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Hematite means ‘blood stone’ and it is an element of iron/metal, which is why Hematite is an essential stone to work

with during your spiritual journey. In Ancient Rome, Hematite was a popular stone for decorative purposes. Jewelry,
weapons, and even armor decorated with Hematite were traded widely. Although a warrior stone, it is also very fragile
in nature. And thus paradoxically, it looks to be nurtured and cared for by its owner. The dark color was thought to be
especially intimidating or protective. But aside from the literal meaning or translation, there also are spiritual meanings
and wisdom to tap into.

It’s precisely this protective quality that distinguishes Hematite from other precious stones and crystals. With it, wearers
can’t help but feel intrinsically connected to their inner well of confidence. All the pettiness that people use to get under
your skin will somehow seem that much less irritating if you’re able to really connect well with your Hematite’s energy.
Many believe Hematite to be a male gemstone because of the excess iron in its structure. Iron is typically a male
element. However, any stone enthusiast can use it, especially if their intention is to create, invite, inspire, restore, or
strengthen love. Its healing energies can promote peace and balance in relationships. Many also believe that this stone
will assist the wearer in maintaining both concentration and mental clarity.

Hematite’s spiritual uses include bringing balance to both the etheric body and the physical body. And due to its
magnetic nature and the receptivity of our yin/yang energies, its nature is to bring us back to equilibrium. Hematite
belongs to the planet of Mars, the god of war, the god of the battlefield. Therefore, it is a stone of invincibility on all
levels – physical, astral, and mental.

This beautiful metaphor of appearing strong on the outside but delicate on the inside represents how as humans we give
so much more play to our Ego and the external world than we do to our integrity or soul. The ego hinders our evolution
of more profound self-discovery and creates an illusion that we each have an identity or are separate from each other.
Upon detaching from the illusion that we are just a physical body, the magic starts to manifest in our lives. Through
awareness as observers of our thoughts, and as observers of the outer world, we can ascend much faster on our souls’
journey into higher levels of awareness.

Simply the observation of crystal compounds and how they function can be enough to shed light and wisdom about the
world we live in. Looking for the ‘brutal’ truth? Then Hematite is your crystal. Hematite is known to purge even deeply
rooted traumas, almost akin to pulling out or pruning away obsolete belief systems (or programming that the conscious
mind may not be aware of). This type of shadow work may be intense and overwhelming but will bring you closer to
new truths with the support of Hematite ore worn close to the body. Users may come to accept a need for change in
their current mental state: clearing the way for such new levels of awareness on a conscious level is the stone’s hidden

And through becoming more conscious of knee-jerk behaviors, Hematite aficionados often learn to reprogram their
subconscious quite rapidly into a new way of thinking. Unlike other so-called dark earth stones—say, for
example, Obsidian—Hematite is considered a nurturing stone. It leads us on a more gradual path toward spiritual
evolution, without causing undue revelatory shock or stress. Thus, it’s ideal for those who wish to heal through the
unpacking of their past, albeit slowly and gently. Healing these traumas and rewriting old thought patterns initiates or
even reinforces a connection with (or back to) Mother Earth, helping us to reconnect with our bodies by accentuating a
clearer focus on the positive aspects of life.

Hematite’s powerfully earthy energy means that wearers can reliably use it for almost any project that involves the
influence of the element of earth. Earth elements rule the physical world, so money, practical thinking, and decision-
making will all benefit from the application of Hematite (making the powers of earth stones extremely popular). Thinking
in a solid, logical way will also improve material and financial standings so using the magnetic charge of Hematite when
needed can be a highly positive way to meet life’s challenges.

Specifically, Hematite is effective for helping to organize one’s thoughts and developing logical thinking skills. Hematite
has an almost steely quality and feel to it, which means that intellectually speaking, users consistently feel as though
they have a solid intellectual footing. In debates, you might not always win the day… but with Hematite, you will
certainly find yourself more capable of articulating your points than you might usually be, especially if the stone is worn
around the neck. It’s welcome energy indeed, but luckily it doesn’t make you wilfully confrontational. Instead, you’re
more likely to defend your position calmly and confidently on a given topic in a more assertive fashion (rather than going
on the hunt for wrongs to right or sticking your nose into other people’s affairs).

Hematite’s main metaphysical property could be described as “grounding.”

