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Name: _______________________ Class: __________________ Date: _________________

StartUp1 Unit 4 Test


Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct answers.

(Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit04_Test_01)

____ 1. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit04_Test_02)

Why is Anna calling Tim?

Anna needs directions to _____.

a. the coffee shop c. the drugstore

b. the park d. the restaurant
____ 2. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit04_Test_03)

Where is the park?

a. on First Street c. next to the drugstore

b. on Bleeker Street d. across from the restaurant
____ 3. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit04_Test_04)

What directions does Tim give to Anna?

a. Turn right on Bleeker Street. c. Turn left on Bleeker Street.

b. Go straight to the park. d. Go right at the corner.


A. Listen to each sentence. Choose the word that has the sound / r/, as in her.

____ 4. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit04_Test_05)

Rob likes the number four.

a. Rob c. number
b. the d. four
____ 5. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit04_Test_06)

The meeting is tomorrow afternoon.

a. The c. tomorrow
b. meeting d. afternoon

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B. Listen. Choose the numbers you hear.

____ 6. (Audio Tracks: StartUp1_Unit04_Test_07)

a. 5th
b. 15th
c. 50th
____ 7. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit04_Test_08)

a. 9th
b. 19th
c. 90th

Choose the correct phrases to complete the conversation.

a. what time? d. on Monday.

b. how are you? e. ten o’clock.
c. when is the test? f. see you at 10:00.

8. A: Professor Salazar, ____________________

B: It’s ____________________
A: I’m sorry, but ____________________
B: At 10:00 A.M.
A: Oh, ok. Thanks.


A. Complete the sentences with When and the correct form of be.

9. ____________________ the two meetings?

10. ____________________ your birthday?

B. Complete the sentences with at, in, on, from, or to.

11. Let’s meet for lunch ____________________ noon.

12. They have a video call ____________________ September 3rd.

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C. Look at the pictures. Choose the correct imperatives.

____ 13. ____ 14.

_____ at the supermarket. _____ to the bridge.

a. Don’t turn right a. Go left
b. Don’t stop b. Walk
c. Don’t turn left c. Cross


A. Look at the planner. Complete the sentences.

15. Carol has a phone call with Japan on March 19th at ____________________ o’clock.

16. A: When’s Carol’s doctor’s appointment?

B: On ____________________.

17. A: When is Carol’s train home?

B: It’s at ____________________.

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B. Choose the phrase that matches the picture.

____ 18. ____ 19. ____ 20.

a. make a call a. have a meeting a. send a text

b. send a text b. talk on a break b. send an email
c. send an email c. meet for lunch c. make a call

C. Match the phrases with the pictures.

a. avenue d. a bridge
b. a street e. go straight
c. a traffic light f. a block

____ 21. ____ 22. ____ 23.


A. Choose the correct sentences to complete the conversation.

a. Sure. What time? c. It’s from October 25th to 26th.

b. That’s right. It’s next week. d. I’m sorry. I have a meeting.

24. A: When is the conference?

B: _____________________________________.
A: That’s really soon.
B: _____________________________________.

B. Choose the correct phrases to complete the conversation.

a. I’m free c. Are you free on

b. How about d. What time on

25. A: ____________________ on Monday?

B: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m traveling for work from Monday to Wednesday.
A: ____________________ on Thursday?
B: Yes, sounds great!

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Read the emails. Then choose the correct answer.

____ 26. What does Monica want to do with Sungjun and his family?

a. have a work meeting

b. have lunch at a pizza restaurant
c. go to a coffee shop
____ 27. What time does Sungjun want to meet Monica?

a. 11:00
b. 12:00
c. 12:30

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Write the correct punctuation in the sentences.

28. A: Hi Silvia, are you free to meet at 2 P.M. the library _____
B: Yeah, but how do I get to the library?

29. A: Go straight for two blocks _____ Walk to Second street and turn right. It’s on the corner.
B: Thanks. See you soon!

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StartUp1 Unit 4 Test
Answer Section

3 points each, except where noted

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. c, d, a (9 points)
9. When are the two meetings?
10. When is/When’s your birthday?
11. at
12. on
13. A
14. B
15. 3
16. Friday / Friday, March 20 / March 20
17. 5 P.M.
18. A
19. A
20. B
21. F
22. C
23. E
24. c, b (6 points)
25. c, b (6 points)
26. B
27. C
28. ?
29. .

