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Hor.manes and .Behavior

\\'c h.1q.- /)('<'t1 ,011c('J'11t·cl up 10 no\\' \\"ilh 111Hlcr,1.111di11:-; lh<' h;1~i~ for the IJ<'lll_;t~;:.-=-~'::.:.......
u,11rrol ,if hdt;n irn; 1h~11 i,. tlt<· r111111<1l cXt'llt'd h, 1111";111, of the.' <011t'h1<tion <>~f;:;;:=:::::::;
;1< ri, 111 p11r<·;i, i,,b \ ia dtt· a>-011 ;111d dcmh ill''- of 11n, ;, 111,. \ 111 :di of our l1d1;1' irn
< 0111111/!nJ 1n-1~11\ 111.111nl:L So111,· l,d1.1\·ioh ,Ile< 111uf, :11.-d c lh·mic.11ly, 1ln,.mgh I hb=::=:::-

.. u I io11 nl 'fH'<ifJ<, ll<'111i«1l suh.,1;111H-:,,, hormont•:-,, ,1·<1<Hd h, ~plYi.ft~ gl-auds .ttHc:::.~..__

<itc 1d;t1t:d·11,;, 1n 1tcl\'(• patlm·.•~~ hut IJ) .th< l,l11ud,11t.1111. Glamb that :-.t'<ll'lt ~·
l1nn11011<·-., .< i, ndated in tlii-., ,,·;" ·,uc· t·ndoui11<'. ,,J. duel .. glarnb, ,o ctlln.
l>t·<:111~c 1l_1t·11 p1odtH ts arc ".><.'c r<"tcd di1t·< rl~; if!I" th, ~< 11c1al <iH ulatiu11 \\'ilhou_..:::::-___
i 111< ·1111, xii. Ht' • 'p.1,~;1~c.·w:i y~. •• J,r 1;1c:.1 :-m· 1hl' l'Xo• 1 i11e l:111cl:-. ,u< h :h ga~u (li n·
lt'~t i11al gland ... Ii it ing the dig<"!'II i\'(' 11 :rd ;111d,, \(t-:11 gl:md!'I 111 1he ~h:in. ,,·hie h ~c.·cr<:t(trrJr...;;.:::-
dwi1 ltrn rno11t·.., 1l11011gh ,pC'<ifi<.Jt1tt1<~ ,,r dLi1 "·
• FigtU<' 5-1 ,ho"·" th(· l11c.11i,.111 of rhc lll.lJtlJ , 11d111 t i111· gl,llld~ 1h;1t "·i II hl'
di,l w,·...n I i I I I It i!'I ( I1;1.111 ( ·1. -, ., ll' ltu, 111011<·, of I lrc.•,1· g bud., "' l listl'd ill ral>I<' !'>-1. I
nm l,c ,c·<·111h;11 ,0111,· gl:md~ (,11<h ;i, rl1<· 1h~1ni,l .111d p.11.11li~roid) ~<·ndcouly
,in.~ll: Ii, J1 mo1 tl\ \\ .hi le.·< 11 ht'J !'I (nor al,I the am<•J 11 ,r I ~ii II i1.1n J M'< 1t·tc_M ·,·c1_·;tl ~!ht i11c~L
,111d h_ig I ii~ ,1 w• 1:il 11'.·d hor111nnt·,. ,\lo~I , if I Ill· M'( r t~I Illll!'I. (~I r lil' :mt<·nor 1_>11 t1JL,1ry, a ~
\\"(' ,,·1ll ,(·(·.. rr<· ,pc< 1;rl Ito, lll()lh~ rt-l!'lll;d~ ;-tlln! ··11< lf H< h, I) lllOllt'~). Ill 1ha1 tl}')~L
<,,1J1wl I h(· ,c-, 1 d ion, ,for lt('r lh>I 111011<·~ in <'II I in h di 1kt u11 gb11ds ds<·\d1t·1t· in L 1<.·
hod~ (,cc· h.~"" .i-'..! J. . h ;1 l 011,cquc1h t· pf it~ 11, •pie .IC I i1 •11!'1, the· :111Ct'I ior pit u iI; ·,--"--~------
i, ll kir('d 10 ;1, th<" ··ma;..rcr .~land" 11f rile 1·11do, 1 inc· ~y,1c-111. '----rr--_..,.
_____ _
l-.:11 Ii hn11111,nc 111oduJ:,1c:-. rl1t· 11111< 1it1ni11~ of a rarg<·t tissue 01 tar~t·t or~an.
l<u .tlc'd ,, 1111<'\\ lwH· 111 illl' f,. 1d~. f 11 thl' < .1~c of c11dol I ill<' h1)1'1llot1<·,, th<" i111fuc11n~;:::::::=
"''" I.- 'I• , i Ii< '" ;, Ju. :ol_i,nl region <'" i11 proki, 1i 11. 1h, • h, 11111011,· thaC>1 i I u u l a t , - ~
th<· p1o~l11111011 , ,I m,1~ 111 ft-111:d(' m.1111111;11 gl:mcb,·, 01 gl'llC't:tl l() «·II!', <·xi~ting~ll_
rh111u.~l1t,1111h~· 111~,/~ (·,"' i111h~,.,~i11. till' ho1!1L1111c 1h.i~-•l·g'.d;1_1C's Lile' 111<.·1aboli:-.m~
1:11<· !01 ~1ll l.>1.1d1h 1~,,11<·). In du-, .t~l'ol 111.111y ell d1,·:111t<·1 JOI jHlull:11 y hormo11cs. rhC';:E~lL
1.11~,1 111g.111 111:" rhdl lw :1 gLuul. • • -~ ,

106 • •

• :::=x:
gland - -
P1n~c11 body

Thyroid Parathyroid
gland--- gland
,_ ____
------- fhymus

~) Adrenal

Kidnev-- -t--l.i-.-1 -- - Pancreas

; --Duodenu m
t Ovary
(in female)

~I • -_--~Testis
lin male)

Figure 5-1.
in the hum;111 hmh.
I .oc;11i1111 of tlw m;,j,,! 1•11d,w 1ir1c gb111!b ,1111011~ majrn rn~.111,
. <.Frum
. . I .1 R. I luJ 111,uu•.,:.I</d i111(1' balt111, r. :\°(·w
\"01k: 1'1·g;1,1h. 1!17~.i

Tht· imprn L:111n· of ho11w:,11e" i11 (~lll Iiw.., cam1ot ·l.,e o,·tn·mpita:\ized. \\' i I h- •
out Ihe 11on11al. dclic1tt·ly 1,alan((·d Sf( H'I ion ol hom1011t·s. thr bod) \\ otild lw
un:,bk _to rn:1in1; the ~tall' of i11t<.·111;il equilibriu m r;-ilkd homeosiasis. \\'ithout
llH' inn t·ast·<.1 -;enction of honno11l'' d111 inv time~ of -.trc~s, we could not 1eaC'l
' (".>

dk<liwl~ in deal in~ \\'ith 1hr'~'i. Fi11:1lly, without 1hc 'it:'(H'lion of ho1111<111e:,,, ,ll
SJH'( i lie I i111es in our lives:. \\'t' would lw unahlt· to grow to maturityo1 to rq>1udun·.
This rhapter ,,·ill fir<a prt,1.·rll a ,u n t) oft he major cndocrinr ~bnds rc~pott·
~ihk fur the 111ain1cnan«.- of e,1·1yday Cu11c1in11iug. The chapter will then focm
u po11 t \\'() impol'lallt beh;1vioh t h:it arc hC'a\·ily i11fluc1H al hy tllliO.Lrine ho1 mon,·,:
( l) l,d 1·a,·ior a~~o< iatt:d with tlw rtac t io11 111 l'll\ ironmem al stress. and ('..!) I)('ha\'iot
;1-;sn1i1tcd with scxucil grO\\'lh :u1d tlw rq>rod11<ti,·l· prnccv,.
h ~hould hn·rnpha:-,i;,cd I h.11 111>1111onal in lh11:11n~ 11pon ht'ha, irn do 1101 txi,1
indt:pt·t H.ltn rly of tht' c(·lllr;il llt'l, om:-y:-t1.:m. Tl wi·;, i, ,I <lo,c· as,111 iat ion lwt wet·n
Q't mdon int' gbnds antl the hrai11. In (lilt' din·c t ion, i1 '"ill he '-l't'll th,11 th<' hr:11n.
~pecifically the liypoth:1lit111w,, u111t10b a hO\l of t·1Hloni11t· glands ju tht'il ,;('ff<'·
Iion-; of i mportalll lionnurws. Th(' 1d:11 io11,hip ,tl,1 Jt·':-.. i,h i11 1h<' olh<'l clirc1 Iion a,
== ,,Tl!; a :-,C'rtio11 a1 th(· end of ihi, t h.q,1n ,, ill dt':tl with till' gr11\\·i11g 11111kr~1,mding
we ha,·<· or how horn10n<'\ an•.,cn<·tnl hy < dl\ \\'illtin tilt' b1ai11 and 111 tlwir i1np:1C t
11po11 h1ai11 den·lopm<'lll ,111d mt·1all it11H tion. •
Pf· 107

\,l<i •l•< d11ll,

I'.111, I• , ,,
\lf'h I t i , , ...
111, I• .... , 1,,, .... 1 l;l111<'-•

hll ll di, 111,111111

n,·,., .,,., 111, .... 1 t:h111•--t
1 \ h<'t••ll•llldl••II. \\.lll'I ,_.,1111(11
I\"'' 11•'1 pitllll,11~ i
\ ,l <;OI ll I-..~ II

l'i.- 1111 , ,,,1111111ion~
hh 1, .,, , 111 111ill... flll'llll, 11•'11

·\111! I l"I fllhlll,11\ (;1111\lh lt1111~••lll "lli111,il 1lh•ll ,,I ~!(•\\th

l ll\101n•p111 ~1i11111I 1111111 ,., tl1\111-.ill

\C:111 ~1irn11l 11i, ,11, ,( .,.l1t·11.,I 1 (•i~h,:.

1.-.11 Dncl,,p11i. 111 nl gt•1m cell,

I II '-,1in,111.11i,,11 ,,( " ' hc 1 l11h)lh',

11 10l.11 u11 lit< 1, .,,,, 111 111111... p1oil11uio11

\11,lto.~, II \Ill.ti< I 1•11:11.11 • -.c o111d.11, -.i·:\ 1 h,11.1< u 11.,ti,,

I ,11,,~1·11 tit 111.1h ·, 1'11111.,1, •<•••nd.u,:•<, c..J1;11.1<tt1i-1i1,


\\'hil( ,he ;l((idl}:,, ·or ltdlllh>lll'' ,lit• t·~11n11<:h dl\tl~< dlt1l :11< :-.Plllt' g<IICI.I~
p1 i11t ipk-. rl1;t1 g<Wl'l II tltc ,,·~•~ tltc~ ,,.t.-1 I-.. 1 lw fr;:-., ,ii I l1c~< 1:- tire· Lt( l cl1,tl lu ,; ~llOI;t:~L
do UPI iuui.t1c hiql<.>gi, :ti p101 t;,,C:" 11n1 do tht,· :-1n1, th<'lll. R.11 IIC'r. l1<1111101w.... <·,t·1
l hci, mlhH·ll< <~ on cIll· lx)dy t,~ <gu Luing proc c,~..,, . . 1li.u ;1rC' .d1 cad,· 011g1)in.~. (_>ftc•g·
1f1e influcw t· u.,. dJ i., !lw ~JK'<'tling up ~,r ~lm~ 111g d,l\Ul 11f c·11L,·111c-111cd1al<·lL
.1t1i,i1in iu ,.111ou~ I\J)<.~ of hnd~ <l'II,. Th<" 11gul.11iu11 ot 1ltcM· .tcti,iti('s i~ ...
c,qui,i1d~ ti11~·-ttmcd. \\ i1h ,t ~JLtl lLd .ll :-l.1k,. b J< ll~l-11 li.i~ Jllll it. •·... d,.,.___ ,
,1111u·h.u1<.-ul 1-, ~111d u w ontrol kd ex p1 <·:-.~ion of l I 1<: f ll I I t'll/~ 111,11 i, a< I I\ i l ic~ ol a II l Ile
':t)()(}\lifft•Jt•Jii 1'11/\ UH':-. <-...ti1n.1h·d lo l,l p11·,c11l in CHT\ < di \n,uld lc~1d lo binlogic
, luo,·· { l!,:,;ll1. p. ,--i,,i1.
\ ,t-. f ,nd f.1< a., ,t hU1 lllo11.d i11 thww l i..., th(',·; 11 Lt bi l i1,. i11 1lac r;11 (' , ,f Iw, 11 ll H 1< •
'":'l1c'tin11 . .')(,1t1,· hon1huh-.... ;tll' ,nT<'tcd .b a 1e~uLu iuu, 1io1111f ~• 1 h,·tl1111 that,..__

lollo~,-..1 tlimn_-11_.,, :!+lt11lll }>':1iod \a~_in !h('.'tdtcn.d h11111101e~ u1 thcpin('a

I>. M.f~ u1t. 0111 u ,. a Iuu.11 or _:-;-d.l\ pC'l wd (~•~ 11t l h(' fnna IC' M. •If 1oi 111 on<, 1. or a
JJtliotf IHt~hlUnl i!l ~('I lib of h'ah (.b iu _grO\\'lll 1_1u1 lllOll('_i. ( )!11c1 hoJIJl()IJ~tlt"
v1 ht~o, .... _ hoh no. 11,,· .md Ltll w 11 ,l« nnlmg tn ,Ill 111111. 1 ( lo< k blll .h crn d i11g I < ~
1111c1 u.11 ,11uLrn1111;1I dt m:1ml, vi to l'll\ ll'<(t1in·111c1H-,. l'hc inc rC'a.,cd:_j_

"',u1iu11 •~• 11i-.11Jin .,, :~

.\ ththl d1:u-1.rt·1i-.fh ul h1111110llt'- b
rt:-.uh_ o( food i111.1~c i:) ;~11 < -xa111p[{' uf tltc fo1mcr 1~ p<:.
tht·n 1.11~ilyrit qu.tlil\ .. h l~llLdy.-,1,,r-r
l,11J1Ho1w"" rnlhtc.1t.: 1· l11olc~f( =•~ pn>t ,~.,c~ \\ irlww I h£.·1:hdn hcing aht·rcd i 11 all~~
•• .:c_L