If you tend to have a ‘flighty’ mind, prone to distraction, lack of focus, or anxiety, or even if you feel that you have a
strong imagination, but that it’s impacting you negatively, this could be the right stone for you. Hematite won’t
deactivate your imagination; quite the opposite, as described in the preceding passage. However, the stone imparts
users an increased ability to focus the mind productively (as opposed to becoming distracted).
Interestingly, the most creative thinkers, from painters such as Picasso to scientists like Einstein—or even young children
—are often the most ruthless appliers of logic. In fact, they apply logic so rigorously that they quite quickly reach
conclusions or ideas that others might automatically dismiss as ‘crazy’. In other words, if you feel that your creative
thinking is stagnant and you’d like to simply take it up a notch, then using Hematite to improve your logical thinking skills
may be the best course of action.

Like Amazonite, Hematite also has strong emotional benefits since—like other dark-colored stones—Hematite dispels
negativity and “purifies” the user’s immediate emotional sphere. It balances its user’s self-esteem and self-vision by
sweeping away the negativity that so often clouds a deeper understanding of ourselves. By using Hematite, we make
way for more positive energy to enter our lives. Moreover, those who believe that traumatic memories seem to haunt
their houses would benefit from placing some Hematite in the house to ‘suck out’ the residual negative energies. But it
can also be helpful in your romantic relationships, your family life, your spiritual development, and your general
perspective towards yourself. From a career perspective, you’ll find that being around this stone or wearing it as an
accessory while on the job will help you stay consistently energized throughout your workday. It is best known for its
positive effects on business and career fields.

Better still, it will steady the rational mind to deal with unexpected challenges that occur, including in romantic or
familial relationships. When you prepare for a difficult confrontation—especially one that has to do with money—then
don this Hematite ‘armor.’ It’s always best to put Hematite directly on your skin (some crystal buffs recommend making
elixirs and steeping the stones, but the best way to use your Hematite and enjoy its healing powers is through direct

The strong, protective stone will keep you emotionally and spiritually safe… best to think of it as having that purpose and
visualize yourself as a knight purposefully putting on his armor before going into battle. If you don’t feel like wearing
jewelry, then carrying a piece in your pocket is also advisable; be sure to carry some Hematite on your person when
going to a job interview, a meeting with superiors, or a promotion/tenure appeal. While Hematite isn’t a substitute for
hard work, it can ease the journey of getting colleagues on the same page and collectively stronger for it.

Earth is the element that rules money; hence, the blue-green colour of American money. If seeking a promotion, a raise,
or maybe a new job to benefit you from a financial perspective, Hematite is an excellent stone to incorporate into your
wardrobe or altar work. Its power will not only make prospective employers see you more positively, it will also help to
foster the skills of healthy, logical thinking and practicality that are so rare and valuable in most career fields.

Hematite Against Nightmares

If you or a loved one are suffering from nightmares, place Hematite under your (or their) bed
or pillow. This will keep the negative energies that cause nightmares at bay.
This can also be beneficial if you have insomnia, especially insomnia brought on by anxiety,
although I recommend speaking to a medical professional if this is a persistent issue.

Divination And Foretelling

Hematite is a highly sought-after gemstone because it can be used for divination.

Hematite is often used in foretelling by positioning it to reflect a candle’s flame. Focus on the
flame’s reflection on the Hematite and think about a question that you want to be answered.

Powers Of Hematite
Hematite is a healing stone that can benefit you in multiple different fields of your life. It is
best known for its positive effects on business and career fields.

In Your Home
Placing Hematite around your house is a great way to dispel negativity. Especially if you feel
that your home is in the path of some sort of negative energy.
Many people living in cities feel that the ‘vibrations’ of the city disturb their home, making them
feel nervous and stressed.

Placing Hematite near doorways or windows (ideally over the door and on the windowsills) will
purify the energy that is entering your home. This also applies if, for whatever reason, the “energy”
of your house itself feels wrong.

It’s always best to put Hematite directly on your skin. Others recommend making an elixir, but the
best way to use your Hematite and enjoy its healing powers is through direct contact.
Hematite For Wealth
Because of Hematite’s connection to the element of Earth, it’s one of the best stones you can
use for its financial benefits.
Remember, Earth is the element that rules money – why do you think American money is green?

If you’re seeking a promotion, a raise, or maybe a new job that will benefit you from a financial
perspective, Hematite is an excellent stone to incorporate into your life.

Its power will not only make people see you more positively. But it will also give you the skills of
healthy logical thinking and practicality that are so rare and valuable in most career fields.
Hematite, Love And Relationships
When it comes to interpersonal relationships – whether romantic, familial, or just friendly or
social – this is the perfect stone for keeping you far away from ‘drama.’
While some people seem to attract fusses like magnets, Hematite will repel all that unnecessary,
negative, attention-seeking behavior.

From a spiritual and emotional perspective, Hematite is a good stone for fostering gratitude for
what you have.

