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A Solitaire
Brian K. Asbury

Special 2022 digital edition

Know then, that whilst exploring the first level of Kandroc Keep, and vanquishing its horrors, the bold
explorers didst stumble upon the secret stairway which, legend had it, led down to a second, deeper level. The
adventurers stood hesitatingly at the top of the stairs. According to rumour, this level contained hazards even
deadlier than the first. Were they fit enough to dare to descend? Could they survive? There was only one way
to find out…

Welcome to Kandroc Keep, Part II. This is, effectively, the second level of a solitaire dungeon complex,
designed for use with Fantasy Role-playing Rules. While it is the sequel to Kandroc Keep, it is not necessary
to have played through that volume to play through this one. In other words, it is designed either to follow on
from Part I or to stand on its own.

Players familiar with Kandroc Keep (or with The Solo Dungeon, also from Games Publications) will already
know how to use this book. For the benefit of those who have not tried solo dungeoneering before, read on:

This dungeon is basically a programme, similar in format to certain ‘Teach Yourself’ books. A player should
begin at paragraph A on page l, read this through and proceed to the next paragraph to which A1 directs you.
Most instructions give you a number of choices; you select the action which you intend to take, and then go
to the appropriate number indicated to find the results of that action. If you are not familiar with this type of
procedure, don’t worry – it’s quite easy and you’ll soon get the hang of it!

It very important, of course, that you must not read any paragraphs to which you haven’t been directed. Each
one you read in advance may well spoil a surprise later, so remember... No Peeking! If you’re going to cheat
yourself, there are far less expensive ways of doing it!

So what do you need to play, apart from this book? Well, to start with, you need a set of fantasy role-playing
rules. Kandroc Keep is designed for use with the most popular and widely used FRP rules, but it should be
possible to play it with any FRP rules. To this end, I have avoided using terms specific to just one set of rules
where possible.

You will also need a set of polyhedral dice, some paper and a pencil for mapping, and some pieces of card or
something similar, to cover up the paragraphs that you’re not supposed to be reading. It is intended that you should
be able to map your progress, so dimensions of all the rooms and passages are given in the appropriate paragraphs
relating to them. To further assist you, there are maps of all the rooms and all but the simplest corridors to be found
at the foot of most pages. Beware, though; to stop cheats working out where to go from adjacent sectors, some of
these maps are fakes. Most corridors are 5’ wide, doors about 5’ wide and 8’ high, and ceilings are 10–12’ high.
All directions given as N, W, S, E, or North, West, South, East if you really need telling.

This volume should be slightly easier to map than Part I, as I have included a greater number of genuine maps.
However, you may, in some places, find what appears to be an anomaly in the mapping, i.e. you may find
something which does not fit your map for some reason. There should be no mistakes as regards mapping
(says he, with fingers firmly crossed), so the likelihood is that any inconsistencies you find are deliberate.
There is a reason for this in every case; it’s up to you to figure out what’s going on. You have been warned!

Where a combat situation occurs, you must work out the results for yourself, using whatever system you prefer.
In many cases, the use of magic is allowed for in the choices you are given but, in some, lack of space prohibits
this. In such cases, you will have to work out the effects of spell-casting for yourselves.

Monsters which are non-standard are described in thus manner: “The Grynko Monster creature has armour
equivalent to chainmail, is third level (three dice) and bites with each of its three times heads, each attack
doing damage equivalent to a hand axe.” In the terminology of the most commonly used rules, this would
translate as, “Armour Class 4, 3 Hit Dice, bites 3 times per melee round, each bite doing 1–6 points of damage.”

When you kill a monster, pick up treasure, or set off a trap of a type which can only work once (e.g. exploding
runes), ignore any further references to it from then on. Thus you should treat any rooms which you have
‘cleaned out’ as empty the next time you pass through them.
You will occasionally come across the phrase ‘return to the number you just came from’. For this reason, it is
a good idea to make a note of the numbers you have been to. If you don’t, you’re going to have difficulty if
you have to return to them!

Another phrase you are likely to encounter is ‘Save versus Dexterity’, or ‘Save versus Intelligence’, etc. In
such a case, you must roll the Requisite under test or less, on the dice with which it was originally rolled. For
example, if your character’s Intelligence score is 13, and it was generated using three six-sided dice, then when
s/he is required to save versus intelligence, you must roll 13 or less on three six-sided dice (3D6).

Should all of your characters die, you will be directed to a paragraph where you will find one of two possible
things: either your characters will be restored to life (oh boy, you should be so lucky!), or you will find a bunch
of awful, sickening puns gloating over your predicament (that’s more like it!). There are also a few paragraphs
which have been inserted purely for the benefit of those among you suffering from Optica Errantiosis, or
wandering eyes to you, just to remind you not to look at paragraphs you haven’t been directed to!

In exploring this dungeon, try keep your party together as much as possible. This will not always be practical
and, in some places, it will be downright impossible. However, if you do get separated, don’t try to work out
the fate of each character simultaneously. Compute what is happening to the character or group in the greatest
danger first, then refer back to the others when you have done so. This makes things far less complicated.

Be warned that this is not a typical second level dungeon. It is a little bit nastier than most second levels, for
one thing. However, there is a way out of all situations that might arise – unless you do something downright
stupid, that is, in which case you should expect to be well and truly punished. For example, while alignment
is not generally important, don’t act out of it too much or you’re likely to find that the gods take a dim view
of you. In other words, you’ll probably find yourselves in trouble. Remember, anything that is possible in a
normal dungeon is possible here – and it’s not a very bright idea to slap a balrog on the back!

Your party

Your party of adventurers for exploring Kandroc Keep Part II should comprise a maximum of sixteen levels
of characters. Of these, there should be no more than four second level characters, two third levels and but a
single fourth level type. Thus, typical parties might be:
• one fourth level character, two third levels and three second levels; or
• two third levels, four second levels and two first levels; or
• one fourth level, one third level, two second levels, five first levels, etc, etc…

There may be no more than ten characters in your party, and no more than four of any one character class.
Split or multi-class characters (e.g. Fighter/Magic-user Elves) are not allowed; neither are Bards. Your
characters may not take Magic items down with them. You may not use characters higher than fourth level.

If you have characters who have survived Level I of Kandroc Keep, you may, of course, use them as your
party for exploring Level II, provided that there are no more than 16 levels in your party. You may use any
magical items which have been previously found in Kandroc Keep Part I, but no others. Thus, if you haven’t
explored Part I, you are not allowed to take any magic items with you at all. You are, however, allowed to
take any other equipment you want, including silver-tipped arrows and holy water.

There is a way out of all situations which might arise, whether obvious or not. Anything which is normally
possible in a dungeon is possible here, whether it be Magical or Physical occurrences. So, Beware !

That just about wraps up the introduction, so roll yourself up a bunch of characters and away you go! Good


Copyright Notice

Kandroc Keep Part II and all material therein is copyright © Brian K. Asbury and Aryxia 1980 and 2022.
All content, including cover illustration, designed by Brian Asbury.

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away (well, all right, about 44 years ago, in a little magazine called Trollcrusher),
I wrote the first part of something I called P’teth Tower, my first attempt as – let’s be honest here and not call
it a generic role-playing scenario – a published Dungeons and Dragons™ scenario. I couldn’t call it that, of
course, because I didn’t want to get sued; it wasn’t an official D&D™ product, and couldn’t be marketed as
such. But that’s what it was created to be; we were all young and naïve then, and the world was a less cynical
and less litigious place. The genre of role-playing games had been born barely five years before, and most
role-players played D&D, even though other systems had been coming onto the market for a few years, such
as Traveller™ and Runequest™. OK, enough with the tedious ‘trademark’ symbols!

Trollcrusher was one of the first of many RPG fanzines that were springing up, serving the growing
community of role-playing games fandom, and wasn’t a fanzine as such – it was an APA or ‘amateur press
association’. This sort of thing had begun in SF/fantasy/horror fandom, and role-playing games were a sort of
unholy mating of that fandom and the wargaming hobby. Anyhoo, I had become a regular contributor to TC
from about issue 4 or 5, and my section of the mag was called ‘Aryxia’, after my D&D world. Content included
stuff like new character classes, spells and monsters, adventure write-ups and the odd D&D scenario, including
the two parts of P’teth Tower.

In the meantime, Laurence Miller, who ran the Dungeons and Starships shop in Birmingham, not only took
over TC but also published a solo adventure called The Solo Dungeon. I approached him with a suggestion
that he publish a whole series of these and wrote one called Kandroc Keep, which was published in 1979.
Unfortunately, Kandroc Keep proved to be the last of these products that got published; I won’t bore you with
what went wrong, but let’s just say that someone else got in ahead of us and cornered the market! So, although
I wrote a follow-up, imaginatively titled Kandroc Keep Part II, it was never published.

Many years later, in 2022 – a world very different from that of the late 1970s – out of the blue I was contacted
by Joseph Nuttall, who wanted to know whether I was interested in having my solo role-playing scenarios
published online. I hadn’t thought about them in years, but I still had copies and so, what the hell? Why not?
I still had a copy of KK part I, so I jumped at the opportunity of scanning it in, tidying up the text and submitting
a new edition of it. Part II was a little trickier, as I didn’t have the original – only a very bad photocopy – so
scanning it into OCR wasn’t really an option.

But, after many hours of retyping the whole thing (fortunately, the photocopy was perfectly readable – just
not to computers! I guess there are some things you still have to be human to do!), here it is for the first time
– Kandroc Keep Part II in all its glory! A few cautionary words, though: firstly, role-playing games have
changed a lot in the last 40 years, and this was written based on the original version of D&D (and AD&D and
other games), not the 21st century versions. I haven’t attempted to update it. I make no apologies about that,
or the fact that it might come across as being a bit sexist at times – some things have to be taken in the spirit
of the times in which they were written to be appreciated without seeing offence where none was ever intended.
In 1979, none of it would have been considered offensive, and political correctness and ‘Wokeness’ hadn’t
been invented! And anyway, having read through it, it’s actually not as bad as it might have been, and certainly
there are many things from the 1970s that are a LOT worse.

See what you think anyway, Dear Reader. Just don’t complain to me if anything offends 21st Century


All material copyright © Brian K. Asbury and Aryxia Press, 1980 and 2022
A. You stand at the head of a flight of stairs, 5’ wide and running down and W for 30’. There is a
door at the bottom of the stairs. To descend and listen at the door, go to 1B. Otherwise go to

B. You hear nothing at the door. To open it, go to 12B. To retreat back up the stairs, go to 7A.

C. Well, they appear to be ordinary, average, run-of-the-mill stone statues, probably made of
granite. They do not come to life as you approach them, and do not appear to be magical in any
way. To search them for hollow spots, go to 26B.

D. You enter a T-shaped corridor, 5’ wide, whose S wall is 15’ long. The N wall is of similar
length, but there is a 5’ gap in its centre, from which another corridor runs N for 5’, ending in
a door. There are doors also at the E and W ends of the main corridor See diagram 1X. To listen
at the doors, go to 24B for the E, 40D for the W, or 18F for the N. To pass through a door
without listening, go to 12B for the E, 35B for the W or 28C for the N. There are no secret
doors here.

E. You enter a 5’ wide corridor which runs N–S for 20’. There is a door at either end. To listen at
the N door, go to 3D; for the S door go to 26A. To search for secret doors, go to 43C. Don’t
bother looking for a map; there isn’t one.

F. The dog speaks: “What do you lot think you’re staring at?” it says. “Go away. This is my room
and I don’t like being disturbed.” To ask the dog who or what it is, go to 30D. To wait to see
what it does, go to 52E. To attack it in any way, go to 3A. To leave, go to 17A. To do anything
else, go to 35C.

G. Oh good grief! You’re not looking at paragraphs to which you haven’t been directed already??
There’s no hope for you! None at all! It beats me why you don’t cheat at Solitaire instead! At
least it’d be cheaper…

H. It is silent. To open it, go to 44B. Otherwise return to 46C.

I. All doors are silent. To pass through one, go to 1D for the S, 44A for the E or 41E for the W.
Otherwise return to 28C.

J. Hardly a Lawful act, is it? However, she makes love to your character and he becomes young
again. She is an elf, though, so ageing 60 years or so doesn’t make a lot of difference to her;
she still looks young and her only problem is that she’s stuck in this room. To leave, go to 1D
for the E door, 21B for the S or 34D for the N. Alindelle must remain; fortunately, she doesn’t
really mind.

K. If ever there were any, the gremlins must have sealed them up! Return to 43J.


= A door

Scale: 1 cm = 5 feet
A. You enter a short 5’ wide corridor running E–W for 10’, with a door at either end. Both doors
are silent. To go E, go to 38B; to go W, go to 16D. There’s no map for this one.

B. Have you left any characters behind in the corridor? If so, go to 50H. If not, go to 37B.

C. As soon as your first character enters the pentagram, a horrible great demon materialises and
grabs him/her. Before you can do anything about it, the demon tears your character’s head off
and, laughing evilly, it vanishes, taking the corpse with it. You have just lost that character,
plus everything they were carrying. If that was your last character, to 49E. If you have survivor,
go to 24A and choose again.

D. The plaque says, in Common, ‘Interdimensional Transporter. Do not touch.’ To investigate the
box, go to 15C. To leave, go to 23C. To search for secret doors, go to 32E. To try to wrench
the plaque off the wall, go to 11E.

E. You enter a small room whose dimensions are 10’ E–W and 15’ N–S. There is one door, in the
centre of the W wall. See diagram 2X. Against the E wall is a four-poster bed whose curtains
are closed. In front of this is a small table and a chair; on the table is a round object resembling
an ashtray and a pack of cards. On the N wall is a tapestry depicting some sort of religious
ceremony. To look at the objects on the table, go to 9B. To open the curtains of the bed, go to
31A. To call out to see if there is anyone in the bed who will answer, go to 23A. To search for
hidden doors or examine the tapestry, go to 26F. To leave, go to 37E.

F. You may leave only through the door by which you entered. Go to 19B to find the number you

G. A mysterious force hurls your weapons from your hands; if you try to attack with hands or feet,
it pushes you away from her. You may pick up your weapons, but the force will not allow any
act of violence in this room. “That was very stupid,” says Thorivoë. “Well? Is anyone interested
in my offer?” Return to 12E.

H. The ‘eyes’ of the dragon appear to be rubies. To try to prise them out, go to 39K. To push them
in, go to 20K. To ignore the dragon bas-relief and do something else, go to 4A again.

I. They dash very quickly down the tiny trapdoor before you can reach them. You will be unable
to follow as the aperture is too small, even for halflings. Go to 61H to search the rest of the

A. To charge in and attack with weapons, go to 26D. To use magic, go to 38A.

B. You still hear nothing. Return to 7B and choose again.

C. You enter a round room, 25’ in diameter. There are doors at the N, W and S. See diagram 3X.
In the centre of the room is a massive 8’ diameter circular stone bowl, rather like that of a
fountain, except that a slim stone pillar protrudes from its centre, rising to the ceiling 12’ above.
Chained to the pillar, and suspended so that her bare feet are about 2’ off the base of the bowl,
is a beautiful elf-girl with long, golden hair. She is dressed in rags and obviously terrified of
something. Nearby stand two men in voluminous robes who are chanting some kind of prayer.
To rush in and attack the men, go to 30B. To fire a spell at them from the door, go to 15D. To
ignore them, rush in and attempt to free the girl, go to 41B. To speak to them, go to 46A. To
wait to see what happens, go to 10B. To leave, go back to the number you just came from (if
you have already been here and the room is now empty, go to 19B).

D. Roll a 6-sided die. On a 1, go to 35D. On anything else, go to 41A.

E. Oooh, dear. How unfortunate. Seeing that you are all under its spell, the ‘harpist’ drops the
illusion disguising itself and reveals its true form – a harpy! It continues to sing, keeping you
entranced, while it quickly touches you all, thus enslaving you completely. Then, while you are
helpless, it butchers you. However, since you didn’t have a chance to save yourselves, the gods
rescue your best character and dump them, naked and shivering, on the dungeon steps (Biiig
deal, do I hear you saying?).

F. You find a hollow panel in the N wall, but it refuses to open. As you try, however, you hear an
odd noise from the E end of the corridor. To investigate this, go to 57C. To remain in this alcove
and concentrate on the panel, go to 42H.

G. You find none. Return to 28C and choose again.

H. You hear a faint muttering sound. To open the door, go to 35B; otherwise, return to 21B.

I. Consider it done. One character’s wounds are healed. Go to 61G.

X. North

25’ Diameter
A. He says: “Greetings, O travellers. Know that these rooms which you enter were formerly
occupied by those who were known as the Spatial Lords. Believe you not all that you witness
whilst you explore them. In yon chest is treasure, but those who would obtain it must do battle
with its Guardian! Farewell!” And he vanishes. To examine the chest, go to 58B; to look at the
dragon bas-relief, go to 2H; to examine the other bas-relief, go to 34H; to search for secret
doors, go to 26G. To leave by the W door, go to 2A. It is silent. To listen at the E door, go to

B. You find two secret doors. One is in the southernmost 5’ of the W wall, and the other is in the
easternmost 5’ of the S wall. Both are silent. To go S, go to 34I. To go W, go to 41G. Otherwise
return to 51A.

C. There’s nothing of value in them. Go back to 46C and choose again.

D. You leave. Nothing stops you from doing so. Go to 44A.

E. You tell him to go, and he goes. The candles flicker and go out. Go back to 24A.

F. You hear nothing. To open the door, go to 48A. Otherwise return to 8E.

G. Roll a 10-sided die. On 1–3, go to 29I. On 4–10, go to 34L.

H. They go down. However, as you slit their throats, you see a stone-coloured amoeba-like creature
begin to slither up the column protruding from the bowl and menace the captive girl. Go to 58J.

I. If you cast Charm, it fails. You’ll have to work out the results of anything else for yourself.
Your opponent has a save of 12 or better on a D20 against spells. If you render him helpless,
treat it as Sleep and go to 57F to slit his throat. If you kill him outright, go to 39J. If he lives
and is free, go to 54B to melee.

J. Any characters who were Charmed snap out of it as she dies. You quickly snaffle her jewelled
earrings worth 200 gold pieces each and her crystal ball. Under her bed you find a set of magic
chainmail (+10% or +2 on defence) stolen from a previous victim, 700 gold pieces in bags of
100, a pair of porcelain statuettes worth 500 gold pieces each, a diamond ring worth 1,000 gold
pieces and a javelin of lightning. Nice haul, eh? The tapestry is relatively worthless, but could
be sold for 20 GP. To leave the room, go to 37E. There are no secret doors here, and the Tarot
cards are fake.

K. Unfortunately, it seems to be a perfectly normal dartboard. “OK,” says Phydeau, “you’ve had
your look. Now put it back on the wall and leave.” To do so, go to 13B again for your choice
of doors. To battle him, go to 26D for weapons, or 32F for spells.

