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The Plant Journal (2021) doi: 10.1111/tpj.



Mass spectrometry-based quantification and spatial

localization of small organic acid exudates in plant roots
under phosphorus deficiency and aluminum toxicity
David Gomez-Zepeda1,‡,†, Moises Frausto1,2,†, Hector-Rogelio Najera-Gonzalez1,§,†, Luis Herrera-Estrella1,2,* and Jose-Juan
Unidad de Geno mica Avanzada, Centro de Investigacio n y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Polite cnico Nacional, Irapu-
ato 36824, Mexico,
Institute of Genomics for Crop Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Texas Tech University, Lub-
bock, TX 79409, USA

Received 16 November 2020; accepted 26 March 2021.

*For correspondence (e-mail;

These authors made equal contributions to this work and are considered joint first authors.

Present address: University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Institute for Immunology, Mainz, 55131, Germany
Present address: Innovak Global, Chihuahua, 31375, Mexico

Low-molecular-weight organic acid (OA) extrusion by plant roots is critical for plant nutrition, tolerance to
cations toxicity, and plant–microbe interactions. Therefore, methodologies for the rapid and precise quantifi-
cation of OAs are necessary to be incorporated in the analysis of roots and their exudates. The spatial loca-
tion of root exudates is also important to understand the molecular mechanisms directing OA production
and release into the rhizosphere. Here, we report the development of two complementary methodologies
for OA determination, which were employed to evaluate the effect of inorganic ortho-phosphate (Pi) defi-
ciency and aluminum toxicity on OA excretion by Arabidopsis roots. OA exudation by roots is considered a
core response to different types of abiotic stress and for the interaction of roots with soil microbes, and for
decades has been a target trait to produce plant varieties with increased capacities of Pi uptake and Al toler-
ance. Using targeted ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution tandem mass
spectrometry (UPLC-HRMS/MS), we achieved the quantification of six OAs in root exudates at sub-micro-
molar detection limits with an analysis time of less than 5 min per sample. We also employed targeted
(MS/MS) matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) to detect
the spatial location of citric and malic acid with high specificity in roots and exudates. Using these methods,
we studied OA exudation in response to Al toxicity and Pi deficiency in Arabidopsis seedlings overexpress-
ing genes involved in OA excretion. Finally, we show the transferability of the MALDI-MSI method by ana-
lyzing OA excretion in Marchantia polymorpha gemmalings subjected to Pi deficiency.

Keywords: aluminum toxicity, Arabidopsis thaliana, high resolution mass spectrometry, Marchantia poly-
morpha, mass spectrometry, mass spectrometry imaging, organic acids, phosphorus deficiency, root exu-
dates, technical advance.

metal solubilization and detoxification (Huang et al., 1998;
Low-molecular-weight organic acids (OAs) are major com- Kochian et al., 2015; Montiel-Rozas et al., 2016), pH modifi-
ponents of root exudates, not only because of their high cation of the rhizosphere (Guo et al., 2010), and responses
abundance relative to other compounds present in root to hypoxia (Choi and Roberts, 2007) and as bio-stimulants
exudates, but also because of their crucial roles in plant and chemoattractants (Macias-Benitez et al., 2020; Zhang
nutrition (Mimmo et al., 2014; Ryan et al., 2001), heavy et al., 2014), as well as their contribution to the carbon

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1
2 David Gomez-Zepeda et al.

cycle and biological weathering (Adeleke et al., 2017). In 2003; Pin ~ eros et al., 2002) coupled to UV absorbance detec-
agriculture, inorganic ortho-phosphate (Pi) deficiency and tion (at 214 or 232 nm) have been widely used. However,
aluminum (Al) toxicity are the two main constraints for UV detection has poor selectivity and a high detection
crop productivity in acidic soils, forming part of what is threshold (lowest limit of quantification [LLOQ] around
known as acid soil syndrome (Kochian et al., 2004). Over 50 µM) (Jaitz et al., 2011). This limits the use of these meth-
half of the potentially arable lands are Pi-deficient or acidic ods to quantify OAs in root exudates whose concentrations
or contain toxic levels of Al3+ that drastically inhibit root range between low micromolar and nanomolar levels
growth (Kochian et al., 2015; Lynch, 2011; von Uexku € ll & (Hoekenga et al., 2003; Jaitz et al., 2011; Pin ~ eros et al.,
Mutert, 1995). The exudation of OAs by plant roots to the 2002). Ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)
rhizosphere is an effective strategy to cope with cation tox- coupled to targeted tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS),
icity and, in some cases, Pi deficiency (Delhaize et al., in which a precursor ion is filtered and then fragmented
2009; Kochian et al., 2004; Teodoro et al., 2019; Veneklaas and the product ions are detected, achieves higher analyti-
et al., 2003). OA-dependent Pi mobilization is given mainly cal performance in shorter times (5–10 min) compared to
by ligand exchange, whereas toxic cations such as Al3+ are HPLC-UV methods (around 30 min) (Erro et al., 2009). For
excluded from the root tip or chelated as non-toxic OA– instance, LLOQs of around 0.1 µM (0.015–0.04 µg ml 1)
metal complexes (Gerke et al., 1994; Kochian et al., 2015; have been achieved for the quantification of OAs in root
Kopittke et al., 2017). exudates using UPLC-MS/MS (Wang et al., 2015).
Engineered plants with enhanced OA exudation in roots Beyond the quantification of total OAs in plant exudates,
have been assessed for more than two decades as a strat- it is important to determine the regions or cells in the root
egy to improve growth under Pi deficiency and Al toxicity, that secrete OAs into the rhizosphere, which could play an
mainly by overexpressing genes involved in the synthesis important role in Pi exchange or tolerance to toxic cations.
or transport of OAs. The malate transporter ALUMINUM- It has been reported that malate exudation takes place
ACTIVATED MALATE TRANSPORTER 1 (ALMT1) and its principally at the root tips (Delhaize et al., 2004; Kopittke
positive transcriptional regulator SENSITIVE TO PROTON et al., 2017); however, the expression of malate trans-
RHIZOTOXICITY 1 (STOP1) are two major components in porters in the whole root suggests that malate may be
Arabidopsis that play an important role in tolerance to Al secreted in other root zones in P deficiency conditions (Kle-
toxicity (Delhaize et al., 2004; Hoekenga et al., 2006; Iuchi pikova et al., 2016). For instance, a recent study in Ara-
et al., 2007) and the modification of root architecture in bidopsis showed that ALMT3 is expressed mainly in root
response to Pi deficiency (Balzergue et al., 2017; Mora- hairs and is responsive to P deficiency, contributing to an
Macıas et al., 2017). In addition to ALMT1, STOP1 posi- increased release of malate into the apoplast and the rhizo-
tively regulates the transcription of MULTI-DRUG AND sphere (Maruyama et al., 2019). The differences in OA exu-
TOXIC COMPOUND EXTRUSION (MATE), a citrate trans- dation along the root length have been assessed either by
porter-encoding gene (Liu et al., 2009). It has been consis- analyzing the exudates of pre-excised root segments or by
tently reported that plant varieties with increased OA incubating a specific section of the root in a small chamber
exudation rates have enhanced Al3+ tolerance (de la (Delhaize et al., 2004; Pen ~ aloza et al., 2002; Ryan et al.,
Fuente, 1997; Delhaize et al., 2004; Magalhaes et al., 2007; 1995; Zhu et al., 2005). These methods need meticulous
Tesfaye et al., 2001). However, the reports are often con- sample preparation and could result in artifacts in OA
tradictory regarding the increase of P uptake efficiency, release due to enzymatic degradation or stress-induced
especially in non-acidic pH (Delhaize et al., 2001; Leiser changes. Therefore, there is a need for methods that allow
et al., 2014; Lu€ et al., 2012; Neumann and Ro € mheld, 2007; the in situ localization of OA exudation zones.
Silva et al., 2018). Methodologies for the rapid and precise Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)
quantification and localization of OAs in root exudates are mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) has been proven to be a
necessary to better understand their role in the response powerful tool for exploring the spatial distribution of small
to P deficiency and to evaluate engineered plants. More- molecules in several plant tissues (Boughton et al., 2016;
over, because members of the ALMT family often present Dong et al., 2016). It can provide a spatial resolution of
significant permeability for more than one anion (Gruber 10 µm or even less. However, the matrices used for
et al., 2010, 2011; Kovermann et al., 2007; Meyer et al., MALDI-MS can generate a lot of interference ions in the
2011; Pineros et al., 2008; Sasaki et al., 2004), it is neces- low-mass region (<800 m/z) due to matrix self-dissociation
sary to expand the profile of OAs assessed in root exu- and the formation of clusters with the analytes (matrix
date analysis. adducts), which can hinder the correct identification of
Diverse methods have been employed for the quantifica- metabolites (Shroff et al., 2009). Many efforts have focused
tion of OAs in root exudates; for example, reversed-phase on the development of alternative matrices generating
(RP) high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Lyu fewer interference ions to improve sensitivity and speci-
et al., 2016) and capillary electrophoresis (Hoekenga et al., ficity, such as the strong bases 9-aminoacridine and 1,8-bis