Q) Poncr~cn

Mommory Gonods
glonds Corlt-x M~duilo

i Ad,...nol gtonds

figure 5-2. Tiu- honnu11<·s ~cnctt·<l b) dw :u,tn io1 .11ul po,tc·iior pi1ui1ar,· ~lautk
(Ftotll I .n1kd_. r:.Ju1mtluct i1JII lo J11t,·,10l11g,i, ,d pw, /,r,/og~· (.1nl f'U.}. •. 1... ,111-.:

i '1mb,. 1971i. p. i!t.)

i \\a,. l lorn1011c~ do.110L gl'.{ "u:-.<"d up ... 1:-. ., 1 e,1111 ol i1_1Hut·ncc- in a par ri, ul;!r
il . . . . il1ur
Measuring Hormones in the Body
O11c- la!:>l <h;~r:u tcri~tir of hormont·, :-oh, •uhl he t·~nphasi1 t'\l-rhe nmn-nu-:1-
tion:-. ol th('~e sub:::.tantt.-:::. are far too :)111;rll r, n ,n~ diu·, t ~neasurc·nH·nt. lllC'reforc·.
th<.·~ h;n <: 10 be- mc-a~urtcl in an inciirc·c l ,\·a,. through an in1,;t.'1tiolh tno< t:tlurt·
called radioimm unologira l assay (RL\): fo-,t tkH·lnjh_·<.l l>y lk1son ,md )'aim,· in
!' ·1~.19. 1 In order_to Gtplurc· :::.omc idea of lht·< orn <·n1r,tli1 Hh thal ,ue i1nuln:ll. ~llffil.l· il
e lO ~ay that thl" ,u11ount of ~11~ulin i11 thl' hloml"\11t·~u11 {tn('~t:>urabk h) RI.\) i~

e tqui\·akm lO a tca~poonful of sugar dihw·d in a bke ti2 mik-:, Jong. 62 milt""i \,·idt·
and 30 f<'('l dt'ep! One rndocrinol ogist. JJy Tcppf'nu. m ( 1980). kts ctllt'll the RIA
e tC"dmique a methmlologi< al breakllm •u~h in modt·t n (·u<locrinology <:omp;u ,1hft·

e to thl' td<-:,,cope in 1110<.lern :tstrounmy . Bt·c:-ttt:-.1..· lht"""R-L\ ,lpproad1 has h:ttl '>O grt"aC
an imp:t,1 on the study of ltnrmorn,. it is i1npu11.m, to <IN-<rihc- h<·rc-·how ic is

r'' carril'd rn,t.

rhe RI:\ H:< lmiqm· bt·gin:::. \\'ith tht· (Jllt':\liou of how to mc.a~llll' an t·xrrcmdy
~mall amount of a hormone· (tall it 11 i nu uiriug 1utur~tlly in the.• human h)ooc.1-
e ,trcarn .. b a p1dirn i11ary ·m·p, s.,mpll·~ !)( I l :n, •t:1 k,·n ,nul iujn tcd imo;tlaho,~uor~·
animal (often~• rahhit). rlu· iujenion n:suh~ in thl· 101,mation of amibodit.., :1-.,m

.' Ro..:11~ 11n L1lr ,w w;,~ mu· o( t lu 11·1 tptt "'" ,( tlu I~r;-; '.\of. t l't in lor pli,~iul• 1o1 111, ,Li, in,. in
lrt<,g111w 111 of ht·t wrnk. ~olrn,i.,n H,t\llll h;u((linl iu l'Ji:!.


\ <OIH('llllt1Lio11 ol dtc!'ll',t~~
. .1 I . fotl'i1111 ,,if,,1.111,' "'· I .
110 11111111,rn,111.~1< ,ti I n,pnn,< " 1 l< _,•., . ,ll d 111 1c ,1 I 11 H "· A'.\ 1
J(' ·1111111.d dill 1 "'
Hormones I {
l,11d 1, , 1-. tlH·ll c,11ac-1t·< 1ulll
ti • •
l , • " -~
, ,nl "11li a l,H 10.t{ll\C 1~,.,l!JJ ·~
;indB e.avtor
h • .\k,:1ndiik', il pw1lu-< • I .,o l l aic ' 11 111 I. I J"I .1.,~gII :--i.lt1tion an, I I I1e arn1h •
. • 1·111 ·) Tile Ji1d1n,1< " 11 , . 1· .. · • •
111-.11.d h .111 1.-.1111 >pC 9{ lot <• . ., ,olll< nl I ht I ,II. lO.t< u,·,~
. I.11 ·1I \\'h •I) tl11-. 11:tJ>I'' I 1 • . •
,0'11111111 .11<· tli<"11 ,0111 , 1<. • t . . - . rli(T 1.id1nac11,c l( mol<.·llll
,J . ·111nl,odtt·," 111 1' (/ •
llll ,h c II k-. h111d 1lie111sc· ~·t·, ((> H ' I I . 1I(" plty-.i< ;ti ly .-it'J)~ll.ll('d r , ~
· I ,· \.f1 'I 1>01llld 111/J ('( ll l " '
n.·111:11111111;it1.1<hc·1 or n-c·. • 1 . 1 bt1,Hti,i1, lnd.,o f hou11d~' )._ •
. •. l . 1
. ' ·m rnc•a:-.tll<" I It .1~ . ~'
lt<·c111,,lc·,11k..., ...,pco,1 couJHtl c,
11 1 1
i tht'lltOlllp11tcda,ak111<1_ t•
.111li fl( dFi 111\)i<.--cuk!-i .. \ uo111Hl-1•s.-f1eco1 >· I.I IIJ .... ~---

1,ic,t he1111c,rl y:1rdstick. :. j., t:tkl'n. \\'t' kilo\\' tlJ

\ \ ·1 H·n a II> om I s,tm. J>k from a hurn,111 ,u 1>J( ( 1 .
. I , <>ntai11i11g 11om;1dwani, t •
• k ·11·w1oun1of 11.,\stlw,,.niq, l l • . - t
1· . O·f1hrnon1·1Cho·1cti\'~
<Olll,1111,,0111t'Llll no,v •
I li i., ,1ddc:d to the rndioactiH· .solution fo 11ncd t',t~. wt. :" m
. I J· I Ir tnc
fl mo

l .. l . •f . 1 .. :_
c.:c.u <.~ ·I·
ot t 1e "•~
1H11h11k..,cornpetewllhthcareac) >OlltH • . . ~·
· · r'-I lS • attt ll ·tI• 111 <,it 1·1dwac11,·t• II mo. . tell. 1cs l,,-.
bodin .. b more nonrad10ac11,·t·
. . .
di,l11dgl·d ftonl,,lnndmg wnh 111e anti ><H 1<.,.
• . .
·1 . 1·.. rfu:· B I- 1,1<ltna<. 11, <' . tal 10 ,,·1. 11 1 ,--- 1•
• • • , •. • t. )Jl Ill nonrad1oac 11n· J{ will a ~ •
d<'n<':1w. I·. n·n an exlr<:mdy uunute <on< t:1111,t 11. •
. • _

u 1 • l I·- I
,·1:1110,allllllSCl,.Ulg Cu
c .., 111 }1 t·i1 h,·w,l'tlln•ik1,11lllllclhe11aturalco1KentJ;,i.!

ri_o11 nl I I in chr bloodstream. • . ._ .

\\ i1h the powe1 ful technique of RIA. rile In< 1.-. ol a ho 51 .O.f lwi mun(~ • ~
<11 h<·J .,llh\t,111cc~ han~ heen me:1sm <'d and ca11 hl' 111 1 11Ht 1 •n·d nil J mu tu tt.:·-hy•m m~ i
1,asi,. Co111111crcial kits hascd upon RIA p1 i11c ipl_<·~ .1H· no\,· ,,·idely u~cd fon.Jini~ 1'
diagr_10~1ic tests.



The Thyroid Gland . . . . ¤--f

rh<' th,·-roid. hing on the side-" of lh<' 11110.11 ., h(lul th<· k, c·l ot I he l~n~ u • ..,
• ~1f1 imp,n1:u;1 n·gul~tto; of m<·tabolic l~llc. tl11011gl1 dtt· ,n1uic,11 nl i1.s hon11uuc. )
. thyroxin. r~1•· .._,c.ady ~en eti~>II of l hyrnxin ,,, 0\ 1dn fol tht' lll~ ni~ll lllll I at(' at w_I_1i~
lfod~· n·l b 1.1kt' 111 sown·s o{ c11(1·g-), c onM1tlll· 11~, gl·n. and dmun;tle ,,·ast<.·s. S.11 ~ •
tlu.-,c.· i11tt'rnaJ proc:cs~es han· to C<Hll<'IHI \\'ilh dc-111.:11d, pl;H c-d upon I he hody fro1»
. I . • • .. I I '-
Ill<' ('rl\ IIOJllJJ('lll. t 1yroxm St'<TC[l(lll lS ~C'll~lll\t' tn 1.'".\lt'l na tl'll\J)C.'l,lllllt: ( 1a11g<.~
Lxp,httrt· to< old c1wi1 onwt•11ts ir1<.r<'a~c., 1hyio~ in ,n I cl io11 tal<"S. ,,·hi k <'.'\:()OM~
c,, ·hot «·m i1.c.m111<.:nls dc:nea,t~ ,_hem. . . . .
I oo lurk chy1ox111 -:;t·c tenon {hypothyroula~mJ Ill the~ t•atl~ )<'ars of hk rail
r~uliin" faiJrn (' of 1hen·1111,II 11<.'l'\'OUS S\ Sl(.'Ul.J' wd I .1, 0( ht'I ~(('111'1 iu th<' hm.,.,.__
~o _d<.T~·lop 111 JI maJly. PnH!ll>l di~t~ll< ,,i, of hyp,, 11\ 1oidi,m and 11 <.\ll mt·nt l hrou~
IIIJt'< 11011, of ('~tra 1hrroxm dtc, c1,Tly H·~ton· t ) dd1< 1e11q a11d 1<.·11<·,,· thl' prou·!\, •
of 1101111;tl g1<m·1h. If not 11<',ll<'d pn,mpd~. h<1\,<·u-i, the ,01uli1ion of nctini~
1t-:-.11h,. Dul' io inadcqu;Ht :--kdt·1al ;111d 11u1,t 11Lu dt·, dop11t<.·11t, tht < ae1i11 hn~
IH,0111(, dw.11 f1·d and g1os,Jr 1ui~.,ha1~·11. Th(· 1011g11l' p1nlauks ftom the mout!,f_ _f

llH· eH'' all· 1,rlfly. and r ht pc 11,1 mus< le Wll(' < ,H 1,l •.., 111<· :-.1omarh and shotddn~~
,;~g. :\l«lll.11 •~·1;1n_la1i~,!• h·,uJc-, 11'0111 poor _dc._-u lnp111nH nf chl' nt·t ,nw, sysh·~
\\IH·n c1<c1111111,:.; m-aduhhood, h)poth~1011h:,111 .,fio\,·~ :,~ntploub thal arc.· k'i_J
""1<1t·. l 111· i•~•Ii, idual Len>1u<·> , 111;:g ish iII I• ,di h 111.,n-111<·111. in I ho· w;iy 11 w ho,€i I

' (:


• , i Hy-p,:rcrophy •

" r-t:~ ·,.:.!' Increased Figure 5-3. \ TT77lli.ii1.: ,, ,,, 111 ln1 •••

•: . •._._. :}3:·: secretion
11,vro)('° ;_ ·:· ·!<, lhcopl' 1a1fo1 1ol th, lll\1,11d ~l.11.Hl .
(From Ct1)lo1 1. .\.(. J-11,,, t,1111 of
Iodine t/11· l111/1,rlll b11,I\ \~lid nl., l'lul.1-
ddphi, 1: Sautll kh, I!Jh I. p. •;i7:)

•• maintaiir:- it!'- intt·n1 .1I tc111p l'raturr , ana in i4c·1H·1al auitut lt. I
condi tion would bt· tlw s~1111<· a, that ror rhilclh ood hypol h) 1oidi ...
lu r.,py ·[cir 1lii..,
111. .•

On thl' otht-r h;111d. too rnurh 1hyroid s<·crc:tion (hypcrthyroidi,1111

in a
,mnia . ;md c1
dis01:ck1 c-alle<f":"C.r,n t·'.. di~l•.t:-,t!producl~ <1H'l'L·xcit;1hili1y, <h10nic i1h1
pl ,;hkm sh<1\\i
reduu :d < ap,H i, y io Im 11:-, 11po11 a panic ular I ask. Patit'n t, '"·it h I hh
11. I\JHOal. Th<
pi-011 rnliug ('~ c·:-, .uid ol 11 11 h,1, <· ;r "·ild <•r ... t:1ring app<'.tr:mn· (.,l<"nw
d11n·ni_,c· tr(';\111H·111,ii h) 11nth~1oidisrn rl'quir cs the surgic al ll'lllo,
.1lul ;1_p(lr tior

