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Elementary Student's Book

O X FO R D Fiona Beddall

Elementary Student's Book

U N IV E R S IT Y PR ESS Fiona Beddall
Unit A Reading and vocabulary B Grammar and listening
p4 Hello p6 Are you in a band?
Vocabulary The alphabet; countries and nationalities; talking about Grammar be: affirmative, negative, questions and short
interests; numbers 1-30 answers
Listening Spelling words; Where are you from?; Numbers H Listening Interview with Bruno

p!4 Breakfast in space p16 Bright and early

That's life
Reading Life in space
Vocabulary Daily routines; prepositions of time
Strategy Guessing the meaning of unknown words 1
Grammar Present simple: affirmative and negative
Listening Jake's hobby
Reading It's a beautiful morning]

Review 1 p23
p24 Cycling in the desert p26 Healthy living

Tim eout
Reading Free time in the middle of nowhere
Vocabulary Free-time activities; likes and dislikes
Strategy Skim-reading for the main ideas; Recording antonyms
Grammar Adverbs of frequency
Listening Healthy lifestyle survey
Reading Sitting volleyball

Review 2 p33 Cumulative review Units 1-2 p34

p36 House o f the future p38 Enjoy the view
Reading Earthships Grammar there is/ there are with some / any
Vocabulary Inside and outside the home; prepositions of place Listening Sam's holiday
Home Strategy Recording vocabulary with pictures Reading Beach hotel or tree house?
and away

Review 3 p45

p46 It's wild! p48 What are you watching?
Reading Working together Grammar Present continuous
Vocabulary The natural world; animal verbs Listening Where is Raj?
The natural Strategy Recording words in context Reading Watching animals

Review 4 p55 Cumulative review Units 1-4 p56

p58 Food matters p60 Good school food
Reading Unusual diets Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns; much, many,
Vocabulary Food; compound nouns a lot of
Food, Strategy Making mind maps Listening / Reading Farm school
glorious food
Review 5 p67

p68 Nearly new p70 Cyber Monday
Reading Shwopping Grammar Comparative adjectives
Vocabulary Clothes and accessories; shopping and clothes words; [•/"] Listening Online shopping
Material negative prefixes Reading Online shopping - how it works
world Strategy Scanning for detail
Review 6 p77 Cumulative review Units 1-6 p78
p80 Different shapes p82 Keep it clean!

It's tough!
Reading The world's toughest
Vocabulary Parts of the body; noun suffixes -erand -or
Strategy Guessing the meaning of unknown words 2
Grammar should, shouldn't, have to, don't have to
Reading Cleaning UK's favourite tourist attractions
Listening A school club

Review 7 p89
p90 Life's ups and downs p92 The human story

Life story
Reading Music: the road to success
Vocabulary Life stages: adjective suffixes:-fuland -a!
Grammar Past simple affirmative: regular and irregular verbs
Reading Out of Africa
Listening Neanderthals Strategy Listening for gist and
Review 8 p99 Cumulative review Units 1-8 plOO

p102 A new model p104 A new life
Reading It's a model job Grammar going to: plans
Vocabulary Describing people; different uses of like Listening / Reading My future
Changes Strategy Writing summaries
Review 9 p ill
p112 Tourists ... who wants them? p114 Adventure

Reading Tourism - the pros and cons
Vocabulary Holiday places; prepositions of place in, on, at
Grammar Present perfect: affirmative and negative
Listening / Reading Adventurer rows the oceans
Strategy Real life listening

Review 10 p121 Cumulative review Units 1-10 p122
C Culture, vocabulary and grammar D Listening, speaking and vocabulary E Writing
p8 Happy families p10 Friends p12 The world is a village
Vocabulary Family: Feelings Vocabulary Appearance adjectives Vocabulary Days, months and seasons;
Grammar Possessive adjectives; Plural nouns: this, Grammar havegot; Object pronouns: a/an and the Numbers 3l+; Ordinals and dates
that, these, those Reading The world as a village
Vocabulary bank p124 Countries and nationalities, Colours, The time,
p18 British schools p20 Journeys to school p24 A questionnaire
Reading Eton College and Parrs Wood School Listening How do you get to school? Strategy Checking your writing
Vocabulary School subjects Vocabulary Transport Capital letters
Grammar Present simple: questions and short Strategy Understanding synonyms
answers; question words Everyday English Classroom language
Vocabulary bank p126 Classroom items, Classroom language
p28 Making music p30 Superheroes p32 An informal letter
Reading Music for everyone Listening Superheroes Strategy Writing informal letters
Vocabulary Musical instruments Vocabulary Adverbs of manner Linking words: and, but, or
Grammar can / can't for ability Strategy Recognising spelling patterns
Everyday English Requests with can and could
Vocabulary bank p127 Sports, Sports collocations: play, do & go
p40 Underground city p42 Around town p44 A tourist guide
Reading Underground Montreal Vocabulary City to country Strategy Using a model text
Grammar Possessive's; whose and possessive Listening Where we live Sequencers
pronouns Strategy Listening for key words
Everyday English Asking for and giving directions
Vocabulary bank p128 In the home, Around town
p50 What's the weather like? p52 Get active p54 Describing a photo
Reading What's the weather like with you? Listening Redingly activity centre Strategy Using questions to plan your
Grammar Present simple or present continuous? Vocabulary Outdoor activities writing
Vocabulary Describing weather; adjective suffix -y Strategy Using visual clues Describing a photo and expressing
Everyday English Making suggestions uncertainty
Vocabulary bank p129 Animals, Pets
p62 Traditional food p64 Delicious or disgusting? p66 A description o f a festival
Reading Food map of Britain and Ireland Listening Unusual food Strategy Focussing on the writing goal
Grammar a little, a few Vocabulary insight Opinion adjectives Linking words of addition: too, also
Vocabulary On the dinner table Everyday English Ordering food

Vocabulary bank p130 Food, Food quantities

p72 Black Friday p74 Can't live w ithout it! p76 A review o f a gadget
Reading Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day? Listening Living without technology Strategy Using a dictionary
Grammar Superlative adjectives Vocabulary Gadgets Positive and negative adjectives
Vocabulary Shopping Everyday English Buying clothes An e-reader
Strategy Increasing your vocabulary
Vocabulary bank p131 Shops, Clothes verbs
p84 The first Thanksgiving p86 What's wrong? p88 A letter o f advice
Reading Constance Hopkins and the Mayflower pilgrims Listening Health facts and myths Strategy Brainstorming ideas
Grammar Past simple: be and can Vocabulary Health Making suggestions and giving advice
Vocabulary Opposite adjectives Everyday English Talking about illness
Strategy Using new words
Vocabulary bank p132 Housework Health problems collocations
p94 Great writers p96 Moments to remember p98 A narrative
Reading Mary Shelley and Emily Dickinson Listening The best moment of your life Strategy Making your writing interesting
Grammar Past simple: negative, questions, short Vocabulary takecollocations Narrative adverbs
answers Vocabulary Types of writing Strategy Identifying and using collocations
Everyday English Talking about your weekend
Vocabulary bank p133 Jobs, Past time expressions
p106 A new year p i08 A new business pllO An informal email
Reading Let’s celebrate Listening Young enterprise Strategy Making your writing personal
Vocabulary noun suffixes -ion, -ment Vocabulary Phrasal verbs Informal language
Strategy Revising vocabulary Grammar will: predictions Everyday English Talking on the phone
Vocabulary bank p134 Materials, On the phone: phrasal verbs
p116 Travel USA p118 Trans-Siberian p120 A profile
Reading Staycations in the USA Vocabulary Travel collocations Strategy Choosing the right tense
Grammar Present perfect: questions, short answers, Listening Moscow by train Linking words: so and because
with ever/never Strategy Taking notes
Vocabulary US English Strategy Varieties of English Everyday English Tourist asking for information
Vocabulary bank p135 Types of holiday, Holidays: phrasal verbs

ı m m sescmhpv
Welcome A Hello
m /y«n u a'ueu^um
1 1.01 Read and listen to the dialogue. Then read
the dialogue in pairs.
Hello. I'm Rosie. What's your name?
My name's Daiki.
It's nice to meet you, Daiki. How do you spell
your name?
Daiki D-A-l-K-l.
Rosie Where are you from?
Daiki I'm from Japan. W h e re a re th e y fro m ? L a b e l th e
Rosie How old are you? p h o to s w ith six o f th e c o u n trie s .
Daiki I'm sixteen. And you?
Rosie I'm fifteen. What are you into, Daiki?
Daiki I like football, and I love karate. What about you?
Rosie I don't like football. I'm into hip hop music.

Q The alphabet
2 1.02 Listen and repeat the alphabet.

3 ® 1.03 Write the letters of the alphabet with

these sounds in the correct column. Then listen,
check and repeat. Which letters don't have these
the USA
/ci/ / i:/ Id
A B f

4 1.04 Read and listen to the words. Then spell

them for a partner. a

v l

mobile phone


How do you spell 'book?

5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Spell your name and then

choose names of people in the class to spell.

(How do you spell your name?J ------------------

S - T 'E - L - L - /

It's nice to meet you, Stella.

• ■ I I V F
Vocabulary: the alphabet; countries, nationalities: interests; numbers; Grammar: He: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers; A
family; feelings; appearance adjectives; days, months, seasons: ordinals, have got; object pronouns: a / an and the
dates Speaking: ask and answer about yourself, family and your friends

Countries and nationalities

6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Complete the culture quiz.
Then check your answers in the box at the bottom
of the page.

7 1.05 Match the nationalities below to the

fUl * w r.j v. *• a countries in the quiz. Then listen, check and repeat.
•S n S f ɪ American Australian Brazilian British Chinese
German Indian Japanese! Russian South African

Vocabulary bank Countries and nationalities page 124

8 Look at exercise 1. Where is Daiki from? Underline

the question Rosie asks to find out. What nationality
samba music: is Daiki?

9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the

question. Change the country and nationality.

Where are you from? rm frotn &ritain, )

Really? fm B ritish too!

Talking about interests

10 Look at exercise 1. What do Daiki and Rosie like and
not like? Then write five true sentences about you
cricket: using the phrases below.

1love .. I'm not into ... —

1lik e ... 1don't like ... ZJ.

fm into

1like kangaroos.
I'm into computers.

Numbers 1-30
11 1.06 Listen and repeat the numbers.

karate: one two three four five six seven eight

nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen
fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three
twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six
twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty

12 1.07 Listen to the dialogues and complete

columns 1-3 of the table.
1 2 3 Your partner

kangaroos: Age

eyejisnv 9 uedef s »n atp b 13 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
lizeig £ eultQ z VSH^Ml l :sja/wsuv to complete the'Your partner'column of the table.

W elcom e B ■ Are you in a band?

rtv sstl

1 1.08 Read and listen to the blog post. Match the sentence halves.
1 Leonie is a British.
2 Bruno is b at school with Ryan.
3 Ryan is c in a samba band with Ryan.

Home Profile Photos

Hi. My name's Ryan. I'm British and my home is in London.

The people in London are from lots of different countries, so it's a
very cosmopolitan city. You're always welcome in London!
In this photo, I'm with Bruno and Leonie. They're my friends. Leonie
is from Germany. We're at the same school. Bruno is from Brazil.
He's at a different school, but we're in the same band. It's a samba
band and it's fantastic. London is a great place for music.

The ve rb be: a ffirm a tiv e

2 Complete the table with the affirmative forms of be from the blog post in exercise 1.
Long form Contraction
1am 1
you are
h e /s h e /it is 3......................... /s h e 's /4..........................
we are
they are

Reference and practice W.1 Workbook page 112

3 1.09 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Then rewrite the sentences
with contractions. Listen, check and repeat.
1 My name a m /is /a r e Anton. 5 Jim am / is /a re from the USA.
2 I a m /is /a r e sixteen. 6 Becca a m /is /a r e my friend.
3 You a m /is /a r e at my school. 7 She a m /is /a r e great.
4 He a m /is /a r e Chinese.

4 Write about you and a friend. Then tell your partner.

My name's Ella and I'm Belgian. I'm from Brussels. Amira is my friend. She's from Iraq.

The ve rb be: n e g ative

Read Leonie's blog post below and complete the table with
the negative form of be.

I Home j Post J Calender jj Files |

Hi, I'm Leonie. I'm German but my home isn't in Germany.
It's in London. I'm into football. My favourite teams are
Germany and Chelsea. I’ m in a football team, too - Hyde
Park Girls. We aren't famous, but we're very good. My friend
Ryan is in a samba band. I'm not in the band because I'm not
very good at music, but I go to the concerts. I love samba!

Long form Contraction

1am not I 1............................................................
h e /s h e /it is not h e / s h e / it 3..........................................
you /w e /th e y are not you / we / they2....................................

Reference and practice W.1 Workbook page 112

6 Write sentences with these words and be.

1 Ryan: Brazilian A /B ritish /
R-yan isn't Brazilian. He's British.
2 you: into football A /in to te n n is /

3 Chelsea and Manchester United: Australian teams X / British teams /

4 we: in London X / in Los Angeles /

5 I: good at sport X / good at music /

6 Germany: in Africa/ / in Europe /

The v e rb be: questions and sh o rt answers

7 1.10 Read and listen to the extracts from an interview with Bruno. Choose the correct
Interviewer What's your favourite sport?
Bruno ’Cricket / Baseball.
Interviewer Are your friends into the same sport?
Bruno 2Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. They're into football.
Interviewer Are you in a sports team?
Bruno 3Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
Interviewer What's your favourite sports team?
Bruno My favourite football team is 4Brazil /England.
Interviewer Is it a good team?
Bruno 5Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. It's fantastic!

8 Read the dialogue again. Complete the table with the questions and short answers for be.
Questions Affirmative Negative
short answers short answers
Am Yes, No, I'm not.
you Yes, you No, you 7
he / she / it Yes, he / she / it is. No, h e /s h e /it

Are we Yes, we are. No, we aren't.

they Yes, they ˈ No, th e y !

Reference and practice W.1 Workbook page 112

9 SPEAKING Write questions with these words and be. Then ask and answer the questions with
your partner.
1 you/seventeen?
2 your name /Richard?
3 y o u /a t school?
4 y o u /g o o d at sport?
5 you / into tennis?
6 your home / in / a city?
7 your friends/in to/m u sic?
8 you and your friends/American?

10 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7. Then replace the words
in blue and ask the questions again about these things:
sport —* type o f music
sports team —» band

Welcome 7

W elcom e C ■ Happy families

'jT~\ s< L

1 1.11 Study Max's family tree and write the family words under the correct names.
Then listen, check and repeat.
■ aunt ■ brother ■ cousin (x2) ■ dad ■ grandfather ■ grandmother grandparents ı mum ■ parents
■ sister ■ uncle

Clive = Margaret


Paul = Caroline Mark = Sharon

James Max Harriet Bella Brendan

me 10 12

2 1.12 Complete the sentences with the words. Then listen, check and repeat.
daughter granddaughter grandson husband nephew niece son ı wife

1 Caroline:This is Paul. He's m y............................................................................. .'

2 Margaret:'This is James. He's m y .............................................................................'
3 Sharon:'This is Harriet. She's m y..............................................................................'
4 Paul:'This is Brendan. He's my ................................................... .'
5 Clive:'This is Mark. He's my
6 Mark: 'This is Sharon. She's my .........................................................'
7 Clive: This is Harriet. She's m y..............................................................................'
8 Sharon:This is Bella. She's m y ............................................................................. .'

3 SPEAKING Write five sentences (Sharo n , m, mum.) . M a?

about people in the family tree.
Your partner guesses the name.
No, I'm not. Ciuess aqain! . „ . _
J Are you Brendan/

Yes, that's right!

Possessive adjectives

the texts and complete the table with the possessive adjectives.

This is a photo of my sons, James and Max. This is a photo of my daughter,

They're at a festival. They're with their friend Harriet. She's With out dog
Vicky. She's very excited because they're at a hamlet after a loog Walk.
concert and it's her favourite band. James is They ı •t ir e d aoA h ogry
happy because it's his favourite festival.

Subject Possessive Reference and practice W.2 Workbook page 112

5 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
you your 1 This is a photo o f I / my family. We / Our are in London.
he 2 2 She / Her looks happy. Is she you / your mum?
she 3 3 I like you / your dog. What is it / its name?
it its 4 He / His is tired because of he / his exam.
4 5 They / Their aren't from the USA. What's they / their nationality?
they 5 6 She / Her name is Harriet. She is we / our sister.

8 Welcome

Feelings adjectives
6 1.13 Label the pictures with the words. Then listen, check and repeat.

7 SPEAKING Work in pairs.Take turns

You're angry.
to mime a feeling in exercise 6. Your No, I'm not. 6iuess again!
partner guesses the feeling.
You're bored
Yes, that's right!

Plural nouns

Regular plurals Irregular plurals

one brother tw o brothers one person -> tw o people; one child - » two children
one granny —> two grannies one man —»tw o men; one woman —» tw o women

8 1.14 Study the table above. Change the underlined words below to plurals. Then listen,
check and repeat.
1 I he tw o woman in the photo are my aunt.
2 The child are very tired.
3 Sam and Liz are her cousin, and Jonas and Mick are her friend.
4 Eleven person are in the team. They are man.
5 Britain and Germany are country in Europe.

this, that, these, those

9 Read the rules. Then look at the picture and
complete the sentences with this, that, these
and those.
a We use this and these for things and people Singular: this photo that photo
that are near to us ('here'),
b We use that and those for things and people
that aren't very near ('there').

Reference and practice W.3 Workbook page 112

Plural: these photos those photos

people are my parents.

................ people are my grandparents.
................ boy is my brother, and
................ girl is my cousin.
................ dog is bored, but
dog is excited.

10 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Draw your family tree. Ask and answer questions about your family.

Who is David?
David is my brother. He's eighteen.
Welcome 9

W elcom e D ■ Friends

1 1.15 Read and listen to the dialogue. Who are the people in the photos?
Luke Have you got friends in your new class?
Caitlin Yes, I have. Sam is in it and I like him. He's in the guitar club with me.
Luke Oh yes. He's got short dark hair.
Caitlin That's right. And Josh and Chris from the basketball team are in my class.
Josh has got curly hair and Chris has got red hair.
Luke I like them. They're cool.
Caitlin And I've got a new friend, too. Her name's Olivia.
Luke Has Olivia got long, fair hair?
Caitlin Yes, she has.
Luke I'm in the film club with her. She's got a sister, Alice.
Caitlin Yes, and they've got a brother, Dorn. He's nice.

have got
2 Read the dialogue again. Complete the table with the correct form of have got.
I / we / you / they have got (’ Vf dbl )
a brother
H e /s h e /it has got (2............................)
I / we / you / they have not got (haven't got)
a brother.
H e /s h e /it has not got (hasn't got)
Questions and short answers
I / we / you / they Yes, I / we / you / they 4
No, I / we / you / they haven't..
got a brother?
h e /s h e /it Yes, h e /s h e /it 6............................
No, he / she/ it hasn't.

Reference and practice W.4 Workbook page 113

3 Complete the text with the correct affirmative ( / ) or negative (X) form of have got.

. ( / ) a big family. My parents2 (X) a son, but they

( / ) five daughters. My mum 4 ( / ) four brothers.
My d a d 5... (A) a brother, but h e 6 ( / ) three sisters.
I 7............. (X) a grandmother or grandfather, but my sisters and I
( / ) lots o f aunts and uncles and twenty-two cousins!

4 1.16 Write questions with the correct form of have got. Then listen and choose Ian's
1 you / a brother ? X // 4 your friends/laptops? X //
2 you / a sister? X // 5 your class/nice teachers? X //
3 you / a dog or cat? X // 6 your school / a school band ? X //

5 SPEAKING Write your own answers to the questions in exercise 4. Then ask and answer the
questions with your partner.

Appearance adjectives
6 1.17 Match these adjectives with their opposites in the table. Then listen, check and repeat.
blue curly dark:: long short young

He's/She's... o l d - 1..... . . t a l l - 2...

He's / She's g o t ... hair. s tra ig h t-3...................... f a ir - 4....................... s h o r t- 5.......................
He's / She's g o t ... eyes. brown - 6..............................

10 Welcome

7 SPEAKING Write descriptions of people in your class. Use adjectives from exercise 6. Then
play 'Guess who'. Your partner can only give 'yes' or 'no' short answers.
She's young. She isn't very tall. She's got long hair and big eyes.

Has she got long hair?

No, she hasn't.

O b ject pronouns

8 Complete the table with the object pronouns in bold from the dialogue in exercise 1.
Subject pronoun I you he she it we they
Object pronoun 1
you 2 3 4
us 5

Reference and practice W.5 Workbook page 113

9 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 Dad is there, but Mum isn't with her / him.
2 I like Jade and Ruby, but they don't like him / me.
3 I'm in a sports club, and Thomas is in me / it, too.
4 My brother's into athletics and judo, but I'm not into them / us.
5 We're in Class 3F, and Lily's in Class 3F with it / us.
6 Where are you? And is Saskia with you / them?

a /a n and the
a We use a with singular nouns when the next word starts with a consonant:
It's a book. She's a good friend.
b We use an with singular nouns when the next word starts with a vowel: (a, e, i, o, u)
It's an apple. He's an old man.
c We use the with singular and plural nouns when we know which thing (book, apple, etc.) we mean:
It's the book for our English class. They're the apples from my apple tree.
d We use a / a n when we talk about something for the first time. We use the when we talk about it again:
I'm in a football team. The team isn't very good.
e We use no article with plural nouns when we talk about something in general:
I like kangaroos.

Reference and practice W.5 Workbook page 113

10 Read the rules. Then complete the sentences with a, an or the or no article.
1 I've got aunt and two cousins in Sydney, Australia. Sydney is.................
fantastic city.
2 Beth has got nice bag...................bag is blue, and it's g o of
................. apples on it.
3 My grandparents have g o t................. old's got big brown eyes
and curly hair
4 I'm at. big school in has got nice teachers.
5 I'm in Class 11A, and I've got good friend in class. Her name's Grace.

11 Complete the description of the photo. Then write

a description of another photo in this unit.

This p h o to 1 one girl and tw o 2................

in it.They've g o t3 mobile phone and a
4...................The girl has g o t5.................. fair hair.
One of the boys has g o t6 , dark hair. The
other b o y7 short8 hair

Vocabulary bank Colours page 125

W elcom e E ■ The world is a village

M i l B H a B n B V V W H H i

Days, months and seasons

1 1.18 Number the days of the week in the correct order. Then listen, check and repeat.
Wednesday Friday........... Sunday........... Tuesday............ Saturday...........
M onday 1..... Thursday............

2 1.19 Listen to the months and add the correct endings, -y or -ber. Then listen again,
check and repeat.
Januar Februar........... March April

May June Jul August

Septem............ Octo Novem Decern


3 1.20 Match the seasons to the photos. Then listen, check and repeat.
autumn spring summer winter

4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions with your partner.

1 Which days are: a school days? b the weekend?
2 Which is your favourite: a day? b month? c season?
3 Which month is: a your birthday in? b Christmas in?
4 Which months are in: a spring b autumn?

