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Upit-2 Trtreductisn ts Machine 2 Leastring- | what i Machine tonbl 2 josinge, 7 with AL Z ae 7 Mochine al <> Predicts Algss treo. ee rae ja fs ne | TENS, 2 [eormputeref9 Crap | 4 ee ee Pe i cea seme - nego joutpuk / Souter eolise gubsequart +toik3 - _prbfiiot Totetigeres_e Hees awetg 16 Dap Le ig yy ABOT AL? Grables the trachine te k ‘fo unclesestarcl fexplare ict tools yao Nery Peleey ML: Fepe sistas Mi etre subset of AT ene log Netflix + Actor “5 Recornrrndotloe @rredly | oe (DL * Te oi the hurcan ba B Pe dd. Neurol Nebassode ML 8 ANN * eat — 7 is wn a Iscem (eorvsoistionol Nowa oe / J tre for En) 2 pn ( Rear YN Ra of be Sa Dike. Stet A. ProtabiPtly 06: TE use gerne pnoatperedticot to083 Si > D) Lingo, Alger) ops Seta Gp) 9 ete say to reoke pregprersing. satale Machine Ree Chey odie corrputre 10 optimize POY - jor. UU dato. 6 poet a “len ex clocarit exist evouyushere (tke navigation cane, e po ptr (Routing en computer rebuserts) > Govient Sketud + Used asedely in ind ii) fiero One ble. rabies gla tasrespedes OY ap eae. 8 wy) otudion reeds #8 te adaptec! te pasdical mace (userc bisrretrica) His Machire Lecowning [Before seme yooss (about 40-50, ae ee gees) y ML uses acierce fitter buk today -\ML is mokirg ou day t6 dk Bi im Self chr cose TH |Arrozery Virtual Accent Sy Bh & owe «|tH 1834, Chases Babbage er of the Cory conceived. & dessice hak cata be. popes oh sch camels pues Heusersex, the srochia Foun oes bull? but abe th a ters oly er Cee BEEL aye +|Tn 1936 ) Alor. Tei gost a that heute . Ad OF gona teey amachire can doit +|Tn 1952: fst a Boe laying oe, checkers by. Avtruse Samuel at JBM. Knousled fi slack ders eh az & MYCIN ° bart ae Dap bs blue Slse inbitigent corp sen the chess game. (non he eter a cay bape pare re +2006 + Compuctee siertist Gesffrey Horton hos, gisen a. VOY name 4p reel net sescasch as “Dip | Leasing “ancl. rewaclay® ) Bice becerre ore of the moat trending tebrelegee- oe a forebind Or. of wastisus approaches but doda-chiven is prevalent ML in @ Nutsheld “Tens of trewsards ft Machire Leaning. Algeruths lupdveds PAP ML nei pes 9 cempsnents © \ toglemniodion. “pecistan Fee, Set of oculks /Logic Progra? Trstarces) INewsal Netusartk2y Suppsct Vectaxe Machines, etc lip Goolucction- Acouseacy pReeisisn & Recah, Saysnseec LOPS) fea Uaibety Merging Likebihece f 1 Pateder “Potala iil) optimization * conbinoteriol Cn : 5 Gonabareel CpuiZotie Gr? oe Ty Least Supsastseck (inductive) Leaning, | ougieecl Leaxning- |. Gornb ~guporasised. Lebouning- | Peinforrcecl Leary Yewpgesized. Leasing, «pe data (obsersoction. (loseee p rreasuscoments, etc) ose Labelled vecth [Bo 0 bat 0. ; S safe ee desta o9te. See ae the chose Supertsio™* ise sifiecl inte trese een _iateledl Data. Zz ‘fete valeieh, belongs to cures) cublay Pee ee [Gumet y Training dato. uneucennisecl leeo.ning. {Goes Labels of te data ose unkerousn -|No teacher’ gise® Ory superartGler-: Jegagory 02 See Of deco jhe task ts ostablich te exlete cou Luter inte dota. = Ces oe 7 pe eee , nce of classe® Sseri- LL + Real fife. application ase, sorreushee i peoadigne 2Uy peel OF ureupaoseed Beasining « sPrainirg. cee irclucles a fo cleaved. oFPUES ee reli, «So ra era See u usth rasbebled examples i . 