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"ANNEXURE D- WAGE REGISTER CUM MUSTER ROLL INDEX Si] Name ofthe Act | Enforcement | Registers to Maintain by Page No No ‘Agency Employer from [To 4 [The Mines Act, /DGMS Register of leave with wages 1952 and rules in 1955 (1) Form G 4 (2)Form H (R 53) 2 (3) Overtime register in form I | 3 (R59) 2 |The Building and | CLC(C)/St (4) Wages Register in form | 4 5 ‘other Construction | Ate XVII, [R241(1)(a)] Workers” (Regulation of @ Register of deductions for | 6 Employment and damage or loss in from XIX, Conditions of [R241(1)(b)] Service) Act, 1996 (6) Register of Fines in form | 7 and Central Rules, XX, [R241(1)(a)] 1998 (7) Register of advances in|’ form XXI, [R241(1)(b)] (8)_Register_of overtime in | 9 from XXil, [R241(1)(c)] © Issue of Wage books in | 10 XXII, [R241(2)(a)] 3 | The Contract (id) Register of Wages in| 11 Labour form XVII, [R78(1)(a)(i)] (Regulation & | CLC(Cy/St (11) Register of Deductions | 12 Abolition) Act, | ate for damage or loss in form 1970 and Central XX, [R78(1)(a)(i)] Rules 1971 (12) Register of fines in form | 13 XX1, [R78(1)(a)()] (13) Register of advances in | 14 form Xxil, [R78(1)(a)(i)] (14) Register of overtime in | 15 form XXIII, [R78(1)(a)ii)] (15) Wage slip in form XIX, | 16 [R78(1)(6)] 4 |The Equal | CLC(CVState | (76) Registers in form "D'| 17 Remuneration Act, (R6) 1976 S| the Inter-State | CLC(C)'State | (17) Register of Wages in| 18 | 19 Migrant Workmen form XVIII [R52(2)(a)] Cement Po (1a) Register of Deductions [20 [21 Conditions. of for Damage or Loss in form Service Act, 1979 XIX [R5220)] ‘and Central rules (19) Register of fines in form | 22 1980 XX [R52(2)(6)] (20) Register of overtime in | 23 form XXil [R52(2)(d (21) Register of Advances in | 24 \ form XXI [R52(2)(6)] The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and Central rules 1950 CLC(c)state form X [R-26(1)] (22) Register of Wages in| 25 (23) Register of overtime in form IV[R-25(2)]_ 26 (24) Register of Deductions inform I [R-21(4)] a (25) Register of fines; in form | 11-21) 28 (26) Wage slip in form XIl R- 26(2))_ 2 The Payment of | CLC(C) Wages Act, 1936 and mines rules 1956, ATS 1968, Railway ,1938 ATS rules: (27) Register of fines in form MfR4(2)) 30 (28) Register of deductions for damage or loss in form Ill (R5) 31 (29) Register of wages in form V_(R6) 32 (G0) Register of advances in form IX [R-17(3)] 33 G1) Register of loans granted-to-employed_person | X[R-18(3)] for housing and other in form | er Mines (82) Register of fines in form 1(R3) 35 | (33) Register of deductions for damage or loss in form Il (R4) 36 (34) Register of wages in form Ill (R5) 37 (35) Register for work done by piece workers in formlV-A [R-7(1)] 38 (36) Register of advances in form VI[R-19(3)] 39 RAILWAY S: (37) Register of fines in form 1(R 3) 40 (8) Register of deductions for damage or loss in form I! LR4) a (@9)Register of advances in form V [R-18(3)} 42 (0)Deposit of undisbursed wages in form VI (R18-A (2)) 43 Mines Rules, 1955 _ FormG [See Rule 53] Register of Leave Account during the Calendar Year Name of Mine ... Owner... “Actual number of days worked during the year SDUY, 21 ol, 20 rear eof snojaaid wo sway 19 popmue anna} jo sK0q. ensuing 18 Leave period due in mHOL 7 requieseq] 16 OQqUIOACN, 15, 3390120 14 soquiardeg 13 ysnny 12 Sing u ung 10 co tudy oR Srenugag Avenue ‘parea-2o0id 20 Aqrep ‘Aaa “Ayqwont rampeqes WONTAR ‘quaunkoydara jo 