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Seth Balkrishan Memorial


(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU, Bhilai)
SCHEME OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATION (Effective from 2021-2022 Batch)
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Fifth Semester

Period per Scheme of

Sl. No.


Board of Studies Course Week Examination
Courses (Subject)
(BOS) Code Theory/Lab
Computer Science and Design and Analysis of
1. 102501CS 2 1 - 100 20 30 150 3
Engineering Algorithms
Computer Science and
2. Compiler Design 102502CS 2 1 - 100 20 30 150 3
Computer Science and
3. Computer Networks 102503CS 3 - - 100 20 30 150 3
Computer Science and Software Engineering and
4. 102504CS 3 - - 100 20 30 150 3
Engineering Project Management
Computer Science and Statistical Foundation for Data
5. 109505CS 3 - - 100 20 30 150 3
Engineering Science
Computer Science and
6. Data Analytics Lab 109591CS - - 2 25 - 25 50 1
Computer Science and
7. Engineering
Web Development Lab 102592CS - - 2 25 - 25 50 1
Computer Science and
8. Computer Networks Lab 102593CS - - 2 25 - 25 50 1
Computer Science and
9. Minor Project - I 102594CS - - 2 25 - 25 50 1
Computer Science and Internship Assessment
10. 102595CS - - 2 - - 25 25 1
Engineering (Report & Seminar)

11. Humanities Constitution of India 100596HM - - - - - 25 25 -

Total 13 2 10 600 100 300 1000 20

(a) Abbreviations used : L-Lecture, T- Tutorial, P- Practical, ESE- End Semester Exam, CT- Class Test, TA- Teacher’s Assessment
(b)The duration of end semester examination of all theory papers will be of three hours.
(c) Constitution of India will be conducted by the Humanities / relevant discipline as decided by the Principal.
(d) A candidate shall have to mandatorily undertake Skill Development Courses / Internship/ Vocational Training in Industry or appropriate
work place / academic and research institutions in India/Abroad, of twelve weeks duration (can be completed in parts) during the entire
duration of the programme and the outcome of this should be presented in the form of a report.
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU, Bhilai)
SCHEME OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATION (Effective from 2021-2022 Batch)
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester

Scheme of


Sl. Board of Course Examination
Courses (Subject) Week
No. Studies (BOS) Code
Computer Science
1. Artificial Intelligence 102601CS 3 1 - 100 20 30 150 4
and Engineering
Computer Science
2. Machine Learning 109602CS 2 1 - 100 20 30 150 3
and Engineering
3. Management 100603HM 3 - - 100 20 30 150 3
Computer Science
4. Professional Elective-1 Refer Table-1 3 - - 100 20 30 150 3
and Engineering

5. Refer Table-2 Open ELective-1 Refer Table-2 3 - - 100 20 30 150 3

Computer Science Artificial Intelligence

6. 102691CS - - 2 25 - 25 50 1
and Engineering Lab
Computer Science
7. Machine Learning Lab 109692CS - - 2 25 - 25 50 1
and Engineering

Computer Science Free and Open Source

8. Software (FOSS)-Linux 109693CS - - 2 25 - 25 50 1
and Engineering Lab

Computer Science
9. Minor Project - II 102694CS - - 2 50 - 25 75 1
and Engineering
Essence of Indian
10. Humanities 100695HM - - - - - 25 25 -
Knowledge Tradition

Total 14 2 8 625 100 275 1000 20

Table 1 : Professional Elective-1

S. No. Board of Study Courses (Subject) Course Code

1. Computer Science and Engineering Data Analytics 109621CS

2. Computer Science and Engineering Predictive Modelling and Analytics 109622CS

3. Computer Science and Engineering Soft Computing 102623CS

4. Computer Science and Engineering Data Warehousing and Mining 109624CS

5. Computer Science and Engineering Data Security and Privacy 109625CS

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU, Bhilai)
SCHEME OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATION (Effective from 2021-2022 Batch)
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester

Table 2 : Open Elective -I

S. Courses Course Eligible
Board of Study Course Link for Reference
No. (Subject) Code Branches
Solid and
Hazardous Open to all
1. Civil Engineering 100641CE
Waste branches rses/105/103/105103205/
Open to all
Computer Science Data Structures
2. 100642CS branches except
& Engineering and Algorithms rses/106/102/106102064/
Open to all
Computer Science Unix Operating
3. 100643CS branches except
& Engineering System rses/117/106/117106113/
Electrical & Renewable Open to all
4. Electronics Energy 100644TE branches except
Engineering Engineering EE
Electrical Open to all
5. Electric Vehicles 100645EE
Engineering branches rses/108/106/108106170/
Electronics & Open to all
6. Telecommunication IoT Applications 100646ET branches except
Engineering CSE & IT
Programming in Open to all
7. PHP and 100647IT branches except ylist?list=PL7WFbgpeASD3k
Mechanical Operation Open to all
8. 100648ME
Engineering Research branches rses/110/106/110106062/

Financial Open to all

9. Management 100649MG
Management branches rses/110/107/110107144/

Computer Open to all

10. Python 100650CA
Applications branches rses/106/106/106106182/

(a) Abbreviations used : L-Lecture, T- Tutorial, P- Practical, ESE- End Semester Exam, CT- Class Test, TA- Teacher’s Assessment
(b) 1/4th of total strength of students subject to minimum of 20 students is required to offer an elective in the department in a
particular academic session.
(c) Choice of elective course once made for an examination cannot be changed in future examinations.
(d) The duration of end semester examination of all theory papers will be of three hours.
(e) “Employment Communication” and “Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition” will be conducted by the Humanities / relevant
discipline as decided by the Principal.

B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

(Data Science)
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester


Course Code 102501CS L=2 T=1 P=0 Credits = 3
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Course Objectives Course Outcomes
This course aims to make the students On successful completion of the course, the
capable of Analyzing the asymptotic student will be able to:
performance of algorithms, demonstrate a CO1: Calculate the Time complexity of any
familiarity with major algorithms and data algorithm
structures, apply important algorithmic design CO2: Apply the algorithms and design techniques
paradigms and methods of analysis,
to solve problems related to divide and
synthesize efficient algorithms in common
engineering design situations. conquer and Greedy method.
CO3: Analyze Dynamic programming problems
including Matrix chain multiplication,
Longest Common subsequence etc.
CO4: Solve Backtracking algorithms.
CO5: Solve Branch and Bound methods and the
basic concepts of NP-Hard, NP-Complete.

Algorithms: Introduction to Time complexity and space complexity, Definitions and notations:
standard notations - asymptotic notations – worst case, best case and average case analysis; big
oh, small oh, omega and theta notations; Analysis of non-recursive and recursive algorithms,
solving recurrence equations, analyzing control structures. [7Hrs]
Divide & Conquer: General Method – binary search – finding maximum and minimum – merge sort
and quick sort – Stassen’s Matrix multiplication. Greedy Method: General method – knapsack
problem –minimum spanning tree algorithms – single source shortest path algorithm.. [8Hrs]
Dynamic Programming: General method – multi-stage graphs – all pair shortest path algorithm –
0/1 Knapsack and Travelling salesman problem – chained matrix multiplication, Longest Common
subsequence problem. AND/OR graphs –bi-connected components – topological sorting. [7Hrs]
Backtracking: Back tracking and Recursive back tracking, applications of Back tracking paradigm,
8-queens problem – sum of subsets – graph coloring – Hamiltonian cycle – Knapsack problem.
UNIT – V (CO5)
Branch and Bound Method: Least Cost (LC) search – the 8 /15-puzzle problem –FIFO Branch-
and-Bound - 0/1 Knapsack problem – travelling salesman problem. Introduction to NP, NP-Hard and
NP-Completeness, Cook’s theorem. [7Hrs]

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester

Text Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher

MIT Press /
1. Introduction to Algorithms Cormen, Lelserson, Rivert
Fundamentals of Computer Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni, Galgotia
Algorithms SanguthevarRajasekaran Publications

Reference Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher
Jon Kleinberg and
1. Algorithm Design Pearson
Algorithm Design: Foundations, Michael T Goodrich and
2. Wiley
Analysis, and Internet Examples Roberto Tamassia
3. Algorithms—A Creative Approach UdiManber Addison-Wesley
Prentice-Hall of
4. Design and Analysis of Algorithms Paneerselvam
Introduction to the Design and
5. Anany Levitin Pearson
Analysis of Algorithms
Gilles Brassard and Paul Prentice-Hall of
6. Fundamentals of Algorithms
Bratley India

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester

Subject Code 102502CS L=2 T=1 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Evaluation Scheme
100 20 30 150 3 Hours

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

Course objective is to make the student to On successful completion of the course, the
understand the process involved in a student will be able to:
compiler, create an overall view of various CO1: Explain the concepts of Compilers and
types of translators, linkers, loaders, and roles of the lexical analyzer.
phases of a compiler, understand what is CO2: Apply the concepts of different Parsing
syntax analysis, various types of parsers techniques and implement the knowledge to
especially the top down approach, Yacc tool.
awareness among students the various CO3: Develop syntax directed translation
types of bottom up parsers, understand the schemes.
semantic analysis and intermediate code CO4: Implement the principles of scoping,
generation, the role of symbol table and parameter passing and runtime memory
its organization, Code generation, machine management.
dependent code optimization . CO5: Use the new code optimization techniques
to improve the performance of a program in
terms of speed & space and develop algorithms
to generate code for a target machine.
UNIT I: Introduction [CO1]

Introduction to Compiler, single and multi-pass compilers, Translators, Phases of Compilers,

Compiler writing tools, Finite Automata and Lexical Analyzer: Role of Lexical Analyzer,
Specification of tokens, Recognition of tokens, Regular expression, Finite automata, from regular
expression to finite automata, transition diagrams, Implementation of lexical analyzer with LEX.
[7 Hrs]
UNIT II: Syntax Analysis and Parsing Techniques [CO2]

Context free grammars, Bottom-up parsing and top down parsing, Top down Parsing :
elimination of left recursion, recursive descent parsing, Predicative Parsing, Bottom Up Parsing :
Operator precedence parsing, LR parsers, Construction of SLR, Canonical LR and LALR
parsing tables, Construction of SLR parse tables for Ambiguous grammar, parser generator-
YACC, error recovery in top down and bottom up parsing. [9 Hrs]

UNIT III: Syntax Directed Translation & Intermediate Code Generation [CO3]

Synthesized and inherited attributes, Construction of syntax trees, bottom up and top down
evaluation of attributes, S- attributed and L-attributed definitions ,Postfix notation; Three address
codes, quadruples, triples and indirect triples, Translation of assignment statements, control flow,
Boolean expression and Procedure Calls. [7 Hrs]

UNIT IV: Run-time Environment [CO4]

Storage organization, activation trees, activation records, allocation strategies, Parameter

passing symbol table, dynamic storage allocation. [6 Hrs]

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester

UNIT V: Code Optimization and Code Generation [CO5]

Basic blocks and flow graphs, Optimization of basic blocks, Loop optimization, Global data flow
analysis, Loop invariant computations. Issue in the design of Code generator, register allocation,
the target machine, and simple Code generator. [6 Hrs]

Text Books:
S.No. Title Authors Publisher
Compilers Principles, Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Addison Wesley
Techniques and Tools Sethi and Ullman J.D.
Alfred V. Aho and
2. Principle of Compiler Design Narosa Publication
J.D. Ullman
Introduction to Compiler J.P. Bennet Tata McGraw-Hill

Reference Books:
S.No. Title Authors Publisher
1. Compiler Design in C A.C. Holub PHI
Compiler construction (Theory A. Barret William and
2. Galgotia Publication
and Practice) R.M., Bates
3. Compiler Design O.G. Kakde Laxmi Publication

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester

Course Code 102503CS L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The main emphasis of this course is on the On successful completion of the course, the
organization and management of local area student will be able to:
networks (LANs). The course objectives CO1: Classify network and select appropriate
include learning about computer network transmission media for data transmission.
organization and implementation, obtaining CO2: Explain rationale behind existence of an
the understanding of the architecture and addressing mechanism at the data link layer.
principles of today's computer networks and CO3: Explain the addressing mechanism used in
network security techniques. Students are network layer and forwarding of network layer
introduced to computer network design, protocol.
protocols and their functionalities and its CO4: Recommend appropriate transport layer
operations, and the requirements for the
protocol for an application.
future Internet and its impact on the computer
CO5:familiar with application layer protocol and the
network architecture.
ways they provide services.
Introduction to Computer Networks: Internet and history of internet. OSI and TCP/IP Reference Model,
Network Topologies, Network Classification: LAN, MAN, WAN. Wireless LAN and its component.
Transmission media and switching: Coaxial, twisted pair wireless and fiber optics, switching: Packet
switching and circuit switching. Networking Devices. Line Encoding (NRZ, NRZ-I, Manchester) [7Hrs]

Data link layer: Framing, Error detection and correction techniques, Flow Control: stop and wait, Data
Link Layer Addressing: MAC addresses, ARP, RARP, IEEE 802.3: Ethernet standards. Asynchronous
Transfer Mode (ATM). Media Access Control: Random Access Protocol: ALOHA, CSMA. Channel
partitioning Protocol: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA. [7Hrs]


Network Layer: Forwarding and addressing in the Internet: Internet Protocol (IP): IPv4 and IPv6, IP
Addressing, Sub-netting and Super-netting, DHCP, Mobile-IP. Routing Algorithms: Link State Routing,
Distance Vector Routing, Routing in the Internet: Intra AS routing in the Internet: RIP, OSPF. Inter AS
routing in the Internet: BGP, Introduction to Multicast Routing and Broadcast Routing. ICMP.

