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A Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of



Mansoori Tohid Liyakat Ali



Poojari Gaddiling

Mallappa 2021022

Under the esteemed guidance of

Mr. Farhan Shaikh



(Affiliated to University of
Mumbai) Mumbai – 400 057
E-Shoes website is an online solution to manage the shoes and customers who will
order the shoes. The application is divided into two parts on the basis of users Customers
and Admin. It improves the relationship between manufacturing company and customers and
also saves time and money for the company. The search system will display the list of
available shoes within the criteria. where users can apply filters by under 1000 , under 2000,
under 3000 etc. After searching user can order the shoes with some required information like
Name, email, phone number. and can check the order history after login. The administration
part will handle all the back activity of the application like Manage users, shoes, and other
information etc.

Creating an online shoe website involves several key steps, including market research, website
design, product selection, and marketing strategies. Key aspects to consider include user-friendly
navigation, high-quality product images, secure payment gateways, and efficient customer
service. Additionally, integrating SEO strategies and social media marketing can help increase
website visibility and attract potential customers. Furthermore, ensuring a seamless and secure
checkout process is crucial for building trust and encouraging repeat purchases.
It is indeed with a great pleasure and immense sense of gratitude I acknowledge the
help of our principal Dr. D.M. Doke for the facilities provided to accomplish this project. I
am extremely thankful to out co-ordinator Smt. Archana Talekar for her constant support and
inspiration in completing this project. The project could not be completed without the
support of Mr. Farhan Shaikh. Her support has been throughout the process and helped me
clear even the smallest doubts related to documentation and helped me in the development of
project by suggesting new features to be added that can improve my project. Finally, I
express my sincere thanks to all the IT faculties, non-teaching staffs, and all my friends who
directly or
indirectly helped me in completion of project.
I hereby declare that the project entitled, “E-Shoes Website” done at “M. L.

DAHANUKAR COLLEGE OF COMMERCE”, has not been in any case duplicated to

submit to any other university for the award of any degree. To the best of my
knowledge other than me, no one has submitted to any other university.

The project is done in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of
semester project as part of our curriculum.

Mansoori Tohid Liyakat Ali


Poojari Gaddiling Mallappa


1.1 Background…………………………………………………………………………………10
1.2 Objectives…………………………………………………………………………………..10
1.3 Purpose, Scope and Applicability…………………………………………………………..11
1.3.1 Purpose…………………………………………………………………………11
1.3.2 Scope…………………………………………………………………………..11
1.3.3 Applicability…………………………………………………………………..12
1.4 Achievements……………………………………………………………………………..12
1.5 Organization of reports…………………………………………………………………....13


2.1 Available Technologies…………………………………………………………………..14

2.2 List of Technologies………………………………………………………………………15

2.3 Comparative Study………………………………………………………………………17

2.4 Selected Technologies……………………………………………………………………19


3.1 Problem Definition………………………………………………………………………21

3.2 Requirement Specification………………………………………………………………21

3.2.1 Developer Requirements………………………………………………………21

3.2.2 User Requirements…………………………………………………………….21

3.3 Planning and Scheduling………………………………………………………………..22

3.3.1 Gantt chart representation…………………………………………………….22

3.3.2 Pert chart representation………………………………………………………25

3.4 Existing System Operation………………………………………………………………26

3.4.1 New system requirements……………………………………………………….26 Software requirements………………………………………………...26 Hardware requirements……………………………………………….27

3.5 Preliminary Product Description…………………………………………………………27

3.6 Conceptual Model………………………………………………………………………..27

3.6.1 Use case diagram………………………………………………………………27

3.6.2 Flow chart diagram……………………………………………………………29

3.6.3 ER diagram……………………………………………………………………32

3.6.4 Activity diagram………………………………………………………………34

3.6.5 Data flow diagram…………………………………………………………….36


4.1 Basic Module……………………………………………………………………………42

4.2 Data design………………………………………………………………………………43

4.2.1 Data integrity constraints……………………………………………………...43

4.3 Procedural design……………………………………………………………………….44

4.3.1 Logic diagram…………………………………………………………………44

4.3.2 Data structure…………………………………………………………………45

4.4 User Interface Design………………………………………………………………….46

4.5 Test Case………………………………………………………………………………..48

Table 2.3 Comparative Study……………………………………………………………………17

Table 3.6.2 Flow Chart..................................................................................................................30

