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International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 10, Issue 2 (IX): April - June 2023



Ms. Divya Raj1 and Ms. Amisha Ved2

BMS Student, Chetana’s Hazarimal Somani College of Commerce and Economics Bandra (E)
Research Scholar, Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that involves using influential individuals, often
referred to as influencers, to promote a product or service to their followers on social media platforms.
Influencer marketing can be a highly effective way to reach new audiences, build brand awareness, and
increase sales. However, it also requires careful planning, targeting, and measurement to ensure that the right
influencers are chosen and that the campaign objectives are achieved. This study aimed to examine the impact
of social media influencers on consumers' brand recognition and purchase intentions. The findings of the study
reveal that consumers were more likely to consider purchasing a product if it was recommended by an
influencer they followed. The study also found that influencers' endorsements positively impacted brand
recognition and credibility. Based on the findings, it is recommended that brands collaborate with influencers
on social media platforms to increase brand recognition and positively influence consumers' purchase
intentions. Additionally, brands should consider creating more engaging and interactive content to improve
consumers' engagement and interest in their products. It is also suggested that further research be conducted on
the long-term effects of influencer marketing on consumer behaviour.
Keywords: Influence Marketing, Social Media Platform, Brand Recognition, Source Credibility and Purchase

Due to rise of social media platforms and the increasing importance of mobile devices has led to a significant
increase in the number of influencers and the reach of their content. Working with well-known social media
users, also known as "influencers," to promote a brand or product is known as influencer marketing. On social
media sites like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or Twitter, influencers have a sizable fan base and can use their
platform to promote a brand to a specific audience. This can involve publishing sponsored content, holding
contests, or producing branded materials. Influencer marketing aims to increase brand awareness, boost sales,
and foster consumer trust by making use of the influence of the influencer. Depending on their number of
followers and average page interaction, influencers can fall into the Nano, Micro, Macro, and Mega categories.
Given how commonly used social media is among people of all ages, but particularly among young people,
many of these users went on to become influencers. Thanks primarily to their content and what they publish. As
many social media users have stated, influencers are your online pals that propose goods and services to you
through well-crafted content.
The global influencer marketing industry is projected to reach $15 billion by 2022, with a compound annual
growth rate of 23% from 2019. Brands of all sizes and industries are turning to influencer marketing to connect
with their target audience in a more authentic and engaging way. Influencer marketing campaigns can take
many forms, from sponsored posts and product reviews to influencer-hosted events and brand partnerships.
However, the influencer marketing industry is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the
lack of standardization and regulation in the industry. This has led to a rise in influencer fraud, where fake
influencers with purchased followers are used to promote products. Another challenge is the need for brands to
constantly adapt to changing trends and audience preferences. Despite these challenges, influencer marketing is
expected to continue to grow in popularity as a way for brands to connect with their audience and drive
conversions. Companies are increasingly investing in influencer marketing and trying to measure the ROI of
their campaigns. Influencer marketing is the practise of promoting goods and services on social media platforms
using well-known influencers.
2.1 Influence Marketing
Influence marketing is a new approach for individuals to engage on social media platforms. Influence marketing
is the practise of promoting businesses, products, or services by influencing the behaviours of people who have
a large number of social followers. (Chenn, 2020).

International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 10, Issue 2 (IX): April - June 2023

2.2 Influence Marketing and Brand Recognition

Typically, the aim of Influence marketing is to build the brand characteristics ‐ awareness level and image ‐ and
their influence on consumers’ perceptions (Porter, 1997). The influence of influencer-brand congruence on
consumer perceptions of the advertised brand, brand's perception in consumers' minds influences their intention
to make a purchase. (Absharina et al., 2021)
2.3 Influence Marketing and Purchase Intention
According to several studies, many forms of influencing marketing have a significant influence on customer
purchase decisions. However, most consumers check product reviews before purchasing, though some do so
before making a direct purchase of an influencer-recommended product. Before making a purchase, some
customers compare the recommended products to other options and others check the price. (Satpathy et al.,
2022). Customers develop favourable views about influencers if they have source attractiveness, product match-
up, and source familiarity. Nonetheless, it has been revealed that source credibility is a minor factor impacting
an influencer's mindset. (Niloy et al., 2023). Furthermore, social media influencer travellers significantly build
positive relationships with their followers through content quality and trustworthiness (Upananda & Bandara,