Transport Layer: Transport Layer Services, Connectionless and Connection-Oriented Protocols, Flow
Control and Reliable Data Transfer: Sliding window, Go Back N and selective repeat. Connectionless
Protocols: UDP, User Datagram, UDP Services, and UDP Applications. Transmission Control Protocols:
Connection-Oriented Protocols: TCP Segment, RTT estimation, Connection Management, Congestion
Control. [8Hrs]

UNIT – V [CO5]

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester

Application Layer: Application Layer Protocols: The Web and HTTP, FTP, DNS, Electronic mail in the
internet: SMTP, POP, Multimedia in the internet: Multimedia data, Real-Time Streaming Protocol
(RTSP). [7Hrs]

Text Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher
Data Communications and
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan McGraw Hill
Networking -Fifth Edition
Computer Networking: A Top-
James F. Kurose and
2. Down Approach Featuring the Pearson Education
Keith W. Ross
Internet- Sixth edition

Reference Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Computer Networks- Fifth Edition Tanenbaum, David Prentice-Hall
Computer Networks: A Systems Larry L.
2. Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Peterson and Bruce S. Morgan Kaufmann
Series in Networking) - Fifth Edition Davie
The TCP/IP Guide: A
3. Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Charles M. Kozierok No Starch Press
Protocols Reference- First Edition
Data and Computer
4. William Stallings Pearson Education
Communications- Tenth Edition
TCP/IP Illustrated: The Protocols- W. Richard Stevens and
5. Pearson Education
Second Edition G. Gabrani

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester


Course Code 102504CS L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

This course aims to understand the process On successful completion of the course, the
of Software Engineering and Project student will be able to:
management. To conceptualize the various CO1: Identify suitable life cycle models to be used.
phases of the Software Development Life CO2: Analyze a problem and identify and define the
Cycle (SDLC) models. like planning, Design, computing requirements to the problem.
Development, Testing etc,The primary CO3: Translate a requirement specification to a
objective of this course is to familiarize the design using an appropriate software
students about SDLC phases and Project engineering methodology.
Management framework and Tools. CO4: Formulate appropriate testing strategy for the
given software system.
CO5: Develop software projects based on current
technology, by managing resources
economically and keeping ethical values.
Introduction to software engineering- scope of software engineering, – historical aspects,
economic aspects, maintenance aspects, specification and design aspects, team programming
aspects. Software engineering a layered technology – processes, methods and tools. Software
process models – prototyping models, incremental models, spiral model, waterfall model. Process
Framework Models: Capability maturity model (CMM), ISO 9000. Phases in Software development –
requirement analysis- requirements elicitation for software, analysis principles, software prototyping,
specification. [7Hrs]
Types of Requirements, Feasibility Study, Requirement Analysis and Design: DFD, Data
Dictionary, HIPO Chart, Warnier Orr Diagram, Requirement Elicitation: Interviews, Questionnaire,
Brainstorming, Facilitated Application Specification Technique (FAST), Use Case Approach. SRS
Case study, Software Estimation: Size Estimation: Function Point. Cost Estimation: COCOMO,
Planning phase – project planning objective, software scope, empirical estimation models-
COCOMO, single variable model, staffing and personal planning. Design phase – design process,
principles, concepts, effective modular design, top down, bottom-up strategies, stepwise refinement.
Coding – programming practice, verification, size measures, complexity analysis, coding standards.
Testing – fundamentals, white box testing, control structure testing, black box testing, basis path
testing, code walk-throughs and inspection, testing strategies-Issues, Unit testing, integration testing,
Validation testing, System testing.Maintenance-Overview of maintenance process, types of
maintenance. Risk management: software risks - risk identification-risk monitoring and management.

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester

Project Management concept: People – Product-Process-Project. An Overview of IT Project
Management: Define project, project management framework, The role of project Manager, Systems
View of Project Management, Stakeholder management. Project scheduling and tracking.Project
Scope management: Scope definition and Project Scope management, Creating the Work
Breakdown Structures, Scope Verification, Scope Control. [7Hrs]
UNIT – V (CO5)
Software configuration management: Basics and standards User interface design - rules. Computer
aided software engineering tools - CASE building blocks, taxonomy of CASE tools, integrated CASE
environment. [7Hrs]

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Software Engineering Roger S Pressman McGraw Hill publication.

2. Software Engineering Ian Sommerville Pearson Education

Software Project Management: A
3. Walker Royce Pearson Education
unified frame work

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
K. K.Aggarwal and Yogesh New age International
1. Software Engineering
Singh Publishers
Software Project Management: A
2. S.A. Kelkar PHI
concise study
Software Engineering Project
3. Richard H. Thayer Wiley India Publication

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Fifth Semester
Course Code 109505CS L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The primary objective of the course is to help On successful completion of the course, the
the student to develop the ability to learn the student will be able to:
fundamental concepts of probability and CO1: Apply mathematical concepts in the field of
data science.
statistics in solving the problems arising in
CO2: Model uncertain phenomena using probability
models and calculate the uncertainty in systems
where such phenomena are a part of the system.
CO3:Apply basic and some advanced concepts in
CO4:Identify the important predictor variables in a
regression analysis of the dataset
CO5:Analyze various techniques for automatic data
collection, data cleaning, and exploration using
visualizations with R and python

UNIT – I (CO1)
Linear Algebra: Matrices and their properties (determinants, traces, rank, nullity, etc.); Eigenvalues
and eigenvectors; Matrix factorizations; Inner products; Distance measures; Projections; Notion of
hyperplanes; half-planes. [7Hrs]

Probability Theory: Sample Spaces-Events-Axioms–Counting–Conditional Probability and Bayes’
Theorem – The Binomial Theorem – Random variable - Mean and Variance of a Random variable
,Binomial-Poisson-Exponential and Normal distributions; Expectations and moments;. [7Hrs]


Statistics: Inferential statistics, Descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, central tendency, Z-score,
Karl Pearsons coefficient,Speramans rank coefficient of correlation.
Tests of significance: Sampling distributions of the sample mean and the sample variance for a
normal population; Sampling distributions (Chi-square, t,F,Z), Hypothesis testing ; One tailed and two-
tailed tests; Analysis of variance, ANOVA, [9Hrs]

Linear Regression: Linear Models, Mean Square Error (MSE), Likelihood Function, Parameter Estimation
(MLE), Over-fitting/Under-fitting, Application in Data Science - Global Warming, Cross Validation,
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning: Labeled Data and Unlabeled Data, Clustering. [7Hrs]

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Fifth Semester

UNIT – V (CO5)
Introduction to R: Packages, Scientific Calculator, Inspecting Variables, Vectors, Matrices and
Arrays, Lists and Data Frames, Functions, Strings and Factors, Flow Control and Loops, Advanced
Looping, Date and Times.
Introduction to Python: Packages, Inserting and Exporting Data, Data Cleaning, Checking and Filling
Missing data, Data Merging, Data Operations, Joins. [6Hrs]

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Probability and statistics for data Dr.D.C. Agarwal,
1. Shree Sai Prakashan
science Dr.Pradeep K.joshi
Data Analysis using statastics and Parthasarath Bishnu
2. PHI Learning
probability with R Language Vandana Bhattacherje

3. Mathematics and Statistics Suranjan Saha New Central Book Agency

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Deepak Chawla and
1. Research Methodology Vikas Publishing House
Neena Sondhi
Introduction to Probability and
2. Sheldon M. Ross Academic Press
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

3. R Cook book Paul Teetor O’Reilly

4. Learning Python Mark Lutz O’Reilly

Monika Verma, Uma,
Jec Publication
5. Fundamentals of Machine Learning Rishika Yadav, Vivek
(ISBN-10 : 9357492852)

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Fifth Semester


Course Code 109591CS L=0 T=0 P= 2 Credits=1
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 25 - 25 50 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The primary goal of this laboratory is to help On successful completion of the course ,the
students comprehend the significance of data student will be able to:
analysis, which involves a range of concepts CO1: Explain basic file handling concepts using
and algorithms designed to extract valuable
NumPy and pandas.
and relevant knowledge from vast amounts of
data using various numerical computation CO2: Utilize purpose, perception, and
techniques, statistical measures, and interaction in data visualization
visualization methods. This knowledge can CO3: Perform exploratory data analysis
then be utilized to enhance business CO4: Analyze data using various statistical
performance by deriving actionable insights. measures
CO5:Analyze the multivariate data to
understand the insights from it

List of Experiments

1. File I/O: Write a program for opening, closing, reading, writing, seeking and exception
handling of a file.
2. NumPy: Write a program demonstrating array creation and basic operations such as
indexing, slicing, shape manipulation, stacking and splitting of array.
3. Pandas: Write a program to import data(CSV,excel, text etc) using pandas data frames and
data preparation, filtering and sorting.
4. Matplotlib: Write a program to understand the use of Matplotlib for Simple Interactive
Chart(Line Chart, Histogram, Bar Chart, Pie Charts), subplot with functional method,
Working with Multiple Figures and Axes, Adding Text, Adding a Grid, Adding a Legend,
Saving the Charts.
5. Seaborn: Write a program to understand the use of seaborn for visualizing statistical
relationships, importing and preparing data, plotting with categorical data and visualizing
linear relationships.
6. Perform different data pre-processing methods.
7. Perform data cleaning, handling missing values, imputation techniques
8. Perform Exploratory Analysis: Develop k-means and MST based clustering techniques,
Develop the methodology for assessment of clusters for given dataset.

July2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman(BoS) Date of Release Version AY2023-24Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Fifth Semester

9. Perform the basic statistical analysis by counting(mean, median , mode, SD etc),

probability, and probability distribution and sampling distributions.
10. Performing statistical analysis by estimation and hypothesis testing.
11. Implement a program to perform matrix operations, and find determinants, inverse, and rank
of a 3*3 matrix.
12. Write a program to solve a system of equations using SymPy package.