Numbers 31+
5 13 1.21 Put the numbers in the correct order. Then listen, check and repeat.
■ a hundred ■ a million ■ sixty ■ thirty

ten twenty 1................................... forty fifty 2................................... 3................

eighty ninety 4 a thousand 5 a billion

6 1.22 Read and repeat the examples. Write the numbers in words. Then listen, check and
lb sixteen 4T forty-seven 81 eighty-nine
3\ thirty-on e O>0 sixty 1,0 0 0 seven thousand

1 35...................................................... 5 53......................................................
2 2,000 6 8,000,000...........................................................................
3 78 ................................. 7 90......................................................
4 62...................................................... 8 19......................................................

7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about these subjects.
1 the age o f your friends and family 2 the number o f people in your class, school,
family and country
How old is your grandfather?
How many people are in your class?
He's about seventy-five.
Thirty-five, I think.
12 Welcome

Ordinals and dates

8 1.23 Listen and repeat the ordinal numbers.
1st first gth ninth 17th seventeenth 25,h twenty-fifth
2nd second 10th tenth 18,h eighteenth 26th twenty-sixth
3,d third 11th eleventh 19th nineteenth 27th twenty-seventh
qth fourth 12th twelfth 20th twentieth 28th twenty-eighth
5th fifth 13,h thirteenth 2i sc twenty-first 29,h twenty-ninth
6,h sixth 14th fourteenth 22nd twenty-second 30th thirtieth
7th seventh 15th fifteenth 23,d twenty-third 31st thirty-first
8th eighth 16Ih sixteenth 24lh twenty-fourth

9 1.24 Read the rules. Then complete sentences 1-5 with the correct dates. Listen, check
and repeat the sentences. Then complete sentences 6-8 about yourself.

a We write: 2nd April or 2 April.

b We say: the second o f April

1 Christmas Day is............... 6 My birthday is ...................................

2 Valentine's Day is 7 is an important date in
3 New Year's Eve is ................................... my country.
4 New Year's Day is.............. 8 an important date in
5 Halloween is.................................... my town.

10 Read the text. Is it about a real village or an imaginary village?

Imagine th e w o rld and its seven billion people as a • For tw o people, the weekend
small village o f only a hundred people. is on Thursday and Friday,
and fo r six people,
• N ineteen peo p le are Chinese and seventeen are
it's on Friday and
Indian. 'Ten / Forty-six are from Europe.
Saturday. For ninety-
• 2Forty-seven / Thirty-four p eo ple are children o r
tw o people, it's
teenagers. Fifteen are aged five to fourtee n, but
on Saturday and
tw o o f these are a t w ork, n o t at school.
Sunday, or only on
• 3Thirty-one / Eighty p eo ple have g o t black hair. Sunday.
4Twenty-two / Two peo p le have g o t fa ir hair and
• 25 D ecem ber is
one person has g o t red hair. 5Nineteen / Sixty
a special day fo r
p eo ple have g o t curly hair.
8eighty-one /
• N ine people have g o t a dog and 6eleven / three thirty-three people.
have g o t a cat.
• 9Six / Twenty people
• 7Thirty-two / Seventy-five p eo ple have g o t are in to cricket and nine
a m obile phone, b u t only five have g o t a p eo ple love M anchester
com puter. United.

11 ^ 1.25 Choose the correct numbers to complete the text. Then listen and check. Which
facts are surprising?

12 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Match 1-8 to a- ı to make questions.Then answer the questions
with your partner. Give true information.
1 Where are a your birthday?
2 How old b you from?
3 When's c family like?
4 What's your d your favourite sport?
5 Have you e are you?
6 Have you got f got a pet?
7 What's g your favourite singer?
8 Who's h a la p to p /a tablet?

Vocabulary bank The time page 125

W elcome 13

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs, label photos 1-8 with

eight of these daily routines.
■ chat on the phone ■ do homework get dressed
■ get home ■ get up ■ go to bed ■ have a shower
■ have breakfast ■ have dinner ■ have lunch
■ meet friends ■ play football ■ read a book
■ start school ■ use the internet ■ watch TV

at a speed o f 27,724 km per hour.

I g e t up a t six o 'c lo c k in the morning and I

wash. Everything floats in space because of
io zero gravity, including water! We have a special
shampoo to wash our hair without water!
I get dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. We only use the
space suits outside the space station. Outside, the
temperature changes a lot. It's 100°C in the sun,
is but it's -100°C in the dark. It's 23°C inside the
space station, in winter and in summer.

We have breakfast a t
quarter to seven. All our
food comes in tins and
20 special bags and it isn't
2 1.26 Listen and write the daily routines in very nice. We d o n 't
exercise 1that you hear. æ
have pizza on the
1 4 space station,
2 5 ■ nO B R M U B S l
3 ................................... 6 ......................... After breakfast, w e
25 d o exercise for an
3 1.27 Listen, check and repeat the answers to hour. Our arms an d
exercises 1 and 2. legs d o n 't d o a lot o f
work on th e space
4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photos station because w e
opposite and answer the questions. so float. Exercise is very
■ Where are the people? im portant. We w a tc h
What are they doing? films in th e gym , My
favourites are Russian
comedies! They're
5 Read the diary of British astronaut Nicola Stenning.
Underline the daily routines in the text.

14 That's life
Vocabulary: daily routines; prepositions of time; school subjects and
Speaking: daily routine; friends and family; school; transport; classroom
timetable; transport language
1 A
Grammar: present simple W riting: answering a questionnaire

Guessing th e m eaning o f unknow n words 1
To guess the meaning of a word:
read the sentence carefully. The words before and after
it help you understand the meaning.
think of similar words in your language.
look for other examples o f the word in the text.
pictures and photos can show the meaning,

6 Read the strategy. Guess the meaning of the words

in bold in the diary.

7 Read the diary again. Are the sentences true (T) or

false (F)? Correct the false ones.
Then w e start work. We do experiments and work 1 The astronauts are different nationalities.
on the computers. We have lunch a t one o'clock. 2 The food they eat in space is popular.
In the afternoon I make videos for science lessons
3 The writer likes Russian films.
in schools. I answer questions from students
4 They do one hour o f exercise every day.
about life in space. Before dinner we do 40
5 They have a video chat every evening.
another hour of exercise. •
6 They go to bed late.

In the evening and a t the weekend, we play

insight Prepositions of time
games, ch a t or use the internet. Yes, w e 've got
the internet in space! On Sunday, we have a 8 Study the highlighted prepositions in the blog.
video cha t with our families and friends. Write them in the table.
Preposition Time
the weekend, night, six o'clock,

the morning, the afternoon, the
evening, summer, winter, December
4 / breakfast, lunch, dinner

- every day / night, all the time, early, late

9 Complete the text with the correct prepositions or

no preposition.

I’m an astronaut, but I don’t work in space. I work in the

USA. I start work 1 nine o’clock
We go to bed early. We sleep in sleeping 2 every day.3
bags, so we d o n 't float around the space autumn, winter and spring, I design space vehicles, but
station a t night! .-zZ 4 June, July and August I work at
Space Camp. Teenagers from a lot of different countries
come 5 Monday and stay
6.................................all week. 7.................................. the
morning and afternoon, they learn about space.
8 night, they look at the stars with
telescopes. I finish work 9 late, but I
don’t work 10 the weekend.

10 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Tell your partner about

your daily routine and the times when you do
things. Use the phrases in exercise 8 to help you.

get up at seven o'clock.

That's life 15

1 B ■ Grammar and listening Bright and early

It's a beautiful morning

Katie is in the Australian swim ■

Andrej lives in
8 team. She gets up at five o'clock and I
Bled, Slovenia. In
she goes to the swimming pool fo r tw o
summer, he goes into
hours before school. She swims 5,000
the mountains at half past
metres. 'M y friends are tired at
five and takes photos.
school in the morning, but I feel
'I d o n 't go in w inter because it's

aat after a swim,' she says.
dark before school, but in summer I
ihe doesn't swim on Sunday.
love the early morning,' he says. 'It's a
She watches TV in bed. Then
great tim e fo r photography. The sky is
she has a shower and she
very blue and the light is pink.' He
studies fo r her exams.
doesn't take photos o f people.
He likes views o f Bled and the
mountains. Shops in Bled sell his
photos to tourists. 'I love
| 'I d o n 't do exercise on photography and it makes
Sunday, but I feel tired money, to o !'
all day!' A

SPEAKING Look at the photos. What can you see? Read the introduction to the text
What is the teenagers'favourite time of day?

2 Read the text and check your answers to exercise 1. Then match the sentence halves.
1 Katie is a a Slovenia,
2 Andrej is a b photographer
3 Katie is from c swimmer,
4 Andrej is from d Australia.

Present sim ple: a ffirm a tiv e

3 Read the text again and complete the sentences with the missing words.
1 Katie...........................................................................................................................up
.............................................................. at five o'clock.
Katie.. .. .TV in bed.
Then Katie.... ..a shower.
Katie.. ...................................................................for her exams.
Andrej......................................................... Bled.
Andrei......................................................... views of the mountains.

4 Study the sentences in exercise 3 and complete the rules for the present simple below.
We use the present simple to talk about: 1live
a routines. you live
b facts and general truths. h e / s h e /it lives
Form we live
After He, she and i t you live
a most verbs add 1 -ies. they live
b verbs with consonant + -y at the end change -y to 2 -s.
c verbs with -ch, -sh, -s or -o at the end add 3 has.
d Hove changes to 4 -es.

Reference and practice 1.1 t lllSRB

5 Underline five more examples of the he / she / it form of the present simple in the text in
exercise 1.

16 That's life
1 B

6 Put the words in order to make sentences about Katie and Andrej. Use the correct form of the
present simple for the verbs in bold.
1 at Concord High School / study / Katie
2 w o rk /h e r m u m /a t her school
3 her school / at three o'clock / finish
4 two hours of homework / after school / do / Andrej
5 d in n e r/h e /w ith his fa m ily/ at seven o 'c lo c k /have
6 teach / photography / his brother / he / at the weekend

7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Think of the daily routine of a My friend Eva does her
friend or someone in your family. Tell your partner about them. homework after school.

Present sim ple: n eg ative

8 Study these examples of negative present simple verbs. Underline three more examples
in the text in exercise 1.
A lot o f people don't like mornings. He doesn't take photos o f people.

9 Complete the rules for the negative present simple with don't or doesn't.
a After /, you, we and they, we form the negative present simple with + verb,
b After he, she and it, we form the negative present simple with + verb. We don't add-s
to the verb.

Reference and practice 1.1 Workbook page 114

10 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Then choose the correct negative form.
do have like meet start
1 I d o n 't/d o e s n 't ................................................................ mornings.
2 My mum d o n 't/d o e s n 't breakfast with me.
3 I d o n 't/d o e s n 't my friends before school.
4 School don't /d o e s n 't at eight o'clock
5 My friends and I don't / doesn't exercise every day.

11 Complete the text with the correct present simple form of the verb in brackets.

Most teenagers 1................. (not do) exercise before school. They 2................. (like) staying
in their beds in the morning. Penny 3 (get up) at six o'clock. She 4 (get)
dressed to go to the gym because Penny is a gymnast. She 5 . (not have) breakfast
with her family. They're still in bed! After the gym, Penny 6 (go) to school. Her school
7 (start) at half past eight and it 8 (finish) at half past three. But she
9 (not feel) tired. 'Gymnastics gives me energy.'After school, Penny10 (do) her
homework and she11 (have) dinner with her family. In the evening, Penny12
(use) the internet and she13 (watch) films, but Penny14 (not go) to bed late.

12 1.28 Listen to Jake. What is his hobby?

13 ^31.28 Listen again and choose the correct words.

1 Jake plays / doesn't play games with his cousin.
2 Mia goes / doesn't go to school in Singapore.
3 Jake and his mum live / don't live in Canada.
4 Jake and Alex play / don't play games together before breakfast.
5 Alex does / doesn't do sport after school on Monday.
6 Jake and Alex like / don't like different online games.

14 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Write three true and two false present simple sentences about you,
your friends or your family. Your partner guesses if they are true or false.

I do homework for three hours before school

That's life 17

1 C " Culture, vocabulary and grammar British schools

1 Work in pairs. Find out the meaning of these words and say when they happen at your school.
break registration assembly

P ] School subjects
2 1.29 Label the icons (1-14) with the school subjects. Then listen, check and repeat.
art citizenship design and technology (DT) drama English geography history
information and communication technology (ICT) maths modern languages music
physical education (PE) religious education (RE) science

3 Which lessons do you hear these words in?

1 Shakespeare, Dickens, Jane Austen
2 Mozart, Tchaikovsky, the Beatles
3 geometry, algebra, arithmetic
4 Antarctica, Amazon, Atlantic
5 atom, photosynthesis, magnesium

4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Which school subjects are you good at?
Which school subjects do you like?

5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Read the factfile and match the photos
to the names of the schools.

6 Read the factfile again. Choose the correct words to complete the
1 Parrs Wood is in Manchester / Windsor.
2 There are 1,320 / 2,000 students at Eton College.
3 At Eton College, the students live / don't live with their families.
4 Students at Eton College have PE / IT lessons in the afternoon.
5 At Parrs Wood, they have lessons five / six days a week.
6 A lot of people in the UK go / don't go to boarding school.

7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in the factfile about your school.

Present sim ple: questions and short answers

8 Read the examples and complete the rules.

(Do you like your school? ( Yes, Ido.) ( No, I don't. Does he go to Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. |
VC Eton dollege?
v r
We form questions in the present simple with:
a + 1 / y o u / w e / they + verb? b ..+ he/ she/ it + verb?
We make short answers with:
c Yes, + 1 / y o u / w e / t h e y + ................................................No, + 1 / y o u / w e / t h e y + ..................................................
d Yes, + he / she / it + ................................................No, + he / she / it + .................................................

Reference and practice 1.2 Workbook page 114

18 That's life

9 Find one more example of a present simple question

and short answer with a regular verb in the factfile.
Do we add -s to the main verb after he / she / it

10 Add do or does and put the words in order to make

questions. Then write answers that are true for you.
1 finish /y o u r school day / a t 2 p.m./?
2 on S a tu rd a y /y o u /to s c h o o l/g o /?
3 you and your friends / at break time / football / play / ?
4 come / your English teacher / from the UK / ?
5 homework /y o u / a t the weekend / d o / ?
6 dram a/your sch o o l/te a ch /?
7 study / other people in your family / at your school / ?
8 the internet / people / in class / use / ?

11 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions in

exercise 10.

Q uestion words

12 Study the questions in the factfile. Then match the

question words to their function.
M C T F I L E • F A C T F IL E We use: for questions about:
♦ F A C T F IL E • F A C T F I
1 Where a things
What's the name of your school?
2 What b time
■ parrs Wood High School Eton College j 3 Who c age
- - Where is it? 4 When d number
in Manchester near Windsor ı
5 How old e people
How many students are there?
6 How many f places
■ about 2,000 1,320 Reference and practice 1.3 Workbook page 115
B Who are they?
■ Boys and girls from
13 Complete the questions below with the question words
Boys from different countries. I in exercise 12.
P Manchester. Girls don't study at Eton.
H Is it a day school or a boarding school? 1 ................................................ is the art club? On
Thursday afternoon.
■ It's a day school. We go to
Eton is a boarding school. We 1 2 .............. ,'s the teacher? I'm the
S school in the morning and go sleep at the school during 1
ð | home in the afternoon. teacher.
term time. 1
3 do you teach in the club?
| How old are the students?
Lots o f different art techniques.
1 They're 11-18, They're 13-18. j 4 are the students?
^ lA/hnn /-I ...... 1. . ı _
They're 12-18.
I have lessons from 8.30 to 3 5 ................................................ students do you teach
We have lessons in the I
in the afternoon. every week? About twenty.
morning and evening. We do I
a lot of PE in the afternoon II 6 ................................................ is the club? Room 24.
Does your school open on Saturday?
14 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Plan your perfect school.
No, it doesn't! I meet my
Yes, it does. We have lessons I I Use the ideas below to help you.
friends on Saturday. on Saturday, too. j
What time does school start and finish?
Does your school have a uniform?
How many students are there in your school / class?
Yes, it does.
Yes, it does. Do you like our ■ What subjects do you study?
What sports do you do at your school?
go to a school like yours? Are there any after-school clubs?
Yes, they do. It's an ordinary No, they don't. About 2% of Do you wear a school uniform? Why / why not?
British secondary school. Are there boys and girls at your school?
go to a boarding

That's life 19

1 1.30 Label the photos with the forms of transport. Then listen, check and repeat.
bike bus car plane train walking

Understanding words and phrases w ith the same m eaning
There are often different ways to say the same thing. For example, the words excellent and
fantastic have the same meaning. We call words with the same meaning synonyms. Record
words and phrases with the same meaning together in your vocabulary notebook.

2 1.31 Read the strategy. Match the verbs below to the phrases. Listen, check and repeat.
Then write the words and phrases with the same meaning in your vocabulary notebook.
1 walk a go by bike
2 fly b go by car
3 drive c go on foot
4 cycle d go by plane

3 1.32 Listen to a radio programme about teenagers'journeys to school. Who lives on a

farm? Who lives on an island?

4 1-32 Listen again and complete the table.

Amanda Joseph Claire Henrik Salma Brad


to school


20 That's life

5 1.33 Match the questions to the answers. Then listen, check and repeat.
1 How do you go to school? a About fifteen minutes,
2 When do you leave home? b I go by bike,
3 How long does the journey take? c At twenty-five past eight,
4 When do you arrive at school? d At ten past eight.

6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions in exercise 5 about you.

Classroom lan gu age

7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Which of these actions are in the photos below? Do you do these
things in class? What does your teacher say if you do?
■ answer questions ■ chat ■ listen ■ throw paper ■ use a dictionary ■ use an MP3 player

8 1.34 Listen to the dialogue. What is Simon doing in class? Choose a photo.

9 1.34 Complete the phrases from the dialogue. Then listen again and check.

Instructions (affirmative) Instructions (negative) Asking for help

Sit dow n,1..................... D on't4 your Sorry, 16 understand.
Open your2 at MP3 player in class. Can you say7................... again,
page 22. 5 write in your please?
Answer3 questions. textbook. How d o 8 say that in

10 1.35 Complete the dialogues with the phrases in exercise 9.Then listen and check.
1 Teacher Eva, what's your surname?
Eva Sorry, I 1...........................................................2..........................................................., please?
Teacher What's your surname?
2 Teacher Charlie, 3 class.
Charlie Sorry, Mrs Taylor.
Teacher Put the phone in your bag, Charlie.
3 Cosimo 4 .................'treno' in English?
Teacher 5 at page 86.Transport words are there.
4 Teacher Now6 about the text.
Marisa Mrs Taylor, what does 'journey' mean?
Teacher Guess from the context, Marisa, or use a dictionary.

11 Read the dialogue again. Underline more affirmative instructions and ways of asking
for help.

12 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Choose a photo in exercise 8 and write a dialogue between a
student and a teacher. Use exercises 9 and 10 to help you.
Vocabulary bank Classroom language page 126

That's life 21

1 E " Writing A questionnaire

1 Read the questionnaire and complete the questions with these words and phrases.
■ school bag ■ school day ■ subject ■ teacher ■ tim e of day


a What's your fa vo u rite ......................................... ? What's your favourite thing in your

It's Friday because we have fun lessons in the afternoon: My mobile phone. I play games on it with my friends,
art, music and French. I don't do homework after school and it's got a cool app: a French dictionary. It records my
on Friday. I go to a hip hop dance lesson in Bristol at pronunciation.
eight o'clock. I come home late, but that's OK because I
don't get up early on Saturday. What s your favourite

a What's your favourite............ „... ..... ...... ............? It's three o'clock, of course!
School finishes and I walk
French. I like modern languages because I want friends home with my friends.
in other countries. In summer, I meet lots of people
when I go to France with my parents. I chat with my
French friends on the internet in the evenings, too.

Who's your favourite.

My French teacher, M r Petit. Petit means 'small' in

French but Mr Petit is very tall! He's very funny, too.

2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions in the questionnaire about you.

C apital letters

3 Do these have CAPITAL letters? Find examples in the text and circle yes or no.
1 the first letter of a sentence, aftera fullstop (.) yes / no
2 the personal prono un! ye s /n o
3 other personal pronouns yes / no
4 the names of people yes / no
5 the names of places, books, films and religions ye s /n o
6 times of day ye s /n o
7 days of the week and months o f the year ye s /n o
8 seasons yes/ no
9 languages and nationalities ye s /n o
10 school subjects yes / no

4 Correct the paragraph. Change fifteen letters to capital letters.

my favourite person is my friend, max. he's german, but he lives in london and his english is very good, we're
in the same class at henbury school, we're very different, he likes pe and he plays football every day. i like
thursday at school because we have drama.

Checking your w riting
When you finish writing, check your work carefully. Check and correct these things:
spelling grammar capital letters

5 Read the strategy and correct ten mistakes in the paragraph.

On Saturdays, I not see Max in the morning because he play football. He meet me on two o'clock and we
spend the afernoon and evening together. In Summer, we meet other friends in the park, in winter, Max
doesn't likes the park, so we go to the shops in bristol, or he comes to mi house.

■ Task Write answers to the questionnaire in ■ Plan Use the answers in the questionnaire as a
exercise 1. model. Organize your ideas in paragraphs.
■ Ideas Answer each question in the questionnaire. Paragraph 1: What's your favourite school day?
Include this information. Paragraph 2: What's your favourite subject?
Paragraph 3: Who's your favourite teacher?
1 Why is it a good day? What do you do on that day?
Paragraph 4: What's your favourite thing in your
2 Why do you like it? What does it teach you?
school bag?
3 What's their name and subject? Why do you like this
Paragraph 5: What's your favourite time o f day?
4 What is it? What does it do? Why do you like it? ■ Write Write your answers. Use your ideas and the
5 Why? What do you do at that time? paragraph plan to help you.
■ Check Use the strategy to check your writing.

