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Narendra Maraj, 0901000418

Year of Examination: 2024

Territory: Guyana

Name of School: Saraswati Vidya Niketan

Centre Code: 0901000418

Subject: English

Name of teacher: Salomie Itwaru Ji

Candidate Name: Narendra Maraj

Candidate Number: 0901000418

Title of Project: Childhood Obesity

Score Awarded:

Narendra Maraj, 0901000418

Table of Contents


Plan of investigation…………………………………………………………………………4

Reflection #1………………………………………………………………………………...5

Reflection #2………………………………………………………………………………...6

Reflection #3………………………………………………………………………………....7

Artifact #1……………………………………………………………………………….…...8

Artifact #2…………………………………………………………………………………....9

Artifact #3…………………………………………………………………….…………….10

Group Report……………………………………………………………….….……………11

Group Artifact #1…………………………………………………………………………...13

Group Artifact #2…………………………………………………………………………...14

Group Artifact #3…………………………………………………………………………...15

Oral Presentation……………………………………………………………………………16


Narendra Maraj, 0901000418


I would like to sincerely thank my English teacher, whose direction and support greatly aided

in the completion of my CSEC English SBA. Their criticism and support kept me going the

entire time. I also want to express my sincere gratitude to my family for their unwavering

support and tolerance throughout this academic endeavor.

I also want to express my sincere gratitude to my group members, who were a crucial

component of our SBA team. Their cooperation, stimulating conversations, and insightful

observations made a big difference in our project's completion. Each member's distinct

viewpoint and commitment improved the work we produced.

Additionally, I want to acknowledge the resources available on the internet and in our school

library. Which were a crucial source of information for our various artefacts.

Narendra Maraj, 0901000418

Plan of Investigation

The general topic is Childhood Obesity and the subtopic is “The effects of Childhood

Obesity on one’s Self Esteem.”

I chose this topic because I would like to investigate how childhood obesity affects

self-esteem, given its prevalence among children in Guyanese society.

The benefits of conducting this school-based assessment for an English student

include summary writing, report writing, and persuasive speaking.

My three artifacts, sourced from textbooks and reputable online websites, include a

poem, song, and article.

Summary writing will be utilized in reflections, written reports, and oral

presentations, while persuasive speaking and argumentative writing will be employed in oral


Narendra Maraj, 0901000418

Individual Reflection #1

I began researching this SBA with the impression that Obesity did not greatly affect one's

self-esteem whatsoever. In fact, I believed that obesity has no effect on one’s self-esteem

The article explains the connection between childhood obesity and how it affects one's self-

esteem and provides us with a glimpse into the difficulties those who are affected by

childhood obesity encounter.

The poem "Unwarranted," is based on a terrible truth that is revealed about how people who

are obese frequently experience social judgement. This poem effectively depicts the never-

ending battle against judgements that can undermine one's self-worth.

I acquired the information from the audio website, where it speaks about

the social sigma obese children are forced to endure as well as how being obese can translate

into having poor self-esteem.

I learnt that being obese not only takes a physical toll but also a significant mental toll.

Narendra Maraj, 0901000418

Individual Reflection #2

“Unwarranted” is a poem which has imagery and creates vivid mental images. The similarity

of the topic to a “corrupt cop without a badge” and their acts to “policing curvy women’s

bodies” gives a striking visual picture that readers can easily imagine and understand.

The article addresses the relationship between poor self-esteem and numerous emotional and

behavioral issues, including victimization by peers. This use of informal language makes it

easier for readers to follow the flow of effects and therefore further understand the possible

effects of various components.

The audio deliberately compares "happy fat person" stories, hinting they might be more like

myths. It shows how these tales feel comfortable, yet they might not match real life. By doing

this, it makes us think deeply about what we believe, showing how what's commonly

accepted might not be how things truly are, urging us to rethink our views on society.

Narendra Maraj, 0901000418

Individual Reflection #3

This SBA helped me to understand the challenges persons who are faced with Childhood

Obesity have to face on a daily basis and how they go about overcoming these challenges.

I have learned that people who struggle with weight have difficulties that go beyond the

damaging effects of body shaming. Their struggles with self-comparison with others extend

to a very personal level.

Although there were some difficulties since some members could not find the right artefacts,

working with the group members was easy, and with a little help, the group was able to fix

the problems at hand.

Working in a group taught me patience and how to make sure everyone was on track with

their contributions by giving each other ongoing reminders and support when necessary.

My ability to summarise information has clearly improved as a result of our continued

discussion, especially in the context of constructing and organising the SBA.

