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Annual Exam - 2023/24

Sub - Eng. Grammar

Class - III
Lesson - 10
1. What are pronouns ? Give some examples.
Ans : Words which are used in place of a noun are called pronouns.
Example : I, you, he, she, we, they, him, her, he, she,
us, them, it etc.
2. Define the following :
i) Personal pronouns : Pronouns like I, me, she, her, he, him,
we, us, you, it, they and them are called personal pronouns.
ii) Demonstrative pronouns : Pronouns like this, these, that and
those one called demonstrative pronouns.
3. Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blanks :
i) I (me/I) surprised everyone.
ii) You (you/it) seen to have slept a lot.
iii) We (we/she) know Ananth.
iv) Ananth knows us. (we/us)
v) I (me/I) want to meet him. (he/him)
vi) Peter told them (they/them) a story.
vii) She (she/her) taught me (I/me) French.
viii) Raju has a sister. He (he/him) loves her (she/her)
ix) I (me/I) can not say the same thing about them. (they/them)
x) They (they/them) ate all the sweets before Dad asked for
them. (they/them)
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4. Write five each :
Singular Pronouns Plural Pronouns
i) I a) We
ii) Me b) Us
iii) You c) You
iv) He d) They
v) She e) Theme
Lesson - 11
1. Define conjunction with examples.
Ans : Conjunctions are words that connect or link words or
sentences together.
Example : And, but, or, because etc.
Example sentences :
i) And - Ram and Shyam are friends.
ii) But - I like football, but I don't like basketball
iii) On - Which colour do you like red or blue ?
iv) Because - I like Ram because he's honest.
2. Join the two sentences using and, but on or.
i) Anil's father came home. He took us to the cinema.
Ans : Anil's father came home and took us to the cinema.
ii) It rained heavily. We enjoyed the trip.
Ans : It rained heavily but we enjoyed the trip.
iii) Babita went to the market. She did not buy anything.
Ans : Babita went to the market but she did not buy anything.
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iv) Manoj plays volleyball in the morning. He also plays basketball
in the evening.
Ans : Mangi plays volleyball in the morning but he also play
basketball in the evening.
v) I love strawberry. I am allergic to guava.
Ans : I love strawberry but I am allergic to guava.
vi) Pooja can teach Maths well. She cannot teach Hindi.
Ans : Pooja can teach Maths well but she cannot teach Hindi.
vii) Work hard you will not score well.
Ans : Work hard or you will not score well.
viii) You can watch television with me you can go down and
play with Nihal.
Ans : You can watch television with me and go down and play
with Nihal.
ix) Arjun is my friend. Arjun is my neighbour.
Ans : Anjun is my friend and neighbour.
x) He works hard every day. He is happy.
Ans : He works hard everyday but he is happy.
3. Join the two sentences using because start any five sentences
with because.
i) Samir worked hard. He wanted to pass the selection test.
Ans : Samin work hard because he wanted to pass the selection test.
ii) You will surely get a prize. You worked hard.
Ans : You will surely get a prize because you worked hard.
iii) The children did not go out to play. It was raining.
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Ans : The children did not go out to play because It was raining.
iv) Barry missed the train. He woke up late.
Ans : Barry missed the train because he woke up late.
v) I did not buy the toy robot. It was expensive.
Ans : I did not buy the toy robot because. It was expensive.
vi) It may rain. It is cloudy.
Ans : It may rain because it is cloudy.
vii) The lion roared in the cave. It was in pain.
Ans : The lion roared in the cave because it was in pain.
viii) The police set the thief free. He spoke the truth.
Ans : The police set the thief free because he spoke the truth.
ix) I cannot tell you the result. I do not know it.
Ans : I cannot tell you the result because I do not know it.
x) Deepak did not attend the party. He was not invited.
Ans : Deepak did not attend the party because he was not invited.
Lesson - 12
