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FullStack Fusion: Uniting Frontend and Backend Brilliance

(Master Frontend and Backend Development in One Comprehensive Course)

1 Module 1: Introduction to FullStack Development

1.1 Understanding FullStack Development
 Overview of FullStack development
 Frontend vs Backend vs FullStack
 Responsibilities of a FullStack developer

1.2 Introduction to Web Development Technologies

 HTML, CSS, JavaScript
 Introduction to popular frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js)
 Basics of server-side scripting (Node.js, Python Flask, Ruby on Rails)

1.3 Version Control with Git

 Introduction to version control
 Git basics: commits, branches, merges
 Collaboration using Git: GitHub, GitLab

1.4 Development Environment Setup

 Setting up IDEs (Integrated Development Environments)
 Introduction to CLI (Command Line Interface)
 Installation of necessary tools and packages

2 Module 2: Frontend Development

2.1 HTML and CSS Fundamentals
 Understanding HTML structure
 CSS styling: selectors, properties, and values
 Responsive design and CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation)

2.2 JavaScript Basics

 Introduction to JavaScript syntax
 DOM manipulation
 Introduction to ES6 features

2.3 Frontend Frameworks

 Introduction to React.js
 Components, props, state management
 Routing in React applications

3 Module 3: Backend Development

3.1 Introduction to Backend Technologies
 Overview of server-side programming languages (Node.js, Python, Ruby)
 Introduction to databases (SQL vs NoSQL)

3.2 Server-side Scripting with Node.js

 Setting up Node.js environment
 Creating RESTful APIs with Express.js
 Middleware and routing in Express.js
3.3 Database Fundamentals
 Introduction to SQL
 Basic CRUD operations
 Introduction to MongoDB (NoSQL database)

4 Module 4: FullStack Development

4.1 Integrating Frontend with Backend
 Making API calls from frontend to backend
 Handling responses and data manipulation

4.2 Authentication and Authorization

 Introduction to JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
 Implementing authentication in FullStack applications

4.3 Real-time Communication

 Introduction to WebSockets
 Implementing real-time features in FullStack applications

5 Module 5: Deployment and DevOps

5.1 Deployment Basics
 Introduction to cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
 Deploying frontend and backend applications

5.2 Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

 Introduction to CI/CD pipelines
 Setting up CI/CD for FullStack applications using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI

5.3 Monitoring and Scaling

 Introduction to monitoring tools (Prometheus, Grafana)
 Scaling applications based on demand

6 Module 6: Advanced Topics in FullStack Development

6.1 Microservices Architecture
 Introduction to microservices
 Building microservices-based applications

6.2 Containerization with Docker

 Introduction to Docker containers
 Dockerizing FullStack applications

6.3 Serverless Architecture

 Introduction to serverless computing
 Building serverless applications using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions

7 Module 7: Project Development

7.1 Capstone Project Proposal
 Ideation and proposal development for Capstone Project

7.2 Capstone Project Execution

 Development phase 1
 Development phase 2
7.3 Capstone Project Finalization and Presentation
 Polishing the Capstone Project
 Rehearsals and presentations

8 Module 8: Career Development and Course Wrap-up

8.1 Building Your Career in FullStack Development
 Building a personal brand in the industry
 Optimizing resume and LinkedIn profile

8.2 Interview Preparation

 Preparation for FullStack developer roles
 Technical interview tips and techniques

8.3 Negotiation Skills

 Negotiating job offers and contracts
 Understanding market trends and salary negotiation strategies

8.4 Graduation and Next Steps

 Graduation ceremony
 Planning for further learning and career advancement

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