Table 3.6.4 Activity Diagram........................................................................................................34

Table 3.7 Data Flow Diagram........................................................................................................37

Table 4.1 Register..........................................................................................................................43

Table 4.2 Login..............................................................................................................................43

Table 4.3 Test Case………………………………………………………………………………48

Fig 3.3.1 Gantt chart Representation…………………………………………………….23
Fig 3.3.2 Pert Chart Representation…………………………………………………….25
Fig 3.6.1 Use Case Diagram……………………………………………………………..28
Fig 3.6.2 Flow chart…………………………………………………………………….31
Fig 3.6.3 ER Diagram……………………………………………………………………32
Fig 3.6.4 Activity Diagram……………………………………………………………….35
Fig 3.6.5 Data Flow Diagram…………………………………………………………….38
Fig 4.3.1 Logic Diagram…………………………………………………………………44
Fig 4.3.2 Data Structure………………………………………………………………….45
Fig 4.4 User Interface……………………………………………………………………46

1.1 Background

The Online "shoes website" has been developed to override the problems prevailing in
the practicing manual system. At our online website you will find a wide range of footwear
options, including Casual Shoes, Sneakers, boots etc. We collaborate with renewed brands and
trusted manufacturers. to ensure that you have access to the latest trends and high- quality

Every Online Shoes Website has different shoes. needs, there we provide different
services as Compared to others websites. We are attached with the manufacturing Company. If
the customers. want a big size or my size, then we will any make it as per Customers
requirements. Many people have problems with insoles. Our team also deals. with insoles in
which we use rubber sole. They are more comfortable, flexible and shock resistant on hard

Overall, the background of an online shoe website revolves around creating a seamless
and user-friendly shopping experience, offering a wide range of footwear options, ensuring
secure transactions, and providing excellent customer service.

1.2 Objectives

The online shoe website can vary depending on the specific goals and strategies of the
business. However, common objectives for an online shoe website include:

 . Sales and Revenue Generation

 . Increase market reach
 . Enhance Customer Experience
 . Product promotion
 . Customer Engagement and Loyalty
 . Data Collection and Analysis
 . Competitive Advantage
 . Continuous Improvement


1.3.1 Purpose

In this project the purpose of an online shoe’s website is to offer customers a convenient
and user-friendly platform to browse, select, and purchase a wide variety of shoes, while
providing a seamless and secure online shopping experience. Apart from easily selling shoes
online, online shoe website help companies or organizations expand their business and generate
brand awareness. The shoes were used to protect the feet from sharp objects, like rocks and
rough terrain.

1.3.2 Scope

online shoes shopping is the process preferred. by many these days. Hence we are
designed an easy and efficient online shoes shopping website project using python programming
language. This shoes shopping." website is g good collection of footwear for boys paired with
much more profitable offers and deals to choose from this website. This online shoes shopping
will help people by providing access for purchasing shoes just by sitting at home.


 Inability to try Before Buying

 Lack of physical Interaction.
 Limited personalization.
 shipping and Delivery Delays
 Returns and exchanges.
 Inaccurate sizing.
 Limited physical inspection.
 Security concerns


 The user should have Android mobile.

 . The user should have access to internet connection.
 The user should follow login & registration step.

1.3.3 Applicability

An online shoes website offers immense applicability and convenience to modern

consumers. With just a few clicks, customers can access a vast array of shoe options from the
comfort of their homes or while on the go. The website provides a comprehensive platform for
exploring different brands, styles, customized sizes, and colors, making it easier than ever to find
the perfect pair. Furthermore, online shoe website often offers detailed product descriptions,
customer reviews, and size charts to aid in the decision-making process.