L. The W door is silent; to pass through it, go to 45C. At the E door, you hear the sound of a piano
playing! To open it, go to 32C. To remain in the room, return to 7E and choose again.
A. You enter a corridor which is 5’ wide and runs N–S for 15’. There is a door at the S end; there
are no other doors. To go through the silent S door, go to 7B. To search for secret doors, go to

B. The door opens, revealing what appears to be a T-shaped room beyond. For the dimensions of
this, see diagram 5X. At the eastern end of the cross-piece of the ‘T’ (i.e. the northernmost bit
of the E wall) is a box, by the side of which is a plaque. The box is set into the wall itself, about
5’ off the ground. To enter the room to investigate the box or the plaque, or to generally search
around, go to 22C. Otherwise, shut the door and go back to 23C.

C. The shadows of what used to be the statues animate and attack you. Go to 35F.

D. As you enter, one of the managers shouts to you, saying “Oy! Spectators up this end!” He
indicates the terraces with his thumb. To follow his direction and seat yourselves on the
terraces, go to 49A. To pretend to do so, but attack the personnel on the bench as you walk past,
go to 9G. To step onto the pitch, go to 33G. To charge in and attack anyone in the room, go to
58D. To cast a spell or fire a missile, go to 36C.

E. Go to 52E.

F. Well, it tastes just like vanilla ice cream... except that whoever tastes it suddenly becomes rather
numb. Either he/she saves versus poison immediately or they will be paralysed for the rest of
this expedition. If this happens to be your last surviving character who is paralysed, go to 56G;
otherwise, return to 14B.

G. There are none. Go back to 42E.

H. All you succeed in doing is blunting your weapons. The box seems completely indestructible.
Return to 7C and choose again.

I. The machine has a self-protection mechanism. As you approach with intent to destroy it, it
vanishes permanently. Ignore all further references to it, and return to 18A. The corpse also

J. He says: “In the other pentagram is my rival and brother demon Tarhas. Summon him and he
will perform some sort of service for you.” He then vanishes. You cannot ask him another
question. Return to 17C.

K. She leads you through the S door into the corridor shown in diagram 42X. She points to the E
door and says: “They are through there. Beware, however – they are very dangerous!” While
you are listening at the door, she slips away. Go to 16H to listen at the door, or go to 19I to
search the rest of the round room.

A. The trunk doesn’t appear to be locked. You open it (oh, yes, you do!) and see, to your
amazement, that there is a man inside it. He steps out from the trunk and seats himself on the
bed. To attack him, go to 40H. To ask him who he is, or what he was doing in there, go to 50E.
To see what happens next, go to 45F.

B. Written on the N wall near the pentagram you see the words: ‘Ventaka Tarhas Pitgichukto Vuny
Tarhas Porro Inkriska Ruswozix Tarhas’. If you have a mage or cleric in your party, go to 23G.
Otherwise, read on: to enter the pentagram go to 10G; to break the pentagram by moving or
destroying the candles, go to 19F; to light the candles, go to 42F; to read the words on the wall
out loud, go to 47E. To do anything else, return to 17C.

C. Congratulations, you’ve just wasted a spell. Back to 28C, sucker!

D. If you cast Sleep or Charm, it fails. If you cast anything else, you’ll have to compute the results
yourself. Give them a saving-throw of 13 or better on a D20 against most spells. They are 3rd
level (3 dice). If you dispose of them by magic, go to 47A to search the room. If you don’t, go
to 39B to melee with them. It is too late now to retreat.

E. Good work. However, the stone amoeba in the bowl is now dangerously close to the elf-maiden.
If you wish to save her, you can rush in and attack the thing; this will draw its attention to you
and it will leave the girl alone. She screams at you as you approach that it eats metal, so you
must attack using non-metallic weapons, magic or fire (not burning oil, though, as this will kill
the girl). It is 5th level (5 dice) and has armour class equivalent to leather. It attacks by means
of flesh-dissolving pseudopods which do damage equivalent to a mace blow. If you kill it, go
to 18B. If you die, go to 29D. If you decide to leave the girl to her fate and not attack the stone
amoeba, go to 49F.

F. Roll one eight-sided die. On 1–2, go to 32G. On 3–8, go to 25G.

G. So what did you expect? Resurrection? You’ll be disappointed…

H. You hear nothing. To open the door, go to 17C; you enter via the southernmost E door.
Otherwise, return to 52F.

I. Good going. Inside the chest are 1,000 gold pieces, a jewelled armlet worth 200 gold pieces
and a small phial of disappearance dust (3 pinches). Return to 55B.

J. Again, nothing happens. To place the last rod (Alpha), go to 56K. To change your mind, remove
Omega and Mu and place something else, go back to 58A and choose again.

K. You stand at the bottom of a 5’ wide flight of steps leading up; the way out. If you have Kandroc
Keep Part I, go to 44C. If not, go to 50A. If you don’t wish to leave, return to 12B.

L. You find none, but the shadows cast by the statues leap out from behind them and attack you!
Go to 35F.
A. What are you, some kind of nut? Why would anyone buy a solitaire dungeon and then refuse
to enter it? Oh, well, it takes all sorts… if you have Kandroc Keep Part I, go to 44C. If not, go
to 50A.

B. You enter a room which is 55’ N–S and 15’ E–W. There are doors in the centre of the N and S
walls; there is one on the E wall, its N edge being 20’ from the N, and there are six doors in the
W wall. See diagram 7X. Three eight-foot-tall statues of fierce-looking warriors stand in a line
running N–S, roughly in the centre of the room. The statues face W and, in front of each, a
stone of some sort is suspended from the ceiling by a thread. The stones glow intensely and
throw out deep shadows behind the statues. To investigate the statues, go to 1C; to try to smash
them, go to 17D; to cut the threads supporting the glowing stones, go to 32B; to cast Dispel
Magic into the room, go to 15A; to ignore the statues and listen at the doors, go to 22A. To
leave or do anything else, go to 48C.

C. The lid of the packing-case is caved in; inside, you see a smaller ebony box. In the lid of this
box are three small depressions marked 1, 2, 3. Resting on top of the box are three small rods
which look as if they are meant to be fitted inside the depressions. These are marked ‘alpha’,
‘mu’ and ‘omega’. To try and smash the box, go to 5H. To try to fit the rods into the depressions,
go to 58A. To try to open the box, go to 23I. Otherwise, return to 22B.

D. You find none. Return to 19A and choose again.

E. He says: “Okay, you lot, pin back yer lug’oles. This is the former domain of the Spatial Lords,
right? There’s a treasure in this ‘ere box, but you can’t ‘ave it ‘til you’ve polished off its
Guardian – which ain’t me, incidentally. Oh,” he adds, “’an one other thing. Don’t believe
everythin’ you see in these ‘ere rooms!” He then vanishes. To examine the chest, go to 27F. To
examine the manticora bas-relief, go to 13G. To examine the woman bas-relief, go to 62D. To
listen at the doors, go to 4L. To search for secret doors, go to 19G.

F. You hear the sound of chanting. To open the door, go to 3C; otherwise, return to 23C and
choose again.

G. “Twenty-five gold pieces,” she says. “Who’s first?” For a consultation, go to 22G after paying
her fee (write down who is to have their fortune told). To attack her, go to 29E. To haggle over
the fee, go to 33F. To leave, go to 37E.

H. Wrong! Go to 13K.


A. Your mage, cleric or whatever complains that they cannot cast the intended spell. Each time
s/he tries, voices mutter inside his/her head, making concentration impossible. Even a spell cast
from a scroll requires concentration, so even this type of spell-casting is out of the question.
Return to 12E and choose again.

B. The one who continues to fight must battle two chainmail-clad third level clerics armed with
morningstars. Good luck! If the two kill that character, they will turn on the other one, who
sees… that the bowl is filled by a stone-coloured amoeba-like creature creeping towards the
girl. She screams to you not to use a sword on it, as it corrodes metal. Therefore, you must
combat it using non-metallic weapons or fire (not burning oil, though, as that will kill the girl,
too). If you attack it, it will leave the girl alone and concentrate on you, attacking with corrosive
pseudopods that do the same damage as a mace blow. It is 5th level (5 dice) and has armour
class equivalent to leather. If you win both fights, go to 18B. If you die, go to 29D.

C. Roll a 6-sided die. On a roll of 1–2, go to 20F. Otherwise, go to 31D.

D. It has no special magical resistance, so you can work out the effects of the spell for yourself,
given the information that the dog is a 4th level (4 dice) monster with armour equivalent to
leather and shield. If your spell kills the dog, go to 47B to search him and the room. If you only
render him unconscious, go to 21F to slit his throat. If you do not succeed in doing either, go
to 26D as you must fight him hand-to-hand (hand-to-paw?).

E. You enter a corridor which runs E–W for 45’. At the E end it turns N; at the W end it ends in a
door. On the S wall, 15’ from the W, there is a 5’ square alcove with a door in its S wall. See
diagram 8X. To go N, go to 25A. To listen at the S door, go to 4F. To listen at the W door, go
to 18D. To search for secret doors, go to 6F.

F. Well, isn’t that shad? ‘Ow did you manage to lose that, then? Oh, just shut the book and start

G. Oh, well, c’est la vie (or should that be ‘c’est la mort’?). Too bad. What a pity. Very sad. Most
unfortunate. Don’t worry, I’ll inform your widows! ‘Bye!

H. They stop and squeal loudly: “DON’T KILL US!” They are such cowardly creatures that they
immediately hand over their treasure to you. Unfortunately, grimbles aren’t too bright, and their
‘treasure’ consists of … doorknobs! One, however, is made of ivory and is worth 200 gold
pieces, while another is a magic doorknob which can open magically-locked doors (but not
one-way doors). To attack them, go to 2I. To let them pass through their trapdoor, go to 61H.


West East
A. You open up the lid and see that it is full of a soft, yellow substance which smells remarkably
like vanilla ice cream. You also find a switch on the side of the piano, evidently there to enable
it to be turned off. To taste the substance in the piano, go to 47H. To scoop it out to see if there
is anything underneath it, go to 16I. To do anything else, return to 32C.

B. The cards appear to be a pack of Tarot cards, as used by fortune-tellers. The round object, rather
than being an ashtray, seems to be a stand of some sort, designed to hold something spherical.
Go to 23A.

C. You hear nothing at any of the doors but, while your backs are turned, the shadows you ignored
leap from their places and attack you! Go to 35F; they will have one free attack upon you.

D. You hear a faint snuffling sound. To open the door, go to 15B. Otherwise, return to 30E.

E. They cease their prayers and whirl around. Go to 49B.

F. You find nothing of interest. However, while you are doing so, a four-headed hydra approaches
from the N. Being a stupid hydra, it cannot be reasoned with, and so immediately attacks. If
you defeat this abomination, go to 14A; it has no treasure. If it kills you, head for the nearest
dark corner and hyd(ra) your shame!

G. Well, this will give you a free hack at each of the creatures on the bench (provided you have
sufficient characters to do so) but, on the next melee round, everyone else in the room realises
what you are doing, and they converge upon you with murderous intent in their eyes. Go to

H. Are you using a sword, dagger or similar weapon? If so, go to 36H. If not, carry on with the
fight; your weapons do normal damage against the creatures. However, if you ever hit one with
a bladed weapon, go to 36H. If you die, go to 23H. If you kill them without bladed weapons,
go to 47A to search the room.

I. “Well done,” says the male gremlin. “However, this doesn’t change matters. Either you pay us
or we sabotage all of your magic from now on. The choice is yours.” Return to 33A.

J. You succeed. Go to 44B after reading the following: the water seems to mysteriously vanish as
it enters the other room; however, the one you have just left is filling up fast. From now on, it
will be impassable – unless you can breathe water, of course!

K. Ooops! The character doing so is instantly transformed into an ape-man, as depicted in the other
bas-relief (which turns into a representation of a normal human). The character now has near-
maximum strength and constitution, but all of his/her other attributes are reduced to near-
minimum. They will go berserk in battle, but they have a 40% chance of remaining berserk
afterwards and laying into the rest of the party! The rubies are worth 100 gold pieces each.
Return to 55B.
A. You enter a 15’ square room. There are doors in the centre of the W wall and in the
southernmost 5’ of the E wall. See diagram 38X. On the N wall is a bas-relief of a reposing
manticora with jewelled eyes; on the S is a bas-relief of a nude woman. In the centre of the
room is a large chest. Even as you notice this, a puff of smoke emerges from it and coalesces
into an impudent-faced brownie, who opens his mouth as if to speak. To listen to what he says,
go to 7E. To attack him by either weapons or magic, go to 16B. To leave, return to the number
you just came from.

B. The two men continue to pray. Slowly, you see something is beginning to rise from the bowl
and slither up the pillar towards the elf-maiden. It is the colour of stone, and is climbing the
pillar by enveloping it. The girl begins to scream and writhe; she sees you and yells for you to
rescue her. To attempt to do so, go to 41B. To attack the men, go to 30B; to cast a spell at
them, go to 15D. To see what happens next, go to 25C. To leave, go to 2F.

C. He grins at you but ignores anything you say. Go to 28F.

D. Was your blow struck using a magic or silver weapon? If so, go to 51F. If not, go to 19E.

E. Roll a 10-sided die. On 1–4, go to 24F; on 5–10, go to 33D.

F. Due to its stomach-churning stench, all your characters failing to save vs. poison will fight it at
a penalty of 10% (–2); ghasts paralyse all beings they touch, of course, and, being undead,
cannot be Slept or Charmed. If you have a cleric, s/he can try to turn it, but it will still defend
itself if attacked. If you defeat it, go to 22I. If you die, go to 56G.

G. As soon as your first character enters the pentagram, a horrible demon materialises, grabs them
and bites off their head before they have any chance to react! Demon and corpse then vanish.
You have just lost that character, plus anything they carried. If that was your last survivor, go
to 49E. Any survivors can return to 6B and choose again.

H. Whoooomph! The fireball wipes out the players and the referee, but the remaining creatures in
the room are untouched (it’s very large, after all!). As one, two bugbears and two gnolls rush
you. Go to 43H to attack them.

I. Charming, wasn’t she? I guess fortune didn’t smile on you, this time. Still, it should have been
crystal clear that she was going to be the kiss of death for you!

J. You find no secret doors. Return to 23C.

K. The smoker must immediately save vs. magic or be polymorphed into a winged horse! From
now on it looks like you’ll be clearing up horse feathers!! Return to the number you just came
A. Roll a 6-sided die. On 1 or 2, go to 18C. Otherwise, go to 3G.

B. Roll an 8-sided die. On 1–4, go to 38G. On 5–8, go to 56A.

C. You enter a 5’ wide passage, running E for 60’. There is a door at either end. See diagram 11X.
To go back through the W door, return to 15B. To go E, go to 27D. There are no secret doors

D. Remember that only your magic or silver weapons will harm them. If your cleric turned them,
they will shy away from you and will not attack unless you actually score a hit upon them. If
they score hits upon you, of course, they will drain strength points as well as doing physical
damage. If you defeat them, go to 25E. If you die, go to hell 8F.

E. Roll a 6-sided die. On 1–2, go to 47C. Otherwise, go to 23F.

F. You hear nothing. Go to 17C to open the door, or go back to 14A.

G. You hear nothing. Go to 48B to open the door, or go back to 23C.

H. The smoke from the candles gushes up and coalesces into a grotesque and fierce-looking
demon. It looks down at you and says: “I am the mighty demon Tarhas. You have summoned
me. Ask of me any one service and I shall perform it for you if I am able.” To ask Tarhas to
perform some task, go to 62A. To attack him, go to 45I. To dismiss him, go to 16L.

I. Nothing much happens. Which do you place next? To place Alpha, go to 13J. To place Mu, go
to 6J. To change your mind and remove Omega, return to 58A and choose again.

J. The door opens. Go to 17C; you enter by the centre door on the E wall. Otherwise, return to

K. You don’t come anywhere near hitting them. You can hear them falling about laughing, but
you can’t tell where the sound is coming from. You have suspicions of ventriloquism. Return
to 57B.

L. You find one; it is in the northernmost 5’ of the E wall. To open it, go to 37E. Otherwise, return
to 18A.

M. You died, didn’t you? Oh dear, how sad. Go to 36F.

N. You leap from the bed as you realise that her kiss has drained a life-energy level from you! You
have time to grab your weapon (but not any armour or treasure) and do one of two things before
she can get out of the bed and catch you. You can either run, in which case go to 37E, or you
can stand and fight, in which case go to 29E (remember, though, if you choose the latter course,
that you are now unarmoured!).

A. You are greeted by stony silence from stony walls. Back to 19A.

B. You are in a 5’ wide corridor running N–S for 30’. There is a door at the N end of the corridor,
another in the E wall, 15’ from the N, and a third in the W wall 15’ from the N. At the S end,
the corridor forms a ‘T’ junction with another corridor running E–W. See diagram 13X. To go
N, go to 44A. To go W, go to 1D. To go E, go to 6K. To go S, go to 14A. All doors are silent
and there are no secret doors here.

C. You find one, at the N end of the corridor. To pass through it, go to 17E. Otherwise, return to

D. You enter a room that is 20’ N–S and 25’ E–W. There is a door in the W wall, 5’ from the S,
and another in the E wall, 5’ from the N. See diagram 12X. On the N wall are four grotesque
statues: one is toad-like, another skeletal, another an amorphous blob and the fourth is serpent-
like. Debasing themselves before the statues are six robed men. In the centre of the room is a
bloody altar on which lies the naked corpse of a young woman. From where you are, you can
see that the corpse’s heart has been torn out. To enter the room to do anything at all, go to 16A.
To leave, go to 42E if you are at the W door, or 8E if you are at the E door.

E. She introduces herself as Thorivoë. She says that she is very old and close to death. Her one
regret, she tells you, is that she is dying a virgin and has never known the love of a man. She
asks you if one of the males in your party would care to oblige her, and adds that she will reward
you generously if you agree. As advance payment, she produces a ruby ring worth 50 gold
pieces, which she gives you. To make love to her, write down which of your characters is doing
so and go to 55I. To attack her, go to 2G. To cast a spell, go to 8A. To rummage through the
room and ignore her, go to 47D. To decline her offer and leave (or if you have no male
characters), go to 34D for the N door, 21B for the S or 1D for the E. All three are silent; she
will not stop you leaving.

F. “Are you stupid or something?” they ask, “Isn’t it obvious? We are about to sacrifice this
maiden to the great god Vogar. We will brook no interruptions, so either shut up or get out!”
Go back to 46A and choose again.

G. You hear a sound like glasses clinking together. Go to 46C to open the door, or return to 55B.

H. Whatever you do, DON’T read 49K!

A. Despite being intensely bright, the stone is quite cold to the touch. However, as you pick it up,
the shadows cast by the statues animate and attack you. Go to 35F.