9 Riferced eo "Pomona fore 2A of acttor® “badd Haste cose Of acts on ds & irene) ie0kOSeD SOE evalui~ TOD of ds action LG! but trot tel of oshich? actin: Ph inoe. tte go —|Sarpe Applications, ae A) Bit Galegsrization. (wulli-calogerey) + Categorize. teak inte predefined. categories . EL Cotegserize, revs inte ‘apo h Scierce! eke 2) te, Datection. : Decnrminatig furcon -facesfiem non~faces in usild. 3} Signatusee Recagnization | 1 Recognize signs by structusal einilesuties ushich are clifficult & quantify L Ft belorga te epecific: Person ret ee era Talorstifiy hordusribien characte, Lassify, each irage sf codegeruen Castachoe inte ore Sf Dcotegevies 1,-- “40. Dice Recegnizacion.: A process emptse of. detectian, abligreerst arcl (fecbere. exbaction LY pacegnition task Face is the reat carrrven. bierretic cased by hurcans ~ O\Bomerec Receqpization, : Bioreh reeset unique prypteale gst behowigue cheorackguistics ofan (ndlisidued x reons te peacegniZe &¢ audbentitacte thei idortity . HL bos Kigh- potertial to ompexe the perforin of bismebtc. Systers, DWrechile Actoredtion + ML alerts used in. Self-Daing- Coo z in. Of big condibisn ee Scorers Clossifiectin ough date fusions fire lif extonral 2 choral creer : 9 |pdicad Frage, Cossificodtion "Bicere of rant potion problors inthe (roe, leacegnizatisn avaa.c ib aims te cbssifie mecical teges rl deff cakeggue tg cise in dicense diagie 0 faire peestastch Sk ML tecrriquoe. Fate cloctors sove time, Berougy by curtermedtcallly clossifyirg boogs 9) Trrage, Fegou : Serre, pasels Of an oge reonipuboced 18 conceal Se oeanirgful oe une inferunatisn, of te (orgs + ML alzgeubtrns $9 Closaily mages 08 eginal & forge Lecalization & dlassrficctin gf inpet rage using & csrvolution Neubol Netawerk (CNN )eredlol «GRIN rroced deteos fognyin te input rages 1 Froud Detection. The algorithms is core using, Legietic Repassion 7 Ble To eupeursedl, Leasnig technique that is used usher. decision’ & Cote + Te reas thot we be eitne Full Pen--frucl! Fa-troracatsn ONS web Seach: ase dene using. ML fox shew clerection® tak bel * idartify. Spor oe hapleats ese, igh (PR 5 an alyerithrn. oe Grosse. ceosich to xank useb pages Intreir earch engine Sosults « 6 Page Rook Ba Usey of rrecaueury importance of osebaite pogee coms bee ou (9a = ~y LF 0 of Trafic: Dore using, GPS nasigadiory 620812 - 3 docation> P velocities ose. bugr eniect ab a carbal seUser foe managing ie i “his data. ten wed 19 bik 0. ofiassot bof . 2 Mb in euch ecer eos hele ts extirnate the slgions shoe Lorgentier coy te feurcl Gn the basis oF claity expeniarcee.- Wore MLO frroree & ubbisation a. gouty of fechre be bellies ahh ee ena of techriqusss to integer, orl | | eet of algotrree pgopcali. ip Feats Fodirg tHe (5 A : ¢ in fe f A Ce 5 ML alge iS used bo identify ay un ape of gestern reese precise & auto bicolty eo ph ee tre jogeic te S| tages feck up (risenterty reeneagerrent & Urprore Custer | Bee br eee Aris helping scotsteeleteck items dress rosenccer. before orol | "owe BC ects eadh fo Lora AL DM. bath help “ote | ical & logistical clata. potiore