’s Legendary Shanghai using social media platform. The
enterprise offers price differential based on the sizes and pieces with the price ranging from 5- 10
for drinks and 7- 20 for snacks.


A. Start-up Summary

Expenses Cost/ pc. 90 pcs.- Total Week 1

Qty. / Day

Wrapper/ cups 117 420 2,100

Tools 250 250 250

(Tong, Jug)

Utilities 30 30 150

( water)

Miscellaneous 300 300 300

Total 1,000 2,800

Table 3.1 (Start-up Summary)


*Total quantity per day is based from the sales projection.

*Cups, equipment, Utilities, and Miscellaneous costs are based on their actual cost. Do the

Formula used:

*Cost/pc multiply to the total qty. per day

* Since every I plastic of wrapper consist of make 25pcs snacks total qty. per day divide 25 is
equal to 3.6.

= 117 x 3.6

= 420

For week 1:

* Total qty. per day multiply by 1 (except for equipment because they are not consumable.)

=420 x 1

= 420

Do the same process to the succeeding data.

B. Financial Projections



Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Revenues 1,050 1,155 1,271 1,398 1,537

Cost of Goods Sold 670 712 758 809 865

Materials 420 462 508 559 615

Tools 250 250 250 250 250

Gross Profit 380 443 513 592 672

Expenses 330 360 399 439 483

Utilities Expenses 30 33 36 40 44

Miscellaneous Expenses 300 330 363 399 439

Income before Interest and Taxes 50 83 114 153 189

Net Income 34 56 78 104 129

Table 3.2 (Financial Projections - Income Statement)


*Income Statement - is a financial statement that shows you how profitable your business will be
within a given period.

*Revenues from total sales projection table - Day 1 Sales in Peso

*Cost of goods sold from start-up summary table, all the materials cost needed in production of
goods like ingredients and tools.

*Gross profit is equal to Revenues less Cost of Goods Sold.

*Expenses include all the expenses that are not included in cost of goods sold like utilities and
miscellaneous expenses.

*Income before Interest and Taxes = Gross profit - expenses

To compute for day 2-5:

*Do the same procedure.

*Cost of goods sold and expenses multiply to the desired percentage you want. In that projection,
10% increase per day is used to get the amount for day 2-5.



Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Beginning Balance 1,000 1,050 1,130 1,244 1,394

Cash Inflows

Cash Sales 1,050 1,155 1,271 1,398 1,537

Total Cash Inflows 2,050 2,205 2,401 2,642 2,931

Cash Outflows

Materials 420 462 508 559 615

Tools 250 250 250 250 250

Utilities 30 33 36 40 44

Miscellaneous 300 330 363 399 439

Total Cash Outflows 1,000 1,100 1,157 1,248 1,348

Ending Cash 1,050 1,105 1,244 1,394 1,583


Table 3.3 (Financial Projections - Cash Flow)

*Cash flow- this financial statement shows the flow of cash (inflow and outflow).
*Beginning balance for the week 1 is based on start-up summary total qty, per day. For the, day
2-5, the ending cash balance of the preceding day will be the beginning balance for the current
*Cash Sales are based on the sales projection table from the total sales in peso per day.
*Total cash inflows = Beginning day + cash sales + cash inflows
*Total cash outflow = Expenses plus payable and withdrawal. *In that Projection, 10% increase
per day is used to get the amount for 2-5 days.
*Ending Cash Balance = Total Cash Inflows - Total Outflows.
E. g. in Day 1
= 2,050 - 1,000
= 1,050

Projected Balance Sheet

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


Current Asset

Cash at Hand 34 39 42 46 50

Total Current Asset 34 39 42 46 50

Fixed Assets

Total Fixed Assets

Total Assets 34 39 42 46 50


Current Liabilities

Income tax payable 16 19 20 22 23

Short - term Payable

Total Current Liabilities 16 19 20 22 23

Total Liabilities 16 19 20 22 23

Capital 1,000

Add: Net Profit 34 39 42 46 50

Less: Drawings 16 19 20 22 23
Net Capital 18 20 22 24 27

Total Liabilities and Equity 34 39 42 46 50

Table 3.4 (Sales Projections - Balanced Sheet)

* Balanced Sheet - the financial statement that reports a company’s assets, liabilities, and
owner’s equity within a given period.
* Always remember that in Balanced Sheet the Total Assets must be equal to Total Liabilities
and Equity.
* Assets and Liabilities consist of current and non- current.
* Current assets are cash and other assets converted to cash within a year while non-current
assets are cash and other assets that will not realized or converted within a year.
* Current Liabilities are liabilities or short-term financial obligations that are due within a year
while non-current liabilities are long-term financial obligations that the due is more than a year.
* Cash at hand is based on Net Income.
* Income tax payable= 32% (tax rate) of Income before interest and taxes.
* Capital is based on the cost per month in start-up summary table.
* Net Capital = Capital Beginning + Net Profit - Drawings
* Total Liabilities and Equity = Total Liabilities + Net Capital.


1. Manuel O. Cuaresma III - 10%

2. Ivan F. Paraiso - 9%
3. Bea Mae M. Corpuz - 8%
4. Renren P. Letosquin - 8%
5. Ma. Shane Lugares - 8
6. Princess Jamella Sulit - 10%
7. Benedict Angelo M. Calvero - 8%
8. Jasper B. Padilla -6% (did not participate)

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