B. If your bribe was less than 100 gold pieces, he becomes extremely angry and says: “Get out
now or I’ll destroy you!” – in which case, your only choices are to leave by the door through
which you just entered (30E W, 46F NE, 11C SE), or to fight him (26D weapons, 32F magic).
If you offered him more than 100 GP, he will let you look at one object of your choice; go to
58I for the NE chest, 56J for the NW one or 4K for the dartboard. Once you have looked at one
item, you must either leave or fight, using the options listed above.

C. The spiders are of the largest variety of monster arachnid, and are poisonous. If bitten, a
character must save vs. poison or suffer an additional 3D6 worth of damage. Fight the battle
with any characters not caught up in webs; the spiders cannot use their webs in melee. If you
win, go to 37G; if you all die, go to 52B.

D. It comes away from the wall. Nothing special happens. Back to 32A.

E. You’re either very brave or extremely foolish! Go to 20B, ignoring the first two sentences.

F. More and more and more and more and more people start pouring out of the chest and filling
up the room. If you attack any of them, they vanish, but this only seems to speed up the flow.
They are beginning to crush you and to use up all the air in the room. Then, much to your relief,
they begin to file out through the E door, and no more are coming out of the chest (in fact, the
chest also vanishes). Eventually, there is just one man left. Go to 41I.

G. The eyes look to be sapphires. To try to prise them out, go to 58H. To push them in, go to 20J.
To do anything else, return to 7E.

H. If you wish to take her back to the room where you found Thorivoë, she does so as she is
unaware of the curse. To let her make love to your aged character, go to 1J. Otherwise, return
to 18B and make another choice instead.

I. A secret door opens in the northernmost 5’ of the E wall. To pass through this, go to 32C; you
enter via a secret door in the southernmost 5’ of the W wall. Otherwise, return to 31G.

J. Whooomph! The box vanishes… got it wrong, didn’t you? What you have done is to cause the
mirror to become a Mirror of Opposition! Exact duplicates of each member of your party leap
from the mirror to attack their ‘real’ selves! You have no choice but to fight them. If you win
these battles, return to 22B. If not, go to 29J.

K. Oooops, my mistake! You shouldn’t be here. Go to 32I.


North South
A. You enter a corridor which is 5’ wide and runs E–W for 50’. There is a door at the E end, and
one in the S wall 15’ from the E. There is a gap in the N wall 10’ from the W, where the corridor
joins another passage running N. At the W end, the corridor dead-ends. To listen at the S door,
go to 16E. To listen at the E door, go to 11F. To search the W end for secret doors, etc., go to
56C. To go N, go to 12B. See diagram 14X.

B. Crunch! Your sword, axe or whatever splinters through the wood. However, you begin to realise
that the piano is not exactly empty; as you break away more and more wood, you find that you
are exposing a packed yellowish substance. It looks like packed yellow snow, and it smells …
it smells like vanilla ice cream! To continue to break up the piano in order to empty out all of
this stuff, go to 27E. To taste it, go to 5F. To stop this activity, go to 28G to search the rest of
the room, or to 10A to leave through the W door.

C. You hear muffled thuds and a lot of yelling. There is also someone crying “Obscenities!” and
“Abuse!” Odd, you may think… go to 34F to open the door, or return to 32D.

D. Roll a 6-sided die. On 1–2, go to 54F. On 3–6, go to 45E.

E. In the rubble of the middle statue you find three diamonds worth 300 gold pieces each. You
may pick these up, then return to 17D and choose again.

F. “Hoy, you lot!” one of the managers shouts, ignoring anything you say. “Spectators up this
end!” He points to the terraces. To seat yourself in them and watch the match, go to 49A. To
pretend to do so, but attack the personnel on the bench as you walk past, go to 9G. To step onto
the pitch, go to 33G. To attack, go to 58D (melee) or 36C (magic or missiles).

G. Checking quickly around the room, you realise there is no treasure there. To follow the men
and see where they went to, go to 54L. To simply leave, go to 14A (N door), 23C (W) or 42E
(S). All are silent and there are no secret doors.

H. “Go through the W door,” he says, “and take the first door to the S. There is a beautiful girl in
there.” He vanishes and the candles go out; you may not ask him another question. Return to

I. Whoof! The box vanishes in a puff of smoke – and so does your party, to reappear in a corridor.
Go to 50G.

J. He suddenly frowns, realises your non-Lawful nature, and attacks! He is a paladin! He is 5th
level wears plate armour, and has two magic swords, one of which has a 10% (+2) hit bonus,
while the other is a Holy Sword! He can fight with both at once. If you beat him, go to 26J to
search his body. If you lose, go to 6G.

K. It eats you! Don’t panic!

X. North
A. Nothing happens to the statues, but the light of the glowing stones goes out. By the light of your
own torches you can see that, oddly, the deep shadows remain. To investigate these, go to 37D;
to fire some sort of missile at them, go to 28A; to do anything else, go to 40C.

B. You enter a room which is 25’ N–S by 15’ E–W. There are doors in the centres of the E and W
walls, and also a door in the southernmost 5’ of the E wall. See diagram 15X. There is a
dartboard hanging on the N wall, and treasure chests in the NE and NW corners. Sniffing around
the room is a very large Saint Bernard dog; it is very unusual as it appears to be wearing boots
on its hind feet. It also wears the customary brandy-cask on a chain around its neck. To attack
the dog in any way, go to 3A; to ignore it and enter the room to investigate either the dartboard
or the chests, go to 28B; to speak to the dog, go to 40E; or to wait to see what it does, go to 1F.
To cross the room to reach another door, go to 46B; otherwise, you may leave through the door
you have just opened. Go to 30E for the W door, 46F for the northernmost E door, or 11C for
the southern E door.

C. The box has a small handle on the front, clearly meant to be used for opening it. To use this
handle, go to 43G. To prise the box open with a dagger or an iron spike, go to 58E. To smash
the box or try to wrench it off the wall, go to 4G. To do anything else, return to 22C and choose
again; to leave, go to 23C.

D. To cast Sleep, go to 4H. To use any other spell, write down exactly what it is and go to 40J.
You cannot really use Charm as this would affect only one of them.

E. Whoooomp! The whole room goes up in flames. You see the burning bodies of two giant
spiders fall from the ceiling, and you realise that the ‘sculpted’ walls were really covered in
rather inflammable jet-black webbing. You’ve destroyed the spiders, but you’ve also destroyed
any treasure that might have been in the room. When the fire dies down, go to 41E to take the
W door, 1D for the S or 44A for the E. All are silent and there are no secret doors here.

F. Go to 36A.

G. You strike empty air … and begin to suspect that gremlins can use ventriloquism! Return to

A. To speak to the men, go to 9E. To attack them, go to 40I. To wait to see what they do, go to
49B. To leave by the door where you stand, go to 42E if you’re at the W door or 8E if you’re
at the E. To cast a spell at the men, go to 47F.

B. Your weapons pass through him harmlessly; if you cast a spell, you’ve just wasted it. He is
evidently an illusion. Go to 7E.

C. Liar! It takes at least an 8th level cleric to dispel shadows and, if you have one of those with
you, you must be cheating! The gods disapprove of this and transport him to the surface of the
Moon where, naturally, he dies. Go back to 35F and fight the shadows without cheating!

D. Go to 17C. You enter through the northernmost door on the E wall.

E. You hear two sounds: chanting, and a faint whimper. Go to 3C to open the door; otherwise,
return to 14A and choose again.

F. They ignore you, thinking you to be more spectators. However, the managers notice you, and
one of them speaks. Go to 14F.

G. You hear a faint snuffling sound. To open the door, go to 15B; you enter through the
southernmost E door. Otherwise, return to 11C.

H. You hear chanting. Go to 12D to enter; otherwise, return to 42E.

I. Go to 27E.

J. Oh dear! Looks like your dice have gremlins, too! Ant you the unlucky ones? (Oh, to hell with
it! How do you make a pun on a word like ‘gremlin’?)

K. She straightens up her rags to make herself more presentable, then goes over to the E side of
the room and makes a magic pass, telling you she’s seen the priests do this. A section of the
wall opens, revealing a niche containing 500 gold pieces and 1,000 silver. While you are
scooping this into your packs, etc., Alindelle sneaks out in case you try to double-cross her. To
search the rest of the room, go to 19I. To leave, go to 23C (W door), 42E (S) or 14A (N). All
are silent.

L. Pfffft! He vanishes and the candles go out. Return to 6B.

M. The characters attempting to take cover in alcoves 2 and 3 make it. The characters you allocated
to alcoves 4 and 5 will also make it, provided they are not heavily encumbered or wearing full
plate armour. If they are, they must save vs. dexterity to make it safely. The characters aiming
to get into alcoves 6 and 7 must also save vs. dexterity to get there safely, but anyone wearing
plate armour or heavily encumbered will not make it to alcoves 6 and 7 at all – an automatic
fail. Any characters who cannot safely reach an alcove must either stand there and be crushed,
or attempt to fight the juggernaut (go to 60A). If you choose not to fight (or don’t need to) and
have survivors, return to 51A. If all your characters are dead, go to 35H.

N. She says: “The crystal tells me that your friends are secretly plotting to kill you! You must
attack them now!” Your character leaps up, weapon in hand, and attacks the rest of your party.
To meet their attack, go to 61C. To fight Chirilla as well, go to 62E.
A. You may leave only by the door through which you entered, i.e. go to 30E to go back through
the W door, 46F for the NE or 11C for the SE.

B. It appears to be an ordinary mirror – or is it? Each character who looks in the mirror must try
to save vs. intelligence. If at least one character succeeds, go to 51B. If no-one succeeds, go to
30C. If no-one actually looks in the mirror, go back to 22B and choose again.

C. You enter a room whose E and W walls are 35’ in length, an whose N and S walls are 15’ in
length. There is a door in the W wall, 15’ from the S, and three doors in the E wall spaced 15’
apart. See diagram 17X, rotated 90° clockwise. The room has no occupants, but at the N end of
the room there is a pentagram inscribed into the floor, 5’ from the walls. There is a similar
pentagram at the S. Each point of each pentagram has a black candle standing at it, set in a short
black candlestick. To investigate the N pentagram, go to 6B. For the S, go to 24A. To search
for hollow spots or secret doors, go to 38C. To leave the room, go to 14A for the W door, 2A
for the northern E door, 45C for the middle E or 52F for the southern E. All of these are silent.

D. Crunch! Ker-ash! They smash rather easily, showing that they are not really granite after all.
Curiously, though, you notice that destroying the statues does not destroy the shadows cast by
them. They are still as clear and sharp as before, as if the statues were still intact. To hit one
with a sword or a stick or something, go to 45A. To throw something at a shadow, go to 19C.
To ignore them and listen at the doors, go to 9C. To investigate the glowing stones, go to 34C.
To search through the rubble of the statues, go to 51C.

E. Go to 51A. You enter via. a secret door in the easternmost 5’ of the S wall. Alternatively, return
to 5A.

F. Once upon a time there was a compulsive cheat. One day, this cheat read too many passages
they hadn’t been directed to and went blind. How’s your eyesight?

G. It appears to be a normal stone carving with no special attributes at all. Return to 55B.

H. As you begin your search, you see the small creatures who were spectating – they are called
grimbles – sneaking down a tiny trapdoor on the terraces. To attack them, go to 2I. To tell them
to stop, go to 8H. To ignore them, go to 61H to search the rest of the room.


North South
A. Well done. However, unless you have some sort of ‘cure paralysis’ spell or remedy, any
characters who were paralysed will remain so for the rest of this expedition, which means you’ll
either have to carry them around or abandon them if this isn’t possible. To investigate the
corpse, go to 29H. To investigate the machine, go to 58C. To search for secret doors, go to 34J.
To leave, go to 8E for the N door or 46F for the W. Both are silent.

B. Didn’t you do well? The elf-girl is extremely grateful, of course. As you free her, she tells you
that she will reward you in any of the following ways:
a) Join your party and fight for you (she is 2nd level as both magic-user and thief and her name
is Alindelle). Go to 57H to accept this;
b) Show her gratitude with kisses, etc. Go to 24J;
c) Show you where the rest of these evil priests are. Go to 5K;
d) Show you where some treasure is hidden. Go to 16K;
e) Show you the way out. Go to 36I;
f) If a member of your party has suffered the Curse of Korakor, go to 13H.

C. You find none. However, the patterns on the ceiling detach themselves suddenly and reveal
themselves to be giant spiders! The ebony arachnids cast jet-black webs over the doors,
blocking them. Your only option now is to fight; go to 13C.

D. You hear the sound of chanting. Go to 12D to open the door, or return to 8E.

E. You find one, in the southernmost 5’ of the W wall. However, it seems to be a one-way door
that does not open from this side. Return to 46C and choose again.

F. You hear nothing. Go to 28C to open it, or return to 1D.

G. Each of these characters will be pitted against a Death Skeleton. This is a double-strength
skeleton, with armour equivalent to chain mail and armed with a sword. Compute the results
yourself. If you win, go to 59A to see what treasure is in the room. If none win, go to 41H to
allow the rest of your party to leave. If all your characters are dead, go to 8G.

H. Seven of the gnollish players go down under your spell, as does the referee. However, the rest
of the occupants see what you have done and, with the exception of the small spectators, they
charge you. You have to fight two bugbears and five gnolls! If you win, you can slit the throats
of the sleeping uglies and search the room (go to 17H). If you die, go to 47I.

I. There is nothing else of value in the room. To leave, go to 34D for the N door, 1D for the E or
21B for the S; all are silent. The character affected by the Curse of Korakor must remain here
until he can find a young female to kiss, thus transferring the curse to her. If that was your last
character, too bad!

J. You are all Held. The priests appreciate you volunteering as sacrifices to their weird gods, and
kill you! However, the Gods of Law feel you’ve had a raw deal, and resurrect a single character
of your choice (who must be Lawful from now on).
A. You enter a small room, whose N and S walls are 10’ in length, and whose E and W walls are
15’ in length. You enter through a 5’ wide gap in the centre of the W wall; in the centre of the
E wall is a door. The room is completely bare and empty, and has no visible occupants. See
diagram 19X. To listen at the E door, go to 2B. To search the room for hidden doors, go to
24E. To cast a spell into the room, go to 28D. To leave, go to 35E. To call into the room to see
if anyone or anything answers, go to 12A.

B. All doors are silent. To leave via. the W door, go to 23C. For the N, go to 14A. For the S, go to

C. Roll a six-sided die. On 1–2 go to 5C; otherwise, go to 41F.

D. The character feels a sort of… expanding… sensation, but nothing obvious seems to happen to
them. To open the door, go to 53C. Otherwise, go back to 1E.

E. Your blow has no effect! You suddenly realise that this is no ordinary dog! If you have magic
or silver weapons which you can use on it, go to 51F. If not, you must flee through the nearest
door (30E W, 46F NE, 11C SE). It will have time for two free attacks on your party as you
scramble for the exit. If you all die, go to 22H. The dog will not follow you from the room.

F. Idiots! The pentagram was holding in a demon called Tarhas, who now materialises and attacks
you. He is 11th level (11 dice), is as hard to hit as a gold dragon and can only be hit by magic
weapons with a ‘to hit’ bonus of 10% (+2) or better. He is also 80% magic resistant! In the
unlikely event of you killing him, go to 54J. If you die, go to 49E. Alternatively, you may
sacrifice your two best characters to engage him in combat while the rest escape. Such an exit
must be through the W door (14A).

G. You find one, in the northernmost 5’ of the E wall, but there seems to be no way to open it.
Return to 7E.

H. “Stop that immediately!” cries one of the gremlins. “Stop it or we’ll curse you forever!” To
stop, return to 57B. To continue and see how they react, go to 21I.

I. Searching the room, all you find is a gold ring worth 200 gold pieces, worn by one of the priests.
To leave, go to any of the three silent doors (42E S, 14A N, 23C W).

J. You find one on the N wall, 25’ from the E. To open it, go to 5B. The door marked on diagram
5X is the one by which you enter.

X. North
A. The shadow leaps up as if pained. The other two shadows also animate, and rush in to attack
you. You’ll be glad to know, however, that you’ve wounded one of them. To close your door
and retreat, go to 5A if you’re at the N door, 50G if you’re at the E, 25A if you’re at the S or
38H if you’re at any of the W doors. To meet the shadows’ attack, go to 35F.

B. Now that was downright stupid! The pentagram was the only thing keeping a demon called
Folris from escaping; he now materialises and attacks you. He is 10th level (10 dice), is as hard
to hit as a gold dragon, and can only be hit by magic weapons with a ‘to hit’ bonus of 10% (+2)
or better. He is also 80% resistant to all spells! In the extremely remote chance that you kill
him, go to 33E. If you die, go to 49E. Alternatively, you may sacrifice your two best characters
to engage him in combat while the rest escape. Such an exit must be through the W door (14A).

C. You enter a 5’ wide passage running W for 60’. There is a door at either end. See diagram 11X.
To go back through the E door, go to 41E. To go W, go to 37F. There are no secret doors here.

D. Go to 36A.

E. Precisely the same thing happens! Go back to 48F and choose again.

F. You hit the one you aimed at … and make it angry! Go to 46E.

G. All your characters suddenly drop dead from the plague, teaching you to read only passages
that you’ve been directed to!

H. In the wreckage you find five jewels. Four are tiny things worth about 10 gold pieces each, but
the last is a two-dice fire gem from a necklace of missiles! Return to 22B.

I. Work out the results of the spell yourself; they are all third level priests in leather armour, armed
with maces. Unfortunately, to complicate matters, they have just summoned one of their ‘gods’,
a wraith (!) called Vhurdar. Vhurdar appears on the melee turn following your spell-casting. If
your spell hasn’t taken out the priests, you’ll have to fight Vhurdar as well as them. If it has,
Vhurdar will vanish back to wherever he came from and ignore you. If you try to retreat, they
will follow you. If you win, go to 34K. If you lose, go to 11M.

J. Click! A secret door opens in the northernmost 5’ of the E wall. To pass through it, go to 24D;
you enter via a secret door in the southernmost 5’ of the W wall. Otherwise, return to 13G.

K. As you push them in, a secret door opens in the northernmost 5’ of the E wall. To pass through
this, go to 46C; you enter via a secret door in the southernmost 5’ of the W wall. Otherwise,
return to 2H.

X. North
A. To speak to the players, go to 16F. To speak to the referee, go to 31B. To speak to the managers,
go to 14F. To call across to the spectators, go to 54A.

B. You are in a 5’ wide corridor running N–S for 20’. At the S end it turns E; at the N end it ends
in a door. To listen at this door, go to 3H. To pass through it without listening, go to 35B. To
go E, go to 23C. To search for secret doors, go to 24G. See diagram 21X.

C. In the middle one, you find a hollow panel. To open it, go to 56D. Otherwise, return to 7B and
choose again.

D. You find a switch on the side of the piano. When you flick it, the music stops. Go to 25F.

E. Your weapons pass straight through him; if you cast a spell, you’ve just wasted it. He appears
to be an illusion. Go to 4A.