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
Quantification and localization of acid exudates 3

(dimethyl-amino) naphthalene (DMAN), which are used to trifunctional alkyl C18-bonded stationary phase (HSS-T3
detect negatively charged ions (Silva et al., 2016). Ye et al. column; Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA) for chro-
(2013) used DMAN to detect diverse metabolites in gela- matographic separation (Figure 1a), which has been previ-
tine-embedded Medicago truncatula root nodules, includ- ously used for the quantification of OAs in root exudates
ing OAs as pyruvate, lactate, maleonate, succinate, (Wang et al., 2015). The analytes were correctly resolved
malonate, and citrate/isocitrate, which were validated (Figure S2) in a 4.7-min chromatographic method, allowing
using targeted experiments. However, an alternative strat- high-throughput analysis of samples. For the HRMS/MS
egy is the use of targeted MALDI-MSI to detect previously method (Alelyunas et al., 2014), the Synaptâ (G1) HDMS
selected ions of the analyte, which grant the location of was operated in negative electrospray ionization (ESI)
one metabolite at a time in each sample with a very high mode. The deprotonated ions [M-H] of the OAs were
specificity and sensitivity irrespective of the matrix used selected as precursors and fragmented with optimized col-
(Boughton et al., 2016). lision energy (CE), and, whenever possible, a fragment ion
Here, we report two complementary targeted high-reso- was used for enhanced duty cycle (EDC) to improve sensi-
lution (HR) MS/MS methods for high-throughput quantifica- tivity (see Experimental Procedures section) (Alelyunas
tion and spatial localization of OAs in root exudates using et al., 2014) (Table S1). Calibration curves were prepared in
UPLC-HRMS/MS and MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS, respectively. 5% methanol, 95% 0.19 MS medium with 0.1% of formic
These methods were used (i) to study the in vitro release of acid (FA) to account for matrix effects of the root exudates.
OAs of Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type (WT) and transgenic Furthermore, spiked heavy isotope-labeled standards of
lines overexpressing ALMT1 and STOP1 under treatments malate and citrate were employed as internal standards for
of P deficiency ( P, pH = 5.7), low pH (control, pH = 4.1), calibration to improve the quantification performance of
and low pH and Al toxicity (+Al, pH = 4.1); and (ii) to evalu- the two most important OAs in root exudates.
ate the spatial localization of OAs in Arabidopsis root apices The UPLC-MS/MS HRMS/MS method proved to be
under P treatments. In addition, we demonstrate the trans- highly selective, sensitive, accurate, and precise. The MS/
ferability of MALDI-MSI to other model plants by analyzing MS spectra of the analytes in A. thaliana exudate samples
Marchantia polymorpha in +P and P conditions. matched the standard analytes (Figure 1b) and the m/z
error was below 40 ppm (Table S2), demonstrating the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION selectivity of the analysis. The isomeric specificity of citrate
quantification was proven by the presence of the citrate-
UPLC-HRMS/MS quantification method development
specific fragment 87 and the absence of the isocitrate-
The LC-MS quantification of OAs is challenging because of specific fragment 73 (Erro et al., 2009) in the A. thaliana
their high hydrophilicity, which results in low retention exudates (Figure 1b, right). Although the method could be
times in RP chromatography, and the additives used in RP improved to quantify more organic acids and differentiate
LC-UV, such as H2SO4 (pH 4.6) (Zhang et al., 2014) or their isomers, we focused hereby on the quantification of
KH2PO4 (pH 2.3), are not compatible with MS detection (Lyu the most important OAs for plant responses to abiotic
et al., 2016). Therefore, other chromatographic methods stress. Although the Synapt HRMS (G1) employed in this
have been proposed. For instance, hydrophilic interaction study is equipped with traveling wave ion mobility spec-
liquid chromatography (HILIC) with amide groups has been trometry (TWIMS), its resolution is not sufficient to sepa-
used for the separation of OAs and other polar metabolites rate isomers of such small molecules and the lower ion
(Paglia et al., 2012). However, we observed that HILIC- transmission efficiency when TWIMS is used can result in
Amide provided poor peak shapes and accumulation of a significant sensitivity loss (Shliaha et al., 2013).
citrate on the column (Figure S1). Erro et al. (2009) Fit to curve and sensitivity were assessed in calibration
employed an ion exclusion column (Rezex RHM-Monosac- curves (Table S3, Figure S3). Quadratic curves (1/x weight-
charide) to study root exudates of maize (Zea mays), lupin ing) were employed and a R2 fit above 0.99 was obtained
(Lupinus albus), and chickpea (Cicer arietinum), achieving a for all analytes. The limit of detection (LOD) was below
good separation of diverse OAs with LLOQs from 25.8 µM 0.25 µM for all the analytes (1.25 pmol on column), except
(maleate) to 1135 µM (pyruvate) using a multiple-reaction lactate (0.56 µM), and the LLOQ was 0.5 µM (2.5 pmol on col-
monitoring (MRM) method in a triple-quadrupole MS umn) except for citrate (0.1 µM) and lactate (1 µMM). This is
instrument. Nevertheless, the HPLC-MS analysis requires equivalent to sub-micromolar concentrations in the exu-
16 min per sample, which can be a hurdle for high-through- dates, providing enough sensitivity to quantify OAs in exu-
put analysis required to evaluate multiple plant lines in date samples which can be at the low micromolar to
shorter times (Delhaize et al., 2009; Kochian et al., 2004; nanomolar range (Hoekenga et al., 2003; Jaitz et al., 2011;
Teodoro et al., 2019; Veneklaas et al., 2003). Pin~ eros et al., 2002). Accuracy in the calibrators and quality
We developed a targeted UPLC-HRMS/MS method for controls (QCs) was between 85% and 120% for all the ana-
the specific quantification of organic acids, employing a lytes and the coefficient of variation (CV) was below 20%,

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
4 David Gomez-Zepeda et al.

