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Introduction to Management Accounting


• Management accounting or also called
management accounting, Management accounting and cost accounting are
• a branch of accounting that focuses on closely related, with cost accounting being a subset
providing financial information and analyses to of management accounting.
help management make informed business
decisions. MANAGEMENT
• It plays a crucial role in providing timely and ACCOUNTING
relevant information to support the effective and The accounting in
The recording,
efficient management of an organization and it which the both financial
classifying and
is primarily used for internal purposes. and non-financial
summarizing of cost
• By providing relevant and timely information, information are
data of an organization
Management Accounting empowers decision- provided to managers
makers to identify strengths, weaknesses, and Quantitative and
areas of improvement within the organization Qualitative.
and enable managers to make informed Providing information to
Ascertainment of cost
choices that align with the company's objectives managers to set goals
of production
and strategies. and forecast strategies
• An important function of Management Concerned with
Accounting is to support decision-making ascertainment,
Impart and effect
processes within the organization. allocation, distribution,
aspect of costs.
and accounting
It gives more stress on
• The main objectives of management Records past and
the analysis of future
accounting include providing relevant and present data
timely financial information, aiding in strategic
Short range and long-
planning, budgeting, and performance Short range planning
range planning
Cannot be installed Can be installed without
• It involves the preparation of various reports,
without cost management
budgets, and analyses that help management
accounting. accounting.
make informed decisions to achieve
organizational goals.
• Management accountants often work closely
with different departments within a company to MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT
gather and analyze data, offering insights that
support effective and efficient business
manages all financial activities and is usually at
the top of the finance structure and reports
COMPARISON OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND directly to the firm owner or CEO and ensures
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING that accounting and finance follow corporate
ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING report to the CFO but have accounting-specific
External and internal duties in many firms. The controller controls daily
Internal users
users income and expense ledgers, assigns
Optional Mandatory accounting assignments, and works with the
Need not follow PFRS Follow PFRS CFO to make company-wide financial decisions
Timeliness Precision 3. DIVISION MANAGERS - these accounting
Flexibility Consistency department titles or divisions manage income,
Relevant information Reliable information expenses, and salaries, making up the
Detailed Summarized accounting system.
Future oriented Historical 4. ACCOUNTANTS AND CLERKS - according to
Intervals (no specific Quickbooks, division managers may employ
Annual (specific period) accountants and clerks. These experts specialize
in revenue tracking, cost management, payroll,
and HR policy. To reduce workload, larger
companies split these sections, but smaller
companies may simplify them with one
accountant or clerk reporting to the division
5. INTERNAL AUDIT TEAM – some organizations
have an internal audit team that works closely
with management accountants to ensure
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compliance with internal policies and 3. CONTROLLING
procedures. • if the goals/plans are achieved
6. REST OF THE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT • Management accounting activities related
STRUCTURE – companies of various sizes use to controlling involve monitoring
interns to assist with accounting and finance performance against plans and taking
tasks. Paid or unpaid interns usually work at the corrective actions as needed.
bottom of the ladder. Their managers, usually • This includes analyzing variances between
division supervisors or the controller, may give actual and budgeted figures, identifying
them research, filing, data entry, and other areas of concern, and implementing
administrative chores. strategies to improve performance and
achieve desired outcomes.
ACCOUNTANTS • needs of the company
• Management accountants play a crucial role
1. COMPETENCE – management accountants are in optimizing the use of resources within the
expected to continually enhance their organization.
professional competence and skills. They should • This includes managing costs, allocating
perform their duties with diligence, objectivity, resources effectively, and identifying
and a commitment to keeping their knowledge opportunities to improve efficiency and
up-to-date. Provide decision support and productivity.
business analysis information and 5. TECHNOLOGICAL IMPLEMENTATION
recommendations that are accurate, clear, • new machineries
concise, and timely. • In today's digital age, management
2. CONFIDENTIALITY – management accountants accountants often leverage technology to
are required to safeguard sensitive information streamline processes, improve data analysis,
and maintain confidentiality regarding financial and enhance decision-making.
and non-financial data. They should not disclose • This may involve implementing accounting
confidential information unless legally required software, using data analytics tools, and
to do so. adopting automation technologies to
3. INTEGRITY – management accountants should increase efficiency and accuracy in
maintain honesty and avoid conflicts of interest. financial management.
they are expected to provide accurate and 6. VERIFICATION
truthful information in their reporting and • reliability
communication. they should also refrain from • Verification involves ensuring the accuracy
engaging in any conduct that would prejudice and reliability of financial information.
carrying out duties ethically. • Management accountants perform audits,
4. CREDIBILITY – communicate information fairly reconcile accounts, and conduct internal
and objectively; disclose all relevant information controls to verify the integrity of financial
that could reasonably be expected to influence data and compliance with relevant
an intended user’s understanding of the reports, regulations and standards.
analyses or recommendations; disclose delays or 7. ADMINISTRATION - authority/delegation of
deficiencies in information, timeliness, works
processing, or internal controls in conformance • Management accounting activities related
with organization policy and/or applicable law to administration encompass overseeing
financial operations, establishing internal
controls, and ensuring compliance with
1. PLANNING regulatory requirements.
• strategy formulation and tactics • Administrators in management accounting
• This involves setting goals, developing also play a role in coordinating activities
budgets, and creating strategies to achieve across departments, communicating
organizational objectives. financial information to stakeholders, and
• Management accountants assist in fostering a culture of accountability and
forecasting future financial performance, transparency within the organization.
analyzing different scenarios, and
recommending courses of action to support
the organization's goals. ACCOUNTING
• provide report to internal users
• Management accounting plays a crucial
• Management accountants prepare financial
role in strategic decision-making by
reports and analysis for internal stakeholders,
providing financial analysis, insights, and
such as managers and department heads.
recommendations to support the
• These reports provide insights into the
organization's long-term goals and
organization's financial performance,
competitive advantage.
including budget variances, profitability, and
• This involves assessing market trends,
key performance indicators (KPIs).
evaluating investment opportunities, and
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aligning financial strategies with overall ⎯ Valuation techniques are used to determine
business objectives. the monetary worth of assets, liabilities, and
2. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT equity items on the balance sheet.
• Management accounting is responsible for 6. MARGINAL COSTING – Marginal costing focuses
measuring, monitoring, and evaluating the on analyzing the incremental costs associated
performance of various aspects of the with producing additional units of a product or
organization, including departments, service
projects, and individuals. ⎯ It helps management make short-term