·or tlw gbnd . ..,11 a~ to II d1h 1· th~- .1mount of thy1o xin . . <·nuio11.
t oid gl.uul under 11nrm al cin u~wa ann·s maini
ai,i~ the (lp1in1:,I lt·\·t·
. Th<: I.h~
nf lhym xin ',t·nc-ri<,1.11h1c111g-h a11 cl('g.111t fc<·dh;H k n·btio
rn,hip \\1tl1 llw antn io
bt·to111c. 1110 Im\ in 1_}1
pi1uita 1 ~: gbnd and tlw h) p(ltha lamus . If l.QU!.! ,\in kn·I"
1 t· ;1 nfr:1.... in.
_u)oodstl(';tm. thC' h~ po1h.1bnu1~ will ~c11~e the dclicit·11<y atHl p1od11
!'-<·rnte "th
bn,·)I'. thyrorropin-rel,·aliing factor, 10 l.l use· i Ill' anw,1 01 J111 uit'Jq' to
1 <,pin will.thl'
honnon<', thyrotropin .. i,_110, he· b)oocl. ThC' im rea~l'd kYds "f 1hy1u1 urn i I du· plopl' l It-, 1
1auw I hl' 1liy1 oiclgb rnl 1<,11io ~-.1,1· ih p_LuJw.uu1u,( th)
i~ n.·,toH·<I. l'oo nnuh rh~w>.in in llwhlo od will kw{· the oppC1 ...
i1<· dl"c·ns 011 ll'
7ln fi11t:"(Fig-u1
h~ )>l)th alamt h :tnd amu i,;1 pi111it~try, c.m~ing thyro xiiffe ,d . . 10
• 5-3). Th<' pri11c iph- 1,f (('(·dhac k in thi . . c:1,1· is ~imila1 lo the
11p1·1·;11io1_1 of
kn·) i!. ··-..rns<·<:
th('I mo.,la l iii ;i h11u~1·.. \ ckr lim· in templ·rallHl' from a p1C's<t ibcd
p1 opl't te111pu-:
hy th<.• tht·nn rn, tat, 1ati...i 11g- I he f 111 n,H l' to l\lrn on. LaH·t , when I hl·
lllH· i~ n·a< hl'd. llw 1h1·1 mo:--t,ll 1un1s th(' furn.u l' off.
;\1H·11 lar gc11tc·n1 11f t lw l h y1 oid ~land itsd l along
with a ~\H'I Iin~ in thr Ill'('
nts of iudi nc i~ thl' tli1
a condi tion< al lt·d ~oi1er. <~-;i, H'~t1li.f10m inadC 'quatc amou
\\'itl,o ~ll s11Hit i1 Ill ~ll~ 1pli1'\ of iolli'.w (ail t·.... ~t·11tial i llg1td i('lll
i11 the _JH c11l ll ri,,n
tor 1· c.,h cl'I
th) roxmJ , thl' 1hy101d cl'II!. 11t11l11ply a" thoug -h lu lOIHJll'lhate
g('111cnt oft
lm\Tt td len·I of thyw~ in prodtH tion. prod1u i1tg an 1·11on nrnb c·11la1
tli(' \\'odd (
gland it~l'lf. C.oitt·1 i~ ,till ii I ollll\\(1 11 1111 llllt·11<1· i11 arl':t~ of
l'·ddi, i(.'111 'ioi
i1igh-alt11ud<'. 111ou111ai11ou, Iq~iom ,) wh('tC < wp:-- g10,,· in HH~ll
Jntl;I\. I'
Figur e :>-1 ~ho,,·s tht gd1g1 aphi, ,tl dist1i l,ution of goi1c1 i11 the ,\·orld
1,·!i,n,, ,1 II
g11i11·1 II h "" \\idt·,,,11,111 ill Dltl1,~ l;11,, l-11J.:,l:t11d. 11,.11
'\I '•Ill 1i1111
··n.•il1\ ,h111 lll'l-1-." (L.-l\.11011. l'l;:!i•
all}\\'hl ·lc Ill 1h1 11lllllll \, pu,plt- d11'1l,n l lh<' 111ndi11n11

• \ ,0111('1lll.llio11 of llie~. - ~
• I ,1,1111 ~.
..'I c' 101c·1g11 .,u, I 1II I(..,, ruh<'-.. •• .:
\; l ~ ,

no 1111111111111111g1c ,d lt'!'ll'nn,c' 111 1I1 . •nd ,11 •I 11

Hormones • fl Hll tlil' ;1111111,il • ..-d "ull a 1,1d10.1, \I\(' i~ 1
l111d1,, t, l 1)l·ll C'\11.t<"lt'(1 ' I t l ,., 1;,gg . I • Jlc 1 .
~od Behavior .
., Ir,111,,t11 1l', ii pl
anfll'd ~oll111011" • 1 l I ,1111111011 ;111, the anl'I"
• . . ,clio,1111' I I . ,,.
,u,11.ilh .111 i,olopc.• fl f lot
• find • 1 11t' 1 ' - ti;ipl'cJJ'>.'011H n. I 1t·. 1 <11 1ten•<ll\·( • ••
' I \\'IH'II I1II'>
,11l111i1111 .11<· IIH'l1 (0111 I)IJl('C •
I I 1cl10·1< 11\ (' If 1110 I
. J' .., \\ 1Jik 111 wr ' < l°ct11
m, ,!1 <II Ii-, hind thc.•ms<·h·t~ '" I he· a11uh1l1< ll k<I ii,·, ., 11· pit) ,i < ii 11 )' .)t:p..11 ,tlt•d ri-
. \frc·1 lu11111< 1110 I ,,H 11·\'ii, k,l'I ' 11 f I1ou11d-.•.
1c·111ai11 1111i1I r.u-hl'd or 1n·c·. • . ,It,·,.,,"
. . ··,n uwa~llH . I
h1·1·1n,1lc·<tdcs.spenal<olllll<·1''' ll I ,111,,1,I tt·ii,ontpllH<. I a,aki 11 1
• I I 1,,· .fl('t'CII • 1 ('
,lltd lln·(FI ll11)let:uk!'> .• \ JOIIII< • • • ..: r __ ..
lii111 ht· yanlstick. ,l11,J·n I i~ \\"c.' kucl\,· th· ...
• J f101 11 il 1llllll,1 11 . . ,
\\'lwn a blood s:1mp <- ' \ Ith .,, 11111 ,It t l 11111,1111111g 11111nadioaci-

10111,1111:-.,ometm knowna11 ,·11ntofll., ~1 · tlil't .,1,1rn·of t I1enonta< 1·to·icth· l\
• • Ju lion frn nw<1<'ti • ' t
In j., .1ddtd to die rac.hoacun· so • . dio 11 1iH· H mol<.:nil<"'I for the . •
. I I . lr<'adr houtll1 1.1 • • ' 1 .......
11111ll'{l1k:-. <nmpne wu 11 1< a -' •. , 1 111111 < 1;1dioacll\(' 11 mokrule:·.,
. 11
1·, rfw·B r.Hll<lalll\(' I.Ill() ,,ii) lii.U -
1······lllSi.lllll, . .
l,odm~ .. \:-. lllOH' noma(JO,l(II\( .
• l· r . •ti I h, ·111\lhO< IC.,. . . I ,,
l 11'l11dg1 ·c h 0111, ulllHlllg '' 1 1 t '
. . • 11 1 110 ,u ad111:1< II n· I { ,, ill . kc.
· I · 1inute con< t: 1111 •11 in.11 ,t '-
<Ic·n c·a,e. I:. n·11 an t'Xtn:nw ) u :., ·h 11 n i111· l ht 11.11 un I con<
1h1 B I· 1:11io, and 1hiscfo1ngcc:an thtn hnt~t·< IP t l 1 • ' eni1a
1i.11n 111 H i11 thr hloodsm-;un. • I ,I - l1c,s.t of (101 111 -
\\ i1h Lhe powc-1 fut lt'<.hn1que O r RI\
' •
(1tl· 1t·\ l ·" 1 ' 1

• • • '
Ull('s. - -
. . 11 ht. 111 ., 11 u, ,H'< o 11 .1 m 11 H 11 e- li, . 111 in
<1lh1·1.,uh-.1,u1<·c~han~hl'l't1lll<.':1-.u1<'<l ,Ill<1<,t ·• l·I · ·If· .
. . . . l\J.\ ·,.., iiik'- ,11t· no,," t< <. tbt< 01 <hni
ha~r:-.. C.1 ,m11ie1 nal klls l,asr<l 11ptm ' , P 11 ·, •. ,.
diag110:-.1ic t<.·sts.


The Thyroid Gland
rill' thy-roi<l. lyingon tilt' side!> of thr tl110.1l .d>< ,111 ,tt the l.1·\ d o_f lie bnu_-<-,
~111 impo11:u11 1<·guh1101 of 111c1alkilic rate. tl111>11.~i1 111 1 • ,nt~' 11 ~' 11 nl llS hon11u1"
thyroxin. rl1•· ,1c:.1(h" sen ct ion uf 1ltyrnxi11 IJ1"\ 1dn fo1 rltt· lllll\lllltt1111 :tt<·ar whi

•If( ;d~ n ·I b l,;ke in so wn·s o( cut, h'1,, 011~11111<· 11 .\, g(·ll. and c:I im i11:u c \,·a.,;,c,;. Sit~
1hc,c.· i11l~rnal IT oces::ies han· to ccm1c1HI with dell 1.: 11d~ pb< eel II pc 111 I Ile h11dy frc~lJ-~
\~1c· cm·i1nn11H·1H. thy_rnxin sruc_1ion is ~l'miti\l _t" cx1c11_1al lt:111!_'n;_11 l_ll(· t ~1a11g~
L~JKhltrc.- to cold c.:m·11<1n111<.'llb 111ora.')t'.') thy10:-.m ,n 1ct11rn 1.11(~. ,, luk (:\:pn51~
to hot 1·m 11011111c.:11ts liC'Ol\hl'~ 1hc111. ..:._•--
oo li~tk thy1oxi11 'it'ctl'tio11 thypo1hyroidi~111J in 1hc· t':11 I~
lifer~~car~ of
[Nflt 11i ~t f:ulwe of 1he«· mnom ~, ,;1<·111. J'
\\TII ct~ 01 hC'I !-i~ ,1<·11i.. 111 the ho~
~o ~k,·'.•l(lp n11r111a1ly. J>ro1~1p1 d i:i~no~i~ tJf hyp,, II\ 111 id i~111 a ncl t I l\1111H·1111
lllJt'< 11011~ nl cxtla tl1yrn:-.:m di<·, m·dy 1('~1on· 1 < ddu 1C·11q ;111d 1u1<·,,· thl' pl't>l~
of 11on11al gHH,·tlt. If 1101 1H·.11cd p11nnprl~. l1<1\~t·"·t. the i 1>11di1ion of octiui~
1t·~111t,. Due- 10 in;1d<'qu.11e :-kd1·tal .ind 111u,,11Lt1 dndo1,111r1t1, tlH· ctctin hn~
l,n 0111<·, dw.11 kd and g1os:-ly 111i~~ha1~·11. 'l 'he 11 ,11g11c I Htlll ll(k~ [10111 the rnout!!,j•
1~,.~· l'H'". : th • I ;~f~ '.tn·d I h<· _po,H m_u~c le to111· <. 11 I'll''> 1Ii(· ,to111;u h a 11d sl wu ldrn.tlr-
.,,t:-.· \( ltl.11d,1t1~•!1 lu,ult, ft()111 pour dc\t lopmnH tlf thl' tH·l\tlll~ sp,t!'l'L
\\'he11 ~•c, 11~ t ir~.:;. in. adullh1111d, Ii) p111h~ 1oidi~ut -.hrn, :- lllJ>IOllb I h;ll a1 c I~
"·n·1t·. I he 11:d" ulual '"Will<> sluggish in t" ,di h rnon·n t<·nt. i11 1he " •. ,y ,It,· '"'f
. ~ - - - - -
/ / 1 Anlt ,,u, p•tu•t.iry


j· ·,


l ~a, I::-., ,u nm~-·

1 Increased
Figure 5-3.
.. . -·. ....:.: seaarivn
th<· 0J>t.T.alio11 ofih, I 1\101&1 A ,u1,l.
11W'o"" ' ;hy,:~
{F10111 Cu)ICJtl. \.(. l-11 1 1,t1u11 of
tin l11111uw lu,,/\ {t111l nl., l'hil.1•
ti( lph1.1: S;u111,ki.... 1% I. p. "iii:)
maintai,r:- it~ i11H· ll"lltpnawrc, an<! in ~CU<'tal attitudL l lu 1.1py ·ro·r 1hi,
condi1in11 would b1· 1lw !-,lllH" ii' 1ha1 for rhildhood hypolh} 1oidi,111.
p On th!' othn h:11ul. too much thyroid s<:crclion (h)pcnhyroitli,n1 ) in a
di~onkt "al 1t-,1C r.l\ l''... d~c.1:,,t! produ<.(~ u, <:n·xcit.ahilil y, <ht on i, in..,, imnia, and a
r('du~c-d, ap.u i; y io Im lb 11pon a pat tin1br task. Patient~ with t 111~ p1 1 ihl<"m show
. pi-oil udi 11~ (·~ <·:,, .111d (II 1, 11 h,I\ <' .i \\·ihl or '.'>l~ll in~ appl'ar;111n· (.1<·11',·11. I!JXOa_l. Tl1<:
~. d1rn·n i_, (· 1rc;it 11H·111 111 ii~ Ill'l ti 1~ 1oidi:;rn requires the surgical l l't1\rn a~ ul :i. ponion
·01 thl'• gbnd. "" a:-. 1111td,111· th<· .,m<,unt of thy1oxin ..,<'n<"ti1111.
l ·r·ti<: th~ toid gl.111d lllldcr.lHlrtll:tl ciru1~11,1ann·s maintai11;,, tht·(1)'ti11i;,I ll·,-d
of1l;n~<;xi1; \l·<ttri<,1.1 tl111>11gh an ckg-a11t fccdh:atk n:btiomhip \\1th llwantriior
pitui,tat ~: gl;ind ;111d till' Ii) pothabmus. If Q!\ro,ink,Th ht'(Clllll too lm\ iii ljlc
t,odstH·,un. th<' fiIT)uth.,I.~n111~ will ~c11~e tl~c ddicit·11cy a11d· p101htt 1· ;1 n-ka~ing
bnc)l', thyrorropin-relt•ac;ing factor, to l;1use i lw all1<.'1;0l pituir.-11 y to -.<·n1tt' ·the
hormone, thyrn1ropin. i1_1to t ht· hlor1ll Th(' ill{ rea~e<.l kn-ls of thy tot I opin willihc-n
< a11w the iii~ 1 ni(l gbud 10·11·1(, t·,M· it:, JJ_1uJ.u<..Uo1LuLth ) toxin t1nt i I llH· plopl't Ind

i~ tt·,to1('d. l'oo llllll h 1h~ 1_m.i~1 i~1 !lw hlou<_l will han: the oppo .... it<· cll't·c ts on th~
hyJ~othalarn th :llld a11t<·11111 p111 ut~try. cni:,,rng thy1ox.111° l<.·, t·h to d,·t hlll' ( Figure
• r,-j). The pri111 iph- of fe<·dha, k in rhi, ca<,<· is ... imil.n to tl1t· opcr:11io11 of a
th<"t mo,t;1l iii ;1 ho11~1·.. \ dl·c line· in temperature from a pie·~< rihl'd kn·l i.... ..,l:nsc<l'"
hy I he tltti lll(J:-. t:11, c athi11g the fIII nae l' to turn 011. Lat<.·1, when t Ill· p1ope1 tempe:ra-
LllH' i~ rl'adtt"d. du· 1h1·1111o~lal llllll-; th(· rurl1,Hl~ off.
.\n c11 Ln gc·111<·111 1 if I h.::_ t Ii y, ~i~I gland itsd ralong \\'it ha.,,, l'I \in~ in the lllTki
b it ~-~mdirion l _:d_kd goi,c·r._c:111 n_·.,ul_1 lwm inadc·q_ua~e ;11no~mts ~11 i<•<linc i1~ thcdil'l,
\\ 11hou1 ,11f11t ll Ill <,upph1, of 1rnlllll' (an c•,:,,c.·uu:tl 111g1tdH·J\I Ill th<: pt(ltl ll ti<,11 ol
5' tll) r11xi11J, lhl· thywid_ cdl., 111ul'.ipl) a, th<~ugh to tompen-.,lle lor c ~h n·Id
lmff1 eel I<-, d nf l It) HJ'.\ rn product 1011. prod ta 1ng an t 'H<>nno11:,, n1 la1 g<:IIH'lll of t11J
gl_;llltl it.,df. C.oit<'l i.1, ~till a 1 <Htllll(Jll Pc I u1 tt·11c,· iu arl':t~ 0 ( !Ii(' \\'(,I Id (u.,uall~
l11gh-alt11ud<", rnouul:t11H>t1~ tq.)on:-.) \\"lttit· < 10p;-.. ~1ow i11 iotli1tl··tldi, il'llt ..,0 j).!
Fi~un: :>- I .1,lw,,·s tltt· g1·c,g1 ;1pli i, .ti di~it il,ut ion ol g<,ilc1 i11 thl:-\\'orld 111d:,y. Tiu

'\t '•Ill :inu ~.,i,,i \\ h ·,n ,,id1,1,1t,11l i11 llltll\;);11<, l·11gla1ul. th.II \\·li,111,,1 ll •n111ll.J
al1)1d1t·11· 111 1h, «1111ll1\. Pl''PI< dlll1l,,d dw ,11ndi1in11 "lkdl\._1 111 ,. ltnl" (l.t g, 11011 _ 1•1;~1. ]
111 •
' !