10801) ‘unos mojaq 40 BAoqe FeTPAy aonuanr “qwauwKoyduss Jo axtaeN gako|dure jo aureus pu awEN By @ wig Wor JOqUAN [EHS lee Form = 4 syrowey | = By unowry | 3 Eg 4 pourd | 2) queuiKed jo aye | 2| pred Aijemoe soem eave POUT ayy toy sade envoy parejnoieD Leave Instalment patent ava} Jo polled suorss2ouo Supnyour sBupeses Jo soem Jo ares Kep pareIsOIeD ruawsed 50-218 | Form H. pred fyjemoe soBem 26037] 7 16 14 13 12 poued ai sop soem aavay pareynoqeD [See Rule 53] Name of Mine Owner Leave Instalment ‘poyear aav9j Jo poured, Mines Rules, 1955. suo}sseou09 Hurpyou ssurwr29 ao soem Jo area AIrep pare[no[eD quowéed yo a1eq ‘pied Aqqumise seBom 2407 Register of Leave Wages Account during the Calendar Year powed oun 30} soo aavay pareynozeD Leave Instalment ‘parlear aavay jo ported, ‘suoyssoou09 Suypayouy SSuTEAS 40 soem Jo ares Sep pareqnore (uy wou) ak og wt onp pouiad axvel [OL ‘2aKojdura Jo sureumg pure aureN, ssa] {UO WOH ON TS 10 Note-—The date of payment of arears of leave wages shall be entered in the Remarks colump, Mines Rules, 1955 Form [See Rule 59] Register of Overtime Wages smu wuouhed jo ere ‘sSujuseg aumn2249, sypem 947 uy sinoY auN2A0 Jo JOquINN 29 | 30 [31 [32 aie eur uo payors sunoy uIaA0 Jo JOqUIMN 28 Week ending | poysom ou.6A0 UTI HO 2HeCI wowed Joa ‘Bara oumI=A -yoon 1 U simoy suNaA0 Jo 29qUINN, EDT uo paxoys sunoy Sw20A0 JO ZOqUINN, ‘Week ending orion SuOA0 DTU AO 2TeCT quoukeg IO Fea sSuyureg aunseng 19| 20 |21] 22 23 | 24 |25| 26 | 27 21 1/5) Geom aay smog anrav0 0 qian Ss 5 S He aep rep | <2] 3 218 wo papon sinoy aumuono yo soqunn | =| EES 7 282 oom auron0 you uo anc | Tauna Pa] S 4 anu aupuang |S 3) seen ano nog aurub.0 0 HaRUNN | S| El SRD | 3 wo pexom smoy ation Jo Jaquny | © Toon SuBso MA wo ae SI rwountegoawa | = wf ‘Sfinumeq eumseag | S| 2) yaan agra no aaamo 70 HRRUNN | o| | rep ween || 3] wo poyiom sano aursax0 Jo raquuny poysom Suu IAAK0 HIYA Wo are 7 ‘som Jo 2121 AUTEN ‘S98 Jo a1e1 ADEUIPIQ wow oydua Jo part 20 $86]. ‘punail moja 10 anoqe 90M JO ZIMTEN oko [dD jo SUIBUING PUP AUTEN 2 TaRTY Wino HHO TOQUION TEES ane ae Note—The total number of hours of overtime work forthe month shall be shown in the Remarks colina, Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998 Form XVII {See Rule 241(1)(a)] Register of Wages Name and address of the Establishment where building or other construction work is carried on Name and permanent address of Establishment Nature of building or other construction work Name and address of the Employer Wage period: Monthly Wage period: Monthly SL Name of Serial Designation’ No. of Units of. Ne, workman theregister of nature of work days_-—_work done workman done worked a) @ QB) @ (5) © pee Daily rate of ‘Amount of wages eamed wagesipicce Basic Dearness Overtime Other cash payments Total rate wages allowances (Nature of payment to ‘be indicated) @ ® @) a0) ay a2) FORM XVIVPage 2 Deductions, if any, Net Signature/Thumb Initial of employer (indicate nature) amount impression of or his representative paid workman a3) ay as) 16) Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998 Form XIX (See Rule 241(1)0)] Register of deductions for damage or loss Name and Address of establishment where building or other construction work is carried on/is to be carried on ‘Name and permanent address of building workers Name and permanent address of the employer Nature of building or other construction work Sl Name Father's’ Designation’ Particulars