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Lesson 1: Philippine Politics and With the exception of Governor General,

Governance during the Spanish Period is there a branch of the government in

the Philippine under Spanish era which
can enact laws?
Branches of the Government
-- No. Only the Spanish Cortes enact
1. Governor General laws applicable and enforceable.
- is the chief executive of the
Philippines. He is also the commander in Can the GG be removed from office?
chief of all arm forces. He is the king’s -- Yes. The power to appoint includes
official representative in colonial the power to remove. The King of Spain
Philippines. He has the power to appoint can remove the GG from office if he no
all subordinate officials. He is vested longer trust him.
with executive, legislative, and judicial
powers. He also possessed ecclesiastic With the exception of the loss of trust,
power which is the power to recommend what other grounds can the GG be
priest in appointment and intervene in replaced?
controversies between religious
authorities. -- sickness and death
2. Royal Audencia Lesson 2: The General Government, and
- in the event of the inability of the GG Local Government Under Spanish Period
to continue his duties, the Audiencia
was empowered to assume the
government. He has the power to A. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT
summon citizens of the island either in
peace or war. Apart from his judicial 1. Spanish Empire
functions, he has the power to check,
advise, and audit the expenditures of a. Monarch of Spain- vested with civil
the government. and spiritual authority
3. Spanish Cortes b. Council of Indies- governed all the
- the most powerful governmental Spanish colonies in the King’s name
institution of the state. It is made up
of lower house, the Congress of 2. Viceroyalty of Spain
Deputies and upper chamber, the Senate.
It is the law-making body of the Spain a. Viceroy- governed the New Spain on
and the colonial states. the King’s behalf
-- Governor General is the most b. Governor General- initially exercised
powerful public official in the executive (as Governor), legislative,
Philippines under the Spanish rule. He judicial (as President of the Audiencia),
was appointed by the Viceroy of New military (as Captain General), and
Spain upon the recommendation of the ecclesiastic (as Vice Patron) powers.
Spanish Cortes.
3. Central Government in Manila
Why is the GG the most powerful public
figure in the colonial Philippines during a. Archbishop of Manila- had full
the Spanish era? spiritual authority over the army and
navy as military Vicar General of the
-- He is vested with executive, island. Advised the Captain General in
legislative, judicial, and ecclesiastic matters concerning governance and
power. provisioning the Church in the
What powers Royal Audiencia which are b. Royal Audiencia in Manila- functioned
unique from the powers of governor as the Supreme Court and advised the
general? Captain General. It is initially composed
of four judges (oidores), an attorney-
-- Royal Audiencia’s advisory, checking general (fiscal), and a constable.
and auditing powers are unique from B. LOCAL GOVERNMENT
the GG’s powers.
1. Province/Alcaldia