• This involves establishing performance decisions, such as pricing, production
metrics, analyzing variances, and identifying volume, and sales mix, by considering the
areas for improvement to enhance variable costs and contribution margin.
efficiency, productivity, and profitability. 7. CASH FLOW ANALYSIS (insights/inflow of cash
3. RISK MANAGEMENT analysis) – kCash flow analysis examines the
• constraint analysis (possible limitations) inflows and outflows of cash within an
• Management accounting helps identify, organization over a specific period
assess, and manage risks that may impact ⎯ It helps management monitor liquidity,
the organization's financial performance assess financial stability, and make decisions
and objectives. about capital expenditures, financing, and
• This includes analyzing market risks, dividend payments.
operational risks, and financial risks, and 8. INVENTORY TURNOVER ANALYSIS – Inventory
developing strategies to mitigate these risks turnover analysis measures how quickly a
effectively. company sells its inventory within a given period.
• Management accountants also ensure ⎯ It helps assess inventory management
compliance with regulatory requirements efficiency, identify excess or obsolete
and internal controls to minimize exposure to inventory, and optimize working capital.
risks. 9. CONSTRAINT ANALYSIS – identifies bottlenecks
or constraints that limit the performance of a
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING system or process.
TECHNIQUES ⎯ It helps management prioritize resources,
optimize throughput, and improve overall
1. BUDGETING – Budgeting involves the process of efficiency and productivity.
setting financial targets and allocating resources
to different activities within an organization. ROLES AND OBJECTIVES OF MANAGEMENT
⎯ It provides a framework for planning and ACCOUNTING
controlling operations, as well as for
evaluating performance against 1. PROVIDING RELEVANT INFORMATION –
predetermined goals. Management accountants gather, analyze,
2. VARIANCE ANALYSIS – Variance analysis and present financial and non-financial
compares actual financial results to budgeted or information to support decision-making
expected figures to identify differences processes within the organization.
(variances) and analyze their causes. ⎯ This information includes cost data, financial
⎯ It helps management understand why performance metrics, forecasts, and other
actual performance deviates from the relevant data that help management
planned targets and take corrective actions understand the current state of the business
as necessary. and make informed decisions.
3. FORECASTING – Forecasting uses historical data 2. FACILITATING PLANNING AND BUDGETING –
and statistical techniques to predict future Management accounting plays a crucial role in
financial outcomes. the planning and budgeting process.
⎯ It helps management anticipate trends, ⎯ Management accountants assist in setting
plan for contingencies, and make informed financial goals, developing budgets, and
decisions about resource allocation, pricing allocating resources effectively to achieve
strategies, and other business activities. organizational objectives.
4. COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS – Cost-benefit analysis ⎯ They provide insights into cost drivers,
evaluates the potential costs and benefits of a revenue projections, and resource
proposed project or decision to determine its requirements to support the planning
economic viability process.
⎯ It helps management assess whether the 3. SUPPORTING DECISION-MAKING –
benefits outweigh the costs and provides a Management accountants provide decision-
basis for decision-making. makers with relevant data and analysis to
5. PRODUCT COSTING AND VALUATION – product support strategic and operational decisions.
costing involves calculating the total cost of ⎯ They conduct cost-benefit analysis, scenario
producing a product, including direct materials, modeling, and sensitivity analysis to
labor, and overhead costs. evaluate different options and assess their
potential impact on the organization.
⎯ Management accountants help
management make well-informed decisions
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that align with the organization's goals and manufacturers to set competitive prices and
objectives. maximize profitability.
accounting involves evaluating the Banking) – In service industries, activity-based
performance of various aspects of the costing (ABC) is often used to allocate costs to
organization, such as departments, projects, or different services or customers based on the
products. activities required to deliver them.
⎯ Management accountants measure ⎯ This helps organizations understand the true
performance against predetermined cost of providing services and make pricing
targets, analyze variances, and identify decisions accordingly. Additionally, service
areas for improvement. industries rely on management accounting
⎯ By assessing performance metrics and key for budgeting, performance evaluation,
performance indicators (KPIs), and strategic planning. (activity-based
management accountants help analysis)
management monitor progress and take 3. HEALTHCARE – Management accounting is
corrective actions as needed. essential in healthcare for cost accounting,
5. COST ANALYSIS AND CONTROL – Management resource allocation, and performance
accounting focuses on analyzing costs and measurement.
implementing cost control measures to optimize ⎯ Cost accounting techniques, such as
resource allocation and improve profitability. activity-based costing (ABC) and relevant
⎯ Management accountants identify cost costing, help hospitals and healthcare
drivers, analyze cost behavior, and providers allocate resources efficiently,
implement cost reduction strategies to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of medical
minimize expenses while maintaining or treatments or procedures, and make
improving product quality and service decisions about investing in new
levels. technologies or facilities.
6. ASSISTING IN STRATEGY FORMULATION – 4. RETAIL – In the retail industry, management
Management accountants contribute to the accounting is used for inventory management,
formulation of organizational strategies by pricing strategies, and performance analysis.
providing financial insights and analysis. ⎯ Retailers use techniques like sales
⎯ They assess the financial implications of forecasting, inventory turnover analysis, and
strategic initiatives, evaluate investment margin analysis to optimize inventory levels,
opportunities, and help management align set prices, and maximize profitability.
financial goals with overall business 5. HOSPITALITY – Hospitality businesses, such as
objectives. hotels and restaurants, rely on management
⎯ Management accountants play a key role accounting for cost control, revenue
in developing strategies that enhance the management, and customer profitability
organization's competitive position and analysis.
long-term sustainability. ⎯ Cost control techniques help hospitality
7. ENSURING COMPLIANCE AND ETHICAL businesses manage expenses and maintain
STANDARDS – Management accountants profitability, while revenue management
ensure that financial reporting and strategies optimize pricing and capacity
management practices comply with relevant utilization to maximize revenue.
regulations, accounting standards, and ethical ⎯ Management accounting also helps
guidelines. hospitality businesses evaluate the
⎯ They establish internal controls, conduct profitability of different customer segments
audits, and monitor compliance to mitigate and marketing initiatives (cost control and
financial risks and maintain the integrity of revenue management)
financial information. 6. TECHNOLOGY – In the technology industry,
⎯ Management accountants uphold ethical management accounting is used for product
standards and promote a culture of costing, project budgeting, and performance
transparency, integrity, and accountability measurement.
within the organization. ⎯ Cost accounting techniques help
technology companies determine the cost
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING IN DIFFERENT of developing and producing new products
INDUSTRIES or services, allowing them to set pricing
strategies and make investment decisions.
1. Manufacturing – In manufacturing, ⎯ Additionally, management accounting
management accounting techniques like helps technology companies evaluate the
standard costing, variance analysis, and financial performance of research and
inventory management are commonly used to development projects and allocate
control costs, optimize production processes, resources effectively to drive innovation and
and ensure efficient use of resources. growth.
⎯ Cost accounting methods help determine
product costs accurately, allowing