V o cabu lary G ram m ar

1 Complete the text with the correct prepositions. 4 Complete the text with the correct present simple
form of the verbs in brackets.
Mv school starts 1 8.50 a.m.
Most of the students come to school Some children 1 (not g o ) to school
2 because their p a re n ts2 (te a ch )
foot, but some of them
come 3 car. Lunch is th e m a t hom e. This is ca lle d hom eschooling.
12.15 p.m. Some students Simon C raw ley is thirteen, a n d he's a
have sandwiches 5 ....................................... lunch. homeschooler. H e 3 (g e t up) a t
the sam e tim e as his friends, but he
School finishes 6 3.20 p.m.
7 4 (not walk) to school with them.
the winter, it's dark
His classes5 (start) after he
when we get home. Most students do homework 6 (have) breakfast. He
the evening. 7 (study) some subjects with his
Friday evening, they m um a n d others with his dad . His brothers a nd
meet friends. We don't go to school sisters a ls o 8 (learn) a t hom e. They
the weekend. 9 (read) a lot of books a n d they
10 (use) th e internet, too. But they
Marks 710 11 . (not stay) a t h om e all the time.
Some days they 12 (visit) museums
2 Match a verb in A to a word or phrase in B. Then a nd art galleries, a n d they a l l13 (go)
complete the sentences. to after-school clubs. In the evening, Simon
14 (w a tch ) TV because he h asn 't g o t
A do get go have meet
any hom ework.
B dinner my friends homework to bed up
1 We late on Saturday. Marks 714
2 We in a restaurant on Fridays.
3 What tim e do you at night? 5 Complete the dialogue with present simple
4 I chat online when I can't.............................................. questions and short answers.
5 We when we get home from school. A
Marks /5 go to school?
B At King Edward's. Do you go there, too?
3 Complete the sentences with school subjects. A No,2...............................................................................
1 You do sport in .............................................................. I go to a bilingual school.
2 You learn about the past in B 3 .......................languages
3 You study Picasso and Kandinsky in ...................................... you speak?
4 You learn about the world in A Three. My mum's Swiss.
5 You use a computer in B Does she speak French?
6 You learn to act in ......................................................... A Yes,4...............................................................................
Marks 76 B Does your father speak French, too?
A No,5 ..................................................................
Marks 710

Pronunciation insight 1 Workbook page 132 Review 1

Time out
Reading and vocabulary Cycling in the desert

Free-time activities
1.36 Match the free-time activities to the icons.
Then listen, check and repeat.
■ acting ■ cooking ■ dancing drawing
painting playing computer games playing tennis
playing the drums l rock climbing singing
M£«L22!5ffi don’t live ln oramoi
: very different jobs,
■ skateboarding ■ swimming
n their

2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Which activities in

exercise 1 do you like or dislike?

I like dancing.
I don't like cooking.

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photos in the

text. Where are they? Choose from these countries or , m ik e
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has got five
ı Canada ı Chile Egypt ı Norway Scotland Spain research stations in Antarctica. I work as a chef
■ the Antarctic ■ the Sahara ■ the USA at the Rothera research station. There are one
hundred biologists, engineers, doctors and chefs
4 Read the text and check your answers.
here in the summer, but only twenty-two of us
STRATEGY in the winter. I like my job, but cooking isn’t my
hobby! I’m interested in art, and I enjoy drawing
Skim -reading for th e m ain ideas
and painting pictures of Antarctica. We also play
When you read a text for the first time, skim-read it so
football on the ice at the research station. In the
you understand the main ideas.
evening, I play computer games.
Use photos and headings to help you understand
what the text is about in general.
Read the first line of each paragraph to get an idea of
what each one is about.
Read the whole text quickly to understand the main
Don’t worry about difficult words and phrases.

5 Read the strategy. Skim-read the text and choose

I live in Findhorn ecovillage. It’s a community
the correct summary.
of 300 people in Scotland. We all live and work
1 The text gives information about traditional hobbies together. We have our own bank and money!
in three different countries. I work on the community farm. I’m interested in
2 The text gives information about three people who singing and dancing, and I go to a dance class
live in unusual places and their hobbies. every week at the dance studio in the village.
3 The text gives information about three people with
At the weekend, I often go skateboarding when
very unusual hobbies.
the weather’s good. When it rains, I love meeting
my friends at home.
24 Time out
• >-
Vocabulary: free-time activities; likes and dislikes; musical instruments; Speaking: free-time activities: healthy lifestyle; music and band camp;
languages requests with can and could
Grammar: adverbs of frequency; con/can't for ability: adverbs of manner W riting: an informal letter

6 Read the article text and answer the questions.

1 What does Mike enjoy doing?

2 What does he do in the evening?

3 Where does Stella work?

I’m an engineer and I work at the
Paranal Observatory in the Atacama 4 Where is her dance class?
desert, Chile. The desert environment
is perfect for the Observatory's 5 Why is doing sport difficult for Juan?
telescopes. In my free time, I love
sport, but it’s difficult here because 6 Where does he go rock climbing?
the Atacama desert is 2,400 metres
above sea level. Sometimes I go
cycling in the desert, but we also have ı □ insight Likes and dislikes
a swimming pool, a gym and a music "7 r~___
: studio at the Observatory. I play the
drums and I go swimming. I’m also love, be into, like, enjoy, be interested in + noun
into rock climbing in the gym. 1 I I ______ m yj____
wm 2 I'm i.___________________ i _ a_

love, be into, like, enjoy, be interested in + -ing form

of verb
4 le______y d _____________and p______ t ______
5 I'm i___________________ ins_____________ and
6 I'm into r______ c_

Recording antonyms
We call two words or phrases with the opposite
meaning antonyms. To improve your vocabulary,
record words or phrases with their antonyms in your
vocabulary notebook.

8 Read the strategy. Match the phrases in exercise 7

to their antonyms below. Then write the antonyms
together in your vocabulary notebook.
a I don't enjoy ...
b I hate ...
c I'm not interested in ...
d I dislike ...
e I'm not into ...

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

Use the phrases from exercises 7 and 8 and the
free-time activities in exercise 1.
■ What do you like doing? Why?
■ What do you dislike doing? Why?
What are your brothers / sisters / friends into?

Vocabulary bank Sports page 127

Time out 25

2B ■ Grammar and listening Healthy living

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

■ Do you like doing sport?
Which sports do you do?
■ Do you like watching sport on TV?
Do you do sport every day?
■ Are you in a school sports team?

2 Read the interview with Rob Richardson and answer the questions.
1 Which sports does Rob play?
2 When does Rob train?
3 Which sport does Rob watch?

Today w e're talking to Rob Richardson -

captain of Britain's sitting volleyball team.
What is sitting volleyball? It's a Paralympic sport. There are six players in
each team. The players don't walk or run. They sit on the floor and play.
But the game is never boring - it's always very fast and exciting.
How often do you train? Usually, I train before I go to work. Then I train
again for two hours in the evening. I sometimes train at the weekend, but
usually I relax at home with my wife and my baby daughter.
Do you play any other sports? Yes, I do! I often play tennis and cricket.
Sometimes, I go to football matches and watch my favourite team -
What kind of food do you eat? I love pizza - it's my favourite food, but it's
not very healthy! I don't often eat pizza, because I want to be very fit.
Who's your sporting hero? David Beckham. He was a great football player and
he always works hard.

A dverbs o f freq u en cy

3 Study the adverbs of frequency. Then complete these sentences from the interview with the
correct adverb of frequency.
1 I train before I go to work.
2 I ......................... ...................train at the weekend, but I ....................................................
relax at home with my wife and baby daughter
3 I play tennis and cricket.
4 ..................... 1go to football matches and watch my favourite team - Arsenal.
5 I d o n ' pizza, because I want to be fit.

4 Study the sentences from the interview. Then choose the correct answer in the rules below.
The game is never boring - it's always very fast and exciting.
He's a great football player and he always works hard.
I sometimes train at the weekend, but usually I relax at home.
Sometimes, I go to football matches. Usually, I train before I go to work.

a Adverbs o f frequency come before / after the main verb,

b Adverbs o f frequency come before / after the verb be.
c The adverbs sometimes and usually can also go at the beginning / end o f a sentence.

Reference and practice 2.1 Workbook page 115

26 Tim e out

5 Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs in the correct place.

1 I play tennis at the weekend with my friends Grace, Jess and Sonia, (always)

2 Grace and Sonia are late for the game, but Jess is late, (sometimes, never)

3 Jess wins the game, (usually)

4 She practises tennis after school, (often)

5 I'm very tired at the end o f the game, (always)

6 We watch tennis matches on TV (not often)

6 Study the table. Write sentences about David and Sue. Then compare your answers
with your partner.

/ = David / = Sue
Oavid always plays football at the weekend.

7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Complete the table in exercise 6 about yourself. Then ask and
answer the questions with your partner.

How often do you play I never p ay football at the

football at the weekend? weekend. I hate football!
V ----------------
8 1.37 Listen to Rose asking Sarah questions for a Sarah
healthy lifestyle survey. Read Rose's notes and find
oftenje ts up at 7 in the mornuuj
six mistakes with the adverbs of frequency
alMmysgets up a t 8 or 9 at the weekend
and correct them.
never has breakfast
always taktsth* but to school-n ever cycles
9 SPEAKING Work in pairs. How healthy is your
often dees sport after school
lifestyle? Ask and answer the questions below.
usually poes to bed at 10
Record your partner's answers using full sentences.

H o w o f t e n d o 'f o u ...

g o to b e d la te o r opt u p late?

play a te a m s p o rt?

d o an in d iv id u a l s p o rt?

c a t sweets o r ch o co la te ?

eat fa s t fo o d ?

eat ve g e ta b le s o r fr u it?

Vocabulary bank Sports collocations: play, go, do page 127

Time out 27

2C ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar Making music

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photos and

answer the questions.
■ Where are the young people?
What are they doing?
■ What time of year is it?
Do you think they are good or bad musicians?

Musical instruments
1.38 Look at the photo of the orchestra.
Can you find these instruments? Listen, check and
ı cello . clarinet flute guitar keyboards ı piano
drums ı saxophone trumpet violin

fcJa 1.39 Listen to a short tune on six instruments.

Match each tune to an instrument from exercise 2. It’s ten o'clock in the morning. On a small campsite in
Milton Keynes, there's a very noisy drumming lesson.
Read the text. Choose the correct words to complete A campsite isn't the usual place for a drumming lesson.
the sentences. But this isn’t an ordinary music lesson.

The young people at the Music Camp are from Every August, young people from around the U K come
the UK / Milton Keynes. to the National Youth Music Camps at the Stables
The Music Camp has/hasn't got instruments for the Theatre in Milton Keynes and play music together for a
young people. week. Some young people are very good musicians and
The young people sleep in te n ts /th e theatre. they can play different instruments. Some young people
can't play an instrument. Some young people haven't got
Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or an instrument! But everyone is welcome at the camp and
false (F)? Correct the false ones. there are lots of instruments for all the young people.
The young people stay at the camp for one week. The young people and teachers sleep in tents. They have
The young people can learn new instruments. music lessons on the campsite and they have breakfast,
All the young people at the camp are very good lunch and dinner together in a big tent. There is also a
musicians. theatre and a recording studio. The young people act,
The young people and their families watch a sing and dance in the theatre. At the end of the week,
performance by professional musicians. the young people's famihes come to the theatre and they
Tony thinks it's important to sing at Music Camp. perform a special concert and musical theatre production.
Yasmin usually plays jazz music at home.

Underline the antonyms for these adjectives in the

big quiet unusual bad same difficult

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

What kind of music do you like?
Do you play a musical instrument? What?
Do you think the Music Camp is fun or boring? Why?


can / can't fo r a b ility

8 Read these examples from the text. Then choose the
correct answer in the rules below.
I can play the guitar and the keyboard.
They can play different instruments.
Some young people can't play an instrument.
Can I sing? No, I can't.
a We use can + infinitive w ith / w ith out to.
b The negative o f can is don’t can / can't.
Milton Keynes
c We use the same / a different form o f can after all
persons (I, you, he, they, etc.).

Reference and practice 2.2 Workbook page 116

9 Write sentences with can in the affirmative (/),

negative (X) or question (?) form.
20 Tony Hutchinson LJ^M |
1 Jane/play the piano (/)
I love rock music and
hip hop, and I love Music 2 A d a m /d a n ce (X)
Camp! 1 can play the guitar 3 Tom / take good photos (?)
and the keyboards. Can I 4 Rose/ride a bike (X)
2s sing? No, I can't. I'm not 5 S im on/play the drums (?)
good at singing, but that’s 6 M aria/speak English ( / )
not important here. We can learn new
instruments and meet new people. 10 1.40 Omar and Bella are at Music Camp. Listen
to their dialogue and complete the table. Then write
Yasmin Johnson
I can play the cello. I always Omar Bella
play classical music at home,
play the violin / X
but at Music Camp 1 play
my cello with the jazz band. sing
It isn’t easy to play jazz play the flute
music, but I can play some
great jazz songs. dance

Omar can play the violin. Bella can't play the violin.

11 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.

Use the ideas below.
act cook dance do karate
play a musical instrument ride a bike
sing speak Spanish swim

12 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Plan a Music Camp.

Discuss the questions. Tell the class about your
Music Camp.
When / Where is the camp?
■ What instruments are there?
Has the Music Camp got a band, a choir or an
M a. ■ What styles o f music do you play?
■ What is your final performance?

DVD EXTRA A famous music school

Tim e out

2D ■ Listening, speaking and vocabulary Superheroes W m



1 1.41 Work in pairs. Can you match the languages to the sentences (1-11)?
Listen and check.
Chinese Dutch English French Hungarian Italian ■ Japanese Polish
Portuguese ■ Russian ■ Spanish

Welkom in mijn land

J 2 3 B ie n v e n u e d a n s m o n p a y s

4 Benvenuti nel m io paese 5 Bien venido a mi pais 6 W e lc o m e to m y c o u n try

7 Bem -vindo ao m eu pais 8 Odvozoljiikorszagunkban! 9 Witaj W m iom kraju

10 flo b p o no>KanoBaTb B MQK) crpany j 11 I

Recognising spelling patterns
It is important to recognize and learn different spelling patterns.
When you learn nationalities, languages and other vocabulary groups, record words with the same
spelling patterns together in your vocabulary notebook.

2 Read the strategy. Study the languages in exercise 1. Write the languages under the correct
heading according to the spelling pattern.
-ish -ian -ese -ch

3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Look at page 124 for more
nationalities and languages.
Where are you from? What languages can you speak?
Where do you live? What languages do you want to learn?

4 1.42 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1 How many languages can Richard Simcott speak? Name three languages.
2 What three sports does Amber Monforte do?

5 1.42 Listen again and choose the correct answer.

1 The article in the magazine is about 4 The Ultraman event includes
a people from different countries. a a 10 km swim, a 421 km cycle and
b people who are very interested in an 84 km run.
their hobby. b a 10 km swim, a 241 km cycle and
c people who know a lot about sport. a 48 km run.
2 Richard Simcott loves c a 10 km swim, a 42 km cycle and
a learning languages. a 24 km run.
b teaching languages. 5 Amber usually finishes the race in
c travelling around the world. a about 24 hours.
3 Amber Monforte is a b about 42 hours.
a professional athlete, c about 20 hours.
b sports teacher,
c nurse.

30 T im e o u t


A dverbs o f m an n er

6 Read the rules and examples of adverbs of manner.

We use adverbs of manner to describe a verb.
He speaks slowly. She runs quickly.
We usually add -/y to the adjective to make the adverb.

Regular Irregular
+ -/y: bad —» badly (quickly, slowly, quietly, loudly) good —►well
-y~*-Hy: easy-♦easily hard —►hard

Reference and practice 2.3 Workbook page 117

7 [H 1.43 Herbie Newson loves playing musical instruments. Listen and complete the
sentences with adverbs in exercise 6.
1 He learns new instruments....................... 4 He can play the vio lin.........
2 He learns new songs.............................. 5 He plays the cello................
3 He practises............................. every day. 6 He usually plays the piano

Requests w ith can and could

8 SPEAKING Look at the cartoons and match the problems to the pictures.
She is very cold. She can't find her bag.

9 1.44 Listen to the dialogue. Which picture matches the dialogue?

10 1.44 Complete the phrases from the dialogue. Listen again and check.

Requests Responses to requests

Can y o u 1 me, please? 3s......... .No4
Could2...................... buy ...................... one, please? Yes,5 ...................................

11 1.45 Use the phrases below to complete the dialogue. Then listen and check.
No, sorry. I can't Can you get my sweater . Could you close the window Yes, of course
Jade I'm really cold.
Henry Are you?
Jade 1........................................................................................................................................, please?
Henry 2......................................................................................................................................
Jade 3....................................................................................................................... ? It's on the table.
Henry 4 II want to read my book. You can get your sweater

12 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Write a dialogue between two friends. Use your ideas and
exercises 10 and 11 to help you.
■ Turn off the music Get a drink Help with cooking dinner

Tim e out 31

2E ■ Writing An informal letter

"\ s<L

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the

advertisement and answer the questions.
PENPALS wanted
1 What does Global PenPals do?
2 What information does Global PenPals want to
know about you?

2 Read Julia's letter. Tick ( / ) the things she mentions.

free-time activities □ school □ Can you speak English?
pets □ family □ Do you want to make new friends
friends □ music □ from different countries?

food □ books □ W rite a short letter to Global

PenPals. Tell us about your school,
shopping □ weekends □ your daily life and your hobbies.
W e read your letter and match your
interests with a penpal from another

W riting inform al letters
3 Read the letter again. Choose the correct words to
complete the strategy for writing informal letters.
Begin / Finish informal letters with Dear + the person's
lb Rrimrose Lane first name.
Upper Newbrook Begin / Finish informal letters with Best wishes or All the
Derbyshire best.
DCib 46iT Put your name / address in the top right hand corner
o f the letter
11 March, 2-01? Put the date / the person's name below your address.
Dear Global ?en?a\s. Sign your name at the bottom / top o f the letter.
My name is Julia Mitchell and I'm sixteen years old. I live in Use a new paragraph for each topic.

a small town in the north of England with my mum, my two

brothers and my doq, Hester. Linking words: a n d , b u t, or
I go to N e w b ro o k H igh S c h o o l. It's a b iq school. T h e re a re
Complete the sentences from Julia's letter.
1,500 s tu d e n ts , b u t I lik e it a n d everyone is v e ry frie n d ly !
1 My favourite subjects at school are science
My favourite subjects at school are science and geography geography.
and l also enjoy learning languages. I can speak french and 2 I don't like m aths...........history.
Spanish. I don't like maths or history. They're really boring! 3 It's a big school There are 1,500 students,...........
At the weekend, l like swimming and qoinq to the cinema. 1 like it!
My favourite film is The Hunger 6 iames. 1 love watchinq 4 At the weekend, I like swim m ing........... going to
football on TV, but 1 don't like playing it! Sometimes on the cinema.
Sundays 1 90 skateboardinq or play tennis with my friends. 5 I love watching football on TV, I don't like
playing it!
I can't play tennis very well, but l like it! I usually do my
6 Sometimes on Sundays I go skateboarding
homework on Sunday night
play tennis with my friends.
l hope you can find a penpal for me.
Complete the sentences with and, but or or.
Best wishes,
1 I like rap music,................. I don't like classical music.
J u lia 2 Do you watch TV listen to music after
3 I've got tw o sisters three brothers.
4 I'm from Scotland, I live in England now.
5 Do you prefer reading magazines................. books?

32 Tim e out

■ Task Write a letter to Global PenPals. ■ Plan Use Julia's letter as a model. Plan your
■ Ideas Answer these questions.
Paragraph 1: information about you and your family
1 Where do you live?
Paragraph 2: information about your school
2 Who is in your family?
Paragraph 3: information about your free time
3 Is your school big or small? / friendly or unfriendly?
4 What school subjects do you like / dislike? ■ Write Write your letter. Use the strategy, your ideas
5 What do you do in your free time? and paragraph plan to help you. Remember to include the
linking words and, but and or in your letter.
■ Check Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Review 2

Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the text with free-time activities. 4 Write sentences using the adverbs in brackets.
1 Oliver / have fish / for lunch (never)
Mon/Weds: Art Club for pupils who like’ d.
and 2p....................................
2 My sister / go to bed / late (often)
Drama group for pupils who are into
3a.................................... 3 We / cycle / to school (sometimes)
Tues/Thurs: Salsa for pupils who enjoy 4d..........................
Water sports for pupils into 5s.................................... 4 I / be / late for school (always)
Friday: Orchestra. Play the V
the clarinet, the 7f or the 5 Mia / play tennis / at the weekend (usually)
6 My parents / use / the internet (not often)
Marks 78
Marks /6
2 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the
word in brackets.
5 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of can
1 My brother is into skateboarding, (love) and the verbs in brackets.
A Hello. I want to help with the drama club.
2 I enjoy singing, (into)
B Great! W hat1....................... yo u ........................ ? (do)
A I don’t know.
3 Rob is interested in photography, (like)
B Well,2 you ? (act)
A No, 13
4 We dislike cooking, (not enjoy)
B 4 you ? (sing)
A No, 15........................And I 6......................... (dance)
5 My sister hates dancing, (not interested)
B Oh. Are you good at art?
A Yes, lam. I 7.......................very well, (paint)
6 Kate isn't into swimming, (dislike)
B 8
/ .. good photos? (take)
A Yes, 19.......
Marks 76
B 10 .... yo u .. .. a computer? (use)
3 Complete the text with languages. A Yes, I 11 .................Why?
B You can make our posters! Welcome to the club.
I go to an International School where the pupils speak Marks /11
a lot of different languages. Giovanni is from Rome and
so he speaks1......... . Marie is from Paris and 6 Complete the sentences with adverbs formed from
she speaks2 . Ivan is from Moscow, so he the adjectives in brackets.
speaks3 and Akihito is from Tokyo, so he 1 My maths teacher speaks....... ................ (quiet)
speaks4 . Lola from Madrid speaks 2 We always study...................... before exams, (hard)
5.. . ...... . .. and Laila from Morocco speaks 3 1sometimes sleep................... ....(bad)
6 . Dirk and Griet are from the Netherlands 4 My friend plays the guitar very ......................(good)
and they speak7 . Our school is in 5 1have a shower....................... in winter (quick)
London, so we all speak8 6 You learn new languages....... ................ (easy)
Marks /6
Marks 78

1 workbook page 132 Review 2 33

Cumulative review Units 1-2

1 1.46 Listen to a radio interview with a triathlon
athlete. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Correct the false ones.
1 The three sports in a triathlon are swimming, cycling

and running.
Triathlon athletes usually swim for 500 metres.
people with
3 They cycle for fourteen kilometres.
They do each sport on a different day.
They run for ten kilometres.
Andy Brown's favourite sport is swimming,
7 Andy trains every day of the week.
8 Andy often goes running in the mornings.
9 Andy studies sports science at university. When is a hobby not a hobby?When,
10 Andy is into cooking. it's a job! Here are the stories of three
American teenagers who each have •
Speaking their own company where they do
2 Work in pairs. You are in class, but you haven't got their favourite free time activities. But
your school bag. Prepare a dialogue. do they make any money?
■ Greet your friend and explain your problem.
Ask to use your friend's book. Thank your friend.
Ask for a pencil. Thank your friend. Lizzie M arie Likness
Ask for a pencil sharpener. Thank your friend.
3rie Likness is from Atlanta, Georgia, in
■ Tell your friend they are a really good friend.
In her free tim e, she does archery and
s horse riding. She's also interested in
but what she enjoys m ost is cooking
3 Skim-read the text and choose the correct summary. ; her own website where you can watch
A One o f the teenagers makes money from their hobby. ,f her cooking in the kitchen. The food
kes is very healthy and so she is popular
B Two of the teenagers make money from their
rents, teachers and other children. She
Dooks about cooking and she has her
C All of the teenagers make money from their hobbies. . /-/pa/thv Cookina with Drier

4 Read the text again. Choose the correct answers.

1 Lizzie likes cooking and
a acting. b dancing.
c music. d sport.
2 Lizzie's food is very
a cheap. b different.
c good for you. d interesting.
3 Robert can play
a one instruments. b tw o instruments.
c three instruments. d four instruments.
4 What do you need to play Robert's game?
a a mobile phone b a television
c a games console d a computer
5 What do Asya's T-shirts have on them?
a animals b instruments
c people d sports
6 She is worth it is a
a charity. b type ofT-shirt.
c brand name. d band.