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Name: _______________________ Class: __________________ Date: _________________

StartUp1 Unit 5 Test


Choose the phrases to complete the sentences.

(Audio track: StartUp1_Unit05_Test_01)

a. sunny and hot d. rainy, not very cold

b. partly cloudy e. snowy, cold, and windy
c. windy and cloudy f. dry and nice

1. It’s ____________________ in Santiago.

2. It’s ____________________ in Toronto.

3. It’s ____________________ in Shanghai


A. Choose the word that has each sound.

____ 4. (Audio tracks: StartUp1_Unit05_Test_02)

Choose the word that has the /o /sound, as in cold.

a. so c. south
b. socks d. oven
____ 5. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit05_Test_03)

Choose the word that has the / /sound, as in hot.

a. clothes c. some
b. top d. around

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B. Match the plural words with the correct groups.

6. (Audio track: StartUp1_Unit05_Test_04)

a. messages
b. pants

Group 1: Extra Syllable Group 2: No Extra Syllable

____________________ ____________________

7. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit05_Test_05)

a. dishes
b. seasons

Group 1: Extra Syllable Group 2: No Extra Syllable

____________________ ____________________


A. Choose the correct sentence to complete the conversation.

a. That’s right. c. This is a raincoat.

b. Oh, and the raincoat? d. $49.99?

8. A: How much is the coat?

B: It’s $49.99.
A: _____________________
B: Yes.
A: Thank you.

B. Choose the correct sentence to complete the conversation.

a. That’s right. c. How much are they?

b. I’m sorry. d. And the umbrella?
9. A: Excuse me. How much are the sunglasses?
B: These sunglasses are $37.00.
A: $37.00?
B: _____________________
A: Thanks, bye.

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Write the plural forms of the nouns.

10. a woman: ____________________

11. a dress: ____________________

12. a shirt: ____________________

13. a person: ____________________


A. Match the words to the correct pictures below.

a. scarf d. sunglasses
b. umbrella e. sweater
c. boots f. gloves

____ 14. ____ 15. ____ 16.

B. Match the words to the correct pictures below.

a. partly cloudy d. snowy

b. cloudy e. rainy
c. snowy f. sunny

____ 17. ____ 18. ____ 19.

C. Match the words to the correct pictures below.

a. fall d. dry
b. wet season e. spring
c. summer f. winter

____ 20. ____ 21. ____ 22.

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D. Match the words to the correct pictures below.

a. jacket d. T-shirt
b. skirt e. purse
c. backpack f. pants

____ 23. ____ 24. ____ 25.


A. Choose the correct sentences to complete the conversation.

a. How much is this, please? c. Oh, sorry. Yes?

b. And how much is the pen? d. Thank you very much.

26. A: Excuse me. Excuse me!

B: ____________________
A: ____________________
B: The pen? It’s $4.59.
A: Oh, ok. Thank you.

B. Look at the picture. Complete the conversation with the correct words.

a. backpack c. purse
b. jacket d. sweater
____ 27. A: He’s wearing an orange ____________________.
____ 28. B: She’s wearing a purple sweater and a black ____________________.

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Scan the emails. Choose the correct answer.

____ 29. In Colorado in December you need ____________________.

a. sandals
b. shorts
c. boots
____ 30. ____________________ is warm in December.
a. Denver
b. Santiago
c. Colorado


Rewrite the sentences. Use correct capital letters.

31. In alaska it’s cool in august. You need a jacket at night.


32. Do i need a raincoat or an umbrella in the wet season in peru? Yes, the weather in july is rainy.

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StartUp1 Unit 5 Test
Answer Section

3 points each, except where noted

1. a.
2. e.
3. d.
4. A
5. B
6. Group 1: Extra Syllable _a.__messages___
Group 2: No Extra Syllable _b.____pants____
7. Group 1: Extra Syllable ___a. dishes______
Group 2: No Extra Syllable ____b. seasons_____
8. D
9. A
10. women
11. dresses
12. shirts
13. people
14. B
15. C
16. F
17. E
18. D
19. B
20. A
21. E
22. B
23. C
24. D
25. B
26. c, a (6 points)
27. D
28. C
29. C
30. B
31. In Alaska it’s cool in August. You need a jacket at night.
32. Do I need a raincoat or an umbrella in the wet season in Peru? Yes, the weather in July is rainy.