. .



-:·.., ...'!•

. ,. . '
" ,. "tj... /
- -.,~

f ,gure 5-4• G Off('f'
. .
• n·gHJIJS { I I I I) .!I 1.i-1'llt'(.I al (\h
(I f le' \\'Or ( .
. I
w::tl<'r cond111ons produce low con< l'tlll a1101h •, 1111 Ill<' an(
• ,.
• di·( ..•,,,.' '·11·1•·1s
·: · 111
I ,,
·11 'lC
(: •
' '
\\'li('t t' -;oil ;\IHI
, .
••(' p('J('L'llfcll7'"'
( e~
,jf thc- popul::u i<,i1 exhibi,; goit{'r 11nl0..~ iodiui· iqcldl'd to dw dil't. ( Fru,11 Ldttrr>tl. R.
l lormu11r.1: A d<•liaz!(· balanr,'. :\:t·h· \'ork: I', .~.1,Lh. 19i2. p. 77.)

simple addi1iot1 of iodi,w ,:o ,> di<'I tl11011gh ''iodi,ed .'' OJ 1rn!in~ -:,ddi·d, .,alL_
JHt'\'('lllS the den·lop1 lH Ill {If -~(It({'[. The ;mciC'III c_1ti11t'St' pn·,, ll_J)ll\lI) _<" l1t111t,j
S<'~\\'t'ed added 10 {o(l{f ~i-. ;1 < u H' for goirer ,n,~ e-.~enri;tl I~ I ht' ,1dd111()11 1 l()d111l·
11 t'7
rhc c.licr, awl proh;1lih r·li<' 1';11 JiC'.~I , ccnrd<'d t·~:tmplc- ol n.1cdi1 .ti cud,,, 111101

(LeBawn . I !}72). ,~

The Parathyroid Glands

TIH:parathyroids ;,n· (11111 -,111;1JI <il.~,llh I) ing i111111cdi.11d~ .1!,11\ <
·n1t'i1 .-,enrrion, pararhor mouc. :tCl!'I in the hloocf:..,1n·.1111 tb1ouglio ur
rhc 1,o(h . .'
mairnain rhcop1i111.::il Jen·l ()f <.,ki11111 for 1hr fimc1io11ing of rH·w,d. ,J...dC'l:d. ·,11

mw,c/e ci.-,~u<'. Too high a l,·, d of hlood c:1Jciu111 p1 od11t l':-. lo\,., X< i1:1 Iii Ii,, ill 11(-rn~~
;Hld rnusdes (and g-c11ual ,lttggi,hu t'ss). "·Itile wo low ,1 Jen·! 1)/ hlo11d cal, i11
producC's h)pcrcxc ilahilir~ (and conHdsin"' seizure :illacb) in tl1<·w 1i.-..,1H'.,. ('9
f~on_1eo-._1asis _in _hlood <al< i11111 i:- m~~i111,1i 11nl f!l!ou.t:.:·I~ ;1 frcdl,:l<'k 111<.'< li~mis~ ~
~11111la1 rn pn11< tple 10 !hi' on<· J rg11b1111g thy,o'.\.111.. \11 111:1<.kq11.t1<· Ind uf hlo< •...
c,1kium slimular l's rhc pa1:1rl1~. oids to<'t<· p;ir.11l1o n11onc. ,d1i< It .tch to i 1
nea~t' IJlood cafc ium until llw ll ,-cl of ulo<>d ctl< iurn i, too hi,t:f 1. \1 rhi.., point, th•
!Jarar hrroids arc su pp1_·e:,;w<_I a~•~ I/" 1,td_101 mn11e·~t '< , t ·r ion i, di III i II i~h<'d . . \ 1( ·1111'11 ..,-,,-_,
madt·quaH· hfood c ale lllUJ rn 111:1Ct·.-. 1h1"i cycle .1g;ti11. i--.:-_~_LJ...i

fhcr c: ;ue f \\'O kwnn, l,·;1ys i11 ,d1ich p:ir:11lior1 11011c inc I t·a,<·~ /,/ood <alc··i11111
nw fir~• and la~(t':,I. \\"ay i') ((I illdl-...lSt' l1H· H·-aliso1ptiu11 of calnum :hit i., lwil,J;..--.......i
• p1ou·~~-t1 hr rhe l...idrn-'j·.,. ·'" 1h;11 it is n,,1 lose 1l11u11gh dw n:ucriou of tu inc. Tl~·==:::~:;
,c< 011~1 _;11ublo,n·1 war i-. 10 ,1< 1 "" hoi I<' r i~.,uc, ,n; 1, to, 011, u r , It<'< :ti< j um iuto ih,
io11n 1ku IIJ<' l,od) ri-. ... uc, c,tll use.
.\uothu fa<lor in tlie 101J11ol ,,f l1food «tit llllll, < losdy lil.<'d ,rirh p;ll .11ho,~::: ::~
• . ... ~'
' \ I II 111111, l 1lhld111 ,., .11111, " ' 11111,1 ".11th 111, dH
_11_-1_ _ I I
Ir" f .. 1; I i i , " . ''"" r I' • ,,• r" I' I. 111 ,, l"'''il,h 11111,11 rhi· I, I''"' I I11111,, Ic \I I
' "'," ,·
Hormones I II ii," 11, I"" I ' ,1, Jllt I ' , . . ' ·, I
,.111 ,, • • " ' • • ' . 111ilh \\1lh,n11111,l1.11g1,.1tr·1 •1,111·..,,1 IWI•
and Behavior I
\ I
II l I ( t )\ I '
I ' llll i• •I !i,· tt,,: 11,, ·,l.d I.I I I '
I. I'
.• . l

II . . ' I
I I • ( ti• It \tJli ,, , , , , , , , , ..... J . : I •• t', I
\\('!( 11,1 ' " ' " I I I (l,1_11 '"·'l'' "' '

\ I,·,, ',('I I• •II' II " , , , I I

• 1Jt ·t',., rndli111,,., uf<-11,·d 11, .,,
f t II.I I

• 1 • 1· 1
d1ah(•I(•..... (JI I th\ •.,. •II ' 1 ·"
k(jlltl"li·\l'hofin,11l111;i1t·p11,d11<nll,,11,011uh1>1\°I ll
• . \I rt .
• • • t • , . h 1o ,111,0,t· Ind, 111 IIH hl,,11,l,111:1111 •. rn I 11,1
u1,ul11t f ttl-, '" Jl'">j>'''" 1>111111 I , g 1· . l
• • 111
[{()fh • t·,'l .11 1 • 11,1t., lh. ' ullu iu11 '-1.., 111 ·;11111<·111 ( I. It<· ,nt 1.rll 11,I, 11J 111-.u 111 m I Hj
/llO(n., <>f t·tH·tg) 11111.1l,11lh111 11·1• 11 I,1· 1·x,t1111Jll'< I 111 ( ,I 1.1' I I t't I I . I
111 1 11 • • , ·' 111 n.i <,

The Posterior Pituitary

·1·1 tl' pose en·<, 1• r>i'iuitan, . ·11Thnd
, .~ , h, i1w
.-. imn1t:di,1tdv, 1111dt·11lt',11l11hr h~ poth,il-
. .
amw, al t IH" I,a-.(,· <,fili•·l,
, 1 ,,1· 11• .,c·cH·1t·s1\\'0111aJ·or
· honnone.... tlwf11,t1,asoprc•~.1.mlt1•
hedl..'s<iilicd h<"l'(' .11HI 1h!',1·1011d (oxytocin) to be rrfr:rrn_l It> l;1tl'J· 111 tlu.·cl1,1ph·1
, 1•11 1·.,, '-111 irllJ)()J, 1·1111
\ ' il!->Op1u,-. ' 1<·g1ilatnr
. . l,ala1te<' 1Ll tlw l11 •<.h. \\ h<'t1. • t·ll,
of 1,•attr I
hl'Couie ddi) di ,ttt·d. ,·;t,, ,p11•-.-;i11 < ;.n1:-,1-., the k1d11<:y to t l·-al,.,, ,, I, 1li1 \\'.tll:1 lll I tt·
waste mallet p:..,-.i 11 g rJ II ougl I ii, .,o as to ronse1, 1· 1h1~ _bodf !-i .,1,~ >J ii) ·c ,t fhnd. ~11H_c
this anion i-:, oppo,i11· to ilH· c,!f of \1',ll_cr lll thc 1111111. , .,sopn·'i-,111 h
<.,pusidtH'<.i" anci-diun·lit ,111d i-. oftt11 nfrrr('d
a!! anli-diur<'t i<.· hormone 1. \I) H,t.
Juaikq 11ait· ,·.1-.opn·... ,i11 :-1·< 1c:1 iun n•:;ull'i in a<. onditir,n cal ltd diabrLC'~ in-;i~1idus .. in
\diich too m uc h \\'.111 ,, p,,,.,v-. tit ro11g-h the u1 in(',,. iI h!Hl t _k 1d11n 1• ·-;, h:-, 11 pllt Ht. I he
indi1·id11,d h;11·i11g 1lii, d1-.c ,1dn dndops an c11ornH,11-; thi1 -.1. ,1111 l llH· hq<h i, not
·rl'n·i1i1...- -;1tlliiinll ll11id, 111 order IO f1111(1io1r. \ .,,·1i1·:-. of i11j<"1t1,,11, ol p,,.-.t<rio,
• ... pi wi1.1ry t'Xt ra< t. 01 of I" 11 ifi('d fo1 nh (lh';l."lop11·-,:-in i t,d i. , r,101 1 , 1h, I u11_11 i, 111 i,_1;..:
kH:I ol thi, /Jrn lll<>IH' :uid din ti, dy di111i11.a1_c-. ~he -,y 111pt, 1111,

The 11.tyroicl. p;11a1l1y.ioid, p;111cr<',1-.. and po~ll't io, pituit;tn gl.11Hl.., .rll -.h;:in rhc
C()lllllloll f(·.i1u1 l' of 1-11,1intai11ing a hu11H·ost;11 i( l,al.111< t i11 tlu· I,, ,dy. ln 1110~1
ci1 <1111hr;1LH t':-i. 1ltq ,II~. -,th n'Y,I tt I ,111d tl\<.' cquilih1 itllll of the l,od, j.., >1 l'Sl'I \'<·d. 111 •
somt· casl',, hm,T, 1·1, tiHH· 1·110ugh of ~l distrn bancc iu ('quililn ium f1)1 the hnd)

10 1e;1<l i11 ., 111011· lh.1ll1.1ti1 \\·.1y-1h1011gh a sln'ss rcanion. l'l1l' :-.oltl<l' ul the
disturl,;1rn t· (the~trcs~orl 111.1) he i111n11;tl (as in au inkctic,u-; disc-.t.,t') 1 ,, cx1<.·1 n,d (as
i11 a ~uddcn<' i11 <·m·iro11J11l'tllal trrnpnalurc, a ses-tion of ~11u111ou~ ,u ti, i1,,
or, llh>1<· ~11btl). th(' ('\i><'c t,ll iorh t>f :'!O( ii'!) tm,·,trd ac hit•\'('lllt 111}. \\"hatn rt tht·
.<,our<<·. l h(.:....;fl<• ...~1-t~t.(-I ion i., ~pcri fi,, dornin~ttcd b~ au in( n·a,l' in i fa ho1 mou;tl
('l~~lo< I i ll' g b,_1:1~: .•.l~t· :11_11 (') i, )l' p~ l ni (~1) ;111d th(' ad rn l:l b (~dyl'.
S~'(.I ~·1 jq~1., uf I~\'()
I l,li). I h1 ough t I H 11 .1c 111 Jih, ,, < .tit ,,blL lo <011 f 1om ; t !treat 111 ~01111.· m1porl.111t
a.-,JH'< t of ll r Ii, 1·.,. J11 1ltv 1,·(11 d-; of I IJl' physiologi:-.1. \\' 1her B. ( :, n 11()1l, ,n· <;i I her

9 fight or C"b<' \\T fl,·c.