1) Plant
2) Exudate recovery 3) Sample treatment 4) Targeted MS 5) Data treatment

• Lyophylisation

• Recovery in 5% UPLC-ESI(-)
MeOH + 0.1% FA HRMS/MS
• Calibration curve
0.1 to 30 µM - -
A. thaliana -
+/- Pi 24 well plate, 2 h, - - MS/MS
MS 0.1X medium Quantification

(b) Standard (5 µM) A. thaliana exudate

113.0137 (c) (d)
Citrate Heavy 100
88.0091 88.0094 127.9702

(193 > 113.019) 0 m/z 0 m/z

100 200 -0 100 200

111.0093 111.0054
Citrate 100
87.0066 129.0218

(191 > 111.012) 0 m/z 0 m/z

100 200 -0 100 200

Malate Heavy 100

100 74.0214
74.0207 137.0276 137.0240

(137 > 119.011)

0 m/z 0 m/z
100 200 -0 100 200

Malate 115.0072 115.0033

100 100 71.0111
(133 > 114.997) 71.0111 133.0181

0 m/z 0 m/z
100 200 -0 100 200
α-Ketoglutarate 101.0215 145.0216 101.0252
(145 > 101.022) 100 100
146.9436 149.0494

0 m/z 0 m/z
100 200 -0 100 200
73.0251 116.9309 73.0251 117.0187
(117 > 73.024) 100

0 m/z 0 m/z
100 200 -0 100 200
Fumarate 116.9309 100 71.0111
100 117.9268
(115 > 71.013) 117.9268


0 m/z 0 m/z
100 200 -0 100 200
Lactate 89.0218 89.0218
100 100
(89 > 89.024) 88.9835

0 m/z 0 m/z
100 200 -0 100 200

Figure 1. Targeted UPLC-MS/MS quantification method development.

(a) Schema of the method.
(b) Mass spectra extracted from the analysis of a calibrator containing the standard analytes at 3 µM (left) and a root exudate sample from A. thaliana (right).
(c) Accuracy and precision (coefficient of variation [CV]) in calibration curve (Cal.) and QCs. Data points in gray correspond to individual measurements.
(d) Recovery and CV from A. thaliana root exudate pools spiked with standard analytes at 0.4 or 4 µM. Data points in gray correspond to the average recovery or
the CV, respectively, for each analyte.

indicating high accuracy and precision, respectively (Fig- construct were selected for further experiments. Quantita-
ure 1c). The recovery in samples from a pool of A. thaliana tive reverse transcriptase-PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis of RNA
spiked with 0.4 or 4 µM of standard analytes (Figure S4) was extracted from Pi-deprived seedlings (n = 3) showed that
between 90% and 115% and the CV was below 20% (Fig- line OX.ALMT1-1 had 23-fold (P-value < 0.01) and line
ure 1d), proving good recovery and precision of the method OX.ALMT1-2 105-fold (P-value < 0.05) higher transcript
on exudate samples without significant matrix effect. levels of ALMT1 that WT. OX.STOP1-1 and OX.STOP1-2
lines presented STOP1 transcript levels 15 (P-value < 0.001)
UPLC-MS/MS quantification of OA exudation in
and 4 times (P-value < 0.01) higher than WT, respectively
Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes under P deficiency and
(Figure 2a). In the OX.STOP1-1 line, the transcript levels of
Al toxicity
ALMT1 and MATE were 10- (P-value < 0.01) and 4-fold (P-
We generated transgenic lines of Arabidopsis overexpress- value < 0.05) higher than in WT, whereas in OX.STOP1-2
ing either ALMT1 (OX.ALMT1) or STOP1 (OX.STOP1) under they remained unchanged (P-value > 0.05). These observa-
control of the CaMV 35S promoter. Two lines of each tions indicate that the increase in expression of ALMT1

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
Quantification and localization of acid exudates 5
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2. Transcript levels and UPLC-MS/MS TOF-MRM quantification of organic acid efflux under Al toxicity and P deficiency from A. thaliana WT and trans-
genic lines.
(a) Transcript levels (qRT-PCR) of plants grown for 8 days in +P (500 µM of P, 0 µM of Al, pH = 5.7) and for 3 days in P. For comparison between each transgenic
line and WT, unpaired two-sided t-tests were performed (n = 3, error bars = SE); significant differences are indicated with asterisks (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and
***P < 0.001).
(b) Stacked bar plots of organic acid exudation rates, showing the individual proportion of each analyte in the exudate (top) and the combined exudation rates
(bottom) from each line in control (100 µM of P, 0 µM of Al, pH = 4.1), P (10 µM of P, 0 µM of Al, pH = 5.7), and +Al conditions (100 µM of P, 700 µM of Al,
pH = 4.1). For the total exudation rates of OAs, an unpaired two-sided t-test was performed (n = 8, error bars = SE) for every single comparison between WT
and each transgenic line in the corresponding treatment. The Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons was applied per treatment and significant differ-
ences are indicated with asterisks (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001).
(c) Exudation rates of organic acids in Arabidopsis lines under P deficiency and Al toxicity. Independent unpaired two-sided t-tests were performed (n = 8, error
bars = SE) comparing the WT values with those of each transgenic line in the corresponding treatment and analyte. P-values were corrected for multiple com-
parisons by the Bonferroni correction and significant differences are indicated with asterisks (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001).
(d) Linear correlation analysis between the organic acids exuded in each biological sample for plants under P, +Al, and control conditions. Analytes are indi-
cated in the diagonal, the corresponding scatterplots of the quantitative measurements below the diagonal, and the Pearson correlation coefficient R above the
diagonal, for each comparison pair. Data points corresponding to control (yellow), P (red), and +Al (blue) are color-coded as in the panel in (c). Genotypes are
represented by symbols ○ (WT), + (OX.ALMT1), and ⨯ (OX.STOP1).

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
6 David Gomez-Zepeda et al.

