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Fat Foods

Fit Foods
What & How To Eat For
Maximum Fat Loss

By Rod Moore

(C) Copyright 2007 – All Rights Reserved.

Copyright Rod Moore &
Important Notice

The information in this e-book is intended to be used as an educational tool based

on the authors personal experiences. No recommendations, claims, warranties,
guarantees or assurances are made as to the effectiveness of this information for
you as the reader.

The information found in this book has not been evaluated other than the authors
personal experience. No statements published in this e-book can be taken as
treatment, prescription or cure for any medical condition, illness or disease.

You should always seek medical advice from a qualified health practitioner
prior to any lifestyle changes to your diet or exercise program.

All information in this book is based on the personal experience and research of the
author who provides no guarantee in any way, shape or form.

The author and publisher assumes no liability for injury or damage caused by the
application, use or misuse of the information contained in this book.

Note: This special report is free and you may pass it onto others or distribute it from
your website. Full distribution rights are granted by the author Rod Moore and
publisher Fat Burn Blog.

For more information please visit

A Journey From Fat To Fit

For most of my adult life I have struggled with my weight.

There have been times where I have lost weight and got in reasonable shape but I
always seemed to slip back. The weight I lost somehow seemed to track me down
and find me again.

During my struggle with my weight I had periods where I would get in shape and
reasonable health. I even competed in a number of triathlons and half marathons at
one time in my mid thirties.

The thing with me is that I always enjoyed sports or training in the gym. I had little
trouble motivating myself to work out ... but I was always frustrated as I could not
seem to achieve the results I was looking for.

The worst part was I did not know why I failed to achieve my health and fitness goals
even though I would train hard and with a lot of discipline.

The result of nearly twenty years of struggling with my weight caught up with me in
late September 2007 when I hit rock bottom.

It was a three day trip interstate where I had been suffering from depression for a
period of about 5 months prior to. So the interstate trip was the perfect excuse to go
on a three day bender.

I ate everything I could get my hands on including pizzas, hamburgers, Chinese etc
… and drank countless beer and mixed drinks over the three days.

In effect I was basically poisoning myself … I was spiralling out of control.

On the third day I started to have what I thought was a heart attack. The pain in my
chest was so intense that my life literally flashed before my eyes.

Then I had a vivid memory of when I was approximately 20 years of age. My Aunty
was busy telling me how much I was like my uncle Brian (who incidentally died of a
massive heart attack at 40).

So there I was thinking I was having a heart attack and my beautiful unconscious
mind delivers me a memory of being told I was just like my dead uncle. The worst
thing was I was only 39 at the time.

I survived that incident and then in a junk food haze I went to bed.
Then the second incident occurred that really got my attention.

Due to my disgraceful eating habits I had been suffering badly from indigestion and
stomach acid reflux. Well at about three o’clock in the morning my stomach could no
longer handle the abuse I had dished out to it and decided to send me a message
about it.

I awoke basically choking on my own stomach acids. Acid had made its way back up
my throat and ended up in my lungs. The burning sensation, and the fact that I could
not breath lead me for the second time that day to believe I was about to die.

Now if you can picture these two scenarios then I am sure you can imagine that it
created a significant amount of Pain motivation for me.

As I was choking on my own stomach acids I promised myself that if I survived I

would completely change my life and health.

All of a sudden something went click in my mind at a deep unconscious level.

The pain of staying the same became the driving motivation strategy for me. This
pain was far greater than the pain of making the changes that had previously
controlled my motivation levels.

I knew that I had to change my life for the better but I was not sure how to change.

I asked myself ... “What is one thing I could do in that moment that could propel me
in a new direction?”

The only thing I could think of was to

take my picture. Having seen many
before and after pictures from many
physique transformations I reasoned that
this was the last day I would try and kill
myself with food. So I took my photo as
the starting point of a new life.

It was not a pretty site ... but it was a

starting point for me.

From this sorry starting point I started to

investigate what I needed to do to
change my health forever.

I began a quest to find out everything I could about the science of fat loss and the
creation of good health. I purchased every book I could find, listened to every audio
program and watched every video or DVD I could get my hands on.

I spent an average of four hours a day reading and researching until I finally
discovered the one thing that would make the most difference to my health.
Finally I found the key that I had been missing all these years.

It was an understanding of the difference between fat foods and fit foods. Some
foods make you fat and some foods will make you fit which is what this report is

Within just six weeks of applying the

concept of eating mostly fit foods my
health and weight had dramatically

Many people were shocked by the amount

of weight I lost in that period simply by
following one concept.