Additionally, online shoe websites typically offer hassle-free return policies, enabling
customers to exchange or return shoes if they don't meet expectations. The convenience of
shopping online saves valuable time and effort, eliminating the need for physical store visits and
long queues. Overall, the applicability of an online shoe’s website lies in its ability to provide a
seamless and efficient shopping experience, offering a wide range of options, detailed
information, and easy returns, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.

1.4 Achievements

Our online shoes website is revolutionizing the way people shop for footwear. With a
vast collection of stylish and comfortable shoes, we offer something for everyone. Our user-
friendly interface and seamless navigation make finding the perfect pair effortless. Whether
you're in search of athletic sneakers, casual loafers or formal shoes we have it all. We pride
ourselves on providing exceptional customer service and ensuring timely delivery. Discover the
joy of shoe shopping from the comfort of your home with our online shoe’s website.

1.5 Organization of Reports

Chapter 2- Survey of Technologies:

The availability of different technologies connected to the project and the technology

chosen for the project will be further explained in Chapter 2.

Chapter 3-Requirement & Analysis:

The features and requirements of hardware and software will be discussed in this, chapter, where
we will also describe the project's concept. Additionally, planning and scheduling will be
completed. The use case diagram, class diagram, flow chart, DFD, and ERD are all included in
the conceptual model part.

Chapter 4 - System Design:

This chapter will cover data module layout design fundamentals, user interface, and user
experience details.

chapter 5 - Implementation and Testing:

This chapter explains the implementation of the project and testing approaches. This chapter also
includes the test cases, improvements and modifications done in this project.

Chapter 6 - Result and Discussion:

This chapter includes test cases and working of the model.

Chapter 7 - Conclusion:

This chapter includes conclusion, limitations and future scope of the project.
A website provides a quick and easy way of communicating information between
buyers and sellers. The website provides an easier way to handle customer service. A
responsive website can be accessed from any mobile device. In today’s time, too
difficult to getproper size shoes. Most of the peoples are facing difficulties To get
proper size shoe. So, this existing website will help to get proper size and comfortable
shoes. The user can purchase theseshoes online according to categories.

Structured query language (SQL) is a programming language for storing and processing
information in a relational database. A relational database stores information in tabular form,
with rows and columns representing different data attributes and the various relationships
between the data values. It will help in the storage of user and admin data in a database, as well
as how many books have been sold and how many books are still available.

There are many different programming languages, but the most common ones used in web
development are HTML and CSS. CSS controls how a website looks and are typically used in
collaboration with HTML. CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen. CSS will
used in this website to design different pages. HTML only organizes site text into blocks.

JavaScript language will be used in this website because it is frequently used for web
development. Java web development enables us to build dynamic web pages with user-
interactive interfaces.

• PYTHON: Python is a programming language that

enables you to work rapidly and integrate systems more effectively.
Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. It supports
multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-
oriented, and functional programming. Python is often described as a
"batteries included" language due to its comprehensive standard

• HTML: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a set of

markup symbols or a code inserted in a file intended for display on a World
Wide Web browser page. The markup tells the web browser how to display web
pages’ words and images for the user. HTML is a beginner-friendly language
with plenty of support and is mainly used for static website pages.


Style Sheets (CSS) are a collection of rules we use to define and modify
web pages. CSS is similar to styles in Word. CSS allows Web designers
to have much more control over their pages look and layout. styles
describe how the objects should appear. An external CSS is just a text
file with a .css extension.

MySQL: MySQL is a relational database management system

based on the Structured Query Language, which is the popular
language for accessing and managing the records in the database.
▪ JavaScript: JavaScript is a programming
language commonly used in web development. JavaScript is
easy to learn and also a powerful scripting language, widely used
for controlling web page behaviors.

• SQLite: The code for SQLite is in the public domain

and is thus free for use for any purpose, commercial or
private. SQLite is the most widely deployed database in
the world with more applications than we can count,
including several high-profile projects.

• PHP: PHP is a server -side scripting language that is

embedded in HTML. It is used to manage dynamic

content, databases, session tracking, and build entire e -

commerce sites. Using PHP, you can restrict users to

access some pages of your website.