Text Books:

S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher

1. Visualization Analysis and Design. Tamara Munzner CRC

2. Python Data Analytics Fabio Nelli Apress

Reference Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher

1. Python for Data Analysis Wes McKinney O’Reilly

Alberto Boschetti,
2. Python Data Science Essentials Packt Publishing
Luca Massaron

July2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman(BoS) Date of Release Version AY2023-24Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Sixth Semester


Course Code 102592CS L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits = 1
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Evaluation Scheme
25 - 25 50 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of this course is to make the On successful completion of the course, the
students to be able to - design and develop the student willbe able to:
web page with most important technologies that
are being used today- understand and practice CO1: Develop simple web applications using
web development techniques on client side -scripting languages.
build web applications using proven developerCO2: Implement server side and client side
tools and message formats- Web applications programming develop web applications with various
using technologies such as HTML, CSS, web technology concepts.
Javascript, AJAX, JQuery and JSON. CO3: Design a Web application using various
technologies such as AJAX, JQuery and JSON.
CO4: Develop an application for social media using
List of Practical

1. Create your own Resume using HTML 5 Tags, add Styles to your Resume using CSS 3
Properties, Add External CSS styles, Internal and Inline CSS styles to know the priority, add
functionalities that use any 2 of HTML 5 API‟s.
2. Create a student Registration form for Job Application and validate the form fields using
3. Create a CGPA Calculator in Web Brower using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Use
functions in JavaScript.
4. Create a Quiz Program with adaptive questions using JavaScript.
5. Create a Pan Card Validation form using Object Oriented JavaScript,
i. consider the 10th character to be an alphabet.
ii. Get the user‟s First Name, Last Name and other required fields as input
iii. Assume the last digit of the Pan Number to be an alphabet
6. Write a program to demonstrate various JQuery traversing methods.
7. Create an online Event Registration form and validate using JQuery Construct a JSON
Structure for a bookstore and validate it using JSON Validator such as and
parse the Json file to list the books under the category “Fiction”. Use JavaScript or JQuery for
8. Write a program to create an array of employees using JSON.Write a program to create an
HTML table from the JSON data.
9. Write a program to parse a JSON string and convert it to a JavaScript object.

August 2021 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2021-22 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Sixth Semester
10. Create a web page with bootstrap demonstrating responsive design.
11. Create a web page with bootstrap making header, footer and body responsive.
12. Create a Single Page application allowing to search for a book and displaying the book
front page, author, name, price etc.
i. Create an admin login to upload the book front page, author, keyword and details of the
ii. Use Bootstrap and JQuery for designing the User Interface.
iii. Form Submission should be handled through Ajax.

Text Books:

S.No. Title Author(s) Publisher

1 Beginning JavaScript and Richard York Wrox
CSS Development with
2 HTML,CSS and JavaScript All Julie. C. Meloni SAMS
in One, Sams Teach Yourself
3 JavaScript and JQuery: Jon Duckett Wiley
Interactive Front-End Web
4 Web 2.0 Fundamentals: With Oswald Campesato, Kevin Jones and Bartlett
AJAX, Development tools and Nilson
Mobile Platforms

August 2021 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2021-22 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester


Course Code 102593CS L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits = 1
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 25 - 25 50 -
Course Objectives Course Outcomes
. On successful completion of the course, the student
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
should be able, in part to design, CO1: Identify various cables and connectors used in
implement and maintain a typical computer creating LAN.
network (LAN) and gaining practical CO2: Create a simple LAN and configure L2/L3
experience in installation, monitoring, and Switches/ Router.
troubleshooting of current LAN systems.
CO3: Install Ethereal/wire shark and Analyze network
various protocol and data using it.
CO4: Install NETSIM/Packet Tracer and simulate various
LAN Protocols using NETSIM/Packet Tracer/LAN
Trainer Kit.
CO5:Install and Configure Windows 2003 /2000/FTP.
List of Experiments
(At least Ten experiments are to be performed by each student)

1. Introduction to Local Area Network (LAN) with and topologies. (CO1)

2. Working with basic networking commands and Study of various cables, and connectors used (CO1)
in Local Area Network (LAN).
3. Build Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Ethernet crossover cable and Straight through cable. (CO1)

4. Create a simple peer-to-peer network between two PCs. (CO1)

5. Create a simple network with PCs using a switch. (CO2)

6. Case Study of Ethernet (10 base 5, 10 base 2, 10 base T). (CO2)

7. Configuring Switch/Router (CO2)

8. Installation and basic operation of a packet sniffer tool Ethereal/Wireshark. (CO3)

9. Analyze protocols like HTTP, ARP, Ethernet, IP in operation using packet capturing tool (CO3)
10. Analyze TCP and UDP in operation using packet capturing tool Ethereal/Wireshark. (CO3)

11. Simulation of LAN protocol using NETSIM/Packet Tracer/LAN Trainer Kit (CO4)

12. Simulation of Routing protocol using NETSIM/Packet Tracer/LAN Trainer Kit (CO4)

13. Installation and working with FTP (File Transfer Protocol). (CO5)

14. Introduction to Server administration. (CO5)

15. Installation of Windows 2003 server/ Windows 2000 server. (CO5)

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester

Text Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher
Data Communications and
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan McGraw Hill
Networking -Fifth Edition
Computer Networking: A Top-
James F. Kurose and
2. Down Approach Featuring the Pearson Education
Keith W. Ross
Internet- Sixth edition

Reference Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Computer Networks- Fifth Edition Tanenbaum, David Prentice-Hall
Computer Networks: A Systems
Larry L.
Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann
2. Peterson and Bruce S. Morgan Kaufmann
Series in Networking) - Fifth
The TCP/IP Guide: A
Comprehensive, Illustrated
3. Charles M. Kozierok No Starch Press
Internet Protocols Reference-
First Edition
Data and Computer
4. William Stallings Pearson Education
Communications- Tenth Edition
TCP/IP Illustrated: The Protocols- W. Richard Stevens and
5. Pearson Education
Second Edition G. Gabrani

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) Fifth Semester

Course Code 102594CS L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits = 1
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 25 - 25 50 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of this course is to improve On successful completion of the course, the
student’s ability to analyze, design and student will be able to:
solve complex engineering problems CO1: Identify, discuss and justify the technical aspects
through pedagogies (Project Based of the chosen project with a comprehensive and
Learning) that support them in developing systematic approach.
these skills. The goal here is not to CO2: Reproduce, improve and refine technical aspects
passively absorb and reiterate information; of engineering projects applying appropriate techniques,
but rather to actively engage with the resources, and modern engineering and IT tools.
content, work through it with others, relate CO3: Work as an individual and as a member or leader
to it through an analysis, use modern tools in teams in development of technical projects.
and effectively solve problems with the CO4: Follow management principle and value health,
corresponding knowledge gained. safety and ethical practices during project.
CO5: Communicate and report effectively project
related activities and findings.

The Process Followed to Maintain the Quality of Student Projects are:

(a) Allotments of Projects

(b) Project Identification

(c) Continuous Monitoring

(d) Evaluation

(a) Allotment of Projects:

(i) Students form their team (max four students) and submit their areas in which they
would like to pursue their projects.

(ii) Through meeting and deliberations students are allotted guide depending on their
preference and maximum number of groups under a faculty is limited to three.

(b) Identification of projects:

Students are asked to formulate problem statement and state objectives of their
project in consultation with the project guide.

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) Fifth Semester

(c) Continuous Monitoring:

(i) Progress is continuously monitored by guide and instructions are given how to
proceed further during their project periods as per time table.

(ii) Students submit weekly progress report to the project in-charge after consultation with
their project guide.

(d) Evaluation:

(i) In order to evaluate projects two project seminars (assessment) are taken in which
student’s team present their project through presentations and demonstrate their work.

(ii) Students are assessed on the basis of their technical skill implementation, use of
modern tools, communication skill, team work, health, safety and ethical practices and
relevance of the project.

(iii) At the end of the semesters a report is submitted by the students and student’s
projects are finally evaluated by external examiner in end semester practical
examination based on demonstration by students.

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester


L= T=
Course Code 102595CS P=2 Credits = 1
0 0
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme - - 25 25 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The purpose of internship is to expose On successful completion of the course, the

students to real work environment and at student will be able to:
the same time gain the knowledge through CO1: Discuss the organizational structure,
hands on observation and job execution. tools/software/technology, production
From the internship, the students will also activities/service, of the industry/company.
develop skills in work ethics, CO2: Identify, formulate and model industrial
communication, management and others. problems and find solution applying fundamental
This practical training program allows principles of engineering.
students to integrate classroom theory CO3: Demonstrate an awareness of social, cultural,
with workplace practice and develop global, environmental responsibility and skills in
greater clarity about academic, career communication, management, leadership and
goals and need to update knowledge. entrepreneurship.
Students are provided with the opportunity CO4: Update with all the latest changes in
to test their interest in a particular career technological world, develop capability and
before permanent commitments are enthusiasm for self-improvement through continuous
made. professional development and life-long learning.
CO5: Present seminar and submit internship report to
communicate and report effectively the internship
related activities and findings.


1. Cover Page (color print)

2. Inner Pages
a) Certificate by Company/Industry
b) Declaration by student
c) Acknowledgement
3. Abstract
4. Table of Contents
5. List of Tables
6. List of Figures
7. Abbreviations and Nomenclature (if any)

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Fifth Semester

8. Chapters
I. Introduction (An overview of the whole report)
II. Formal Training provided (if applicable) [This section describes the
training provided through formal classroom training environment. Brief
description ofeach training session and its benefit towards the training

III. Industrial Training [The section should describe the following:

 Objectives
 Tools & Technology Used
 Techniques Studied in Different Departments
 Software &Tools Used
 Highlights of Training Exposure (Area, Scope)]
IV. Problem Identification/Case study (Discussions)
V. Recommendations
9. References
10. Appendices
i. Data Sheets (if any)
ii. Snapshots ( if any)


August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Common to All Branches) Fifth Semester

Course Code 100596HM L=0 T=0 P=0 Credits = -
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme - - 25 25 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of this course is to introduce On successful completion of the course, the
students to the Constitution of India. student will be able to:
CO1: Display understanding about the history and
philosophy of Indian Constitution.
CO2: Demonstrate clarity about the premises
informing the twin themes of liberty and freedom
from civil rights perspective.
CO3: Display understanding about powers and
functions of Indian government.
CO4: Exhibit understanding about emergency rule.
CO5: Demonstrate understanding about structure
and functions of local administration.

Introduction: Historical Perspective of Constitution of India; Philosophy of Indian Constitution;
Meaning of the constitution law and constitutionalism; Salient features and Preamble.

Contours of Constitutional Rights and Duties: Fundamental rights; Scheme of the Fundamental
Duties and its legal status.


Organs of Governance: Parliamentary Form of Government in India; The constitutional powers
and status of the President of India; Judiciary- Powers and Functions; Local Self Government –
Constitutional Scheme in India.

Emergency Provisions: National Emergency; President Rule; Financial Emergency.

UNIT – V (CO5)
Local Administration: Federal structure and distribution of legislative and financial powers
between the Union and the States; The Directive Principles of State Policy – Its importance and

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Common to All Branches) Fifth Semester

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Introduction to the Constitution
1. Basu D D Lexis Nexis
of India
Principles of Public
2. Dr S N Myneni Allahabad Law Agency

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Framing of
1. Busi S N Ava Publishers
Indian Constitution
Theory and Practices of Modern
2. M G Gupta Central Book Depot

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards


B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

(Data Science)
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Sixth Semester

Course Code 102601CS L=3 T=1 P=0 Credits = 4
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Examination 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of the course is to make the On successful completion of the course, the student
student familiar the basics components of will be able to:
Artificial Intelligence and various AI CO1: Represent any well-defined problem and can
techniques to solve complex problem. apply AI Searching techniques to solve a
CO2: Design knowledge base using FOPL and other
knowledge representation techniques.
CO3: Apply non monotonic reasoning techniques and
learning methods.
CO4: Design system to process any natural language
and for planning.
CO5: Develop rule based AI system using Prolog.