F. If you’re using a magical or silver weapon for this purpose, you succeed. If, however, you’re
using an ordinary weapon, you find to your horror that not only do you fail to penetrate his
skin, he breaks free of your spell – and oh, boy, is he mad! You must now melee with him; go
to 26D. If you killed him, go to 47B.

G. One of the priests has a gold ring worth 200 gold pieces. Apart from this, all you find are a few
items they took from the girl, which just happen to include a scroll with Dispel Magic and
Dimension Door spells, and a magic dagger with 10% (+2) on hit probability. You may now
leave the room by any door (42E S, 14A N, 23C W). All are silent.

H. Under the pile of dung in the NE corner, you find a string of dirty pearls worth 400 gold pieces,
plus a Scroll of Protection against Undead. To search for secret doors, go to 23K. To pass
through the silent door, go to 38B.

I. “No! Stop it!” cries the voice, and a sword bites into the arm of one of the characters breaking
the toadstools (roll at random to see which one). This, of course, makes the gremlin wielding
the sword visible. Seeing how the idiot has made himself vulnerable, his sister also appears and
attacks. They are 2nd level (2 dice), have armour equivalent to studded leather, and wield
swords. If you beat them, go to 43J. If you lose, go to 16J.

J. Fair enough. He tells you the layout of a dungeon – but not this one, unfortunately (now come
on, you didn’t specify it had to be this one!)! You may not ask another (different) question; he
vanishes and the candles go out. Return to 17C.

X. North
A. All doors are silent. Roll an 8-sided die. On a roll of 1 or 2, go to 24C; otherwise, go to 3B.

B. The room which you enter is 20’ square. There is a door in the W wall, 5’ from the N, and one
in the E wall in a similar position. On the N wall is a large ornamental clock. On the W wall, S
of the door, is a full-length mirror. Against the S wall is a large packing-case. To investigate
the mirror, go to 17B; to look at the clock, go to 32A; to investigate the packing-case, go to 7C.
If you wish to listen at the doors, go to 35A for the E or 41D for the W. To search for secret
doors, go to 50F. To leave the room, go back to the number you just came from. See diagram

C. The room is a very small one, so if you have your full complement of six characters, they’re
not all going to fit inside – not if you intend to have room to search properly or to swing a
sword, anyway. Write down exactly which of your characters is going to enter, then go to 32E
to search the room for hollow spots or secret doors, or 15C to investigate the box, or 2D to look
at the plaque.

D. There is an incredibly strong aura of magic all around the room. To cast Dispel Magic, go to
33H. For anything else, return to 19A.

E. Unfortunately, you find yourselves unable to open the door or even to grip it! Is it ethereal…
or an illusion? At any rate, you can’t follow him. Return to 46C.

F. You can’t find a secret door, but you do find a hollow panel at the E end of the corridor. To
open it, go to 54K. If you can’t be bothered, go to 50G.

G. She gives your character a long, complicated spiel about meeting tall, dark strangers… and then
your character finds it necessary to save vs. magic! Go to 59H if it’s successful, or to 16N if
they fail.

H. Well, that was ruff, ruff, wasn’t it? Still, there’s no point in muttering insults at the DM. Stop
brandying words about and shut the book. Ciao!

I. Any paralysed characters will remain in that state for the rest of this expedition and will have
to be carried unless you have some sort of Cure Paralysis spell or potion. Under the ice cream
you find 100 gold pieces. Examining the rest of the piano, you find that the ‘sheet music’ is a
scroll with Monster Summoning III, Forget, Transmute Rock to Mud, Haste and Polymorph
Other on it. The piano keys are made of ivory and are worth 10 GP each. Return to 32C.

X. North
A. A voice calls out “Who is there?” and the curtains of the bed part, to reveal an alluringly
beautiful young woman, clad in a low-cut gypsy costume. To ask her who she is, go to 45B.
To attack her, go to 29E. To excuse yourselves and leave, go to 37E.

B. As the priests go down under your attack, a scream of mortal agony comes from behind you.
You turn and see that the elf-girl is being consumed by the stone amoeba from the bowl. She
dies before you can do anything to save her. To avenge her death by attacking the stone amoeba,
go to 50D. To search the room, go to 21G. To leave, go to 14A for the N door, 23C for the W
or 42E for the S. All are silent.

C. You enter a corridor which is 5’ wide and runs E–W for 45’. At the E end it terminates in a
door. At the W end, it turns N. There is also a door on the S wall, 20’ from the W. See diagram
23X. To listen at the doors, go to 7F for the E or 11G for the S. To go N, go to 21B. To search
for secret doors, go to 51G.

D. Whatever you threw or fired simply rebounded harmlessly, with a sound like you’d expect a
missile hitting stone to make. Return to 26C and choose again.

E. You may retreat through the N door by going to 5A, through the S door by going to 25A, or
through the E door by going to 50G. To pass through a W door, go to 38H. Whichever way you
go, each of the shadows will have a free hack at one of your characters as you retreat. If you
decide not to run after all, go to 35F and choose again. If they kill you as you flee, go to 8F.

F. You fail to budge it. Go back to 2D and choose again.

G. Your mage or cleric tells you that the writing on the wall is some sort of spell, probably a
summoning spell. Return to 6B.

H. Well, what a tail to tell. Never really got a biot of the cherry there, did you? What a shocking
experience. Oh dear, what a pity…

I. No way! It resists all of your efforts and seems totally indestructible. Return to 7C.

J. “Really?” one of them says. “We’ll have to do something with them,” says another. “Let’s tie
them up!” They advance; it looks like you’ll have to fight them unless you want to be taken
prisoner. Go to 43H to do so.

K. You find one, in the southernmost 5’ of the W wall; however, it seems to be a one-way door
that cannot be opened from this side. Go back to 21H.

L. “There’s no need for violence,” he says. “You can have them gladly.” He crosses to the
machine, flips a switch … and both he and the machine vanish! Return to 18A; ignore any
further references to either man or machine.


West East
A. Written on the S wall near the pentagram, you notice the words: ‘Ventaka Folris Pitgichukto
Vuny Folris Porro Inkriska Ruswozix Folris’. If you have a mage or cleric in your party, go to
26E. Otherwise, read on: to enter the pentagram go to 2C; to break the pentagram by moving
or destroying the candles, go to 20B; to light the candles, go to 28E; to read the words on the
wall out loud, go to 34B. To do anything else, return to 17C.

B. You hear nothing. To open the door, go to 12B. Otherwise, return to 1D.

C. You still hear nothing… However, while you are concentrating on hearing nothing, the shadows
leap out from behind the statues and attack you! Go to 35F.

D. The door opens, to reveal a room, beyond, that is 15’ square, with a door in the northernmost
5’ of the W wall. See diagram 32X. Near the E wall sits a man playing a huge harp. The man
is clad in rather ragged garments, has curly red hair, and wears a silly grin on his face. To speak
to him, go to 10C; to rush in and attack him with weapons, go to 34A; to cast a spell, go to 52D;
to wait to see what he does, go to 28F; to enter the room and approach him peacefully, or ignore
him and search the room, go to 37C. To close the door, return to the number you just came

E. Have you left any characters waiting behind in the corridor? If so, go to 7D. If all your
characters are in this room, go to 37B.

F. Unfortunately, you break the mirror while trying. Go to 54E.

G. You find none. Return to 21B.

H. You’ll have to move very quickly! Write down exactly which character is trying to shelter in
which alcove (to facilitate this, number the alcoves 1 to 8, starting from the easternmost one
from which the mini-juggernaut is emerging). Having done that, go to 16M. Should you change
your mind and decide to fight, go to 60A.

I. Roll a 6-sided die. On a roll of 1, you succeed; go to 46C again. On anything else, the pressure
proves too great and you fail; return to 29B and choose again. You may subtract 1 from the die-
roll for each member of your party apart from the first, adding his/her weight to the effort of
closing the port.

J. She will reluctantly allow any of your party members that you wish to kiss and cuddle her, or
whatever (no, I am not going into any more detail than that!). Not that you get anything for it;
this isn’t one of those silly, sexist dungeons where you gain a level of experience for
lovemaking! Alindelle then straightens up her rags and leaves with as much dignity as she can
muster. Go to 19I.

K. He does so. Whoever you asked to be restored now lives again. Unfortunately, whatever their
alignment was before, they are now permanently both Chaotic and evil. If that was a paladin,
it’s just too bad! Go to 61G.
A. You enter a corridor which is 5’ wide and runs N–S for 15’. At the S end, it turns W; at the N,
it terminates in a door. To pass through the silent N door, go to 7B. To go W, go to 8E. There
are no secret doors here. See diagram 25X.

B. She looks up at you and flashes you a toothless smile. She speaks; go to 12E.

C. As you watch, the stone amoeba which rises from the bowl consumes the girl, while she screams
in awful agony and beseeches you to save her. Finally, she dies, and the stone amoeba absorbs
her body and slithers back into the bowl. The two men pick up a bundle of the girl’s belongings
and make as though to leave. If you are Lawful, go to 39F. If you are Chaotic, go to 14G.

D. You realise that there is a secret door in the back (N side) of the alcove. Even as you do so, you
hear a click! You look around and see that the door by which you entered has closed and
vanished from sight. Suddenly, the secret panel in the alcove rises, and a stone statue beyond it
is revealed. To your horror, the statue, which is wide enough to block the corridor, is moving
out of the alcove and into the corridor itself. It is evident that it is going to move throughout the
length of the corridor. You don’t have time to find and open the secret door again, so it will
crush you unless you act fast. Go to 29A to see what your choices are.

E. Well done! The shadows out of the way, you can now complete your search of the room. To
examine the statues, go to 29F. To examine the glowing stones, go to 44G. All of the doors are
silent and there are no secret doors. Go to 5A to leave by the N door, 50G for the E or 25A for
the S. For the W doors, go to 52G.

F. The piano lid opens. There is a mad flurry of … er … vanilla ice cream (???) and out from the
piano leaps a ghast! “Oy!” it shouts. “I was listening to that!” It is very angry and attacks you.
You immediately begin retching, due to the horrible stench coming from it. To fight the ghast,
go to 10F. To run away, go to 38I.

G. You find none. Return to 8E.

H. Okay, they go out. Big deal! Return to 6B.

I. Apart from his magic sword, he carries 400 silver pieces and a gem worth 150 gold pieces.
Return to 50G.

J. You hear … harp music. (?) To open the door, go to 24D. Otherwise, return to 4A.

X. North
A. You hear nothing; go to 44A to open the door, or return to 1E.

B. Roll an 8-sided die. On 1–2, go to 6L; on anything else, go to 21C.

C. You enter a room which is 35’ E–W and 15’ N–S. There is a door in the centre of the N wall,
another in the westernmost 5’ of the S wall, and one in the centre of the E wall. In the room are
twelve two-foot-high brightly coloured stone toadstools, scattered at irregular intervals around
the floor. As you watch them, their stems stretch and contract periodically, causing them to rise
up and down. To enter the room, go to 33A. To fire a missile or throw something at a toadstool,
go to 23D. To cast a spell into the room, go to 11B. Or, you may leave by the door you just
opened; go to 48B if it was the N, 40F if it was the S or 42E if it was the E. See diagram 26X.

D. Very well, you asked for it. He will fight back, of course. His bite is equivalent to that of a dire
wolf, and he wears magic boots on his feet; these enable him to kick once per melee round for
a blow equivalent to that from a morningstar. In addition, a scratch from the claws on his front
paws will do 1–2 points of damage per round. He can attack more than one opponent at a time.
The first time you score a hit upon him, go to 10D. He is a 4-dice monster with armour
equivalent to leather + shield.

E. Your mage or cleric recognises the writing to be the words of a spell of some sort – probably
some kind of summoning spell. Go back to 24A.

F. Go to 23A. There are no secret doors, and the tapestry looks worthless.

G. You find one, in the northernmost 5’ of the E wall. However, it resists all your efforts to open
it. Return to 4A.

H. You hear nothing. To open it, go to 35B. Otherwise, return to 34D.

I. One of them wears an emerald ring worth 500 gold pieces; another has 200 gold pieces about
his person; a third wears a silver ceremonial chain worth 150 gold pieces; a fourth carries a
magic mace which gives a 5% (+1) bonus to hit probability. Return to 34K.

J. He has nothing on his person save for his two magic swords, both of which are of Lawful
alignment and thus totally useless to you. To set the switch to ‘Receive’ again, go to 62I.
Otherwise, return to 43G.

X. North
A. The following is a list of treasures carried by the gnolls. If you have one surviving character
who is a cleric, take the first one; if you have two survivors, take the first two, and so on:
a) a magic mace, with 5% (+1) on hit probability and telekinetic ability once per day;
b) 500 gold pieces;
c) a magic shield, giving 10% (+2) extra protection;
d) a Book of Exalted Deeds.
Now go back to 37B to fight the rest of your battles. If you have no-one left to fight, go to 41H
to leave the room via the E door.

B. As your character writhes in the arms of Thorivoë, he realises to his horror that both he and she
are changing! The others try to help him, but are held back by a mysterious force. At length,
the pair rise from the divan; Thorivoë is now a beautiful young woman, and your character is a
decrepit old man! Thorivoë explains that she was in the grip of the Curse of Korakor, which
made her old, and the curse has now been transferred to your character. However, to partially
recompense you for this, she gives you a golden statuette of herself worth 800 gold pieces and
with Web, Dispel Magic and Haste on it. She then demonstrates her prowess as a wizardess by
teleporting away. Go to 49J.

C. Zere eezent enny, señor! Back to 46F.

D. As you pass the centre of the corridor, there is a bright flash of light! However, nothing
significant seems to have happened. Looking around, you still appear to be in the 60’ long
passage; the doors at either end are closed. To continue E, go to 36J. To go back W, go to 37F.

E. You get about halfway down the stuff when you come across what appears to be a frozen corpse.
To pull the corpse out of the piano, go to 59F. To do anything else, return to 32C and choose

F. As you approach the chest, the lid flips open and out flies a gaseous sphere. This is the chest’s
guardian! It is 4th level (4 dice) and, because it is insubstantial, it is as hard to hit as if it were
dressed in magic (10% or +2) plate armour. It attacks by firing a jet of poison gas at one
opponent each round (save vs. poison or die!). If you destroy it, go to 59G to search the chest.
If you die, go to 50I.

G. “Her name is Alindelle,” one of them says. “Not that it matters. She will soon be joined with
Vogar!” At this, the girl screams at you to help her. Return to 46A.

H. Don’t worry, it wasn’t trapped. It opens, revealing inside 500 gold pieces, a Protection Ring
(5% or +1 to the wearer’s defence) and an odd whistle. If you ever blow this, go to 50J. To
leave, go to 20C for the W door, 28C for the E or 34D for the S. All are silent and there are no
secret doors.

I. You got out just in the nick of time; behind you, the Interdimensional Transporter breaks down
altogether and the room vanishes, leaving just solid rock behind! You are now back in the
corridor; return to 23C.
A. If you are firing a magic arrow or a Magic Missile at the shadows, go to 20A. If not, go to 43D.

B. As you start to enter, the dog growls at you and begins to approach. Amazingly, it speaks: “Get
out,” it says. “I hate intruders invading my territory, and I’ll kill you if you don’t go away now!”
If you wish to argue with the dog, go to 36E. To rush it with weapons, go to 26D. To cast a
spell, go to 32F. Or, you can leave by the door through which you entered. Go to 15B if you’ve
forgotten the correct number.

C. You enter a room which is 10’ E–W and 20’ N–S. There is a door in the northernmost 5’ of the
W wall, another in the E wall 5’ from the N, and another in the easternmost 5’ of the S wall.
The room is bare of furnishings, but the walls and ceiling are jet black and sculpted into all
manner of abstract shapes. At the N end of the ceiling you notice a hexagonal array of glowing
jewels set into the black sculpting. You realise that there is an identical arrangement of jewels
at the S. To investigate the jewels, go to 38D. To search the room for hidden doors, go to 11A.
To cast a spell into the room, go to 44D. To listen at the doors, go to 1I. To leave, return to the
number you just came from. See diagram 28X.

D. If you’re casting Detect Magic, go to 22D. If Dispel Magic, go to 33H. If your spell is anything
else, go to 56H.

E. They light easily enough and burn away merrily, but nothing significant happens. To extinguish
them, go to 40B. To step into the pentagram, go to 31F. To read the words on the wall aloud,
go to 51D. To do anything else, go back to 24A and choose again.

F. Each of the members of your party must immediately save versus magic. If they all fail to save,
go to 3E. If any manage to save – even just one – then go to 46D.

G. You find a secret door in the southernmost 5’ of the W wall. It is silent, but seems to be a one-
way door that does not open from this side. Return to 32C.

H. The Gods of Chaos laugh loudly and protect you from the wrath of their Lawful counterparts.
However, you are now permanently Chaotic. Go to 14G.

I. Naïve, aren’t you? You surely don’t think they’ll just let you walk out? They attack you,
naturally. Go to 43H.

X. North
A. To fight the statue, which is a sort of mini-juggernaut, go to 60A. To try to seek refuge in the
alcoves, go to 24H. To try to find the secret doors and escape, go to 43I. No spell which you
might have is really going to be effective against this thing, so the above are your only real

B. Sploosh! Your character gets wet as water pours in through the open port. And it keeps pouring
in at a terrific rate! You realise that if you don’t do something quickly, it’s going to flood you
out. To try to close the porthole, go to 24I. To try and escape through the E door, go to 44H.
To escape through the W door, go to 9J. To do nothing, go to 55H.

C. You hear a ticking sound. To open the door, go to 22B; otherwise, return to 30E. Incidentally,
you notice that upon this door are scrawled the words ‘Madam I’m Adam’.

D. Well, stone me! You lost, did you? Ah me. Battles don’t always work out for the best, do they?
They can be very bad for your elf!

E. She snarls and hisses sibilantly. She bursts from the gypsy costume and shape-changes to reveal
her true nature. She is still beautiful, but now has large, bat-like wings and small, sharp horns
protruding from her long hair. She is a succubus! You may continue to fight, but remember
that, although she is naked, she can only be harmed by magical weapons. Also, unless you avert
your eyes in battle, she will be able to try to Charm one person each round. Averting your eyes
imposes a 5% (–3) penalty to your attacks. Also, if she hits you, there is a 15% chance that she
will plant a kiss on you, draining one experience level. If you win, go to 4J. If she kills you, or
Charms all of your characters, go to 10I. Alternatively, you may sacrifice your best character
to keep her busy while the rest of you retreat to 37E.

F. In the centre statue, you find a hollow spot. Opening this, you find three diamonds worth 300
gold pieces each. If you smashed the statues previously, you find the diamonds in the rubble.
If you already found the diamonds, you don’t find them a second time! Return to 25E.

G. “Very well,” says the gremlin, “try to cast a spell. It will either fail or backfire!” To cast a spell,
go to 60F. To do anything else, go to 33A.

H. The corpse is clad in a strange one-piece suit of semi-metallic appearance. There is nothing of
value upon it. About the only thing you could do is resurrect it, assuming you have the means
to do so. If you wish to do this, go to 53I. Otherwise, return to 18A.

