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A. What is CMS. Discuss the features and disadvantages of CMS in detail.
Content Management System is a software which stores all kinds of data like
text, photos, music, documents, etc. and is made available on your website. It
helps in editing, publishing and modifying the content of the website.
 User Management
It allows managing the user information like changing the user role to
subscriber, author, editor or administrator, create/delete user, change
user information and password.
The main role of user management is Authentication.

 Media Management
It is a tool for managing the media files and folder, in which user can easily
upload, organize, and manage the media files on your website.

 Theme system
It allows modifying the site view and functionality. It includes images,
stylesheet, template files and custom pages.

 Multilingual
It allows translating the entire content into the language preferred by the
 It is open-source platform and free.
 CSS files can be modified as per user needs.
 Many plugins and templates are available for free.
 Media files can be uploaded easily and quickly.
 Customization is easy according to user needs.
 Using many plugins can make the website heavy to load and run.
 PHP knowledge is required to make changes in website.
 WordPress needs to be updated to keep up with the current browsers and
mobile devices.

B. Illustrate the procedure to install WordPress.

i. Download latest version of WordPress and extract it.

ii. Open C:/xampp/htdocs and create a folder to paste WordPress files.

iii. Open XAMPP control panel and run Apache and MySQL server. Then
open browser open phpadmin and create a database to run

iv. In browser, search localhost/file-name-in-htdocs-for- WordPress and

click enter.

v. A new page loads and asks user to select their language for
WordPress and click “Continue”

vi. In next step, you can view the information needed for the database before
proceeding with WordPress installation. Then click “Let’s go”.
vii. Next enter database connection details and enter database name,
username as root, password empty, and rest of the details as default
and click “submit”.

viii. Next a button will be visible saying “Run the installation” click on it
and installation starts.
ix. Next file details shown in the page like Site-name, User-name,
password and email-id and click “Install WordPress”. A new page
showing successful installation appears then click on “Login”.

x. Login with the login credentials from above step and click “login” you
will be directed to WordPress dashboard.

C. Analyze the interconnectivity of WordPress and MySQL with step-by-

step procedure.
1) Download the latest version of WordPress and copy it to your local or
remote or hosting server.
2) Create the MySQL database and a user with the password to the MySQL
3) Visit the browser where the unzipped WordPress files are located, choose
a language, and then continue.
4) Fill in your database details that include – database name, username,
5) The localhost field should be localhost since it is relative to the location of
the database. If it is in the same server, leave it as localhost default.
6) The table prefix field should also be left as wp_ most of the time, but you
can change it to your preferred prefix to improve your site security.
7) Click on Submit, and you can now move to the next steps to complete
WordPress installation.
8) Open your wp-config file in the root path of WordPress installation. You
should see the database details you entered in step 4 confirming that you
have successfully connected WordPress to the MySQL database.
9) Then checkout the link where WordPress should be installed. If you are on
localhost, go to the browser, then search
unzipped-WordPress. Example
10)You will be redirected to the WordPress installation screen. You need
to select the language you wish WordPress to be installed in, and when
you select the language, click on the continue button.
11)You will be presented with the next screen where you need to create a
database in PHPMyAdmin and fill the following details:
Database name, database username, database password, database host,
and table prefix.
12) Click on the Run Installation button to complete WordPress installation
and connect WordPress to MySQL database.
13) Fill in your website details and click install WordPress so that you can
complete the WordPress installation process.
14) To confirm, you should navigate to the root path where you installed
WordPress and look for the wp-config.php file.
15) Open the file, and you should see all the details we added to step 4
confirming that your WordPress application has been successfully
connected to the MySQL database.

D. Demonstrate the working functionality of Database with examples.

A database is a software tool that makes it possible to organize data in a
database. It is often referred to by its acronym, DBMS. The functions of a
£Bins include Concurrency, security, backup and recovery, data
descriptions. integrity and

Some examples of popular database software or DBMS's include MySQL,

Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, FikMaker Pro, Oracle Database,
and dBASE.