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accounting is crucial in the nonprofit sector for ACCOUNTING
budgeting, resource allocation, and
performance measurement. 1. SUBJECTIVITY IN COST ALLOCATION – bias / it
⎯ Nonprofit organizations use management should be free from error
accounting techniques to allocate program ⎯ Cost allocation methods can be subjective
expenses accurately, assess the impact of and prone to biases, leading to
programs or initiatives, and ensure financial misrepresentation of costs and inaccurate
sustainability. decision-making. It's essential to ensure that
cost allocation processes are transparent
ADVANTAGES OF MANAGEMENT and free from errors.
financial data
1. INFORMED DECISION-MAKING – management ⎯ Management accounting primarily relies on
accounting provides relevant and timely financial data, which may not provide a
information to decision-makers, enabling them comprehensive view of organizational
to make informed decisions about resource performance.
allocation, strategic initiatives, and operational ⎯ Non-financial factors, such as customer
improvements. satisfaction, employee morale, and market
2. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND CONTROL – share, may not be adequately captured in
management accounting facilitates the financial reports.
evaluation of organizational performance 3. SHORT-TERM ORIENTATION – immediate plans
against predetermined goals and targets. it ⎯ Management accounting often focuses on
helps identify areas of strength and weakness, short-term goals and objectives, leading to
enabling management to implement controls a lack of emphasis on long-term
and corrective actions as needed. sustainability and strategic planning.
3. COST OPTIMIZATION – management ⎯ This short-term orientation may hinder the
accounting helps organizations identify cost organization's ability to adapt to changing
drivers, analyze cost behavior, and implement market conditions and achieve long-term
cost-saving measures. by optimizing costs, success.
organizations can improve profitability and 4. COSTLY AND TIME-CONSUMING – Implementing
competitiveness in the market. management accounting systems and
4. RESOURCE ALLOCATION – management processes can be costly and time-consuming for
accounting assists in allocating resources, such organizations, especially smaller ones with
as capital, labor, and materials, efficiently to limited resources.
maximize productivity and achieve ⎯ It requires investment in technology, training,
organizational objectives. and personnel to effectively collect,
5. STRATEGIC PLANNING – management analyze, and interpret financial data.
accounting provides financial analysis and 5. COMPLEXITY IN INTERPRETATION –
insights to support strategic planning initiatives. it Management accounting reports and analysis
helps organizations identify opportunities, assess can be complex and difficult to interpret,
risks, and develop strategies to achieve long- especially for non-financial managers.
term goals and objectives. ⎯ This complexity may lead to
6. FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY – misunderstandings or misinterpretations of
management accounting allows organizations financial information, resulting in suboptimal
to adapt to changing business environments decision-making.
and market conditions. it provides tools and 6. ASSUMPTIONS AND ESTIMATES – Management
techniques to analyze trends, evaluate accounting often relies on assumptions and
alternative courses of action, and adjust estimates to fill gaps in data or predict future
strategies as needed. outcomes.
7. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT – management ⎯ These assumptions may not always be
accounting promotes a culture of continuous accurate, leading to errors or inaccuracies
improvement within organizations by providing in financial analysis and decision-making.
performance metrics, identifying areas for 7. NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE PERFORMANCE –
improvement, and supporting initiatives to no assurance of having favorable decision.
enhance efficiency and effectiveness. ⎯ Management accounting provides insights
8. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION – management and analysis based on historical data and
accounting facilitates communication and assumptions about the future. However,
collaboration among different departments and there is no guarantee that past
levels of management within an organization. it performance or projected outcomes will be
provides a common language for discussing indicative of future results. This uncertainty
financial performance, goals, and strategies, can pose challenges for decision-makers
fostering alignment and coordination. relying on management accounting