34 Cum ulative review Units 1-2 Literature insight 1

Robert Nay G ram m ar and vo cab ulary

Robert Nay lives in Spanish Fork, Utah, the 5 Choose the correct answers.
USA. Robert is really into music and he
plays the piano, the trum pet and an Italian
instrum ent called a mandolin. He also loves The man with the
playing com puter games. In fact, Robert makes
his own games which people can use on their
fastest fingers
smartphones. His latest game is called Bubble
Ball and it is very popular. About a million people Ben Lee is a musician. He
play Bubble Ball every week and so Robert 1 the
makes a lot of money. Robert has a company violin. H e has a band called
called Nay Games and he wants to make more F U S E with another violinist
games in the future. called L in zi Stoppard.
2 are Ben
and L in zi from? They’re
from England.

Ben and L in z i3
classical music. They have electric violins
and they play rock music. Ben and Linzi
don’t 4 together. Ben
5 for other bands, like
Arctic Monkeys and Gorillaz. But Ben likes
6 the violin with Linzi and
th e y 7 to many different
countries to give concerts together. They usually
8 plane.

Ben plays the violin 9 , but he

Asya Gonzalez also plays it very fast. There is a difficult piece of
violin music called T h e F l i g h t o f t h e B u m b l e b e e .
Asya Gonzalez is from California and has a lot Ben 10 it in under a minute.
of hobbies. She plays the saxophone and she’s
H e is the fastest violin player in the world.
into sports, too. But her favourite hobby is a rt
and she likes drawing pictures of girls from the
1940s. Asya has a company called Stinky Feet
Gurlz which sells T-shirts with pictures of her 1 a play b plays c playing
a rt on them. Her company makes $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 2 a When b Where c What
a month, but not all of this money is for Asya. 3 a don't play b doesn't play c not play
She also has a foundation that helps young girls. 4 a play always b always playing c always play
The foundation is called She is W orth It and for 5 a often play b often plays c plays often
every T-shirt Asya sells, some money goes to the 6 a play b plays c playing
foundation. Asya says: ‘Buy a T-shirt, save a child 7 a travel b travels c travelling
8 a go by b go in c go o n
9 a very good b very bad c very well
10 a can play b can plays c can playing

W riting

6 Write an informal letter to your English penfriend

about your hobbies and interests. Include this
your name, age and where you live
L . what music you like
what instruments you play
what sports you do
what sports you like watching
which other hobbies you do, when you do them and
who with

Workbook page 102 Cumulative review Units 1-2

Home and away

Reading and vocabulary House of the future

ı SPEAKING Do you live in a house

or a flat? What's your favourite thing
in your home? What's the difference
between a house and a home?

Inside and outside the home

1.47 Match the rooms to the
photos (1-6) on the page opposite.
Then listen, check and repeat.
■ bathroom ■ bedroom ■ garden
■ hall ■ kitchen ■ living room

3 1.48 Match the words below to the items (A-P)

in the photos on the page opposite. Listen, check
and repeat.
■ bath ■ bed ■ ceiling ■ chest of drawers ■ cooker
■ cupboards door ■ floor ı roof ■ shower sofa
table j toilet wall s rug window
4 1.49 Work in pairs. Choose the correct words to An Earthship is a house made from recycled material,
complete the sentences. Then listen and check. rubbish and the earth under your feet. An Earthship
is good for the environment. I t collects water, makes
Homes are different around the world. Here are
electricity and grows food. You can build it cheaply
some examples.
1 In Morocco, when you have dinner at a traditional
5 with eco-friendly materials.

table / cooker, you sit on the ceiling / floor. You build an Earthship in front of a hill, so it has a
2 People usually sleep in a sofa / bed, but in natural back wall behind the house. You put earth in
traditional Japanese homes they sleep on a 'futon'. old car tyres and use these for the other outside walls.
In the morning, they put the futon in a cupboard Inside the house, in the walls between the different
/garden. io rooms, there are old bottles and drinks cans. There
3 In Israel, some kitchens have got two fridges / aren't any windows in the back wall, but the Earthship
beds and tw o baths / cookers. Families use them isn't dark because of the big windows in the front wall.
for different types o f food. These windows warm the Earthship in the day. The walls
4 In Korea, traditional homes have got paper then keep it warm at night.
w indow s/w alls.
is There are plants in the garden next to the house and
5 In Indonesia, you don't wash in hot water. You stand
in the hall and kitchen. These can give you fru it and
in the hall / bathroom and wash in cold water.
vegetables all year. On the roof, there are solar panels
and a wind turbine to produce electricity from the sun
5 Look at the photos of the Earthship house opposite. and the wind. The house also collects rain water on the
Do you think Earthships are good or bad for the 20 roof and filters it, so you can drink it and use i t in the
environment? Read the text and check.
kitchen and showers in the bathroom. You can then use
the water again on the plants and in the toilet.
6 Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or
An Earthship is very green, but does i t make a
false (F)? Correct the false ones.
comfortable home? Jane Ronson lives in an Earthship
1 You build an Earthship like an ordinary house.
25 near the city of Phoenix, USA, and she says, 'It's
2 People in Earthships don't need money for electricity.
fantastic. It's got all the same things as ordinary homes.
3 You build the back wall from old cars.
There's a modern cooker, a fridge and a dishwasher in
4 The back wall has got big windows.
the kitchen, and a big TV opposite the sofa in the living
5 Earthships are cold at night.
room. It's got the internet, too, and with the electricity
6 You can eat fruit from the plants in winter.
30 from the solar panels and wind turbines we can watch
7 You can drink the rain water from the roof.
8 After a shower, you can drink the water. TV and use the computer for hours/
9 Jane Ronson doesn't like her home. There are now a thousand Earthships around the world.
10 She can use the internet for a long time. Are they the houses of the future?

36 Home and away
Vocabulary: rooms and furniture; prepositions of place; where we live Speaking: your home; your city; possessions; asking for and giving
Grammar: there is/ there are with some / any; possessive's; whose and directions
possessive pronouns W riting: a tourist guide

7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1 Would you like to live in an Earthship? Why / why not?
2 What do you do to help the environment?
3 Is your home good for the environment? Why / why not?

nsight Prepositions of place

8 Match the prepositions highlighted in the text to the
pictures below.

‘V" HI!
IW F ’ 1
1 Ji U
P 5L. 0 &
iff E

9 Look at the Earthship photos and complete the

sentences below with prepositions in exercise 8.
1 The bottles.......................... ........the walls are green
■ • ; fJ _ | and brown.
N f ‘m
g’*V -a d t 1
m I
The toilet is .......................... ....... the bath.
There are books.. ... the table in the
living room.
.Jlk 4 The chest of drawers is ....... ...........................the bed.
AW j IT'JH minium■
5 The Earthship is................... ...............a hill.

Recording vocabulary with pictures
You can learn vocabulary quickly when you record a
word with a picture.
Draw small pictures or diagrams next to new words in
your vocabulary notebook.
Draw a big picture for a complete vocabulary set and
label the vocabulary in it.
Use pictures to test your memory o f new words.
Use the photos and pictures in the Vocabulary banks to
help you learn new words.

10 Read the strategy. Then record the prepositions

in your notebook with a picture for each word.

11 Describe the picture on page 128. Use the

prepositions in exercise 8 to describe where things
are in the picture.

12 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Imagine you live in an

Earthship. Answer the questions about your home.
1 Where is your Earthship located?
2 What rooms has your Earthship got?
3 What colour are the walls, doors and floors in the
living room, kitchen and bedroom?
4 What furniture have these rooms got?
5 How is your Earthship environmentally friendly?
V ocabulary bank In the home page 128

Home and away

3B ■ Grammar and listening Enjoy the view

rtv sstl

1 S P E A K IN G Read th e nam es o f th e h o te ls in th e b lo g a n d m atch th em to th e photos.

H ow are th e se p lace s th e sam e? H ow are th e y different?

2 Read the te xt a n d ch e ck yo u r ideas.

Hotel rooms are often all the same ... but not always. F or something completely
different, w hy not stay in one of these unusual hotel rooms fo r a night?

The Sand Hotel, Weymouth, Britain

There are som e great hotels near the beach in W eymouth, but the Sand Hotel
is a big sandcastle on the beach. There aren't any toilets or showers and the
rooms haven't got ceilings, but there’s a bed of sand in each room. There aren’t
any duvets fo r the beds, so rem em ber your sleeping bag!
W e like: The views of the stars from your bed. It's cheap, too - only £10
fo r a night.
W e don’t like: Rainy nights. You get very w e t and the rain destroys the hotel!

Vanya Tree House, Kerala, India

Is there a tree next to the bed? Yes, there is, but that’s part o f the fun in this
fantastic hotel room. It’s a tree house. There are som e great views o f the jungle
from the w indow s and it’s very peaceful because there aren’t any other people
in the hotel. There’s a toilet and washbasin and solar panels and a wind turbine
fo r electricity.
W e like: The sound o f the birds and m onkeys in the early morning.
W e don’t like: The long w alk to the tree house. There isn’t a road fo r the
last kilometre.
Are there any unusual hotel rooms in your country? Write and tell us
about them!

there is / there are w ith some / any

3 C o m p le te th e e xa m p le s from th e b lo g . Th en m atch th e tw o h a lve s o f th e rules.
1 ....................................................... a bed o f sand in each room.
2 some great hotels near the beach.
3 a road for the last kilometre.
4 any duvets for the beds.
5 a tree next to the bed? Yes,........................
6 any unusual hotel rooms in your country?

a We use there is / isn't 1 with plural nouns.

b We use there are / aren't 2 with singular nouns.
c We use there is / are 3 with nouns in negative sentences.
d We use there isn't / aren't 4 with nouns in questions.
e We use Is there / Are there... ? 5 with nouns in affirmative sentences.

a We use a / an 1 with plural nouns in negative sentences and in questions,

b We use some 2 with plural nouns in affirmative sentences,
c We use any 3 with singular nouns.

Reference and practice 3.1 Workbook page 117

4 C o m p le te th e sen te n ces a b o u t th e h o te ls w ith some, any, ox a I an. W hich hotel d o e s each

se nte nce ta lk about?
1 There are great hotels near the beach,
2 There’s tree next to the bed.
3 Are there. ...toilets or showers? No, there aren't.
4 There are ... ...great views o f the jungle from the windows.
5 There aren't .......other people at the hotel.
6 Is there bed o f sand? Yes, there is.
7 There are solar panels,
8 There isn't ceiling.

Hom e and away

5 Complete the sentences about the sand hotel and

tree house hotel.
1 monkeys and birds / outside the tree house hotel
There are some monkeys and birds outside the tree house hotel.
2 duvets / fo r the bed at the sand hotel
3 roof / at the sand hotel
4 toilet and washbasin / at the tree house hotel
5 view of the stars /fro m your bed at the sand hotel
6 wind turbine for electricity / at the tree house hotel
7 road / when you arrive at the tree house hotel

6 Complete the questions about what you can see in the

UFO hotel in Sweden with is there / are there and a / an
or any. Then answer the questions.
1 ................................... nice view from the window?
2 trees outside the hotel room?
3 ........... swimming pool outside the
hotel room?
4 bed in the hotel room?
5 .......... cushions in the hotel room?
6 pictures on the walls in the
hotel room?
7 sofa in the hotel room?
8 entertainment centre in the hotel room?

7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Which of the three hotel rooms do you prefer? Which hotel would
you like to stay in?

8 1.50 Sam and his mum want a nice place to stay on holiday. Which of the things do they
talk about?
beach good views good weather shopping sports: swimming pool TV

9 1.50 Listen again and choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
A Cornwall
1 There are some / aren't any fantastic beaches.
2 There's a nice kitchen / garden.
3 There are tw o / four beds.
B Wales
4 There are tw o / five beds.
5 There are some / aren't any nice views of the mountains.
6 There are lots o f / aren't any beaches in the area.
C Yorkshire
7 There are so m e /a re n 't any beaches.
8 There is /is n 't a swimming pool.
9 There is / isn't a TV.

10 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Which of the things in exercise 8 are important to you when you
go on holiday? Choose the three most important things. Your two families want a holiday
together. Choose a place to stay from the table and explain your choice.
Rose House West Cottage Apple Cottage White Barn
Near beaches A y y y
Good views y y y y
Swimming pool y y y y
TV y y y y
Beds 12 2 4 8
Local sports *** ***** ** *#**

Vocabulary bank Around town page 128

Hom e and away 39

Grammar reference and practice

■ X V \ - f.C .

W.1 be W.2 Possessive adjectives

Affirmative Subject pronoun Possessive adjective
1 'm (= am) 1 my
We /You / They Ye (=are) at home. you your
H e /S h e /It 's (= is) he his
Negative she her

'm not it its

(= am not) we our
're n o t/are n't at home. they their
W e/Y ou/T hey
(= are not)
H e /S h e /It isn't (= is not) We use possessive adjectives to show who possesses
Questions and short answers
This is my bag.
Yes, 1am. He's in their house.
Am 1
No, I'm not.
Yes, you are. 1 C o m p lete th e sen te n ces w ith th e correct p o sse ssive
Are we / you / they at home? ad je ctives.
No, we aren't.
Yes, he is. 1 We are from England. Our home is in London.
Is h e /s h e /it 2 He is from France.............................. home is in Paris.
No, she isn't.
3 They are from Germany.............................. home is
in Berlin.
1 C o m p lete th e sen te n ces w ith first th e affirm ative
4 She is from Spain. home is in
fo rm and th en th e n e gative fo rm o f th e ve rb be.
1 She's a student. She isn't a teacher.
5 You are from Italy...............................home is in
2 They............................. big. They.............................. Rome.
small. 6 I am from Poland...............................home is in
3 We hot. We cold. Warsaw.
4 It a good school. It
............................. a bad school.
5 My m other............................. in the garden. My W.3 ■ this, that, these, those
m other............................. in the house.
6 I .............................fifteen. I .............................. Singular
eighteen, □

2 W rite q u e stio n s and sh o rt answ ers.

this box
1 you/English? □ that box
Are you English?
Yes, m
2 the girl / happy? □ □ □

No,................. these boxes

3 they / sixteen? □ □ □ those boxes

Yes,.................... We use this and these for things and people that are near
4 w e /in London? to us.
We use that and those for things and people that aren't
No,.................... very near
5 you / my friend?
C h o o se th e co rrect w ords.
No,............................. 1 (fh]|)/These girl is my sister.
6 the boy / your brother? 2 That/Those houses are very big.
3 Is th is /th e s e dog your dog?
Yes, 4 Are this / these books from the library?
5 That/Those chair is red.
6 That/Those desks are small.

112 G ram m ar reference and practice


. ʌ .t'. / /

W.4 have got W.5 Object pronouns

A ffirm ative S u b je ct pron ou n O b je c t pron ou n

1 1 me
We you you
've (= have) got
You he him
They a new phone.
she her
it it
She 's {= have) got
It we us

N egative they them

1 Rew rite th e sentences. R e p la ce th e w o rd s in italics
haven't (= have not) got w ith o b je ct pron ou ns.
They 1 I like the boy. I like him
a cat.
2 She's got my bag.........................................................
3 I haven't got your books..............................................
She hasn't (= has not) got
4 Jude likes me and my friends.......................................
5 We are with the girl.....................................................
Q u e stio n s and sh o rt answ ers
1 Yes, 1have.
we No, we haven't. W.6 Articles: a / an and the
got a a I an
brother? Yes, he has. We use a with singular nouns when the next word starts
No, she hasn't. with a consonant sound (b, c, d, f, etc.):
Has she
a ball, a desk, a tree
We use an with singular nouns when the next word
starts with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u):
1 C o m p lete th e sen te n ces w ith th e co rrect form o f
an apple, an insect
have got.
We use a / an with singular nouns when:
1 ✓ He ... hasgot.. short hair and blue eyes. we mention something for the first time.
2 ? A: Have you ..... got...... a computer? There is a house near my school,
B: Yes, I have we describe a person or thing.
3 X We a dog. We've got an old doq.
4 X My parents.................................. a can She's a tall, slim younq woman now.
5 ? A: ...................................Anna.......................... we say what someone's jo b is.
a new bag? Her mother is a doctor.
B: No, she....................................
6 ✓ I three sisters. th e
7 ✓ My school 600 students. We use the before singular and plural nouns when:
8 X Tom a dictionary. we refer to something that was mentioned before.
I've got a new computer and a new phone. I like the
2 M atch th e sentence halves.
computer but I don't like the phone.
1 Have you got a there is only one o f something
2 She's got a lot of I'm at the park. (There is only one park.)
3 The town's got a
4 They haven't got a 1 C h o o se th e co rrect w ords.
5 I've got two sisters, 1 They've got(a)/ an new house and a new car
A/The car is red.
a great shopping centre, 2 We’re at a / t h e cinema.
b a brother and a cat. 3 Has she got a / an brother?
c homework tonight, 4 Ihere's a / the computer club and a / the music club
d new laptop for homework? at our school. A /The computer club is on Mondays.
e big house, but it's nice. 5 He’s a / an old man and he's got a / an big dog.
6 We've got a / an maths exam tomorrow.

G ram m ar reference and practice 113

Grammar reference and practice

am tm W 's.K.

1.1 Present simple affirmative 2 Rew rite th e sentences from exercise 1 in the negative.

and negative 1 My mother doesn't, go............ to work by bus.

2 I ...................................................................... at school.
Affirmative 3 My school day............................................ at 3.30 p.m.
I 4 Piotr............................................................... a big car.
We 5 She to her cousin every month.
watch TV
You 6 They...................................................... their friends at
They every evening. the weekend.
7 W e......................................................... romantic films.
8 My friends...................................... in the town centre.
She watches TV
3 C o m p lete th e sentences w ith th e prese n t sim ple
Negative form o f th e verbs in brackets.
I 1 I ....................get up (get up) at six o'clock.
We 2 My father (not/m ake) breakfast
don't (= do not) watch TV
You on Saturday mornings.
They every evening 3 Stella (start) school at half
He past eight.
She doesn't (= does not) watch TV 4 W e....................................... (watch) films after dinner.
It 5 Your friends........................................ (not / like) pizza.
6 You (not / go) to the gym at
Spelling rules: third person singular the weekend.
Most verbs: add -s 7 Dan (have) a shower every day.
Verbs ending in -s, -sh, -ch, -o, -x: add -es 8 My cat (sleep) 14 hours a day.
Verbs ending in consonant + -y: change -y to -ies
The verb to have: change have to has
1.2 Present simple questions
Negative and short answers
We make the negative form w ith do and does + n't (= not) +
verb. We don't add -s to the verb. Yes / No questions and short answers
Yes, I do.
Use Do I / we / you / they
No, I don't.
We use the present simple to talk about: teach English?
Yes, he does.
habits and everyday routines. We often use time Does h e /s h e /it
No, he doesn’t.
expressions such as everyday, all the time, In the morning,
in summer, on Sundays, at weekends etc.
Y e s /n o questions
I get up at six o'clock every morning.
Yes/ n o questions always expect the answer yes or no.
Mikhail doesn't play football on Saturdays.
We form yes /n o questions in the present simple with
■ facts and general truths.
Do / Does + subject + verb.
The temperature changes a lot outside the space station.
NOTE: We always put a question mark (?) at the end of
The Rresident of the USA lives in the White House,
a question.
states. Some verbs that describe states are believe, hate,
know, like, love, need, prefer, understand, want.
Short answers
I don't like Spanish food. We make short answers with Yes + subject + do/does or
Sarah knows my grandmother. No + subject + don't! doesn't.

1 Choose the correct words. Match questions 1-6 to answers a-f.

1 My mother go /(^oe|)to work by bus. 1 Do you know that girl? 0
2 I study / studies French and German at school.
2 Does your brother go swimming before school? LH
3 My school day finish / finishes at 3.30 p.m.
3 Do they know the answer to the question?
4 Piotr have/has a big can
4 Does Anna play football at the weekend?
5 She w rite / writes to her cousin every month.
5 Does your dog like cats?
6 They meet / meets their friends at the weekend. 6 Do we have this CD? LH
7 We love/loves romantic films.
8 My friends live / lives in the town centre.
a Yes, she does. d No, we don't,
b No, it doesn't. e Yes, I do.
c No, he doesn't. f Yes, they do.

114 G ram m ar reference and practice

. ʌ .i'. / /

2 W rite ye s / no q u e stio n s. T h en w rite sh o rt answ ers. 5 answer / what / this / is / question / to / the / ?

1 you / like / sport

6 family / h o w / in / people / are / your / many/ ?
Do you like sport?..................................................
✓ Yes, l do,............................................................
2 your frie n d /liv e /in London
2.1 Adverbs of frequency
✓ ....................................................
3 your parents/get u p /b e fo re you 100% always
I usually normally
X .........................................................
I often frequently
4 W illia m /rid e /h is b ik e /to school 50% M y
✓ ................................................... not often occasionally rarely
5 we / have / a maths lesson today 0% never

X .................................................................... Use
6 Eloise / listen / to music / every evening We use adverbs o f frequency to describe how often we do
X ......................................................... A: How often do you see your cousins?
B: I usually see them at weekends. I never see them during
the week.
1.3 W/j- question words
Wh- questions ask for specific information. Word order
Word Information Adverbs of frequency usually come:
Where places before the main verb.
What things My parents often make pizza on Friday nights.
When time R-achel always has a shower in the morninq.
Who people after the verb be.
How old age He is never late.
How many number They are usually at drama club on Wednesdays.

1 C h o o se q u e stio n w o rd s to co m p le te th e q u e stio n s. The following adverbs can also come at the beginning of
the sentence:
1 Where /(ffi/herjido you get up in the morning?
usually, sometimes,
2 W hat/W he re does your uncle work?
Usually l sit at this desk.
3 W h a t/W h y is your name?
Sometimes we go swimming on Wednesday afternoons.
4 W h o/W here lives in this house?
5 How m a n y /H o w old is your brother?
1 Put th e w o rd s a n d p h rases in th e co rrect o rd e r to
6 How many / How old students are there in your class?
m ake sentences. In so m e cases, m ore th an one
a n sw e r is p o ssible .
2 M atch th e a n sw e rs to th e q u e stio n s in exe rcise 3.
1 sometimes / play tennis / you / after school
1 There are thirty-six. 0
You sometimes play tennis after school,
2 At my school. □
2 before breakfast / we / train / for tw o hours / always
3 At 6.30 a.m. □
4 My friend, Katie. □
3 never / Sarah / her text messages / reads
5 He's fifteen. □
6 Tom. □ 4 go cycling/occasionally/Ahm ed and Natalie /a fte r
3 Pu t th e w o rd s in th e co rrect o rd e r to m ake
wh- q u e stio n s.
5 bored / at the weekend / I'm / often
1 your / when / birthday / is / mother's / ?
When is your mother's birthday? 6 rarely / my cousins / on Sundays / are / at the sports
2 house / is / how / your/ old / ? centre

3 Iive/Tessa /d o e s /W h e re / ?

4 teacher / your / who / favourite / is / ?