More importantly though my health overall

improved, I started to regain my fitness
and my self esteem improved dramatically
as well.

I was on the way towards fitness.

The day I decided to change my life my statistics where:

Bodyweight 122 kg

Body fat % 38.8%

Waist measurement 52” plus

Just eight weeks later my statistics had improved to:

Bodyweight 116.8 kg

Body fat % 33.7%

Waist measurement 46.5” plus

In eight weeks I had lost 5.2kg of bodyweight (11.44 pounds). It is important to note
though that during this time I also put on a significant amount of lean muscle tissue
so my actual fat loss is quite a bit higher at around 7.97kg (17.5 pounds).
What pleases me the most about these results is that I also gained 2.77kg (6.1
pounds) of lean muscle mass during this time.

So my overall body composition changed quite a bit during the first 8 weeks.

Whilst these results are by no means startling they are still extremely good
compared to the average results achieved by those going on starvation or fad diets
for one simple reason ... they rarely get to week eight!

Here is a comparison of my starting point to week six and week eight:

Starting Point – Obese,

Depressed & in poor health.

Week 6 – Making Good


Week 8 – On Track to go
from Fat to Fit

So what was it that made me fat in the first place? It was ...
The Number 1 Problem
The number one reason you are
currently either overweight or obese
is the food you put in your mouth.

It’s not a lack of the latest fat burning

pill, or the need for a multi-track
hypnosis session, or even in many
cases a lack of exercise.

It is what you are putting in

your mouth that is making
you fat!
Most people suffering with weight issues are consistently putting the wrong foods
into their mouth. Their diets are made up of mostly Fat Foods.

When you eat mostly Fat Foods you end up fat. When you eat mostly Fit Foods you
will wind up fit, lean and healthy. Simple really.

This was certainly the case for me. Approximately 95% of what I put into my mouth
was a Fat Food. The remaining 5% was Fit Foods. This is literally a recipe for

When I studied people who were lean, healthy, and full of energy I noticed that they
consistently put 90% Fit Foods into their mouth ... hence their health experiences
were dramatically different.

So the obvious question is ... why are so many people around the world putting the
wrong foods into their mouth on a consistent daily basis?

Well in order to understand this we need to take a brief tour in history.

If we were to go back 10,000 years ago our diet was very different. In addition the
amount of physical activity required to make it through a day was huge by
comparison with today.

In order to eat you had to track, catch and kill your food ... or find it growing in the
ground or trees. These activities resulted in a substantial calorie burn before you
even got to eat each day.

If you were to live 10,000 years ago fully 100% of your diet intake would have been
from healthy, whole foods in their natural state. It would not have been possible back
then to eat highly processed manufactured foods full of Trans fatty acids, white
refined sugars, and additives such as artificial colourings and preservatives.

You would have been forced to eat Fit Foods ... and as far as we know there was no
Obesity Epidemic 10,000 years ago.

Contrast that with today.

In just the last year 14,000 new SKU’s for

food items came out. A SKU is basically a
unique stock control number.

Think about that ... 14,000 new foods in

just the last year have been added.

How many of them do you think are whole

foods in their natural state?

If you guessed ZERO then you are probably correct.

Fully 100% of these 14,000 food items are newly manufactured foods. This means
they are highly processed, using refined ingredients and full of additives. These
foods are designed to be highly addictive.

Major food manufacturers are developing these new foods in

In order to launch a new food item these manufacturers will invest millions of dollars
in advertising. Basically they are looking to brain wash you to believe ridiculous
statements such as...

‘A Mars a day will help you work, rest and play!’

What a load of rubbish! What about this one...

‘Crunchie ... it will change the colour of your day’

Yes ... by making you fat, depressed and blue.

What is really fascinating is that cigarette companies have in recent times been
buying up (or taking large stakes in) major food manufacturers. This is because
selling highly addictive cigarettes that give people cancer and kills them is not as
socially accepted as selling highly fattening artificial foods manufactured in
laboratories full of toxins and poisons that will lead to obesity and kill you!

Strange really...
Did it not strike you as curious that one major food manufacturer recently paid $600
million to purchase the Jenny Craig Weight Loss business?

Talk about double dipping on your profits. On the one hand, sell the masses highly
addictive junk food that is guaranteed to lead to overweight, obesity and assorted
emotional issues ... then sell them the answer to all of their weight loss problems ...
Jenny Craig!
It is no wonder we have a worldwide obesity epidemic right now!