UNIT I: Overview & Search Techniques: (CO1)

Introduction to AI, Well Defined Problem representation and solving, State space search, Blind search:
Depth first search, Breadth first search, Informed search: Heuristic function, Hill climbing search, Best
first search, A* & AO* Search, Game tree, Evaluation function, Mini-Max search, Alpha-beta pruning.
[10 hrs]

UNIT-II Knowledge Representation (KR): (CO2)

Introduction to KR, Predicate logic, WFF, Inference rule & theorem proving, resolution; Propositional
knowledge, Structured KR: Semantic Net - slots, inheritance, Conceptual Dependency formalism and
other knowledge representation Frames, Script etc, [10 hrs]

UNIT-III Handling uncertainty & Learning: (CO3)

Source of uncertainty, Probabilistic inference, Bayes’ theorem, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy function, Fuzzy
measure, Non monotonic reasoning: Dependency directed backtracking, Truth maintenance systems.
Learning: Concept
of learning, Learning model, learning decision tree, Paradigms of machine learning, Supervised &
Unsupervised learning, Example of learning, learning by induction, Learning using Neural Networks.
[9 hrs]

UNIT-IVNatural Language Processing (NLP) & Planning: (CO4)

Overview of NLP tasks, Parsing, Machine translation, Components of Planning System, Planning
agent, State-Goal & Action Representation, Forward planning, backward chaining, Planning example:
partial-order planner, Goal Stack Planning, Block world. [10 hrs]

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Sixth Semester

UNIT-V Expert System & Prolog AI language: (CO5)

Need & Justification for expert systems- Expert System Architectures, knowledge acquisition, Rule
based systems, Forward reasoning: backward reasoning: Use of Back tracking, AI language: Prolog
syntax, List in Prolog, Programming with prolog, backtracking in prolog. [9 hrs]

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Artificial Intelligence Elaine Rich and Kevin Tata MeGraw Hill
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Dan W. Patterson Prentice Hall of India
and Expert Systems

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Artificial Intelligence Mrs. Neeta Deshpande Technical Publications

Logic And Prolog Programming Saroj Kaushik New Age International

Principles of Artificial Intelligence Nils J.Nilsson Narosa Publishing
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Peter Norvig and Stuart J. Prentice Hall
Approach Russell
Prolog Programming for Artificial Ivan Bratko Addison-Wesley

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester

Course Code 109602CS L=2 T=1 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Examination 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

To learn the basics of machine learning On successful completion of the course, the
methods and different kinds of Learning student will be able to:
techniques and get acquainted with the and CO1: Explain the basic concepts and scope of
model validation methods and ways to
Machine Learning.
measure their accuracy.
CO2: Identify the various classification techniques,
Dimensionality reduction technique, and their
performance evaluation methods
CO3: Demonstrate various clustering
CO4: Apply different evaluation methods.
CO5: Explain the concepts of Artificial Neural
Networks and Deep Learning.

UNIT-I: Introduction to Machine Learning (CO1)

Overview of Machine Learning: Definition and scope of Machine Learning, History and Evolution,
Machine Learning Categories: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement
Learning, Data Set Division: Train and Test and Validation set. [7 Hrs]

UNIT II: Supervised Learning (CO2)

Classification and Regression: K-Nearest neighbor, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression,
Dimensionality Reduction Technique: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant
analysis(LDA), Support Vector Machines. Over fitting, Under fitting. [8Hrs]

UNIT–III: Unsupervised learning (CO3)

Clustering Exploratory Data Analysis, Application of Cluster Analysis, Basic Clustering, Partitioned
Based Clustering- K-means, Hierarchical Clustering: Agglomerative-Divisive, Distance Measure,
DBSCAN, Density Based Clustering, Evaluation of Clustering methods. [7 Hrs]

UNIT–IV: Model Evaluation (CO4)

Evaluation Measures: SSE, RMSE, Validation Techniques, Need for Cross Validation, K-fold
validation, Validation and Test Dataset, Confusion Matrix – Recall, Precision, Accuracy, F- Score,
Learning Curves : ROC Measures. [7 Hrs]

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester

UNIT – V: Introduction to Neural Network and Deep Learning (CO5)

Perceptron algorithm – Multilayer perceptron back propagation nonlinear regression, Multiclass
discrimination, Training procedures, Deep Learning: Overview and importance over Machine
Learning. [7 Hrs]

Text Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Machine Learning Tom M Mitchell McGraw Hill
2. Introduction to Machine Learning Ethem Alpaydin MIT Press
Machine Learning –
3 Stephan Marsland Chapman and Hall
An Algorithmic Perspective

Reference Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher

1. Introduction to Machine Learning Nils Nilsson MIT Press

Jude Shavil, Thomas Morgan Kaufmann

2. Readings in Machine Learning
G Dietterich Publishers
Pattern Recognition and Machine
3. C. Bishop Springer
Understanding Machine Learning: Shai Shalev-Shwartz,
4. Cambridge University Press
From Theory to Algorithms Shai Ben-David

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Common to All Branches) Sixth Semester

Course Code 100603HM L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The course intends to effectively train and On successful completion of the course, the
prepare students to join workforce and student will be able to:
function constructively. It aims to teach basic CO1: Demonstrate a better understanding about the
strategies of cracking GD’s to demonstrate importance of communication especially professional
their team working abilities so that they can communication and clearly follow the procedure and
emerge as leaders in achieving organizational etiquettes involved in it.
goals CO2: Employ positive messages both verbally and
non-verbally in order to function constructively at
work place.
CO3: Draft impressive CV and Resume aimed to
grasp the attention of employers.
CO4: Exhibit team work and other employability skills
by performing effectively in Group Discussion and
Personal Interview.
CO5: Demonstrate better life skills which eventually
support healthy work culture.

UNIT – I Introduction CO1

· Employment Communication: Introduction
· Introduction to Communication: What is communication; Importance of Communication,
Functions of Communication
· Communication Skills at work place: Basic purpose of communication at workplace,
Employability skills; Planning and Inventing Strategies; Strategies for teamwork and
workplace communication
· Inter-cultural Communication: Preparing to communicate across cultures, Demographic
diversity, Reducing strangeness of strangers; Technology and inter-cultural
communication. [8Hrs]

UNIT – II Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication CO2

· Verbal Communication: Language and meaning; How language works; Patterns of
miscommunication; Developing Language Skills
· Non-Verbal Communication: Communicating without words; characteristics and functions
of non-verbal communication, cultural diversities
· Body Language: Dress up, Posture, Gesture, Facial Expression, Eye contact, Voice
· Listening Skills: Types of Listening; Components and Essentials of Active Listening;
Decoding and its deterrents; Role of Critical Thinking; Feedback. [8Hrs]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Common to All Branches) Sixth Semester

UNIT – III Employment Process I CO3

· Introduction to Employment Process: Searching for employment and writing employment
messages; Strategies in job search process. Identifying appropriate job
· CV writing: Writing Cover letters, Types of cover letters, Cultural considerations
· Resume Writing: Paper Resume and Scannable Resume, Resume Components,
Common Resume Problems. [7Hrs]

UNIT – IV Employment Process II CO4

· Group Discussion: Definition, Qualities looked for in GD, Types of GD; Strategies and
Techniques to initiate and perform effectively; Body Language; Do’s and Don’ts
· Interviewing for Employment: Preparing for Personal Interview; Assessing Interview
anxiety; Guidelines to improve effectiveness in Interviews
· Taking Questions during Personal Interview: Types of Questions; Effective Listening;
Preparedness to answer strategically; Responsibilities in an Interview; Behavioral
Planning and Pattern; Handling negative or illegal questions; Video and Telephonic
Interviews. [7Hrs]

UNIT – V Life Skill CO5

· Life/Social Skill: Meditation, Spirituality, How to meditate. [6Hrs]

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Strategies for Engineering Susan Stevenson & Steve
1. Willey India Pvt Ltd.
Communication Whitmore
Group Discussion: Theory &
2. Harnack, Fest and Jones Prentice Hall
3. The Art of Winning at Interviews Nagasudha Ravinuthala ICFAI University Press

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
The Achievement Group
1. Secrets of Power Presentations Peter Urs Bender
The Skills of Interviewing:
2. Leslie Rae Nichols Pub Co
A guide for Managers & Trainers
Captivate, Motivate, Inspire & How to Books
3. Presenting with Power

Course on Employment

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester

Course Code 109621CS L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of the course is On successful completion of the course, the student will be
aimed to Provide knowledge, able to:
insight into methods and tools CO1: Explain basic terms in the area of Data Exploration and
for Preparation and Transformation according to their purpose,
Visualization of the data CO2: Apply different methods of data collection,
generated by modern management and cleaning methods for data science
information systems. CO3: Apply various types of data in different data processing
methods, and define scope and use of different types of data
handling and segmentation.
CO4: Analyze the importance of exploratory data analysis before
embarking on sophisticated model building.
CO5: Create different visualization dashboard for extracting and
grouping data in different visualization tool. Understand the key
concepts in data science, including their real-world applications
and the toolkit used by data scientists

Introduction: Objectives, Types of data, Data Science Process (DSP), Data Science Project’s
Lifecycle, Popular Toolkits, Applications, Python: Basic Programming Concept, Pandas and
Matplotlib Data Exploration through Summary Statistics and Plots, Data formats. (8Hrs)

Data collection and Cleaning: Introduction, Sources of data, Data collection and A PIs, Data
Cleaning, Consistency checking, Handling Missing Values, Heterogeneous data, Pandas for Data
Manipulation. (7Hrs)


Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering NumPy for Numerical Data Processing, Data
Imputation, Data Transformation and segmentation. Data wrangling and tools for Data wrangling,
Feature Selection, Feature Transformation, Dimensionality Reduction. (7Hrs)

Data analysis: Introduction to statistics used in data science, Central tendencies and distributions,
Variance, Distribution properties and arithmetic, Basic machine learning algorithms: Linear
regression, Logistic Regression, SVM, Naïve Bayes. (7Hrs)

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

AY 2023-24 Onwards
Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester

Data Visualization: Introduction, Types of data visualization, Data for visualization: Data types
,Data encodings, Retinal variables, Mapping variables to encodings, Visual encodings.
Interactivity and visualization using Visualization Tools – Matplotlib, Tableau etc. Applications:
Recent trends in various data collection and analysis techniques, various application development
methods used in data science. (7Hrs)

Text Books:

S.No. Title Author(s) Publisher

Doing Data Science, Straight Talk Cathy O’Neil and

Rachel Schutt O’Reilly
1. from the Frontline

Jure Leskovek , Anand Cambridge University

2. Rajaraman & Jeffrey
Mining of Massive Datasets Ullman Press

Reference Books:

S.No. Title Author(s) Publisher

1. Practical Statistics for Data Peter Bruce,Andrew O’Reilly

Scientists Bruce, Peter Gedeck
2. Data Science From Scratch: JoelGrus O’Reilly
First Principles with Python
3. Data Science for Business Foster Provost O’Reilly

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

AY 2023-24 Onwards
Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester
Course Code 109622CS L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of the course is aimed to explore the On successful completion of the course,
concepts of Predictive Analytics using various the student will be able to:
predictive modeling. Also to explore data preparation CO1: Analyze the data and its obstacles along
and handling methods. with different learning methods.
CO2: Apply knowledge of predictive models
using statistical and data mining techniques.
CO3: Demonstrate the statistical data analysis
and modeling.
CO4: Design predictive models using statistical
and data mining techniques.
CO5: Prepare multidimensional features of
data analysis.

UNIT – I (CO1)
Overview of Predictive Analytics: Predictive Analytics, Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning,
Parametric vs. Non-Parametric Models, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics vs Business
Intelligence, Predictive Analytics vs. Statistics, Statistics and Analytics, Predictive Analytics vs. Data
Mining Challenges in Using Predictive Analytics, Obstacles in Management, obstacles with Data,
Obstacles with Modeling, Obstacles in Deployment.

Setting Up the Problem: Predictive Analytics Processing Steps: CRISP-DM, Business Understanding,
The Three-Legged Stool, Business Objectives, Defining Data for Predictive Modeling Defining the
Columns as Measures, Defining the Unit of Analysis, Defining the Target Variable, Temporal
Considerations for Target Variable, Defining Measures of Success for Predictive Models, Success
Criteria for Classification, Success Criteria for Estimation.


