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e Annexure | AGREEMENT FORM FOR ENGAGEMENT OF ADDITIONAL TEACHER (Engaged on Contractual Basis) UNDER DEPARTMENT OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, GOVT. OF ASSAM. THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE On this day the oxalate etmonti Tee Cha grat, Pe even Ieee on between NF /Ms. Atul alow: SOM/daughter of. AleataTz... Ralowiarn... cstemmannrnnimmin ROSIE Of Vill Sh papas alas ie inn P.O: =. Bpdinke Ald ps... NA bia eam in the district of ML. PLA ©. hereafter called the “First Party” of the one part and the Director of Secondary Education,Assam, hereafter called the Second party of the otfier part AND WHEREAS the SMDC has engaged the First Party as Additional Teacher on contractual basis Under the scheme ta strengthen and improve the quality of the Secondary Education in the State of Assam as per Notification issued vide No. PMAIS}. 32/2010/20 Dated 10.06.2010, and the First Party has agreed to serve the School! in that capacity on the terms and condition herein after contained, AND WHEREAS the First Party was engaged as Additional Teacher on Contractual basis vide appointment enter no AHA. ACE TT fO2/200 dated [2/8120 P.... and accordingly he/she has been working in JX Al Latucs.. 5 betnePeyschoo! and executed an agreement on £3/$)10 which is now superseded by this present agreement; NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS AND THE Parties hereto respectively agrees as follows: 1, The First Party shall remain in the service of the School as Additional Teacher engaged on ‘Contractual basis under the scheme ta strengthen and improve the quality of the Secondary Education in the State of Assam as per Notification issued vide No, PMA(S). 32/2010/20 Dated 10.06.2010, from the date of fresh joining Le. .04./07/2020 pursuant to this present agreement till further order or maximum til attaining the age of 60 years (hereinafter called ‘contractual period’) subject to the provisions herein contained. 2, the First Party has agreed to perform duties as per the job to be specified and assigned by the principal/Headmaster of the Schaol, which shall constitute an integral part ofthis Agreement ri

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