G ram m ar reference and practice 115

Grammar reference and practice

■ X V \ - f.C .

2 C o m p lete th e answ ers to th e qu estio n s. Use the 1 C h o o se th e co rrect o ption s.

a d ve rb s in brackets. 1 Can they hear the music?
1 How often do you buy magazines? (not often) a Yes, they can't. C IT no, they canT>
I don't often buy magazines, c No, they don't.
2 How often does your sister go to the cinema? (never) 2 Can she speak French?
My sister........................................................................ a Yes, she can. b Yes, she is.
3 How often do you play football in the park? (sometimes) c No, she doesn’t.
I ...................................................................................... 3 Can you see the whiteboard?
4 How often are you late for school? (usually) a Yes, 1am. b Yes, 1can. c No, can't 1.
4 Can David play the violin?
5 How often do your parents drive to work? a No, he can't. b Yes, he does, c Yes, it is.
(occasionally) 5 Can Olga and Tanya read?
My parents..................................................................... a Yes, they are. b Yes, they can.
6 How often does your dog sleep on your bed? (always) c No, they don't.
My d o g .......................................................................... 6 Can you swim?
a Yes, 1swim. b Yes, 1am. c No, 1can't.

2.2 can/can't for ability 2 C o m p lete th e sentences a b o u t Jim a n d Kath using

in fo rm a tio n fro m th e chart.
Jim & Kath Abi
You fly a plane X ✓
H e /S h e /It can play the piano. do karate ✓ X
We play the drums ✓ X
sing X ✓
make a cake ✓ X
1 speak Spanish ✓ ✓
H e /S h e /It ride a bicycle.
(= cannot) 1 Jim and K a th ...................can't, fly.................. a plane.
2 They.................................................. karate.
3 They................................................................... drums.
Questions and short answers 4 They.......................................................................sing.
1 5 They.................................................................. a cake.
you 6 They................................................................ Spanish.
Yes, 1can.
Can h e / s h e /it speak Italian?
No, she can't. 3 S tu d y th e ch a rt in Exercise 2 a g a in . W rite q u e stio n s
and sh o rt answ ers a b o u t Abi.
1 Can Abi fly a plane?
Form Yes, she can,............................................................
To form the affirmative we use can + infinitive 2 ........................ she...................................karate?
without to.
NOTE: We do not add -s after can in the third person. 3 ........................ she...................................the drums?
He can jump. NOT He cans jump.
To form the negative we use can't (= cannot) + infinitive 4 .......................she................................... ?
without to.
She can't hear you. 5 s he................................a cake?

To form questions we use Can + subject + infinitive

without to. 6 she ....................... Spanish?
Ean they swim?

We use can/can't to talk about ability.
I can ride a bicycle but I can't ride a horse,
dan Fred run fast?

116 G ram m ar reference and practice

2.3 Adverbs of manner 3 Put th e w o rd s in th e co rrect o rde r to m ake

We usually form adverbs o f manner by adding -ly to the 1 the / plays / beautifully / flute / Kate / really
quiet —> quietly 2 speaks /teacher /v e ry /o u r /lo u d ly
loud —> loudly
Adjectives ending in -y. change -y to -ily. 3 t e s ts /d o /1 /q u ite /in /w e ll
noisy —» noisily
happy —> happily 4 very / the / trains / volleyball / hard / team
There are some common irregular forms,
fast —> fast good —> well 5 eat/q u ickly/re a lly/1 /b re a kfa st
hard —> hard late —» late

We use adverbs o f manner to describe how someone does 3.1 there is / there are with some,
something. any and a /an
He plays the piano well.
A ffirm ative
She speaks quietly.
We use There is + a / an before singular nouns.
There is a book on the table.
Word order
There is an apple in my bag.
Adverbs o f manner usually come:
We use There are + some before plural nouns.
after the main verb.
She runs fast. There are some posters on the wall.
We can also use There are + a number (e.g. one, two,
after the object of the sentence, if there is one.
three) before plural nouns.
I learn new languages quickly.
There are five desks in the classroom.
Kylie plays the piano beautifully.
M odifiers
We use There isn't (= is not) + a /a n before
We often use modifiers, for example: very, really, quite,
singular nouns.
a bit to give more information about adverbs of manner.
My friends play football really well. There isn't a cup on the table.
He plays the guitar quite loudly. There isn't an orange in my bag.
We use There aren't (= are not) + any before plural nouns.
1 C o m p lete th e sen te n ces u sin g th e a d v e rb s below. There aren't any pens on the desk.
■ fasti quietly■ easily well slowly badly Questions and short answers
1 You're speaking too quietly , I can't hear you! We use Is th e re + a /a n before singular nouns.
2 He's an amazing musician. He can play the drums Is there a computer in your classroom?
very........................ Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.
3 She wins all the races. She can run really..................... We use Are there + any before plural nouns.
4 Our team always loses. We play really....................... ! Are there any plants in your garden?
5 I love maths. It's not difficult. I can usually do my Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
homework q u ite ........................
6 Grandpa can ride a bike, but he's not very fast. He 1 C o m p lete th e sentences w ith There is o r There are.
usually rides very........................ 1 There .are fifteen students in the
science club.
2 W rite se n te n ces w ith a d v e rb s o f m anner. 2 a table in their kitchen.
1 H a rry/sw im /g o o d . 3 ...............a TV in my bedroom.
Harry swims well,...................................................... 4 some clothes shops
2 I/p la y tennis/bad. in your town.
5 ............. tw o bathrooms in
3 T h e y /p la y /th e piano/slow. our house.
6 .............................................................. five children on
4 We / usually / finish / our homework / quick. the beach.

5 Dad / sometimes / shouts / angry / at our dog.

6 Your little brother / plays / very / noisy.

G ram m ar reference and practice 117

Grammar reference and practice

■ X V \ - f.C .

2 C h o o se th e co rrect w ords. 2 C o rre ct th e sen te n ces b y a d d in g apo stro p h es.

1 Are there(anyy a good hotels in this town? 1 Sophie's brother lives in France.
Yes, there is/are. 2 My childrens room is very messy.
2 There isn't any / an armchair in my living room. 3 This is my friends new song. They are in a band.
3 Are / Is there a washbasin in your room? 4 I've got one cat. The cats bed is under the table.
Yes /N o , there isn't. 5 A: Are those bikes Tims?
4 There are some / any bottles in the fridge. B: Yes, they are. He's got five bikes!
5 There are / aren't any cupboards in my kitchen. 6 My sisters daughters name is Alice.
6 There is /a re a spider on the wall!

3 W rite q u e stio n s w ith Is there a / a n ... o r Are there 3.3 ■Possessive pronouns and
a n y __ T h en w rite sh o rt answ ers. whose
1 stairs/in Mary's house? We use possessive pronouns to show possession.
Are there any sfairs in Mary's house?
✓ Yes,, there are,..................................................... S u b je ct Possessive Po ssessive
2 arm chair/in your room? pron ou n ad je ctive pron ou n
I my mine
X ...................................... you your yours
3 b in /in your classroom?
he his his
she her hers
✓ ......................................
4 curtains / a t the window? it its -
we our ours
X .................................... their
they theirs
5 university/in your town?
We use possessive adjectives before a noun.

It's my bag.
They are our books.
The TV is in her bedroom.
3.2 ■ Possessive's
We use possessive pronouns to replace nouns.
We use's to show possession.
It's mine. They're ours. It's hers.
Add's to a singular noun.
We use the question word whose to ask about
The boy has got a dog. This is the boy's doq.
The girl has got two cats. These are the girl's cats.
A: Whose desk is this?
Add 'to a plural noun which ends in -s.
B: It's mine.
The girls have got a computer. A: Whose pens are these?
This is the girls' computer. B: They're yours.
Add's to irregular plural nouns which don't end in -s.
The children have got a ball. This is the children's ball. REMEMBER: We always put a question mark (?) at the end of
a question.
REMEMBER: We also use's in contracted forms of is and has.
John's got a sofa in his bedroom. The sofa's very small. 1 C h o o se th e co rrect p o sse ssive pron ou ns.
(= John has got a sofa in his bedroom. The sofa is very small.)
1 Bob, is this guitar........... yours.............?
1 C o m p lete th e sentences w ith p o sse ssiv e 's o r s'. a theirs b yours c his
2 This is my cousins' house. It’s
1 Tanya has got a blue bag. This is Tanya's...... blue bag.
a ours b theirs c hers
2 My friend has got a big house.This is my friend...........
3 These are Jim's books. They're not mine, they're
big house.
3 My parents have got a car. This is my parent car.
a his b ours c mine
4 Mrs White has got some plants in her garden. These
4 This is my bag. Where is ..................................?
are Mrs White plants.
a yours b ours c mine
5 The men have got sandwiches for lunch. These are
5 A: Whose shoes are these?
the men........... sandwiches.
B: They're not yours. They're my sister's. They're
6 The classroom has got fifteen desks. These are the
classroom........... desks.
a hers b his c yours
7 The students have got new books. These are the
6 My brother and I have got this new computer.
student books.
8 The people have got a new president. This is the
a mine b hers c ours president.

G ram m ar reference and practice

2 C h o o se th e co rrect w ords. Spelling rules: - in g form

1 A: Whose are these sandwiches? Are they her /(fe r|k Most regular verbs: add -ing.
B: No, they aren't h e r/h e rs sandwiches. They're Verbs ending in -e: remove -e and add -ing.
our /ours. Verbs ending -ie: change -ie to -ying.
2 A: Why is your / yours bag on my / mine desk? Short verbs ending consonant + vowel + consonant:
B: That isn't your / yours desk. It's my / mine. double the final consonant and add -ing.
3 This purse is your / yours but the money inside it is
o u r/o u rs.
We use the present continuous to talk about:
4 A: Whose house is this? Is it your / yours
actions that are happening at the time of speaking,
often with expressions such as at the moment and now.
B: No, it isn't their / theirs. It’s my / mine
What are you doing? - I'm watching TV.
cousins' house.
She's doing her homework at the moment,
5 A: I can't find my / mine dictionary. Can I use
actions that are happening around now, but perhaps
your / yours?
not at the moment of speaking.
B: Sorry, my / mine is at home.
I'm travelling around Australia. (I'm not travelling right
6 Your / Yours bedroom is big, but her / hers is small.
3 C o m p lete th e sen te n ces w ith th e correct We're studying English at university. (We're not studying
p o sse ssive pron ou ns. at the moment.)

1 I don't like my new phone, but Anna loves hers 1 C o m p lete th e sen te n ces w ith th e present
2 We haven't got our homework, but those students co n tin u o u s form o f th e ve rb s in brackets.
have got ...............
1 I'm sitting (sit) on the sofa and watching... (watch)
3 A: Whose is this present?
TV at the moment.
B: It's for me and my brother. It’s ..................................
2 My parents........................................ (prepare) dinner.
4 Have you got a bluejacket? Is this bluejacket
? 3 A: (you / look) at me?
B: Yes, I ............................................................... at you.
5 A: Is this Tom's picture?
4 She (n o t/talk) on the phone,
B: No, it isn't....................................
she...................................................................... (sleep).
6 A: Are these your clothes, Amy?
5 We (learn) about rivers in
B: Yes,they're ..........
geography this term.
6 A: (yourbrother/listen)
4.1 Present continuous to the radio?
B: No, he........................................................................
Affirmative and negative
2 W rite sen te n ces a b o u t w h a t is h a p p e n in g now.
'm (= am)
'm not (= am not) 1 A y o u /e a t/b re a k fa s t/a t the moment?
Are youeating breakfast at ..the.moment.?.
's (= is) B No/1 /re a d /th e newspaper.
isn't (= is not) eating breakfast. No, I'm not. fm reading the newspaper,......................
2 My d o g /c h a s e /a cat in the garden.
're (= are)
You 3 We / take / photographs / of tigers / at London Zoo.
aren't (= are not)
Questions and short answers 4 The foxes /d ig / a hole in the ground.
Yes, 1am.
Am 1 5 The hungry w olves/look fo r/fo o d .
No, I'm not.
Yes, he is. 6 I / not d o / my homework./1 /d rin k / a cup o f tea.
Is she eating
No, he isn't.
it breakfast?
7 She / listen / to some m u sic/a t the moment.
Yes, we are.
Are you 8 W hy/ you / laugh?
No, we aren't.

G ram m ar reference and practice 119

exam i

l 'э

г-l :]ý


I \




Elementary Workbook

oxroRD Kate Haywood

._r10 Welcome А Welcome В WelcomeC ]WelcomeD Welcome Е Welcome reading
Не lо Аrе you in а Нарру families . Friends The wоr d is а Lanquages
Ьа nd? vi lage
Р rоg ress сhёik'Р] 1,.] ], ] ]]., , .,.,.

:. Breakfast in space Briqht апd early British Schoo S Journeys to 5сПооl оп the road

]:] r That's life р12


Сус ing in the
Healthy l!ving l\4akinq music Superheroes Frее time
5сrееп time?
Ап lпfоrmа letter

Time out р20

:: otl .ir House of the Enjoy the view Underground Агоuпd town Going downl . А tourist guide

ъJ future City

Home and away р28

The naturalworld рзб
ltЪ wild1 What аrе you
WhаtЪ th."
weather ike?
Get activ-. Storm chasing Describing

Food matters School Traditlonal food Delrcious оr А description of а

food with а i disgusting? festiva l

d iflеrепсе i

Fооd, glorious food р44

Progress check р51

Nearly пеw Cyber N4onday Black Friday ] can't ive without it The tееп notlnd А review of а

Material world р52

It's tough р60 ]
Different shapes Кеер it сlеапl The fiгst
What's wrong? \4edieva]



А etterofadvice I

а Life's ups and The human Great writеrs \4oments to The world of А паrrаtivе
ж downs Story r.оmеmЬеr Roald Dah
Life story р68

Pro9 r,еsý,сhёik:]р]7ý]:l]]l1],]]]:]],l]]]::]:

а А пеw mode А пеw ife А new уеаr l А new business Youth in Actlon Ап informa] emai
Changes р76

Tolrists ,,. Who Adventure Travel USA тrапs-siьеrlап

i Gо for it| j А рrоfilе
wants them?

l l

Explore р84

Р rog resSl.cheik 9p |

1il ::,',1.1 l'',.


!ý@ýýýж" .ýý жtffilw-' ,.t, - Jl


ý *"alphabet ..:i:],i:]:].]:;.]l]i::':]:i]:]]]l]':
4 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.

1 ЖýýХ]l:]: Write the letters that you hear. What word

do the letters spell? Put the words in the correct
Sport Music coUntry
. ýа,разз

ý write the numbers.

'l l $c_rt,,,,.., 9з0
Ж Countries and nationalities 22 ]5

З Complete the table with countries or nationalities.

3 -lз ,1,1

421 12 lв
countries Nationalities 5 ,l0
Frапсе 627 14 ]l

712 15 11

Ро апd
6 Study the information in the table. CompIete the
Тurkеу 5 sentences below.
tta ly
6 l nterests
Name Nationality Age
7 footbalI mu5lc computerS
Са nad ia n
Dutch ;].1.1]lО).]] 9l?. l
Li sa BritiSh з0 i\.ra,: , \:/.]
. .о] :о.:, 'о: о
l0 l0
Egypt Pau о Brazi ian ','.ч.)
]']'9)..9_,', .lо lо, i a'о

lreland 12

Cheng Chinese l::l?\,l.,
..: .i,', ,9, :l
.i!, ||i:
К]а rа German 14 '
the Czech Republic 14

\-Z.], \:,a,]
slovakian о"о'. .о]. о: l
Anup nd ian 27
Argentinian ',.б,..'

1 I\,4y пагпе's Lisа.l'гп frоm_ttэ9 lJS l'm lhiуЗý.l like
Кепуа i*t* computers, t,ж **! tttt* footbalL.
iт}1}*э' апd |'m
New zеаlапdеr Д,,4у name's Paulo, 'm frоm., ,,.. ,,l'm ,
.l footba]l. l like
Зп 'tx
. ]'m поt into
I\4y name's Cheng. |'m frоm
i..l.'.,',щ ,тrr'..'].n
'т\ d

complters. footba

. l ]

Ь+.^ ":,I vr/ I\4y паmе's Klara, l'm frоm .,,.l'm

footbal. 'm into
,. and ]ove
l\ly name's Anup. l'm frоm
ffi Talking

|'m ..l r""iБ. r r

ý Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. music. l соп,]рUtеrS.

1 l{fuЪ don't like Г бтý6l, _}

7 Cý"ý&LLEýýýý! Complete the sentences so that they
2 like 'm not into lo,olp, '.-]
are true for you.
3 l like,/'m not into hip hop music. {*&
Д,4у name's |'m from
4 l love / don't like computersl 'l1.l ,,,,. l love .l'm into
5 l 'm into / don't like baseball. ldon't like

I + Welcome
Е.т 1 Complete the sentences with the affirmative form
of Ье. ý Put the words in order to make questions.
1] 1 уоч / into tennis / аrе /?
2 We,,, ,, into hip hop music. Агr чоu ifit* tcnt,:is.j
З Holly ,,,., trom the UK, Z i,"r'ёL.rg,о* /',, t i,u t t
4 They , ,. South African.
5 You , good at sport at the same / we / school / аrе / ?
бlt а great band.
7 Scott , ,.,. mу friend. goodat/am/music/1/?
8 David and Liагп into football.
:;еуl basebc, t аlQ, ?


..;:;,::, idi qood / Гvа / at boo.L / i( //

1:,,::,.,:;",,,,,:,,:;.., :,,: :|,,:::.::|.Й:,'|М| i :,,YмЬ| В

аgrел,t cl,|t
о Match questions 1-6 to short answers a-f.
Iп t*й рlиtо, 15
1 Аm l good at tennis? С
aliй olbiamr еUЬ.l'hа7

2 Аrе you into footbal ?

a4/f,tиr6. З ls Jack sixteen?

attl,ш 4 rb .с,s lrоп^ roldol /

5 Аrе we iп the same class?

6 Are they Дгrеrirаг-

а No, tve аrеп't. Yоu'rе 1п 8А апd l'm in ВВ,

We9 _,,_ , iп Ь No, they aren't

arodcbM^d,, Wе
rulф d No, |'m not, I don't like it.

i,1,lto ro*t е Yes, he is.

f No, she isn't. She's frоm Bristo .

? Complete the conversation with the correct form

of Ье.
Emily Hi! l 1 '*l Emily. What's your паmе?
э Choose the correct Yann i\4y паmе 2.,. , , , , Yапп. Nice to meet you.
words to complete the sentences. Emily З, you frоm the UK?
l tisn't/@from Еurоре. Yann \о, а lloT Frапсе.
2 Caitlin and Jack isn't / aren't at the same school. Emily AhlYou б Frепсh|
3 We aren't / not into Sport. Yапп Yes] And you? 7,. you British?
4 Tom isn't,/ am not fourteen Emily No, 18 .Brltish, l9 ,,,,, ,Austraiarl.
5 lt aren't / isn't а 9reat city, Yапп What аrе you into, Emi у?
6 You are not / is not iп а band. Emily l , into music, l
,. , ,, ,. , iп а band with
Rewrite the sentences using the negative form of Ье. Yапп , ,. she your friend?
1 Му name is Таrа. Emily No,shеlЗ,,. ,,Shela mуsister
!.*т i]**1t !**'! Y4з"t. Yапп , you famous in Australia?
2 l'm Russian. Emily No, we 16 ! But, we

3 I\4y home is in Nloscow х CHAL!-EГ{GE! Complete the profile for you.Then

write sentences with the correct form of Ье.
i\4y friends аrе at а сопсеrt.
wе'rе into samba mtlsic, Nationality:
6 You're in а samba band.

Welcome 5;
ffi Гаmilу Ж Гееliп9s adjectives

1 Complete the table with family words, 5 Look at the picture and choose the correct words,

Male Female Both Му hоthеr and I аге

{пцý 2
in а hockey team.
з daughter Му Ыоthеr is чеrу
4 'ФБЬ,/ tired because
h;Ё, is his Гачоuritе
couS] п CoUSl п sроrt. He's always чеrу
6 7 2Ьоrеd / excited аЬоut
8 пlесе оur mаtсhеs. Вut I'm
9 аUпt 'h"рру / bored becat_lse
I dont like hосkеу.
grапdsоп People аrе sometimes
О".gry / hоt with mе
Жý Colours because I'rn not чеrу
good. Тhеп I аm
5sad i
z Find nine more colours in the wordsearch,
а match, mу Ыоthеr is
бhоt / cold,
tcited. After
А т р Е L R в А 7cold / tired and'*gry / thirsty, Ьut I'm
9cold / exited and lothirsty / huпgry,
\4 т U о G Е U S

G в R о Nr Y в

о с р в к t в L
Ж Rluratnouns
Y Е L L о н А 6 Complete the sentences with the plural form of the
а т Е U с н R с words below.

г р l N к .,, Ьrоthеr..,. coUntry':l ПЭП :, реrSоп .. team \\ro]ffiFt

L G R о J т Y р 1 The !,lsýý!,pý iп my family аrе my mum,

my grandmother and mу aunt.
о R А N G Е S U
2 frоrт the uk аrе British
т Е D N к р З tucy is my sister, and \Лаtt апd Тоm аrе rпу

R Е D н R t L R
i\4y favourite, ,, аrе BeIgium,
Е N S L т t l
Frапсе апd Gеrmапу.
The two football , , in my city аrе ,,

N,4anchester United and l\4anchester City

6 The ]n the band are lйаrс, David
3 Choose the correct possessive adjectives, and mу dadl
] N/y sistel' is into music, Му /@favourite musrc is
hip hop.
2 N,4y grапdраrепts love footbal]. lt's our / their
7 Complete the sentences withthis,that,these and those,
favourite sport.
З 'ls Daisy your / its fr]епd?' 'Yes, she's mу best friend]
4 ']s this your dog?' 'Yes, it's their / оur dog!' .,, iS

5 This is my uncle and this is his / her son, Jake, Jake is biscuit.
аrе your biscuits.
my cousin.
6 'ls this your book?' 'No, it isn't his / mу bookl
7 '|'m iп а fооtlэаll team] 'What's your / its паmе?'
. а,,,
.,.,,., .,. аrе my
'Newport t.С - it's а great team|' tL ,:] biscuits.
, ,,,

ls your biscuit.
4 choose the correct words to complete the sentences,
1 This is they're /@computer. х CHALLENGE! Find а photo of уочr family, Write
2 You're / Your mу friends, sentences about the photo. use your answers to the
3 They're / Their iп my class. questions to help you.
4 ll's /lts паmе is Spot, lts / lt's а great name for а dog! *g Who is iп the photo?
5 You're / Your books аrе iп my bag, хх Are your family bored, happy, cold, tired, etc,?
6 She's their / they're mоthеr,

П u Welcome
Wеlсоmе D Frýеmds

t Complete the sentences with the affirmative (У) or .t

^ Replace the words in bo|d with object рrопочпs.
negative (Х) form of have got. 1 We've got а grеаt music club at school, |'m iп the
1 We ,у* *,зl , а new teaСher. У club.,.,. i}
2| а dog. Х 2 I\4r.]ohnson and N,4iss Slade are my favourite teachers.
3 Непrу , ,, , а sister. Х l like MrJohnson and Miss Slade а Jot. , , , ,,

4 Vou , ,а mobile рhопе. У 3 This is Jessie. She's а 9ood siпgеr. 1'm in а band with
5 Lry ,,, abrother.X Jessie.
6 YоL_l ,, а пiсе bag.r' 4 Our grапdраrепts аrе with mе and my brothers
7 Му oa,elts а laptop. Х today., ,

8l а big house. У 5 That's Sophie! l'm iп the basebal] team with Sophie!

put the words in the correct order to make 6 Jez lsn't а nice Ьоу. ] don't ike Jez, ,, ,,

questions. Then complete the short answers.