and MATE transporters in the OX.STOP1 lines may depend (Gutierrez-Alanıs et al., 2018). Indeed, seedlings of
on exceeding a certain threshold of STOP1 transcript OX.ALMT1-2 and OX.STOP1-1 lines germinated in P
levels. treatment showed a hypersensitive response in changing
To validate our OA quantification method, we evaluated its root architecture (faster root growth inhibition in all
both the well-known response of OA exudation to Al toxic- roots and higher lateral root density) compared to the WT
ity and the response to P deficiency in WT (Col-0) and (Figure S6). Recently, it has been reported that overexpres-
OX.ALMT1 and OX.STOP1 transgenic lines. Because of the sion of ALMT1 and STOP1 in Arabidopsis and the con-
large effect size between treatments, the quantitative anal- comitant change in root architecture in P are associated
ysis of OA exudation was performed both with untrans- with higher Fe3+ accumulation in the apoplast, presumably
formed (Figure 2b–d) and log10-transformed (Figure S4) as Fe–malate complexes (Wang et al., 2019).
data. In either case, similar conclusions were obtained. It ALMT1 is the main transporter regulating the efflux of
has been widely documented that A. thaliana Col-0 seed- malate in Arabidopsis roots in response to +Al (Hoekenga
lings respond to toxic levels of Al in the medium by et al., 2006). Thus, plants overexpressing ALMT1 present a
increasing the exudation of malate and citrate by the roots more vigorous malate exudation in response to Al stress
(Liu et al., 2009; Sharma et al., 2016). Our analysis (n = 8) (Kobayashi et al., 2013). Accordingly, OX.ALMT1-1,
revealed that WT plants in +Al increased their malate and OX.ALMT1-2, and OX.STOP1-1 showed a significant
citrate exudation rates 14-fold (P-value < 0.001; Cohen’s d: increase in malate exudation in control (fold change: 2.6–
8.5) and 24-fold (P-value < 0.001; Cohen’s d: 6.5), respec- 5.1; Cohen’s d: 2.2–6.5), P (fold change: 3.0–9.1; Cohen’s
tively, compared to control conditions (Figure 2b,c, see d: 2.7–7.0), and +Al (fold change: 2.4–8.1; Cohen’s d: 3.0–
also Figure S5a). Malate and citrate efflux measured in the 5.5) conditions compared to the WT in the same treat-
root exudates of Al-treated Arabidopsis seedlings in our ments (Figure 2c, see also Figure S5a). As expected, the
experimental conditions is in the same order of magnitude variation in malate exudation rates in all lines in P and
to values previously reported in several studies using dif- +Al treatments is positively associated with their ALMT1
ferent methodologies (Hoekenga et al., 2006; Iuchi et al., transcript levels (Figure 2a). The fold change values for
2007; Kobayashi et al., 2007; Kobayashi et al., 2013; Liu malate exudation in P conditions in our transgenic lines
et al., 2009). are within the range of those reported in other studies
Under our experimental conditions, the exudation rates aimed to increase root OA exudation under P deprivation
of malate and citrate of P-deficient WT Arabidopsis plants without Al stress (Koyama et al., 2000; Lo pez-Bucio et al.,
do not surpass that of the control treatment (Figure 2b,c, 2000; Lu € et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2015).
see also Figure S5a). However, it has recently been In addition to positively regulating malate exudation via
reported that P-deprived Arabidopsis plants enhance their ALMT1, STOP1 also regulates citrate exudation by induc-
malate exudation fourfold compared to P sufficiency condi- ing MATE transcription (Liu et al., 2009). When compared
tions (Maruyama et al., 2019). This discrepancy is probably with WT, citrate exudation rates increased significantly in
due to the difference between the studies regarding the the control (fold change: 4.0; Cohen’s d: 2.3) and P (fold
type of normalization of the exudation rates (normalized change: 3.6; Cohen’s d: 4.5) treatments only in OX.STOP1-
by plant here instead of fresh root weight) and the applica- 1, which has MATE expression levels four times higher
tion time of P treatment in liquid medium (7 h here than WT (Figure 2a–c, see also Figure S5a). However, in
instead of 20 days). It is known that the maximum rates of +Al conditions, citrate exudation rates increased only 1.5-
malate exudation in Al-stressed roots of Arabidopsis seed- fold in OX.STOP1-1 (P < 0.05; Cohen’s d: 2.3) compared to
lings occur at 4–6 h post-treatment (Kobayashi et al., 2007). WT, most likely due to the Al-induced expression of MATE
Because in our experiments we used seedlings subjected in the WT. Interestingly, OX.ALTM1-1 and OX.ALTM1-2
to relatively short Al exposure times, the seedlings were presented an increment in citrate efflux similar to that in
very similar in size, thus normalization by plant gives a bet- OX.STOP1-1 in +Al conditions (fold changes: 1.5 and 1.7;
ter outlook of the potential to exudate OAs under a specific Cohen’s d: 1.5 and 1.8; compared to WT) (Figure 2c, see
type of stress. It was recently reported that low pH, which also Figure S5a). This increase in citrate exudation in the
in turn interacts with other related stresses like P deficiency OX.ALMT1 lines may be due to partial permeability of
and Al and Fe toxicity in acid soils, contributes to STOP1 ALMT1 to citrate, similar to that observed in Xenopus lae-
stabilization and ALMT1 transcriptional activation (Balzer- vis oocytes expressing ALMT1 from wheat (Triticum aes-
gue et al., 2017; Godon et al., 2019; Ojeda-Rivera et al., tivum) (Sasaki et al., 2004). In the case of the OX.ALMT1
2020). Instead, the role of ALMT1 in roots of WT plants lines in P conditions, we did not observe any significant
under P deficiency may be restricted to increase malate increase in citrate exudation when compared to WT in the
excretion to the root tip as a component of the meristem- same treatment. Furthermore, the citrate level in the exu-
atic exhaustion mechanism that triggers the root architec- dates is consistently lower in P compared to control con-
ture modifications that characterize this nutritional stress ditions in all genotypes (fold change: 0.19–0.59; Cohen’s d:

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
Quantification and localization of acid exudates 7

1.1–2.4), which suggests that, unlike Al-stress, citrate (R = 0.89–0.99), a medium correlation between citrate and
makes a small contribution to the OAs excreted by the the rest of the OAs of the Krebs cycle (R = 0.71–0.79), and
roots of P-deprived Arabidopsis. a low correlation between lactate and all other OAs
In addition to malate and citrate, our quantification ( 0.097 to 0.008) (Figure 2d, see also Figure S5b). The
method allowed us to evaluate a-ketoglutarate, succinate, positive correlation between the exudation of OAs belong-
fumarate, and lactate. As expected, the two main compo- ing to the Krebs cycle is reflected in the total exudation
nents of the total organic acids exuded from WT plants rates, where the overexpressing plants with higher ALMT1
under Al stress are malate (49%) and citrate (28%) (Fig- transcript levels present significantly higher exudation
ure 2b, top). Meanwhile, WT plants in control and P con- rates than WT plants in control (fold change: 1.7–2.7;
ditions presented a more equilibrated OA profile, malate Cohen’s d: 1.9–3.3), P (fold change: 2.5–6.3; Cohen’s d:
still being the most abundant OA (28% and 40% of the 2.8–6.9), and +Al (fold change: 2.3–6.7; Cohen’s d: 3.1–5.9)
total, respectively). Interestingly, +Al treatment also conditions (Figure 2b, bottom). Moreover, the order of the
induced a significant increase in a-ketoglutarate (3.6-fold abundance of the three main OAs in the exudates changed
change; P-value < 0.001; Cohen’s d: 5.7), succinate (4.2-fold with respect to the WT (malate > citrate > succinate) in the
change; P-value < 0.001; Cohen’s d: 6.1), and fumarate OX.ALMT1-2 and OX.STOP1-1 lines under +Al treatment
levels (6.6-fold change; P-value < 0.001; Cohen’s d: 3.4) in (malate > succinate > citrate) and in the OX.ALMT1-1 line
WT exudates compared to the control treatment (Figure 2c, under +Al treatment (malate > succinate > fumarate >
see also Figure S5a). In contrast, lactate levels in exudates citrate) (Figure 2b, top).
remained unchanged. The presence of a high concentra- The highest levels of OA exudation in Arabidopsis are
tion of lactate in the root exudates may indicate growth observed under Al stress, where it is well known that
under anoxic conditions (Choi and Roberts, 2007), which ALMT1 is activated at both transcriptional and functional
stimulates OA exudation (Ryan et al., 2001). Compared to levels (Kobayashi et al., 2007). The high correlation that we
control treatment, P-deprived WT plants did not show any observed between the exudation of malate, a-ketoglu-
substantial increment of any OAs evaluated. Because of tarate, succinate, and fumarate (and to a lesser extent
the difference in pH between the P and control treat- citrate) suggests that ALMT1 is capable of transporting not
ments, we cannot rule out the possibility that WT plants only malate but also other OAs, which could contribute
responds to P deficiency by incrementing its OA exudation. significantly to the Al exclusion capacity from the root tip
In either case, OA exudation rates in P-deficient WT plants of Arabidopsis. Although the roles of Arabidopsis ALMT1
seem to be close to those obtained in low pH (control treat- in malate transport under Al stress (Kochian et al., 2015),
ment) and lower than those in plants subjected to both low in changes in root architecture under P deficiency
pH and Al stress. (Gutierrez-Alanıs et al., 2018), and in promoting beneficial
Surprisingly, under +Al treatment OX.ALMT1-1, microbial interactions (Kobayashi et al., 2013; Rudrappa
OX.ALMT1-2, and OX.STOP1-1 showed significant et al., 2008) have been extensively studied, little is known
increases in the exudation of a-ketoglutarate (fold change: about its ability to transport other anions besides malate.
1.3–4.8; Cohen’s d: 1.5–8.3), succinate (fold change: 3.4– However, it is not uncommon for transporters belonging to
10.2; Cohen’s d: 3.3–7.8), and fumarate (fold change: 3.4– the ALMT family to be permeable to several OAs. For
14.3; Cohen’s d: 3.0–6.4) when compared to the WT (Fig- example, Arabidopsis ALMT9 is a vacuolar malate trans-
ure 2c, see also Figure S5a). Similarly, there is a tendency porter expressed in mesophyll cells which is also perme-
of increasing the exudation rates for these three metabo- able to fumarate, although to a lesser extent (Kovermann
lites in the P and control conditions, although to a lesser et al., 2007). Similarly, Arabidopsis ALMT6 is a vacuolar
extent. In contrast, transgenic line OX.STOP1-2, which dis- malate transporter that possesses high permeability to
played ALTM1 and MATE transcript levels similar to WT, fumarate and, to a lesser degree, citrate (Meyer et al.,
did not present any significant increase in OA exudation in 2011). An interesting example is transgenic ALMT1-overex-
any treatment when compared with WT levels, except for pressing barley (Hordeum vulgare), which, similar to our
fumarate efflux in +Al (fold change: 2.5; P-value < 0.001; transgenic lines, presents an increased exudation of not
Cohen’s d: 3.6). The exudation rates of citrate, a-ketoglu- only malate (fold change: 20), but also succinate (fold
tarate, succinate, and fumarate seem to correlate with the change: 15) and fumarate (fold change: 3), compared to
levels of exudation of malate and, therefore, of ALMT1 WT plants (Gruber et al., 2011). Considering all these
expression. To evaluate the relationship of the exudation observations, it is possible that the ability of malate to alle-
values between the OAs assessed, we performed a linear viate Al toxicity and P deficiency in soil has been overesti-
correlation analysis using all data points of each biological mated in plants where the strategy was the overexpression
replicate in all the three treatments and five genotypes. of an ALMT transporter and other OAs were not evaluated.
The correlation analysis shows a strong correlation When compared with control conditions, P-deprived
between malate, a-ketoglutarate, succinate, and fumarate OX.ALMT1 plants tend to consistently present higher

