4 Petting Induced Aggression

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Petting Induced

Reason 1: Improper Socialization

Improper socialization of
cats with humans
Reason 1: Improper Socialization

Kittens till they are 7-8

weeks old should get
human contact daily
Reason 2: Sensitivity Threshold

Cats enjoy being petted for

Reason 2: Sensitivity Threshold

May bite you & run away

Reason 3: Health Issues

If your cat is in pain or

has any health ailment
Reason 4: Sudden awakening

While stroking, cat may Suddenly wakes up, bites you

fall asleep & run away
Ways to avoid petting induced
Take your cat to your vet
If your cat is in pain or
has any health ailment
Interpret your cat’s mood

Learn at which parts of
her body, your cat likes
to be petted
When she gets
overstimulated, she may
bite you
May enjoy your closeness
by sitting on your lap
Know the warning signs:
• Stiffened body
• Dilated pupils
• Flattened ears
• Twitching tail
• Growling
Stop petting her as soon as you
observe aggressive signs
You will be able to gauge for how
long you can pet your cat
Offer her a reward for not biting She will associate petting
you. After small stroking offer with treats
her treats
Stop stroking her when you see any
signs of aggression
Never physically
punish your cat
Becomes scared of you &
more aggressive

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