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a. Alcalde Mayor (for provinces)- revenue to carry out the legitimate
exercise executive and judiciary powers objects of the government.
in the province. Collected tribute. Until
the mid-19th century, he had the Tax- is a compulsory contribution to
privilege to engage in trade and there state revenue, levied by the government
was no provision made restricting him on workers’ income and business profits,
to do so. or added to the cost of some goods,
b. Corregidor (for districts)- if a services, and transactions.
province was large, the alcalde mayor
had a corregidor to administer over the ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS DURING THE
provincial district. He exercised SPANISH COLONIAL GOVERNMENT
executive and judiciary power.
c. Junta Provincial- composed of public 1. Tribute- Filipinos were compelled to
prosecutor, finance administrator, pay tribute called TRIBUTO, to the
treasurer, vicars, provincial doctors, colonial government. It is imposed as a
and 4 principle of the capital.
sign of the Filipinos’ loyalty to the King
2. Pueblo/Municipalities of Spain.
2. Cedula- a certificate identifying the
a. Gobernadorcillo- position was initially taxpayer.
restricted to the local married men of 3. Tithes- tax consisting of one-tenth
the elites. By 1768, it became elective and
any person elected must acquire elite of the produce of one’s land.
status. 4. The Donativo de Zamboanga- tax
b. Capitan Municipal- head of the specifically used for the conquest of
Tribunal Municipal. Elected by the Mindanao.
residents of the municipio. 5. Vinta- tax collected to fund vintas to
c. Tribunal Municipal- composed of guard the coastal areas of Luzon to
municipal captain, chief lieutenant, defend the area against Muslim pirates.
lieutenant of police, lieutenant of fields, 6. Bandala- system that increase the
and lieutenant of livestock. Elected by funds for wars against other European
the residents of the municipio. explorers.
3. Barangay - the farmers are forced to sell
their produce to the government. The
a. Cabeza de Barangay- adminitered over government would buy the harvests of
a barangay of 40-50 families. Collected the farmers but would only give them a
tribute in the barangay. Position was PROMISSORY NOTE. RESULT: the Filipinos
originally hereditary and was only made became poorer.
elective in 1786. After 3 years of service, 7. Polo Y Servicios- all male Filipinos
a cabeza was qualified for election to the from 18-60 y/o were required to give
office of the gobernadorcillo. their free labor called POLO, to the
Is there a separation of Church and - obligated to do construction
State during the Spanish era in the of buildings, churches, cutting trees to
Philippines? make logs.
- this labor was for 40 days a
-- No. The GG enjoys political power as year. To be exempted, pay FALLA= 1 1/2
well as ecclesiastical power. reals.
8. Galleon Trade- government monopoly
Does the Archbishop possess political lasted for 250 years.
The Royal Audiencia
-- No, He has only full spiritual - conduct the RESIDENCIA: the process
authority over the army and navy as of submitting the GG to a trial before
military Vicar General of the islands. the court for the purpose of punishing
corrupt and dishonest officials.
Lesson 3: The Courts and Taxation and
Revenue Who are responsible for the checking of
the abuses of the GG?
Taxation- it is an inherent power of the
state that imposes burdens upon -- The Royal Audiencia which is
subjects and objects within its composed of Council of Judges.
jurisdiction for the purpose of raising

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Which taxes is still levied today? development, public education, and the
establishment of representative
-- The cedula or the resident certificate institutions.
tax. This is also known as Poll Tax. The
1987 Constitution specifically stated 5. Spooner Amedment
that no person shall be imprisoned for
the non-payment of Poll tax. - It authorized President Mc Kinley to
withdraw military rule and establish
Why is taxation important? civilian government.
-- Taxation is the life blood of the Distinguish Schurman Commission from
government. The government cannot Taft Commission.
function without it.
-- The Schurman Commission
What is the counterpart of the Royal recommended the establishment of civil
Audiencia in the present? government while the Taft Commission
prepared the Filipinos for eventual
-- The Supreme Court. However, the role independence, focused on economic
of checking of the abuses of the development, public education, and the
officials is now under the Sandigan establishment of representative
Bayan and the Office of the institution.
What is the expansionism policy of US
Lesson 4: Philippines Under US Rule in the Philippines?
Administrative Policies Implemented -- The Manifest Destiny policy. It
asserted that it was America’s duty to
1. Pres William Mc. Kinley’s Benevolent closely watch and monitor the
Assimilation Philippines in order that it may become
a civilized and upright nation.
- envisioned as benevolent from
governance, this policy aimed to bring What is the most important legacy of
about social, economic, and political the Americans to the Filipinos?
reforms for the betterment of the
Filipino people. -- Democracy
2. Manifest Destiny Lesson 5: From Inclusion to Exclusion

- a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea A. SCHURMAN COMMISSION

that the United States is destined to
expand its dominion and spread - the first Philippine Commission
democracy and capitalism across the appointed by President Mc Kinley on
world. This statement saw the Filipinos January 20, 1899 headed by Dr. Jacob
as children who are unable to Schurman, President of Cornell
accomplish anything themselves and University.
must rely on US in order to become
civilized. Recommendations
1. There is a deep Filipino aspiration for
3. Jacob Gould Schurman’s Commission independence; however, the Philippines
was not ready for it.
-the first Philippine Commission. This 2. Establishment of civilian government
commission recommended establishment as rapidly as possible.
of a civil government, bicameral 3. Establishment of a bicameral
legislature and a public school system in legislature.
the Philippines. 4. Establishment of Autonomous
governments on the provincial and
4. William Howard Taft’s Commission municipal levels.
5. Establishment of a system of free
- as the first civilian governor, this public elementary schools.
commission defined its mission as B. TAFT COMMISSION
preparing the Filipinos for eventual
independence, and focused on economic