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
8 David Gomez-Zepeda et al.

exudation rates of malate, a-ketoglutarate, succinate, and MS mode (Figure 3a). Our rationale was that secreted
fumarate. These results support the idea that ALMT1 is molecules would slightly diffuse during the incubation, but
activated at a functional level under P deficiency in Ara- they would be fixed after drying the samples. Since nylon
bidopsis roots and can be used to enhance OA exudation membranes have been previously used for MALDI-MSI
in an Al-independent manner in transgenic plants. Remark- through the imprinting technique (Dong et al., 2016), we
ably, transgenic plants overexpressing ALMT1 gain the expected that the analytes would be correctly desorbed
ability to respond to P conditions by exuding malate in and ionized from the matrix-covered membrane by the
amounts corresponding to 37% (OX.ALMT1-1) and 61% laser during ionization. A similar approach has recently
(OX.ALMT1-2) of that in WT plants under Al stress (Fig- been employed to fix rhizosphere compounds on PVDF
ure 2c, see also Figure S5a). In terms of total OA exuda- membranes and perform an indirect global MALDI-MSI
tion, P-deprived OX.ALMT1-1 and OX.ALMT-2 lines reach analysis taking advantage of the high resolution of 15-T
29% and 51% of the overall exudation values of WT plants Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance coupled with
in +Al conditions (Figure 2b). Because of their abundance MS to differentiate compounds (Velickovic et al., 2020).
and P mobilization capacity, malate, citrate, and oxalate Since in this study exudation was performed directly on
are the most important OAs in root exudates in plants the membranes, this constitutes a direct analysis, targeting
under P deprivation (Jones, 1998). Nevertheless, a-ketoglu- OAs to achieve a high selectivity, as explained in the fol-
tarate, succinate, and fumarate have also been reported to lowing section.
be able to mobilize P, although to a lower extent (Kpom-
blekou-A and Tabatabai, 1994, 2003). Targeted MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS method development
Exudation recovery for MALDI-MSI analysis Targeted MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS methods were developed
One of the main challenges to determine root exudation to overcome the noisy signal from matrix ions and to con-
patterns was sample preparation since the analytes must firm the identity of the analytes. Although the CHCA matrix
be fixed into a solid matrix before imaging analysis with- generates many ions below 600 m/z and can form adducts
out disturbing their location. Gelatine-embedded tissue with small molecules (Shroff et al., 2009; Silva et al., 2016;
has been employed to study the distribution of negatively Ye et al., 2013), we developed targeted MALDI-MSI HRMS/
charged metabolites, including OAs, in A. thaliana roots MS methods aiming to study OA localization with high
using a DMAN matrix (Ye et al., 2013), but this technique sensitivity and selectivity. Because citrate and malate are
does not allow the study of exudates. A recent work by the two main root OAs exuded in response to P in most
Sasse et al. (2019) used a MALDI plate covered with a thin plants (Jones, 1998; Ryan et al., 2001), they were selected
layer of ultra-pure agarose to recover the exudates from to be analyzed. Specific precursor and fragment ions were
Brachypodium distachyon roots; then they added a mix- selected from the MSI profiling analysis of spots of malate
ture of a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) and 2,3-di- or citrate/isocitrate on a liquid medium-saturated nylon
hydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) as a matrix and dried the membrane. We generated two HRMS/MS methods
samples before performing an untargeted MALDI-MSI (Table S1). The [2((M- H2O)-H+Na)-H] adducts at 274.98
analysis that allowed them to identify exudation patterns and 391.18 m/z for malate and citrate/isocitrate, respec-
of unidentified metabolites. Nevertheless, the agarose pre- tively, were filtered as precursors and fragmented with
sents several drawbacks and needs thorough optimization optimized CE. EDC was employed to improve the detection
to avoid the presence of bubbles or cracks in the agar or of 114.99 m/z for malate and 111.01 m/z for citrate/isoci-
sample flaking during dehydration, which can all cause trate; the observed ions at 115.03  0.05 and
sample deformation and decreased detection of ions, 111.05  0.04 m/z, respectively, were used to graph the
which would be detrimental to the analysis (Yang et al., ion maps. Here, fragment 111.01, which is common to
2012). In addition, the highly complex background origi- citrate and isocitrate, was used to improve sensitivity.
nated from CHCA and DHB matrices and the agarose itself However, if isomeric specificity is aimed at, their specific
can hinder the identification of metabolites in untargeted fragments (87 and 73, respectively) (Erro et al., 2009) could
analysis, as was the case in the experiment mentioned. For be employed. Furthermore, as discussed for the UPLC-
these reasons, we did not employ this method. HRMS/MS quantification method, MALDI-MSI could also
Our objective was to employ the simplest and most be improved by employing an instrument with hyphenated
effective method to collect and fix the analytes to study high-resolution ion mobility as an extra dimension for sep-
exudation patterns. Briefly, plants were incubated on nylon aration of isomers.
membranes wet with medium, attached to stainless steel The MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS methods allowed the specific
MALDI imaging plates. After 7 h of incubation and drying detection of the analytes with higher sensitivity than the pro-
at room temperature, CHCA was sprayed over the samples filing method. Spots of standard malate or citrate (at 0.1, 1,
before analysis in a Synaptâ (G1) HDMS in targeted HRMS/ 10, and 50 ng) were analyzed with the profiling and targeted

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
Quantification and localization of acid exudates 9

1) Plant
2) Exudate recovery 3) Sample treatment 4) Targeted MS 5) Data treatment


HDI (Waters)
Capillary sprayer
CHCA and
analyte ions
CHCA - -
matrix - MS/MS
- -
A. thaliana
+/- Pi Nylon membrane,7h, Laser
Normalization Vs matrix ion
MS 0.1X médium

(b) (c) Standard solution A. thaliana

Profiling MSI Optimized HRMS/MS MSI
144.052 144.052
100 100
Citrate 391.0215 Citrate 391 > 111.0493


Malate 274.9655 Malate 275 > 115.0309 0 m/z 0 m/z
-0 100 200 300 400 -0 100 200 300 400
144.052 115.028
100 100

0.1 1 10 50 ng 0.1 1 10 50 ng 115.031 159.006

Min Max 2.0 mm %
0 m/z 0 m/z
-0 100 200 300 -0 100 200 300

Figure 3. Targeted MALDI-MSI method development.