The Major Structl!res and Secretions

l'ig 11 n· 5-."i .')ho"·" ,1 '< hr111,1tic pinurc of the ~ti lKlu1cs ime1h nl i11 tlc,tli ..1~
I '>ln•, n1. ,\\,,it(' ri1.l( (',Ii r) in the Sl·qtu.'11(.(· of I Ca(linm !ht '>ti ('::,SOI llllhl l~-

j)l'tl('('~'i('d ,md irw·i pn'lt'd ,l'i '>l'lhory e,·e1w, b) ll1<· ,bsncia1io11 ;11c-;1s nf IlH· ll('OH'I"·

~- •
Ascending reticular
activating system
Cortical association
ar~as via senses

CRF .~
Autonomic nervous Anterior pituitary Posterior pituitary
system Vasopressin


Adrenal Adrenal Other Kidney

'medulla cortex glands

>Epin~P.hrine Other
" aod hormone (and'
Norepinephrine electrolyte)
changes ' ~- l--


figu.r~ 5-5. .\ g<·nt·t al nu rl i111·, ,/ fr1:1jor -.(nu 111res and their sc·ner ions drn ing ~Ire~!>·. •
"< -· 1•
(From Hue k, R. I lu,,11111 m,,t11-at111~1 nnd ,·motiou. Xt'\\' York; \\'iky, 1!)71;. p.. 1i.)
. •• •

lex. As a I cs ult o( P<'H <'i ,·iug a ~<·rics of _,..cnsory <:''<'lll!I as srn.·s~or~. I hef~) pc~1 halanrnF 1~
sccn~~cs s11!).'it~nc<:5 , -;d 1e<1_ co_ruc~rropm- rcl~asmg factors_ ({.;JR f ), wh)1d1 mdun· t ht-,
anrcnor pJCulfary g 1am1 ( 1} mg JU.~r 1111<1c1 near 11 c1le 11ypot ta 1amus to secreter 1• ~ ·
hormone adrcnocorricorropic hormone (.\CTI[). The ,\CTU rhcn ci1nila1<·~ ir, • -~
• 1
rhc IJlood and c,·<·nmally H.\Klic.-; d1co1H.<·1 cowring, ore<H(cx r<'gion, of tliea<lren~
gland loc;-,tcd ;too\·c cac h kidm:y .. (fhe gJ~md's prn,irion a hon· rhc kidnt')' givt's t h ~
impression of a close inl<'nc:l:t11c.m~hip, bw tlac twn organs an· iudepen<lerit of on~ ~,:
anocher.) The corccx region o/ 1J1c adrC'ual gland, or adrenal rorlex for ~ h o r ~
producc.s irs m~·• luH n>tmc~, c01·ricoids. as a direC"I rc~ponsc le.> rhc lcn~I of ACTI I i ~
rhc blood. Two ·arcgorics of Loniu,ids dominarc rh<• otllJ>tll of lh<.' adrl'nal conc.•x;_ ,...-~
mincralocortic ds ~uul glu('Otortiroids.
.\finC'ralo :A-1 icoi<l:\, a:, 1h<' nam<' s11gg<-sts, hdp IO reg-ula1r. the kn·J of miner~ Ir''.~
ah in ,he bodr, specifically sodium. porassium. and dllm ick..•sincc rh<"1i<' mim·ral~
h;H"c .i \'ital 1olc in the w~•r ;l m·mon fu11cri0ns (Cli.ipl('I 2), disuu bancl's i r ~
111i11cral<".or!icoids can kn-c sr1 ious wnsc,1umcrs in J~l(• nr·1-.-ous S)"Sl<'III. It is 1 h ~
~hKo<nrucoHfs. howc,·er, d1a1 l1an· heen mn.-1l llllt·nsH·ely ~llld1cd as honnonrs_; I..,....•
~1ctfr;11C<.l du~·ing ~tr<'SS. Their prindp;~l_function isl(~ promoH: the conn.'t sion o ~
;::>red prolClns aud fa1s IO glum,c. l liesc mm·cr,wm an· 1mpor1an1 for th'S-r:
I lo
- --- ,r,1111•dh\lt1Jtll I
1. 111 1.111 ) 111 , 1
1 ,1,1 d I u 1 ~1 .111'11'11 1t·p.111 ol d.1111.1gnl 11,-,w·.
• · II ·
Hormones ...... J I I , 1111 1 j11!i 11111 1 1 ,,,dr ill•,I J,-h,tlrox~tort1Co~1t·roHl
,, 11 1,1 >>Jt\1,11
;i,ltlltll .11,I I< r, 1--- . . I 1.,
,lnd Behavior '"'".,,I
1··( '1 ••• l'('l''I ,', l,,. I "'I •· ,I J"''' l"l ··l ll"lt •• ,,I j):,~, d1,il1;:,;l1

,- '){l('" 1•• "' ,'-', • •• '" ·"
'' ' ' ••• ! •'' "' •,. , , " ' '' ' · I II I
,. \\ t1o,t· k1, I nl ,, < 11·111111 {lllt..'a:-.u1 nl tliroug l J oot
( \..,.: I I l..ti ls
., II.. • .l:S -' 1 ..,llh\l"trl<
• ... • • ' • . I. . I
111111 (. ~;tlllj)i<'~) b<'al.., ;i t lo:-.t I d;111• ,11,11 q I I•, t t·po1 h nl hn\\ sll t'-,'-.t'd .111 1/H r' H LI

t<'r-1,:1' ;111v pa11i111l.11 1i111(·. 1

' It is ·imp"n: 1111 '" pollll flllt d1.11.d1.1111g \11<'\s. al

111<· It) p,,,habrnu, b
• g-1tlnou11lr
.1, l 11 ,I 11 11 \ ;-,
rh,•s,. 111p:t1lrt 111 111·1 ,,,11,,~,11·111) 1ltc,,,1eo1 n1nl11Jla
. I n-gwn 1

• ,t J .-,
I I ll' it l'I l l'll <•l·iri•I
, , (tli<· "drrual
u nw,l111la1: 1n ~t·t 1clt' 1,,u addi11011;tl H,11111111<

<'pirn·phrinc and norepincphrirw. (( )ltc1: .'·,t' 1,,,, ,uhsranc vs ;11 c 1<'!<'I l(·d 1, 1 •
adrenalin and norad.-cnalin. n--.J1('< ri,, h., I h";ugh rl1<' two st·t1t·uo1b 0 1 rl
,idri·nal lllCdulla, circulart:d tl11,111gh iii, 1,.,d~ \-i,1 th<" blood~t1ea111. th<' hm
11111 1<-rg0<·s the ;uray of rhang-~ J..11n\\ 11 .1, ,, 1np.irlwtic ~c Li\·;u io11: inn~ased hl',~
1,11 c. rnnsu ic1 i(Jn of blood \'C•.-.!)d:-.. i 111 1,·.i,1 d 111 t1...,, It- tone, a11<.l :-., , f01 th (t..l1su1 -.sf•d ,
Ch.rprt:n, :i ,md I~). 0rw oft he Iun, 111111, "' q iinq ,hr ine ;:m<l no1:eµ i11C'pl11 in~· i!> I
,1imul~1<." 1he anter.ior pi1ui1ary 111 ,i-c rt l< \CTI I. Thu.\, ACI H ptoduc tr11r1
1 ourrolkd not 011I} by CRF fwm I ltc II\ p< 11h.1larnus but by tht· ou1p111 of 1J·

.1d1(·11al medulJa as well.

Tlie Relationship Between ACTH .and 17-0HCS

If the adrenal cortt:X is ll'lll(!\'l'd '\.j)t'ri ll1C'llt,-1 lly, I he prodtH t io11 of. \CTH I,
llH·anrerior pimi1ary will inc tea,< !h,11.~1.11i, ;dly. If gl11cocor1icoid:- .~re implanll'.
cxpcrimC'ntally into the hypothal,11111h.. \CTl I produt tion" ill dcdi1w. Thl':-.r tw
ob;,t1,a1ic,rn, im.licuea ftt:db;wk 1d;1111,f1.,l1ip 1,ct\\·.t:en .-\Cflf an<l 17-OHCS in
1101 mal indivic.foa 1. \\'hilc ir i!-1 ,\( :·1 l l I h:11-sli111u b,c.., the St'< retinn of 17-( )I I(.~. 1
i~ tht· CXC('S~iw· kH·ls of 17-0HC., d1a1 ,1q lj>lt'',~ lh<.." .<C:,hetiun of :\C rH. B, thi
ft-,·dhack nwchanism. 17-0IICS (1 ,1 , >I ht·! g l11c c1( ,,n ic oid:o) do not rcac h tlllil( <cpt
,ihly high lc·i·ds. Both AGC'l-hmd 17-01 ICS I t'lllilill tH ~t:1hle le,els i11 the 1,lrn,,
\1 ~Hu the indi,·idu.11 is, aim antl llJhlJ('~:-.c·d. Dui ic.1.~ time~ uf ~Lrc~..., ho\\T\l·1, th

pi, t urt· i~ , t-1 y di fl<-r<'nl: the iII tel 11.d 11 .~ul.11 i1111 of 17-0 I ICS i~ cit h<·1 h.1ltnl o
rn·1hitp:-. onTri<lde11 by th<' powctful rn·11r;1l influc'IHt·:-. strll forth f1om tlw co1H·:
.md°h~ po1halamus; as a H's ult, 1101 Ii .\C n I .111d I i-0 l .lCS ri ...,e 1<>gtlhe1 as I tac 1io1
10 !ht· ~,rt~\or.

The Role of ACTH in Behavioral Studies

lncr<',~sing ACrJ I kn·ls i11 the blood, ia ,\(: J'I I injecr ions can h.t,"t.' impoi
-~~1111 dlt-rts Ill an animal's 1eanio11 i11 .i h-,11 •ill<lucnl sitt1:t1ion. One sue h siru;uim
1_1~n,ln·s. ar~ ac_livc· "':oi~l~•~rc task, in~w_hich an ;mi1_nal m~1st learn to make;
1t ~pnnM.: to., :-.t 11nu! us (hk(• •• h1111t·11 ,n 11111 ~• -.horr pet 10d of I mw in
de·, ro arnit.
~liod;. \\'hik ACTll-iujc·rtions dn 110 1t11c·1 tile at q11isition of an an,idan«' 1e.
,ponsc. tlit;· slo\\' down it~ exlirn 1i,m t lk\\'inl. I!)70J. •fhis lll<'<ms ihal wht'n ihc
• ·
thH·at nf -.ho, k has ht·t·n 1cmon-d .,n ,111i11nl i11·Jl't lt'll ,,. 1•111 \c.··1·1-1 ("()ll[IJllH'S IC
• • • I

J I <I I•l' I;i ('( I

• •

111al,.1• an ~1\·01J;mn· 1e~po11st· fo1 a l011,,1..- time· 111-111 ii,, tl't' C<) t
• • -· h • ' • fl ro s. II I
,11u;111011, howc,·t•t. t·allt'd 1>a.~sin~ .n·oida1 1c,. (1' 11 \ 11 • J · I J
'l. \ I( l an ;Ulllll.t must (',llll Ill
I· ·

rd1a1n f1orn dui11g :-.uml·thi11~-(01 l'X'llllj>l • 11 • 1 • I

• • •

• • •• <, l trlh.lllg \\",lll'r \\' It'll I

01dt·11oa\ot<lsholkJ \Clll-i11J·l'··tt·tl·111,· i·I I f ... ··· i ·,
• 1 •• , • 11 .t s 10,,· a-ste1 ac qu1s1110n r ,1.111 co th<'
<on11oh.(LcT111c·. 1 )il) l1101lw1· I \("'t·11 · · · ·
• • • . "Oil~. : • ·lllJt'c led ammals learn ;i p;is.)t\'l'·

123 /111li·1dc,;11u h-c·dl,;ul.. '" 1/u·,uu,n,tl. 1,, 11dwnl., 111gl1 l1!,.dd1oodol 11l1c1a1i<111 i'
Hormones II •I oro111).
and Behavior
It' ;1\0JC


Jll , 0111, a,r, j 11 1J11 , \ \ ·, .; .,, 1 •.._ J '<'I ; 11 wn I ti w 1;,r-: ,., c·1 c•11 ot p J l'I (·., I ('d ;11 :ti I, Ill 11 \\ ( ·1 ,-
p ,·d r;111dorn Ir i lhc- ;I\ "idai ;uul < lnJl <1111di1irn '>• Tl
H <' 011 1 I<' n Jid,11 in· ta~k ir~('~

w;tl\ abo diff('rc-111. in 1'1;11 ;i cliMh111 .'1ig11;d fJIC'< t'dC'd rIi<', ,c < '11 I <"II<.<' of ~h()( k ~lfl~
a11itn;11' could a\'oid rlic ,hock J,y ic:-.pondi 11 g ,., rlw !,ig11;1l. J'l111s. the· :1voida11c,
rah \\'<•1 ,. ini I iaJ Ir ,1<, 11101 c "I ,r w t'in; 1 coping n·,p"n.,c, 1lt;m ,,·c·tT I he nHJI I ob, )'<~
1 hl' ;".' •~da11n· r;tl 1, n·, <'i, c.·J 111 , 11 l' rdc.•,·,1t1 L f('(·cll,a, k tf 1;111 1I n 11Hroh. Ac n,_rding
H' •i
cJw \\ <h~ rh ..ory, llwH· s11ould haw bt·c·11 a l<'11dc·11q for ilr(' n111trul :11umals l~
dn·dop srornac:h uk<.'rs. The cfor;.i confilllwd tl1i, prnlic_t i()ll.
·.·The· research on ~llc!ls-i11duccd ul,<•f'.'> i11 l.1ho1;1w1) ;111i111ah .i,cn·c·~ lo rei,!,.;..
Ion<' th(' complexity in .au ou111i11g for lh<· die·< I of a11 ,·m i1011111(·ntal ('\'<:'Ill o~
l>odiJy functioniug. As in lh(' studies of h111nan 17-01 IC~ ~t·crt·tion ro rn\'ironnw1.,
tal !!ill (•ss, it is a-ucial that consideration I)(· g in'll lO the int<:racrion of the i udividua.J...
with the <·n,·ironmC'm rarh('r rhnn m,·n·ly ro ill(' l<'\'l'I of 11wg11 ii 11de of th<' c·11virrn~
,neqral c,·cnt. The e,·c·nr11,d reaniom, h<' th<'}' inc rt',M'S in honnonal scrn·tion.'> r ~
~romach ukrrs, depend upon the intn'j>rt•lativn of 1hc ('\THI.
Growth Hormone
• ,\J1_ho11g·h 5t>CT(•t_ed by rhC' anterior pi111 i1;_11 y. ~rowrh hormor_1e is no1 das_!'iili<~~
:1.,; ·a 1rop1<' hounonc likl' thl' othl'r ho1morw~ of rl11., gland. Its pnmar~· .funcnon 1s·
10 ;in direcrly upon dt(' crlls of tlw l,ody. \l1rn1.1bting tlw~ro\\'lh proi:ess in tltc:-.•