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- headed by federal judge William H. - Before the Pearl Harbor attack,
Taft, to begin designing a civil tensions between Japan and US had
government based on America’s model. been mounting for the better part of a
decade. During the Great Depression of
Commission Report issued in August 1900 the 1930’s, Japan sought to solve its
economic and demographic woes by
1. Filipinos were describe as being forcing its way into China. They
“ignorant, superstitious, and credulous proceeded to carry out six weeks of
mass killings and rapes now the
in remarkable degree.” Taft laid out a infamous as the “Nanjing Massacre”.
plan to introduce government
institution. 2. Destroying the Base at Pearl Harbor
2. Establish a civil service Would Mean Japan Controlled the
3. Enact currency and tax programs Pacific
4. Creates public works, capital
investment, and educational reform. 3. 2 Powers
What is the most important - Allied Powers V.S. Axis Powers in World
contribution of the Schurman War II.
-- Its recommendation of the Allied Powers- Great Britain, France,
establishing civil government Soviet Union, United State
in lieu of the military government. Axis Powers- Germany, Italy and Japan

What is the most important 4. Japanese Occupation (1942-1945)

contribution of the Taft Commission? - Japan occupied the Philippines for
-- The commission designed a civil over three years, until the surrender of
government based on American’s model.
5. Puppet Government
Which one is better, a military
government or a civil government? - The Second Philippine Republic,
officially known as the Republic of the
-- Civil government is better than Philippines and also known as the
military government. In the military, Japanese-sponsored Philippine Republic,
leader is considered a totalitarian was a puppet government. The 1943
authority. It is not a democracy where Constitution was labeled as puppet
everyone gets a vote. Rank is government. As the word puppet, it
everything. Its top leaders follow orders symbolizes manipulation and control.
from the president and federal
government without question unless 6. Laurel and the 1943 Constitution
they are given unlawful orders.
Unlawful orders that are followed can - Jose P. Laurel was the president during
be grounds for punishment. In that that time and he drafted the 1943
sense, its a slippery slope. However, like Constitution which established a
its civilian counterpart leaders, there is republican government with a strong
still some resemblance of a democracy executive. It stressed the duties and
in that they tend to lead and make obligations of the people rather than
decisions by committee when necessary the rights and privileges.
because no leader can do or know
everything. He or she must also rely 7. KALIBAPI (Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod
upon opinion. However, ultimately, he or sa Bagong Pilipinas)
she makes the final decision regardless
of committee opinion. - the semi-political organization the
Japanese had created to replace all pre-
Lesson 6: War, Post-War Recovery and war political parties.
8. GEACPS (Greater East Asia Co-
Prosperity Sphere
1. Tension Began During the Great
Depression -concept created and promulgated
during the Showa era by the

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government and military of the Empire - the backbone which supports the
of Japan. It represented the desire to muscular function of the entire
create a self-sufficient “block of Asian Philippine public administration.
nations led by the Japanese and free of Administrative Law and Public
Western powers”. Administration in connection with
Political Science
What is the purpose of GEACPS?
Administrative law regulates the actions
-- It extended across the Asia-Pacific of administrative agencies, ensuing
and promoted the cultural and they operate within legal parameters.
economic unity of East Asians, This legal framework is crucial in
Southeast Asians, South Asians and maintaining accountability and
Oceanians. It also declared the intention transparency in public administration,
to create a self-sufficient bloc of Asian which is responsible for implementing
nations which would be led by the government policies and programs.
Japanese and be free from the rule of Political Science analyzes the dynamics
Western powers. of political systems, including the
interactions between branches and the
Why did Japan attack Philippines? role of public administration. The study
of administrative law provides insights
-- They wanted to gain power over their into the legal aspects of political
neighbors and also to outs American structures, influencing the functioning
and European influences from the of public administration within the
region. broader political context.
What is totalitarian form of
-- Totalitarianism is a concept or form
of government or political system that
prohibits opposition parties, restricts
individual opposition to the state and
its claims, and exercises an extremely
high degree of control over public and
private life. It is regarded as the most
extreme and complete form of
authoritarianism. In totalitarian states,
political power has often been held by

Public Administration
- encompasses the study of how
governments govern, regulate, and
administer their jurisdiction.
- promotion of common good and the
general welfare of the state is the
central idea of the existence and
essence of Public Administration.
Administrative Law
- a law which gives the executive
branch a capacity to act in a quasi-
legislative and quasi-judicial manner
which interferes with the purpose of
promoting the well-being of the

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