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Group 2

Coconut mesocarp and Oregano as an alternative

Mosquito Repellent
Identifying the problem

Chemical-based mosquito repellents have different effects on some people's health. The
researchers developed a solution for this specific issue after discovering that chemical-based
mosquito repellents can trigger allergies or discomfort in some people, and consumers also
have to pay a high price for them. At first, the researchers thought of using pure coconut
mesocarp, but after considering the fragrance that pure coconut mesocarp can produce, they
decided to use oregano, a plant known for its pleasant scent and ability to repel mosquitoes.
They also thought of these resources to make the mosquito repellent organic and cheap. The
researchers are also taking into account the resources they might easily access in the area
when evaluating an alternative so that people can easily make it and save money.

Constructing the Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis: Oregano and coconut mesocarp are not effective as natural alternative
mosquito repellents. Alternative Hypothesis: Oregano and coconut mesocarp are effective as
natural alternative mosquito repellents.

Identifying the dependent and independent variables

Our independent variables are the materials that we're going to use, which are coconut,
mesocarp, and oregano. Our dependent variable is the repellency or effectiveness of the
mosquito stick.
Making and testing the product

Before conducting the experiments, one of the researchers got oreganos in their grandma's
backyard, while the others went to the market and searched for coconut vendors. After
finding a coconut vendor, they asked if they could give them some of the dried coconut
mesocarp. The vendor gave them plenty of dried coconut shell and coconut mesocarp. Then
they went to one of the researchers houses to conduct the experiments. In the first
experiment, the researchers boiled the dried coconut mesocarp for 20 minutes and then sun-
dried it for 5 hours. After drying the boiled coconut mesocarp, they used a blender to
pulverize it and obtained half a cup of mesocarp. Next, they added 40 pieces of oregano
leaves to the blender and juiced them to make 1/4 cup of oregano juice. Finally, the
researchers mixed the 1/2 cup of powdered mesocarp and the 1/4 cup of oregano juice,
forming a rough and wet texture. The researchers made a mold using foil to shape the
mixture, then sun-dried it for 3 days every day from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. In the second
experiment, the researchers boiled the dried coconut mesocarp for 30 minutes and then sun-
dried it for 8 hours. After drying the boiled coconut mesocarp, they pulverized it using a
blender and made 1/2 cup of mesocarp. After that, they added 40 oregano leaves to the
blender, juiced them, and made 1/4 cup of oregano juice. The researchers mixed the
pulverized mesocarp and 1/8 cup oregano juice, then mixed them together, forming a rough
but not that wet texture. The researchers also made a mold using foil to shape the coconut
mesocarp, and oregano mixture and sun-dried it for 2 days at the same time. After fully
drying the two experiments, the researchers observed that there's a difference in the texture,
color, and effectiveness of the two experiments. The experiments were placed in different
locations; the first experiment was placed on a piggery in rainy weather, while the second
experiment was in a room. The results of the experiments are that the first experiment
eliminated 5 mosquitoes, and the second experiment was also the same; it eliminated 2

Gathering, analyzing, and interpreting the data

The researchers gathered the data by observing the results of the experiment. The first
experiment results differed from the second experiment because the first experiment turned
out to be darker in color, harder in texture, and more effective, while the second experiment
was paler, easily crumbled, and less effective. But the results of the two experiments were the
same; they eliminated some mosquitoes.

Therefore, the researchers conclude that the first experiment is more effective than the second
experiment, as it killed five mosquitoes, unlike the latter solution, which only killed two
mosquitoes. The weather and location where the experiments were placed also contributed to
the result. The purpose of this study is to create an alternative mosquito repellent that is both
cost-effective and eco-friendly. This shows that oregano and coconut mesocarp are effective
mosquito repellants, proving the alternative hypothesis right.

7. Recommendation

Group 2 members:

Leader: Thea Azeret Q. Benedicto

Julie Ann A. Roguian

Georgiena Nicole A.Kabigting

John Justine Carter P. Agustin

Aubrey D. Dela Cruz

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