Data Understanding: Single Variable Summaries, Mean, Standard Deviation, The Normal Distribution,
Uniform Distribution, Applying Simple Statistics in Data Understanding, Skewness, Kurtosis, Rank-
Ordered Statistics, Categorical Variable Assessment, Data Visualization in One Dimension, Histograms,
Multiple Variable Summaries. [7Hrs]

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester

Predictive Modeling: Decision Trees, The Decision Tree Landscape, Building Decision Trees, Decision
Tree Splitting Metrics, Decision Tree Knobs and Options, Reweighting Records: Priors, Logistic
Regression, Interpreting Logistic Regression Models, Assessing Predictive Models. [7Hrs]

UNIT – V (CO5)
Data Preparation: Variable Cleaning, Incorrect Values, Consistency in Data Formats, Outliers,
Multidimensional Outliers, Missing Values, Fixing Missing Data, Feature Creation, Simple Variable
Transformations, Fixing Skew, Binning Continuous Variables, Numeric Variable Scaling, Nominal
Variable Transformation, Ordinal Variable Transformations, Date and Time Variable Features, ZIP Code

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Applied Predictive Analytics Principle and
1. Dean Abbot Wiley publication
Techniques for the professional data analyst
Daniel T. Larose and
2. Data Mining and Predictive Analytics Wiley publication
Chantal D.Larose

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Predictive Analytics Eric Siegel Wiley publication
Anasse Bari,
2. Predictive Analytics for Dummies Mohamed Chaouchi
Jon Wiley & son

3. Social Media Analytics Gohar F. Khan Kindle

Jiawei Han and Morgan Kaufmann
4. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques
Micheline Kamber Publishers.
Adelchi Azzalini,
5. Data Analysis and Datamining Oxford University
Bruno Scapa

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Sixth Semester

Course Code 102623CS L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 2 Minimum assignments = 2

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

Course objective is to make student learn the On successful completion of the course, the
basics of Soft Computing. He /she will know student will be able to:
the components of Fuzzy Logic, Rough Sets CO1: Explain the basic concepts of Soft Computing.
and Artificial Neural Networks. He /she will CO2: Demonstrate the use of Fuzzy Logic and
learn the practical applications of Soft Inference.
Computing Techniques. CO3: Demonstrate the use of Rought Sets.
CO4: Show the use of Artificial Neural Networks.
CO5:Show the use of Elementary Search

Introduction to Soft Computing, Fuzzy Systems, Rough Sets, Artificial Neural Networks, Search
Strategies.FUZZY SETS: Crisp Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Membership Functions, Operations on
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzy Extension Principle. [8Hrs]


FUZZY LOGIC: Fuzzy Logic Basics, Fuzzy Rules, Fuzzy Reasoning.FUZZY INFERENCE
SYSTEMS: Fuzzification of the Input Variables, Application of Fuzzy Operators on the Antecedent
Parts of the Rules, Evaluation of the Fuzzy Rules, Aggregation of Output Fuzzy Sets Across the
Rules, Defuzzification of the Resultant Aggregate Fuzzy Set, Fuzzy Controllers. [7Hrs]


ROUGH SETS: Information Systems and Decision Systems, Indiscernibility, Set Approximations,
Properties of Rough Sets, Rough Membership, Reducts. [7Hrs]


ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS: Computation in Terms of Patterns, The McCulloch–Pitts
Neural Model, The Perceptron, Neural Network Architectures, Activation Functions, Learning by
Neural Nets.PATTERN CLASSIFIERS: Hebb Nets, Perceptron, ADALINE, MADALINE. [7Hrs]

ELEMENTARY SEARCH TECHNIQUES: State Spaces, State Space Search, Exhaustive Search,
Heuristic Search.Basics of Genetic Algorithms. [7Hrs]

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Sixth Semester

Text Books:
S. Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Introduction To Soft Computing Samir Roy, Pearson
Udit Chakraborty
2. Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, And Genetic S. Rajasekaran and PHI
Algorithms: Synthesis and Applications G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai

Reference Books:
S. Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Fusion of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Lakhmi C. Jain; CRC Press
Genetic Algorithms: Industrial Applications N.M. Martin
2. Applied soft computing : techniques and Samarjeet Borah, Apple Academic Press
applications Ranjit Panigrahi Inc (CRC Press)

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester


Course Code 109624CS L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Examination 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

This course aims to develop an understanding of On successful completion of the course, the
the concepts in data mining, to understand and student will be able to:
evaluate popular data mining techniques and CO1: Identify the types of the data to be mined and
software packages, to be able to identify promising present a general classification of tasks and
applications of data mining and to be able to primitives to integrate a data mining system.
design/implement new data mining algorithms. CO2: Apply preprocessing methods for any given raw
CO3: Extract interesting patterns from large amounts
of data.
CO4: Discover the role played by data mining in
various fields.
CO5: Choose and employ suitable data mining
algorithms to build analytical applications.

Data warehouse: Introduction to Data warehouse, Difference between operational database
s,Extraction-Transformation-Loading,Logical(Multi-Dimensional),DataModeling,Schema Design, Star and
Snow-Flake Schema, Fact Constellation, Fact Table, Dimension Table Characteristics; OLAP Cube, OLAP
Operations, OLAP Server Architecture-ROLAP, MOLAP and HOLAP. [8Hrs]

Introduction: Fundamentals of data mining, Data Mining Functionalities, Classification of Data Mining
systems, Data Mining Task Primitives, Integration of a Data Mining System with a Database or Data
Warehouse System, Major issues in Data Mining. Data Preprocessing: Need for Preprocessing the Data,
Data Cleaning, Data Integration &Transformation, Data Reduction, Discretization and Concept Hierarchy
Generation. [7Hrs]

Classification: Problem Definition, General Approaches to solving a classification problem, Classification
techniques, Decision Trees-Decision tree Construction, Methods for Expressing attribute test conditions,
Measures for Selecting the Best Split, Algorithm for Decision tree Induction ;Naive-Bayes Classifier.
Prediction: Accuracy and Error measures, Evaluating the accuracy of classifier or a predictor. [7 Hrs]

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester

Association Rules: Problem Definition, Frequent Item Set Generation, The APRIORI Principle, Support
and Confidence Measures, Association Rule Generation; APRIOIRI Algorithm, The Partition Algorithms,
FP-Growth Algorithms, Compact Representation of Frequent Item Set-Maxima L frequent Item Set, Closed
Frequent Item Set. [7Hrs]


Clustering: Clustering Overview, A Categorization of Major Clustering Methods,, Partitioning Clustering-K-

Means Algorithm, PAM Algorithm; Hierarchical Clustering-Agglomerative Methods and divisive methods,
Outlier Detection. Advanced Concepts: Web Mining: Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web
Usage mining, Spatial mining, Temporal mining, Multimedia Data mining, Text Mining. [7Hrs]

Text Books:

Title Author(s) Publisher
Data Mining – Concepts Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber
1. Elsevier
and Techniques
Data Mining Introductory
2. Margaret H Dunham PEA.
and Advanced topics
Psng Ning Tan, Vipin Kumar,
3. Introduction to Data Mining Pearson Educator
Michael Steinbanch

Reference Books:

No. Title Author(s) Publisher

1. Data Mining Techniques Arun K Pujari Universities Press

2. Data Mining Vikaram Pudi, P Radha Krishna Oxford University

3. Data Warehousing Fundamentals Paulraj Ponniah John Willey

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester


Course Code 109625CS L =3 T=0 P =0 Credits= 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of a data Privacy and Security On successful completion of the course, the
course is to provide students with the student will be able to:
knowledge and skills to protect personal and CO1: Compliance and Regulatory Knowledge:
sensitive information, identify and mitigate Students will gain an understanding of data
risks, ensure compliance with regulations, and protection regulations and compliance requirements.
make informed decisions to safe guard data
privacy and security. CO2: Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Students will
be able to identify and assess potential risks to data
privacy and security.
CO3: Secure System Design: Students will be able
to apply access controls, encryption, and other
security measures to protect data at rest and in
CO4: Incident Response and Recovery: Students
will learn how to detect and respond to security
breaches, minimize potential damage, and restore
systems and data integrity.
CO5: Ethical Decision-Making: Students will develop
an ethical framework for making informed decisions
regarding data privacy and security.

UNIT–I: Introduction to Data Privacy and Security (CO1)

Overview of data privacy and security concepts Importance of data protection in the digital age, Legal
and ethical considerations. Data Protection Regulations - Introduction to major data protection
regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) [8Hrs]

UNIT – II: Threats to Data Privacy and Security (CO2)

Common types of security threats (e.g., hacking, malware, and social engineering) Vulnerabilities in
computer systems and networks, Risks associated with data breaches and identity theft. Data Privacy
and Security Policies - Designing and implementing privacy policies. [7Hrs]

July2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman(AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Sixth Semester

UNIT – III: Data Encryption and Cryptography (CO3)

Fundamentals of encryption and decryption. Symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms, Public
key infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates Secure protocols (e.g., SSL/TLS) and secure sockets,
Wireless network security considerations. [7Hrs]

UNIT – IV : Privacy and Security in Cloud Computing (CO4)

Cloud computing models (e.g., SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) Privacy and security risks in cloud environments
Cloud service provider selection and auditing Conducting privacy impact assessments (PIAs) Risk
management frameworks and methodologies. [7Hrs]

UNIT – V Internet of Things (IoT) and privacy concerns (CO5)

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in data privacy, Privacy considerations in block
chain and decentralized systems. Roles and responsibilities of data privacy professionals for auditing
and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. [7Hrs]

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Michael E. Whitman and
1. Principles of Information Security Cengage Learning
Herbert J. Mattord
Information Security: The Complete
2. Reference Mark Rhodes-Ousley McGraw Hill

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher

1. Data Privacy: Principles and Practice William J.Buchanan Springer International

Cyber Security Understanding Cyber
Crimes, Computer Forensics and Legal Nina Godbole and Wiley
2. Sunit Belpure
James Graham, Richard
3. Cyber Security Essentials Howardand Ryan Otson CRC Press

July2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman(AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU, Bhilai)

B. Tech. (Sixth Semester)


(Open elective course : Open to all branches)
Course Code 100641CE L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

To know source of solid and On successful completion of the course, the student will
hazardous wastes. be able to:
To learn waste generation rates.
To understand municipal solid CO1: Describe the solid and hazardous wastes.
wastes collection system. CO2: Explain generation rates of solid and hazardous wastes.
To understand the labeling and CO3: Describe handling and segregation of waste at source.
handling of hazardous waste. CO4: Discuss various regulations about the management and
To learn solid waste disposal. handling of hazardous waste.
CO5: Monitor the solid waste disposal in landfills.


Sources of solid and hazardous wastes - Need for solid and hazardous waste management -
Legislations on management and handling of municipal solid wastes, hazardous wastes, and
biomedical wastes. [6 Hrs.]


Waste generation rates - Composition - Hazardous Characteristics - TCLP tests - waste sampling-
Source reduction of wastes - Recycling and reuse. [8 Hrs.]


Handling and segregation of wastes at source - storage and collection of municipal solid wastes -
Need for transfer and transport. [8 Hrs.]


Waste processing - processing technologies - biological and chemical conversion technologies –

Composting, thermal conversion technologies - energy recovery-incineration - solidification and
stabilization of hazardous wastes - treatment of biomedical wastes. [7 Hrs.]


