Roles of Tech Questions and Answers

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Assessment questions and answers:

1. How important does the role of technology plays in curriculum development?

The role of technology in curriculum development is pivotal, revolutionizing education by
personalizing learning, engaging students, expanding resources, and preparing them for a tech-driven

2. What is the impact of technology on the teaching and learning process?

Technology has transformed the teaching and learning process, revolutionizing how information is
accessed, understood, and shared. It enhances engagement through interactive content, caters to
diverse learning styles, and fosters critical thinking. Educators can create dynamic lessons, track
student progress, and provide personalized support.

3. How can technology be effectively evaluated and assessed in higher education curriculum
Answer: The evaluation of technology in higher education involves gathering feedback from students
and faculty, conducting usability testing, monitoring learning analytics, and aligning technology usage
with learning outcomes.

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