Date of Whether No. ofwork Husband's natureof of damage damage _ building worker name employment of loss. or loss showed cause against deduction a @ 8) @ (3) © o, "Name of person in ‘Amount of No. of Date of recovery Whose presence deduction imposed instalments Fist Last instal- building worker's instalment ment explanation was heard ® o (10) ay a Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998 Form XX [See Rule 241(1)(6)) Register of Fines Name and address of establishment where building or other construction work is carried omvis to be carried on Name and permanent address of establishment Name and address of the employer Nature of building or other construction work Sl, Name of the Father's/ Designation’ Acvomission Date of offence No, building ‘Husbands nature of —_for which worker name employment _ fine imposed ® 2 @ 4 © © Oo @ GO) Whether Name of person Wage Amount —_Dateon Remarks building inwhose —periods of the fine which fine worker presence ‘and imposed _realised showed building wages cause worker's _ payable against explanation was fine heard @ ® @) 10) ay a2) Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998 Form XX1 [See Rule 241(1)(b)] Register of Advances ‘Name and address of establishment where building or other construction work is carried onvis to be carried on [Name and permanent address of establishment Name and address of the employer Nature of building or other construction work Nature of building or other construction work SL Name Father's) -Natureof Wage period Date and No. Husband’s employment?) and wages amount of name Designation __payable__advance given a) @ @) @ ) (6) oe Purpose(s) No.of instalments by Date and Date on! Remarks for which which advance to be amount of each __which last advance repaid instalment instalment given repaid was repaid m (8) 9) (10) ay. br Fern 9 Construction Workers (Regulation of Building and Other tions of Service) Central Rules, 1998 Employment and Condi For XXII {[See Rule 241(1)(0] Register of Overtime [Name and address of Establishment where building or other construction carried onfis to be carried on in work is ‘Name and permanent address of establishment Eee ee ies ee ee oa Father's! ‘Sex Designation Date on which SL Name of the No. building worker Husband's name Nature of overtime employment __worked EEE a 2 @) 4 6) © Toul overtime Normal Overtime Overtime Dateon Remarks worked or ratesof-ratesof earnings which overtime production in case wages wages of piece rated wages paid o) 0) ay (2) @ (8) Fans = & _—_—_—— Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998 Form XXII [See Rule 2412)(a)} Wage Book Name and Address of Employer Name and permanent address of establishment ‘Name and address of the establishment where building or other construction work is carried on ‘Nature of building or other construction work For the We jght/Month ending... 1. No. of days worked... 2..No. of units worked in case of piece-rate workers. 3. Rate of daily/monthly wages/piece-rate, 4, Amount of overtime Wages... 5, Gross wages payable... a 6. Deductions, if any, on account of the following: (@ fines. (©) damage or loss. (©) Joans and advances. (@ subscription towards provident fund. (©) subscription towards the Building Workers’ Welfare Fund, () any other deductions e.g. subscriptions to Cooperative Society or account of Toans from Cooperative Society/housing loan, or contribution to any relief fund as per provision of clause (p) of sub-scction (2) of Section 7 of the Payment of Wages Act or for payment of any premium of Life Insurance Corporation. 