M2 005 ImportanceOfProducts

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Module 2: 005

"Importance of Products"

Use this Checklist for every product you find to see if it is a winner!

My Winning Product Blueprint

1. It has a Wow Factor

2. Sales Price is $40 or More

3. Product Cost is Around $10

4. Has a High Perceived Value

5. It Solves a Problem

6. It is Used Daily

7. Has a specific and passionate community that is interested in it

8. Is the Product Relatively Small and Lightweight

9. Not a Cheap and Shitty Electronic, Made of Glass, or Ingestible

10. It is an Evergreen Product

Action Steps
1. Become very familiar with this 10-Point Blueprint
2. (Community Group) Make a post in the group and let people know who you are!

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