• JAVA: Java is a widely used object-oriented

programming language and software platform that runs

on billions of devices, including notebook computers,

mobile devices, gaming consoles, medical devices , and

many others. The rules and syntax of Java are based on

the C and C++ languages.


Technology Features Advantages Disadvantages

• Free & open • Easy to learn & • Low speed
• source Easy to use. • Weak in
code Object • Library Support mobile

PYTHON Oriented High- • Multi-purpose computing

level Language • Readable • Runtime

GUI programming
• Design
support Extensible
• Restrictions


• Platform Independent • Browser Friendly • Static

Video & Audio • Simple Structure Language

Support • Free to Use • Limited Security
• Allows the use
Web Application • Dependency

HTML of templet Issue
Game Development

Cross Browser


• Opacity • Browser Support • Cross Browser

Reusability • Time Saving Issue

Global Web Standards • Multiple Device • Limited Security

CSS Consistent Design Compatibility

Flexible Positioning • Faster Page

of Design Elements Loading
• Handling Events • Portability • Time Consuming
Client Edge • Rich Interface • Security Issues

JavaScript Technology • Versatile
Case Sensitive • Simplicity

• Dynamic • Automatic • Lack of
backup No
• Robust Memory
Multithreaded Management •

JAVA Distributed Enhanced
• •
Object Oriented Security

• Simplicity

• Embedded • Familiar With • Poor

• Open Source Syntax Framework
Web Server Support • Supportive PHP • Extra Learning

PHP Error Reporting Community Security Issues
• •
Database Support Effective Doesn’t allow
• • •
Platform Independent Performance change or


• Query Language • Multi-user • Less Efficient

• Character Sets support large • Poor
Quick & Reliable • Database Performance in

MySQL Client / Server Data Security High Load

Architecture • Scalable
• •

Table 2.3 Comparative Study


• List of Selected Technologies.



3) CSS


• Selected Technologies & Why?

1) HTML:
HTML allows users to create and structure sections, headings, links,
paragraphs, and more, on a website using various tags and elements. Almost
everything you want to create on a web page can be done using a specific HTML

Some Features of HTML:

I. Platform Independent.
II. Multiple Web Pages can be linked to each other.
III. Simple & Readable.

JavaScript is a dynamic computer programming language. It is
lightweight and most commonly used as a part of web pages, whose
implementations allow client-side script to interact with the user and make
dynamic pages. It is an interpreted programming language with object-oriented

Some Features of JAVASCRIPT:

I. Light Weight Scripting language.

II. Dynamic Typing.
III.Object-oriented programming support.
IV. Functional Style.
V. Platform Independent.

3) CSS:

CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a

document written in HTML. It is generally used with HTML to change the style
of web page and user interfaces. It is easier to make web pages presentable using
CSS. CSS helps to control the text color, font style, layout designs, and many

Some Features of CSS:

I. Greater Accessibility.
I. Lightweight Code.
II. Greater Consistency in design.


MySQL can be freely used without incurring the cost of a commercial

database platform. MySQL determines the speed of when things load
on your site and how fast you can access that stored data.

Some Features of MYSQL:

I. Store procedures.
II. Fast Speed.
III. Easy to Use.


The traditional way of purchasing shoes is very time consuming where customers have to
go shoes shop and check all size, color etc. And in case if the customer needs an urgent
shoe for a any function, the customer has no idea about the shoes, color, size etc. In case of
urgent need.
This kind of situations/problems can be avoided in online shoes website. Where the person
Can book shoes with comfort size they want. The online website also has customized size
option the person Can see all type of shoes, color, size etc. available or not which save the
time of the person and they can book shoes According their requirment. Online shoes
website also avoids standing in big queues to get shoes specially in festival season and
also has fewer human efforts.


3.2.1 Developer Requirements:

• Laptop/Desktop.

• Wi-Fi-Router.

• Electricity.

3.2.2 User Requirements

• Smartphone.