3. Rationale of the Study

There are several research gaps in the existing literature on influencer marketing. Firstly, most of the research
has only evaluated the impact of influencer marketing on consumers' purchase intentions and not on brand
recognition. Secondly, the impact of influencer marketing on consumers' purchase intentions has been studied in
various locations, but there is a lack of research on its impact specifically in the Mumbai suburban region.
Thirdly, the impact of influencer marketing on consumers' purchase intentions has been mainly studied in
specific industries such as food, travel, and beauty, and there is a need for research that covers all industries.
Finally, there is a lack of focus on identifying the best social media platforms to be used for influencer
marketing. Addressing these research gaps can provide insights into the effectiveness of influencer marketing
and help brands to make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.
a. To examine different social media platforms frequently used by influencers.
b. To examine the impact of influencers on brand recognition.
c. To examine the impact of influencers on the purchase intention of consumers.
5.1 The Study
The research aims to investigate the impact of influencer marketing on brand recognition and consumer
purchase intention. The study will analyse various social media platforms frequently used by influencers, such
as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It will also examine different types of strategies
adopted by influencers, including product placement, sponsored posts, giveaways, and affiliate marketing. The
study seeks to determine the impact of influencers on brand recognition and consumer purchase behaviour. The
scope of the study is limited to the analysis of influencer marketing on brand recognition and consumer
purchase intention, and it does not cover other aspects of marketing or advertising. The research findings will be
International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 10, Issue 2 (IX): April - June 2023

useful for companies interested in utilizing influencer marketing to increase brand recognition and improve
consumer purchase behaviour. As a result, the study findings will be of benefit to marketers in developing an
effective influencer marketing strategies in general and providing insights to the clients.
As an outcome, for the purposes of this study, the following hypothesis is considered:
H01: - Gender wise there is no significant difference in brand recognition through influence marketing.
H02: - Gender wise there is no significant difference in Purchase Intention through Influence Marketing.
H03: - Age wise there is no significant difference in brand recognition through influence marketing.
H04: - Age Wise There Is No Significant Difference in Purchase Intention through Influence Marketing.
5.2 The Sampling and Sample Size
In this study, random sampling was utilized; this sort of sampling is used in descriptive research when the
researcher is looking for an economical approximation of the truth.
Sample Size used in present study is 100 participants. The study population consisted of individuals aged 18
years and above, with a diverse range of ages, including those over 55 years of age. However, due to most
respondents falling within the 18-24 age group, the data and resulting responses may be skewed towards a Gen-
Z perspective. The study included participants from a wide range of educational backgrounds, ranging from
primary school education to PhD or higher.
5.3 Area of Research: In this study, data was collected from the Mumbai Suburban region, specifically in cities
such as Dadar, Lower Parel, Andheri, Vasai, Bandra, Santacruz, and Vile Parle. Additionally, a few cities from
the Thane district were also included, namely Thane, Mulund, Dombivli, Kalyan, and Ulhasnagar. This
geographical area was chosen due to its diverse population, who are active users of social media networks,
which is relevant to the study.
5.4.1 Primary Data: Primary data will be collected through surveys with consumers. The survey will be
designed to collect data on the attitudes and behaviour of consumers who follow influencers on social media,
their perception of the impact of influencers on their purchase intentions, and their preferred social media
platforms for following influencers.
5.4.2 Secondary Data: Secondary data will be gathered through a review of relevant literature and research
articles on the impact of influencers on consumer behaviour and purchase intentions. The secondary data will be
used to provide background information on the topic, and to support the findings of the study.
5.5 Statistical Tools
The study utilized SPSS and Microsoft Excel as statistical tools.
5.6 Scales to Measure the Constructs
This study utilizes a questionnaire to collect primary data, with the objective of evaluating the influence of
influencer marketing on consumer purchase intentions and brand recognition. To achieve this, the questionnaire
was designed based on existing research, and tailored to suit the specific variables under study.The
questionnaire is structured, featuring both multiple- choice and five-point Likert scale questions ranging from
"Strongly Agree" to "Strongly Disagree". In addition, secondary data was also used to support the findings of
the study.
6.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents
Gender, age, education, occupation are all factors in determining the demographic profile of responders. The
demographics often influences variations in preferences and opinions. Consumer demographics play a key
impact in shaping consumers attitudes towards influence marketing, As a result, studying the impact of
demographics in evaluating consumer behaviour influences by influencer becomes critical. To meet the study
goals, detailed demographic information including Gender and Occupation about Mumbai Internet users was