(a) Schema of the method.
(b) Comparison between MALDI-MSI in profiling mode (left) and the optimized MALDI-MSI TOF-MRM method (right) of citrate and malate spots of standard
solution on nylon membrane.
(c) MS/MS spectra (TOF-MRM) from standard solution (left) and A. thaliana root and exudate (right) on nylon membrane.

methods to compare them (Figure 3b). The ions selected as qualitative, they allow the spatial localization of citrate/isoci-
precursors for the HRMS/MS methods were used to obtain trate and malate, respectively, in plant roots and in exudates,
the ion maps of each analyte in the profiling MSI experiment as detailed in the following sections. Furthermore, we
because the [M-H] adducts were not detected. Considering obtained similar spectra with very low noise for both ana-
the LOD as the lowest standard concentration with detect- lytes in samples from A. thaliana (Figure 3c, right), demon-
able signal, the LOD of the profiling MSI method was 10 ng strating the high specificity of the MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS
for malate and 1 ng for citrate, and was rather noisy (Fig- methods.
ure 3b, left). The sensitivity was improved by a factor of 10
MALDI-MSI spatial localization of malate and citrate/
with the HRMS/MS methods, as the LODs were 1 ng for
isocitrate in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes under
malate and 0.1 for citrate, and the noise was eliminated (Fig-
P deficiency
ure 3b, right). In addition, the MS spectra obtained from
these spots (Figure 3c, left) showed almost only specific Using the MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS methods, we evaluated
fragments of each analyte: 115.03 and 159.01 m/z for malate the spatial localization of citrate/isocitrate and malate exu-
and 111.04 m/z for citrate/isocitrate. Another important step dation patterns in root apices of Arabidopsis seedlings
in the generation of MALDI-MS images is the normalization from WT (detailed in Figure 4a,b), OX.ALMT1, and
of the detected signal to account for the diversity in physico- OX.STOP1 root apices. Nevertheless, quantitative compar-
chemical environment in the samples and inhomogeneous isons between malate and citrate/isocitrate cannot be per-
matrix deposition or co-crystallization. We used the CHCA formed since the signal intensity depends on the
ion 144.05 m/z ([M-CO2-H] ) both to calibrate the m/z and to desorption and ionization of each analyte. Indeed, the
normalize the signal in MSI experiments. Another approach lower LOD observed on spots for citrate (0.1 ng) compared
to normalization is co-spraying the matrix with a labeled to malate (1 ng) (Figure 3b) also resulted in a higher
internal standard. This measure is needed for quantitative citrate/isocitrate signal on tissue (Figure 4a,b, Figures S6
analysis with the intrinsic cost of large quantities of the and S7), but this does not reflect a higher abundance in
labeled molecule. Although our methods are only Arabidopsis roots. On the contrary, it has been observed

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
10 David Gomez-Zepeda et al.

MALATE CITRATE (b) A. thaliana roots Figure 4. MALDI-MSI TOF-MRM for the analysis of
(a) the spatial distribution of malate (275 > 115.0309 
0.05 m/z) and citrate (391 > 111.0493  0.05 m/z) in

A. thaliana roots and malate in M. polymorpha
under P deficiency.
(a) MALDI-MSI experiments showing the spatial dis-
tribution of malate and citrate in Arabidopsis roots
of WT and selected transgenic lines under P condi-
tions. Plant roots belonging to four independent
+P experiments, i.e., combination of a treatment (high

or low phosphorus) and an organic acid (malate or
citrate), are shown. Top, photo of the sample before
analysis; bottom, MALDI-MSI ion map. The inten-
sity scale was set independently per experiment.
Scale bars correspond to 1 mm.
(b) Selected MALDI-MSI experiments showing the
(c) M. polymorpha region of analysis in the primary root axis and the
+P -P details of the spatial localization of malate (top,
Malate OX.ALMT1-1 in P) and citrate (bottom,
OX.ALMT1-1 in +P). Left, photo of the sample
before analysis; middle, MALDI-MSI ion map; right,
merged image. Scale bars correspond to 1 mm.
(c) MALDI-MSI single-experiment evaluation of
malate exudation of M. polymorpha gemmalings
under P conditions. Top, photo of the sample
before analysis; middle, MALDI-MSI ion map; bot-
tom, merged image. The scale bar in the upper
panel corresponds to 2 mm.



that their abundance in Arabidopsis roots is similar (Zieg- Phenotyping of the inner and outer distribution of OAs
ler et al., 2016). in the root apex could play a relevant role in the design of
The malate signal was observed along the root apex and crop varieties better adapted to abiotic stresses. For exam-
in the rhizosphere of most plants, but no apparent differ- ple, by studying Al-tolerant and Al-susceptible wheat lines
ence in malate distribution was found when compared to using a synchrotron-based approach, it has been shown
+P and P conditions in WT nor transgenic plants (Fig- that both external and internal malate–Al complexation at
ure S7). Nevertheless, the malate signal tends to show a the root tip is linked to the tolerance mechanisms under Al
wider spread and higher intensity in the rhizosphere of stress (Kopittke et al., 2017). The MALDI-MSI method for
OX.ALMT1 and OX.STOP1 lines in both +P and P condi- malate and citrate/isocitrate imaging reported here can
tions when compared to the WT (Figure 4a, Figure S7). support the characterization of genetic components that
These observations corroborate that the overexpression of generate changes at a functional level in OA distribution
ALMT1 and STOP1 in Arabidopsis enhances malate exuda- and relative concentrations both within the root tissue and
tion from the roots. in its exudates.
After malate, citrate is considered the second-most
Application to other plant models, malate exudation in P-
highly excreted OA in Arabidopsis roots. In general, no
deficient Marchantia polymorpha
apparent differences were found in terms of the spatial dis-
tribution of citrate exudates (Figure 4a, Figure S8). How- To test the usefulness of the MALDI-MSI method in
ever, when the internal citrate signal is considered, the plants other than Arabidopsis, growth of the liverwort
MALDI-MSI analysis shows a clear pattern of higher citrate M. polymorpha in P conditions was evaluated for
accumulation in the meristematic zone and the root cap in malate exudation using a lower spatial resolution
both WT and transgenic plants in P conditions, whereas (200 µm) than with Arabidopsis (50 µm). Marchantia
in +P conditions the citrate/isocitrate signal is homoge- polymorpha belongs to the bryophyte lineage and is a
neously localized along the apex, including the root hairs valuable model for studying early traits evolved in the
(Figure 4a, Figure S8). ancestral land plants (Bowman et al., 2017). Recently, the

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
Quantification and localization of acid exudates 11