• Internet connection.
• Bank account for online transaction purpose.


Gantt chart:
Gantt Charts are useful for planning and scheduling projects where timelines are recorded
precisely. Hence the representation of this chart for “Simplified Cooking Web application” Project
starts from July and goes up to March.

A Gantt chart is a commonly used graphical depiction of a project schedule. It's a type of bar
chart showing the start and finish dates of a project's elements such as resources, planning and
dependencies. Henry Gantt (1861-1919), an American mechanical engineer, designed the Gantt chart.
Fig 3.3.1 Gantt chart Representation
Name Start Date End Date Duration Progress %
Online shoes website Jun 13, 2023 Aug 31, 2023 58 days 100
Chapter 1 Jun 13, 2023 Jul 15, 2023 25 days 100
1.1 INTRODUCTION Jun 13, 2023 Jun 20, 2023 6 days 100
1.2 OBJECTIVES Jun 20, 2023 Jun 22, 2023 3 days 100
1.3.1 PURPOSE Jun 23, 2023 Jun 25, 2023 2 days 100
1.3.2 SCOPE Jun 26, 2023 Jun 28, 2023 3 days 100
1.3.3 APPLICABILITY Jun 29, 2023 Jul 01, 2023 3 days 100
1.4 ACHIEVEMENTS Jul 03, 2023 Jul 05, 2023 3 days 100
1.5 ORGANISATION OF REPORTS Jul 10, 2023 Jul 15, 2023 6 days 100
CHAPTER 2 Jul 15, 2023 Aug 09, 2023 15 days 100
2.1 AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES Jul 20, 2023 Jul 23, 2023 3 days 100
2.2 LIST OF TECHNOLOGIES Jul 25, 2023 Jul 29, 2023 5 days 100
2.3 COMPARATIVE STUDIES Jul 29, 2023 Aug 04, 2023 5 days 100
2.4 SELECTED TECHNOLOGIES Aug 05, 2023 Aug 09, 2023 3 days 100
CHAPTER 3 Aug 10, 2023 Aug 31, 2023 15 days 100
3.1 PROBLEM DEFINITION Aug 11, 2023 Aug 13, 2023 2 days 100
3.2 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Aug 14, 2023 Aug 15, 2023 2 days 100
3.3 PLANNING AND SCHEDULING Aug 16, 2023 Aug 19, 2023 4 days 100
3.4 EXISTING SYSTEM OPERATION Aug 19, 2023 Aug 21, 2023 2 days 100
3.4.1 NEW SYSTEM REQUIREMENT Aug 22, 2023 Aug 24, 2023 2 days 100
3.5 PRELIMINARY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Aug 25, 2023 Aug 27, 2023 2 days 100
3.6 CONCEPTUAL MODEL Aug 27, 2023 Aug 31, 2023 4 days 100
Pert Chart:

A PERT chart is a visual project management tool used to map out and track the
tasks and timelines. The name PERT is an acronym for Project (or Program) Evaluation and
Review Technique.

In the PERT chart example below, you can see the task represented in node 1 has a
dependencybecause its arrow goes only to node 2. From node 2, however, the team may work
on either or both of the tasks represented by the diverging arrows going to nodes 3 and 4.
Therefore, these activities do not have dependencies.

Fig 3.3.2 Pert Chart Representation

Online booking systems are commonly sold as cloud-based software-as-a-service.
The system can be linked to your existing website as well as your social media pages.
The online shoes website operates as a dynamic and exciting system, seamlessly
connecting customers with their footwear needs. The process begins as users browse the
website's vast collection of shoes, aided by intuitive filters and search functionalities.
Upon selecting a pair, the system offers detailed product descriptions, images, and
customer reviews, facilitating informed decision-making.The real excitement comes
during the checkout process, where a secure and user- friendly payment gateway
ensures seamless transactions. Once an order is confirmed, the website's logistics system
springs into action, coordinating efficient shipping and tracking. Customers are kept
engaged and excited through regular updates on their order's status. In case of any
queries or concerns, a responsive customer support system promptly addresses their
needs. This end-to-end operationcreates an exciting and satisfying shopping experience,
fostering customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

3.4.1 NEW SYSTEM REQUIREMENT: Software Requirements:

• Operating system-Windows10/11.

