Rule of Og

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Written by Ricardo Peraça Cavassane.

Compatible with
Primal Quest™ - Weird Stone & Sorcery Adventure Game.

Licensed under the

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.

Primal Quest™ is a trademark of Diogo Nogueira.

Used with permission under license.
Before creating their characters, the group must determine which words
their tribe can speak: they know a number of words equal to Mind +3
for each player character. Thus, they collective know a number of words
ranging from 2 to 6 for each player character, plus the words “Yes” and
“No”. Then, the Referee rolls each word on the table next page.
Those are the only words the player characters can use when speaking.
However, such words can be combined in any ways the characters desire
(on the page 4 you will find some possible combinations of basic words
and their meanings, but those are only suggestions). Also, if any of the
player characters has an Arcane Focus, it can only have as its magic word a
word (or combination of words) from the ones they are able to speak.

In addition to spoken words, the characters can use gestures, expressions,

etc., and nod the head to mean “yes” or shake it to mean “no”.
When speaking to members of other tribes, who may know other words,
the communication is instant if the characters involved are able to use
words that they all know. If they try to communicate using words some of
them do not know, a Test must be made.
This test’s Difficulty is 0 if the NPCs are Helpful or Friendly and there is
plenty of time, 1 if the NPCs are Unsure or Unfriendly and there is plenty
of time, or if NPCs are Helpful or Friendly and there is not much time, 2
if the NPCs are Unsure or Unfriendly and there is not much time, or 3 if
NPCs are Hostile.
An Effect of 0 means they were able to communicate. For each point of
Effect above 0, one word used is learned by one of the sides involved. An
object or action that can be pointed to as an example of a word used is a
Tag that can apply an extra Positive Die to this Test.
A Boon allows a character who is speaking to add the Mind score the
Test’s Result, among other possibilites. A Setback may, for instance,
result in misunderstanding or offense. One cannot make an Effort on a
communication test.
Spoken Words (1d100)
01 Ahead 26 Feel 51 Look 76 Smell
02 Animal 27 Few 52 Low 77 Soft
03 Attack 28 Find 53 Make 78 Sound
04 Bad 29 Fire 54 Man 79 Speak
05 Behind 30 Fly 55 Many 80 Spirit
06 Big 31 Food 56 Mark 81 Stay
07 Blade 32 Foot 57 Miracle 82 Stone
08 Blood 33 Fruit 58 Moon 83 Strong
09 Bone 34 Give 59 Old 84 Sun
10 Bronze 35 Go 60 Person 85 Take
11 Bug 36 Good 61 Plant 86 Thing
12 Cave 37 Grasp 62 Play 87 Throw
13 Change 38 Hair 63 Pole 88 Time
14 Child 39 Hand 64 Repeat 89 Tool
15 Clothes 40 Hard 65 Reveal 90 Tree
16 Cold 41 Have 66 Rope 91 Tribe
17 Crawl 42 Head 67 Sack 92 Truth
18 Dark 43 Heal 68 Scales 93 Warm
19 Death 44 High 69 Shadow 94 Water
20 Defend 45 Hole 70 Shit 95 Way
21 Dog 46 Ice 71 Skin 96 Weak
22 Dry 47 Land 72 Sky 97 Wet
23 Dust 48 Life 73 Slumber 98 Wind
24 Eat 49 Light 74 Small 99 Woman
25 Entangle 50 Lightning 75 Smart 00 Wood
Animal Food: meat Old Tribe Person: elder
Attack Thing: weapon Plant Look: green
Big Dog: wolf Sky Animal: bird
Big Land: world Sky Look: blue
Big Man: father Slumber Spirit: dream
Big Many Foot Bug: giant centipede Smart Tribe Person: shaman
Big Scales Animal: dinosaur Spirit Mark: religious symbol
Big Shit Bug: giant dung beetle Stone Person: rock dwarf
Big Spirit: god Stone Tool: stone mallet
Big Tribe Person: leader Sun Time: day
Big Woman: mother Tribe Attack Tribe: war
Blade Animal: sabertooth panther Water Animal: fish
Blade Stone: whetstone Water Sack: waterskin
Blood Eat Animal: leech Water Way: river
Blood Look: red Wet Dust: mud
Blood Strong Animal: red gorilla Wet Food Sack: sack of grease
Bone Blade: bone dagger Wet Land Animal: frog
Cave Person: neanderthal Wet Land Person: frogkin
Crawl Animal: snake Wet Land: swamp
Crawl Person: snakekin Wind Water: storm
Death Mark: wound Wood Blade: wooden stake
Defend Clothes: armor
Defend Thing: shield
Dry Dust: sand
Fire High Land: volcano
Fire Pole: torch
Fire Stone: fire kit
Hair Clothes: heavy fur
Heal Plant: healing herbs
High Land: mountain
Life Wind: breath
Low Land: valley
Mark Stone: charcoal piece
Miracle Thing: arcane focus
Miracle Wet Plant: magic mushroom
Moon Time: night
The characters do not know any words for numbers, using their hands to
count. They can count from 1 to 100, using one or two hands to count from
1 to 10, and adding up until reaching the desired number.
The characters are able to carry out the basic arithmetical operations:
adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Geometry was not
developed yet.

The characters can use cave painting to represent all kinds of things, and
can also use simple markings to represent quantities. Written language,
however, is still in its beginnings.
A character can attempt to establish certain written signs as marks for
words the character knows. To explain to other characters how certain
signs mean certain words that they already know, the character must
make a communication Test like the one described before.
An Effect of 0 means the characters were able to understand the
connection, but not that they will memorize it. For each point of Effect
above 0, one written sign is learned by the characters. However, each
character can memorize only up to Mind +3 written signs. Just like words,
such written signs can also be combined.
As an optional rule, a written sign must be inscribed onto an Arcane Focus
to imbue it with a magic word.

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