,dis. _The t·ff<.·ct~·or grcm·tl1 .honnom· ;nc .,<·<.'n <l1~m1a1icall~· i11 the fo1matio11
pt olt:m a11d th(' gradu:11 en la1 gt·mt~n1 of the· Lu g-d,oncsc.>f the ar Ill and leg. In onkr--
lO achicn~ the orderly ~eqrn:ncc of uodr grow1h, 1hi~ J1ormom· rn11st somdtm\.,..,.
··01d1<'slr,1t(•:· 1hr ir1n ('dihl y complex .i,y.,1<·111 of< dJs growing- al <liif<·n•nl 1al<'S a1H~
:ti diHc•l('II( rime.-. dwing- a likti111('..',wclit•.'> of g1ow1h '101molll' kv<'h !fl 1,1,o()(r
'i:unpl<_'·' t:tk<-u tlu ough au i11dwelling cutuula c,·(·t r I:1 minute.·, for 21 hours, ha,·~

~110\\'ll dial irs sco(·tiou o< cur:-. episodi< all). -wi1h (i-7 l,w ~t, each day a 1i10Jl~
~tcl<,lc~n~lll, .u1d a smaJ kr 11ui111Je1 of bur.,1., a11Hmg aduhs (FinkeJs1cin, l'l al.. I!n2).
Tiu: :icwal 11H·ch:mi.-,m 1,y which groH·th honnom· \\'nrk.'>, howC\'('r. i!) fc1r f1011~
cJcar. E,·idc-ucc sugg<"!-ls rha1 i1 iufl11encc, th<· f1111nio11 of 1hc 1hyroid. parathyroid~
;md ~<·x gland~ at nitictf ti111<'.'i in an irnli, idu:il\ JifC'. I11 addition, growrll hor-,€' .l
mom· plar,'i ., iole iu th<' 111e1aholisrn of food (C:J1ap1<·r I lj. For c.·x;unpl<·. grmnl~
mnone ~<Tl<'I ion i.'> 11 iggncd hy h~:pog-lyn·111ia .'IIH! c·,·c·11 1,y r)i(' dee rt:-1s<·· or~ I
g 11co~c· f1om ;111 dcT;11C'd lc·vd followmg a 11l<'al nc fl Ill l-{111<·0~<· (Brown.,., al.,
I j8(_ThC'1<·lo~c·'. ir i.-, highly ,<•Jhirin· ro l,Joocl g-lmo'I<· lt:n·b that might ~ig'.1;Ji a ..
nuu rr10nal ddrnr. Ju tha1 ,t·n~t·, g1mrrh 110111101u· n·tro11 \\'011lcl h<' alt~o, 1aH'< , < ·<

,,·ith fa~ti11g (\\'rnxh, D<·, k«·. & \'a~~dli. l!J7 l).

l.ikt'. \Gfl l wad 1J1y1otropin, gJo\\'lh J10111111rn· ~('< rd ion i.-. co1111ol11·d hy, ,_
1dm. . i11g faclur l10111 th(· hypu1hal,11111b, somato!ltarin or growrh-hormorn·-rc:ll'aM..,.._.
inhibiting facror, so call('d l,c:·c,tu~· rht· 1d<',1,i11.~ fanor iuhiuih rath(·r th:1111·~d11·") •
~t'< ll'lion o/ glO\\ th 110111io11t.'. Jk!\pi1t· i1, i11hihiting action, rhi, 1cl<:a~ing lac 101 •
124 It · 11 t' ti ti:• i• ,, ,t-111 _ :.1, I ,. • l111 .I llllllll 1t·1
, \Ill"> I I " , 1111 ,Ill• I
0 t l ' I)l(ill ">Ill I I I.t I ' • '

Horm ones
111 1'!"1 j1'1•l' l,1l, f,, illrfll l 1 '>
and Behavior J~.,,, , ... , I '' '. ' ' ..... ,,:.,,: H,:~ ...,! ,;I,, ,,,j
·,,,i. ,,,; ..,h,li11 ,11l . . . . . , .... , 11
Ht• •t1•
t l
•" .,,

(\\.l(l ()/l',l fl'.;1 1 1 I ' 111 11f l lnl()r l( 111

. 1)
1·',), ,,,d l11,1, 111lf\ 11111 d1111 ,dt,, h.tun k.1,,.
·1 I . 111,-, ,·11 l 111111 1111i n1t,IJ t i11r•l 1(·.11
• • •
d , .1 v,1 J, ) d l i .., f • , \1(ft,J .l\,11 l•I' ,,, ,,...,·, 1!11', (llll,ll l
, • , :-.
d,,,, ,!k:, ,·,:~.igc·<' .i ··,tll ''' 1111, -1,wi, • 1:: 1,ln, I 1 1
111 H 1 1,t·11 .1,k(·d ,t1,,,u 1 tlwt
1r,d,, 1ti1t ii l"'' 1lolr1 gH .ti (Olilli,
,..,_ ' \ , 1 in< 11·,1-.1-. 111 '.!.1,,, , th h, ti 11H1t ll' ll ,. l, _"' It
1),, •t r•d I ,, , pl 1, t l< 'I I t I1C' p;1( i('l\f, \\
11 I (') ( : 1,k l'c! l • I I< t , d 1 11111
Ill ti• ii I ,I hk II H"I ltOI It'"> 0
~11.11 It 1·/lll ,1 j, ,11,il I} 1q,,<·t \\ bile Ill
,tll h~ Jill' >Ill ,1,11<· \'p" i1:~ I,, 1,·,,.!1
11 IOU\ it·. ,till'
ill, t,, mt,1i ..,1.u:· 11.t(l l·nrlt:d, ,11,o p1od1
H1·d .1 11,1 111 l;lt11 ,1!i hrnm otH' l<,1.'1-.
1 1
J , . ::-.I gl • . gt, ,, 1 b I1onn onc lc-1·1.
111 11 111 1 I,; ro:-.1· loll, 1\1· 111:i.: ., 1..;.,-..11 1 ,,\•'I ,ic 1 '-,1111 inat ion ir
1I,, 1:-.1 · ,; 1i •11h ,, h <) It, 1d :t ll'JH.l t•JI(,
Ir, I< '}JI l':-, ti 1t ·i1 ,111, icl \ l Ii o,, \\ Ii o
1 1 1 1 ·x JJI L _.,,t't
tll<'il ·""·ic -1, ltl'd\ ' ed no incH·a
-..('~ in g1,11, th fi,,, 111"11 1
,'>twl i(', r,t ·depri1~J1in11 in rat 1,up~ 11.1\1· ,!11,, , n l l1,1ll gl~ in
ma1t·r 11::ll
lirn 11t111t· 1,•,1·1 , i11 1hc hlon d. Kuit u. Buli n and~<
1 l1.,nl11 t t l!liX ) lrn11 1d <ll'l tt';J.5( ''
, ,if Id one Ii• ,111 , >I matt· rr1,il depr
, ,·1111 IIL'd Ir, ii 1l· n11 >I hc1 . The , hang
i, :11 irm a11d rnpid 111t 11 .t-.1·, 1, h<'11 the pup!> "·1·1
es i11 g1 o,,·1 It ho1 , 11, 111 • • " ,, 1· <on
t·l:n<'d ,, i I h .m
j11dn of, ll g.111 g1 ()\\ ( h, suig c!)li ng tl1;1(
I hi,; kiwi 111 dq ,, I\ .ll i, ,, I (',ll r~ in
(i fe \\"I ,11ld
alJ<"< l lt>11g -1:111 gl· p_attc ·1ns of hody
gr<l\\"lh. f11i., phtt1 111u,·t1C 1ll in 1at.,; pa1;1 llt1~
\lllliL n l·t1:-.1·.., in h11ma11 infan ts: an
impa ired -.,·.1( '1i,,11 t•l g1,,,, 1f1 ho111 101H ' is
,,l,,,·11('1I. ;11w111g " num ber <if otll('J. h<.11m
o11,1l 11,., ng, ,. iii "matt-111al
dt·p111 ,11 i,,11 f.,ih11,•-t(.)-I hrin~ .. ndffi llll' (Pmn ·II.
B1-1,< I. ., Bl iu,ir d. ·1 !)ii,) .
l:.)l.<tt 'tt11 h~po .,;c1c 1.ion "f g1<1 \\lll
hrn111 11111 <·.11 h 11~ lilt- k,tti:-. 10
., k11Hi nl
rni 11 i,11 tll i,,11 i, 11·1 oi l lll" body. l 1111 ikc I IIt' < ;1:,(' 111 t t 1
1111 htt 1. tiH i t·o-h , ill~ t.tti1)
.llld .di L,, j•i'•1•1111 tioll'> ;11.c no111 1al. ;111d !111 ll 1,
n, 1 ( , td1 il1 ,· nl lll<'ll 11·1.n d.1>
,i,,11. '.'.·l·\ ·('ldld t:~,. IIH' O\Tl all h()(ly
~i~<' i-. \r'I\ ,,11.111 ' l"ltv 3-fo, ,t t.1H , illlb
pct f, ,, 11111 111.,;l t- l.11\H HI.-. 1,) P. J'. H.u nu1n "" ·cuu
·1 ii l 11111· I li11mh·· ,utl, H d l101t1
rhi, l\}lt 1 1 li,,1111,111.d deftcit·n<.y. In coiH l.t'il. ,·,11,·1
111 IHp1 ·1,11 1ctin n lll gH'\ \lh
h011J1<11H· 1 ,Hht... , I lie hudy Io grcl\\ f fl.:-it
t') \\ d I .,Ii, J\ 1 11u1 n 1.d ll 1::, 1101 tllH
1'11~tl (, ,r
',Uf'h i11dl\ id,ul-.. 10 .111:, in heigh ,., (ir
X Pl ~) fl,('(.

Sexual Cycles of Horm ones in the fema le

rh1'dt·,·d111 >lllt'n l :mc.l m;1i1111·1t;ll\t."( of ~1·x11 .rl \ 1,£.:1 II
.111d I 1·p11 ,d:H t I\ l' l ;1p.1J iil-
ll 11~ tlw lt·111.1h- dq wmb upon the-
km: ik g<>ll.ill... (l .ii h d I lie m aries). 1ht .1m1: l iut
p11ul l.1r) \\'hm,· 11np ic ho1m o11l': :- t(>llt
rol the '>Ct 1c11,,1i-. ol the o,·ai ics, a 11 d fin.d h
1h1· lnpo, uuu- , whosC' 1t·h-a... i11;.:
l;ut1,1, llllllt1 1l tilt· ,n1t lion ol llw uni 1i~
h1 ll Ill( >IH''i.

rI1t.· n, ;11 it~ p~·od11cf pl irnaril~ 1wo

kind s 1)1 km.t i,· -.c-.: lhffll hHh' :., cslro o(•ns
;111dprogc -stcro nc. llwl u ,1i111 1{lfth 1·,·-.. t11w( ·11,i,1 0 ., 11 id·t l.
H .'11.\l l;t l l ll'\T l <>11ll
, ('. ··), f , . • ,--. ::-i
o I l J H n11.t t hol~.~1,th.1 l.,y1 ht:ll1 th·ol puhe l ll'll(
· l' . I n,\·•
- 110urnlili, •·io, >l.lO t l l \ •.•• •
• o <,11 s tn
I.1rnn aw,). t IIt' 111< I\ 1dna l not nnh. 1>0,,c l I
• , th' " <· t n11t I·.ti, \l'X t I1;ir,H t1•11
• • ~s(.... • ,llc.,
•• of ·1
k111, 1k dm·; hl dc\t·l11pnll'nt. 10111 1dnl
. h,1th, 10111 1 H 11, .• 1 ,,1( I<·11111~ pt'" I • · \'lei hut'
.1 l,o I" "...,t·~,,·.-,1 he J11 mnn · :,,l'x dn1
_ ' . • • • • ..... it·l <111·1 I to
• • 11 t 1 •I blh •
• 1 c'J ll I uitll ti<lll it..,dl In the
. .tlh·r n.il11 l'l·kr nak,1 111c ci11l ·\·1n·n~tl
. - • 1,-, • 111,
. Ill .,11 ,lll • • 1 ._.,, I'll'' l'll
I< , l:S(' 111 • q •rn I 1()1)

_1t11 l1;11 <.·-.t licdl' \dopl lll'llt ol,me0 1,<d
~.-. l · <1r•
,I\Ul ll, 1·· I \,ll\.
llllll lt('U •
•)11 l'll{l, di11i(. 1( ,, ,1i11~ l1t·~an ,m ;, ,\luh
1111 lt•l 11-..i111hc111·1111w 111 •III .I ni, h . ..
I. u111,1 11..,1, l\\llih, 111111 ,11,·.rl ,,,l,,pn ll>1
. ' ' \ !'>Ill• ,·1, inu 1111!,; ho1m h,·p'" " H 1i,,11
lt.i111111111 ,·I~'""'"
N' $ IN

nr•' .!