Narendra Maraj, 0901000418

Individual Artefact #1

Narendra Maraj, 0901000418

Individual Artefact #2

Research article on the effects of childhood obesity on self-esteem

Narendra Maraj, 0901000418

Individual Artefact #3

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Group Report

We looked into the topic, ‘Childhood Obesity’, A big health issue for kids Our investigation

indicates that it has negative effects on the well-being of children. Nowadays, our easy

lifestyle choices make us sit more and eat unhealthy food, especially for kids. Pediatric

experts, like Dr. Emily Thompson, say it can lead to serious problems like chronic diseases

and issues with mental health (Thompson et al., n.d.). A study by Johnson and Williams in

2018 says childhood obesity is complicated and linked to things like where we live and our

genes (Johnson & Williams, 2018). Dr. Samantha Rodriguez tells us how important parents

are in shaping what kids eat (Rodriguez, n.d.). Dr. Richard Foster's study shows that

childhood obesity can cause long-term health problems (Foster, n.d.). This means we need to

do something now to prevent these issues.

At the start, we had a lot of info to sort through. It was difficult to pick out the information

which best suited our topics. We weren’t sure how to choose and didn't have good evaluation

skills. Expressing our reflections posed a challenge as we struggled with our writing skills.

Engaging in these tasks ultimately strengthened our teamwork, despite the initial difficulty

we faced.

To complete our project, we engaged in various tasks, ensuring our reflections contained

pertinent information while maintaining brevity. We faced the challenge of finding the right

information, requiring effective teamwork. Additionally, other aspects of our project

demanded collaboration and coordination, contributing to an overall improvement in our

team dynamics.

Upon concluding our exploration of childhood obesity, we have decided to actively promote

healthier lifestyle choices within our community. This involves advocating for increased

awareness about the importance of nutritious diets and regular physical activity for children.

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We commit to fostering an environment that encourages healthier habits, not only for

ourselves but for the well-being of the entire community.

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Group Artifact #1

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Group Artifact #2

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Group Artifact #3

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Oral Presentation

Today, I'd like to address a critical and pressing issue that affects the well-being of our

children—childhood obesity. This growing epidemic is a major public health concern that

demands our attention and collective efforts. Childhood obesity is defined as an excess of

body fat in children and adolescents, and according to the World Health Organization, it has

become one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The prevalence

has risen dramatically in recent years, with significant implications for the physical and

mental health of our younger generation.

Several factors contribute to the rise of childhood obesity, and it's essential to understand

them to effectively address the issue. Unhealthy diets, characterized by the consumption of

high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, often rich in sugars and fats, contribute to weight gain.

Additionally, sedentary lifestyles, influenced by factors such as increased screen time and

reduced outdoor activities, play a role in the epidemic. Genetic predispositions, coupled with

an obesogenic environment that promotes unhealthy food choices, can increase the risk of

obesity, along with socioeconomic factors that limit access to nutritious foods due to

economic constraints.

Childhood obesity is not just about appearance; it has severe health consequences. Obese

children are more likely to develop conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular

diseases, and mental health issues. Moreover, the long-term impact extends into adulthood,

perpetuating a cycle of health problems.

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Addressing childhood obesity requires a multi-faceted approach involving families, schools,

communities, and policymakers. This includes promoting nutritional education in schools and
communities, raising awareness about healthy food choices and the importance of regular physical
activity. Initiatives that encourage children to engage in regular physical activity, both at school and
in their communities, are crucial. Ensuring that schools provide nutritious meals and create an
environment that fosters physical activity is also essential. Community engagement is vital; involving
communities in promoting health through local programs, such as farmers' markets and recreational
activities, can make a significant impact. Additionally, advocating for and supporting policies that
limit the marketing of unhealthy foods to children, improve food labelling, and create environments
conducive to healthy living is crucial.

In conclusion, childhood obesity is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive and

collaborative response. By addressing the root causes through education, intervention, and

policy changes, we can create a healthier future for our children. It's time for us to work

together and prioritize the well-being of the next generation. Thank you.

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Narendra Maraj, 0901000418


 Rao, P. C. S., & Kishore, M. T. (2013) Effect of Obesity in Self-esteem, Peer

Victimization and Behaviour Problems in Adolescents. Indian Journal of Clinical

Psychology, 40(2), 137-141.

 Puhl, R. M., & Luedicke, J. (2012). Weight-based victimization among adolescents in

the school setting: Emotional reactions and coping behaviours. Journal of Youth and

Adolescence, 41(1), 27-40.

 (n.d.). The Emotional Toll of Obesity.

Emotional-Toll-of Obesity.aspx#:~:text=But%20in%20general%2C%20if


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