transcriptional and morpho-physiological responses of increase in malate exudation upon P and Al treatments
M. polymorpha to P deficiency have been characterized positively correlates with the exudation of other OAs,
(Rico-Resendiz et al., 2020), shedding light on the con- remarkably a-ketoglutarate, succinate, and fumarate. This
servation of P stress responses in early divergent land observation suggests that ALMT1 may be permeable to
plants. Marchantia polymorpha encodes several ALMT1 other OAs besides malate. Additionally, using MALDI-MSI
and STOP1 homologs in its genome, and its rhizoids HRMS/MS we were able to observe changes in the distri-
respond analogously to Arabidopsis roots under P star- bution of citrate within the root apex of the primary root of
vation (i.e., increase in rhizoid length and density) (Rico- Arabidopsis under P deficiency, where it accumulates in
Resendiz et al., 2020). Although it has been reported that the meristematic zone and the root cap. We showed the
the transcription of putative malate dehydrogenase transferability of this method to other plants by analyzing
genes decreases in P-deprived thalli of M. polymorpha M. polymorpha gemmalings, showing an increase in the
(Rico-Resendiz et al., 2020), under our experimental con- exudation of malate in P conditions.
ditions, we clearly observed a stronger malate signal in The mass spectrometry-based methods reported here
exudates of M. polymorpha gemmalings in P condi- can be employed to study the release rate and spatial loca-
tions (Figure 4c). Besides P mobilization, the changes in tion of organic acids exuded by plants to investigate physi-
OA exudation could have an essential role in the estab- ological responses, as well as to evaluate improved
lishment of beneficial interactions with soil microorgan- varieties. For instance, these methods can be employed to
isms (Bonfante and Genre, 2008). With this experiment, study nutritional stresses, metal toxicity, responses to
we show that the MALDI-MSI method for OA analysis hypoxia, responses to extreme pH, and plant–microbe
can be used to study roots of other plants species than interactions and for the assessment of mutants with
Arabidopsis. defects in synthesis, mobilization, and/or exudation of
In conclusion, we developed two complementary methods EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
for the study of OAs in root exudates. The high-throughput
UPLC-HRMS/MS-based method for the identification and Reagents and substances
quantification of six important organic acids in root exu- Unless stated otherwise, chemical reagents were obtained from
dates was tested for reproducibility, recovery, and linearity, Merck–Sigma Aldrich (Toluca, Mexico). CHCA, trifluoroacetic acid
proving excellent in all these parameters. Detection limits (TFA), FA, acetonitrile, and methanol (Fisher Scientific, Waltham,
were below 0.25 µM for citric, a-ketoglutaric, malic, suc- MA, USA) were MS grade. Water used was ultra-pure grade from
a Milli-Q Gradient A10 instrument (Merck-Millipore, Toluca, Mex-
cinic, and fumaric acid, and below 0.6 µM for lactic acid.
ico). The purity of all standards was ≥99% and stable heavy iso-
More importantly, this method takes only 5 min and tope-labeled standards (L-malic acid-13C4 and citric acid-2,4-13C2)
achieved good resolution of all peaks using a modified C18 presented a labeling efficiency of ≥99%, according to the provider.
stationary phase. Second, we present a simple procedure
to evaluate root exudation on nylon membranes to be Plant material and growth conditions
imaged with MALDI-MSI. Exploiting the high selectivity Arabidopsis thaliana WT (CS70000) was used in this work. ALMT1
and sensitivity of the HRMS/MS mode in a MALDI–quadru- and STOP1 genes were amplified from WT genomic DNA using
pole time-of-flight (TOF) instrument, we obtained molecu- specific primers (Table S4). The transgene constructs of ALMT1
lar images for citric and malic acids in root tissue and and STOP1 under control of the CaMV 35S promoter were gener-
exudates. Sensitivity proved to be 0.1 ng for citric acid and ated using pDONORTM221 (InvitrogenTM Waltham, MA, USA) and
pFASTG02 (Shimada et al., 2010) vectors and the Gatewayâ sys-
1 ng for malic acid. Selectivity was achieved despite the tem (InvitrogenTM). The resulting vectors were transformed via
natural noisy signal of the CHCA matrix using specific frag- Agrobacterium into WT Arabidopsis plants by a modified floral
ment ions of the MS2 function to generate the MALDI MS dip method (Martinez-Trujillo et al., 2004). Two independent lines
images. for each construct were selected for further analysis. For M. poly-
The quantitative method was validated evaluating the morpha, the male strain Takaragaike-1 was used.
well-known response of root exudation in Al toxicity and, Arabidopsis and M. polymorpha plants were grown in medium
composed of 0.19 MS salts, 10 g L 1 sucrose, 10 g L 1 agar, 500
in parallel, P deficiency. Next, overexpressing lines of (+P) or 10 ( P) µM KH2PO4, and 3.5 mM MES (pH = 5.7). For Al and
stress-responsive malate and citrate transporter genes control treatments, medium was composed of 0.19 MS salts,
were assessed with respect to OA exudation quantity and 10 g L 1 sucrose, 100 µM KH2PO4, 1 mM Ca(NO3)2, 1 mM MgSO4,
citrate/isocitrate and malate localization in P deficiency 1 mM CaCl2, 700 (+Al) or 0 (control) µM AlCl3, and 6 g L 1 of gellan
experiments. Both methods showed an increase in malate gum (PhytagelTM; Sigma) (pH = 4.1). Petri dishes were placed in a
growing chamber (16 h photoperiod; 23°C) in all experiments. For
exudation in the overexpression lines with higher tran- qRT-PCR, UPLC-HRMS/MS, and MALDI-MSI experiments, surface-
scription levels of ALMT1 compared with the WT. Further sterilized Arabidopsis seeds or in vitro propagated M. polymorpha
analysis of the UPLC-HRMS/MS data showed that the gemmae were grown on +P agar plates for 8 days after sowing

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
12 David Gomez-Zepeda et al.