Here is the take home message for you...

Most of what is being sold to you as food is not real food so

STOP eating it!
Your ability to understand the difference between these manufactured Fat Foods and
natures own Fit Foods is the key to dropping the excess body fat and becoming lean,
fit and healthy.
Once you move from your current diet to one where you are eating the vast majority
of your food intake from Fit Foods your life and health will dramatically change.
This has certainly been the case for me.
The New Food Pyramid
One of the key problems we face today is identifying correct information.

If you do a search on the Internet for weight loss you will be bombarded with a
myriad of web sites all selling what they claim to the be the secret to weight loss.
Funny thing is ... most of them contradict each other.

How do I know? Because I have purchased most of them 

It is so easy to be blinded by the confusion of misinformation and contradictions.

Even most of the governments in the Western Worlds (incidentally where most of the
obesity is) are adding to the confusion and misinformation.

The standard healthy eating food pyramid is just one example. Take a look at the
Healthy Eating Pyramid published by Nutrition Australia:
This Healthy Eating Pyramid suggests that most of your diet should be made up of
highly refined and processed carbohydrates such as pasta, white rice, breakfast
cereals out of a box, bread and hamburger rolls.

Can you see the problem here? Few of these foods are natural whole foods. They
are all refined, processed manufactured foods. It is no wonder that Australians enjoy
the same levels of overweight and obesity as other developed nations.

On the positive side they also recommend fruits, vegetables, and nuts as well which
is a good thing.

It is no wonder that people become confused as they get fatter and fatter following
the healthy eating pyramid guidelines. When they come to a point where they are no
longer satisfied happy with their weight they begin to seek out answers ... most of
which come in the form of fad diets.

What I believe we need, in order to reverse the obesity epidemic, is a new food
pyramid that more accurately reflects the lifestyle that leads to good health.

The food pyramid that I have followed looks like this:

Fat Foods

90% Fit Foods

Natural Whole Foods
At least 80% of the fat loss I have achieved so far has come about as a direct result
of changing my eating habits to reflect the new food pyramid above.

You have to change what you put into your mouth on a consistent
daily basis!
It is not what you do once in awhile that matters most ... it is what you do on a
consistent daily basis. This is what needs to change.
The great thing about the new food pyramid of course is that you only need to eat
90% Fit Foods. This means you can still enjoy eating junk ... as long as it does not
exceed 10% of your overall food intake.
What this means is ... if you absolutely love pizza and just cannot imagine life without
pizza you can relax. 10% of the time you can eat pizza and maintain your love affair
with it.
So you may be wondering ... what exactly do I eat for 90% of the time?
Read on to find out...
Understanding Fit Foods
Fit Foods are any natural whole
To qualify as a Fit Food it has to have come
from either a living animal, or it grew in a tree
or from the ground.

There are few exceptions to this rule.

Fit Foods are most easily identified by the fact

that they only have one ingredient.

Consider the number of ingredients in an apple

(ie one) with the number of ingredients in an
apple pie. It is easy to identify which is the Fit
Food from the two.

By definition Fit Foods lead to a lean healthy fit body.

Most people intuitively know what is a Fit Food. If you think it will make you fat you
are probably right so don’t eat it.
In order to understand Fit Foods better we need to first understand the Macro
Nutrients that make up our food. Essentially our food is made up of Protein,
Carbohydrates and Fats.
Let’s look at each of these:

Protein – Protein is the basic building block of every cell in our bodies. They
are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's cells,
tissues, and organs. Each protein has unique functions. Proteins are essential
components of muscles, skin, bones and the body as a whole.
Proteins mostly come from animal foods though some protein can be found in
plant foods.

Carbohydrate – Carbohydrates provide the fuel and energy for the body.
They are essential for the body to function at optimal levels.
Carbohydrates can be broken down into starchy carbohydrates, fibrous
carbohydrates, and sugars.
Regulating our carbohydrate intake can lead to accelerated fat loss.
Fats – Despite getting a bad rap dietary fat is important. Essential fats are so
named as we must get them each day in our diet. They are an important
source of fuel as well as performing a number of other vital functions in our
Selecting and combining these macro nutrients to make up our diet each day is what
will lead to greater fat loss success.
Here are the various Fit Foods you can eat from these macro nutrients:
- Chicken
- Beef
- Bacon
- Veal
- Fowl
- Pork Chop
- Duck
- Goose
- Turkey
- Lamb
- Tuna
- Salmon
- Flounder
- Halibut
- Cod
- Shellfish
- Eggs (Egg Whites)
- Low Fat Cottage Cheese
- Whey Protein