International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 10, Issue 2 (IX): April - June 2023

Demographics Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Female 49 49.0 49.0

Gender Male 51 51.0 51.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

18-24 36 36.0 36.0

25-34 26 26.0 26.0

35-44 22 22.0 22.0

45-54 15 15.0 15.0

Above 55 1 1.0 1.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Table 6.1: Demographic Profile of the Respondents
The sample was divided into two gender categories i.e., Male and Female. The results in the gender category
received the most number of respondents belonging to Male (50%) followed by female (49%) respondents. As
per the age of the respondents, they were categorized into five categories 18 - 24 years, 25 - 34 years, 35 - 44
years and 45-54 years, and above. The majority of users belonged to the 18 - 24 years age category (36%)
followed by 25 - 34 years (26 %), 34 - 45 years (22%), and 45-54 years (15%) and above (1%).
6.2 Usage of social media platforms
Social Networking Sites Used More Frequently
Platforms Counts Percentage
Instagram 81 81%
Twitter 24 24%
Facebook 52 52%
Youtube 68 68%
Snapchat 19 19%
Other 10 10%
Table 6.2: Usage of social media platforms
The table displays the findings of a survey conducted to determine which social networking sites are used most
often by respondents. Instagram is the most popular platform, with 81% of respondents reporting that they use it
more frequently than any other site. Following Instagram is Youtube, which 68% of respondents reported using
more frequently. Facebook is also popular, with 52% of respondents using it more frequently. Twitter is less
frequently used, with only 24% of respondents using it more frequently, and Snapchat is the least popular
platform, with only 19% of respondents reporting that they use it more frequently. In conclusion, the results
indicate that Instagram and Youtube are the most frequently used social networking sites among the
respondents, while Twitter and Snapchat are less commonly used. Although Facebook is still widely used, it is
slightly less popular than Instagram and Youtube.
6.3. Impact of Influencer on purchase intention
The social media platform connects the world digitally. Social media platforms are the most important source of
influence marketing. Many influencers worked in paid promotion or on their own, but people were influenced,
and their purchasing decisions were influenced. Based on their personal viewpoint, ability, and position. It is
understood from the fig that, out of the total respondents, Female are more influenced through Influencer
marketing and purchased sometimes than male.

International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 10, Issue 2 (IX): April - June 2023

Table 6.3: Social Media Platform User influenced by Influencer.

6.3. Hypotheses Testing

H01: Gender wise there is no significant difference in brand recognition through influence marketing.
Group Statistics
Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Female 49 3.3537 .70023 .10003
Brand recognition
Male 51 3.3268 .91770 .12850

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality t-test for Equality of Means
of Variances
95% Confidence
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Interval of the
F Sig. t df
tailed) Difference Difference Difference
Lower Upper
variances 3.640 .059 .165 98 .870 .02694 .16372 -.29795 .35184
.165 93.278 .869 .02694 .16285 -.29643 .35032
Table 6.3.1: Brand recognition through influence marketing.