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Name: _______________________ Class: __________________ Date: _________________

StartUp1 Unit 6 Test


A. Listen. Choose two sentences in each conversation that have the weak pronunciation of do.

____ 1. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit06_Test_01)

a. A: What do you sing?

b. B: I sing pop music. Do you?
c. A: Yes, I do.
____ 2. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit06_Test_02)

a. A: I do yoga.
b. B: Who do you go with?
c. B: Where do you go?

B. Listen. Complete the sentence with the word you hear.

3. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit06_Test_03)

What do you do ____________________ fun?

4. (Audio Track: StartUp1_Unit06_Test_04)

I like ____________________ watch TV.


A. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verb in parenthesis.

5. Stefania and Laura ____________________ martial arts. (like)

6. Brian ____________________ to play basketball. (not, like)

7. Molly ____________________ to watch TV. (love)

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

____ 8. A: Does she swim?

B: Yes, she _____.

a. do
b. does
c. doesn’t

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____ 9. A: _____ you sing well?
B: No, I don’t.

a. Does
b. Do not
c. Do
____ 10. A: _____ they hike a lot?
B: Yes, they do. Every Sunday.

a. Does
b. Do not
c. Do

C. Put the words in the correct order. Rewrite the sentences.

11. run | she | Where | ? | does


12. ? | you | listen to music | do | When


13. after school | do | do| What | you



A. Choose the phrase that matches the picture.

a. pop d. jazz
b. dance music e. R&B
c. hip-hop f. country

____ 14. ____ 15. ____ 16.

B. Choose the phrase that matches the picture.

a. write d. paint
b. play soccer e. play the piano
c. dance f. take pictures

____ 17. ____ 18. ____ 19.

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C. Choose the phrase that matches the picture.

a. read d. go to the movies

b. exercise e. listen to music
c. play video games f. run

____ 20. ____ 21. ____ 22.


A. Choose the correct answer to complete the conversation.

a. Me, too. c. What kind of music do you listen to?

b. How about you? d. I don’t know.

____ 23. Bridget: Who’s your favorite artist?

Josiah: I really like Sting. _____
Bridget: I like Madonna.

B. Choose the correct answer to complete the conversation.

a. Who’s your favorite artist? c. What kind of music do you listen to?
b. Do you like pop? d. I don’t like dance music.
____ 24. Elijah: _____
Lisa: I like pop.
Elija: Me, too! I love it!

C. Choose the correct response to complete the conversation.

a. I like to paint. c. Thank you.

b. Yes, I do, too. d. Basketball.

____ 25. A: Do you play a sport?

B: Yes, I do.
A: What do you play?
B: _____

D. Choose the correct response to complete the conversation.

a. I play the guitar. c. How about your sister?
b. Yes, I love board games! d. Thanks, it’s on my list.
____ 26. A: Does your sister play an instrument?
B: No, she doesn’t. Do you?
A: _____

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E. Choose the correct sentences to complete the conversation.

a. In the morning. d. I go to the gym.

b. It’s on my list. e. I don’t play soccer.
c. In the city pool. f. I love to swim.

27. A: What do you do on the weekend?

B: ______________________________ How about you?
A: ______________________________
B: Oh, really? And when do you like to swim?
A: ______________________________


Read. Choose the correct answer.

____ 28. Both Pamela and Bob _____.

a. play an instrument
b. dance hip-hop
c. live in Anchorage
____ 29. _____ live(s) in Anchorage.

a. Both Pamela and Bob

b. Pamela
c. Bob

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Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

30. The meeting is on Monday, __2018 | 5 | November | ,______________________

31. The test is in the afternoon of __, | 27 | June | 2019________________________.

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StartUp1 Unit 6 Test
Answer Section

3 points each, except where noted

1. A, B
2. B, C
3. for
4. to
5. like
6. does not / doesn’t like
7. loves
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. Where does she run?
12. When do you listen to music?
13. What do you do after school?
14. B
15. A
16. E
17. D
18. C
19. F
20. F
21. B
22. D
23. B
24. C
25. D
26. A
27. d, f, a (9 points)
28. A
29. B
30. The meeting is on Monday, November 5, 2018.
31. The test is in the afternoon of June 27, 2019.

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