7. Net amount of wages pai Initials of the employer or his Representative ‘The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 FormXVIT [See Rule 78(1(a)(0] Register of Wages Name and Address of Contractor...» ‘Name and address of Establishment in/under which contract is earried on... ‘Name and address of Principal Employer .......s0ce0esereeresscersenrney Nature and location of work Wage period: Monthly. +--+ Sl. Name of Serial the Designation’ No, of Units of No. workman registerof nature of work days_——_ work: workmen done worked __done 1 2 A 4 3 6 oo Daily-rate “Amount of wages earned of wages! Basie Deamess Overtime Other cash payments Total piece-rate wages Allowances (Nature of payment to be indicated) 7 8 9 10 ul 12 ee Dadwctions,ifany Netamount _Signature/"Thumb- Initial of contractor (indicate nature) paid __impression of workman _or his representative B 4 15 16 Seiad Coen eetaianc comer Foi The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 Form XX [See Rule 78(1)(a)Gi)) Register of Deductions for Damage or Loss ‘Name and Address of Contractor . . Name and Address of Establishment in/ under which contract is carried on... - Name and Address of Principal Employer Nature and Location of work... eee : g He q.8 foe ee eee eae 3% 22 goe 8 §s i. 533 #2 44 Bee ae gf 238 2 qa BS 2 § aE zZ 5 & "3 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 Name of person Amountof No. of Date of recovery in whose deduction instalments Firsts —=sLast' = presence —_ imposed instalment instalment z employee's 4 explanation was, heard 8 9 10 WL 12 13 8 Fon -[B ‘The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 Form XX [See Rule 78(1)(a)G0] Register of Fines ‘Name and Address of Contractor . ‘Name and Address of Establishment in/under which contract is carried on ‘Name and Address of Principal Employer. ‘Nature and location of work ..- : erent SL Name of workman Father's) Designation’ —~ActiOmission —Date of No. Husband's nature of for which fine offence name employment __ imposed 1 2 3 4 5 6 eS oo —— Wheter Name of Wage periods and = Amount Dateon = Remarks workman person in wages payable offfine which fine showed whose presen- imposed realised cause ce employee’s against explanation fine __ was heard fine __washeard 1 8 9 10 uw 2 noi puoi ocr ee eran mt 3% ‘The Contract Labour (Regulation and ion) Central Rules, 1971 ForMXXIL [See Rule 7801 )(a)(i)) Register of Advances ‘Name and Address of Contractor Name and Address of Establishment in/under which contract is carried on. «+... ++++ ‘Nature and Tocation-of Work rere SL Name Fathers) Nate of Wage Date and No. Husband's employment/ period and amount of name Designation wages advance payable given . 2 3 4 5 6 a Purpose(s) No. of instalments Date and amount Date on Remarks forwhich by which advance of each instalment which last advance tobe repaid repaid instalment made was repaid 1 8 9 10 iu a: Faaen = py ‘The Contract Labour (Regulation and ‘Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 Form XXII [See Rule 78(1)(a)(H)} Register of Overtime Name and Address of Contractor Name and Address of Establishment infunder which contract is carried on . ‘Name and Address of Principal Employer ..........