Site selection - design and operation of sanitary landfills- secure landfills and landfill bioreactors -
leachate and landfill gas management. [7 Hrs.]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU, Bhilai)

B. Tech. (Sixth Semester)

Text Books:

Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Environmental Engineering-II B.C. Punmia and A.K. Jain Laxmi Publications,
2. Introduction to Environmental G.M. Masters Prentice Hall
Engineering and Science
3. Manual on Municipal Solid CPHEEO Central Public Health and
waste management Environmental Engineering
Organization, Government
of India

Reference Books:

Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Solid Waste Management C.L. ell John Wiley
2. How to dispose of toxic P.W. Powers Noyes Data Corporation
substances and industrial Waste
3. Integrated Solid Waste George Tchobanoglous, McGraw- Hill
Management Hilary Theisen and Samuel
A, Vigil

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.TECH. (SixthSemester)


(Open Elective Course : Open to all branches except CSE & IT)
Course Code 100642CS L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits =3
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 2 Minimum assignments = 2

Course Objective Course Outcomes

Study and analyze the concepts, features On successful completion of the course, the
student will be able to:
and utilities of various linear/non-linear data
CO1: Analyze the structure, usage and
structures on the parameters of time and complexities of operations on different linear data
space complexities. Develop the skills of
CO2: Employ non-linear data structures like Trees
employing the most efficient algorithm and and graphs for different application scenarios that
represent hierarchical and/or inter-connected
data structure for solving a given
computational problem. CO3: Apply the algorithms and design techniques
to solve problems related to divide and conquer
CO4: Employ greedy programming and dynamic
programming techniques for solving problems
CO5: Employ backtracking and Branch-and-
Bound techniques to solve problems

UNIT –I Linear Data Structures (CO1)

Algorithm, Efficiency of an Algorithm, Time and Space Complexity, Asymptotic notations, Time
and Space trade off, Abstract Data Types (ADT). Arrays, Linked lists: Singly Linked List, Doubly
List and circular linked list. Standard operations on a Linked List, Stacks and operations, Queue
and operations. [8 hours]

UNIT – IITrees and Graphs (CO2)

Trees, Binary Trees, Binary Search Tree, insertion and deletion, Pre-order, In-order, post-order
traversal Heaps, Graphs: Sequential and Linked Representation of Graphs, Adjacency matrices,
Adjacency lists, Depth First Search and Breadth First Search, Introduction to Hashing. [7 hours]

UNIT – III Divide and Conquer (CO3)

Divide and Conquer algorithm design – general idea, Recursion, Recurrence relations, solving
recurrence relations using tree method, Binary Search, Quick Sort and Merge Sort as example
cases. [7 hours]

UNIT – IV Greedy Programming and Dynamic Programming (CO4)

Greedy Programming Technique – general idea, Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning
Trees: Prims and Kruskal’s algorithm, Dynamic Programing – general idea, Memoization,
Warshal’s algorithm for All pairs of shortest path, Longest Common Subsequence problem.
. [7 hours]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.TECH. (SixthSemester)

UNIT – V Back Tracking and Branch-and-Bound techniques (CO5)

Backtracking – general idea, 4 queen’s problem, Graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycle, Branch and
Bound – general idea, 8/15 puzzle, 0/1 Knapsack problem. [7 hours]

Text Books:

Title Author(s) Publisher
Aaron M. Tenenbaum,
Data Structures Using C and
1. YedidyahLangsam and PHI
Moshe J. Augenstein
Fundamentals of Data
2. Horowitz and Sahani Galgotia Publication
3. Introduction to Algorithms Cormen, Lelserson, Rivert MIT Press / McGraw-Hill
Fundamentals of Computer Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni,
4. Galgotia Publications
Algorithm SanguthevarRajasekaran

Reference Books:

Title Author(s) Publisher
An Introduction to Data Jean Paul Trembley and
1. McGraw Hill
Structures with applications Paul G. Sorenson
Jon Kleinberg and
2. Algorithm Design Pearson
Algorithm Design:
Michael T Goodrich and
3. Foundations, Analysis, and Wiley
Roberto Tamassia
Internet Examples

4. NPTEL Link

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.TECH. (Sixth Semester)


(Open Elective Course : Open to all branches except CSE & IT)
Course Code 100643CS L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted =02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objective Course Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, the

Know the architecture and features of unix
student will be able to:
operating system and be able to use various CO1:Demonstrate understanding of Unix
Architecture, File system and use of basic
commands of Unix. Develop shell scripts to
perform more complex tasks. To CO2: Use advanced commands of Unix OS.
CO3: Familiarize with basic of Unix shell
familiarize with the concepts, design, and
structure of the UNIX operating system and CO4:Demonstrate understanding of basic
operating system fundamentals
System calls.
CO5: Categorize, compare and make use of Unix
System Calls

UNIT –I Introduction to Unix: CO1

Architecture of Unix, Features of Unix, Unix file system (Boot Block, Super Block, Inode Block,
Data Block), hierarchical structure of Unix File system, Unix Basic Commands –man, echo,
passwd, who, date, pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir, ls, cp, mv, ln rm cat, more, wc, working with text
editor, chmode, unmask, ulimit, ps, Instllation of Unix OS. [8 hours]

UNIT – II Filters: CO2

tail, head, sort, nl, uniq, grep, egrep, fgrep, cut, paste, join, tee, comm, cmp, diff, tr, cpio. grep,
egrep, fgrep, sed, awk : Execution, Fields and Records, Scripts, Operations, Patterns, Actions,
Associative Arrays, String Functions, Mathematical Functions. [7 hours]

UNIT – III Shell Programming: CO3

Ordinary and environment variables. read commands. Command line arguments. Set and Unset
a variable. Using expr, control statements: if, while, until, for and case control statements.
Simple shell program examples. [7 hours]

UNIT – IV: The buffer cache: CO4

buffer header, structure of the buffer pool, Internal representation of files: inodes, Structure of
Regular File, Directories, Conversions of a Path name to an INODE, Super Block, INODE
assignment to a New File. [7 hours]

UNIT – V System Calls: CO5

File Manipulation - open(), read(), write(), close(), Process states and transitions, Process
Control- fork, vfork, exit, wait, Communication - chmod(), umask(), chown() [7 hours]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.TECH. (Sixth Semester)

Text Books:

S.No. Title Author(s) Publisher

Advanced UNIX: BPB Publications, New

1. S. Prata
A Programming's Guide Delhi.
Design of UNIX Operating
2. M.J. Bach Prentice Hall of India.
Your Unix the ultimate
3. guide Sumitabha Das TMH. Edition.

Reference Books:

Title Author(s) Publisher
Unix shell programming
1. Y.Kanetkar BPB Pub
Behrouz A. Forouzan,
Unix and shell
2. Richard F. Gilberg Thomson Asia
3. NPTEL Link

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)

Renewable Energy Engineering

(Open Elective Course : Open to all branches except EE)
Course Code 100644TE L =3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

To describe in brief renewable energy On successful completion of the course, the

sources and their usage. student will be able to:
To create awareness among budding CO1: Discuss different sources of renewable energy
and it’s fundamentals.
engineers regarding common renewable
energy sources as finiteness of fossil fuel CO2: Explain solar energy and its utilization using
reserves and large scale environmental different collectors and implementation in solar plant.
degradation caused by their widespread use,
CO3: Describe the concepts involved in wind energy
particularly global warming, urban air
systems, its components, types and performance.
pollution and acid rain, strongly suggests
that harnessing of non-conventional, CO4: Discuss concepts involved in Bio-mass energy
renewable and environment friendly energy and conversion technology using different plants.
resources is vital for steering the global
CO5: Explain principles of thermo electric power and
energy supplies towards a sustainable path. Fuel cells using hydrogen energy.

Introduction: Overview of various renewable energy sources, limitations of non-renewable
energy sources, Need, availability, classification, advantages & disadvantages of different
renewable sources. Energy storage, distribution and conservation. [7Hrs]
Solar Energy Fundamentals: Solar Cells; Theory of Solar Cells, Materials, Solar Thermal
Energy: Solar collectors and its types, Applications of solar collectors, storage, Solar Thermal
Power Plants, merits/demerits. [8Hrs]
Wind Energy Fundamentals: Basic Principles of Wind Energy conversion, Site Selection
criterion, Types of Rotors, Characteristics, performance & limitations of energy conversion
systems. [8Hrs]
Bio-Mass Energy Fundamentals– Conversion Technology, Classification of Plants,
Advantages & Disadvantages. [6 Hrs]
Thermo Electric Power – Basic Principles, Thermo Electric Materials, Performance &
Hydrogen Energy – Principles of conversion, Methods of H2 production.
Fuel cells: principle, types. [7Hrs]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)

Text Books:

Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Non-Conventional Energy Sources G.D. Rai Khanna Publishers.
McGraw Hill Education
2. Non-Conventional Energy Sources B.H. Khan
India Private Limited

Reference Books:

Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Solar Energy S.P. Sukhatme McGraw Hill Education
New Age International
2. Energy Conversion Systems Rakosh Das Begamudre

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards
Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. Sixth Semester

(Open Elective Course : Open to all branches)
Course Code 100645EE L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02
Course Objectives Course Outcomes
To familiarize the students about the On successful completion of the course, the
fundamentals of electric vehicles (EV), their student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the infrastructure of Electric Vehicles.
architecture, technologies and to discuss
CO2: Explain the Drive Cycle and various
energy storage with charging techniques. parameters of battery.
CO3: Estimate the SoH and SoC of EV battery.
CO4: Explain the Thermal, Mechanical as well as
Electric design of battery pack.
CO5: Evaluate the performance of Electric vehicle.

Introduction to Electric Vehicles: Overview of Electric Vehicles in India, E V Program in India,
Batteries, Charging and Swapping Infrastructure, Procurement of Lithium for batteries, EV
Subsystems, Forces acting on moving a vehicle, Aerodynamic drag, Rolling Resistance and Uphill
Resistance, Power and Torque for acceleration. [6Hrs]

Drive Cycle and EV Subsystem: Drive Cycle and Energy used per km, EV Subsystem: Design of
EV Drive Train, Introduction to Battery Parameters, Importance of Lithium Ion Battery, Batteries in
Future, Li-Ion Battery Cells. [9Hrs]


Battery Management System: State of Health(SoH) and State of Charge(SoC) estimation and Self
Discharge, Battery Pack Development, Computation of Effective cost of battery, Charging Batteries..
. [6Hrs]
Battery Pack Design: Fundamentals of Battery Pack Design, Mechanical Design, Thermal Design,
Electrical Design, BMS Design of Electric Vehicle, EV Motors and Controllers - Understanding Flow.
. [7Hrs]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. Sixth Semester

Performance Parameters and Chargers: Power and Efficiency, Torque Production, Speed and
Back EMF, Future Frontiers, EV Chargers- Slow and Fast, Public Chargers, Economics of Public
Chargers. [7Hrs]

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Electric & Hybrid Vehicles - Design
1. Iqbal Hussain CRC Press

2. Electric Vehicle Technology Explained James Larminie John Wiley & Sons.

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Modern electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell Ehsani, Mehrdad, Yimin CRC Press
vehicles: fundamentals, theory & design Gao, and Ali Emadi.

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)

IoT Applications
(Open Elective Course : Open to all branches except CSE & IT)
Course Code 100646ET L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

This course aims to provide On successful completion of the course, the student will be
knowledge of fundamentals of IoT able to:
with its architecture, protocols and CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the various concepts,
applications. It covers the terminologies and architecture of IoT systems.
development of Internet of Things CO2: Use sensors and actuators for interfacing with IoT.
(IoT) for sensing, actuating, CO3: Demonstrate an understanding of various applications of
processing & communication. IoT.
CO4: Apply various protocols & communication APIs for design
of IoT systems to connect IoT related technologies.
CO5: Analyze different network topologies & networking
with APIs for IoT.

INTRODUCTION TO IOT: Introduction, Definition and Characteristics of IoT, Things in IoT, IoT Stack,
Enabling Technologies, IoT Challenges, IoT Functional Blocks. [6Hrs]

IOT SENSORS NETWORKS: Sensor Interfacing, Working of IoT Sensors, Types of IoT Sensors &
Actuators, Microcontroller in IoT, Role of Embedded system in IoT. [7Hrs]


DOMAIN SPECIFIC IOT: Illustrated domains: Smart Cities, Environment, Energy, Agriculture, Health
and Lifestyle issues, Home Automation, Industry Application. [7Hrs]

DESIGN OF IOT: IoT Protocols, IoT Communication Models, IoT Communication APIs: REST
&WebSocket based (Introduction and Block diagram). [5Hrs]

IOT AND M2M: Block diagram of M2M, IoT Vs M2M, Simplified OSI model, Network Topologies,
Types of Internet Networking and Network APIs. [5Hrs]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Internet of Things A Hands-On- Vijay Madisetti, Orient Blackswan
Approach ArshdeepBahga Private Limited.