Carbohydrates (Starchy)
- Oats
- Brown Rice
- Sweet Potato
- White Potato
- Couscous

Carbohydrates (Fibrous)
- Fresh Fruits
- Fresh Vegetables
- Salad Vegetables
- Olive Oil
- Fish Oil
- Peanut Oil
- Walnuts
- Almonds
- Sesame seeds
- Coconut Oil
- Flax Seed Oil
- Sunflower Oil

If you simply focus on getting 90% of your food intake from these Fit Food sources
then you can dramatically change your health, drop excess body fat, and look and
feel fantastic.
By the way ... if a food is not listed above then it is most likely to be a Fat Food.
Now you need to consider...
Fit Food Rules
Now that you have a better understanding of what Fit Foods to eat let us look at the
Fit Food rules. These simple to follow rules will give you the guidelines on how to
transform your health and burn the fat forever:

Rule 1 – Eat 5 or 6 Small Meals per day

Numerous studies have shown that by eating 5 or 6 smaller meals per day
you can ramp up your metabolism. By elevating your metabolism your body
will burn more calories each day resulting in further fat loss. Plan to eat every
3 to 4 hours.

Your body is more suited to eating smaller more frequent meals. Eating more
frequent smaller meals will help to level out any fluctuations in your blood
sugar levels as well as the fat storing hormones like Insulin. This is excellent
news as it well help you to get any cravings you may have for different junk
foods under control.

The average overweight or obese person typically skips breakfast, eats a

moderate lunch, and then eats dinner and junk food into the evenings.

Rule 2 – Base Your Meals Around Protein

You want to make sure that you eat a lean protein at every meal.

This is important for a number of reasons. First off all protein has a higher
thermic effect than other foods. In other words it takes more calories for the
body to digest and assimilate protein than it does other foods.

The other reason you want to eat protein at every meal is because it will help
you to feel satiated and full for longer.

This combined with the fact that proteins are the building blocks of a healthy
lean body make for compelling reasons to base your meals around protein.

How much protein should you eat?

As a general rule of thumb you want to eat approximately 1 gram of protein for
every pound of lean bodyweight (2g protein for every kg of lean bodyweight).

So if you weigh 180 pounds with 160 pounds of lean bodyweight then you
would be eating approximately 160 grams of protein a day.
When you spread this out over 6 meals you are eating approximately 27
grams of protein per meal.

It is important that you know how to calculate your lean bodyweight to work
out your required protein intake.

Rule 3 – Eat Starchy Carbohydrates By Midday

In his best selling e-book ‘Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle’ author Tom Venuto
talks about tapering your carbohydrate intake over the course of the day.
What he means is that if you eat your starchy carbohydrates earlier in the day,
and fibrous carbohydrates later in the day it will accelerate your fat loss.

I have certainly found this to be the case. Since eliminating all starchy or
refined carbohydrates from my diet in the afternoon or evening the fat has
been literally melting off my body.

So now I eat Oats for breakfast, or usually just after my morning workout, and
then possibly some brown rice or sweet potato at lunch. That is it for my
starchy carbohydrates for the day.

Rule 4 – Eat Fibrous Carbohydrates liberally

Fibrous carbohydrates are your fresh fruit and vegetables.

The great thing about these foods is that they are nutrient rich without being
calorie dense. This means you can fill yourself up on them. You can eat all
kinds of delicious salads and stir fry’s as a result.

I have found the best approach is to eat 2 to 3 servings of fresh fruits each
day usually in the first half of the day.

Then I will eat 2 to 3 servings of vegetables and salad vegetables during the
remainder of the day. I always have large amounts of vegetables and salads
to ensure that I really fill up on them. By feeling full often on nutritious Fit
Foods I have virtually eliminated any cravings for junk food.

You simply must eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables each day if you wish to
burn the fat and become fit and healthy.
Rule 5 – No Liquid Calories
Many overweight or obese people have no idea of the excessive number of
calories they drink each day. This can be in the form of soda or soft drinks,
alcohol, or milk drinks.

To burn the maximum amount of fat you want to make it a rule that you
consume no liquid calories.

This means you only drink water ... and lots of it!

Make sure you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.