+sse00eeereres Nature and location of work .. SL Nameof Father's Sex Designation’ Dates on which No, workman Husband's nature of overtime worked name employment 1 2 3 4 5 6 i a Total overtime Normal Overtime Overtime Date on Remarks worked or rates of rateof earnings which production in wages wages overtime case of piece~ wages paid rated if 8 9 10 u 12 ec a Ee Fore: 1S ‘The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 Form XIX, [See Rule 78(1)0)] Wage Slip Name and Address of Contractor... pag For the Week/Fortnight/Month ending. 1. No. of days worked. ... 2. No. of units worked in case of piece-rate workers... 3, Rate of daily wages/piece-rate ..- 4, Amount of overtime wages ... 5, Gross wages payable G:Deductions, if any .......secsceeeeseneeenee srs see sees sees 7. Net amount of wages paid Initials of the Contractor or his Representative —lb- or 6 3 L 9 s v . zc T a3 2 g g |e 2 2 » @ e350 OE 2 aes Saueee peertene ule Fo : 5 B08 : 3 ei § ‘WoReIDUTAT Jo STSUOTUIG i create -pakoydwe sia2jio%s uattOM Jo JoqUNt [eOY, + pacojdua soxsom wat Jo J2quINE TPO, -pakorduua sxo2}s0m Jo soqunt Teo, + ssaxppr [Ing tala OUST|qeAS] atp JO OWEN, 9261 ‘Sapmy wopDssUnuay ponby ay) Jo 9 aM 4apUN 4agoydura ayy Ag pournyurout aq 07 1935739 (9 atm 228) aetoa 9L6T ‘soiny HoHBIoUNUIOY PeNby Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1980 Form XVII [See Rule 52(2)(a)] Register of Wages Name and Address of Contractor. Nature and Location of work. : ee botage leoeee cls Name and Address of Establishment infunder which inter-State migrant workmen are cemployed.....- Ose asses oi iat Osea eueaa a saan i Name and Addcess of Principal Employer. ... Wage od. : “SL__Name-of Serial No. in_Designation/ No.of __Units of work No. inter-State the register of nature of days" done migrant workmen work worked workman 2 3 4 sl 6 Eins Daily- ‘Amount of wages earned rate of Basic Deamess Overtime —_ Other cash Total wages! Wages Allowance payment (Nature piece of payment to be rate indicated) 7 8 9 10 u 12. a Fon XVIIUPage 2 oe Deductions, Net amount Signature/Thumb Initials of ifany paid impression of inter-State Contractor or his (indicate ‘migrant workman authorised nature) representative 13 i4 15, 16 Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1980 Form XIX [See Rule 52(2(0)] Register of Deductions for Damage or Loss ‘Name and Address of Contractor. . Nature and Location of Work. Namo and Address of Establishment inkinder which inter-State migrant workmen are employed. ... err et ee ‘Name and Address of Principal Employer. Particulars of SL Name of inter-Father’s/Husband’s —Designation/ No. State migrant Name. Nature of damage or loss workman “employment i 2 3 4 3 ee Date of Whether inter-State Name of person in Amount of deduction damage or migrant workman —_ whose presence imposed loss showed causes employee's against deduction _ explanation was heard 6 7 8 9 See FoRM XEUPage 2 ee No. of Date of recovery Remarks instalments, First instalment Last instalment 10 i 2 1 orm > FQ Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1980 Form XX [See Rule 522)(c)] Register of Fines Name and Address of Contractor. . Nature and location of work... Name and Address of Establishment funder which ite State as ‘workmen are employed. ‘Name and Address of Principal Employer. ‘Sl. Name of Father's/Husb- Designation/Nature Act/Omiission Date of ~ No. inter-State and’sName — ofemployment for which fine offence migrant imposed workman a ___ Whether Name of person Wages Amount —Dateon Remarks Inter-State in whose