I. Zzzzzt! Sparks fly and there is a small explosion, doing 1D6 worth of damage to everyone in
the room. Go to 60B.

J. Oh, dear! Looks like you didn’t box clever enough there! Given ‘alph a chance, I bet you’d
love another crack at those opponents. Well, if you roll yourself up some fresh characters and
start the game again, you can have that chance, because those duplicates will still be there if
you enter that room again. For now, though, simply shut the book and reflect upon your folly!
A. The room beyond the door is very large; the N and S walls are 80’ long and the E and W walls
are 30’ in length. There are two doors in the S wall – one in the easternmost 5’ and the other
20’ from the E. See diagram 30X. At the W end of the room are terraced benches; there is a 5’
wide strip of unmarked floor running the length of the S end of the room. The rest of the room
is painted green and marked out as a football pitch because, currently in progress, is a 5-a-side
soccer game between two teams of gnolls! This is being refereed by a bugbear, who is keeping
order with a two-handed sword. The players themselves have clubs which they are using to
fend off tackles from the opposition. On a small bench, about midway between the westernmost
door and the terraces, sit two more bugbears – evidently the team managers – who are armed
with swords and are shouting instructions to the players. Also on the bench is another gnoll,
who is keeping a crossbow trained on a dozen small creatures resembling kobolds, who are
seated on the terraces and looking very bored.

To enter the room, go to 5D. To speak to anyone in the room, go to 21A. To cast a spell or fire
a missile, go to 36C. To leave, return to the number you just came from.

B. They see you coming and whip out morningstars from under their robes as you close with them.
However, as you begin to fight, you see something begin to rise up from the bowl and slither
up the column towards the girl, who begins to scream loudly for help. To break off the fight
and go to her aid, go to 38E. To ignore her and continue to fight, go to 48D. Alternatively, if
you have more than two surviving characters, two of you can engage the men and the others go
to the girl. In this case, go to 52A.

C. It looks like an ordinary mirror to you. If any of your characters have not yet looked in the
mirror, they may still do so. If one of them saves vs. intelligence, go to 51B. If not, go back to
22B, which you must do anyway if you have no more characters who have not looked in the

D. The dog says “My name is Phydeau. What’s it to you, anyway? I said to go away!” To leave,
go to 17A. To attack Phydeau, go to 3A. To wait to see what he does if you don’t leave, go to
52E. To offer him a bribe to let you into the room, go to 44E. To ignore the dog and enter
anyway, go to 5E.

E. You enter a short 5’ wide corridor, running E–W for just 10’. There is a door at either end. To
listen at the W door, go to 29C. To listen at the E door, go to 9D.

X. North
A. You see a voluptuous raven-haired woman in gypsy costume lying on the bed. She sits up and
smiles at you. To ask her name, go to 45B. To attack her, go to 29E. To excuse yourselves and
leave, go to 37E.

B. He ignores you, being too preoccupied with trying to keep order. Return to 21A and choose

C. They have no effect, and meanwhile you are getting rather cut up. Return to 35F and make a
better choice.

D. You miss. Return to 38D and choose again.

E. As you hit them, they disappear, too, but two more people emerge for each one that vanishes.
Go to 13F.

F. The candles go out, and… go to 2C.

G. The eyes of the griffin appear to be emeralds. To prise them out, go to 9K. To push them in, go
to 13I. Otherwise, return to 55B.

H. Roll a 20-sided die. On a roll of 1 or 2, go to 59I. Otherwise, go to 11K.

I. Such greed! You remove the first four easily enough; they are tiny things, worth 10 gold pieces
each. The last, however, is a two-dice firegem from a necklace of missiles, and the character
prising it out sets it off and takes the full blast! If that was your last character and they’re dead,
too bad. If you have survivors, return to 22B. The clock has been blown to bits!

J. The following is a list of the treasures carried by the goblins. If you have one surviving
character, take the first one; if you have two survivors, take the first two, and so on:
a) a scroll with Lightning Bolt, Slow and Blink spells on it;
b) 400 gold pieces;
c) a Protection Ring, adding 15% (+3) to your defence;
d) a Libram of Silver Magic.
Now go back to 37B to fight the rest of your battles. If you have no-one left to fight, go to 41H
to leave the room via the E door.

K. Well done; it crumbles to pieces, and the following fall out: a magic (10% or +2) sword, a
Regeneration Ring, a Potion of Speed and a number of gems worth 1,500 gold pieces in total.
Now go to 4B to search for secret doors; there’s nothing else here of value.

L. Any characters in the room are transmitted clear out of the dungeon. Fortunately for you, the
random selector built into the transporter was not tuned to the surface of the Moon or the ocean
bottom at that time. You are simply dumped back at the entrance. Go to 1A. If any characters
were outside the room, they may continue, in which case return to 43G.

M. He does so. Your sword now has a bonus of 5% (+1) to hit probability. Unfortunately, it is also
of highly Chaotic alignment. If you’re not Chaotic, it will do you damage every time you pick
it up. Well, what did you expect from a demon? Go to 61G.
A. As you look at the clock, you notice that the hands are moving the wrong way, i.e. anticlockwise
instead of clockwise. The clock is operated by a weights-and-pendulum mechanism, and there
is a little door at the front, evidently intended to enable the clock’s mechanism to be inspected.
To open this, go to 53B. To smash the clock, go to 37A. To remove it from the wall, go to 13D.
If you do not wish to do any of these, return to 22B and choose again.

B. Your dagger, sword or whatever, cuts easily through the threads and the stones fall to the floor,
still glowing. To look at the statues to see whether this has had any effect on them, go to 50B.

C. The room whose threshold you stand at is 15’ square; there is a door in the northernmost 5’ of
the W wall. Against the E wall is an upright roll-piano which is playing away to itself. There is
nothing else in the room. To search the piano, go to 9A. To stand around and listen to the music,
go to 48E. To try to turn off the piano, go to 21D. To smash it, go to 14B. To search for hollow
spots in the walls or secret doors, go to 28G. To pass through the silent W door, go to 10A. See
diagram 32X.

D. You are in a corridor, 5’ wide, which runs E–W for just 10’. There is a door in the N wall, in
the westernmost 5’; to listen at this, go to 14C. To search for secret doors, go to 36D. See
diagram 33X.

E. Apart from the one you just opened, you find no secret doors. Go back to 22C and choose again.

F. The dog realises what your magic-user is doing and, without apparently approaching any closer,
it kicks out with its left hind leg. The boot on that leg detaches itself and flies towards your
mage! Roll for yourself to see whether it hits; its effect is equivalent to a blow from a
morningstar, except that it has a 15% (+3) bonus to hit. After striking the blow (or attempting
to), the boot turns in mid-air and returns to the dog’s foot. Whether it hits your mage or not, the
latter is now distracted and cannot finish their spell. The dog charges, and you must fight it
hand-to-hand. Go to 26D.

G. From around the E bend comes an ogre! Being such, he’s not in the mood for an intelligent
conversation, and attacks! If you beat him, go to 61F to search him. If you lose, go to 6G.

H. You find one. It is in the northernmost 5’ of the E wall. Unfortunately, it resists all your efforts
to open it. Return to 55B.

I. Sorry, wrong again! Try 47K instead (terribly sorry about this!).

X. North
A. As you enter, you hear a little voice say: “Aha! More suckers! Come in!” You already have
entered, of course, so the voice continues, identifying itself as a gremlin. Gremlins, of course,
are leprechaun-like creatures who have the power to disrupt magic. This one tells you that
either you pay him and his sister a bribe or they’ll follow you around the dungeon, making all
your spells backfire and all your magic weapons and devices cease to function. To offer them
a bribe to leave you alone, go to 60J. To tell them where to stuff their threats, go to 36G. To
rush in with weapons and strike at the place where the voice came from, go to 15G. To demand
proof of their powers, go to 29G. To cast Detect Magic or Detect Invisibility in an effort to find
them, go to 47G. To leave, go to 58F.

B. “Ah,” they say, “true believers, eh? You wish to watch the sacrifice? Then so be it. Stand there
and remain silent while we perform the rites.” The girl stares at you with hopelessness in her
eyes. Go to 10B.

C. To cast a spell you’ll need, of course, to have a magic-user unaffected. However, their comrades
will now be between your mage and the harpist, so any spell will also affect them. To cast
Sleep, go to 57F. To cast anything else, write down exactly what, and go to 4I.

D. You succeed. You now have one very strange mirror in your possession. It should be worth
about 600 gold pieces on the open market; however, due to its size, it will require two of you
to carry it. Those two will not be able to fight, and if the party do get into a fight while those
two are carrying it around, there is a 20% chance of it being broken – permanently! Go back to

E. Now how did you do that? Cheating, I suspect, but never mind. Under the pentagram you find
3,000 gold pieces, a Resurrection scroll, a Potion of Giant Strength and a Potion of Invisibility,
all in a Bag of Holding. Return to 17C.

F. She says, “I cannot possibly accept less than my usual fee of 25 gold pieces, although…” She
nods towards the bed. “I suppose I could accept ‘payment in kind’! In advance, of course!” To
agree and make love to her, write down who is doing it and go to 51H. To pay her the 25 gold
pieces, go to 22G. To attack her, go to 29E. To continue to haggle, go to 57G. To leave, go to

G. The referee yells ‘Foul!” and attacks you. The others, always ready to engage in a scrap, also
join in. You’ve got a fight on your hands, I’m afraid. Go to 45H.

H. The room vanishes! It existed only by magic and, in dispelling that magic, you have destroyed
the room. You are now staring at a blank wall; go to 44A.

I. You find none. Return to 18A.

X. North
A. You don’t get very far … go to 28F.

B. Nothing happens. Go back to 24A and choose again.

C. They are … glowing stones. You do not notice any heat emanating from them. However, as
you examine them … go to 5C.

D. You enter a short 5’ wide corridor running N–S for 15’; there is a door at either end. To listen
at the N door, go to 56E. To listen at the S door, go to 43F. There are no secret doors, and
there’s no map either. Did you really need one?

E. Funnily enough, your Sleep spell does have some effect. From the position of the southern
jewels, a giant spider drops and hangs in mid-air by a thread. The ‘jewels’ are revealed to be its
eyes! That one is out of action but, of course, there is another. It now comes swinging down
from the ceiling, spinning its web. Each of your characters must save vs. magic or be webbed.
If not all of your party are webbed, go to 40G to fight it. If all of your characters are caught up
in the jet-black webbing, you will be eaten; go to 52B.

F. Go to 30A. You enter by the easternmost door. Otherwise, return to 32D.

G. You hear nothing. To open the door, go to 44B. Otherwise, back to 52F you go!

H. There appears to be nothing special about it at all; just a flat picture sculpted onto the wall.
Return to 4A and choose again.

I. The door opens; go to 5A. You enter through a secret door in the N wall.

J. Roll a six-sided die. On 1–2, go to 11L. On 3–6, go to 33I.

K. Well done! Any characters who were Held now snap out of the spell. To search the bodies of
the priests, go to 26I. To search the rest of the room, go to 61B. To leave, go to 42E for the W
door or 8E for the E. Both are silent.

L. You fail. Return to 15C and choose again.

M. Chirilla and your character close the bed curtains and you hear them undressing and… er…
making other sounds. A short while later, the character emerges, says, “That was marvellous!”
and … attacks the rest of your party, while Chirilla sits laughing on the bed! To meet this attack,
go to 61C. To fight Chirilla as well, go to 62E.

X. North
A. You hear nothing. To open the door, go to 30E; otherwise, return to 22B.

B. You stand at the threshold of a room that is 20’ square. There is a door in the westernmost 5’
of the S wall, one in the N wall 5’ from the W, and one in the E wall 5’ from the N. See diagram
35X. The room is lavishly furnished, the centrepiece being a large divan upon which is reclining
a haggard, wrinkled old woman, clad in a dress which would have been extremely provocative
on a younger, more comely woman. She looks up at you as you open the door. To speak to her,
go to 12E. To rush in and attack her with weapons, go to 48F. To fire a missile, go to 50C. To
cast a spell, go to 39A. To wait to see what she does, go to 25B. To leave, go back to the number
you just came from.

C. To enter the room anyway and ignore him, go to 5E. To cast a spell at him, go to 32F. To offer
him a bribe to let you enter the room, go to 44E. If you don’t like any of these alternatives,
return to 1F and choose again.

D. The character who was listening hears a lot of noise – bumping and grunting mostly, but
someone is also shouting obscenities with a guttural accent, and there is something that sounds
like a half-hearted cheer. Unfortunately, while s/he is reporting this to the party, s/he
accidentally presses against a hidden stud and is injected by a tiny needle. This character must
save vs. poison immediately. If this is successful, go to 19D. If not, go to 49C.

E. Have you left any characters behind in the corridor? If so, go to 4D. If all of your characters are
in this room, go to 37B.

F. There are three of them, and they are standard undead shadow-monsters. If you have a cleric in
your party, s/he may try to repulse them. If not, you’re going to have to fight them. To do so
with magic or silver weapons, go to 11D. To use ordinary weapons, go to 31C. To splash the
shadows with holy water, go to 53D. If your cleric has managed to dispel them, go to 16C. To
run away, go to 23E.

G. Each one you hit vanishes, but six more emerge from the chest as you are doing it! Go to 13F.

H. Your characters are overrun and crushed to a pulp by the juggernaut as it enters the westernmost
alcove. Sorry about that, but it looks like you ran out of luck. Ever considered taking up squash?

X. North
A. It seems to be a perfectly innocuous little alcove, just about big enough to hold one person and
their equipment, with little room for anything else. There are no secret doors or panels, no traps
and certainly no treasure. Return to 51A and choose again.

B. Nothing happens. If it was a ‘detect’ spell, it doesn’t register anything. If it was a mass-
destruction type spell (and where, pray, did you get that from?), consider it a Fireball and go to
15E. Otherwise, return to 28C and start again.

C. If you cast Sleep, go to 18H. If you cast Charm, go to 59E. If you cast Fireball (assuming you
have a scroll or something with such a spell on), go to 10H. To cast anything else, go to 42I.

D. You find one, in the centre of the E wall. To open it, go to 51A; you enter via. a secret door in
the southernmost 5’ of the W wall. If you do not wish to open the door, return to 32D. It is

E. He starts to become extremely angry. “This is your last chance,” he says in a low voice. “Get
out or you’ll regret it!” To stand your ground and remain in the room, go to 52E. To do anything
else, including fighting, return to 28B and choose again.

F. OOPS! You lost! That was silly of you. Oh, well, better sacrifice your pride, roll some fresh
characters. Rite them down, start again and pray that they do better than the last lot!

G. “I guess we’ll have to ask our friends to provide a demonstration!” says a squeaky female voice.
So saying there is a flash! by the E door, which opens to admit four giant ants! “Now try fighting
these,” says the male gremlin, “when any magic weapons you have will work in reverse!” (i.e.
a +3 sword will become a –3 one!) Fight the battle yourself. If you win, go to 9I. If you lose,
go to 16J.

H. Zzzzzzzzt! The creatures are biots – biological robots! They have internal electrical organs,
which deliver a powerful electric shock, doing 2D4 worth of damage if their skin is punctured
(but reduce damage by half if a save vs. wands is made). You must now continue to fight them,
but without using edged metal weapons. If you win, go to 47A. If you die, go to 23H.

I. She leads you out through the N door, W along a corridor, then N into another. She then opens
a door on the E wall and there are stairs leading up. She ascends them and leaves. Your route
is 14A–12B–1A.

J. You reach the E door, which is silent. To open it, go to 41E. To go back W, go to 20C.

K. There is a bright flash! A man appears beside you, wearing battle-worn plate armour and
carrying a sword in either hand. “By the gods,” he cries, “that was a timely action, friends.
Those demons would have torn me to pieces if they had reached me!” If you are Lawful and
Good, go to 45J; if Chaotic or Evil, go to 14J. If you are Neutral, roll a 6-sided die. On 1–3, go
to 45J, or on 4–6, go to 14J.
A. Crunch! Splinter! Boinnnnggg! (great sound effects, eh?) The clock smashes and your party
does not disintegrate! To examine the wreckage, go to 20H. Otherwise, return to 22B.

B. There is a flash! and each of your characters finds him or herself apparently alone in the room!
You realise that you have each been teleported to an identical room; in these new chambers,
however, the W wall is blank, so you cannot flee in that direction. These are the Rooms of
Single Combat, a disembodied voice tells you. Before you leave, each of you must vanquish an
opponent worthy of your mettle. As the voice stops speaking, your opponents materialise. For
every Fighter in your party, go to 42A; for every mage or subclass thereof, go to 53F; for every
cleric, go to 57A; for every thief, druid or other class, go to 18G. And good luck! (I suggest
you deal with one class at a time, in the above order; for multi-class elves or whatever, go to
‘other class’, i.e. 18G)

C. You suddenly realise how charming the music is! Go to 28F.

D. As you reach them, they leap up and attack you! Go to 35F.

E. You enter a short 5’ wide corridor running E–W for 15’. There is a silent door at either end. To
go W, go to 48A; you enter by a secret door in the northernmost 5’ of the E wall. To go E, go
to 2E. You don’t really need a map for this one do you? You do? Too bad…

F. As you pass the middle of the corridor, there is a bright flash! However, nothing significant
appears to have happened. Looking around, you still seem to be in the 60’ long passage; the
doors at either end are closed. To continue W, go to 16G; to go back E, go to 27D.

G. You free any comrades still trapped in the webs, and set about searching the room.
Unfortunately, there isn’t too much to find. In a corner of the room, you find the armour and
accoutrements of a former victim of the spiders, but the only things of value are 50 gold pieces
and a magic (5% or +1 to hit) hand axe. However, the gem-like eyes of the spiders would be
worth 25 gold pieces each if you cut them out. There are 12 in all. All of the doors are silent;
to pass through the E one, go to 44A; for the W, go to 41E; for the S, go to 1D. There are no
secret doors here.

H. You hear a faint groan. Go to 3C to open the door, or return to 42E.

I. You find none. Return to 14A.

J. Well, you have exactly two options. Either run away through the door where you stand (42E
for the W, 8E for the E), or fight six mace-armed third level clerics with your depleted party. If
you run, you lose any characters who were Held. If you fight, you have time to cast one spell
as they rush you. Compute the results of the battle yourself. If you win, go to 34K. If you lose,
go to 11M. They are armoured in leather.

X. North
A. To use Sleep, go to 54C. To cast Charm, go to 42C. To use any other spell, go to 8D.

B. You enter a room which is 15’ square. There is a door in the centre of the W wall, and one on
the E wall in the southernmost 5’. There is a bas-relief of a rampant dragon with jewelled eyes
on the N wall; on the S wall is a bas-relief of a curious little man with a bald head and withered
limbs. In the centre of the room is a massive chest. As you stand at the door taking all this in,
there is a puff of smoke and a handsome elf appears on top of the chest. He opens his mouth as
if to speak. To listen to him, go to 4A. To attack him in any way (including spells), go to 21E.
To leave, return to the number you just came from.