Rule 6 – 90% Compliance

The exciting news is you do not need to be perfect in order to make dramatic
changes to your health and burn the body fat.
As stated previously, if you can comply with the Fit Foods & Fit Food Rules
90% of the time then in 3 to 6 months your health will be dramatically
So if you are eating 6 meals a day then that is 42 meals per week.
10% of those you can eat what you want.
So 4 meals a day you are free to eat any of the Fat Foods that you may have
a craving for.
Of course it is important that you use your common sense and do not reverse
any fat loss you may have had for the week.

Simply following these Fit Food rules will create new energy, health and fat loss. It is
important to point out though that prior to making any significant changes to your
diet, or taking up an exercise plan, you should discuss it with your physician or
doctor. Everybody is different and your body may respond differently to making these
Based on my experience and research though I can assure you that for most people,
focusing on Fit Foods, eliminating Fat Foods, and eating according to the Fit Food
Rules will result in improved health, and significant fat loss.
Now that you know the Fit Food Rules you need to consider how to...
Making The Transition
One of the most important things I can tell you about eating Fit Foods is that you
need to be thinking of this as a lifestyle. In other words, in order to maintain a healthy
body and your fat loss you will need to follow this eating program for life.

This is not a fad diet that you can go on for a while and then revert back to your poor
eating habits. That will never work.

You have to make life long health changes and incorporate it into
your lifestyle in order to achieve maximum health.
As a result it is important that you think about how you will make the transition from
your current eating habits to following the Fit Foods program.

This largely depends on your current state of mind, your existing eating habits and
your level of desire for change.

At my starting point I had terrible eating habits and huge desire to change. So I
basically overnight switched from my Fat Foods diet to Fit Foods. As a result I had a
number of issues with bloating, excessive intestinal gas build up etc as my body
coped with the change. Within a few weeks though things had settled down and my
body began to shed the weight.

Some of you reading this may be looking for a more gradual transition and that is
fine to. The best way to approach this is to begin replacing Fat Foods with Fit Foods.
You might do this in a progression. For instance if you are currently drinking 3 soft
drinks (sodas) a day then the first step may be to change to diet soft drinks. Then the
next step may be to drop it down to only 1 diet soda a day as you increase your
water intake.

Another example may be that if you eat pancakes for breakfast at the moment you
can replace them with oatmeal & chocolate protein powder pancakes.

One of the things I had to do was replace my chocolate bars with protein bars. Now
protein bars are not on our Fit Food list however it was a step in the right direction.
Eventually I was able to go from 3 chocolate bars a day, down to 2 protein bars a
day, then 1. My next step is to eliminate the 1 protein bar a day with a better quality
lean protein source.

So you can see that you do not need to make all of the changes in one go. As
motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said ... ‘It’s hard to whip a U turn in the Queen
Mary’. It may take some time to get to 90% compliance to the Fit Foods program.
The most important thing to focus on though is that with every step you take closer to
the 90% compliance rule your health will improve and your body fat will burn off.

Another key in making the transition is to plan ahead.

In order to consume 5 to 6 smaller meals a day you will need to think ahead and plan
for them. This might mean cooking enough meals in advance, say two or three days
ahead, in order to ensure you get all of your meals in.

It is also important to plan ahead when you have social engagements. Think about
the type of food that you are likely to have at the social engagement and if it is
unlikely you will find Fit Foods then eat just before you go and only eat a small
amount at the function.

You can expect the transition period to last approximately 6 weeks. By then you
should be close to or at the 90% compliance rule.

If every day you aim to get one step closer to the Fit Foods lifestyle then you will
have developed new habits that will be easy to maintain.

Give the Fit Foods lifestyle a minimum of 6 weeks and then judge for yourself the
effects it has had on your body and health.

While the main focus of this report is changing

the quality of the food you put in your mouth
you will need to begin to think about
incorporating an exercise plan into your new

I have found the most effective exercise routine

for maximum fat burning is a combination of
metabolism boosting resistance training, and
interval based cardio training.

For more information on exercise training and

to see my workouts go to the Fat Burn Blog:
Sample Fit Food Menu
So what should you eat each day?

Here is a sample menu of what I ate a few days ago. Keep in mind that I am 6’1
(184cm) and already have some muscle. So you will want to adjust the size of the
portions of each meal to suit you.

I have found that you do not need to count calories as long as you manage the
portion sizes of your meals correctly. The best indicator of this is if you start to feel
just slightly hungry by the time you are going to sleep at night then you have
probably eaten the right amount for the day.