periods of fine which fine migrant presence and wages imposed realised ‘workman employce’s payable showed cause explanation was against fine heard 7 8 9 10 i 12 Paget ee eee Eee Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1980 Form XXI1 [See Rule $2(2)(@)] Register of Overtime Name and Address of Contractor. Nature and location of work ce Sect oeerenae et Name and Address of Establishment infunder which migrant workmen are employed fi SNe. Nameof Father's’ Sex __Designation/ "Date on which jinter-State Husband's Nature of — over-time wor- migrant ‘Name ‘employment ked workman 1 2 3 4 2 6 {EEE Pee Ere ce Serco Total Normal Overtime Overtime Date on Remarks overtime ratesof rate of earnings. which worked or wages. wages overtime production wages paid in case of piece-rated 7 8 9 10 ul 12 77 Format ere Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1980 FORM XXI [See Rule 52(2)()] Register of Advances ‘Name and Address of Contractor. .. Nature and Location of work......-. ee eet Name and Address of Establishment in/under which inter-State migrant workmen are employed. er enter: : aH cictttpeeerenesenestensny SL Nameof Father's’ Nature of Wage period Date and amount ‘No-—inter-—Husband’s employment) and wages __of advance given State Name Designation _—_ payable ‘migrant workman 1 2 3 4 5 6 Purpose(s)for No.of Dateand Date on Remarks which advance instalments amount of which last ‘made ‘by which each instalment advance to instalment was repaid berepaid repaid 7 8 9 10 i a Se es Se The Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950 ForMX. [Rule 26(1)] Register of Wages Name of Establishment... Wage-period from ‘akoydra jo vuojssasdun-quimu, | 22 so aimyousig queued jo aeq | prod satem |S 2 wuononpap reioy, | 3 woronpap 090 | = 2 WH] 2 ‘4'd 0 woNNGUAMOD s soko duty, 8 ~~ aiqucnd sagem ssarp | = poiom aupaso | & auop | oy sos Jo srarysouepEaNE OL » |< ct abe seatl2 aren = a Sita © ze gale 2egale zes8 : Ser ag uoneuaiseg | ‘Tey ,pURGSnES LOHR | oo anya ap 30 200 “oN TS | — oie Forw2d, peut 19) wowed oumzox0 ‘yors uo 276 z sBuuee or, cq] sBaruce eumron a ey] samme yeons0N & - =| SWTIOA( ¢ =] arrownang, zg ¢ ile ee pe SyeK [CULION ee aS fa £28 Ba: lo) smoremon EGS 3 sea sroyoas-e001d jo g Be3 ‘9sv9 ul uonanpoud bese ° 10 payor £o: aumi9Ao [AOL & 8 | aumeao jo wang, & poxoa SUI240 ©) yotyin uo soveq ‘2 & wounede ‘| pure uopeudisaq . xs une ,pueqsnt ae /sd00Ne = oun ei ‘ON [eHOS 7 Caren ED ae TI or 6 8 L 9 $ ¢ € z “amp s9qu9 ‘08 3 “uosanpep pasiar sured yunowe posoduar ‘ese ‘avep Was rin kuvjt—UoRonpap —Pawioys pasted ‘wey yomss “swawjesuy jownoue — Foo ——_—SSO IO s,purqsnyy syouoy wooed joiequnN poem — Mau —aBeue wounmedaqy x9 Aufoue OWEN, Dace enc eae teprzamal suosiod pokoyduas ayp fo nmofop “0 jonpBou ayn &q ‘soko ayy 7 pasnna sso} 10 atup sof suoponpep fo 42984241 | IEW Osor ‘samy (TexyUeD) sedeay UMNUNYUTTAL OL Pn Qe WU or 6 8 4 9 s v £ Zz 1 an ou pasodus pompas posodu oauy suse uy Yous uy,,s8Bem sen powoys 305 20N2I}0 owen, wom ynoue Jo. WeUNOm. aif JO-aP s,puvgsnt on ‘paoe, = UNIS syomay uoseq pueord sey EU —_ pu amEN quounmedog xOS os Seer al oo ea (wizemal soupy fo saysiay THOS OS6T ‘SeTmy (TexH9) SoTeAy wUNUHETTA, UL ew Forms 224 ‘The Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950 Form XI Wage Slip Rule 262)] Name of the establishment . . Place, 1, Name of employee with father’ sfhusband’s name, 2. Designation. 3. Wage-period. . 