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concerns associated with management INDUSTRIES
accounting practices, such as manipulating
financial data to portray a more favorable 1. Manufacturing
image of the organization or misrepresenting 2. Service Industries
performance to stakeholders. It's essential for 3. Healthcare
management accountants to adhere to ethical 4. Retail
standards and maintain integrity in financial 5. Hospitality
reporting and analysis. 6. Technology
7. Nonprofit Sector
ACCOUNTANT 1. Informed Decision-Making:
2. Performance Evaluation and Control
1. Chief Financial Officer 3. Cost Optimization
2. Financial Controller 4. Resource Allocation
3. Division Managers 5. Strategic Planning
4. Accountants and Clerks 6. Flexibility and Adaptability
5. Internal Audit Team 7. Continuous Improvement
6. Rest of the Accounting Department Structure 8. Effective Communication


1. Subjectivity in cost allocation
1. Competence 2. Focus on financial information
2. Confidentiality 3. Short-term orientation
3. Integrity 4. Costly and time-consuming
4. Credibility 5. Complexity in interpretation
6. Assumptions and estimates
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING ACTIVITIES 7. No guarantee of future performance
8. Ethical concerns
1. Planning
2. Reporting
3. Controlling
4. Resource Management
5. Technological Implementation
6. Verification
7. Administration


1. Strategic Management
2. Performance Management
3. Risk Management
4. Management Accounting Techniques
5. Budgeting
6. Variance Analysis
7. Forecasting
8. Cost-Benefit Analysis
9. Product Costing and Valuation
10. Marginal Costing
11. Cash Flow Analysis
12. Inventory Turnover Analysis
13. Constraint Analysis



1. Providing Relevant Information

2. Facilitating Planning and Budgeting
3. Supporting Decision-Making
4. Evaluating Performance
5. Cost Analysis and Control
6. Assisting in Strategy Formulation
7. Ensuring Compliance and Ethical Standards

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