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Science Question Paper 9th Feb 2024

Total Time: 3 hours

Total Marks: 70 Marks

Chapter - 7: Reaching the age of adolescence (25 Marks)

Q1. Case Study Question (4 marks)

The changes which occur during adolescence in the human body are controlled by
hormones. Hormones are secreted by glands called ductless glands or endocrine
glands. The hormones are poured by the endocrine gland directly into the
bloodstream. Endocrine glands include pituitary glands, thyroid glands, pancreas,
and adrenal. The pituitary gland is also called the master gland because it controls
the activities of other glands. In insects, metamorphosis is controlled by insect
hormones. In the case of frogs, it is controlled by thyroxine hormones. When a
person is suffering from sugar problems, it means that his pancreas is not producing
sufficient quantities of insulin hormone.

i. What are hormones?

ii. Which gland is also called the master gland and why?
iii. Name the hormone which controls metamorphosis in frogs.
iv. What is the role of the pancreas in a diabetic patient?

Q2 to Q5 are MCQ type Questions.

Q2. Larynx is called: (1 mark)

a. Voice box b. Music box c. Respiratory organ d. None of these

Q3. There are _ pairs of chromosomes in human cell. (1 mark)

a. 23 b. 46 c. 22 d. All above options are wrong.

Q4. The period of maturity of reproductive organs is called. (1 mark)

a. Adolescence period b. Mensuration c. Gestation period d. None

of these

Q5. The male hormone is (1 mark)

a. Estrogen b. Progesterone c. Testosterone d. All of these

Q6. Write notes on—

(a) Adam’s apple. (2 marks)

(b) Secondary sexual characters. (2 marks)

(c) Sex determination in the unborn baby. (2 marks)

Q7. What is menstruation? Explain. (2 marks)

Q8. Define Adolescence (2 marks)

Q9. Answer the following Questions:

1. Name the endocrine gland which controls the production of sex hormones
‘testosterone’ and ‘estrogen’. (1 mark)
2. Which of the following combinations of sex chromosomes products a male child
(or boy)? XX or XY (1 mark)
3. State one situation (other than menopause) when ovulation and menstruation
stop in a woman. (1 mark)

Q10. What are sex hormones? Why are they named so? State their function. (4 Marks)


Q1. Case Study Question (4 marks)

Sita and her mother reached a jewelry shop to purchase some ornaments. She liked a
necklace very much, but her mother told her not to purchase it because it is not real
gold. When she checked the information tag, it was written that 1gm gold. The
necklace was quite big and heavy. She was surprised to see it and asked about it. The
salesman explained that it is a gold-plated necklace. Then Sita checked that the
process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of
electricity is called electroplating. It is one of the most common applications of the
chemical effects of electric current. Nowadays, people prefer to buy gold-plated
jewellery, similarly, iron articles are often coated with zinc or chromium to protect them
from rusting and corrosion.

In electroplating factories, the disposal of the used conducting solution is a major

concern. It is a polluting waste and specific disposal guidelines should be followed to
protect the environment.

Answer the following questions.

i) Where and how the electroplating waste should be disposed of?

ii) What are the effects produced by the chemical reactions brought about by an
electric current?

iii) Name the materials that can be used for electroplating.

iv) What are the applications of electroplating?

Q2 to Q5 are MCQ type Questions.

Q2. The decomposition produced by passing a current through a conducting liquid is
called: (1 mark)

(a) Dialysis (b) Hydrolysis (c) Electrolysis (d) Electroplating

Q3. In activity to check the conduction of electricity through two liquids labelled A and
B by using a bulb, it is observed that the bulb glows brightly for liquid A while it glows
very dimly for liquid B. (1 mark)

(a) Liquid A is a better conductor than liquid B (b) Liquid B is a better conductor
than liquid A (c) Both liquids are equally conducting (d) Conducting properties
of liquids cannot be compared in this manner.

Q4. Which of the following types of energy can be used to decompose water into its
elements? (1 mark)

(a) Heat energy (b) Light energy (c) Chemical energy (d) Electrical energy

Q5. Electrolytes conduct electricity due to the movement of: (1 mark)

(a) Electrodes (b) Atoms (c) Electrons (d) Ions

Q6. Does pure water conduct electricity? If not, what can we do to make it conduct?
(2 marks)

Q7. Is it safe for the electrician to carry out electrical repairs outdoors during heavy
downpour? Explain. (2 marks)

Q8. Why is it dangerous to touch a working electrical appliance with wet hands? (2

Q9. A child staying in a coastal region tests the drinking water and the seawater with
his tester. He finds that the compass needle deflects more in the case of seawater. Can
you explain the reason? (2 marks)

Chapter - 13: LIGHT (27 Marks)

Q1. State the law of reflection (2 marks)

Q2. Differentiate between regular and diffused reflection. Does diffused reflection
means the failure of the laws of reflection? (2 marks)

Q3. Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. (1 mark)

(a) Always (b) Sometimes (c) Under special conditions (d) Never

Q4. Image formed by a plane mirror is: (1 mark)

(a) virtual, behind the mirror and enlarged.

(b) virtual, behind the mirror and of the same size as the object.
(c) real at the surface of the mirror and enlarged.
(d) real, behind the mirror and of the same size as the object.

Q5. An incident ray makes an angle of 75° with the surface of a plane mirror. What
will be the angle of reflection? (1 mark)

Q6. If an object is placed at a distance of 7.5 cm from a plane mirror, how far would it
be from its image? (1 mark)

Q7. Name a device which works on the reflection of reflected light. (1 mark)

Q8. How many images of a candle will be formed if it is placed between two parallel
plane mirrors separated by 40 cm? (1 mark)


(2 marks)


(2 marks)

Q11. Two mirrors meet at right angles. A ray of light is incident on one at an angle of
30° as shown in Fig. 13.19. Draw the reflected ray from the second mirror. (2 marks)
Q12. What is the angle of incidence of a ray of light if the reflected ray is at an angle
of 90° to the incident ray? (2 mark)

Q13. Describe the construction of a kaleidoscope. (4 marks)

Q14. Draw a labelled sketch of the human eye. (5 marks)

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