E ·-
0. C:



Fig_ure 5-7. • rl1< , ,·1·111, i11 ., 11n1111;d km.ill' ~t'xi,:J c~\ I<- "\1'r a '..!~-ii.I\
1>1•1 ii1tl. (I ·111111 l:·h1gh. R..,· .'-ih1·11 l1·,. L.B:frnm "m1,•JJtiu1 1 111 li11d1. \, 1,
Yor I..: ( I.1q ,ct .( R11w. 1i1; I. 1'· I'.!. ( .op\'iight~--1 fli I hy Roh1·1l, Rugh ;111d
l.;_11!dt lllll B. ~Ill II Ii'· t
• - l
P1ogt'.,ll'l n111· h,1:. 110 :-ignilicam Joie i11 -.<·,.._ual ck\cl11p11w111. It~ l111l<ll<J1 1-:'4
I('('( J 11 io11 ol ;\
('(.'ll~('r~ ilhl(•,td t1p111_, tht· JH·t'f);~I ati~III of the Ill('~ U\ f11_1 th~· ,,o:-,~il>k
ftr11l11nl ()\ 11111. I hi,; ph·p.11 :111or1 1m·oh(-s ,1 tl1u k.1·n111g 111 tltl· ,, .,Bot tltt' 111crn.,: q-
;111d an i111 l<';tM' i11 tht· 1111111111·1 ·of hlond \'c,,d, ,11ppl~ i11:~ 11:111 i1·111,; from the~
hloodstream. ~hould I la< O\ um bil to I,<" f<-11ili1l'd. pwg1·s1t·1 011n1•1 lt'I iou d<·c rc·asc·s
sha1ply; tli<' u1c111:. i:-, 1111;1hh· 10 m:1i11tai11 its i11t H'a~1•d dcn·l11p11H·111. ;111d hl'giw, 111
:-,)wd it:-. i1111<·1 ,,-.tll. ·[ Ii<' l,ln-di11g and <·xptd..,ion of thi:- 1i"111· <t\< 1 ;a '.> 111 .·, d:a) _
pl't io<I i, c1ll,·d m<'nslru ation (Fi~llh'. :>-7).
The I imi11g ,,( IIH' d1;111g<"' th:11 o, nu in c1 ,,·om.m's h, uh ·i1; 11 i11g I lw ,1pprrn.- -;.,
imatc-ly 28-day !.(",11:11 •~•k dqwrnb 11po11 ilu· i11h·1pla) ul h111111111w, l111rn 11t,· _I
). O\"~l a11d II opi, ho, lllOlln .\('( H'l<'d r, Olli th~· all I<'~ inr pi1_1111,1~} t I i~lll (':~~:!).Tu I' ,
pnu_c '!,;.al ho1111olll '-' of th .. l.~t h'J I) pt· :11<· follu lt·•sllmul~ttmg hormon e ( I· SI l) ,tnd -,,
Iu1c1111zrn~ horrnon d I .II,. l,111 h of I hl''it' l111rn11111t•,; lwg111 10 I lC' ,1 ·< 1l'led 1111 I) ,II tlH· I
ow.el of pul1<:t l)' and, lik1· \CTI I. t hy1 ,,1 topi11 and g1 "'"' la h, ,11111 ,11,·. :11 c In poth,1-
Ja111 i<·;dly, 011110l lctl hy F'>l l-1ch·;1:-i ng la, tot and LI l-tt'k,1,i1 ,g l.111111 l(•,111·,
1in·l) .• -
f ig111 l' :>-8 ,ho\\·, I he l'hh ;111d llo,,· of :ti) ll1<·:-c· ho111w11c·.., ch11 i11g ;111 ,I\ 1•1 agL' -
lc:111:,k ~<·xual q, ll'. l'lat· day in "·hid, ,<'nl'lioa1 ol F~I I 111 ~111, 10 i11, H:~l'I<' i:-.
:u hi1r:1ril~, l11,-.t·11 ;" D.ty l (al", rh<· initial d;c~ 11( 1111·1i-.1111.11io11). \, ., h'"ltllt 111 F'-il I· -
/1,·..:,,11, 1•1l·1r l.11gl 111 ,1/t (.,,111 11dlll l I\Jlli di
'1 <11-'ll< 111 .. 11111\ IIJIJ 111 ilu ,11. 11 1
Hormones 111 fo1Jid t•((•lf ~,llll• 1lllhl i11~ th< 11\lll ll.
'IJl.llt .;t'llltl JI I• ,111 J'llll1l 1 I.ill ,11 11 1 1 f.,,, !
;w<f Uehilvior
1111 ,.1111< 1i1111 I '-.I I 111d 1 11 1 , 111 1• l,,llll I• 1 111 ,1·1 ir•ft• hll11g .-11, i1J1< 1 Ilic l,lur1I
\\'!11·11 l'qJng1 •1i-, 1"' .ih, ,, ,. ,11 < 1 l.rlll 11·, 1 I,
d1t· Ii~ p,,11l ab111 u, h ,i.~11 ,1kd 111 'nltH
,t ·c I l II<, 11 11 \l I, de < I in

ii ll .111111u 111 nl 11 )1 •.i, J, i.: I 11 1, ,, f, ,i I -, J I \1 , l< 1illlb.. \, Pd I

,,11ng c11 lt·\<·l,d,,!111, ,h 11<11
ii- ,1111u1111d111~ / 11 111 1 11 t rl'
' L1tv1 in ilw 111,111.111, ,I !11, ,,, I•·, rlu',, , ulll ;111d

,lit 11(•;111~ 111.lllf lt

l·"f l..111• l(•,1,i1 1g f.1c 1111 l11 1 111 rl11 l1,p1r tl1,d.
\I 1111 lfll .1( 1 11111 111
111·1t· LI I, 1t·,ul1i11g 111 thl' 111.11111111
'"'"~1i 11ud:1 1c·, tlw.1:1 1('1 i,,1 r, 111111.1 1 , 1,, ,,
,n llw l11llic I, 1 1 ll, I
ol lht' m1.11·11. 1'11<· ,11l gl i1 1 I I I ,11 !111, poi111 in llH:t ~t k ,;111
111p111n· (rni",1 pp1,i\1 J11,11 1 h I>.,, l lJ, npdl
i11g 1'11· 1 ipe ,,, um i11,r11 IIH· ,,, 11, 1111
ii11i11,t; loll it k I di, ;11
IIH· al,do,ninal c,, it, 011 ' " ,, a, 111 th<' 1111·1 u!i. Tht' n.·111.
;i.., ii ll' corpu.'i I Ull'Un :
fItilt I ion al I~ tra11' lo1, 111·d. ,1 ,I ,i, 111111 • :111d :ll'r 11<1\\' rdr11 cd LU
c:1pal,le of !l('(lrt i11g l"".l~' 'Ill 10111'.
, .md 1< 1,1 nelll
I'lw c~ p11bin 1111I ii w "' 11111 I111111 1hr o\·ary is cal It'd ovula1io11
uf h<·t,,·ct"n 8 and~ 11111u 1,; 1d111111.:..: " hi,
1he bq.;i1111j11g "r ;1,h11 11 i11111 , .ti (m, 1;111~
n.p,·, 1,in1, 1111 rl1
ft', 1ili1.,11io11 I,~:, 111,dt· ,pl'n t, 1.111 •H, 111:· ,\pµart'llll~. thl' life
111 l>cg.i 11, 10 dc1c1 i<>J ;1 Ll' al I t·J :! I he ,w,
.',J>t'l"III i~ a mat tt·r of'..!, 11 :I d;l\ , \\'Iii It- die ovu
rl1('rd on::·.: -11ut·.,.,f1tl k11il11.11i1111 <lqx·1ub
11po11.i,n.11al illl('JH >lll,< 11c1111ri111
1io11<111 llh. p1 •,gt,
.'> pt ior 10 1111' 1i1Ht' "' ,,, ul.11i" 11. \\'llt'tlt(·r or not fer 1ili1.~1
tc·ro11t le\'ds art' cl,·, :1tl'd lo1 o1 p1·1 i11d of ,tppm
xi nwtd~ I to 2 wttk.-.. Ii, 1h, ., IN'lh ,
ith I i."lll. , i 11 1It, u ll'J 11:,
of ,1 fe1 til i,t·d egg. I Itt· 1 01 I,th I1111 11111 dc·I t'l io1 .tit~ along 1\°
\1 tr,i, JJoi 111 (apprwrn 11,tl< ·h D.n ~:; J. progr
~ ll'ro11 r and t·~11 ogt 11 I<, l I, .11, • t. '" ,It 11
t 011ti1 1uc to bll. F."l [ i, 1,111 • ,1_:_:.1i1
111t·11~trua1io11 is inn i1;1blt -. ,\, 1·,110 .~rn l<"\l'h
l11 .,· (,·, 111 i.,
~1i111ula11·d (1·i.1 F~ll-1 dl',1,i 11g l.1r101 J to 1,q.!in dt( lHI<· ,till''' 1~.11t
l !JXO).

Hormones During Pregnancy and Childbirth

Fn1 i li,:iti on ! ,f I h<' , ,, 11111 Ii, ., ,pc·1 111 cd I ft 0111 1IH· m., k <,llhl' ' 'l'l I t·l H 111• 1 ,
in ordt·t IP dt·\T l<,p r h(' 1111 r i " It ,1 du
hn1 Ii <''II 0.1.~nt ;111d pt 11g1·,1 , 1 n111· 1n, Pill i 1111c
ryn-;C ourim wd :'.,('('J t'li(lrt ,,f 1 , 11 ,,g<'I
!l-111_0111h 1_w111u.'111<1· 11f a dl1ll"p_i11~ <.·mh
of Ll1t· u1nir H 111 u..,tle , :mcl 111 llltl.t lh
cl111111g- 1111, pn~od llltt(';1 <-t·, tlil' g1111\"lli
Id. E.,1ro11t·1t lt'H'I- . 111 •. -,\· 1 .. 11 It I I
\111:tr ge.s th<. \'.tg111,1 1111 1hl' dd, 1t,, 11I ., 1 I 1i ;-., t. t\t ~up1 c
''(I( • . I ,n:il' ll , I • J ll
..> J 111\lt\ 11,ll 011!\< 1,,·d .it 1l11 1•1.1k 11{ ' 1 1w1111·tl • ' • ' I . l t· l l 11,1·11. YW.t )
C . . . . ,. . I
.nnlt11 1H. <l ,ent·11 011 ol pr, •gt ,fl 111111· d111 in«
)rcr, ,
,--. 1 ,-, 11111 ' < \l I\ ( ' LIi M ( p I le II l t'I W

( - , .
'. i111,111~111 •.11111t·h '."~lll, u1111 ~ .111d ,·-..:pd
ling lh(' dt'\tl upin g et1ihr ~,, lidi,tc till
< db in lht· 1, 1 . I· , · ·
11 11pt1 11111<. In .,d.!1111111. 11 ptq,.111·, ilw 1
• .Ill Ill plq;{l l:tllt \. 101
, .,~
r1111111·~1ilk p1od1111i1111.
f . •
TH' 1110~1 i1111w·di;11,· l Iii<, 111 ti, 1ii lit.ti ion j., lh, . .. . ,11u;11~0~1
l'l1i~ i. :ttc111 11pli,l r1·d I,~ ., h1111111111(', huma
11 <lwri~ ut~!-, ,:u.,11 o t11t·1_i

whi 11 -·11ll< . -~011~d0lropm ti~( .C.).

,1·1 l<'lt· f,y ,di, 111·.11 to till· Ii 11iliml n, 1111\ 1
. . l .'' t\tlll\ i,1ll~ dl'\Tl op111 10;1
ll·111 pora1y 11q.~, lllt,dlt -dtltC "t>h«·11t· I{(( • '~, <lt't1e111 p1,,1n ,., ti . I
• ,1.
\\'nuld 1111r II I . • ll n11pu ~ u1u111 1
lw111rlll'd1'11'1io1,111111 11ha1
"'·' \,l\l <1t<t1 1n·da1 th<·t·t 1dof1 l1t·,1·;,..u;i]

l'lw11· i~ 1·1·1«(1 11, ,. ch.11 "'"" ", ,,·1i-i1i111, , , .'IX' 1,1 • II

I I • \ 111 ult It I '' I 1·, 11,·,. 1 Ir:i 111 : 11 i,.,Jh 111, 11 .• ,,., 11
1 11 p,,1111 " e1111 au,,, 1 ,11111 , ..,, 11 .i, 1 . 1111 , ... 111 '.', 1 _,,,,,,,
,,,,- .
l'IS(l II
I . • , ., • I• 1,,11 ,,t,,ll:i, 11111 p,n,p11 111111 1
,<~11.1 .,.,p,11 ,,,·"illl ,. ,,11111 ,11•.Jl., r.1 i11t1,1 ,,h.11,1 ,,

Follicle phase Luteal ph.r.,e ·-----


I '- H
------ -,

''t'--._______ _

- .
• .
v~/~ •
Follicle Ruptured follicle Corpus luteum

•. I
/ I '
/ I
Estrog// I
____,,,,/ Progesterone

f ] I
Ti,sue, of uteru,

7 14 21 28

:. R<·la1 in· n11H c.·mr;11 i( 11h of h~ I,11rl1;dami, . pi1 ui1a1 y, and 11,·.u 1c111 1,011111111( ,,..,:::.;;:::;=:i
ff<·< h ur,011 rhc- 1 ,nun ;111d lllt't i 111· t,·;111. r .\Joclilll'd I 11 >111 J.dtu 1111. R. / / umw111·,:. I
lrmcr. ~t·\\· Yrnk: P<·g;a-,m. l!J7~._; • f::::.~~
Uormones ilw rn 11 illl't \
' I Ir•.
,,dt·.•·Jlwpl.tlt'Jll''l•l•ll <-1'" J' 1111, r '"· ' • •.
I\ 11•.Jllll',llltHlll l•, 11!1· 11·(11, 1,,,11
1,1,11,d,111·.1111d,111!1!.! ri11 , ,111,c •Jl 111u,1111t 1111c dt. ,< '"l'"h'III \\ l1l'I

and Behavior ,ull~ d, l(•]np('(I. i) 11 l1u1J1.,,, pi.,,, ,11 111.,, ,: ,111_/.111 .11e.1 u{ .q,1,111::-.i,\'h ll,-.qu.11,
.JH'll'I ,_ 11 11 ou.~h \\ Jij 1 h 111111i,·11c-... ,11d 1, ,,..,.,., d1 ll11v·. B~ tlw hflh wu·k <,I J111-~11.11u,
1/11• jib, t'tHal ,di, lw~111 1,, ,, , 1, 1, hlllnan plan·nrnJ Ja(logcn, ,,·hi, Ii ,1111H1L11,,.
1'111/i 11,c ,,·,r<·1io11 ,ii 1·,11,;_l!<ll 1111! 111r>t.;<",!1·1011c h~ tlH 1urpus l111t·11111 ,111d 1111
..,:111\i'thui 1ltl'marnm:1q gland:- H, 1111 1·111d111<Hllltol JH•·g11;1111~tlt<·J,l.1<1111.1 lt:1·
, ,,,11pl1·1dj 1:1kcn mvi 1!w 11·,JJ11J1,rl1ili1~ f,11 tl1t· !>Ct1l'f1<111 ,,{ c-,u,,g1·11 ,t11d p1og1•,.
rtrnrn·.. \1 that 11111111. 111111!111111.11:111 l><·101hid1·1((l 1111,t .1 lu!I~ i111H11,111:tl
1l11,11gl1 (1.'ll1jJOliU~- 1·11,l• 111i1H .~lc1111I.
Dui ing th<"1·11111,·1c1111 ,,; 11!1 t:ll,tlli, t270da~'~<u11hc;1,t·1:1gt ' iu 1lt1 ln1111.1n •
1hr lc-n·I, o( 1ropi< It< ,1111011C·, ol 1 :, t • ,ll11<"1 1111 J >ic 11i 1;uy. LI I and F~l l. art· lo\\ .. \, I h1
, 111.,el of la hor. oxytocin. '>l'< 11'11 d I" 1ht J 111<,t<·1 io1 pi LU i(,11 y, .)I im u late.:!> th 1: lllt·t th I••
101Hrnu a11d 1hr l,irth c; 1,, 1·11l;11g1·. \\'hf·n <Ile< hild is ddhc,nl .rnd." It"
,nirnllcs later, 1hr pb«·n1;1 c \.pdl<-d, tll!' ('~flog-en and proge~tc·rom· lt.-,1 )., Lill,,,
11<·,trly zero. One dkc I uf, hi-. -.,uchlt-11 c h.t11.~c is to ca11sc the ,Ull<'rior I >II 1111<11, I<,
~t·or1c· prolactin. ,\, ;, 1c·:-.11l1, 1.ll<' l,rt-.,,.,,, ,II(' !>limula11•d to b<:gin p1odut 111~ 111rlk.
The s1irnul;11ion fwm rill. in/;1111 •.... ..,1_1< krng i11neasts die sccH·ti1)11 of 11x, 111, i11.
ra11.,i11g die rnilk d11C1<, to I'< le-a,,· 111ilk 'rluoug-h tltc nippk'>
Sex Hormones in the Male
Th<· hormn11;1) ,, ,1(·111 f, 11 1 q II rnli11 Ii\ t' lid1a\'io1 i., 11111< h :,Jill} 1l1•1 in 1'11 1:1.tlt

