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Andrew is getting ready for the day

Devan wakes up, gets out of bed, and runs up to Andrew and hugs him

Devan: Happy birthday Andrew!

Andrew is startled as she thought Devan was sleeping

Andrew: Ah! Hi Devan! Thank you!

Devan: You’re welcome! Can we have Pancakes for breakfast? You know- since it’s your

Andrew laughs

Andrew: Of course, we can!

Devan: Yay!

Andrew: Ok but first get changed out of those pajamas

Devan: Ok!

After they got dressed

At the kitchen

Annie: do you want to help me make the pancakes?

Diane: yes!

Annie: ok so first we get the pancake mix, then we add the eggs and then the milk.

Diane cracks the eggs and puts them in the bowl with pancake mix

Annie pours milk into the bowl

Annie: Then we stir them all together to make the batter.

Diane stirs

Annie: Now that we have the batter in the bowl let’s put it aside for a second and get the pan
and the non-stick spray and spray the pan.
Annie sets the bowl aside and brings out the pan and spray

Diane: can I spray it?

Annie: No not this time but you can watch me and maybe next time you can do it

Diane: Ok!

Annie sprays the pan

Annie: Ok so now we can take the batter and start pouring some of it onto the pan. You can do
this part be careful.

Diane: Yay!

Diane carefully pours some of the mix onto the pan

Annie: Ok so there is one pancake

At the park

Andrew: I haven’t been here in a while

Devan: you have been here before?

Andrew: Yeah. Christine and I used to come here a lot when she was alive. You were really little
though so we didn’t take you and I haven’t come here since she died.

Devan: Why not?

Andrew: Well because it makes me sad

Devan: then why are we here now if it makes you sad?

Andrew: because I’m sad anyways

Devan: why are you sad if it’s your birthday?

Andrew: because I’m seventeen.

Devan: is that a bad thing?

Andrew: not really. It’s more of a bittersweet thing.

Devan: what does bittersweet mean?

Andrew: it’s when something feels good but also hurts at the same time.

Devan: why does it hurt?

Andrew: Because Christine died when she was 16.

Devan: oh…

Andrew: yeah…she should be 20 by now but she’s still 16. And I’m 17.

Devan: I don’t remember Christine

Andrew. Yeah, I know. You were too young to remember her. But she loved you so much. She
loved both of us with all her heart.

Devan: Does she remember me?

Andrew: She’s dead, Devan

Devan: no I mean like does she remember me in heaven?

Andrew: You believe in that stuff?

Devan: Of course. Don’t you?

Andrew: Honestly I don’t know what I believe. I mean if there was a god and if her really loved
us then why would he let her die?

Devan: Dad says that she killed herself though.

Andrew: She did. Do you know what else killed her? Anxiety and Depression. Do you know who
gave her that? her classmates, Mom, and Alex

Devan: So they killed her?

Andrew: Something a lot of people don’t realize is that often suicide is a team effort. I doesn’t
just take one person to kill himself, it takes a group

Devin: Wait Alex like in my dad?!

Andrew: Yeah
Devin: But how what happened why did you mention my father

Andrew: Do you really wanna know?

Devin: yeah of course I want to know.

Andrew: Your father was abusive and an alcoholic he made her life hell

Devin: What he really abused her

Andrew: Yeah he did, he also abused me. That’s why I have a hatred for your father.

Devin: but he doesn't do that to me why did he do it to you guys

Andrew: It’s because you have people willing to step in if he ever lays his hands on you. We had
no one, not a single person that would care to help us, not even our own mother.

Devin: Or maybe my dad just loves me and not you

Andrew: it's cute that you can think that

*silence for a few seconds*

Andrew: But anyway I’m not trying to convince you of anything and I don’t care if you believe me
or not. You’ll see once you're alone how he will treat you when I'm no longer with you, you'll see
what I lived through.


Andrew: I should drop you off now

Devin: Already?

Andrew: I need to get some stuff done but if you want I can pick you up later when I get free.

Devin: Alright

Andrew drops of devin at the house and enters

Andrew and Devin walk into the living room to find Alex sitting, watching a show on his

Devin: Hi dad!

.Alex: Shut up i'm trying to watch this show

Devin: *smiles* Ok dad

*Devin walks away while Andrew stays behind

Andrew: One day you’re gonna regret neglecting your child like that when you grow old and
have no one left to love you because everyone left.

*andrew is about to walk away but Alex grabs his wrist*

.Alex: Don't glare at me like that I am your father and you will respect me!

Andrew: You’re not my father and I don't owe you anything!

*Andrew shoves Alex and walks away*

*Andrew goes to his friends house*

Devin: Hey dad can we get something to eat or can you make me something?

.Alex: Didn’t Andrew get you something to eat?

Devin: No we didn’t have time to stop by and get something.

.Alex: That good for nothing idiot can’t even take care of you. Go Get something from the pantry.
I am busy.

Devin: There's nothing to eat I've already checked.

.Alex: Will you stop bothering me? I don't have time to go get you something.

Devin: fine. Where is mom?

.Alex: Probably out. I don’t know and I don't care. Go find her yourself.

(Alex continues to watch his show and continues to keep drinking)

*Devin goes into his room*

Devin: *talking to himself* Maybe Andrew was right…how did I not realize this sooner? Do our
parents really not love us? I thought all parents loved their kids…But what do I do now? I’m
hungry, my dad won’t feed me, i have no idea where my mom is and Devin probably won’t be
home until way later…
*Devin thinks for a while*

Devin: Maybe the neighbors have something to eat? I don’t really talk to my neighbors that
much but I think they have a kid around my age so they probably have food too…But what if
they call the police? Mom said that the police will take me away from home and iI’ll never see
her again…Should i just wait for Devin? Ugh i should have asked what time he was coming

(A couple hours go by and Andrew gets home through the back door carrying a bag of food and
head straight to Devin’s room)

Devin: Oh hi Andrew!

Andrew: Hey Devin.Have you eaten yet?

Devin: No im so hungry but dad won’t feed me and i don’t know where mom is…

Andrew: Yeah i figured. I brought you some food.

Devin: Ok!

*They sit on the floor of their room and eat together*

Devin: Andrew?

Andrew: yeah?

Devin: Where is your real dad?

Andrew: what?

Devin: we are half brothers aren’t we? So what about your real dad? Why isn’t he here? And
why isn’t he my dad too? Why do you and Christine get the same dad and i don’t?

Andrew: Devin…

Devin: yeah?

Andrew: Nevermind…and it doesn’t matter…my dad left us… i haven’t seen him in over 7

Devin: Since you were 9?

Andrew: yeah…
Devin: Why would he leave? Was he like my dad? Did he not love you?

Andrew: Well…well i don’t know…

Devin: what do you mean?

Andrew: well he wasn’t like your dad at all…he was vry nice and treated Mom, Christine anf me
well. Butr then something that you are too young to know about. So he left us. I used to always
hope he’d come back and save us but i could tell christine always knew it wasn’t gonna happen.
And then when she died i stopped beliving too.

Note for Goodheart: we kinda made some changes while filming/completely

winged the end. Also, ignore the highlights, those are our notes

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