Appreciating what you have in the here and now is one of the single healthiest things you can do
for your mind and spirit.

Of course, there are other kinds of healing you can gain from using this stone to help you in love,

For example, you might find from time to time that you cave into your partner’s demands despite a
small voice of intuition saying that you should try things your way.

Before you know it, things have gone awry. Both of you are upset and you can’t help but think that
your notion may have avoided all that.

Hematite can help you to connect to the moment. It helps to ensure that you can lovingly inform
your partner that you’d feel a lot better if they tried tackling a certain situation your way.

When you speak from this position of clarity and confidence, you can’t help but really sell your
vase, so to speak, in a strong yet compassionate way.

Of course, sometimes things go wrong no matter what you and your lover do. In moments like this,
the stable energies of Hematite will help you bond in these moments. Instead of finding that you
drift apart or grow resentful for them.

Healing Powers Of Hematite

Hematite has a long history as a healing stone for physical ailments. Hematite has been used
for centuries in medicine for a very good reason – it contains iron!
Iron deficiency is the cause of many health problems. So it’s only natural that a stone containing
iron would be touted for its healing properties.

Hematite has been said to have positive effects on the heart and the circulatory system. It can also
ease symptoms that are exacerbated by stress or anxiety, due to its grounding properties.

It has been widely reported to help ease problems associated with the legs and arms. Specifically
leg cramps and related pains.
Remember, however: crystology is never an acceptable substitute for professional medical
attention! Never use any stone as a replacement for seeing a qualified doctor or medical
Furthermore, it should be noted that, due to Hematite’s iron content, any sort of healing process
that requires you to consume any quantity of the stone should be regarded with extreme caution and
Iron is an important micronutrient. And if you’re an Ancient Roman, then taking a Hematite elixir
might be a great way to get it. But it can quickly become toxic if you’re literally eating the metal.

Get your iron nutrients from spinach or red meat instead, and save Hematite for spiritual nutrition.

Meditating With Hematite

As a meditative aid, holding or wearing Hematite stone in any form is a very grounding and
strengthening action to take.
Meditation is a wonderful practice, yet it can also often have unintended side effects. Especially for
those trying it for the first few times.

Oftentimes, the visions presented by this meditation are surprising or startling and they can be so
vivid that it’s almost a form of culture shock.

Hematite will keep you strong in moments like these and also help you to stay courageous and
connect only to your higher and lighter self during these meditative journeys.

It is a stone of thinking and intellectualism. So it will also help you make sense of much of the
symbolism and visions that you might encounter.
A beautiful, polished
Hematite gemstone.
Hematite healing often is a means by which to protect against negative influences. That could be
the actions and unkind words of others, or us falling afoul of our own ways and sabotaging

There’s a rock-steady energy to Hematite that helps to soothe anxiety and promote a healthy kind
of confidence. Never arrogant, but always quietly assured in its own conviction. We could all use a
little more of this from time to time.

Especially if you are a natural empath, you can use Hematite to help prevent you from taking on
too many of the energies of others, or likewise, losing yourself to the problems of others and their
needs. Your needs are important also, and you are within your rights to fulfill them for yourself.
Hematite stones are a great option to introduce into your life if you feel that you are having trouble
grounding yourself in reality.

This might mean an overactive imagination, persistent feelings of anxiety, or difficulty progressing
in your career.

Hematite promotes logical, practical thinking, which is the foundation for all great ideas.

It is also a surprisingly wonderful stone for relationships since its ability to ground you in logic and
practicality will prevent the flights of fancy that cause problems in some relationships! Anxiety,
doubt, and imagination are at the core of many of the communication problems that couples face.
Yet this, among others, is just one of the problems Hematite can help you to solve.
And while it might be associated with rust, this crystal will keep you sharp and shiny!

It’s rare to find an energy that so capably combines logic and creativity in such a harmonious
balance. Hematite encourages this balance within you and gets your head and your heart pulling in
the same direction.

When your emotions seem to be going haywire, this is the healing stone that will ground you. And
likewise, when your mind is so critical and cutting in incisive thinking that you forget the feelings
involved, Hematite will guide you home.

This stone is welcome in any crystal lovers’ collection. And how it balances, energizes, and
harmonizes with your home is wonderfully serene.

How To Best Use Hematite

Hematite As Jewelry
Because Hematite is both very aesthetically pleasing and relatively inexpensive and/or
common, Hematite jewelry is quite easy to procure.
It is recommended to wear Hematite as a necklace or bracelet; both styles place Hematite over your
vital pulse points, thus maximizing its protective energy (wide cuff bracelets and choker-style
necklaces are especially good for driving the point of the “protective amulet” home).

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