I><'< a11.,<· IIH"rc is 110, y, I ic;d p:11f1111 I h.1 i 11w I ions ~f die 111;i k g"111;id,.,, "1 I it··, . . , 1 t
10 prod11rcsp1-r111111111i11u111 1-..h i1111l ,., '.('11t·1c a< b~, of male:-< x 1101 m, , 111 , , .rll,·,I
androgens. l'h<' m;sj1>1 ,111d1, 1g1 11 ,.., l<.~lo~tnonc. .
]tbl :!: I-'~l-1 JllPlltfll(·:-- rl11· d1, 1 lop111cm of ll1i.· n, 11111 111 tlu lu11,d 1 . I -...11.
r;J)" pi<JlllUlt:; ~ht· dndopH_lllll ,,! -..,w,111 111 11tl'·111alc. . \ 1,·,1111 1111 ;,i1.,·1t-nl , 11 , 1111111
pn)d U< 110n takt •. ,_ plat <: 111 .i .., , ,11 111 11! r II h11 In, l:--1 ti.ill I u hn 1 11i-.. idt I Jh I l •::.r 1 ·.,. \ 111 d 1
cn11111u 11:11Tnf LI l, intcr!\titial-< dl-:-.cimtdacing hormun(·, v:\c it1c·:-. 1liv < l) J, 1, 111 t.: ii 1 -
b,·1"·<·<·11 rhe:-1 111h1d1•, 10:-1·11< 1, 1lic .111d,11gn1-.. • • •

The Basis for Oral _Contraceptiv~ Methods

5) /
ffth<'p1n,c·s,ofm11la1io11 1.111lit j)ll'\('lll('dfro1111)<llllll·, 1" c]i 11 t.
I . ...... l
) ·
('1 l) 11.11 J()Jl
.111 nm >y :1:--pe1111 1:- 11111 p,,,,ilik 1iid :1 (H('"11 tllc ,. i-.. 1) 11.1 ,-t 1
c,, . .'I. ( 1·1 ·
9) 1 11 • I • , ' ·" 011, t ' 11 ....
1~ • np c· 1.-;_,e1111,_t110 <he dnd••1•111c1H Pl 1hco1al 101 11,~,n·t>ti,t· 1;,ltc·it t ·J. • ·I
,1111ph· •is --1, 1 II'') 1-1 , ,
!> • '·
l le P

t tllll lo
H' t...t·\ :1,t1 11 11 "'1h1· :1nifici:d dt•,;11io11 i11 th(' I •I
( \ l ... ,,1
• ,., • or >111gt•~1,·1,,111·. t1.,11l1111g 111 lhl·:>uppru,sio11ofther I. . I
lu1 l l { \\'ill I l lI • •• t· t'.1,1n~ .It 101
• • iou I I ,c· • ~IIIJ~l JH 1111 I<> 1>.i, I l in lhl' f,,111 Ill' n I. ') I· . • ·1· ·1
Ot t 111. • . <. l • ' \ ll • ll I_O 11 , 11 , I 11
8i }, .
Th,· 111a_j1,r I\ pc11f rn.11 k.1·1t·d l,i1 iii t 111111111
"~111h('tit l1111uof,.-~u1,g·t·11 llld 1-.,11111 ·11 I
. . • • ' • I I
pill i~ • .
I •
r 1 1 Ill O pl Og('',(('
I. . .
. • .
. _ • • 111111 ((.t <t p1ngc"u1d.
. .
'<r,,n >111,1111•11<011:-.1,1111g11l.1
11 . I .
8) llil'pill1:-1ak('11d;uh

loi ''0oi "l 1 I
- - ·•~ ..,_ 1.111· lu ,1 pill I'- 1 , 11 k. . ,
ty,-lc(or1l)(' filth d,n ,,( Ill< ii-.111. 1· • I I l.t i11011 I>.1~ .10J llil'
• '" I< 111 ,llll t H' b~, n11r· on D·n 9~,. I ·f • I
'-' I {111· -•
' . - > ,I \\ II I I
~) .. ·, Ill' I i~t ill I I('(• in 1111 1,lrrnd d111 i1n• t/1<'111 I t. I
• , :111 111,w I it ,11·11·< int 111 ,, ,,;,·,
1I 11 111 u,, ' I • 111
,., • t ,1111.I ,111't·
·' l\l'i " " ' (IH'"ll'tll • 11( ·c. 1 ,, lf·l1'11
' " I I 11 " I I,,. l!II 111 \ • I I
11 111
•1tp11nl111111ar,d1lai1.iJll((; \\,1,i111h· • • ' lt,,. Unldtrnh·th,1d~.l111111,111111i11 , ,,·1,
~) II I f I 1111111 .111 1111111u1111lonj . I .. . ·1 •
,11,w. llll\'l lt· :111'1111 Ill'\\,,. llw r:rl,Li1 ditd." "',.1 II 1111"11, .<I.ti l1J:l11 1,,l,l111;\\n1il,I

· · · - I p, 1101 I..\I , 11'1111.111,H
11111t' IIH'I<.' 1~ .i 1101 / t.•~ 1r,1 • 1 ( ,< 11111·11·111(·-.,, •died\\ rrl1d1:1,\,
Hormones . ·
I I111g.~J11('1•1h,·p10(('~'
I)('('( I(I fl fl\\,\\ II IH I1;1\\,1
·· I () (1I l( ·111'll)on11J, ' "u-.u:,1.
and Behavior 1rJ 11 ·, I h,· ,,,. Jt1t·nt i;1I pill, in "Iii, Ii , \, 11I ll'I i1 c,lrug('!J. ;ilorn· h :1dlll ll l J:oil t·~ n_l f1 ' ,i!
. ' I. . f · ..J l ,, • 1<'1'()11"' 'll't' ·1d111111J,(('I ('t
lhy.>tol>:ty 19wl11h-co111 u11;11111n.,11 (.,1r11g1·11.1ll11f' 0,-4 1 :-. '' <. .
for Lhl' following_:; da~,1 ,r;1, ,, i1hd1:m n lrfJlll th<" 11ta1k('I. ,tf1cr po,~JIJk 1 1,., 1< 111
blood l Iott inoM ;111d can, t'I' \\'C'l't' d i,c c", ·1 t·ll ( K.11< h:1do1_1ri;111 &? J .1111d<',

l!l80). •
In ord,·1 10 k<·d, ,id(' dk, ,~ ICJ .1 111i11i111u111. tht'· fl't'l)(I 111 <01111_-:i, <'JII 1,~
de\'C·lopmcnt ha., been 10 k<"t'Jl hot Ii ,·.,11 ogl'll ;111d prng1·s1cro11r kn·ls per pd I ;r!t lo\\
a~ pos:-.ibk "·ithout ~an ilicing 1ht'i1 dfn 11rc11<·~~ i,1 ~upp1·,_.~si11g F~H ;111d I.I I. I~
1~)7.~ anollwr or;1l conlla<"q>li\'I', h:r~nl 11p1m ;1 cnn1in11ow, ad111ini~tr:t1io11 of lo\\'~
dos<' synth.l'1ir ·progt>Sl<'HJll<·, ,,.,...., i111rodu«·d. The dl<.·c'tin·11<·~~ nf rhi!-> ··111i11ip11l:
h~,s been d<:termin<:d to I,<· Jmn-r 1h:111 the 10111bin:-11iunal pill." irh a lh<'o1<·1ic:1!!"
f;rilur<' rat<' of abou1 1.5 percl'nt. Tlw ;11 tu.ti f.ti lure r,{1r.. hm,·c·,·cr. is llt':IH'I lo 5 to l
pcrcem (Kat,h;tdou rian & Lunde, I9801. The mcchan i~m for this contr;1~·<·p~io11 i~
not so much the prevention of on1b1 io11, hut rathl.'l' thl' dcsy11chrrn111at1011 o~
hon nones in th<' cycll' t<)('IISlll'l' t h:11 r lw II re-rim: \\'all is wm·c<'·pti \'<' to the cnr 1;111<
of :1 fertilized o,-ur11: The µreci~l· n.11 tll't' of Lhc minipil l's contrao.:ptin· dr<',l!-1 i-. a.~
yc1 unknm\'n (lknncll, 197·1) . . \ lis1 of 111;1jo1 oral contran·prh·c~ is gi\'('11 in Tahl~
3-2. .
Sexual BehaOior and Development
ThC:' influrnce of stx hormon<·<, on 111a1ing behm·iors h:1:) ucc11 ~1udfrd i,~
experiments using a ,·aric1 y of ;111 i111al ~pc< i<:~. ln md<.·nL~, th~· J<.'lll<l\'al of I h<· o, ari<'S..:.
(ornrie<.·tomy) rc·stdts in <ompl<'lc lo.,~ of wxu~,I rc·,cpti, ity. lnj<"nion·!'> uf c:.11adio~
(a polenl form of <.'Slr1Jgd1) l'l'... ton· 1<·, q>1i, i1y in m·ari<:ooi111Lc·d 1\11:-. in l to~ d:1~" ,,_,.
;1 len·I indisririgui~hahk from 11.11u1;1l lrc~,t in 110rn1;_tl rats (0;1\·frhmi .."'>11111h .
Rodgcr~, &llloch, 1961:l). Th<'n·lor<:, ir i, c 1~·;11 Lhar c~rrog<·n k,·~·I i~ a< ritic,1 <·lt-11wuf'-i
in the maimcnanccof frrnal_e s<"xt1:1I n·:.po11\t' in this spcc-ic:s . .-\ILcrations in pioges...,
Lcrone k\'cl are al~u intlutnl ial, IJu l I he acwal rdarionsh iJ> ro 111:11 ing is le:,:. c lt'al
1han \\'ilh est rogcn. \\'lwrhcr orn· oh,<·n <·1, 1 i,t·s orckdincs i11 sc·~u:11 hch:l\·ior i1p<,1~
injections of prog<·M1·ro11c sc·cm:-. 1n dq,t·rHI upon 1hcdusa.~c.· lt·,·d admini!'•l(•d_ a u ~
1he riming of 1he inj,·ction in tdaLion 10 1hc.: .~cxual ,yd<" (lkrmanl & D~l\·id~<111.
19i·1). , • . •
On th,·oLhcr hand. rod<'nl s111dic·~ im·oh·ing J<•mrffal ofth<:l(:'.,tcs (casrradon~
:,how a more gradual reducLio11 in .,,·x11:d rnponsc. .')111prisinglr, m~lll} a,pc·ch nfL. ]
lh<" ma1 ing r<~ponsc· (mouruirrg. inu omi.'>~ion of rlw p<'11i.,) :ut· rctain<'d for .,t·,·<·ra~
w<·eks, e,·en wi1hm~1 111:· ll'St<·~_aml th,·~<:< h'I ion o_f tlwi1 pl in~.ipal prod~u-1, l<'.,lrntcr~
on<'. The slow dcclm<.: m 111,11111g·l,d1;n 111r o,·t·r lime foltow111gr:bl r;,tron coJUrasts"""'- I
shmply wiLh the rapid <l<'dinl' in females follo\\'ing an ma1i<·cto111r.. \s wirl-N
<·stn,g·cn srudi,~ in fcmal<-::... how1',·<·1, i11jC'ctio~1 of l<':.ln.,r<·rom· ;1fl<'I <a~_1rc1tio,~
re3lorc·s th<' loss of S<'Xt1:1l re1>pon ...c. •• c_. I
In 1da1ing hormonal ;1ni,·iq lo hu111an ~c·xtial lwh,l\·i11r \\ c· :ti'<' 11cn·.,saril}~
consi<.kring rwo sou1n'S of inform;11 iun: (IJ clinical \lt1dic·.,, in \\'hie It lli<'I'<' j ~
already some di5ordc-r in sex glaud full( 1iorr. and (2) arn:uloral d~11:1 collt·c 1<·d f rom...c I
historical ffConl~. \\'e l,;11ow, for C'xa111pk, 1ha1 from, c1 r mrl) in hi:-.hJI), lwmam~
h_:n-c pc1 fo11nt·d cas~ ral ion on !ll<'i!· <~\\·11.~! ><'< :~·.s in oi ~I-~·• to 1<'duu· :-.c ·\'~1:d_ n'sp~m~-~
. . ;i
J 11<' purposes han· mduckd pro, ulrng- ~.rfr guard:) 111 lraff11b. pu111~h 111g <n 111 ,-,..


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