'l you /got/ adog/have/?
Complete the text with object pronouns.
Havp чоч cot а doa?

Yes,l . . ...hay?.,. ., .

2 а cousin / Bethany/ got/ has/ ?

Yes, she

No, th-.y.,,
/ hаvе /уоur lэооk / gаt / ?

thе p}roto is
\о, you ,,
,. .. alotand
5 9ot / we / have / а пеw teacher / ?

6 you / got / а mobile phone / have / ?

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 l've got а /фSоrапgе bag.


Jake,/ а guitar / has / got /

2 l like а / the boys in mу class.
This is а / ап gгеаt bandl

No, he
4 Have you got а / an apple?
5 They've got а / ап cat, А / The cat is biack.

&ý Арреаrапсе adjectives 6 His dad bought him а / ап expensive guitar. Не piays
а / the guitar every day.
3 Choose the correct adjectives to complete the text.
l Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue.
Jo There's а new girl in the class.
Lucy OhlWhat's'{i&Z rris паmе?
Jo Ella.
Lucy 2Has
/ Have she got Зshоrt / sma|l, Ьrоwп hаir?
.Jo No, she ahasn't / haven't. She s've / Ъ got
бtall long, Га,, lсir
Lucy Ah,,l know hеr! ]s she 7tall / old?
Jo Yes, she is. She's into basebal]. She's really good at
8it him.
/ She's iп the team with 9my / mе.
Lucy / Have she got 11а / the Ьrоthеr?
Jo Yes, she has. His паmе is N,4ark.
Lucy l knowl2him / herl l'm in а club with lзhim / it
The mап апd the woman are lstraight @Тhеу
music club, He's got rasmaIl/ short, сurlу hair.
аrеп't 2old / small. The mап has got 3fair / curly
Jo That's right! i\4ark and El а аrе nice. like
hair. His hair is asmall / short and sdark / young. The 15us
/ them,
wоmап has got бstraight / tall hair. Her hair is 7big /
fair and 8long / short. The children are 9small big and /
1oyoung 11big
/ old. They аrеп't / fair!

Welcome 7J

Ж Ouyr, months and seasons &,Ж Numbers 31+

'ý Write the days. 4 Match the words to the numbers.

,1 а million а99
5 и*d*1, 1

2\4 2 thi rtу-sеvеп ь б,000

зт з two hundred and fifty с82
4W 4 tеп thousand d 4,]50
5т 5 а billion е 250
бF 6 ninety nine f ],000,000
7s 7 eighty,two 9з7
8 six thousand h ,l0,000
Complete the crossword. Тhеп put the letters in 9 seventy one i71
the grеу squares in the correct order to write the 10 fоur thousand, j ],000,000,000
extra month. опе huпdrеd and fiftv

ý write the numbers.

1з5 thi*.ýl{ivý 498
256 5 з00
з7з 6 5,000
Ж Tb"tir"
& Write the times.

1 ff;r*r*ъ

h*!{,: patt tr,,{}

/. {i ]t ;fu
2 Ы] Ji*ffi


7 Ё*мьй*

Ехtrа month:
+ fu",-Ж

1 lt's got З1 days. lt's iп spring.
5 lt's gоtЗ1 days. lt's in autumn, Haloween is in this
ffi Orainals and dates

6 ]t's the fifth гпопth of the уеаr. 7 write the next ordinals.
7 t's the seventh month of the уеа r. 1 eleventh, . ivalf!,h.. . 6 nineteenth,,
10 lt's the ninth гпопth of the чеаr. lt'5 iп autumn. 2 second, 7 twenty third,
Down з fifteenth, 8 thirty-first,
2 1t's got З1 days. lt's in summer. 4 thiгd, 9 twelfth,
5 'l0 tenth, ,
З t's got 2В оr 29 days. ]t's the second month of the уеаr. first, ,, , ,

4 lt's the fourth month of the уеаr. 8 put the dates in the correct order.
7 lt's got З0 days, it's the beginning of summer.
1 the fifteenth of д/аrсh
8 lt's the е eventh month of the уеаr.
2 . .. the twenty-fourth оf DесеmЬеr
9 ]t's got З1 days. t'5 iп w]пtеr. lt's Christmasl
з . . ... the twelfth of DесеmЬеr
Write the seasons.
4 the thirtieth of ltЛay
5 ! the thirty-first of .Jапuаrу
1 25 DесеmЬеr
2 21April 9 сн*ьLвшGЕ! Write five dates that are important in
З 15 August your family. Write why they аrе important.
4 ]0 October,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Пв Welcome
+ Wе!соmе Е Yfuе wgrýd ýs ж ъяil!аqе

1 Complete the sentences with the words below. presenter

cescribe ,, have ,,hеw what ,what l:. whеп .,. whеrе

Ruby They're 9[eatl Wel , l've got mу mum and dad,
and l've got two Ьrоthеrs, Ani] and l\4irat. I\,4um
is tall. She's got
5long / short, black hаir. Dad's
1 **и ,, ,, old аrе you? got short, бgrеу /brown hаir (and he hasn't got
2 , is уоur favourite sport? а lot of it]). He's tall, too. Anil is short. He's got
З , ,, al,eyoufrоm? straight hаir. \Лirаt is tal . IVirat loves sport. He's
4 , you got а pet? iп his school footba tearT.
5 , , , ,, уоur fami у. presenter f
6 ls уоur favourite singer?
Ruby 'm not into Sport| L don't like it. BUt l like my
7 is your birthday?
brother's team. So ... the апswеr is footba ]l
8 is yout паmе? presenter о

Ruby No, l haven't! l love 7cats / dogs, but l haven't

2 Match the sentences in exercise'l to gaps а-9 in got опе. l\4um and Dad have got three pets.
the dialogue. There is опе sentence that you do
They've got two cats and а dog. Their favourite
not пееd.
is the dog. Неr паmе rs i\4ilr. She's my favourite,
Presenter Thanks, Ruby!

З.02 Listen to the interview and check your

answers in exercise 2.

4 ' З,О2 Listen again and choose the correct words

to complete RчЬуЪ answers.

ý Write the names of the people in the text.


1 a doq v,l,
2 wo iгgа,5

3 а регsоп with stгaight hаir ,.

4 "La -;delL
5 о реlt91 vr'th .ho, b"i,
ý Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 R-oi. o-es l от а}ig small tz,
2 Неr gгапdраrепts аrе lndian / British,
3 Неr birthday is iп winter / spring.
4 Неr mum / dad has got а sitar.
5 Неr mum is iп а raga group with Anil / her dad.
6 Anil/ Mirat is good at sport.

C}*&LLýr,d*ý3 Write а description of someone уоu

know. lnclude this information:
his / her age
presenter Today we're With RUby A|i! She's а rа9а singer. his / hеr inteгests
Raga is lradil onal lnd an Tusic his / hеr арреаrапсе
4ге _{qu fгоrп?
Ruby |'m from
15heffield / Bristol. lt's а big city iп the
UK. IVу grandparents аrе frоm lndia and my
family love lndian music!
presenter ь

Ruby Ym2зз / 2з,

Ruby lt's on the / 2oIh Арril. ltЪ lп my favourlte
season, sprlng.
Ruby Му mum, Rabinda! She's into music, too. She's in
а rа9а grоuр with mе and my abrother / dad
he plays the sitar,

Welcome 9Ж
Welcome reading Laжgaxages
1 Study the highli9hted words and check the meanings 3 Find the words below in the quiz and answer the
iп а dictionary. Then do the languages quiz. questions. Use а dictionary to help you.
аЪ€+r+ l, эl,оUпd .. оVеr ],], Under
1 What two words mеап dpproxtmately?
лl, *,.i

'l How mапу languages аrе

2 Con ploLe 1|g dеtiгit'о,lь.
а 50 is the same а5 50>,
there in the worId?
аabout ],500,000 ь 50 is the same as <50.

ffabout 7,000
? about З,50О 3 Read the factfile. Тhеп choose the correct words to
2 What place has got аlэоut
complete the sentences.
2,200 different languages?
а Asia
Ь Africa
с south America
Speakers of English as а native /first lапguа9е:
3 А quarter of the world's
population live iп Еurоре. around З75 million
How mапу languages are
there in Еurоре?
а about 'l 50 Speakers of English as а foreign lапguа9е:
Ь about З70 around 750 million
с about 2З0
4 How mапу characters has \т - {} \ А,,|-л чr :f,
the Russiatl alphabet got?
Jh$ } ir[-fuJk"'l Реорlе who use English оп the internet:
around 72 million
Number of people who study English every
5 What language has got the
уеаr: ] billion+
most speakers?
а ]\4апdаriп Chinese iitъьхьэ[о
, '' - га
Ь English
с Spanish JЯtэ5*"
] Over / Under З50 mi]liоп peopLe speak English as
,aeil ,lа 'Ve ldIgLa9e.
6 \4апdаriп Chinese writing uses over 50,000 characters. How
mапу characters do N4апdаriп speakers use every day? 2 Approximately / Over 750 m]llion реорlе speak
а 2,000 З,000 English as а foreign language.
ь 9,000_10,000 3 Under / About 72 million people use English оп the
с 6,000-7,000 i пtеrпеt.

4 Over / About l mi]lion people study Епg lsh every


^ €P{&Lý-ЁýI,|Gý! Write about you, your country and
Т;т your language. Answer the questions, Use the
-ý internet to help you. Use the words iп exercise 2.
What country has got the most native English speakers? 1 Where are you frогп?
а the United Kingdom lm [,от
Ь the USA 2 What's уоur nationallty and lапguа9е?
с Australia М) ndliondIiTV i5

How old is the modern English lапguаgе? and my 'anouaoe ,

а over 10,000-years-old 3 How mапу реорiе speak уоur anguage?

Ь over B.000-years-old , people speak mу
с uпdеr 7,000-years-old la пg uage,
Esperanto is ап artificial language. What пumЬеr of speakers 4 How mапу lanquages аrе there iп уоur соuпtrу?
has it got? There а.е
а approximately2,000,000 languages in mу соuпtrу.
Ь approximately 9,000
с approximately 1,000,000

еб ]8 q/ р9 рý ], ]€ Pz qL

10 Welcome
16and evaluate уоur lеаrпlпg. Giveyourself а mаrkfrоm l tоЗ
How сап you imрrоче?
1 i can't do this. 2 ] have some problems with this З l сап do this weI]

'l Name five nationalities.

lr iderti17 nat ona]itieb,
2 Name five countries.
,ап identify countries.
з write the пumьеrs as wоrds,
а2З Ь12 с'lВ d14 еЗ0
сап write пumЬеrs l-З0

4 choose the соrrесt words.

'l lam/islareasinger, 2 Weam/islareina
сап use the аffiгmаtivе form of the vеrь Ье
5 Complete the sentences with the negative form of Ье
1 They in my class. 2 | his sister.
l can use the negative fоrm ofthe vеrЬ Ье
6 Write questions and short answers
1 you /frоm the USД / ? V) 2 he / good at sport / ? (Х)
сап ask questions and give short answers using the verb Ье

7 write the male fоrm of the wоrds below.

а grandmother Ь aunt с sister d wife е mum
сап identiflz members of the family
8 Write the possessive adjectives of the subject рrопоuпs,
а you Ь she с we d they
l can use possessive adjectives
9 Name three feelings adjectives
l сап use feelings adjectives.
10 Write the plural form of the поuпs,
а child Ь mап с nationality d wоmап
l сап use regular and irгеgulаr plural поuпs.

11 Write sentences with hcve qlоГ.

а he/a gчilаr/У Ь they / adag/X с youlabrother/?
l сап use have qot.
12 Write the opposites.
а young Ь dark с sma]l d long е сurlу
l сап use арреаrапсе adjectives
1З Name six object рrопоUпS
l сап use olэject pronouns.
14 Complete the sentences with с, ап аr the.
Мах is in fооtlэаll team. lt's schooJ team.
l can use а, ап апd the.

15 Writе the пumlэеrs as words.

а Зl ь З,621 с 647 d 2,1]0

l can write numbers Зl+.

'lб Write the dates.
а Christmas Day Ь Halloween , ,, ,, ,с New Year's Day
l сап use ordinals and dates.

Progress checkWelcome 11 l
Yhý&'ý ýýffe

VосаЬчlаrу ýreakýagt
ýж ýре€8
].;a]il.]]:s lýЖýý.&:Ж ýffi:ra;i ':..]:у ýý;:; _.d.,,jfi*яжgж' Jr
'* -яWL

ffi Ouily routines ЖЖ Prepositions of time

1 Match'I-8 to a-h to make sentences about daily 4 Complete the sentences with prepositions of time.
routines. 1 .. .. &t .. the weekend, Liam plays football.
1 М1 Ь'оthеr a"d ,тс, I а Тv after diппеr, 2 l watch TV , l go to bed.
2 l have ь football after schoo]. з the evening, l watch films.
з Before dinner l do с abookbeforelseep. 4 Jake meets his friends Wednesday,
4 lwatch d school at 9.00 5 sulr'lmer, i like to go camping.
5 \4у friend апd chat е оп the phone еvеrу day 6 school starts 9.з0,
6 On Saturday, l meet f unch at school at ]2.З0. 7 Christmas, we meet family and friends.
7 We piay g mу homework, 8 We go оп ho iday August.
8 l rеаd h fr ends з1 1Цg г,lоllз.
5 Choose the correct daily routine and prepositions of
2 Complete the sentences with the words below. time. Choose'-' if по preposition is necessary.
get USe get have meet chai do Start get
1 Оп weekdays, l up at 7.00. Очr day
2l breakfast with mу family at home Adam and Наппаh 'ýфl watch / start up еаrlу
3] dгessed and go to schoo . every day. They 2start i have / get dressed and
4 They ,, school at 9.00. help their dad оп their fаrm ЗЬеfоrе / in / оп 7.30!
5l my homework after ]
They help on their fаrm ain l * l before every
, ,,.,,, home. day. The animals have sbreakfast / lunch / dinner
6 l\4um and Dad the internet to watch before they бgеt / go / start school. Lessons
films. start 7iп l оп l а| 9.00. 8Оп l- l Лt Monday and
7 Му sister апd hеr friends оп the Wednesday, Adam апd Наппаh help оп the farm
after school finishes 9on / iп / at the аftеrпооп. The
8 At weet onds, r friends.
animals аrе hungry а9аiп! They getloshower /
|unch / home at 5.З0, Theyllget / have / do
ý Complete the text with the phrases below, There is
homework апd l2watch i do / have ТV - поrmаl
опе phrase that you do not need.
things! 'lt's great to help оп the farm rЗаt / iп / оп
do hоmеwоrk get dressed get home g€+tр sрriпg апd summer,' says
go to lэed have а shower have breakfast Наппаh. 'But it's difficult
have dinner meet friends start school
L 'oat / iп / оп December
watch ТV ..1a;'Г
апd January" Its very
l cold|'says Adam.
Hil ]'m ]en. 'm а sесопdаrу schoo student, but l'm а so ýýу
aTV асtоr, Му lrfe is fun, but it's not always easy, Оп а
school day, l 1 1*,}
Llp, , , at /.00 and "'Yý,;:.,ýl,
, before my lэrоthеrs use the

Ьаthrооm! lз,,, lwearaschool

uпifоrm. l
4,. , , with mу family at 7.З0.
,. ,. ,, ,.. at 9 00 and the first
lesson ls at 9.15. Аftеr school, don't go
home, l go to the ТV studio and l wоrk & c*t*g_lяr,gGEi Write four sentences about your daily
irom 6.ОО Lo 9,ОО, routine оп а school day and four sentences about
at the studlo with the actors - we all your daily routine at the weekend.
like pizza! l
7 at l0.З0 ]
j iii1 ,, ia:"- i,/,",+l 1 ,о * ,- 1,",,,
] d

1 go Ьу taxi, l'гп vеrу tired and l 2

l ,, ,, immediately, 3
э At thp wee or d, l9 ,

important to study. 5
lirst - it's
ý We go to the сiпеmа оr the Shops. 7

ý tz тhаtъ life
Grammar ýrýgh* жжd ееуýу
l М J&*is#й& @: ,, ý lъýr-]..iil]i]@ l,ji

5 IVum а lot of photos.

-rЕa 6 They , on the phone,
'] Write sentences with the present simple affirmative. 7 You ,,.,, TV in the mоrпiпg.

-_- ] lэefore breakfast / lisa / have а shower 8 N,4y cat at night.

_л,_*, _ -i-- ,л- i,лiл.,., L.л_,l_-1

2 а ot / уоч / talk / in class 4 Rewrite the sentences using the present simple
negative form.
З iike / pizza / Jеппу 1 get up еаrlу at the weekend.

4 study / English ..J Sp."irr-, Z ,у br"ir-l", 2 Dad urJ, th" iпtеrпеt at work.

5 ,l е 'пtеrlеI Jчр / ,ny оа,епt) / dt wo,|. З N/y fгiends and meet at the сiпеmа.

6 do ехеrсisе / every аftеrпооп / Ana 4 Nly cousins live iп London.

5 N/y sister sleeps а lot.

2 Complete the text with the correct form of the
verbs be|ow. 6 l like swimming.
do feel , ,
9о have, , like play , Start , teaСh

Complete the article with the present simple

affirmative and negative form of the verbs in

tiam,2l, is а ballet dancer at

the Royal Ореrа House, Не
r, , ***i. (go)
there six days а week. Не
,, , ,, (not
work) оп Sunday.
All the bal et dancers
their mоrпiпg with lessons.
l ,l, 'We а
Ethan and Lucas


fог Watford F,С., but they зlg also students at (have) classes at ]unchtimei
Наrеfiеld Acadcmy iп London. Тhеir school explains Liam.'I
чеrу speciaI sроrts Iessot-ls. (not have) lunch
School з at 7,З0 in the mоrпiпg ьеfоrе thrее о'с ock in the afternoonl
rvith а footbalI Iesson. The football tеасhеr is At six о'с ock, Liam б ,, (geф
Watford F.C.'s coach At trleel<ends, he rvorks at dressed lог the Royal Ваl et's еvепiпg show
\д/аtfоrd F.С., but оп school day5, 5" About 2,000 people 7 (watch)a
4 iootball at the Academ,v. ballet at the Royal Opera House еvеrу evening. [iam
After the footbal| class, the bovs 5. ,. ,. (finish) his dance at tеп at пight
to поrmаl lessons. (get) home at about е]еvеп.
At the end of the schooI da1,, 1u.n, 'lt's very d]fficu]ti he says,'| 10 (not
his homervork at а hometvorl< сluь at thc meet) fгiепds iп the eveninq, but mу;оЬ is amazingl'
Academy, but Ethan 7 studying
at home. Ethan and L".;;; vегу
happy at the Academy. *Ж&,tLýri!ýEý Write three present simpIe affirmative
sentences and three present simple negative
sentences that are true for you. Use the verbs below
and your оwп ideas.

З Complete the sentences with the present simple do go have study use watch
negative form of the verbs below. 1

chat 9о have meet sieep take use watch 2

'l Саmеrоп dopgn't "U",
"""""""" оо to bed late
2 IИу unc е the inte[net.
3 luпсh with mу family
4We , friends оп Sunday.

That's life 13 Ж

iý ffi Scbool subjects
'! Write the school subjects next to the clues. Use the 4 Complete the present simple questions with the

words below. question words below. Then write answers that аrе
.,, geography,,,, history l:, ICT l maths true for you.
,,, mоdеrп languages ,l рrhу56дkgЬ€а+]Ъ.П ж* how mапу ж how old ж what ж* when lxх where жз who
rerigiou:education scie.(e
1 Wlз.*r* . do you live?
1 We do sportl pttg*i*a! e.dp{,ati*!:}, ,

2 We study lots of things, e.g. animals, electricity and do vot; start school7
3 We use rопарLlеr., is your history tеасhеr?
4 we make calculations with пumьеrs.
5 We study the past. is уоur favourite lesson7
6 We study religions. ,,,,.
7 We study different places in the wоr d, brothers апd sisters do you have?
8 We ]еаrп new languages,
аrе you?
Ж Cl"rrroom items
2 Which of these items belong in your school bag (В)
and which belong in the classroom (С)? Write В or С. Complete the dialogue. Use question words and the
present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 blackboard * 10 poster
2 interactive whiteboard 1'l mар
3 Ьiп ]2 exercise book ,
4 rulеr

13 pupil
5 clock , 14 desk
6 pencll case 'l5 репсilshаrрепеr
7 ruЬЬеr, 16 calculator,,,
8 tеасhеr 'l7 сhаir
9 pen 18 репсil ,, ,, ,.

Libby Чllт|iЬЬу1 What's (lэе) your паmе?

Sam 'r SaT,2 (Ье) уоur
Put the words in order to make present simple teacher?
questions. Тhеп write answers that are true for you. Libby IVrs Potter. |'m in c]ass 8Р

1 study / do / Spanish / уоч

Sam l'm in cIass 8W with N,4rs West.
Libby (have) Епg ish поw?
Do 1*u ,biuJ1 tp.i*ibh?
пiс l dorr't,
Sam Yes, l do.

2 Libby too Гпо] sП О..?,.::ъ!lоvе rеаdiпg

уоur dad / start work / does / еаrlу ? )/е ]ove
Sam No, ] don't, l like watching films.
Libby тhеrе's а fi]m club after school todav
З ОО Jqp l^p пlеrгрl / you / ir с a,s ?
Sam lhat sounds good,5 ,, (Ье)

4 Libby ,l', п Tre l^al1.6 ,, (want)

уоur friепd / does / like / maths ?
to meet me after school?
Sam Yes.That sounds grеаt.

5 Dt /
уо.,, l,'e"J: z haye / on WeonesOay / do ' CHALLENGE! lmagine there is а пеw student in
your class. What questions would you ask him / hеr?
Write eight questions.
6 уоur scrooi / does Гiп sh 'at 4 ОО ? ,I


14 ТhаtЗ life

te n in g, s p',* kj g,,* rv y,жж

*xжP* yJ
[- i s
: |з ** : ffi:. ::,. i, .,
ý Trunrport 3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

' 'l Answer / Don't answer the questions. ,.