C. There ain’t nun! Back to 17C you go…

D. Unless you are about eight or nine feet tall, the jewels are too high up for you to reach. However,
you may prod them with a pole or sword (go to 46E) or throw something at them (go to 8C).
Alternatively, one of your characters could stand on another’s shoulders and try to reach them
that way. If you want to do this, go to 55A; note that the characters trying this must first remove
any armour they are wearing. If you change your mind about the jewels, go back to 28C and
choose again. To cast Detect Magic on the jewels, go to 42D.

E. You rush over to the girl, but the men do not wish to end the fight and continue their attack.
You see that a stone-coloured amoeba-like creature is creeping up the column towards her. You
have few options. If there are only two of you left, you can either continue to fight the men (go
to 48D), or one of you can fight them while the other goes to the girl’s aid (go to 8B). If you
have only one character left, he/she has no option other than to go to 48D and fight on. If you
have more than two characters left, you shouldn’t be on this page at all, clot! You should be on

F. Wrong! Shift those wandering eyes back to the item they should be reading immediately!

G. Nothing happens! The spell simply doesn’t work. Return to 26C.

H. Er… unfortunately, all the W doors are one-way and cannot be opened from your side! Go to
35F. You cannot now simply retreat.

I. You may run away through the W door by going to 10A. However, the ghast will have a free
attack on one of your characters as they run. Any who are paralysed can be written off as dead!

X. North
A. Your would-be spell-caster complains that they cannot cast the intended spell; each time that
he/she tries, voices mutter inside their head, making concentration impossible. Even a spell
cast from a wand or a scroll requires concentration, so even this kind of spell-casting is out of
the question. Return to 35B and choose again.

B. They are third level (3 dice), have armour equivalent to chainmail, and each of their three tails
(all three attack) does the same damage as a hand axe. The first time you hit one, go to 9H. If
they kill you before you manage to hit one, go to 23H.

C. If you cast Sleep, Charm or anything similar, forget it! They’re undead and are thus unaffected.
For anything else, work out the results yourself. They have a saving-throw of 15 or better on a
D20 against most spells. If you kill them, or incapacitate them so that you can finish them off
unopposed, go to 18A. Otherwise, you’ll have to melee with them by going to 52C.

D. You find three diamonds worth 300 gold pieces each, but the shadows animate at that moment
and attack you! Go to 35F.

E. Go to 36A.

F. Roll a 6-sided die. On 1–3, go to 58G. On 4–6, go to 28H.

G. Unfortunately, the pentagram is occupied by a demon named Tarhas, who grabs the first
character to enter it, bites their head off and vanishes again, taking your character’s corpse with
him! If that was your last character, go to 49E. Otherwise, return to 42F and choose again.

H. Write down precisely what spell you are casting, then roll a 6-sided die. On 1–3, go to 47F. On
4–6, go to 62C.

I. It is apparently a normal dartboard without any special properties. Return to 47B.

J. Killing the harpist reveals your adversary’s true nature – as a harpy! She was disguised, of
course, by an illusion. Go to 21H to search the room.

K. The character prising out the rubies turns into a little withered man (or woman) with a bald
head – a hyper-evolved future human, with maximum plus 10 intelligence but minimum scores
in all other attributes. You notice that the bas-relief depicting the future-man has become a
representation of a normal specimen of whatever race your character formerly was! The change
is irreversible. The rubies, incidentally, are worth 125 gold pieces each. Return to 4A.

X. North
A. If you cast a spell, consider it wasted; while any physical attack just passes through him
harmlessly. He appears to be only an illusion. Go to 55B.

B. They go out. Thrills and excitement! Nothing else happens. Return to 24A.

C. To investigate the statues, go to 1C. To pick up one of the now-extinguished stones, go to 49G.
To listen at the doors, go to 22A. To leave or search for secret doors, go to 48C.

D. You hear a faint murmur. Go to 35B to open the door, or return to 1D.

E. The dog listens to you and then, surprisingly, answers: “I don’t care what you say you want,”
it says, “I don’t like intruders. Go away!” To ask the dog what its name is, go to 30D. To attack
it, go to 3A. To ignore the warning and enter the room, go to 5E.

F. You enter an L-shaped corridor, running W for 5’ and then N for 10’. See diagram 40X. There
are doors both at the N and the E. Both are silent, but the E door bears the curious legend
‘Madam I’m Adam’. To go E, go to 22B. To go N, go to 26C. To search for secret doors, go to

G. The spider is one of the largest of its type, and is poisonous. Any character bitten by it must
save vs. poison or suffer an additional 3D6 worth of damage. Fight the battle yourself with any
characters not webbed; it cannot use its web in melee. If you win, you can then dispatch its
sleeping fellow and go to 37G. If you die, go to 52B. At any time, you may retreat through the
door by which you entered (41E for the W, 44A for the E or 1D for the S).

H. As you hit him, he vanishes. At the same time, two more people climb out of the trunk, and you
can see another emerging behind them! To attack these newcomers, go to 31E. To see what
happens next, go to 13F.

I. This was probably the most sensible thing you could have done; you surprise them before they
can react by casting a spell. They are 3rd level clerics in leather armour, and they are armed
with morningstars. If you best them, go to 34K. If you lose, go to 11M.

J. Work out the results yourself; they are third level priests in chainmail. If you kill them, go to
6E. If you fail to take them out, go to 41B as you’ll have to fight them. As you cast your spell,
you see a stone-coloured amoeba-like creature starting to slither towards the girl!

A. You hear a great deal of noise. There are numerous grunts and thuds; someone is yelling
obscenities in guttural Common (though why anyone would want to yell “Obscenities!” is
beyond me!). You also hear a half-hearted cheer. To open the door, go to 53C. Otherwise,
return to 1E.

B. As you rush in, the men give a yell and, producing morningstars, they move to block your path
to the girl. “None may interfere with the rituals of Vogar!” one of them says. “All would-be
desecrators must die!” With that, they charge at you. As you begin to fight, you see something
beginning to slither up the column towards the elf-maiden. If you have more than two
characters, two of you may hold off the men while the others try to aid the girl; go to 52A. Or,
all of you may fight the men, in which case go to 48D. If you have two characters surviving or
fewer, go to 38E.

C. A man with a machine-gun appears from nowhere and opens up on your party, slaughtering the
lot of you mercilessly! This would never have happened if you’d read only passages you were
supposed to read!

D. The door is silent (you were expecting it to talk?); to open it, go to 40F. Otherwise, return to

E. The door opens to reveal a room which is 20’ E–W and 15’ N–S. There is a door in the centre
of the W wall, another in the southernmost 5’ of the E wall, and a third in the S wall, 5’ from
the W. See diagram 41X. In the room stand three odd-looking creatures; their bodies are
spherical and about the size of a medicine ball; they have three eyes and three barbed whiplike
tails, and they stand on three spindly legs. As you enter, they move towards you in a whirling
motion, flailing their tails about. It is evident that they mean to attack. Behind them you can see
a metal strongbox. To fight the creatures with weapons, go to 39B. To cast a spell, go to 6D.
To leave, return to the number you just came from; they will not follow.

F. Your missile rebounds harmlessly off the floor. Go back to 17D and choose again.

G. Go to 32D. You enter through a secret door in the E wall.

H. Go to 7B. Each of your characters enters through a different door; it doesn’t matter which one,
as you are being teleported there. You will not be able to move back into the single-combat

I. The man (a round-shouldered individual with a painted moustache) says: “Have a cigar! No,
on second thoughts, why should you get all the breaks? Have two instead!” He dodges past you
and follows the others through the E door, which promptly disappears! You are left holding a
red cigar and a blue cigar. If you ever decide to smoke these, go to 10K for the red one or 53J
for the blue. In the meantime, return to 46C.


West East
A. Each fighter in your party finds themselves matched against a 2nd level half-orcish fighter in
plate mail. This opponent is ambidextrous and fights with twin short swords. Fight all of the
battles yourself; if any of your fighters win, go to 55F to search the bodies of your opponents.
If none of your fighters win, go back to 37B to find the numbers you must go to for your other
characters’ opponents. If you have no characters left, go to 8G.

B. “That was rather stupid of you,” she says. She explains that the room is enchanted; no violence
can be committed here, which is why she occupies it, knowing she will be safe from monsters.
She has a proposition for you; to hear it, go to 12E. Otherwise, return to the number you just

C. He makes his saving throw, and so is unaffected. He is also rather angry, so now you must fight
him. Go to 26D.

D. They’re not magical. Return to 38D.

E. You enter a 5’ wide corridor, running E–W for 35’. At the E and W ends are doors; in the centre
of the N wall is a 5’ square alcove with a door at its N end. See diagram 42X. To listen at the
E door, go to 16H. To listen at the N door, go to 37H. To listen at the W door, go to 54H. To
search for secret doors, go to 5G.

F. They burn merrily, but nothing significant happens. To extinguish them, go to 25H; to step into
the pentagram, go to 39G; to read the words on the wall out loud, go to 11H; to break the
pentagram, go to 19F.

G. The harpy butchers the survivors of you party and has them for supper. Not very a-music, is it?
You got the bird well and truly, and this is your swan song! Oh, well, stop harpying on about
how unfair it is and close the book!

H. No! No matter how hard you try, whether pushing or battering with an axe, etc., the panel will
not open. You do notice, however, that the noise at the E persists only when you batter this
panel. Return to 51A.

I. Work out the results for yourself. Remember, though, that this is a big room, so no spell is
going to take down all of its occupants. Any survivors (or any not under your control) will
attack you when they realise what is happening. Go to 45H, reducing the numbers of opponents
as appropriate.

J. Nothing happens. Which do you place now? For Omega, go to 14I. To place Mu next, go to
51I. To remove Alpha and place something else first, return to 58A.

X. North
A. He will tell you one of the following things:
a) Where the nearest treasure is (go to 57D);
b) Where is the greatest danger to the party (52I);
c) Where the easiest treasure can be obtained (55G);
d) What the other pentagram is for (5J);
e) Where to find a beautiful girl (14H);
f) Where is the worst monster in the dungeon (apart from himself) (44F);
g) The layout of the dungeon (21J).
If you decide not to ask him anything, go to 51D again.

B. You hear nothing. To open it, go to 48A, or return to 46F.

C. There aren’t any. Go back to 1E and choose again.

D. Nothing happens. Go back to 15A.

E. They assume you to be believers and tell you to remain silent during the ceremony. Go to 10B.

F. Roll a 6-sided die. On 1–2, go to 57E. On 3–6, go to 26H.

G. It opens. Inside are two switches. One is labelled ‘on-off’, and is presently in the ‘on’ position.
The other has three settings: ‘Transmit-Neutral-Receive’; it is currently set to ‘Neutral’. To turn
the box off, go to 60B. To set it to ‘Transmit’, go to 31L. To set it to receive, go to 36K.
Otherwise, return to 15C.

H. As you rush towards one another, the two gnolls with crossbows let fly. Work out for yourself
whether they hit. Seconds later, the bugbears close with you as the gnolls change weapons.
Work out the results of the battle yourself. If you beat the two bugbears and two gnolls, go to
17H. If they kill you, go to 47I.

I. If you’re trying to locate the one on the S wall, you are immediately driven back. You cannot
reach the W one in time anyway. Go to 29A and choose again; the juggernaut is now already
past the two easternmost alcoves.

J. Well, that wasn’t too difficult, was it? The gremlins have no treasure about their persons, but
to search the toadstools, go to 61D. To search for secret doors, go to 1K. To leave, go to 48B
for the N door, 40F for the S or 42E for the E. All are silent.

K. You make love to her and she plants hot, burning kisses on you… make your saving-throw vs.
magic. If you succeed, go to 11N; if you fail, go to 56L.

L. She is disgusted. She will only allow a male human being to make love to her. Return to 12E.
You may choose another character to do it, but she will only accept a male human.

X. North
A. You enter a 5’ wide corridor which runs E–W for 30’. There is a door at the W end, another in
the S wall, 5’ from the W, and a third in the N wall, 10’ from the W. At the E end, the corridor
opens up into a room or chamber. To go through the W door, go to 28C. To go N, go to 1E. To
go S, go to 12B. To go E, go to 19A. All three doors are silent, and you can hear no sound
coming from the E. See diagram 43X.

B. You enter a room which is 15’ square. There are doors in the centre of the W wall and in the
southernmost 5’ of the E wall. The N wall sports a bas-relief of a flying griffin with jewelled
eyes; the S, a bas-relief of a hairy ape-like humanoid creature. In the centre of the room is a
huge chest. Even as you notice it, a puff of smoke rises from it and coalesces into a red-clad
dwarf. He opens his mouth as if to speak. To listen to what he says, go to 55B; to attack him or
cast a spell, go to 40A. To leave, go back to the number you just came from. See diagram 44X.

C. Opening the door at the top of the stairs, you find yourself in a corridor running N–S. Go to
paragraph 7D of Kandroc Keep Part I and see diagram 7X in that volume; you emerge through
a secret door on the W wall, 5’ from the N. If you don’t have Kandroc Keep Part I, return to
the number you just came from.

D. If you cast Detect Magic or Dispel Magic, go to 6C. If you cast Fireball (!), go to 15E. If you
cast Sleep (at what?), go to 34E. If you cast anything else at all, go to 36B.

E. “Now you’re talking my language,” he says. “Phydeau is always willing to consider a

reasonable offer!” He approaches you and continues: “How much did you have in mind?” To
make him an offer, write down the amount of your bribe and go to 13B. If you intend to attack
him after all, go to 26D to use weapons or to 32F to cast a spell.

F. He sniggers and points to the other pentagram. “You’ll find him in there,” he says. He then
vanishes and the candles go out. Return to 17C. You cannot ask Folris another question.

G. They are lightstones. Each will glow with the intensity of a lantern for 48 hours. They must
then be recharged by keeping them in a hot fire for three days. They are cold to the touch, and
worth 200 gold pieces each. If you previously ‘demagicked’ them, they are now worth only 5
gold pieces each and cannot be restored. Return to 25E.

H. Eeek! You can’t open it! There is now so much water in the room that each of your characters
must save vs. constitution or drown! If you have any survivors, go to 9J to escape through the
other door. Otherwise, looks like you’re all washed up!

A. As you raise your arm for the blow, the shadow dodges out of the way! Suddenly, all three of
them leap up and attack the character who was about to deliver the blow. Go to 35F.

B. She says: “I am the gypsy fortune-teller Madame Chirilla. Cross my palm with gold (ah, such
is inflation!) and I will reveal your future.” To emphasise her claim, she produces a crystal ball
and places it on the ashtray-like object on the table. To ask her how much she charges for a
consultation, go to 7G. To attack her, go to 29E. To demand a free consultation, go to 33F. To
leave, go to 37E.

C. You enter a 5’ wide corridor running E–W for 10’. There is a silent door at either end. To go
W, go to 11J; to go E, go to 10A.

D. Go to 36A.

E. You hear nothing. Go to 15B to open the door; otherwise, return to 46F.

F. Two more people, a man and a woman, emerge from the trunk, followed by two more men and
another woman. They take absolutely no notice of you; they do not even seem to realise that
you are there! They start milling about the room, talking among themselves, and you see two
more women beginning to emerge. To attack them, go to 35G. To see what happens next, go
to 13F.

G. The same thing happens. What did you expect? Back to 50C you go!

H. Just to recap, your opponents are twelve gnolls and three bugbears, unless you managed to take
any of them out by other means. The gnolls have clubs (apart from the ones with crossbows,
who will switch to swords) and the bugbears have two-handed swords. The smaller creatures
in the room will not take part in the fight. If you win, go to 17H to search the room; if you lose,
go to 47I.

I. Yeeg! You must be joking! You’re not? Oh, well, you asked for it! Go to 19F, ignoring the first
sentence. I hope you’re feeling lucky!

J. He introduces himself as Roland the Paladin. He had been transported to Hell by an evil wizard,
and your tampering with the dimensional transporter accidentally rescued him. Grateful, he
gives you the spare magic sword that he carries. It has a 10% (+2) hit bonus and can also cast
one Sleep spell and one Magic Missile per day. It also comes with a jewelled scabbard worth
700 gold pieces. He then advises you that the transporter is too dangerous to leave here. He
ushers you out of the doorway and, from there, he hurls a dagger at the box. It explodes in a
shower of blue sparks and the whole room disappears, leaving just a blank wall. Roland leaves.
Go to 23C.

K. They undress, get into bed and close the curtains. Minutes later, Chirilla emerges from the bed.
“I guess he couldn’t take it,” she says, “he’s had a heart attack!” Looking in the bed, you see
that your character is dead! She offers to make amends by giving a free consultation or by
making love to another of your characters. For a consultation, go to 22G. To make love to her,
go to 51H again. To leave, go to 37E. To attack her, go to 29E.
A. They look up at you. “Why do you interrupt us?” one of them says. “Can you not see that we
perform the sacred rites of Vogar?” To ask them who they are and what they are doing, go to
12F. To ask them who the elf-girl is, go to 27G. To ask if you can watch the ritual, go to 33B.
To order them to release the girl, go to 55C. To cast a spell, go to 15D. To attack them, go to
30B. To stand there and do nothing, go to 43E.

B. Go to 28B.

C. The door opens, revealing beyond it a 15’ square room, with a door in the northernmost 5’ of
the W wall and another in the southernmost 5’ of the E wall. This latter door is open. The room
looks like a ship’s cabin; there is a pair of bunk beds against the N wall, and on the S wall is a
porthole, through which you can see the sea! As you open your door, you see a man in the
uniform of a ship’s steward cross the room to the E door. He appears not to notice you, and
leaves through that door before you can do anything, closing it behind him. You may try to
follow him by going to 22E. Or, you can search the bunks by going to 4C; search the room for
hidden doors by going to 18E; open the porthole by going to 29B; or examine the large trunk
which sits in the middle of the floor by going to 6A. To leave, go to the number you just came
from. To listen at the W door, go to 1H. See diagram 46X.

D. Those members of your party who failed to save begin moving towards the harp player,
seemingly entranced by the beauty of the music. Oddly, the harp player stops playing and
produces a large pair of scissors from his pocket, while the harp continues to play by itself.
Those characters not entranced may:
a) try to cover the ears of their affected comrades and try to stop them advancing towards the
music (go to 51E);
b) attack the harpist with weapons (54B);
c) cast a spell at the harpist (33C); or
d) run away through the W door (38B).

E. Quite suddenly, the patterns of jewels, plus the portion of ‘ceiling’ around them, detach
themselves and are revealed to be two giant spiders of jet-black hue. Whoever was messing
with the ‘jewels’, which were really the spiders’ eyes, must save vs. magic or be caught up in
the web of one of the spiders. Meanwhile, the other one casts a web across the open door,
blocking your retreat. If all of your characters are caught up in the black webbing, go to 52B.
Any characters still free will have to fight the spiders. Go to 13C.