1. What is called interjection write with examples.
Ans : Interjection are words that show an emotion such as surprise,
shock or happiness.
Example : aah, alas, boo, congrats, goodbye, ouch, dart,
wow, etc.
2. Circle the interjections in these sentences.
i) (Hi !) How are you ?
ii) (Shh !) Can you be quiet for a moment ?
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iii) You look smart in this suit. (wow !)
iv) (Tut !) What an awful thought.
v) (Ouch !) My foot hurts.
3. Identify which of these sentences are (i) an interjection and
exclamation and (ii) only an exclamation.
i) How sweet of you ! — (exclamation)
ii) Yum ! This is delicious. — (interjection and exclamation)
iii) I wish I could live forever ! — (exclamation)
iv) What a fall there was, my countryment ! — (exclamation)
v) Hmm, I wonder what went wrong. — (interjection and exclamation)
Chapter - 13
1. Define preposition with examples.
Ans : Preposition are words that are used to show the relationship
between a noun or pronoun, an another noun or pronoun.
Example : in, on, at
We can be used in, on, at preposition in ways —
i) Preposition of place
For Example : at ABCD Apartment.
at my party.
ii) At as a preposition of time —
For Example : at six o'clock
at the moment
2. Read these sentences. Identify where at is used as a preposition
of place and where it is used as a preposition of time. Circle the
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preposition. Write “P” for place “T” for time.
i) My father is (at) work now. — [T]
ii) We are doing an interesting lesson (at) the movement. — [T]
iii) The train is likely to arrive (at) five o'clock.— [T]
iv) The school office is (at) the entrance. — [P]
v) She said that she would teach this poem (at) lunchtime. — [T]
vi) Where is Robin ? He is not (at) his desk. — [P]
vii) At present, we are using the old building. — [P]
viii) Classes will get over at twelve o'clock tomorrow because of
the parent - Teacher association meeting. — [T]
ix) Always read the notes in the box at the bottom of the
page. — [P]
x) Did you answer the questions given at the end of the
chapter ? — [P]
3. Fill in the blanks correctly with at, in or on.
i) at dawn.
ii) at 3.30 am.
iii) in summer.
iv) on Tuesday.
v) in 2017.
vi) on Christmas day.
vii) in the morning.
viii) on 21 June.
ix) in the evening.
x) at the Lawn.
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Lesson - 14
1. What is comma ?
Ans : The symbol ( , ) is called a comma.
Example : i) Rohan please come here.
=> Rohan, please come here.
ii) Will you help me Leena ?
=> Will you help me, Leena ?
2. The Apostrophe.?
Ans : The symbol ( ’ ) is called an apostrophe.
Example : i) a dog's tail.
ii) a lion's.
3. Rewrite these sentences using apostrophes correctly.
i) eyes of a cat.
=> eye's of a cat.
ii) trunk of an elephant
=> trunk of an elephant's.
iii) bag of a boy
=> bag of a boy’s.
iv) dress of a girl.
=> dress of girl's.
v) mistake of Anita
=> mistake of Anita's.
Lesson - 16
1. Define affirmative sentence with example.
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Ans : An affirmative statement is any sentence or declaration
that is positive.
Example : We are classmate.
2. Change these sentence into negative sentences
i) I am a strict vegetarian.
Ans : I am not a strict vegetarian.
ii) Ramesh is the captain on the team.
Ans : Ramesh is not the captain on the team.
iii) Jadhav was a student is this school.
Ans : Jadhav was not a student is this school.
iv) They are tourists.
Ans : They are not tourists.
v) They were citizens of this Country.
Ans : They were not citizens of this Country.
3. Change these sentence into affirmative sentences.
i) These children cannot read.
Ans : These children can read.
ii) We will not permit them to enter the building.
Ans : We will permit them to enter the building.
iii) They were not planning to meet him at the weekend.
Ans : They were planning to meet him at the weekend.
iv) She was not jogging when I met her this morning.
Ans : She was jogging when I met her this morning.
v) I am not making the beds.
Ans : I am making the beds.

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