and then transferred into their corresponding fresh +P, P, +Al, or similar in composition to its specific preconditioning medium, but
control agar plates for 3 days as part of the preconditioning for without the gelling agent, sucrose, MES, and the extra salts for
exudate collection. Then, the plants were transferred to the corre- gellan gum polymerization (1 mM Ca(NO3)2, 1 mM MgSO4, and
sponding liquid exudation regarding the pre-treatment for UPLC- 1 mM CaCl2, for the treatments at pH = 4.1). After incubation, the
HRMS/MS, MALDI-MSI, or qRT-PCR experiments, as described in well plates were placed in an orbital shaker (100 rpm) for 7 min
the sections below. and plants were removed. Exudation medium (500 ll) was recov-
ered in 1.5-ml sterile microtubes, frozen at 80°C, and lyophilized.
Real time PCR The dried exudates were stored at 80°C until use.
The dried exudates were dissolved by gently vortexing the sam-
Eight days after sowing, Arabidopsis seedlings grown in +P were
ples after adding 150 µl of resuspension solvent (5% methanol,
transferred to P conditions for 3 days as mentioned above. Total
95% water with 0.1% of FA, containing the heavy isotope-labeled
RNA was isolated from whole plants using TRIzol reagent (Invitro-
standards at 10 µM). Samples were centrifuged for 4 min at
gen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. RT-PCR was
14 000 g at 4°C and the supernatant was transferred to polypropy-
performed with an Applied Biosystems 7500 real-time PCR system
lene plates and analyzed using an Acquity UPLC (Waters Corpora-
using SYBR Green detection chemistry (Applied Biosystems) and
tion) coupled to a Synaptâ (G1) HDMS with an ESI source in
gene-specific primers. UBQ1 (At3g52590) served as internal con-
negative mode. Samples from +Al treatment were analyzed also
trol. The relative expression levels were computed by the 2 DDCt
at 1:5 dilution with resuspension solvent to allow quantification of
method. Primer sequences are listed in the supplementary mate-
analytes above the upper limit of quantification (Table S3). A C18
rial (Table S4).
HSS-T3 analytical column was employed (Acquity UPLC HSS-T3,
Root system analysis 2.1 mm internal diameter, 100 mm length, 1.8 µm particle size,)
and mobile phases consisted of: A, H2O + 0.1% formic acid; and B,
WT and transgenic Arabidopsis seeds were sown in vitro in +P or methanol + 0.1% formic acid. Five microliters of sample was
P conditions as described above. After germination (approxi- injected and separated using a 4.7-min method consisting of an
mately 1 day after sowing), photographs were taken every 24 h isocratic step at 1% B for 0.4 min, followed by a linear gradient up
from day 1 to 10 and the root system was analyzed using RootNav to 80% B for 2 min, a washing step at 99% B for 0.5 min, and an
software (Pound et al., 2013) for primary and first-order secondary equilibration step at 1% B for 1.8 min. The MS was operated in
roots and ImageJ (Schneider et al., 2012) for higher-order sec- negative ionization mode and the TOF was set in sensitivity mode
ondary roots. (V-ion optics mode) with a resolution of 9000 FWHM at 0.5 sec per
scan. Source conditions were as follows: capillary voltage, 2.5 kV;
Standard solutions, calibration curves, and QCs cone voltage, 40; source temperature, 120°C; desolvation tempera-
ture, 400°C; cone gas flow, 0 l h 1; desolvation gas flow:
Standard solutions of each analyte standard were prepared in Milli 500 L h 1. The instrument was operated in targeted HRMS/MS
Q-grade water at 1000 ppm and stored as single-use aliquots at mode with EDC, also called TOF-MRM. In this mode, a specific ion
20°C until use. A mixture containing all analytical standards at of each analyte (the precursor) is filtered in the quadrupole, frag-
500 µM was prepared on 0.19 MS medium and a calibration curve mented in the collision cell, and orthogonally accelerated in the
was prepared through serial dilution at 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, pusher for the high resolution of ions in the TOF before being
100, and 500 µM in 5% methanol, 95% 0.19 MS medium with 0.1% detected. In EDC mode, the pusher voltage is configured to
of FA and spiked with heavy isotope-labeled standards (L-malic enhance the sensitivity of one fragment ion, while still detecting
acid-13C4 and citric acid-2,4-13C2) at a final concentration of 10 µM. the others. In this method, the [M-H] ions of the analytes were
QCs were prepared similarly at 0.75, 1.5, 15, and 75 µM of unla- selected as precursors and fragmented with optimized CE, and,
beled standards with 10 µM heavy isotope-labeled standards. whenever possible, a fragment ion was used for EDC to improve
Accuracy and precision were assessed by analyzing the calibrators specificity (Table S1), although EDC was not needed to detect
(injected three times) and QCs (injected five times). To evaluate citrate in the range of 0.1–100 µM. Fragments with possible inter-
the matrix effect, a pool of exudates from WT A. thaliana plants ferences in exudate samples (i.e., with high variability) were
grown in +P conditions was prepared and dispatched into differ- excluded from quantification.
ent centrifuge tubes with 700 µl of exudate. These samples were
The mass spectrometer was piloted using MassLynx (v4.1).
lyophilized and dissolved with resuspension solution (5% metha-
Skyline (v20.1.0.31) (Henderson et al., 2018; MacLean et al.,
nol, 94.9% water, 0.1% FA) without or with the analytes (n = 4) at
2010) was used for peak integration and quantification from cali-
0.4 or 4 µM and named as Pool + 0, Pool + 0.4, and Pool + 4,
bration curves using normalization against the corresponding
labeled standard for malate and citrate (Table S3, Figure S3).
The LOD was initially estimated as the lowest calibrator with Statistical analyses were performed using R. Calibrators were
signal-to-noise ratio above 3 and the lowest LLOQ as 3 times the analyzed in triplicate, samples in duplicate, and QCs in quintu-
LOD. A standard solution with the analytes at the estimated LLOQ plicate. The OA exudation rates in the biological replicates were
was analyzed six times and the standard deviation (SD) was used normalized by plant to allow an easier comparison with MALDI-
to calculate LOD and LLOQ as 3 9 SD and 10 9 SD, respectively. MSI experiments, where single plants were analyzed. Cohen’s d,
fold change values, and P-values were calculated to complement
UPLC-HRMS/MS quantification data analysis and offer a better interpretability of the results
Eight days after sowing, plants grown in +P conditions were pre- (Maher et al., 2013).
conditioned in P, +Al, or control conditions for 3 days and used MALDI-MSI
to evaluate the exudation rates of OAs by UPLC-HRMS/MS quan-
tification. Eight groups of 10 individuals of each genotype were Samples for MALDI-MSI analysis were placed on a nylon mem-
placed in an individual well of a 12-well plate (Eppendorf, Mexico brane (BrightStarâ-Plus Membranes; Applied Biosystemsâ) previ-
City, Mexico) containing 1 ml of liquid exudation media and incu- ously saturated with +P or P liquid exudation medium and
bated in a growth chamber for 7 h. Each exudation medium was adhered to a MALDI-MSI stainless steel plate using double-sided

© 2021 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
The Plant Journal, (2021), doi: 10.1111/tpj.15261
Quantification and localization of acid exudates 13

tape. During method development, solutions at different concen- DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
trations (0, 0.1, 1, 10, and 50 ppm) of malate or citrate standards
were analyzed. One microliter of standard solution was spotted on All relevant data can be found within the manuscript and
a membrane with +P medium. For root exudation experiments, 8 its supporting materials.
days after sowing plants grown in +P conditions were precondi-
tioned in +P or P medium for 3 days and were individually
placed over the membrane. The prepared MALDI-MSI plate was
placed in a Petri dish containing 1 ml of the corresponding liquid Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online ver-
exudation medium in the bottom and in contact with the nylon sion of this article.
membrane attached to the plaque to prevent plants from drying
(Figure 1) and incubated in a growth chamber with continuous Table S1. TOF-MRM parameters optimized for MALDI-MSI and
light for 7 h. In the cases when +P and P treatments were evalu- UPLC-MS quantification of organic acids.
ated simultaneously, two-chambered Petri dishes were used to Table S2. Average mass error in UPLC-HRMS/MS quantification
avoid mixture of the exudation media. Before the analysis of Ara- and MALDI-MSI experiments across samples of standard solutions
bidopsis roots, the shoots were carefully removed with a scalpel. and A. thaliana exudates.
In the case of M. polymorpha, the plants were flattened by care- Table S3. Calibration curve equations, R2, and limits of detection
fully placing a clean MALDI-MSI metal plate over the plants and and quantification for the UPLC-MS/MS quantification of organic
rapidly freezing them by immersion into liquid nitrogen. Then, the acids.
additional plate was carefully removed. Finally, the MALDI plate
Table S4. List of primers used in this study.
with the nylon membrane and the biological sample was dried at
room temperature in a laminar flow cabinet for 20 min before Figure S1. Tailing of the citrate peak using a HILIC-AMIDE column.
adding the MALDI matrix. CHCA matrix was prepared at Figure S2. Chromatograms of a calibrator containing the standard
3.6 mg ml 1 in a mixture of 50% acetonitrile, 50% water + 0.1% of analytes at 3 µM and a root exudate sample from A. thaliana.
TFA. A homogeneous layer of CHCA matrix was applied over the Figure S3. Concentrations of organic acids in pools of A. thaliana
plate using a microsprayer from an LCT-Premier mass spectrome- root exudates without or with spiked standard analytes.
ter ESI source (Waters Corporation), with a flow of 50 µl min 1 Figure S4. UPLC-MS/MS TOF-MRM quantification of organic acid
and 600 L h 1 of nitrogen as desolvation gas. efflux under Al toxicity and P deficiency from A. thaliana WT and
MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS analyses were performed in negative transgenic lines using log10-transformed data.
ionization mode in a Synaptâ HDMS (G1; Waters Corporation) Figure S5. Root system analysis of transgenic lines under P suffi-
with a Nd:YAG laser using an energy of 350 (arbitrary units), a fir- ciency (+P) and deficiency ( P).
ing rate of 200 Hz during 2 sec of analysis per scan and one scan Figure S6. MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS analysis of malate in roots of
per pixel, and a spatial resolution of 50 µm for A. thaliana samples Arabidopsis transgenic lines under P sufficiency (+P) and defi-
and 200 µm for M. polymorpha. The TOF was operated in sensitiv- ciency ( P).
ity mode (V-ion optics mode) with a resolution of 9000 FWHM.
Figure S7. MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS analysis of malate in roots of
The parameters used for optimized targeted HRMS/MS methods
Arabidopsis transgenic lines under P sufficiency (+P) and defi-
are shown in Table S1. The mass spectrometer was piloted using
ciency ( P).
MassLynx (v4.1), and HDI Imaging software (v1.4; Waters Corpora-
Figure S8. MALDI-MSI HRMS/MS analysis of citrate in roots of
tion) was used to create the region of interest for analyses and to
Arabidopsis transgenic lines under P sufficiency (+P) and defi-
reconstruct 2D ion density maps. The CHCA ion 144.05 m/z ([M-
ciency ( P).
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