Complete the second sentences so that they have the

same meaning as the first sentences.

2 Look / Don't look at the Ьоаrd. , ,. ,

'] З Eat / Don't eat iп class. , ,

lva k to schoo],
4 Sit z Don't sit dow n,
go to school оп f**t
5 Work 'Don't work in Qci,b , ,

Do you 9о Ьу bike to school?

6 Use / Don't use your mobile рhопе iп class,
Doyou ,
,, to school?
з Dad drives to wоrk 4 3.03 Listen to the dialogue. Number the
Dad goes to work, phrases in exercise З in the order you hear them.
4 \,Ve go Ьу рlапе to the USA in the summеr.
We,. ,.,, to the USA in the summer. ' З.OЗ
] Read phrases a-k. Then listen again and
5 we don't drive to school because there's а trаiп.
tick the phrases that you hеаr.
,Ve 9о Lo ccl-oo'

Сап you say that а9аiп, please? ,.,.,.

6 They go Ьу саr to the supermarket.
They ,, , to the supermarket,
ь l ook at lhe board

7 haven't got а bike, so l go оп foot,

с How do you say that lп Епg rsh?

,. , to schoo] because l haven't

d Don t ео[ iг сlа,ь.

got а bike. е Ореп уоur books оп page 122..

8 Let's ridе our bikes to the раrk!
f Don't write in your textbook.

Let's to the park

g Don't use уоur mobile phone iп classl
h What does'diagram' mean?
i t^ecL yoL" a.SWe'S.
j Sit down, please.
2 Look at the pictures. Аrе you allowed to do these k Sоrrу, l don't understand.
things in the classroom?
lr З.ОЗ Complete the dialogue with the phrases in
exercise 5. Then listen again and check.
Teacher сооо по,п'пQ, 1
please 2
What does
the diagram show?
Clara Excuse me, I1,4r Lake. з
Teacher Diagram - this is а diagram. lt's а picture that
heips us understand something.
Clara Oh, ОК. t's а diagram of а human skeleton,
Teacher Yes, good. ОК,4 ,,, ,

Teacher Page 122. Look at the diagram and answer the
questions. Yes, Сlаrа?
Clara 6
Whеrе is
the diagrarT?
l4] Теасhеr Page 122 that's the wrong lэооk. Open
your textbook. Апd Сlаrа - please

Clara Sоrrу, IИr Lake.

Teacher ОК. You сап wогk iп pairs to апswеr the
qUestionS. Andrewl ]t's not lunchtime yet

7 C},ý&LLEpc&ý! Write а sentence with classroom

language for three of the photos in exercise 2.

That's life 15 ý

Reading Фп the rФad
Match phrases 1-3 to definitions а-с. Тhеп read the
text about а roadie.
'l а rоаdiе
2 goontour ..
3 а technician ,.
а trave to ots оf different places
ь someone who trаvеls wlth пlusicians and bands
с sоtl,]еопе who contro]s specla equipment
) Read the text again. Choose the correct summary of
the text.
'l how to find work with lэands
2 а roadie's life
3 problems for roadies

Answer the questions.

1 Who iS ]\4att l\,4ason?

2 Who is N4att оп tour with this summеr7

з fi/| о| doeb -- | -е ооо l t ioo

4 What school sllэ;ect heLps /Vatt iп his job?

5 Whеге is iVattton 9ni?

6 , о lо_ ,]olt оо o-t-] с rо.ч€,L?

7 ое, I.4o| 1,.

" .Ьо; Ц: ioo'

& Are the sentences true (Т) or false (F)? Correct the
false ones.
] Roadies find jobs on the iпtеrпеt,
2 \4att gets up еаr у iп the mоrпiпg,
З Mlatt trave s Ьу р апе,
4 Roadies go to bed еаrlу.
5 ]Vlatt sees his fami у at the weekend.
6 \4att wапts to visit famous places.

Match the highlighted words in the text to

definitions '1-8.
1 (vеrЬ) to Ье sad lэесаusе you don't see а регsоп you
2 (verb)to see а place (оr people)
3 (noun) the place in а theatre where actors and
mus:cians реrГоr.п
4 (ad;ecl;ve) norma{
5 (поuп) music show оr реrfоrmапсе

6 (поuг) work
7 (vеrЬ) to сопtrоl оr to use
8 (adjective) поt interestinq

ffi to Tnat s life


on the road
Words in exercise 5.
'I ln the summer, we vi*!t ,. .,. oul,family in the
.'аit Mason is а roadie. А roadie helps а Ьапd USA.
.-] сопсеrts. He's оп tour with Coldplay this 2 On а day, get up at 7.З0,
3 aunt
t :-,]]mеr, IVу
equipment iп а science

\\zhat do you lil<e about уоur job? 4 This fi m is vеrу .l don't like it.
,,, atch concerts еvеrу night! l worl< with grеаг 5l гпу Ьrоthеr. Не doesn't ive at home
:зорlе. llove it! l оц, l]p, сjJ\ё al L]^ ver)ity.
6 The actors аrе оп ,. ]t's vегу excitingl
How do people Ьесоmе roadies? 7 ]'nr at а , . This is mч favourite band, lt's
,]о to а theatre and help small drаmа groups. 9l,eat to See thегпl
г's а good start. You don't make mопеу, but you 8 l\4y dad has а new ,.. He's а teacher at
еаrп а lot. lt's а good idea to study at school, my sister's school.
:оо. Fоr example, science helps! l use electronics

n my worl< every day. Use thе internet to find а 3 lmagine you are а roadie. Write ап
email to your family. Use the plan to hеlр you.
'1оЬ with bands оп tоur. Check diffеrепt
,,r,ebsites for wоrl<.

What's а typical day fоr а roadie?

dоп't have а typical day. We travel а lоt in
How аrе you?
ý, Europe when we're оп tour and the journeys аrе
At the moment, ]'m iп
very Iong. Fоr ехаmрlе, tonight we've got а сопсеrt
(place'),l'm оп tour with

п Paris and tоmоrrоw night we're in Brussels! (паmе of mugсtап оr Ьапd).
Roadies get up еаrlу. We travel to thе пехt
theatre in big tour buses. Аftеr we arrive, we start
,.ъ\ worl<. l'm а lighting technician, so l put the lrghts
'у on thе stage. l work all аftеrпооп. ln the eveninq,
l ореrасе the lights аt the сопсеrt.
(Writе about the Ьапd or mustсiап, e.g. ап орiпtоп
,:.1 Аftеr the сопсеrt, Ьеfоrе we go to bed, the roadies
аЬоut their musiс.)
put everything in the tour bus again. Thrs isn't easy
,,*j i\4y job is great, lэut sometimes l'm tiгеd,
because we're alltired! We go to bed very late.

What don't you like about уочr job?


l miss mу family. l chat tо them оп the phone,
:ýý' ьut sometimes l don't see thеm fоr months.
:**] l That's difficult. Also, we go to lots оf different
cities, Ьut we don't visit anything - we опlу see
theatres! l want to see some famous places. The
(Describe your doily rautine, e.g. whеп you get up апd
з5 journeys аrе boring, but l have а great life!
have break{ost, whеп you start work, whеп you have
lunch, whеп уоu have а breok, whеп you hove dtппеr,
whеп you qo to bed.)

(Say wllat yotl like апd don't like about your jo[э.)
l miss youl See you in Decemberl
||ý:|.|| Frопr (add уочr паmе)

ТhаtЪ Iife 17 Ж
i 3 There are twelve mistakes in the answers to the
questionnaire. Find and underline:
Add capital letters to the sentences. Опе of the
'I опе mоrе mistake in раrаgrарh А
sentences is correct.
2 two mistakes iп раrаgrарh В
1 l've got science, english апd maths today.
3 three mistakes in раrаgrарh С
2 iVy birthday is iп july mу Ьrоthеr's birthday is iп
4 four mistakes iп раrаgrарh D
5 опе mistake iп раrаgrарh Е
3 Have i got hоmеwоrk today?
4 Му friend's паmе is;essica smith and she is gl-eat. 4 Match the mistakes in the answers to the
5 l\4y tavourite film is twillght.
questionnaire to the types of mistake. Write:
6 i playfootba]lon wednesday. t for spelling ? for punctuation
7 Dad's паmе is David and mу mum's паmе is Сlаirе. & for grаmmаr С for capital letters
8 cousin is frепсh,

е Match questions 1-5 in the questionnaire to answers

5 correct the mistakes in the answers to the
А-Е below.
'l . .'Ф,.

Questionnaire 2.
1 WhаtЪ your favourite sport?
3 ...... ...

2 WhаtЪ your favourite month of the year? 5.... ..
3 What's your favourite season? 6 ...... ...
4 WhatЪ your favourite book? ..
7 ....
5 Who's уоur favourite cartoon character?
8... .....
9. ..........
10 .....
А l lore
Dicr,1,of в Wimpy Kld, because it чегу ,I2
l like the drawings. I read it at night
fut-lt-ly trrrd
before I go to sleep. I also really like the films
в Spring! I also love summец because we hаче а
long summer hoilday. I meet mу friends swim Ж Т;эsýqWrite your answers to the questionnaire in
in the sea and go оп holiday with mу family. exercise 2.
Perfect! ýý ý*ý*;вsAnswer the questions and make notes.
с Tintirrl НеЪ an old cartoon саrасtец but I think Question 'l: Who do you do the sport with? What do
Му parents love
he's greatl НеЪ very clever. you do?
him, too! }ake, mу Ыоthец has got all the tintin Question 2: Why is it а good month? What is special
books. Tintin is belgian - thаtЪ great! about it? What do you do iп that month?
Question З: Why do you like that sеаsоп? What
D I lоче swiming. I meets mу friends Holly and
makes it specia1? What do you do?
Саmеrоп and we walk to the swimming pool.
Question 4: What do you like about this book? When
We аrе in а swimming team On Saturday,
do you read it?
we swim in the morning frоm nine to twelve
Question 5: Why do you like the сhаrасtеr? Why аrе
оЪIосk. Sometimes we has а swimming
they special?
competition in the аftеrпооп.
Ж Рýап Use the answers to the questionnaire as а
ItЪ April, because mу birthday is in april. I also
model. Organize your ideas into paragraphs.
1ike April because I love spring. I usually cycle
Paragraph ]: What's уоur favourite sport?
а lot in spring
Paragraph 2: What's уоur favourite month of the
because thе
weather is nice.
Paragraph З: What's уоur favourite season?
Paragraph 4: What's уоur favourite book?
Paragraph 5: Who's your favourite саrtооп character?
Ж 1ýrЁýс} Write your answers to the questionnaire.
Use your notes and рlап to help you.

Ж C**g*k Check the following points:

soe liгq
9rаmmаr: рrеsепt simpJe affirmative апd negative
, capital letters

|Ж tB тhаtъ life
L Read 1-15 and evaluate уоur lеаrпiпg iп Unit l, Glve yourse f а mark frоm 1 to З.

Progress check &-ýrзýt How сап you improve?

'l l can't do this, 2 l have some problems w]th th]s. З 1 сап do this well,

:гпе three things astronauts do on the space station еvеrу day

;nderstand а text about а daiiy routine.
2 ,аmе five things that you do every day,
talk about my daily routine
З ,',i hat do you do at the weekend / оп tridау / iп summer?
use prepositions of time to talk about when l do thlngs

4 Name thrее things а friend does every day

_: ll use the рrеsепt simple with he, she and lr.

5 Whеп do we use the рrеsепt simple?

_an identify when to use the рrеsепt simple.
6 Rewrite the sentences iп the negative form.
1 They watch fiJms at the weekend. 2 She 1ikes pizza
.ап USe the present simple iп affirmative and negative Sentences.

7 What's the difference lэetween а day school and а boarding

schoo] ?

] сап understand а text about British schools

8 which school sub,jects use the objects below?
а calculator Ь Spanish dictionary с mар
сап identiflz school sulэjесts
9 Put the words iп оrdеr to make questions. Writе short answers
that аrе true for you,
1 study / do / history / yau ?
2 уоur friend / like / does / homework ?
l can use the present simple to ask and answer questions.
10 What question words do we use to find out about
а things? Ь time? с people? d numbers?
] сап use question words with the present simple.

11 Rewrite the sentences. Start each new sentence with /go

1 l walk to school. 2 l cycle to my friend's house.
] can talk about transport апd journe
'l2 Give two affirmative and two ne9ative c]assroom instructioпs.
l сап understand classroom instructions.

13 Which of the fo]lowing needs а capita1 letter?

рlасе пdпl€S l,,,, monthS ::., S€эSопS :]:] dayS of the Week
l сап use capital letters соrrесtlу.
14 Апswег the questions.
1 Who's уоur favourite асtоr? 2 What's уоur favourite song?
l сап complete а questionnaire.

15 Writе thrее questions you want to ask а tеепаgеr frоm the USA,

l сап write а questionnaire

Progress check Unit 1 19 r


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Ж# Free-time activities 4 Rewrite the sentences. Replace the words in bold

with their antonyms.
ý Complete the sentences with the words below.
1 Jack enjoys skateboarding.
acting l, раiпtiпg piaying computer game5 ýаgи d*e.**'t *ф*1 **аtr.Ь_*rаrdj**,
р aying the drums ,
rосk climbing sw+mm+ng 2 l love dancing.
1 l'm not rеаllу into sport, but l like ,, ,sy.iT1,1tз;lliп

in the pool wlth mу friends. З They aren't interes; i. .;;ki.;.'

Kitty is in а rосk grоuр, She likes
and singing. Dad dislikes mу music.
\4у friends and аrе into
especially simulation 9ames like SimСiгу Kelly is into sport.
ln the holidays, George's fami у go to Scotland, They
like ,.,. iп the mountains, don't enjoy plovi^o cor'loJTe, gаггаJ
5 l'm artistic l ove drаwiпg and
6 еп;оу /\4у favouгite subject at We're interested iп photography.
school is drаmа
8 | like р aying tennis
write the free-time activities next to the clues. use
the words below.
cooking dancing dfawfilg ], раiпtiпg &Ж Sports
р ауiпg tennis singing skateboarding ý Complete the table with the sports below. Some
1 it's artistic, You use а pencil, ,, ,. , *ir;и!*Е sports go in more than опе category.
2 lt's musical you don't need а musical instrument,
aerobics аrсhеrу , athletics badminton
Ьа4tеtba]1 сапоеiпg cricket gymnastics.. hockey
З t's somethinq you do with food.

ltЪ а sport. Му favourite players аrе Rоgеr Fеdеrеr and BalI sports
Andy N/urray
5 You move to г,rusiс.,,,,,,,,,,
6 You do this in special parks оr in the street. You go
Теаm sports
fast! , ,,,,,,, ,,, ,, ,

ltЪ artistic.You use palnt. v*ýýa,gbaltr,

ЖЖ Likes and dislikes


3 Choose the correct words to complete the text. ýaitiýý"

CHALLEý{GE! Look at the free-time activities in

the tabIe in exercise 5. Do you like these activities?

Write а sentence for eight free-time activities using
love, like, Ье into, епjоу or Ье interested ln in the
affirmative оr negative.

.Jасklф]Щ/ hates al 5portsl He's rеа у 2interested / 2

into cycling (he goes еvегуwhеr.^ оп his bike), апd he 3
Зdоеsп't like |ikes ауiпg tennis with 4
/ р his fгiends at the
weekend, Josh alikes / hates sport. Не doesn't do а ot of 5
exerciseI He's not 5enjoy / interested in tennis оr footba , 6 .... .

but he бlikes / into skateboarding, _]osh ls 7interested in 7.

/ enjoys n,]usic. Не 8loves / doesn't р aying the drums. 8
He's also 9into / interested art and he roisn't interested
iп / loves рhоtоgrарhу,

W zo Timeout
Vocabulary and grammar Же*ý&&зу ýýwýхзg
it *'ii*!i* *e%*1{{{&ý t l &* -& lъW
rгпi " Ш Sportscollocations:play,go,do
эut the words in order to make sentences. 3 Complete the advert with pla|, go or do.
] :ften / go / after / cycling / schoo / Action Camps UK

i ***:з g* ;,"g*iЭ*g *{ýеr *с"ýз**!.

2 Jon't / often / we /ТV / watch

З _iade/ does/ aerobics/always/Tuesday/on All оur camps hаче indoor and оutdооr sроrts
facilities. Yоu сап:
4 ечеr/hоmрwо, l / / dоlсtthеиеоlеlо ' р_ýаý badminton 5 rugЬу
.. ,.. karate running
5 usua 1у / hungry / is / after / trainIng / Тоm cricket basketball
hockey 8
6 .лpp1r 'aflet r schoo / u>ual,y / l. p v .е
Westbourne Саmр is пек to thе sea, At this саmр
7 ,o"npt -npt ' playt 'dad / Tl-e
9u " ' ;; уоu сап:
canoeing,'0 sailing
and , ,,,,
r1 volleyball.
8 оо,ео / оttрг / l / оrl arT / ч;l jзч
Stапfоrd Саmр specializes in Olympic sports.
Неrе you can: 12, athletics, rЗ. ,,,,,.. аrсhеrу
Study а triathleteЪ training schedule. Write answers and 1а ,, gymnastics.
to the questions below using the correct adverbs of New fоr this summer - an indoor sl<i slope, so you
frequency. can ]5 sl<iing.

4 Wbicb sport in each group cannot Ье used with the

,l do фЕ!ýФ karate аrсhеrу
2 play badminton сriсkеt canoei ng
З 9о salling hockey sk! i пg
4 do aerobics gymnastics rug Ьу
5 9о ";^r ir g rапоеi,с basketba ll

How often does she go ruппiпg in the morning?

(usually / always) Ch{ДaLLýýýý! Write sentences that are true for you.
:эliе *э*а!it чц}t r!i!!n,t,l,i.* 1i;9 ij!+j.!,i];:i Use play, go or do and adverbs of frequency.
How often does she go to the gym on Sunday? 'l / dancihg / with / mу friends
(пеvеr / sometimes)
2 my раrепts / skiinq
How often does she go swimming iп the аftеrпооп?
(usually / поt often) 3 ту оа l,ipno Ь"rЦ" ooll z at qc^oo

How often does she go to the gym in the afternoon? 4 mv friends / karate / after schoo
(пеvеr / sometimes)
5 ] / swimmino / at the weekend
How often does she rе ах оп Sunday?
(always / often) 6 Му -, ionoq c^d , olle lbal, , al llp 5оо, lc .ег |r'.

Time оut 21 Ж
.,, ,
."{r*#1.,, .жр. ,l,,,,.':]

Vocabulary and grammar Making music


ý Musicalinstruments 6 Complete the article with the words below. Add

'l whicb instrument in each 9rочр is the odd опе out?
сап / can'tto the verbs.

1 saxophone clarinet dance ..] druгпs ,... not рlау not speak.,:l. play

.l,, ,:]., rеа:
2 vio in keyboards celIo , . sing ..l.u-пdегslаRd ,:,, violin wэtсh
guitar l.,,

З рlапо drums keyboards f] ute

4 fute guitar clarinet trUmpet
, ll;
lJ. l| а
/ \)t lO,\ --
write the instruments next to the clues. use the
words in exercise 1.

1 This instrument is similar to а violin, *qt!*

2 This instrument is simi]ar to а CIarinet, Jazz musicians
рlау this iпstruгпепt. ingy,giPI_q
з This instrument is simi]ar to а piano. lt's black and
4 Реор е п|ач these wlth the r hands оп у.
1пstrumепts _ ,-f-, \..,.J!

5 people play these iпstrumепts with thеir mouth
ha nds,

МаЬоu Loiвeau ib fiva-loaгB-old. ýha

r. Еаз,t ,ýФdtr*tar,td..,. aaven languageb - ftопсh,
3 Replace the words in bold with their antonyms.
Lreo\o, Ongtibh, ipanibh, Мапdагiп, АгаЬiс and
lt's а ways verylnoisy at оur saturday drаmа club. we
KubBian! ihe ьрааКь frопсh,9пgliвh апd Lrоо\о
Start \^/ith the 2usual aСtivity of wаrmiпg up оur voices
at homo Ьосzuье ilhеьо аrе hег
рагепtа' languagob,
- we singl Оur singing very Зgооd. we sing athe same
scngs еvеrу week Аftеr that we go оп Stage and we
but hог рагепtь 2,.,.. . tho оthаг
languagoa. МаЬоu hab lоьsопь in thobe languagoa.
practise acting. We'Ve got 5а new show to pгaСtise at the
mогпепt, lt's бeasy to rеmеmЬеr all the wordsl iho З 5оп96 in iрапiвh and bho
stогiеs iп KuBsian.
Mabou is аlэо а muьi.ian. iho 5
4 choose the correct words. musical iпаtгumепts. ihe plalb clasbical inatrumantB

] liKp tha piano and tho 6 . iho albo

Не can /@play the рiапо?
2 We сап sing / to sing. plalb tha guitаг. ihe plalB а noiвy iпьtгumепt, too -
З John сап to / сап speak Spanish, tho7 ! Нег mоihаг
4 You can't / don't сап ride а bike tho dгums, but hsг {аthоr сап
5 Can dance you / you dance? р\а1. ln tact,ho'b hаг dгums tоасhоr|
6 Д,4у sister doesn't сап / can't
рlау the 9uitar. Lotb о{ littla girlb оцо1 dancing. Mabou lovob
7 They сап swimming / swim.
бhо very ihо goea to ballot
8 \l u m са n't d rive / to d rive.
lobbonb ovary wеаК

5 Study the information and write sentences. tho'a а very unubual chlld and l thinK bhe's

Act Dance
i iпсгоdiЬlg!
Sing Cook Draw 1

Abbie ./ l/ х х х
CHALLENGE! Write about someone you know.
Ryan r' х a/ х r' Choose а famous реrsоп, а friend or а famity
Abbie/actlbut/sing member. Write аЬочt three things they сап do and
tа* *с!" bшi еhе **эзlt *!ng,
&.!эЬ;е three things they cannot do.
Rуап / sing / but/ Abbie / sing 1 ...

2 ....
Abbie/Rvan/cook 3 .....
4 Abtэie / dance / but / Rvan / danc-. 5..
5 Rуап / draw / but / Abbie / draw

ЬХ ,, Time out
jstening, speakin9 and чоGаЬчlаrу ýехреrýъсу&ýý

fi _.nguug",
Пatch 1-6 to a-f to make sentences. q. 3.04 Listen and match the dialogues to
| }п Рогtugаl and Brazil, people speak . .f_. pictures A-D.
2 l wоrk iп Egypt now. l speak,. ,, -,
3 l live iп Berjing, so l speak,..,....,
4 lп Argentina, Chile and Mexico, people speak..,, ,,.
5 lп New Zealand, people speak-,,-, ,,
е 6 His mother is frоm the Netherlands, so he speaks

.i а Arabic.
Ь Spanish.
с English.
d Dutch.
е Chinese.
f Portugt*ese

Complete the text with adverbs of mаппеr. Change

the adjectives below into adverbs.
Dialogue'l: Dialogue 3:
bad еа5у good hard quick quiet Dialogue 2: Dialogue 4:

Tick the pictures in exercise 4 in which the

responses to requests are'yes1

жж ; Рut the words in the correct order to make

Ё;;;ir. Match them to responses a-d. Then listen
again and check your answers.
1 you / mе, / please / help / Could ?