These actions can range from simply querying data to demining database
schemas that fundamentally affect the database structure.
2A. Demonstrate how editor’s play a significant role in WordPress.
Editor Role is that they can add, edit, publish, and delete any posts on the
site, including the ones written by others: An editor can modify, edit and
delete comments as well- Editors do not have access to change your site
settings install plugins and themes, or add new users. Since editors can
delete posts, even those already published, it is highly recommended that
you only assign this role to a user you trust. Also keep in mind that you can
add or remove capabilities to user roles in Word Press-So, if you are not
sure about giving a user this much control on your site you can tweak the
user role to meet your needs. The "Editors "role is one of the default user
roles in Word Press, alongside "Subscribe", "Contributor", "authors", and
"Administrators". Editors have a great deal of permissions when it comes
to the content on your site. This role is designed to allow users to manage
your content. They can publish, edit and delete any content on your site.
However, they are normally. not allowed to change any settings on your
site. Here are some of the key links that Editor’s cannot access:
 Plugins
 Appearance
 Users

B. State and analyze various hosting options of WordPress.

The Word Press hosting sites below offer excellent support and solid,
reliable service - We confidently recommend them to All-in-One SEO
(AIOSED) users and anyone starting a new WordPress. website.
 Site Ground
It is a popular managed WordPress hosting provider with sky-high ratings
in hosting reviews. This is an official Word Press recommended hosting
site. They also offer location-specific web hosting services with 3 different
data centers in the USA, Europe and Asia. This means you can choose the
one closest to you and make your site even faster.
 Host binger
It is becoming more popular day by day. With their Word Press optimizer
setup, you can rest assured your site is best. They offer cloud hosting
solutions with data centers in the United States, UK, Lithuania, Singapore,
Brazil and India resulting in even faster speeds worldwide.
 Host Gator
It is a host manager that supports millions of websites and is a shared
WordPress hosting space provide. They provide an entry-level site creators
and pros with scalable hosting plans. Host Gator is a reliable hosting
service with a 24/7 support team if you get stuck.

 Dream Host
Another officially recommended hosting provider from is
Dream Host. This independently owned and operated company is a good
WordPress hosting choice. Dream Hast also offers a website builder with
an easy drag and drop editor. Their standard shared Word Press hosting
package is a popular choice, though they also have a VPS hosting services.

 Green Geeks
It has become a well-known brand in the Word Press hosting industry with
its ultra-fast website performance. It is a hosting service with automatic 1-
click WordPress installation, managed automatic updates and enhanced
3A. Define Plugins. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of plugins.
Explain the procedure to implement plugins in content Management
System creation.
Plugins are software or extensions which can be used to expand the
functionality of the site. They are used to add services or features to
WordPress blog or post. They are also used to make users work easier.

The roles and responsibilities of plugins are:

 Some plugins like Jetpack provides security to sites. It has a one-click
tools like backup and malware scan. It also helps in loading the blog
or site faster.
 Akismet is a plugin which is the best anti-spam protection to block
spam comments and spam in a contact form.
 Forminator, contact form are few among the plugins that help in the
creation of login and registration forms.
Steps to implement plugins in a WordPress site:
 First, click on the plugins option on dashboard menu.
 A plugin interface page will be open, here search for the needed
plugin and click on install.
 After installing the plugin activate the plugin by clicking on the
activate button.
 After activation, in plugin interface page select the downloaded
plugin and click on apply button to apply the plugin to a webpage or
 Plugins can also be updated and deactivated.
3B. Define Dashboard. List the roles and responsibilities of dashboard.
Demonstrate the procedure to fix “Discussion setting” in WordPress.
The WordPress Dashboard is a first screen which will be seen when you log into
the administration area of your blog which will display the overview of the
website. It is a collection of gadgets that provide information and provide an
overview of what's happening with your blog. You can customize your needs by
using some quick links such as writing quick draft, replying to latest comment,

 The WordPress Dashboard provides navigation menu that contains some

menu options such as posts, media library, pages, comments, appearance
options, plugins, users, tools and settings on the left side.
 The dashboard contains different types of widgets which can be shown or
hidden on some screens. It contains check boxes to show or hide screen
options and also allows us to customize sections on the admin screen.
 It includes the Customize Your Site button which allows customizing your
WordPress theme. The center column provides some of the useful links
such as creating a blog post, creating a page and view the front end of
your website. Last column contains links to widgets, menus, settings
related to comments and also a link to the First Steps with WordPress
page in the WordPress codex.
 The Quick Draft is a mini post editor which allows writing, saving and
publishing a post from admin dashboard. It includes the title for the draft,
some notes about the draft and save it as a Draft.
 The WordPress News widget displays the latest news such as latest
software version, updates, alerts, news regarding the software etc. from
the official WordPress blog.
 The Activity widget includes latest comments on your blog, recent posts
and recently published posts. It allows you to approve, disapprove, reply,
edit, or delete a comment. It also allows you to move a comment to spam.
 This section gives an overview of your blog's posts, number of published
posts and pages, and number of comments. When you click on these links,
you will be taken to the respective screen.

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