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Foundational Elements of an IOT
Joe Biron & Jonathan
1. Solution - The Edge, Cloud and Oreilly media inc.
Application Development
The Internet of Things (A Look at Real International Kindle
2. Lucas Darnell
World Use Cases and Concerns) paper white Edition.
The Internet & Its Protocol-A Morgan Kaufmann
3. Adrian Farrel
comparative Approach Publishers.
Internet of Things-Architecture and McGraw Hill Education
4. Raj Kamal
Design Principles (India) Private Limited.
S. Misra, Cambridge University
5. Introduction to IoT
A. Mukherjee, and A. Roy Press.
Introduction to Industrial Internet of S. Misra, C. Roy,
6. CRC Press.
Things and Industry 4.0. and A. Mukherjee

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech.(Sixth Semester)

Programming in PHP and MySQL

(Open Elective Course : Open to all branches except CSE & IT)
Course Code 100647IT L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of this course is to make On successful completion of the course, the
students aware about the concepts and student will be able to:
basics of web development using PHP. This CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts
syllabus also aims to understand the of PHP, variables and operators.
database using my SQL and helps students CO2: Demonstrate an understanding of arrays and
to develop user form. functions used in PHP
CO3: Work with files and directories
CO4: Create and manage sessions and cookie.
CO5: Implement web pages in order to store and
retrieve data using database like MySQL

Introduction to PHP: Evaluation of Php, XAMP/LAMP installation, Basic Syntax, echo function,
Defining variable and constant, PHP Data type, Operator and Expression. Making Decisions, Doing
Repetitive task with looping, Mixing Decisions and looping with Html. [7hrs]
Arrays and Functions: Anatomy of an Array, Creating index based and Associative array Accessing
array, Element Looping with Index based array, Looping with associative array using each() and
foreach(), Some useful Library function. PHP string functions. [7hrs]
Working with files and Directories: Working with file and Directories Understanding file& directory,
Opening and closing, a file, Coping, renaming and deleting a file, working with directories, Creating
and deleting folder, File Uploading & Downloading. GET and POST variables. Embedding PHP.
Sending Email. [8hrs]
Session and Cookie: Introduction to Session Control, Session Functionality What is a Cookie,
Setting Cookies with PHP. Using Cookies with Sessions, Deleting Cookies, Registering Session
variables, Destroying the variables and Session. MD5 encryption, Exception Handling. [8hrs]
Exception Handling, Database Connectivity with MySQL:
Understanding Exception and error, Try, catch, throw, Error tracking and debugging.
Introduction to RDBMS, Connection with MySql Database, Performing basic database operation(DML)
(Insert, Delete, Update, Select), Setting query parameter, Executing query-Join (Cross joins, Inner
joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)
User Regsitration, Login, password change. [10hrs]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology,Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech.(Sixth Semester)

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Learning PHP, MySQL & Robin Nixon O’Reilly, Shroff Publishers &
JavaScript with j Query, CSS & Distributers Private Limited
2. PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All-in- Richard Blum Wiley
One For Dummies

Video Reference:
PHP and MySQL, Spoken-Tutorial IIT Bombay,

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)

(Open Elective Course : Open to all branches)
Course Code 100648ME L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of this course is to impart On successful completion of the course, the
an understanding to mathematical tools student will be able to:
that are needed to solve optimization CO1: Formulate and solve real-world problems as
problems. linear programs for better decision-making.
CO2: Solve specialized linear programming models
like the transportation and assignment Models.
CO3: Model a dynamic system as a queuing model
and compute important performance measures.
CO4: Use CPM and PERT techniques, to plan,
schedule and control project activities.
CO5: Propose the best strategy using decision
making methods under game theory & apply concepts
of Simulation to optimize practical problems.

UNIT – I (CO1)
Introduction: Various stages of O.R., Fields of application, optimization and its classification.
General Linear Programming Problems- Introduction, maximization and minimization of function
with or without constraints, formulation of a linear programming problem, graphical method and
simplex method, Big M method, degeneracy, application of L.P.P. in Mechanical Engineering.[8Hrs]

The Transportation Problems: Mathematical formulation computational procedures, Modified
Distribution Method, Vogel’s Approximation Method, Solution of balanced and unbalanced
transportation problems and case of Degeneracy. [6Hrs]
The Assignment Problems: Mathematical formulation of assignment problems, solution of
assignment problems, traveling salesman problems, Aircrew Assignment problems. [6Hrs]


Waiting Line Theory: Basic queuing process, basic structure of queuing models, some commonly
known queuing situations, Kendall’s notation, solution to M/M/1:∞ /FCFS model. [5Hrs]

Network Analysis: CPM & PERT: Network Representation, Techniques for drawing network.
Project cost, Optimum project duration, project crashing and Time estimation in PERT. [5Hrs]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)

Game Theory: Introduction, two-person zero sum game, methods for solving two-person zero sum
game: when saddle point exists, when no saddle point exists, solution of 2xn and mx2 game-
Method of subgame, Graphical method. [3Hrs]

Simulation: Basic concept of simulation, application of simulation, Merits and Demerits of

simulation, Monte-Carlo simulation, simulation of Queuing system. [3hrs]

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Operation Research Hira & Gupta S.Chand & Co.

2. Operation Research N.D.Vohra TMH, New Delhi

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Operation Research S.D.Sharma S.Chand & Co.

2. Operation Research Hamdy.M. Taha TMH, New Delhi

3. Operation Research J K Sharma Macmillan

4. Operation Research A. P. Verma S. K. Kataria & Sons

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)

(Open Elective Course : Open to all branches)
Course Code 100649mg L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

1. The objective of this course is to On successful completion of the course, the
understand various concepts related to student will be able to:
financial management. CO1: Classify funding sources and demonstrate
knowledge of value of moneyovertime.
2. To study in detail various tools and CO2: Examine complexities associated with
techniques in the area of finance. financing decision.
CO3: Demonstrate understanding of the
3. To develop the analytical skills that would concept of budgeting and evaluate proposals.
facilitate financial decision making. CO4: Select and apply techniques in
management of working capital.
CO5: Interpret the profit distribution

UNIT – I Introduction to Financial Management CO1

Financial Management: Nature and Objectives, Profit maximization v/s Wealth maximization,
Finance Function, Time value of money - Discounting and Compounding Techniques, Long term
and Short-term sources of Finance, Introduction to Capital Market. [ 8 HRS]

UNIT – II Financing Decision CO2

Cost of Capital: Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Capital Structure: Factors, Approaches and Theories
Leverage: Operating and Financial Leverage: Impact, Trading on Equity [7 HRS]

UNIT – III Investment Decision CO3

Budget: Concept and Types, Budgetary Control, Capital Budgeting, Zero based Budgeting.
. [7 HRS]

UNIT – IV Working Capital Decision CO4

Management of Working Capital: Concept, Need, Factors and Estimation of Working Capital,
Inventory and Receivables Management, Management of Cash [7 HRS]

UNIT – V Dividend Decision CO5

Dividend Policy: Types, Factors Influencing Dividend Policy and Dividend Models. [7 HRS]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)

Text Books:

S. Title Author(s) Publisher

1. Financial Eugene F Brigham
Financial Management Mc Graw Hill
2. M Y Khan, P K Jain

Reference Books:

Title Author(s) Publisher
Financial Decision Making:
1. Concepts, Problems and John J. Hampton PHI
2. Financial Management and V. K. Bhalla Anmol Publications

3. Financial Management Tulsian & Tulsian S Chand

Essentials of Financial
4. Management I M Pandey Vikas Publishing House

5. Financial Management P. Chandra Mc Graw Hill

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)

(Open Elective Course : Open to all branches)
Course Code 100650CA L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits = 3
ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
100 20 30 150 3 Hours
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted = 02 Minimum assignments = 02

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

1. To understand basic concepts of python, On successful completion of the course, the

Conditions & branching, String operations. student will be able to:
CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of concepts of
2.To familiarize student with syntax and python, String operations.
implementation of Tuples and Dictionary. CO2: Implement program related to tuples and
3.To make students understand Objects CO3: Design program related to functions.
&Classes. CO4: Design good types of graphs in Python.
CO5: Demonstrate an understanding of the basic
4. To provide detailed knowledge Data concept of panda and NumPy.
Handling with Pandas.

Python basic, Data types, Typecasting, Data type conversions, String operations, Slicing, Stride, String
Methods. Python programming fundamentals-conditions & Branching. [8Hrs]

Tuple, Lists, Set, Dictionaries- Tuple indexing, Slicing, Nesting, List indexing, List functions-extend,
append, delete, split. List Aliasing, List Clone. Set –creating set, Set Operations. Dictionaries. [7Hrs]

Python Functions: Defining a function, Calling a function, Types of functions, Function Arguments,
Anonymous functions, Global and local variables, Organizing python codes using functions. [7Hrs]

Introduction to matplotlib. Plotting different types of graphs using Python. Image processing in Python.
Reading images in python. Some basic operations with images: Resizing, tilt, rotation. [7Hrs]

Data Handling with PandasCreation of a panda’s series from a dictionary of values and array Creation
of a panda’s series from a dictionary of values and array, Importing and exporting data between
pandas and CSV file, Basic concepts and use of NumPy. [7Hrs]

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Sixth Semester)


Title Author(s) Publisher
1. Python Programming Anurag Gupta,G P Biswas Mc Graw Hill

2. Complete Reference Python Martin C. Brown Mc Graw Hill

3. Python Programming for Michal Dawson Cengage Learning

absolute beginners


Title Author(s) Publisher
New Age International
1. Python for beginners Harsh Bhasin
Prof. Rahuk E. Borate
2. Python for beginners Dr. Sunil Khilari Shroff/X-Team
Prof. Rahul S Navale

January 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Sixth Semester


Course Code 102691CS L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits = 1
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 25 - 25 50 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

Course objective is to make student learn the On successful completion of the course, the
fundamental of AI prolog programming student will be able to:
concepts. To make student aware of CO1: represent production rules and knowledge
knowledge base, backtracking and using prolog.
classification techniques, better visualization CO2: control backtracking techniques.
and problem solving approaches. CO3: implement List in prolog and perform various
actions on list.
CO4: solve knowledge based well defined problem.
CO5: design neural network for classification.
List of Experiments
(At least Ten experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. Write a prolog program to find the rules for parent, child, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt,
ancestor given the facts about man, woman, father and wife only. (CO1)
2. Implementation of cut, fail predicate (CO2)

3. Write a prolog program to calculate factorial value. (CO2)

4. Write a program to show all the elements in a list. (CO3)
5. Write a program to find length of a list. (CO3)

6. Write a program to Display 1st element and last element in the list. (CO3)

7. Write a program to Merge two list. (CO3)

8. Write a program to delete an item from the list. (CO3)

9. Solve tower of Hanoi problem. (CO4)

10. Solve tower of Water Jug Problem / Missionary Cannibal Problem. (CO4)

11. Solve SEND + MORE = MONEY . (CO4)

12. Consider the following sentences:

1. John likes all kinds of food.
2. Apples are food.
3. Pizza is a food.
4. Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is a food.
5. Bill eats Peanuts and is still alive.
6. David eats everything Bill eats.
Prove that “John likes Peanuts”. (CO1)

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Sixth Semester

13. Consider the following sentences:

David only likes easy courses.
Science courses are hard.
All the courses in CSE department are easy.
DBMS is a CSE course.
What course would David like? Prove that David Like DBMS
Write a program given the knowledge base, (CO1)
If Town x is connected to Town y by highway z and bikes are allowed on z, you can get to y from x by
If Town x is connected to y by z then y is also connected to x by z.
If you can get to town q from p and also to town r from town q, you can get to town r from town p.
Town A is connected to Town B by Road 1.
Town B is connected to Town C by Road 2.
Town A is connected to Town C by Road 3.
Town D is connected to Town E by Road 4.
Town D is connected to Town B by Road 5.
Bikes are allowed on roads 3, 4, 5.
Bikes are only either allowed on Road 1 or on Road 2 every day.
Convert the following into wff’s, clausal form and deduce that `One can get to town B from town (CO1)
14. Design and Implement Neural network for classification. (CO5)
15. Develop an AI Based Application (CO5)

Text Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Prolog Programming for Artificial Ivan Bratko Addison-Wesley

2. Programming in PRLOG W.F. Clocksin & Mellish Narosa Publication House

Reference Books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
New Age International
1. Logic And Prolog Programming Saroj Kaushik

2. Introduction to Turbo Prolog Carl Townsend BPB, Publication.

3. Logic Programming with Prolog Max Bramer Springer

The Art of Prolog – Advanced Ehud Shapiro and Leon

4. MIT Press
Programming Techniques Sterling
The Art of Prolog – Advanced George F. Luger and
5. Addison-Wesley
Programming Techniques William A. Stubblefield

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Sixth Semester


Course Code 109692CS L=0 T=0 P= 2 Credits=1
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 25 - 25 50 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of the course is aimed to On successful completion of the course,
implement the basic concepts and techniques the student will be able to:
of Machine Learning along with real time CO1: Explain the basic concepts of
problem solving technique using various
Machine Learning techniques
CO2: I m p l e m e n t t h e concepts of Linear/
Polynomial Regression in Machine Learning
CO3: Implement and understand the concept
of Correlation and K Nearest Neighbor
CO4: Apply Data Analytics using Logistic
Regression, Support Vector Machine
CO5: Demonstrate understanding of the
concepts related to Artificial Neural Networks.