Each week monitor your progress and if you are not losing weight (and you are
eating 5 to 6 meals a day with the right amount of protein) then simply lower your
serving sizes of carbohydrates at each meal.

This is a guideline only. You will need to experiment to find the right level of food
intake for your body. After a few weeks it will become intuitive as to the right amount
of food to eat so that you are losing the weight.

Here is a sample menu:

Meal 1 Whey Protein Shake with Soy Milk



Meal 2 Whey Protein Shake with Water

Strawberries / Blueberries

Meal 3 Chicken Breast Fillet

Sweat Potato

Meal 4 Cottage Cheese


Meal 5 Protein Bar (40g Protein, 8g Carbs)

Meal 6 Tuna – Can packed in Spring water

Large Mixed Salad

Meal 7 Whey Protein Shake with water

This is a typical days eating for me. As you can see it is by no means perfect, but it is
a lot closer to being a Fit Food menu than my previous diet of pizza, corn chips,
bottle of coke and chocolate bars.

As you can see I am getting three serves of fruit in the mornings. I am also having
two serves of starchy carbohydrates by midday being the oatmeal and sweat potato.
I am also having a large salad in the evening.

To improve this menu plan I could replace

the Protein Bar at meal 5 with a quality lean
protein from our Fit Foods list, and have
with it a big plate of vegetables. This way I
would be getting another meal of quality
lean protein, and more nutritious vegies,
and cutting out some of the junk in the
Protein Bar.

This will give you some ideas on how to put

together your own menus for your Fit Food
lifestyle. Again the important thing is to
plan out your meals several days ahead in
writing and pre-cook your meals.
Fat Burn Blog
The information in this report is intended to give you some ideas on how you can go
from being overweight or obese to fit and healthy. It is designed to stimulate your
thinking and hopefully inspire you to change your life.

This report is not the definitive guide to burning the fat off your body. There is more
to it than what I have covered here, however following the Fit Food lifestyle will be a
major step in the right direction to move you from Fat to Fit as I have done.

To follow along with my personal fat loss journey, and to learn the specific strategies
I am using please visit the Fat Burn Blog at:

Once you are there follow the links to subscribe to our list so that you are notified of
updates to the blog.

Also for subscribers I have a number of additional bonus reports to assist you with
your personal fat loss journey.

You can also follow along with my You Tube videos by going here:

Please feel free to pass this report onto others you may know who are also
struggling with their weight. You never know who’s life will be dramatically changed
by reading a few simple ideas.

In the Fat Burn Blog I want to give you access to the very best information I have
found on how to burn the fat off your body. I am the type of person who totally
immerses themselves into a topic, does a ton of research and then applies what I
learn to get real world results.

The products that I recommend below contain the very best information I have found
for burning off the fat.

You might want to check them out and decide which ones you should study and
read. Personally I make sure I get a copy of everything that is recommended to me
as I know that one good idea can change everything.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle - By Tom Venuto

BFFM is to me the ultimate guide to burning fat from your


Tom is a world class bodybuilding champion who is a master

at lowering his body fat to very low levels. He also happens to
be extremely good at taking complex strategies, science and
research and explaining it in an easy to follow format.

BFFM explains in great detail the many strategies used by

bodybuilder and fitness models to burn off excess body fat.
These little known strategies can be used by anyone, not just bodybuilders.

You will not find a more comprehensive, sensible and practical guide to how to burn
off the fat to become in great shape. To find out more about BFFM and how it can
help you to get in the best shape of your life click here now.
Firm & Flatten Your Abs - By David Grisaffi

David Grisaffi is a world renowned expert on how to firm and

flatten your abs.

Most people desire to have a tight lean midsection and possibly

even a six pack. The problem is people who are not genetically
engineered for low body fat percentages really do not know
where to start to get a six pack.

In David’s book ‘Firm and Flatten Your Abs’ he outlines a simple

no-nonsense approach that practically anyone can follow. Find out more about Firm
and Flatten Your Abs by clicking here now.

Turbulence Training - By Craig Ballantyne

Craig Ballantyne is a world renowned fitness expert. He is a

featured author in countless fitness related magazines worldwide
and he is the creator of the Turbulence Training program.

Turbulence Training is based on using bodyweight exercises that

you can do anywhere. You can do these workouts at home, in the
office or in the local park. You do not need to be in a gymnasium
to have this program work for you.

The key concept is to keep changing your workout routine every four weeks or so to
keep the body in a state of confusion where it cannot easily adjust to the workout
routine. Find out more by clicking here now.

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