• Programming language-Java

• Database-MySQL.

• Frontend-HTML, CSS. Hardware Requirements:

• Personal computer with keyboard and mouse with proper electricity


• Processor intel core “i5”.

• Installed memory ram 8.00GB.


The main objective of project is to allow customers book shoes at ease just
by sitting at home or they can book from anywhere they want. These online
shoes website will also avoid longer queues and can save time. The shoe’s
booking system is a website that helps the user to book shoes in online mode
by avoiding big queues, saves time and manage the online travelling system
efficiently with secured transaction of payment.


3.6.1 Use Case Diagram:

A use case diagram is a graphical depiction of a user's possible
interactions with asystem. A use case diagram shows various use cases and
different types of users the system has and will often be accompanied by
other types of diagrams as well.
Either circles or ellipses represent the use cases. The actors are often shown as
stick figures. Due to their simplistic nature, case diagrams can be a good
communication tool for stakeholders. The drawings attempt to mimic the natural
world and provide a view for the stakeholder to understand how the system will be

Fig 3.6.1 Use Case Diagram

• Use case includes 2 actors which interacts with the system.

• User actor has association with use case within system.

• Use case associated with User actor (login, Update Profile, Search Shoes,
select Shoes, Place Order, Add to Cart, Make payment, Order Successful)
• Admin actor has association with use case with the system.

• Use case associated with admin actor (user details).

• 3.6.2 Flow chart:

A flowchart is a picture of the separate steps of a process in sequential

order. It is a generic tool that can be adapted for a wide variety of purposes,
and can be used to describe various processes, such as a manufacturing
process, an administrative or service process, or a project plan.

A flowchart is described as "cross-functional" when the chart is divided

into different vertical or horizontal parts, to describe the control of
different organizational units. A symbol appearing in a particular part is
within the control of that organizational unit. A cross-functional flowchart
allows the author to correctly locate the responsibility for performing an
action or making a decision, and to show the responsibility of each
organizational unit for different parts of a single process.
Symbols Name Description

Start/End An oval represents a start

or end point.

Arrow A line is a connector that

shows relationship between
the representative shapes.

Input/output A parallelogram
represents input or

Process A rectangle represents a


Decision A diamond indicates

the decision.

Table 3.6.2 Flow Chart

Fig 3.6.2 Flowchart Diagram
3.6.3 ER diagram:

An entity relationship diagram (ERD) also known as entity relationship model,

is a graphical representation that depicts relationships among people, objects, places,
concepts or events within an information technology system. st

Fig 3.6.3 ER Diagram

• There are 3 basic elements in an ER diagram Entity, Attribute, Relationship.

• Here are 4 entities (Login, User, Shoe, Place order).

• Login entity has 3 attributes Password, Username and Create Account.

• Login entity has one to one relationship with user Entity.

• User entity has 2 attributes user name and user Email/Phone number.

• User entity has 2 relationships one to one Login entity and one to many with
Shoe entity.

• Shoe entity has 2 attributes Search Shoe and Enter Size.

• Shoe entity has 2 relationships many to one with User entity and one to one
with Place Order entity.
• Place Order entity has 1 attribute only which is make payment.

• Booking entity has 1 relationship one to one with Shoe entity.

3.6.4 Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise

activities and actions with support for choice, iteration, and concurrency. In
the United Modeling Language, activity diagrams are intended to model both
computational and organizational processes (i.e., workflows), as well as the
data flows intersecting with the related activities

Table 3.6.4 Activity Diagram

Fig 3.6.4 Activity Diagram
3.7 Data Flow Diagram:
A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information

for any process or system. It uses defined symbols like rectangles, circlesand
arrows, plus short text labels, to show data inputs, outputs, storage points and the routes
between each destination.
Symbol Name Description

External Entity An outside system that sends

or receives data,
communicating with the
system being diagrammed.
They are the sources and
destinations of information
entering or leaving the system.

