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[Total: 4 marks]

Your first step in this long question is to remove the k for kW and convert time into
seconds. So all units are in their fundamental form. The question gives you the
efficiency of the solar panel, this indicates you must calculate both the input and
output energy. Then apply the efficiency and rearrange to obtain the change in

(b) State one advantage of heating the water in a solar panel: Any one from:

 Solar energy is renewable; [1 mark]

 Solar energy does not generate air pollution; [1 mark]
 Solar energy does not generate polluting gasses; [1 mark]
 Solar energy does not contribute to the greenhouse effect; [1 mark]
 Solar panels have low running costs; [1 mark]

Explain the advantage:

One mark for each correct explanation that corresponds with the advantage stated.

Solar energy is renewable is an advantage because:

 It does not use up non-renewable sources like coal; [1 mark]

Solar energy does not generate air pollution / polluting gasses is an advantage because:

 Breathing clean air is preferred over polluted air for people's health; [1 mark]

Solar energy does not contribute to the greenhouse effect is an advantage because:

 The greenhouse effect causes Earth's temperature to rise / contributes to global warming /
extreme weather which is bad for the planet / human life / nature; [1 mark]

State one disadvantage of heating the water in a solar panel: Any one from:

 Solar panels are expensive to install; [1 mark]

 Solar energy is not available from solar panels at night; [1 mark]
 Solar panels create visual pollution; [1 mark]
 Solar panels need suitable roof space; [1 mark]

Explain the disadvantage:

One mark for each correct explanation that corresponds with the disadvantage stated.

Solar panels are expensive to install is a disadvantage because:

 It can be hard to find / save enough money for the initial purchase and installation; [1 mark]

Solar energy is not available at night is a disadvantage because:

 Energy may be required by houses during the night; [1 mark]


 Not enough energy is stored from the solar panels for use during the night; [1 mark]

Solar panels create visual pollution is a disadvantage because:

 They are not nice to look at; [1 mark]


 Looking at fields / normal house roofs is nicer; [1 mark]

Solar panels need suitable roof space is a disadvantage because:

 Enough roof space is required to erect enough solar panels to generate the electricity
required in their homes; [1 mark]

[Total: 4 marks]
Use the revision notes to learn the many advantages and disadvantages of using solar panels.
The mark scheme lists the main ones but you will gain marks for additional valid statements.

[Total: 4 marks]
This is how most power stations typically work. Water is heated, it turns to steam,
that steam turns a turbine which turns a generator which induces a current. The
difference is how the water is heated. In a nuclear power station, a fission chain
reaction heats water. In the example above, geothermal energy heats the water and
burning coal and oil is used elsewhere.
(c) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission:

Any four from:

 Fission outputs (more) energy (than it requires) whereas fusion does not; [1 mark]
 Fission can be performed at regular temperatures but fusion needs a very high starting
temperature; [1 mark]
 Nuclear fission can generate electricity on a large scale, however there are very few places
currently attempting fusion; [1 mark]
 Neither nuclear fusion or fission release pollution; [1 mark]
 Nuclear fusion does not use radioactive fuel but fission does; [1 mark]
 Unlike fission, the products of fusion are not harmful; [1 mark]
 (Per kilogram of fuel,) fusion (could) release more energy than fission; [1 mark]
 Fission has caused accidents in the past whereas fusion has not yet; [1 mark]

[Total: 4 marks]
Your wording does not have to be identical to the answers in the marks. scheme, but you do need
four comparative statements about fusion and fission. While one obvious disadvantage of fusion
is that it is not currently commercially viable, its potential advantages are what you must refer to
gain full marks here.

If you find yourself unsure of

whether to multiply or divide by a
unit or prefix when converting, it
can help to substitute the value
of the prefix into the equation, as

[Total: 7 marks]
While it is important to give your answers to the correct number of significant figures (2 sf. here), it
is best to use unrounded values in calculations. Rounding multiple values midway through a
long calculation like this can end up having a big impact on the final answer.

(c) Suggest why tidal power is more expensive than power from fossil fuels: Any two from:

 The infrastructure / facilities / power stations already exist to burn coal / gas; [1 mark]
 The technology to burn coal / gas is well-established; [1 mark]
 The technology for tidal power is new; [1 mark]
 Coal / gas generators can be constructed anywhere; [1 mark]
 Tidal power stations must be constructed underwater; [1 mark]
 Tidal power stations must withstand the tides / storms; [1 mark]
 Tidal power stations must withstand rusting / seawater; [1 mark]
 Coal / gas generators are already connected to the power grid; [1 mark]
 Tidal power stations must be connected to the power grid; [1 mark]

[Total: 2 marks]

(d) Suggest why these statements could be correct:

Any two from:

 The moving / rotating turbines could physically harm sea creatures; [1 mark]
 The sound from the turbines may prevent creatures ability to hear others / communicate; [1
 The turbulence from the turbines may reduce visibility / make the water unclear (by
disturbing the sea bed); [1 mark]

[Total: 2 marks]
(a) Explain how, in a power station, burning a fuel causes a generator to produce an alternating

 Burning the fuel heats water; [1 mark]

 This water boils / becomes steam; [1 mark]
 The steam turns a turbine; [1 mark]
 The turbine rotates a coil in a magnetic field OR the turbine rotates a magnet in a coil; [1

[Total: 4 marks]

The mark for realising only half the

Earth is in sunlight can be gained by
stating it, or it can be inferred through
the equation A=4 π r 2 ÷2

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