Proyecto Saber Recorded Information Session Transcript

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Proyecto SABER Recorded Information Session Transcript

00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:15.000

Hi, my name is Michelle Dean. I'm an associate professor of special education and the project
director for Proyecto SABER and we are looking forward to sharing this opportunity.

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Hi, I'm the assistant professor of bilingual education.

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My name is, I'm professor of education and political science and my part in the Proyecto SABER
is the behavioral supports.

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So, Proyecto SABER is a grant. Funded by the US Department of Education. We are specifically
looking to recruit and train bilingual Spanish and English pre-service teachers who would like to
get a credential in special education.

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So upon completing the program, students or scholars, Proyecto SABER scholars will earn an
education specialist credential and a bilingual authorization.

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So, the grant wants to fully fund students, meaning a scholarship and additional compensation up
to $20,000 per student for you to complete your education specialist credential and bilingual
authorization program.

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There are additional funds that maybe available to support scholars as needed. So for example,
childcare or transportation as needed for additional opportunity training opportunities.

00:01:27.000 --> 00:01:47.000

You will also receive ongoing mentorship throughout the program. And this would include
additional supports. For Spanish and English to help support scholars in taking their Spanish

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You will also receive advanced training and advance positive behavior support and you will have
student teaching experiences or clinical experiences and dual language and special education

00:02:02.000 --> 00:02:16.000

Proyecto SABER better is a 3-semester program, so fall, spring, and summer, in which you will
complete your education specialist coursework for the mild to moderate credential, your
bilingual authorization coursework, including clinical experiences, and advanced positive
behavior support class, so a master's level class.

00:02:16.000 --> 00:02:37.000

Which is great for scholars because that helps them. Already have a master's degree units as they
complete the program.

00:02:37.000 --> 00:02:45.000

Projects of our scholars must enroll in the Special Education Credential Program and the
Bilingual Authorization Program.

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So you will apply to the credential programs typical with any person who's applying for a
credential programs to be eligible for proactive.
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Scholars must be US citizens or permanent residents. And this is not our role. It's the government
and the university and it's simply for tax purposes.

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And then as I mentioned before, we have additional funds to help scholars in need. And
supporting a specific needs based on scholar to scholar.

00:03:19.000 --> 00:03:34.000

Funded scholars will have a 2-year payback requirement, which means that upon completing the
program, you will work as a special education teacher in a hide needs district for at least 2 years
following the completion of our program.

00:03:34.000 --> 00:03:49.000

We have to let you know that scholarships may impact your financial aid calculation. So we're
giving you a full scholarship including tuition, books, and other necessary materials required of
the program the grant will pay for.

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And then up to $20,000 if there are additional funds, we will work with you to give you the
funds up to $20,000.

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So to receive this grant, scholars must fulfill additional grant applications, which we will work
on together. So we'll set up recruitment opportunities.

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We will set up mentoring opportunities where we will sit. And help you navigate the additional
grant opportunities that are required of the Department of Education.
00:04:18.000 --> 00:04:36.000
We will also provide you with opportunities for extra additional coursework or training
professionals development mentoring and training.

00:04:36.000 --> 00:04:43.000

So a scholarship and additional pay. A scholarship is the amount of scholarship. It's the tuition
fees, books, equipment that's required for your courses.

00:04:43.000 --> 00:04:54.000

And the items must be required of all students. Because they will be tax free. If the supplies are
suggested in your class, then that wouldn't qualify.

00:04:54.000 --> 00:05:15.000

For scholarships, but we could pay for it out of our additional funds. Additional pay is money
after we pay for your scholarship, your books, your equipment, the additional funds up to
$20,000, we will give to scholars in the program.

00:05:15.000 --> 00:05:22.000

So, per the university policy, we will actually hire you as a student worker and your only
responsibility in that category is to take your coursework and you know to be a scholar in this

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There aren't additional responsibilities, but that is the way that we need to pay you through the

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And so that's how we will pay the additional funds up to $20,000.

00:05:41.000 --> 00:06:00.000

So why does the field need bilingual special education teachers? Students of color in special
education often experience discriminations beyond just having a disability but also the situation
that that language and culture brings to the mix.

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And so language barriers accelerate issues of access. To students and often it's not the student
itself but it is the system and so that's why to meet the need in schools.

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Scholars as they go into the field will address these inequities. Latinx students make up a
significant portion of English language learners in the United States.

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And there is an urgent need to recruit and train bilingual special educators to use culturally and
linguistically sustaining pedagogy, which my colleague will speak about next.

00:06:44.000 --> 00:06:57.000

In order to get into the BLA pathway, there is there are some being prerequisites that you will
take before entering a credential program if you do wish to pursue a video like pathway the
bilingual authorization pathway.

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There are 3 pre-recs so it's 3 ETML 4 16 4 17 and then you can choose one from the list that you
see below.

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So for example, Chicano, Latino Education Studies, 34935402, or history 361.

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And once you are in the credential program, then you take 2 additional courses, one in the fall,
one in the spring.

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To prepare you to teach in BLA settings. And also, another requirement is that students must pass
a CSET Spanish sub test 3.

00:07:35.000 --> 00:07:53.000

Before you begin a student teaching in a bilingual classroom. And this project will also be
prepared. To support you in that process in order for you to pass and be successful.

00:07:53.000 --> 00:08:01.000

So in order to enter the educational specialist program, there are also prerequisites. The EDUC.

00:08:01.000 --> 00:08:16.000

412, you see 475, 345, Sped 410, any EDMS 422 or 424 so for folks who are liberal studies
students this is embedded into your degree.

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For folks coming from other universities or who are coming from other majors. This is part of
our prerequisite programming.

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So the benefits of Proyecto SABER are the ongoing mentorship throughout the program. We've
noticed that there are some students who are bilingual in Spanish in English, but perhaps taking
or in passing the BLA CSET is difficult.

00:08:47.000 --> 00:08:51.000

So we will provide coaching to support students in enhancing skills to be able to pass these this
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We will also support scholars and learning how to write Spanish assessments reports like
behavior reports or special education academic assessment reports that are accessible to families
in our community who Spanish is the primary language and not English.

00:09:16.000 --> 00:09:29.000

We will provide a full scholarship plus an additional stipend to support students as they move
through the credential program and the bilingual authorization.

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And because you are taking the credential with the bilingual authorization and the additional
positive behavior support master's level classes, you will be entering your first year of teaching
on a higher pay scale than students who are just completing the traditional teacher credential

00:09:49.000 --> 00:10:01.000

So there are a lot of benefits for those for you to enter this program, apply for this program. And
in addition to really helping the needs of the community, you will be well-prepared to support the
community and families and individuals.

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In special education. So please reach out to us if you have additional questions. Again, my name
is Michelle Dean.

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I am the project director and a faculty in special education.

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And I'm a faculty and bilingual education also by the bilingual program coordinator.
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And, and, and my piece is the positive behavioral supports during this program.

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Please reach out to us if you have any questions and we look forward to meeting with you and
working with you.

00:10:43.000 --> 00:10:47.000

Take care.

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