F. You enter a corridor, 5’ wide, running E–W for 40’. There is a door at either end. To listen at
the E door, go to 43B; for the W door, go to 14D. To search for hidden doors, go to 27C. There’s
no map; surely you can draw something as simple as this?

X. North
A. The strongbox is firmly locked. To smash the lock, go to 59B. To try to pick it, go to 27H. To
pass through a door, go to 20C for the W, 28C for the E or 34D for the S. All are silent. To
search for secret doors, go to 49H.

B. On the dog, you find a cask of quite excellent brandy and his magic boots. These enable the
wearer to kick-and-return once per turn, i.e. the boot will leave the user’s foot, fly up to 10
yards, and hit with the effect of a morningstar with a 15% (+3) to-hit and damage bonus, before
returning to the owner’s foot (both can’t be used at once if the owner is standing!). To search
the NE chest, go to 49I; to search the NW chest, go to 59D; to check the dartboard, go to 39I.
To pass through the W door, go to 30E; for the northern E door, go to 46F; for the southern E
door, go to 11C. All are silent.

C. You succeed. However, there is a shower of sparks and your character receives a two-dice
electrical shock (the damage will be halved if they save vs. dragon breath). There is also a
plume of blue smoke from the box; you appear to have damaged it by wrenching the plaque off
the wall. Go to 60B.

D. She looks extremely annoyed and tells you to stop, but does nothing to hinder you. However,
you find nothing of value whatsoever. Return to 12E and choose again.

E. Nothing at all happens. Return to 6B.

F. As you begin to chant your spell, the men look up and react very quickly. “Vhurdar!” one of
them cries. “O Vhurdar! Come to our aid!” Write down the spell you are casting and go to 20I.

G. Your spell-caster is now totally confused. If they cast Detect Magic, they find that they can no
longer sense non-magical things, and if it was Detect Invisibility, everything in the room
becomes invisible to them. Neither way do they manage to detect the gremlins! Return to 33A.

H. The character tasting he ice cream – that, indeed, is what it is – must immediately save vs.
poison or be paralysed for the rest of this expedition! If that was your last survivor, go to 56G;
otherwise, return to 9A. That character must be carried around from now on!

I. There’ll be gno leaving the dungeon for these characters! Didn’t exactly have a ball there, did
you, sport? So long, soccers!

J. To your surprise and joy, a bar of gold pops out of the machine. It looks to be worth about 500
gold pieces. To operate the control again, go to 50K. To do anything else, return to 58C.

K. I’ll get this right in a minute. Er… I tell you what; go to 62J.

X. North
A. You enter a large octagonal room whose walls are 15’ in length. There are doors in the centres
of the N and W walls. In the centre of the room is a large machine of metal and glass, also of
octagonal shape. See diagram 48X. The room is occupied by three ghouls who are feasting
upon the body of what is barely recognisable as a man. To battle the ghouls, go to 52C. To cast
a spell, write down which one you are casting and go to 39C. To leave, go to 8E if you are at
the N door, or 46F if you are at the W. If you try to cross the room, the ghouls will attack you.

B. You enter a short 5’ wide corridor running N–S for 10’, with a door at either end. Both doors
are silent. To go N, go to 23C. To go S, go to 26C. There are no secret doors here.

C. You may leave by going to 50G for the E door, 5A for the N door, 25A for the S door or 55D
for any of the W doors. There are no secret doors here. If you decide not to leave, go back to

D. The two men are 3rd level priests and they fight with morningstars. Under their robes, they are
wearing chainmail armour. Fight the battle yourself. If you manage to defeat them in under six
melee rounds, go to 6E. If you take six rounds or longer, go to 23B. If they kill you, go to 36F.

E. It plays such old favourites as ‘I Wish I Was in Mordor’, ‘Getting To Be a Hobbit With Me’,
‘Has Anybody Seen My Ghoul’, ‘Wight Wedding’, etc, etc, ad nauseum. In other words, it
appears to be harmless. Return to 32C and choose again.

F. As you rush to the attack, something stops you; an invisible force whips your weapons from
your hands and hurls them to the ground! This leaves you standing there feeling rather stupid.
The old woman sits there motionless as you pick up your weapons, then opens her mouth as if
to speak. To listen to her, go to 42B. To leave, go to 34D for the N door, 1D for the E or 21B
for the S; she will not try to stop you. To try to attack again, go to 20E. To cast a spell, go to

G. Work out the results yourself; he has a save of 12 or better on a D20 against spells. If you render
him helpless, treat it as Sleep and go to 57F to cut his throat. If you kill him outright, go to 39J.
If he lives and is free, go to 28F. He is 3rd level.

X. North
A. Well, you sit yourselves down beside the small creatures and watch the match. It’s a pretty
exciting affair, with much kicking, gouging out of eyes and clubbing into senselessness,
although only three of the players are actually killed. Eventually, the match ends. The players
and referee leave the room and one of the managers calls out to the spectators: “Oy, you
grimbles! Back down your hole!” The grimbles – for that is what they are – open a tiny trapdoor
and begin to climb into it. However, it’s much too small for any of your characters, even if
your party includes halflings or gnomes. The managers glare at you impatiently. To explain
your predicament, go to 23J. To attack them, go to 43H. To ignore them and try to leave, go to

B. They look up at you. “Intruders!” one of them hisses. They draw weapons but do not advance.
To charge them, go to 54I. To cast a spell, go to 39H. To ignore them and try to leave, go to

C. This was rather an unusual trap because, instead of poison, the needle was tipped with growth
potion! The character who was pricked becomes enormous very quickly and is crushed to death
in the confined space, forcing the rest of your party (if you have any left) to back out of the
corridor by the S door. Go to 44A; this corridor is now impassable. If that was your last
character, too bad!

D. Your notice a silver line which runs through the corridor from the centre of the N wall of the
easternmost alcove to the centre of the N wall in the westernmost. You also notice that each of
the small alcoves is just big enough to hold one character and their equipment. Return to 51A.

E. Well, after such a demon-stration of stupidity, you don’t deserve any hellp, so I’m damned if
I’m going to resurrect any of your characters. I hate to sound hornery, but that’s positively the
end of the tail for these characters!

F. The girl dies screaming. If you are Lawful or Good, go to 60D. If you are Chaotic, go to 56I.

G. They are dull, cold, and appear to be rather useless. They might be worth about 5 gold pieces
each to a collector. What’s more, as you wonder what to do with them, the shadows which you
have been ignoring animate and attack you! Go to 35F.

H. There are no secret doors here. Return to 47A.

I. As you open the chest, a cloud of greenfly emerge and swarm around the room! Don’t worry,
though, they are harmless – Phydeau had peculiar tastes in pets! There is nothing else in the
chest apart from one half of a bronze coin. If you have another half coin, go to 53H. Otherwise,
return to 47B.

J. If you have any thoughts about using a Remove Curse spell on your character, forget it! Spells,
even ones from scrolls or wands, cannot work in this room. Neither can you kill your character.
Go to18I.

K. In the room is an enormous shapeless monster and an old man with a towel covering his head.
The monster is ignoring the man but turns hungrily to face you. To battle it, go to 57J. To run
away, go to 38F. To wait to see what it does, go to 14K.
A. A mysterious force whips you from the top of the steps to the dungeon entrance (must be the
same force that got you in!), and you are out without ever touching the first level!

B. You notice that, although the stones have been moved, the shadows behind the statues are in
exactly the same positions as before. To investigate the shadows, go to 37D. To hit one with a
sword or something, go to 45A. To ignore them, go back to 7B and choose again; if you didn’t
pick up one of the stones, go to 13A if you wish to do so.

C. The missile turns in mid-air and hurtles straight back at whoever cast it, hitting that character
unerringly. To try again, go to 45G. The old woman opens her mouth to speak; to listen to what
she has to say, go to 42B. To leave, go to 34D for the N door, 1D for the E or 21B for the S.
Otherwise, return to 35B.

D. As you approach the bowl, the creature senses your presence and rises up to defend itself and
try to devour you! It is 5th level (5 dice) and has armour equivalent to leather. It attacks by
sending out flesh-dissolving pseudopods which do the same damage as a mace. The first time
you score a hit on it, go to 53G. If it kills you without you ever hitting it, go to 29D.

E. He takes no notice of you at all, and sits calmly down on the bed. Go to 45F.

F. You find none. Go back to 22B and choose again.

G. You find yourselves in a corridor, 5’ wide, running E–W for 30’. There is a door at the W end
and one on the S wall, 10’ from the E. See diagram 50X. To go W, go to 7B. To open the S
door, go to 56B. Both doors are silent. To search for secret doors, go to 22F.

H. You hear nothing; however, the door will not open. Return to 19A.

I. Well, you fought bravely (I hope!) and the Spatial Lords appreciate that. The three best
characters in your party are saved from death and are transported back to the entrance. However,
you cannot keep anything you found in this dungeon. Return to 1A.

J. Um… it summons another three biots, which appear beside you and attack immediately! Sorry!
If you lose, go to 23H. If you win, go back to the number you just came from. The whistle will
summon 1–4 hostile biots every time it is blown.

K. Something goes bang! inside the machine and sparks fly. When you operate the control again,
all you get is a sick-sounding rattle. To try the other control, go to 60C. To smash it, go to 5I.
To do anything else, return to 18A.

A. You emerge into what appears to be a 5’ wide corridor, 75’ long; there are no doors, save for
the secret one you just opened (I hope you made a note of the paragraph number to go to). The
N wall is punctuated at 5’ intervals by eight alcoves. The two at the ends are 5’ square; the six
in between are smaller and rounded. See diagram 51X. To take a general look around, go to
49D. To search for secret doors, go to 4B. To investigate the alcoves, go to 25D for the
easternmost, 20D for the next, 36A for the next, 45D for the next, 39E for the next, 54D for
the next, 15F for the next, or 3F for the westernmost. To leave, return to the number you just
came from.

B. You notice that the mirror is a very strange one; it reflects right-way-round images! In other
words, look in the mirror and raise your right arm, and your image raises its right arm too, not
its left! To smash the mirror, go to 54E. To try to remove it from the wall, go to 10E. to do
anything else, return to 22B.

C. Roll a 6-sided die. On a roll of 1–2, go to 39D. On anything else, go to 14E.

D. The smoke from each of the black candles merges and coalesces in the centre of the pentagram;
into this cloud materialises a grotesque and fierce-looking demon! It looks at you and says: “I
am the mighty demon Folris. You have summoned me. Ask me any question and I will answer
true if I am able. To ask Folris a question, go to 43A. To attack him, go to 13E. To dismiss him,
go to 4E. To ignore him, go to 53E.

E. Each of your unaffected characters may try to save one comrade. Roll to hit as though you were
attacking them. If you hit, you have successfully covered their ears. If you fail, they continue
to advance. You will only have one chance to try this, because something is happening to the
harp and its player. Go to 54B.

F. Your blow does normal damage. The ‘dog’, Phydeau, just happens to be a weredog! Thus, only
your magical or silver weapons will harm him. If you kill Phydeau, go to 47B. If he kills you,
go to 22H.

G. Roll a 6-sided die. On 1–2, go to 19J. On 3–6, go to 10J.

H. If the character making love to her is your last survivor, go to 43K. If he is first level, go to
45K. Otherwise, go to 34M.

I. The box becomes transparent. There are several puffs of smoke about your persons, and you
see all the treasure and weapons you carry disappear, only to reappear inside the box! The box
then vanishes!! Return to 22B; ignore all further references to box or packing-case.

J. “NO. Absolutely not! I’m not into that!” she cries. She will only accept a male human. Return
to 12E.

X. North
A. You have a double fight on your hands, then. The creature in the bowl is a huge stone-coloured
amoeba which attacks by putting out flesh-dissolving pseudopods which to damage equivalent
to a mace blow. It is 5th level and has armour equivalent to leather. Your attacking it will
distract its attention from the girl, who yells to you, telling you that it dissolves metal. You
must thus fight it using non-metallic weapons, magic or fire (except burning oil, which would
kill the girl too!). You cannot cross the bowl to free the girl without fighting the stone-amoeba.
The men are chainmail-clad 3rd level clerics armed with morningstars. If you beat all three
enemies, go to 18B. If you die, go to 29D.

B. Gobble, gobble, gobble go the spiders. Did they bug you? Should’ve spider trap there, shouldn’t
you? Webber or not you like the idea, you now need some new characters. Better spin a few dice!

C. Remember that ghouls paralyse any non-elven opponents they touch. If you have a cleric of
sufficiently high level, s/he may try to repel them but, even if you succeed in this, they will
defend themselves if attacked. If you win the battle, go to 18A. If you lose, go to 6G.

D. To cast Sleep, go to 57F. To try to Charm him, go to 56F. To try to Web him, go to 62B. To
cast another spell, go to 48G after writing down exactly what you are casting.

E. It stands on its hind legs and kicks out with the left one. The boot it wears on that foot flies off
and aims a blow at your lead character, equivalent to a morningstar with a 15% (+3) bonus to
hit. Whether it hits or not, the boot then turns in mid-air and returns to the dog’s foot. “Now
either leave or fight!” growls the dog. To leave, go to 17A. To fight, go to 26D. To offer him a
bribe to let you in, go to 44E. To cast a spell, go to 32F.

F. You enter a short 5’ wide corridor running E–W for 10’; there is a door at either end. To listen at
the W door, go to 6H. To listen at the E, go to 34G. There are no secret doors here, and no map.

G. You find it impossible to open any of the W doors. They are evidently one-way doors which
can only be opened from the other side. Return to 25E and choose again.

H. The shards of the mirror suddenly fly together, re-form and re-attach themselves to the wall.
Looking at the mirror now, you’d never guess that it had been broken. To try to remove it from
the wall, go to 62H. To smash it again, go to 54E. To do anything else, return to 22B.

I. He points to himself. “Here!” he says, chuckling evilly. He vanishes; if you try to summon him
again to ask another question, he will ignore you. Return to 17C. The candles have gone out.

J. The monster you have just defeated was the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. The old man
looks up at you gratefully. To ask who he is and what he can offer you in the way of a reward,
go to 56M. To search the room or leave, go to 20G.

X. North
A. As you approach the chest, the lid opens and a dripping fluid sphere flies out and hovers in the
air. This is the chest’s guardian. It is 4th level (4 dice) and has armour equivalent to leather and
shield. It attacks by firing a jet of acid each turn, doing 2D6 points of damage if it hits. If you
hit it, there is a 25% chance of the acid destroying your weapon. If you beat the guardian, go
to 6I to search the chest. If you die, go to 50I.

B. You see a mechanism inside which contains several jewels. To try to remove these, go to 31I.
Otherwise, return to 32A.

C. The door opens. You enter via. the westernmost door on the S wall; go to 30A (if you change
your mind about entering, return to 1E).

D. Treat this as a normal attack. If you hit them with holy water, it will do the same damage as a
magic arrow. Go to 11D.

E. “Fools!” he says, “You summon me then do not make use of me! Ah, well, I am here if you
change your minds.” The candles go out; he vanishes. Return to 24A.

F. Each of your mages finds themselves pitted against a hand axe-armed goblin. Fight the battle
yourself; there is time to cast one spell for each mage before the goblins attack. Compute the
results yourself; if the spell doesn’t disable them, your mages must melee. If any mages win,
go to 31J. If none win, go to 37B to find the numbers to fight the rest of your battles, or go to
41H to leave if you have no more battles to fight, or to 8G if all your characters are dead.

G. If you hit it with a metal weapon, that weapon is no more, as the stone amoeba dissolves metals!
Therefore, you must battle it by means of non-metallic weapons or fire. If you win, go to 21G
to search the room; if you lose, go to 29D.

H. As you place together the two halves of the coin, the dartboard flies off the wall and settles on
the floor near you. It then metamorphoses into a third treasure chest, which opens to reveal its
contents: 4,000 silver pieces, 50 electrum pieces, a ring of water breathing and a magic war
hammer giving a 10% (+2) bonus to hit. You may now leave the room via. any of the silent
doors; 30E for the W, 46F for the NE or 11C for the SE.

I. The man gets up. He is very grateful for your help, and is willing to reward you. He explains
that he is a time-traveller from the far future and his machine can create riches for you. To
accept his offer, go to 61E. To force him to give you all the riches his machine can create, go
to 23L. To attack him, go to 62G.

J. This cigar is equivalent to a Potion of Dexterity Raising, which will increase your character’s
Dexterity to maximum for 1–6 turns (although after it wears off, s/he will spend the next 6 turns
coughing helplessly). I suppose you could say the cigar makes your character into a Marxman!
Return to the number you just came from.

X. North
A. The spectators just stare at you, but the two managers look up. One of them speaks to you. Go
to 14F.

B. As you rush to the attack, a change comes over the harp player and harp. They change… into a
harpy! You now realise that the music you heard was really the harpy’s song! The pair of
scissors which the harpy carried has changed into a short sword and she will use this, plus her
claws, in battle. Each melee round she will also try to touch one of her entranced victims. If she
succeeds (treat it as an attack with at +20% (+4) higher chance of success), that victim will
come under her complete control and will also attack you. Fight the battle yourself; if you die,
or your only survivors are under the harpy’s control, go to 42G. If you kill the harpy, go to 21H.

C. Thud! He keels over. To finish him off by slitting his throat, go to 21F.

D. Go to 36A.

E. Well, that was a stupid thing to do! Don’t you know that breaking a mirror brings seven years’
bad luck? For the next seven years, the character who broke the mirror will have all their
attributes reduced by 15% (–3), all attack rolls will suffer a similar penalty, and all required
saving-rolls will be 15% (+3) higher. However, as you turn your backs on the shards… go to

F. You hear a scratching sound. To open the door, go to 15B. Otherwise, return to 46F.

G. There are none here. Return to 40F.

H. You hear a slight creak. Go to 26C to open it, or return to 42E.

I. As you charge … go to 59C.

J. I find this difficult to believe, somehow. Still, if you say you killed him…! However, you’ll be
annoyed to learn that he didn’t have any treasure! Return to 17C.

K. It opens… and out pours a cloud of sleep-gas! All your characters must immediately save vs.
poison. If they all fail, go to 62F. If some succeed, go to 61A.

L. You pass through the S door. Go to 42E after reading the following: as you enter the corridor,
you see the E door closing.

M. I wouldn’t bother reading this if I were you. Frustrating, isn’t it? Here we are with a fascinating
topic to discuss and no room to do it in again. Tell you what: let’s see if there’s room at 7H…

A. Any character standing on another’s shoulders suddenly finds him/herself covered in sticky
black webbing and, as they topple helplessly to the ground, they realise that the ‘sculpting’ is
really made of that stuff. That character is now unable to do anything; go to 46E.