Leila Вахtег is а jouгnalist and she tгачеls to diffегепt

countries fог hег wогk. 'l lеаrп languages kitchen / mе / a/get/Can / frаm / drink/you/the ?

,.,,,, ,.ea*ilg , ,' she explains. At the moment, she


lives in Egypt. 'l сап speak АгаЬiс 2 ,Му а / Сап / qet / pizza, / mе / please / уоч ?
mоthег is Могоссап and we speal< АгаЬiс togetheг.'
'Му job is exciting. l {lnd out about people's lives and 1ou / l oJ,o [| iо'еа)е и пооw oper ?
wгitе герогts. l wгitе З А slow jоuгпаlist
isn't чегу useful! | have one ргоЬlеm, l spell
! l can't live without my diсtiопагу.
а Yes, of coul,se, Неrе you аrе.
'l wогk чегу 5, ,,
Ь No, sоrrу. ] сап't. lt doesn't ореп.
,, ,, , ,, . That's ОК because l love
б с Yes, of course. Whеrе's уоur саr?
my job, but sometimes I like to sit ,.,., ,,.,,. , , , , ,, ,, ,, and
геаd. ЕчегуЬоdу needs to геlах!'
d No, sоrrу. l can't. \л/апt to work. You сап get а drink.
7 c},ý"&ý-Lý}iiýýl Choose two pictures and write а
З Rewrite the sentences using the adverb form of the dialogue for each опе. Use requests and responses.
adjectives in brackets.
1 i\4y Ьrоthеr sings. (bad)
ioli tэr,6tlrсr lill*з bad!1,
2 l speak. (quick)

Do you play уоur vio]rn? (quiet)

l сап't рlау the keyboards. (good)

Arl'letes trd п е /е,у ос/ r|з,6l

You ruп. (slow)

Са. you l"о,. na* c]alL е,l reaSvl

Time очt В ý
Reading ýх*ее &ýgже ж ý€у8еm tirкe?
What are your favourite free-time activities? Put
the activities in order from 1 to 8 (1 = your favourite
activity, 8 the activity you don't like).
, listening to music

rпееtiпg friends
playing а musical iпstrurпепt
р aying computer games
doing sport Wwжж &&жкж
, ,., reading
д€Ё _ *ffi
., , using the internet
watching ТV ýý*ы*ffiýв ýýýýеffi"f,
Read the article. Match headings А-Е to
paragraphs 1-5.
А Sport is рорulаr, too
В DO оГ-рUIс,r Col Ilo| |рбпdgе, \р /
With computers and TVs in their
С А good mix
ьеdrооms, and the internet оп their mobile
phones, do today's young people spend all
D What оthеr activities do teenaqers ike?
Е Рагегts'vtоr"iеs
of their frее time looking at а screen?

Read the article again and choose the correct

А lot of adults wоrrу about their children
watching TV and playing соmрutеr games.
1 \4any раrепts
Some think that computer games stop their
а don't rnlant thеir сhi]drеп to use computers,
children doing sports, making new friends
(Б}think thеir chi dren аrе only interested iп
10 or doing homework.
computers and ТV.
с wоrrу about teenagers making friends on the
internet. Computers аrе раrt of everyday life. As
d think computers help teenagers with homework. well as playing соmрutеr games, teenagers
What is оvеr 407о of teena9ers'favourite activity? use соmрutеrs in their free time to buy
а using the iniernet 15 music, watch films and go on social-
Ь watching ТV
с meeting friends
d watching films recent study about European teenagers
What do almost 50% of tеепаgеrs like? SayS that going online isn't the favourite
а reading 20 activity of mапу teenagers - опlу 22%
Ь sport are rеаIIу into it. About the same пumЬеr
с meeting friends
- 20% - рrеfеr watching TV. Ноwечеr,
d walking очеr 40% of teenagers say their favourite
Many teena9ers activity is meeting friends,
а play ап instrument.
Ь sinq.
с buy music online.
d listen to music.
Д,4ost teenage.s

don'l often do lheir поmеwоrk.

ь do lots of activities in theirfree time.
с watch ТV with their parents,
d only spend time on their соmрutеrs.
The writer оf the article thinks
а computers сопtrоl teenagers'lives,
Ь computers can teach tеепаgеrs а lot.
с teenagers have а good mix of using computers
and doing other activities.
d people can't live without computers.

24 Time оut
.{W&' ýж*""ý']*ýЕ':ý]lжж]ý,...i{1]:] ]],],,:].]:,]]]]ý]:]:]i]]ii]].]], ;&r.]:]:aýý*&ýФаi]ý{ýiiý]. ]]]|]ý&s*dý*]]]]]:]]ff]]:]]:]].']]]:]:]::ýýýi::]...]' ]:"

& study the highli9hted words in the article. тhеп

match the highlighted words to the words or
phrases below.
1 bu r ';iiv,o"t;
2 п ddd |iог |о
3 iL , truo thal
4 z5/o
5 using the lпtеrпеt
6 or е,аrрlе

ý Rewrite the sentences usin9 the words in brackets.

'l lVly favourite sport is swimming. lt's true that l оvе itl
(iп fact)
И1 {аv*итi!е, *р*rt i*, sФiтэхfiisý, itз fa*i" i 1*_ч* lii
2 The children play footbalL and hockey.
(as we l as)

Liam ]oves art, but he can't paint,

\Imost half of all Еurореап teenagers say
sport is their favourite activity. They like Не spends 25О/а af his tirTe playing computer games
to go cycling, go walking, go swimming, оr (а quаrtеф
they play team games, ýOCh',,8ý, football.
l ;se the irrerneL every eve,li,9.
(go оп]iпе)
Reading - books, magazines, blogs - is the
favourite activity of ýýr8aiýý;( of teenagers. l love mоdеrп languages, fоr example, Frепсh.
Many teenagers аrе into music. About 60% (such as)
love listening to music and about 5% сап
sing or play an instrument.
СЖ&LLýýЧýý! Write а paragraph about your free
time. Use the phrases in exercise 4 and answer the
Fоr some teenagers, computers and TV аrе following questions.
чеrу important. But most teenagers spend
What is уоur favourite frее-tiгпе activity?
their free time doing different activities.
..l How often do you use уоur compute[?
So, their parents don't need to panic!
, What do you use the computer fоr?
How often do you watch ТV?
Do уоur раrепts wоrrу about what you do iп уоur
free time? Why / why not?
,, Do you think you spend your frее time well? Why /
why not?

! {


Time очt 25 Ж
Writing &ж ýmfв*,mаý ýеttеr
.. :] .,;;i].]|:]-l ],];8ýж:i]|.ir::ý:.:]1**&*ý*ffi:,],]:;ý ]::lýýffi ý*ýЖ:]],&,.1'l*;]ilý]:]::]a] :]::ý,..] ý!ýýýý*]:{w.1;ryж - ý&ýtr.{

ý Complete 1-7 in the letter with the words and З Choose the correct linking word to complete the
phrases below. sentences.
l\4апсhеstеr Drive ,]]:,
Dеаг Cha[|'e ,,:': WestcIiff:,l:lEssex
l love drawing, and / but l don't like painting,
,,,,24 осtоЬеr,20]З ,,, SS0 9YH ,,,,,
Best wishes ,]'.] Gemma 2 |'ve got а dog and / or а cat.
3 At the weekend, l usually play football or / but
4 Do you рrеfеr acting but / or dancing?
5 l love cycling, and / but l can't сусlе поW becat-s=
fl*g8,з haven't got а bike.
l'm good at 1anguages. 1 сап speak English, Span _

and / but Frепсh.

ТhапК 1ou fоr 1оur lеttег. l don't live in а cit1. l live in Yаsý* lmagine you are Charlie. Write СhаrliеЪ first
а tоwп, sо that'b diffеrепt frоm 1ou! ls il nico in yоur letter to Gemma.
cit1? t live vrith m1 mum, m1 dad ", m1 sistоr, ýc**as Which paragraph has the information
Тоьis, Ь, l haven't got а pet. Yоu'rа lucK1 to have below?
а cal. l love cats| 1 Gemma's weekend 1 /2 / з
Yоur sсhооl i5 чory big - 1.7oo studentB ib а lot! l go 2 Gemma's family 1/2/з
to Pelfairs High бсhооl. ' it's not а vor1 big 3 Gemma's school 1/2/з
school - thоrе are'I5o studentв. The studpnts in m1 What information do you think is in СhаrliеЪ
с|аьь aro чеr1 friendl1. М1 favourite subject at bchool first letter to Gemma? use the information in
is mоdоrп lапguаgеэ. l can sроаК English GеmmаЪ letter to answer the questions.
брапish. l аlsо ецiо1 ьсiопсо and mаths. l 1 Gеmmа llves in а town. Whеrе does Chariie live?
don't liKe ?Е. l'm not very good at toam sроrts! iо
uе аrе different! lt's grеаt that 1оu аг9 in yоur sсhооl What type of pet has Charlie got?
football team.
Does Сhаrliе qo to а big school оr а small school?
At the r^reeKend, l liKo meeting m1 friепds. Цlе usuall1
go to the cinema. М1 favourite films аrа the Tv,ilight r,rоо.,. How ra,y
Cemтa, schoo ha, u \О
filmв, too! Sometimea оп tunda1 l go вwimmiпg students go to Charlie's school?
clcling r^rith m1 Ьеst friand. Меgап. l liKe
doing вроrt at the wесКопd, l not tsаm sportв What subjects does Charlie like?
at sсhооl|

Цlritе again soon! *;;i й; i,'ёH.,ri" ;; ;;i

what аrе charlie's favourite films?

Рý*rе Use GеmmаЪ letter as а model. Organize

your ideas into paragraphs.
Paragraph ]: Write about Charlie's town / city, family
and pet{S).
Раrаgrарh 2: Describe Charlie's school and favourite
Paragraph З; Describe what Charlie usually does at
&Vritg Write СhаrliеЪ letter to Gemma. Use your
notes and рlап to help you. Remember to use the
linking words апd, but апd or,
Сýзесk Check the following points:
,l], 9rаmmаr
.]. punctUation
l. 1inking words cnd, bur and or
2 Complete a-f in the letter in exercise 1 with опd, but
,l аll the information about Сhагliе
or or.
,, different paraqraphs fог diffегепt topics

26 Time очt
Read 1-1З and evaluate your lеаrп пg lп Unit 2. Glrze yourself а mаrk from l to 3.

Progress check ýJхъit 2 How can you improve?

-| ]]:ýý{:]]]]:]::]:]]].:a:]*]]:i]]:Жý!ffi]a:i.']&]
'l ] сап't do this. 2 have some prolэlems with this, 3 can do this well.

'l Name six free-time activities.

сап understand а text about frее time activities
2 Give three phrases to dеsсriЬе likes and three phrases to
describe dislikes.
:ап ехргеss my likes and dislikes.

З Name thrее team sports and three individual sроrts

_ап talk about different sports
4 Add play go аr doto the following sports
а r.]9Ьу Ь аеrоЬ,rs с rLгп гq
:ап USe the соrrесt vеrЬ with Sport поUпS
5 Complete the table with adverbs of frequency
always, , .,,.,,,,.,, sometilr.les

.ап use adverbs offrequency,

6 Writе sепtепсеs with ссп in the affirmative (/), neqative (Х) оr

question fоrm (?).
а Nlia/rideabikey' Ь Adam/danceX с Alice/swim?
:ап USe сап / сап't io talk about abllity.
7 Write the antonyms fоr the ad,]ectives.
а noisy Ь usual с good d different е new f easy
:ап recognize and use antonyms

8 Do the 1anguages fог the countries end iп -ish, iоп,,ese оr ch?

а Frапсе Ь Egypt с China d Poland е ltaly
:ап rесоgпizе spelling patterns.
9 Change the ad_]ectives into adverbs and write а sепtепсе with
each adverb,
а bad Ь quick с quiet d easy е hаrd f good
сап change adjectives into adverbs of mаппеr
10 Writе а request with ссп and а request with could,
can make and respond to requests.

]1 Answer the questions about iпfоrmаl letters,

'1 Whеrе do you put address апd the date?
2 How do you start а letter? З How do you end а letter?
сап write а lеttеr соrrесtlу.
12 Complete the SentenСes With ]inkin9 words.
da ncing.
2 i'm not into playing tennis, , , l like watchlng it.

З What pet have you got? ls it а cat а dog?

can use linkinq words in а sentence

13 WhattopicS сап you include in an informal letterto а репраl?
i can plan ап informal letter.

Progress check Unit 2 27 Ж

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&# Vocabulary
Жgахsg gý &he fая*ьхуе
ffiЖý*ж:lý-,lg" ,a]:9 ý'ý;]]],; _j{j,,***,a

ffi tnside and outside the home

T]]ýýJ} house. | ]ive hеrе with mу раrепts.lОп / Under/
write the places next to the clues. use the words {д;|i'91:_gеПе house is а smal| 9агdеп.Тhе first гооm оп
below. the left is the living rооm.2lп front of / Behind / Between
, . the iiving rооm is the dining гооm.тhе kitchen is зпехt to,/
:,l Ьаthrооm Ьеdf€€{п .,
9аrdеп ,,, kitchen Iiving rооm
behind / on the dining rооm. The lэасk gаrdеп is in afront
1 You sleep iп hеrе. Ь*dг**tэ:r of / next to / behind the kitchen.
2 You cook in hеrе ,.
lVy Ьеdrооm is upstalrs, ltЪ а very sma]] rооm.ТhеrеЪ а big
З You have а shower lп here. . ,
cupboard 5оп / between / behind mу раrепts'ьесlrооm
4 You relax and watch ТV iп hеrе. ,, ,.
and the bathroom.
5 Thisisoutside,, ,., ,
The Ьаthгооm is бпехt to / opposite,/ оп mу lэedroom.
/ |n / оп the bathroom, there is а shоwеr, а toiiet апd
Put the words below in the correct category.
а washbasin.
ceiiing door floor rооf wa]l window I love our back garden, we've got а table апd chairs outside
- they аrе 8near/ between / under а beautiful tree.

Answer the questions about the house in exercise 4.

1 What opposite the ТV?
is ý}зе **{4
2 What is оп the talэ|e in the dining rооm?,,.
З What is under the window in the kitchen? ,,.

Ж the home What is opposite the door iп the kitchen? ,.,

'n 5
3 Wbich item in each group is the odd one очt?
what is iп frопt of the desk iп the small lэеdrооm?

'l bedroom 6 What is opposite the bed iп the рагепts'rооm?

Цq9* bedside tab]e chest of drawers
bathroom Й.i i, i. i,".i"Г,Н" Ь.О
lэidet washbasin mirrоr frееzеr ' 'n
the раrепts'rооm?

Iiving rооm
'оое сг,ll, пd 8 what is between the shower and the toilet in the
Г'ер l Cdlpe|
"се Гr bathroom7, ,

frееzеr washing mасhiпе dishwasher stail.s & сЖ*ьlС'ýýý! Write а description of your bedroom.
lnclude prepositions of place and names of
ЖЖ Prepositions of place
furniture. Use the following questions to help you
4 Look at the picture. Choose the correct prepositions plan your description.
of place to complete the description. , Is уоur Ьеdrооm big оr small?
, What colour аrе the wal s, ceiJing and fIoor?
, Have you got апу postel-s оп the wa]ls?
What fuгпiturе have you got?
., Whеrе is a]l the furnituгe iп уоur rооm?
What is уолr favourite thing in уоur Ьеdrооm?
. What сап you sе.д out of the window?

@ zB Home and away

Grаmmаr Enjoy the viеw lr.l
,W ý@ж ., & ]ъ.ý;r]:]**

1 саfё/?
li +{"-*"
i:ar!i с,,*":1
a,,?!r.' Yё.5, tп9fе lý.
' '::ch ]-6 to a-fto make sentences. s*i,"..,,,,,:ng ooor 'J
1€Ге IS *ъ._ а апу cupboards iп this rооm.
lеrе аrе ) Ь апу rоогпs for five реорlе? toilets / in the Ьеdrооms / ?
-lere isn't Ч- с а chair fоr you, Р ease sit down
а Тv iп the hotel rооm? 4 restaurant / ?

е some good hote s hеrе.

there f а bath, but there is а shower, 5 she veb / in lhp b.drooms / ?

i Complete the sentences with о, ап, some or апу. 6 activities / ?

ТhеrеЪ а DVD рlауеr in this rооm.

2 Тhеrе аrеп't ., -,. , ,, ,, , tennis CoUrts,
7 t,.ep асе / ?

з ls thеrе раrk fоr children to play iп?

l There аrе ,,.,,,,,, ,, , ovely beaches пеаr hеrе.
8 bed / in each Ьеdrооm / ?

5 Тhеrе isn't ,, -, ,. - , , ,. hotel in this street.

о Аrе there.,, ,,,,, ,,,, , shops open today?
7 Тhеrе аrеп]t,.,.,. . nice саfёs пеаr the hotel
Complete the telephone conversation with
there is l isn't, there are l аrеп't and о, some or опу.
8 ls there unusual place to stay?
Bella HiAmy, it's BellaI
З Study the hotel information and write sentences. Аmу Heyl How аrе you? \,Vhat's уоur campsite like?
Use affirmative, negative and question forms of Bella Not goodI l Jilе,ге }:1л]'Э { ,, swimming pool!
there is lthere are.Then write short answers. Amy Oh dear,2 beach?
Bella Yes, there is, but itЪ far away.

Hotel 0чеЬес lэus in the гпоrпiпg, but

,,. ,,

bus iп the аltеrпооп.

Amy That's annoyinqIWhat's уоur саrаvап 1lke?
Bella lt's ок, Тhеrе аrе four beds апd
,.,,, chairsandаtable.
Amy TV?
Bella No, there isn't!
Amy ,. games?
Bella No, there аrеп't| l'm iэоrеd!
Amy ,nice реорlе?
Bella family пехt to us,
lэoy the same а9е as гпе.
Amy Oh yes? s he friendly?
Bella Yes, he's nice. Не likes cycling and
Rooms bikes we сап use.
Amy Well, maybe your holiday isn't bad after а ]|
[Э ЗО rooms У
о Each rооm has а bed and some ice shelvesl Сý"{&ý-ý-ЕýЧýý! lmagine уоu are оп holiday here.
Write ап email to your friend. Describe what there
toilet? Х
is / isn't iп the wigwam. Use the words below or your
shower? Х (There are bathrooms in own ideas.
different building,) bath lэed , cei ing,,l сhаir, electricity f|691 ll199f
,Jg 'doe ц'пdоw
,а fireplace Х
саfё У
lol restaurant Х
д swimming pool Х
Activiti es
.в skiing r/
.@ snowboarding У
.@ walking У
Home and away 29 Ж
Please stick your candidate label here

Anglia ESOL International Examinations

Junior Level

Paper CC115

 Time allowed – ONE hour.

 Make sure you have the correct candidate label in the box

 Answer ALL the questions.


 Use a black or blue PEN.


 You may use correcting fluid if necessary.


For Examiner’s Use Only

A [20] B [10] C [10] D [10] E [10] F [20] G [10] H [10]

Read/Write Total Marker’s Initials

© Anglia Examinations Ltd. Reg. in England Co. No. 2046325

Chichester College, Westgate Fields, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1SB, ENGLAND

These materials may not be altered or reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, electrical, chemical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Junior CC115

Section A (20 marks)

Write the words under the picture.

a mouth a cup an elephant a train an egg

a pear a flower a whale an orange a vase a rubber

Example: an orange

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.


Junior CC115 Page 1 of 7


Section B (10 marks)

Days. Write the letters.

1. T __ __ s d a y

2. W e __ n __ s d a y

3. F __ __ d a y

4. S a __ u __ d a y

5. __ u __ d a y



Section C (10 marks)
Write the numbers.

Example: five 1.

2. 3.

4. 5.

Junior CC115 Page 2 of 7


Section D (10 marks)

Write the word.

Example: He is reading a story.

A are B is C has D am

1. My sister has a new hat. ___________________ is big and blue.

A It B Her C His D Our

2. I ___________________ playing volleyball in the park.

A has B are C is D am

I have a baby brother. ___________________ is very small.
A His B Their C He D Its

4. You are writing in ___________________ new book!


A your B he C they D she


5. We ___________________ watching television in the living room.

A am B are C has D is


Junior CC115 Page 3 of 7


Section E (10 marks)

Find the toy duck.

near under in in front of behind on

Example: Duck number 1 is in front of the window.

Duck number 2 is the bath.

Duck number 3 is the radio.

Duck number 4 is the chair.

Duck number 5 is the cupboard.

Duck number 6 is the mat. __


Junior CC115 Page 4 of 7


Section F (20 marks)

Read the story and write the colours.

Paul is playing with his sister, Kathy. Paul has black hair. He is wearing an orange
shirt, green trousers and yellow shoes. He has a red car. Kathy is wearing a pink
dress and white socks. Her hair is brown and the bus is purple. The table is grey
and the glasses are blue.



Junior CC115 Page 5 of 7


Section G (10 marks)

Answer the questions.


Please write clearly.

1. NAME:

2. AGE:




Thank you


Section H (10 marks)


Read the question and find the answer. Put the number in the box.
There is one example.

e.g. What’s your name? 4 1 It is in the classroom.


A. How many girls are there? 2 Yes, I do.

3 I’m ten years old.


B. How old are you?


C. What colour is the bag? 4 My name’s John.


D. Do you like football? 5 There are three girls.

E. Where is the book? 6 It is white.


Junior CC115 Page 6 of 7


Blank page

Junior CC115 Page 7 of 7

Please stick your candidate label here

Anglia ESOL International Examinations

Junior Level

Listening Examination

Paper CC115

 Listen to the recording and answer the questions.
 You will hear each part of the recording twice.

 There will be a pause before each part so you can read the questions.
 There will be other pauses to let you think about your answers.

 When you hear the tone you should write your answers on the

question paper.

 Write clearly in the spaces provided.


You must ask any questions now as you cannot speak during the test.

For Examiner’s Use Only


L1 [10] L2 [20]

Listening Total Marker’s Initials

© Anglia Examinations Ltd. Reg. in England Co. No. 2046325

Chichester College, Westgate Fields, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1SB, ENGLAND

These materials may not be altered or reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, electrical, chemical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Junior Listening CC115


Section L1 (10 marks)

Listen to these six words and put a tick () in the box under the picture of the
word you hear. There is one example.



Junior Listening CC115 Page 1 of 3



Section L2 (20 marks)

Listen to these six sentences and write the missing word. There is one example.

a. John is eating salad for lunch.


b. The children are reading a __________________ story.

c. Jenny plays __________________ at school.


d. Your book is ________________ the desk.


e. The dog is in the __________________.


f. They are in the ___________________.


Junior Listening CC115 Page 2 of 3


Blank page

Junior Listening CC115 Page 3 of 3

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