4, Rate of wages payable. (a) Basic. .. ® DA. 5, Total attendance/units of work done 6. Overtime wages. 7. Gross wages payable ...... e4 Seen 8, Total deductions. 9. Net wages paid. Employee's signaturesthumb-impression Pay-in-charge ~27 A Forde Forwit (See Rule 4(2) Reslsidrof Fines PARTI emt of Eeeb hme es, Seal" Narveof Fathers Nur of Ruteol Wageseunsd NO fad Eibendy NaHS wages dating the etsen ane wases-perid i 2 3 4 3 6 ‘Act omision for Fines Remake ‘mee Wiaierwatmes Daz on west shomedeaneitss ed hit ine ner exe faa isrealid Paeen7 awed Soe ee 10 rn PARTIE Pastis of Disbitsement of nes Dae cf disbaseneat pet ot con Piapontinbiae Rae eisbuisene ‘cunt dibarsed a 1 2 3 4 Form > 2G FORM IL {See Rule 5) ‘Register of Dedetions for damage or loss caused tothe eraployer by the neglect or default of the employed persons Nae of salishent Se Nepeot Eaters or Natreod Damage Whether worker No swployed — Hutand's enploynenr Demet to showed cause eptinst nae person ‘alae eduction er noe if so, enter date 1 2 3 4 3 6 pecan cae ientaia whose Daal Not pap oa Remarks Gherdinmpeeryereumaicn —amotntel insuinens, goat Steadiomspetofancapioyes — delacion Mg ‘meant engaged by acontectoe linpoeed realted 7 @ 2 10 near -3l- Form Fore 39 (See Rule 6) Register of Wages, % 4 Name of Eoublishment...cssceeeese aie and address of employer. Location... Bee Pest Office. we Wage-perod from. 3 Seiad No. Name ofemployed Designation Father's/Fusband's Toal pessoa mane seidance units worked i 2 3 4 3 Rue of Wane ‘Wages eared Baie DA. Ot Bale DA Ovenime Oller Toul allowances Mlowances er 3 3 0 a a B Deduction fom wages on account of Fists Dumige - Loiscauied ue Amenities! Provident Ober ~~ Sot loss employer by neglect Services! Fundacome | dadusons ordetailiot House Rent ‘Teresi ‘employed pesca ~ Tnsurance/ Cooperative ‘ Sosieties Ine is 16 Tena AMR RSE I j Fos decicions Net ernout payed 20, Sa 2 Soon Form AO ForMIX —_—_ [See Rule 17)] Register of Advances made to Employed Persons Nune of Essbishmett so. ..ccscseees Seal Nameof Father's ot Natureof ___Earaiags _—_Datsand Purpose) for No. employed Husband's employment during. amountof which ison name ware-pedod _sdvasce _sdvence made i 2 3 4 $ 6 7 Tastlinents for epayment of Dusol Deteoa which Sigaaure or thumb. ‘sovances ingalments tlalemocat —impessionof the worker Nou “Amountcfeash PH pd crremasks fngaiments instalment 8 2 10 oy z oe : forms BY Form X [See Rule 18(3)) Register of Loans granted to the employed persons for house {ailding or other approved purposes ane of Estsblishment Geisl Nameof Faherser Notre of Amountof Datewhen Purposefor No,” employed Husband's employment lean ‘maied which granted peron name see ey og sD: a 5 é z Thsblnents for epayment Dasch__ Dascawtich Sige: aah “nvaes "= italmgnts "tote amount _ impression ofthe wasker orrenks Amount ofesch ‘Pad ue fnstaimenssinsalneat haps Fors) PAYMENT OF WAGES (MINES) RULES, 1956 301s Form I wD UeeRele3) fe Register of Fines PARTI Mise... Fires 2 5 i g q : £ i 5 i ae y ae i i 4/2] ze 4 2 Elegie z z i Fantiulers of Disbursement of Fines Dasofdibunemest | Arsoun dibuned | — Purpose oro Remake mount disbured T z 3 L 4 a 3 : Fane 33 Form {See Rule 4) Register of Deductions for damage or loss caused to the Employer by the symoy ose NOME FI HoH Ho 18g a oe ‘sees 30-0 orransaneces CaeSeeeraneinal Peso uononpop Jo yew pus ac, oes09 ote sofojduo we oda pea, ‘pean sunjeom soa ‘804 w wound an Jo out a4) neglect or default of the Employed Persons np sans "ou 40 wonton ‘suede ase panos Sapo sn ‘snres sp pose 00 ewe, auZo}du jo am ‘ue s,puegeng 30990 oN Nis PAYMENT OF WAGES (MINES) RULES, Fors 11 {See Rule 5} Register of Wages iis are tobe made agains each individual worker. nies foreach entegory of workersto be made spac. 1956 (Fort Foren » Shy Taber Tune | Newt 7) Dos, Taken Si | ehroyses | ‘ons Tecan ne : | | oaimy | seed | ‘aowemee | woitett | | Pevtenfod 3 | Commoner 7 z z z iralcei/ meneame il 3 Boe. alee 7 Philelil a jaya 5 PY alaei ala | eel he i | q He G |g) lat 4 6 2 | 22 | 3 a2 | # a [7 “Day worked in the case oftime-reted workers +f thomb-impression fs not ten, the signee of be then ‘Note —Coluras not ppiceble to ey partiular mine may be son supervising the payment should sot unfiled bythe employer. ben 2 Fors VJ] PAYMENT OF WAGES (MINES) RULES, 1956 Fors 1V-4, {See Rule 1700] workers forthe reek ending Register of work done by piece Mine 3 SL | Name | Designation | Father's! To. of units of work done No.) of Hastand’s worker om wpTpe) mpl se |e nell 3 7 [fet fete [of] 2 Foon VE ForM VI [See Rule 19)] Register of Advances made to Employed Persons peat 2 sou se of | | sosenom eras rsa |= (spon, agen | soammag soumape seve |) eon st aun ee | | royal seme ed | stem ees esunmp [>| sing exuyds joamen |“ spose | | soo aun | ON HDS, oa form 7 VY Fort [See Rule 3} Register of Fines Deparaest F a ‘peur = panyeas any yr wo avec. yon 203 ys on ev —4o- ‘ [See Rute 4) Register of Deductions for Damage or Lois Caused to the Employer by the Neglect or Rellvay rsNome ‘Date and amount of deduction impened ret =| seriatto. 19] Name os +) Department |: Damage or toe onze: —Y— Fora BY ~ ForMY [See Rule 18 3) Register of Advances made to Employed Persons Name of Contactor of ntaknents| Pace tenes pias zg) 2] 2 ez| = $| 2] | 2 | ae| 8 Tofeaae [ns Fe Ws. FORM VE 3.4 [See sub-rule (2) of Rule 18-A] Fon < UD Form io deposit the Undisbursed Wages Seas here name and complete acess ofthe paymaster) To The Cheismen, | Stat Benefit Fond ‘Sobject Transfer of anount of endisbursed wages i Si, ‘As required under sub-rule (I) read with sub-rule (2) of Rule 18-4 of the Peymen: of Wages (Rallnays) Roles, 1938, I trance the mot of Rs ‘i % ‘Amount in gues) ++) fom Sespense Head Deposit Rupees {Amount ia words) ‘unpid wages” tothe Staff Benefit Fund ‘The shovementoned smnouit represent all amounts payable at wages to person(s) ented in ‘Amonuts I & employed fase cess 1 (mention the name and stress of the vablishmen) which remnined undisbused Yecause either 20 nersiation bad teen rade by. te emplojet persons) cr for any reason such emounts could not be pd to the respective nominees of the ‘employed persona). Te relevant dels ze freshed hereunder 1 Patiules ofthe relevant wing: peiod (Menton he dea of tie wage pend) 2. Number of eases tn which all emounts payable 13 1 ‘m. employed person a8 wages, remained ‘ndisbure for wen of rominaon (deals sper { Annexure) (Mentcn td numberof such ess) 3. Number of eases in which all amounts payebte to — ‘an employed persoa as wages could notte pld to penoa(s nominated by employed person(s} (@éeaton the numer of suck cess) Signulste of the - paymaseoticer | suthonsed Designation ane and adders ofthe exablisiment ccribter stip thereof Adnezure Waseca con a 3 4 Tow ell ‘SLND. Nameandaldren Nameand address Wagegedod ‘Aman pyebe, eftheemployse of soninests) i i 3 3 5 1 2. 3 - 42:

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