International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 10, Issue 2 (IX): April - June 2023

The table shows that the value of independent t- test is more than that of 5% significance level. This states that
null hypothesis is accepted, and alternative is rejected. Thus the result states that, there is no significant effect
for sex t(98)= .165, p =0.059, despite female (M = 3.3, SD = 0.70023) equally recognizes the brand through
influence marketing than men (M = 3.3, SD = .91770).
H02:- Gender wise there is no significant difference in Purchase Intention Through Influence Marketing.
Group Statistics
Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Female 49 3.3149 .77151 .11022
Purchase intention
Male 51 3.4958 .93081 .13034

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for
Equality t-test for Equality of Means
of Variances
95% Confidence
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Interval of the
F Sig. t df
tailed) Difference Difference Difference
Lower Upper
variances 1.274 .262 -1.056 98 .294 -.18093 .17133 -.52093 .15908
Purchase assumed
Intentions variances
-1.060 95.961 .292 -.18093 .17069 -.51975 .15789
Table 6.3.2: Purchase intention through influence marketing
The table shows that the value of independent t- test is more than that of 5% significance level. This states that
null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative is accepted. Thus, the result states that, there is significant effect for
sex t (98) = 1.056, p =0.262, despite female (M = 3.3, SD = 0.77151) not equally influences and purchases the
product or a brand through influence marketing than men (M = 3.4, SD = .93081).
H03 : Age-wise there is no significant difference in brand recognition through influence marketing.
Brand Recognition
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 9.167 4 2.292 3.854 .006
Within Groups 56.496 95 .595
Total 65.662 99
Table 6.3.3: Age -wise Brand recognition through influence marketing.
The one-Way ANOVA test was carried out and the results are shown in the table. In H Hypotheses P > .05
hence shows that Age-wise significant difference is seen in terms of Brand recognition as different people have
different view related to brand recognition through influence marketing.
H03 : Age Wise There Is No Significant Difference In Purchase Intention Through Influence Marketing.

Table 6.3.4: Age -wise Purchase Intention through influence marketing.

The one-Way ANOVA test was carried out and the results are shown in the table. In H Hypotheses P < .05
hence shows that Age-wise no significant difference is seen in terms of Purchase Intention through influence

International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 10, Issue 2 (IX): April - June 2023

In conclusion, the analysis of the survey data has provided valuable insights into the use of social media
platforms by influencers and their impact on brand recognition and consumer purchase intention. The data
revealed that Instagram is the most frequently used social media platform by influencers, followed by YouTube
and Facebook. This highlights the importance of Instagram in influencer marketing strategies. The use of
various strategies by influencers, such as sponsored posts, product reviews, and giveaways, can greatly
influence consumer behaviour and purchase intention. The study also found that influencer promotions on social
media have a significant impact on brand recognition, as indicated by the high percentage of respondents who
agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. Furthermore, the data indicated that consumers are more likely to
try a brand's products if they are endorsed by an influencer they follow. This suggests that influencer marketing
can be an effective tool for brands to increase their sales and market share.
 Absharina, Z. B., Yuriani, A. D., & Hendriana, E. (2021, November 3). The Effectiveness of Fashion
Influencers in Influencing the Purchase Interest of Millennial Generation Consumers in Indonesia. Journal of
Business and Management Studies.
 Satpathy, A., Samal, A., Madhavi, K., & Agrawal, R. (2022, April 24). The Role of Influencer Marketing on
Consumer Buying Decision. ECS Transactions.
 Niloy, A. C., Alam, J. B., & Alom, M. S. (2023). Influencer marketing: Factors influencing a customer's
purchase intention. Asian Journal of Business and Environment.
 Upananda, D. R. P., & Bandara, D. M. D. (2022, May 19). Impact of Influencer Marketing on Social Media
Users’ Travel Intention. Sri Lanka Journal of Marketing.


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