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How would you describe UNWORKABLE company and work environment?

First of all in if there is a manger has a bad back ground about management,such not be open to new
ways of looking at things, no system to handling the steps of works , lack the responsibility for
employees .

What is your personal criteria, of unworkable and why? I find the unworkable environment if there no
cooperation between the management and employees , lack the partner relation between
management and employees, this all above create unworkable environment and uncomfortable place
Would you be willing to make any compromises regarding this and why?
Pay attention to the grammar & sentence structure. Depend, if I cannot have any choose maybe I make
some compromises until find another solution .

What are the 3 types of managers that are BAD for the COMPANY? What are 3 types of managers that
are GOOD for the COMPANY? Why?
Pay attention to the grammar & sentence structure

First 3 types of mangers are good for the company the following

1- Expect excellence
2- Communicate regularly by providing meaningful feedback in real time
3- Be decisive
All above three points, it’s the added value for the company

3 types of mangers are bad for the company the following:

1- Set a bad example

2- Not to be patient with yourself
3- Not accept that you still have a lot to learn.
Sure if there these bad things in the manger will be not reach to the goals and target .

Make a list of 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of the fair trade movement and explain your thoughts.
Pay attention to the grammar & sentence structure.

3 advantage :

1- Creating job opportunities

2- Assistant to reduce prices for products
3- Cooperation between the private sector and the government.
3 disadvantages:
1- Relying on the local product
2- Lack of expansion in trade
3- Limited competition

What are the aspect of children welfare that should be reflected on and upgraded in your country? Why
do you think those changes would contribute?
Pay attention to the grammar & sentence structure.

1- Increase maternity leave

2- Establishing a kindergarten for children with low fees.
3- Create a place for infants in companies to be close to the his mother.
4- Providing the basic needs of children by the government until up to 4 years at least .

All above points help the social to be more activity and stability.


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