List of Experiments
Experiment to be performed
1. To implement Dataset Normalization for wine quality dataset. [CO1]
Data Source: - (

2. To implement Linear Regression for house price prediction. [CO2]

Data Source: -

3. To implement Polynomial Regression for employee salary prediction. [CO2]

Data Source: -

4. To implement K Nearest Neighbor classifier for diabetes classification. [CO3]

Data Source: -

July2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman(BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Sixth Semester

5. To implement the feature selection technique using Correlation Matrix. [CO3]

Data Source: -

6. To predict if a person would buy life insurance based on his age using Logistic
Regression [CO4]
Data Source: -

7. To implement Support Vector Machine for diabetes classification. [CO4]

Data Source: -

8. To study about K-Means Clustering for Deep Machine Learning. [CO4]

9. To study about (PCA) Principal Component Analysis for Deep Machine Learning [CO5]
10. Demonstrate the application of Artificial Neural Network using Python. [CO5]

Text Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher

Mastering Machine Learning with A Press

1. Manohar Swamynathan
Python in Six Steps
Python Machine Learning for
2. M. Usman Malik AI Publishing

Reference Books:
S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher

Introduction to Machine Learning Daniel Nedal &

1. Peters Morgan AI Sciences
with Python
Data Structures and Algorithms
2. Rance D. Necaise Wiley
Using Python

July2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman(BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2023-24 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Sixth Semester


Course Code 109693CS L=0 T=0 P= 2 Credits=1
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 25 - 25 50 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

This course introduces basic understanding of On successful completion of the course, the
UNIX OS, UNIX commands and File system. To student will be able to:
familiarize students with the Linux environment. CO1: Getting familiarization with linux
To make student learn fundamentals of scripting
Environment, Linux Installation and
on different types of shells. Emphases on making
student familiar with UNIX environment and Configuration.
issues related to it. CO2: Demonstrate the basic features of Linux
Environment and using Linux Commands.
CO3: Writing shell scripting.
CO4: Demonstrate understanding of Shell
variables, shell Arithmetic and Control Flow.
CO5: Demonstrate understanding of File Access
Permissions (FAP) and using various shells.

(At least Ten experiments are to be performed by each student)

1. Getting familairization with linux Enviornment - History of Unix, GNU Project, Linux Kernel
2. Linux Installation and Configuration - Popular Linux Distributions, Media Preperation tools
booting Linux from USB, Virtualization tools, Free Cloud Hosting, Familairizing with Linux
File system, Essential Linux Commands
3. Study the Features of Linux Enviornment - Basic Linux Commands: echo, who, date, pwd ,
cd, mkdir, rmdir, ls, cp, mv, rm, cat, more, wc, find, head, tail , sort, nl, uniq, grep, egrep,
fgrep, cut, paste, join, tee, comp, cmp, diff, tr. Funny Linux Commands
4. Getting Familiarization with..Linux Package management commands, Basic Administration
Commands, VI Editor basics : modes of vi, Cursor Movement Commands of Vi, Inserting
and deleting text, cut copy and paste
5. Shell Scripting..What is Shell Script, How to write Shell Script , First Shell script - Write a
script to print user information who are currently logged in
6. Basic Shell and C Program. Using if else statement check whether two numbers are equal
or not, Write a basic c program to print Hello world -using vi and gcc
7. Basic Shell Program.. Shell Script for performing mathematical operations, Shell Script for
Swapping values of two variables using temporary variable, Shell Script for Swapping
values of two variables without temporary variable, Shell Script for determining whether
number is even or odd, Task/Assignment

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY2023-24Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Sixth Semester

8. More on Shell.. User defined variables & shell Arithmetic, Control Flow (serial, selective &
Iterative): if-then-else-fi statement, case - in - esacstatemenst, Iterative Statement while - do
-done , for -do -done
9. File Access Permissions (FAP) - FAP Basics, Changing FAP with chmod, Modes - absolute
and Symbolic Mode, Octademical Representation
10. Different shells like sh, csh, ksh,tsh, bash and others

Laboratory Task – Shell Scripts:

1. Shell Script for performing basic mathematical operations

2. Shell Script for Swapping values of two numbers using temporary variables
3. Shell Script to swap two numbers without Temporary Variables
4. Shell Script for determining whether number is even or odd
5. Write a shell script to input marks of five subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics
and Computer. Calculate percentage and grade according to following logic: • Percentage
>= 90%: Grade A, • Percentage >= 80%: Grade B, • Percentage >= 70%: Grade C, •
Percentage >=60%. Grade D, • Percentage >= 40%: Grade E, • Percentage < 40%: Grade
6. Write a Shell script that accepts a filename, starting and ending line numbers as arguments
and displays all the lines between the given line numbers.
7. Write a shell script that delete all lines containing a specified word
8. Write a script for declaring and calling function
9. Write a shell script that demonstrate the use of passing and returning value from function
10. Write a script to create directory by checking the existence of directory and displaying
appropriate message
11. Write a script to create file by checking its existence and displaying appropriate message
12. Write script to delete file in interactive mode
13. Write a script to append file
14. Write a shell script to compare two string
15. Write a script to reverse the given string
16. Write a shell script to check whether inputted string is palindrome or not
17. Write script to read file name from command line and check if it has read and write
permission or not
18. Write a script to count the no of file present in current directory

NOTE: The laboratory experiments may be performed in with of the LINUX shell
environments: BOURNE Shell/ KORN Shell / CShell.

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY2023-24Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Sixth Semester

Text Books:

S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher

1. Advanced Unix a programmer's guide S. Prata BPB Publication

2. The Complete Reference Unix Rosen, Klee etc TMH

Reference Books:

S. No. Title Author(s) Publisher

1. Unix Shell Programming Yashavant Kanetkar BPB Publication

2. The Linux Programming Interface Michael Kerrisk O’Reilly

July 2023 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY2023-24Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) Sixth Semester

Course Code 102694CS L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits = 1
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme 50 - 25 75 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The objective of this course is to improve On successful completion of the course, the
student’s ability to analyze, design and student will be able to:
solve complex engineering problems CO1: Identify, discuss and justify the technical aspects
through pedagogies (Project Based of the chosen project with a comprehensive and
Learning)that support them in developing systematic approach.
these skills. The goal here is not to CO2: Reproduce, improve and refine technical aspects
passively absorb and reiterate information; of engineering projects applying appropriate techniques,
but rather to actively engage with the resources, and modern engineering and IT tools.
content, work through it with others, relate CO3: Work as an individual and as a member or leader
to it through an analysis, use modern tools in teams in development of technical projects.
and effectively solve problems with the CO4: Follow management principle and value health,
corresponding knowledge gained. safety and ethical practices during project.
CO5: Communicate and report effectively project
related activities and findings.

The Process Followed to Maintain the Quality of Student Projects are:

(a) Allotments of Projects

(b) Project Identification

(c) Continuous Monitoring

(d) Evaluation

(a) Allotment of Projects:

(i) Students form their team (max four students) and submit their areas in which they
would like to pursue their projects.

(ii) Through meeting and deliberations students are allotted guide depending on their
preference and maximum number of groups under a faculty is limited to three.

(b) Identification of projects:

Students are asked to formulate problem statement and state objectives of their
project in consultation with the project guide.

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) Sixth Semester

(c) Continuous Monitoring:

(i) Progress is continuously monitored by guide and instructions are given how to
proceed further during their project periods as per time table.

(ii) Students submit weekly progress report to the project in-charge after consultation with
their project guide.

(d) Evaluation:

(i) In order to evaluate projects two project seminars (assessment) are taken in which
student’s team present their project through presentations and demonstrate their work.

(ii) Students are assessed on the basis of their technical skill implementation, use of
modern tools, communication skill, team work, health, safety and ethical practices and
relevance of the project.

(iii) At the end of the semesters a report is submitted by the students and student’s
projects are finally evaluated by external examiner in end semester practical
examination based on demonstration by students.

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Common to All Branches) Sixth Semester


Course Code 100695HM L=0 T=0 P=0 Credits = -
Examination ESE CT TA Total ESE Duration
Scheme - - 25 25 -

Course Objectives Course Outcomes

The course aims to impart the ability to On successful completion of the course, the
understand, connect up and explain basics of student will be able to:
Indian traditional knowledge in modern CO1: Demonstrate awareness about philosophy of
scientific perspective. Indian culture and scriptures
CO2: Exhibit understanding about Indian perspective
of modern scientific world-view and basic principles
of Yoga and holistic health care.
CO3: Display understanding about the religion and
major philosophical traditions in India.
CO4: Exhibit acquisition of fine arts and technology
in India.
CO5: Demonstrate understanding about traditional
educational systems in India.

UNIT – I (CO1)
Introduction to Indian Ethos: Indian Culture; Civilization; Heritage; General characteristics and major
literature; Vedic visions and Upanishads

Modern Science and Indian Knowledge System: Development of Science and Technology in
ancient, medieval and modern India; Eminent Scientists; Yoga and Holistic health care


Religion and Philosophy: Religions practiced in India and understanding their philosophy;
Philosophical tradition in India.

Art & Technology: Fine arts & Linguistics; Economics & Mathematics; Architecture & Agriculture;
Astronomy & Astrology; Ayurveda, Metallurgy & Chemistry

UNIT – V (CO5)

Education System in India: Goals of traditional knowledge system; Gurukuls & Student-Teacher
relation; Renowned universities, Traditional knowledge & Intellectual Property

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

Seth Balkrishan Memorial
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai)
B.Tech. (Common to All Branches) Sixth Semester

Text Books:
S.No. Title Author(s) Publisher
Text and Interpretation:
1. Kapil Kapoor D K Printworld
The India Tradition
2. Modern Physics and Vedant Swami Jitatmanand Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

3. Essentials of Indian Philosophy M Hiriyanna Motilal Banarsidass

Reference Books:
S.No. Title Author(s) Publisher
Science of Consciousness
1. RN Jha Vidyanidhi Prakasham
Psychotherapy and Yoga Practices
Yoga-darshanam with Vyasa
2. GN Jha Vidyanidhi Prakasham
Founders of Sciences in Ancient
3. Satya Prakash Vijay Kumar Publisher

August 2022 1.00 Applicable for

Chairman (AC) Chairman (BoS) Date of Release Version AY 2022-23 Onwards

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