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The effects of different pattern loading on the structural frame and their behaviour related to contradict the effect are
discussed in this chapter. The results of various parameters on the due to requirement of pattern loading have been
discussed below. • Above graph depicts that the maximum bending moment of all the cases out of which the RC bare frame
showing the highest value for all the cases followed by RC frame with a shear wall. The RC braced frame structure shown the
lowest value for bending moment in zone III soft soil and hard soil condition while in zone V hard soil and soft soil is
comparable with RC frame with a shear wall. • Therefore RC braced frame structure frame is comparatively more stable and
minimizes reinforcement requirement. • Above graph depicts that the shear force for all the cases out of which the RC frame
with shear wall showing the highest value for the cases seismic zone V having soft soil condition and all the other values are
comparable with the values of RC bare frame while the RC braced frame structure shows the tremendous reduction in the
shear force for all the cases irrespective of soil condition. Therefore we can say that RC braced frame structure frame is
comparatively more stable and minimizes shear reinforcement requirement. • RC braced frame structure will results into
minimum possibilities of unbalanced forces. • Above graph depicts that the axial force for all the cases out of which the RC
frame in seismic zone V under soft soil condition shown the highest value and the all the other cases shown the approximate
similar values while RC frame with shear wall shown the same behaviour against the axial forces similar to the bare frame. In
RC braced frame the zone III with soft and hard soil condition show the reduction in axial forces while in zone V shows a similar
amount of forces over the structure comparable to the bare frame. • RC braced frame structure will results into minimum
possibilities of unbalanced forces. • Here results show that maximum displacement is in bare frame whereas the minimum is
in RC braced frame structure, followed by frame with shear wall thus it is resisting displacement more effectively compared to
other cases. • Above figure 5.4 shows maximum storey displacement in the case of bare due to laterally deficient structure. •
Here results show that maximum displacement is in bare frame whereas the minimum is in RC braced frame structure, thus it
is resisting displacement more effectively comparing to other cases. • Above figure 5.8 shows maximum storey displacement
in the case of bare due to laterally deficient structure. • Here the following results show that maximum displacement is in bare
frame whereas and steel frame while minimum in RC braced structure and followed by RC frame with shear wall structure,
thus it is resisting displacement more effectively comparing to other cases.

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