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Demo Lesson Plan

Classroom Seventh-grade
setting 12-year-old students
5 students in class
Lesson Title Unusual Jobs (CLIL)
Date 21.08.2023
Lesson Handouts, printable cut-outs, whiteboard, realia
Methods Direct Method, CLT, TPR, group and individual work
Skills Reading, listening, speaking
Learning goals Learning objectives
To learn target vocabulary. The students learn the target vocabulary
To learn to describe jobs. The students describe jobs.
To use target vocabulary in context. The students use the target vocabulary in context.
20 min Activities
Introduction  The teacher introduces herself and asks
(1min)  How are you today?
Warm-up Let’s come up with 10 job names. What jobs do you know?
(3min) e.g. doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, firefighter, police officer, vet,
actor, pilot, programmer
Then add ‘apologizer’ to the list and ask them whether it’s a real or fake
job title. Continue with the ice cream taster.

about jobs (3 Put 3 objects on the desk and ask them to think of an unusual job related to the
min) objects (a panda toy, a magazine food cut-out, and a pillow). They have a minute to
discuss it in pairs or as a group.

Check the
assumptions Let’s start with this pillow. What job does it represent?
(10 min) It’s actually a professional sleeper. *give handout*
Read the text. Keyword: get money for
A professional sleeper gets money for sleeping.
 Who would pay someone to sleep at work? (scientists)

The next object was this toy panda. What are your ideas about it?
It’s panda nanny. *give handout*
Read the text. Keyword: looks after
A panda nanny looks after baby pandas.
 What does a panda nanny do?
 What’s the downside to being a panda nanny?

Finally, we have this magazine cut-out image of food.

It’s a food stylist. *give handout*
Keyword: make something look something
A food stylist makes food look good
 What’s the best thing about this job?
Wrap up  Mix and match -> Match the job to the description (cut-outs)
(3min)  Mime it, define it, draw it -> Pick one from the 3 unusual jobs we learned
about today.
Reflection What did you learn today?

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