Process Any Process that changes the

data, producing an output. It
might perform computations,
or sort data based on logic, or
direct the data flow based on
business rules.

Data Store Files or repositories that hold

information for later use
such as database table or
membership form.

Data Flow The route that data takes

between the external
entities, processes and data

Table 3.7 Data Flow Diagram

Data flow diagram level 0
Data flow diagram level 1
Data flow diagram level 2

Fig 3.6.5 Data Flow Diagram


System Design is the process of designing the architecture, components, and interfaces for a
system so that it meets the end-user requirements. System design is the process of defining the
elements of a system such as the architecture, modules and components, the different interfaces
of those components and the data that goes through that system. It is meant to satisfy specific
needs and requirements of a business or organization through the engineering of a coherent and
well-running system. Systems design implies a systematic approach to the design of a system. It
may take a bottom-up or top-down approach, but either way the process is systematic wherein it
takes into account all related variables of the system that needs to be created—from the
architecture, to the required hardware and software, right down to the data and how it travels and
transforms throughout its travel through the system. Systems design then overlaps with systems
analysis, systems engineering and systems architecture.

Basic module will give the idea of how the website will look like. It will show how our basic
module will look like. The online shoes website system has modules like booking shoes that is
related to two major actors (Admin, and Customer) of the application.

Shoes: Shoes are the physical component of the application. So, the admin can ADD/EDIT the
new shoes in the database. An end customer can view shoes and order according to the

Booking Shoes: A customer can view all the available shoes. Customers can search the shoes
according to the size. Customers can book shoes after login into the application. for the first-time
customer who has registered in the system.

Payment: It uses a dummy payment page where the user can process the payment after shoes
booking and view the booked shoes after payment.

Login/Registration: Customers must have to register in the website to their booking history or
book a new shoe. Admin also can log in to the website and perform activity according to the role.
So, it has login registration for the admin as well as for the user.
4.2Data design

4.2.2 Data integrity constraints:

Register Table:
Sr no. Column Name Integrity Constraint

1 User name Entity Integrity Primary key, Not null,


2 User password Key Integrity Unique

3 Contact Number Key integrity Unique

4 Email address Key integrity Unique

Table 4.1 Register Table

Login Table:

Sr no. Column name Integrity Constraint

1 Login id Entity integrity Primary key, Not null,


2 User name Referential integrity Foreign key Not null

3 Password Referential integrity Foreign key, Not null

Table 4.2 Login Table
4.3 Procedural Design:

4.3.1 logical Diagrams:

Fig 4.3.1 Logic Diagram

4.3.2 Data Structure:

Fig 4.3.2 Data Structure

4.4 User Interface Design:

Register page view:

The register page view of an online shoe website serves as a crucial entry point for customers. It should
prioritize a streamlined user experience, enabling easy account creation, capturing essential information, and
ensuring data security. By emphasizing simplicity, security, and user-friendliness, the website can foster
customer trust and encourage seamless registration, facilitating a smooth transition into the online shopping
Home page view:

The home page view of an online shoe website acts as a virtual storefront, setting the tone for
the overall shopping experience. It should showcase a visually appealing layout with clear navigation,
highlighting the latest shoe collections, special offers, and intuitive search options. By emphasizing
User-friendly design, engaging visuals, and easy access to key categories, the home page can
captivate visitors, encouraging them to explore the website further and make informed purchase decisions.

Fig 4.4 User Interface


Sr. Test Task Valid Output

No Name (Accepted)
Required Input Invalid Output (Rejected)
Contact Enter valid If alphabet/special character If entered number
Number contact number is entered is 10 digits
If number is less than
10 digits

If empty input field

2 Name Enter valid name If number is entered If alphabet is entered

If empty input field

3 Email Enter valid email If @ is not entered If @ is entered

Allow If empty input field

Special characters If special

must be used characters are used
4 Password If empty input field
If not, special
characters used
Table 4.3 Test Case

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