B. He says: “You people must be warned that this suite of rooms was once owned by sorcerers
who called themselves the Spatial Lords. I’d advise you not to believe everything you see
around here. As for this chest I’m standing on, it contains a treasure. To possess it, you’ll have
to fight its Guardian. I’ll leave you to it.” He then disappears; to check out the chest, go to 53A,
To examine the griffin bas-relief, go to 31G. To look at the ape-man bas-relief, go to 17G. To
search for secret doors, go to 32H. To listen at the doors, go to 57I for the W door or 12G for
the E.

C. “You’re mad!” cries one. “They are infidels! Kill them!” the other yells. They charge you,
brandishing their morningstars. Go to 30B, ignoring the first sentence. You no longer have time
to cast a spell.

D. No matter how hard you try, you cannot open any of the W doors. They appear to be one-way
doors which can only be opened from the other side. Go back to 48C and choose another door.

E. Groan! There’s just no stopping you, is there? Look, how many times do you have to be told?
You cannot be reading this, as there is no other paragraph which leads here! Go away!

F. The following is a list of the treasures carried by the half-orc warriors. If you have one surviving
fighter, take the first one; if you have two survivors, take the first two, and so on:
a) a magic sword with 10% (+2) better hit probability, plus Flying once per day;
b) 600 gold pieces;
c) a protection ring (10% (+2) on defence);
d) a Manual of Bodily Health.
Now return to 37B to fight the rest of your battles. If you have no further battles to fight, go to
41H to leave the room via. the E door.

G. He replies: “In a room where there is a clock, a mirror and a packing-case. To get there, go
west, south, west, south and south again. The treasure is easy to win, but there are many perils
on your way there.” He vanishes and the candles go out. You cannot ask another question.
Return to 17C.

H. Congratulations, you have just committed suicide! All of your characters die – unless they have
some means of breathing water! If the latter is the case, go to 29B. Otherwise, shut the book
and start again!

I. If the character you selected is a male human, go to 27B. If not, go to 43L. If your character is
female, go to 51J.

X. North
A. Whatever the spell was, it backfired! If it was a non-offensive spell, such as Detect Magic,
you’re OK; however, if it was an offensive spell (Sleep, Charm, Web, Fireball (!), etc.), the
unfortunate caster feels the full effect of it him/herself. It could be that you have just lost a
magic-user. Return to 26C.

B. From the door, steps lead down and S to … yes, you’ve just discovered the way down to the
near-mythical Kandroc Keep, Level III. If you have that volume (who knows??), go to its 1A.
Otherwise, return to 50G in this book!

C. Roll a 10-sided die. On 1–2, go to 9F. On 3–10, go to 37I.

D. It opens. Inside are three diamonds worth 300 gold pieces each. However, as you pick them up,
the shadows cast by the statues animate and attack you! Go to 35F.

E. You hear a very faint crackling sound. To open the door, go to 41E; otherwise, return to 34D.

F. The spell doesn’t seem to have any effect. Could it be that all is not as it seems? Go to 28F.

G. You die and are eaten by the ghast which was hiding in the piano! What a ghast-ly way to go!

H. Nothing much happens, except that you’ve wasted a spell! Back to 19A…

I. The Gods of Chaos laugh loudly and protect you from the wrath of their Lawful counterparts!
Go to 21G to search the room.

J. All that’s in the chest are half a dozen dried cow-pats and half a bronze coin. Phydeau laughs
and says: “Now hand over the coin and leave. You can keep the cow-pats!” To comply with
this, go to 30E for the W door, 46F for the NE or 11C for the SE. To fight, go to 26D (weapons)
or 32F (magic). If you insist on keeping the coin, he will insist on fighting.

K. Click! The box opens. Congratulations on figuring out that they had to be placed in reverse
order. Inside is a bracelet of protection, giving a 10% (+2) bonus to defence, a scroll with
Fireball, Word-of-Recall and Charm Monster spells on it, and a gem-studded silver coronet
worth 500 gold pieces. Now return to 22B.

L. She Charms you, and each passionate kiss drains away a life energy level. Don’t worry, though
– you die in sheer ecstasy! No, I’m not going to tell you what she is! Maybe you’d like to return
with another party to get your revenge? For now, just shut the book!

M. The old man says: “I know everything. I can tell you the answer to the ultimate question of life,
the universe and everything if you so desire!” If you want him to tell you, go to 59K. Otherwise,
go to 17F.
X. North

A. Each of your clerics finds themselves pitted against a sword-armed gnoll. Fight each of the
battles yourself; there is time to cast one spell, if you have anything that might be effective
against them, before the gnolls rush in. You’ll have to compute the results yourself, though. If
any of your clerics win, go to 27A to search the bodies of your enemies. If none win, go to 37B
to find the numbers you need to fight the rest of your battles. If you have none left to fight, go
to 41H to leave. If all your characters are dead, go to 8G.

B. Provided you offered each of them at least 300 gold pieces or the equivalent in treasure items,
they will leave you alone, provided you quit the room immediately. Otherwise, they will follow
you around wherever you go until you pay them the gold, sabotaging all of your magic. If you
accept these terms, go to 48B to leave by the N door, 42E for the E or 40F for the S. All are
silent. Alternatively, you could try thrashing blindly about the room in an effort to try to hit one
of them (go to 31H), or try to smash the toadstools to see how they react to this (go to 19H).

C. The odd noise seems to be coming from behind the N wall of the easternmost alcove. To
investigate this, go to 25D. Otherwise, return to 51A.

D. Folris grins evilly and says: “The nearest treasure is under this very pentagram in which I stand.
However, you must dispose of me before you can obtain it, and the only way to dispose of me
is to fight me! Even if you send me away, I will reappear if you break or enter the pentagram!”
He then vanishes and the candles go out. You may not ask Folris another question. To fight him
(if you’re that stupid!), go to 20B, ignoring the first two sentences. Otherwise, return to 17C.

E. You hear a faint muttering. To open the door, go to 35B. Otherwise, return to 34D.

F. It works. The harpist falls asleep and the illusion which made you see ‘him’ is dispelled. It is
really a harpy! You can now safely slit her scraggy throat and go to 21H to search the room.
Any characters who were entranced are now back to normal.

G. She becomes rather angry and says: “I think you’d better leave!” To leave, go to 37E. To pay
her fee, go to 22G. To make love to her, go to 51H after noting which character is doing it. To
stand your ground, go to 29E.

H. Alindelle has a Sleep spell and a Magic Missile spell available to her. She straightens up her
rags to make herself more presentable, and picks up her equipment. This includes a scroll with
Dispel Magic, Dimension Door and Fireball on it, as well as a magic dagger that has a bonus
of 10% (+2) to hit. Now go to 19I to search the room. Alindelle will go wherever you go, as an
extra member of your party.

I. It is silent. Go to 52F to open it, or return to 55B.

J. “Shut your eyes!” says the old man. “If you don’t look at it, it won’t fight back. It’s incredibly
stupid and thinks if you can’t see it, then it can’t see you!” To retreat, go to 62J. If you fight it
(it is a 15-dice monster, but unarmoured), go to 52J if you win, or 6G if you lose.

X. North
A. Which one are you fitting first? You find that you cannot fit all three at once. To place Mu first,
go to 60G. To place Alpha first, go to 42J. To place Omega first, go to 11I. To do anything
else, return to 7C.

B. As you approach it, the chest opens and a glowing ball emerges. This is the treasure’s guardian.
It has armour equivalent to splint mail, and attacks by emitting a heat ray every round, which
does D10 damage to one character. Unfortunately, every time you hit it, there is a 25% chance
of your weapon melting (or bursting into flame if it’s wooden). It is 4th level (4 dice). If you
beat it, go to 60H to search the chest. If you die, go to 50I.

C. There are many controls on it, of which two are very prominent. To operate the control on the
left, go to 47J. To operate the one on the right, go to 60C. To try to smash the machine, go to
5I. To do anything else, return to 18A.

D. You mad, impetuous fool, you! You get a free hack at whoever you attack, but the rest aren’t
about to simply stand around and watch; they rush towards you to join in the fray. Go to 45H.

E. Zzzzt! Idiot! The box’s handle was perfectly safe but, in trying to prise it open, you’ve given
the character who was doing so an electric shock, doing 2 dice of damage (halved if a save vs.
dragon breath is made). You may now open the box properly. Go to 43G.

F. You may leave through the N door by going to 48B, or the E door by going to 42E, or the S by
going to 40F. Unfortunately, the two gremlins will follow you invisibly, sabotaging any spells
or magic items you use from now on. If you don’t mind putting up with this, go ahead and
leave. To do something about it, go to 33A and choose again.

G. The Lawful gods are outraged at your callousness. They immediately strip you of all treasure,
reduce your best character down to 1st level, and dump you unceremoniously in another part
of the dungeon. Go to 46F.

H. Wrong move! I hope the character who prised them out was female; if he wasn’t, she is now!
Similarly, the ‘woman’ bas-relief has also changed sex. The change is irreversible. The gems,
by the way, are worth 75 gold pieces each. Return to 7E.

I. A swarm of greenfly emerge from the chest and flutter all around the room. Besides them, the
chest was empty apart from half a bronze coin. Phydeau laughs and says: “Now hand over the
coin and leave. You can keep any greenfly you’ve caught!” To comply with this, go to 30E for
the W door, 46F for the NE or 11C for the SE. To fight, go to 26D (weapons) or 32F (magic).
If you insist on keeping the half-coin, he will insist on fighting!

J. The acolytes are 3rd level clerics, by the way. Go to 6E.

K. Don’t read this! If you must cheat, go to 7H.

X. North
A. The following is a list of the treasures available in these rooms. If you have one survivor from
this series of fights, take the first one; if you have two survivors, take the first two, and so on:
a) a magic sword with 5% (+2) better hit probability, plus Cure Disease ability once per day;
b) a jewel worth 500 gold pieces;
c) a magic lockpick which can undo any lock as an 8th level thief;
d) Bracers of Defence equivalent to chainmail armour and shield.
This should be the end of your battles in these rooms. Go to 41H to leave the room via. the E

B. Crunch! Go to 27H.

C. Two of them simultaneously cast Hold Person spells. Each of your characters must save vs.
magic. If all of you fail, go to 18J. If any of you succeed, go to 37J.

D. All the chest contains are half-a-dozen dried cowpats and half a bronze coin (Phydeau was a
collector of weird bric-a-brac). If you have another half coin, go to 53H. Otherwise, return to

E. Well, you Charm whichever one you aimed the spell at, but the rest of them stop and stare. One
then yells: “They’ve bewitched Charley! Get ‘em!” It looks as if you’ve got to fight all of them
except for Charley, who remains Charmed. Go to 45H.

F. Oops! Unfortunately, it wasn’t a corpse; it’s a ghast! The character who touched it is paralysed,
and the rest of you begin retching due to its stench. To fight it, go to 10F. To run away, go to

G. Well done. Inside the chest is a diamond brooch worth 1,000 gold pieces, a bag of 50 pearls
worth 5 gold pieces each and a displacer cloak. Return to 7E to check out the rest of the room.

H. Your character leaps up from the table, crying: “She’s trying to bewitch me! It’s a trick!”
Chirilla growls with anger; go to 29E.

I. You accidentally strike the male gremlin, thus rendering him visible. His sister, seeing that he
is now threatened, also becomes visible, and she attacks you. They are 2nd level (2 dice), have
armour equivalent to studded leather, and wield swords. If you beat them, go to 43J. If you lose,
go to 16J.

J. He gives you a map of Kandroc Keep… however, it is incomplete and looks rather familiar.
You suddenly realise that it’s a copy of your own map! “Well?” says Tarhas, “You didn’t say
where I had to get it from, did you?” Go to 61G.

K. He says: “The answer is forty-two!” Go to 13K.

X. North
A. It has armour equivalent to magic (+5% or +1) plate armour plus shield. It will not attack you,
but moves inexorably forward along its track, although the resistance you provide slows it up
a little. It has 5 dice; each melee turn it will pass one of the small alcoves and render it
inaccessible. At any time, your party may break off the battle and take refuge in the alcoves.
However, each alcove can only hold one character. Anyone who cannot take refuge within 6
melee turns will be crushed by the juggernaut unless it is destroyed. If you are fighting for more
than 6 melee turns, have still not destroyed it, and none of your characters have taken refuge,
then go to 35H – or, if any characters have survived by taking refuge, return to 51A. If you do
destroy it, go to 31K.

B. The box was, indeed, an interdimensional transporter; it had transported this room to Kandroc
Keep, for one thing. Now it is no longer functioning, the room begins to fade away! Rock begins
to form around your characters, entombing them. If you have any unarmoured characters in the
room, they should be able to get out before this happens. Armoured characters, however, must
save vs. dexterity with a –2 penalty or they will not be able to escape and are thus doomed, as
are any who are paralysed or otherwise incapacitated. If you have any survivors, go back to
23C; this room no longer exists. If not, too bad. Go and get stoned somewhere!

C. Time travels backwards very quickly; suddenly, you see that the ghouls are alive again and
fighting a strangely clad man armed with only a wooden club. You find yourselves caught up
in the battle and must fight the ghouls again. If you win, go to 53I to question the man; if you
lose, go to 6G.

D. Roll a 6-sided die. On 1–3, go to 58G. On 4–6, go to 56I.

E. You never give up, do you? STOP READING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F. It backfires all right. If it was any kind of offensive spell, it works on the caster (just too bad if
it was Fireball or something!), while non-offensive spells such as Detects simply fail. Return
to 33A.

G. Nothing much happens. Which do you place next? For Alpha, go to 13J. For Omega, go to 14I.
To remove Mu and try something else, return to 58A.

H. Well done! Inside the chest are 2,000 gold pieces and a scroll with Transmute Rock to Mud and
Levitate on it. Return to 4A.

I. Tarhas vanishes; he reappears moments later and says: “It is done! The monster you ordered
dead is no more!” So saying, he vanishes again and the candles go out. The monster you ordered
killed is, indeed, dead; however, Tarhas has only killed one monster so, if you ordered him to
kill more than one, he will not have dealt with any after the first. Return to 17C; you cannot
demand another service of him; if you summon him again, he will ignore you.

J. Write down exactly how much you are offering them and go to 57B.

K. Sorry, but I’m afraid there’s not enough room after all. Go to 54M.

X. North
A. Through the cloud of gas you can see a leather-armoured, sword-armed man emerge from the
panel; he has a brightly-coloured cloth over his face. He looks at you in horror as he realises
that you are still awake and he charges. Fight the battle yourself; he is a 4th level thief and his
sword is magical, giving 5% (+1) extra on hit probability. If you beat him, go to 25I. If you
die, you can always complain you wuz robbed!

B. The statues are just … statues. The dais on which the girl has been sacrificed, however, proves
more fruitful. On it is a jewelled dagger worth 800 gold pieces. Under it is a scroll with Raise
Dead and two Cure Light Wounds spells on it. There are no secret doors here. Return to 34K.

C. Well, he means business and is really determined to kill you! If he does kill you, it’s just too
bad. Still, Chirilla should enjoy his company. If you kill him, go to 29E to see how Chirilla
reacts, or to 37E to run away through the W door.

D. Breaking them apart, you find that one of them conceals the gremlins’ treasure. There’s no
magic, since this would have been useless to them, but there are various items of gems and
jewellery with a total value of 2,500 gold pieces, plus 200 platinum coins. To leave, go to 48B
for the N door, 42E for the E or 40F for the S.

E. He operates several controls on his machine, which manufactures 30 gold ingots worth 100
gold pieces each. He then operates another switch and both man and machine vanish. To leave
the room, go to 46F for the W or 8E for the N. Both are silent. To search for secret doors, go to
34J. Ignore any further references to the machine.

F. The ogre has 700 gold pieces about his person (no wonder you beat him, with that lot weighing
him down!). Incidentally, you found no secret doors. Return to 8E.

G. Tarhas vanishes and the candles go out. You cannot ask a second service of him; if you summon
him again, he will ignore you. Go back to 17C.

H. The gnolls and bugbears had only 200 gold pieces between them, although the referee had a
platinum whistle worth 100 gold pieces. The crossbows which two of the gnolls carried were
magical, though. One was a Crossbow of Speed, and the other a Crossbow of Accuracy. Each
also had five magic quarrels, giving a +5% (+1) bonus to hit. To leave, go to 1E for the
westernmost door, or 32D for the easternmost one. Both are silent. There are no secret doors
here save for the grimbles’ trapdoor, which is too small for you to pass through.

X. North
A. He will perform any one of the following services for you:
a) Kill any one monster of your choice (apart from himself, of course!). Write down the monster
you require killed, and go to 60I. It must be a single monster;
b) Give you a map of Kandroc Keep (go to 59J);
c) Heal one character’s wounds (go to 3I);
d) Raise one person of your choice from the dead (go to 24K);
e) Enchant one of your swords (go to 31M).
If you decide not to ask him to do anything, go to 16L to dismiss him.

B. As the Web strikes, the ‘harpist’ and ‘harp’ change before your eyes into a harpy! She was, of
course, camouflaged by an illusion! She is disoriented by being caught in the web, so you can
rush in quickly before she starts singing, and run her through. If you do this, go to 21H to
search the room. If you don’t kill her, go to 28F.

C. Simultaneously with your spell-casting, one of the priests manages to get off a Hold Person
spell. Work out the effects of your own spell yourself; they are 3rd level clerics in leather
armour. Whatever happens, though, the Hold Person is going to take effect on your party. If
you kill the clerics, go to 34K. If all of your characters are Held by the spell, they will kill you;
go to 11M. If you do not kill them, and some of your characters are still free, go to 37J.

D. It appears to be a normal carving with no special properties. Go back to 7E and choose again.

E. She springs to her feet an stands at bay. Go to 29E; remember that, as well as Chirilla, you must
fight your own character!

F. Oh, dear! While you slumber, a thief in a gas-mask sneaks out of the panel. Luckily for you, he
doesn’t kill you, but he steals any treasure you have. Eventually you wake up, cursing, to find
him long gone and the panel empty. Return to 50G.

G. He makes a flying dive for the machine and hammers down a switch before you can reach him.
Both man and machine disappear! Return to 18A, and ignore any further references to either
man or machine.

H. Go to 54E; of course, it breaks again, and that means …

I. Unfortunately, this happens to be a very old interdimensional transporter, which is becoming

rather worn out through overuse. As you set it to ‘Receive’ again, it begins to smoke and breaks
down altogether. Go to 60B to see what happens next, or to 27I if you wish to run away.

J. You know, there really is something very, very strange going on around here. The point is that
there is absolutely no reason for the existence of this paragraph. Here it is, taking up space
which could have been used for a nice, confusing fake map or some more of those awful puns,
serving no useful purpose at all. Just a minute, while I figure it out. Yes, I know! It’s a time
warp. Looking at passages you weren’t supposed to read has set up a whole chain of useless
little paragraphs forming a non-existent closed loop. Now this is interesting! It’s never
happened before, at least to the best of my knowledge. Er… look, I’m running out of room
here. This is, after all, the last paragraph of the last page.
Tell you what, go to 60K and we’ll continue this little discussion there, where nobody can
disturb us. Otherwise………………….

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