to be se Locacd oly mera thor 60 Besersion) atand phys oo ih evant nobet Hbt can display | prious a Sec \3 Lafewnctlion Extraction : Text extractio’ i 5 a On epee es Regents cen camer lone & as ate, CA90 is U9 W922 Hoxt sacogrization & extra oh te rearege Eas és Oras i i Laudics cuto~ | ext, ughich (5 i ‘ Medic. : Qualety oF 0 videos essa Sly a Taco ich is 0. tO secl on deep ie tree Cane rclocstord. theusords of pats Tgecerel i rms Pare forguagee Neco Spam & Mabaso TP ing, : Meultt Loyoe' Pe Decision Free, dle gon 2 tsar lig TA fliyus Sak SI a es Pe rdlexctonel- te, coal PRT B datcechs, rays alasor’ — purser Bogpor potecson gre TS — poate Pale beeen ng. teobnigue® Ee on. or inpenene 7 chine. Leosining Boe nous palatiership Fei or yneactogy to © used. te d A un 4 ouioble i te dotosek ° usihd predie ¥e casrore of Oe ver. tn the olotaseh ma Iiddon. beeusee ¥ thot 3} tc, t0. (dental OY : reve are bose! v 7 ty ef a“ ol} = thatteor i ase es eto ee FES Outlier. Aralyet t i ple Tecoring, Plea” = oat oly Pelection ea { ¢9 find the above a instante a% EEA Toining Corphes Wren ¥ 5 cscrete Her bE choesificoter Wis ben Y ts Contingun tren. Regresiontork 6g (Redick $e Price hoe Nctasacficetion. Teak | Act of Ds Pea Xb) NX q. & (Hubl saz tasks 5, (Reeth sain & Greeclet i we hove a peuer, Lecking at ts reeme £ 2 oe dg SS oor te preachy ft is } ® — tous Risk highe sek ee fous suite een , | 5| © 8 “high. suse + Lobetteel with ©) et @ee@ Dous suisk pecsen : Lakebledl usith@® | - RKO Oo 3 Defferentiote betuseer, Lous —Riske ancl oO 2 8 Highy as pete! from. thes intome | ) yp —_—+ = Swed Deeriirant | [if Peeme 1 L Sasirg 20, LOTREN low Risk else High Re i) Regevesston Task ee "price of a used CO ar Gye Attribntes — yr’ Pece- ge 90oe) Ppt hatonce gO rvecleL Coprcarre bere 1 lye can. predick the pace of Cee ancl sg eh hn det a UC or (a rae price - oni wth a function ushich fakes (pect o& an. a Mileage —7 Ja sageeree @ne Pop tte “The indlusiduall ebsoasotion. 0% arelgzed. ints a set of quontefrable pap ushich, axe Calllecl feotusee, mag ; 9 categorized (B A') BY ‘AS! fnake! , ferroke’) 1 OrclinaL (ex loge) Mecliur 0% Shalt.) | Ime; Pp Rook —aluedl (Heighe) . (The ne of userid, tn a text) “Raining Prose - (Gale Th “aa! ie on Liha. bo 4 ia y 3] Algerie Tapa oT Fealasee z ; “Testing Phaze / 7 | [>| Féntuse | [Feeds joo || epee Fedo oa eeheratic Tiagpeom. te Sparen: eon g— induce & Jancis Usbirg Pali, imran ar wou oxorrp use a doses tHe? it pee valk fred g Oe sl ios i ie 7 (e a) 2) oy conpn op vase dif FES 2 a4 Aen. ae o ion of 4 feoewe vector Chaseificottor. /tO~ Sree, : pars. 42) = 4) 2 genie eof 2 tat describe each see pers inataraa (8 (oillecl. Freouet. SK veto «| uubsple fee eo instoree/ fay * woe ray dascrte tre (nenree® = w a. posdtioulor cota fe size Of Peake vere 08 (B28) atone afer aerate (yp spotorse int, tn the feaksee, Space: : Ps «| ach Trabane @ & Pe The set of all Legal esis, thos use Lan. clesorbe ust = Dee of ig pee iS) bees usirg te featioas, use hase chesen Le the that use have | we can, scopes ent a. bypethes i 1 a eh | hte Leow oti oust eH | rycen Fe Tees | Usha He? old ae |" (abt possible eutputs epee < | i -|Hypethesis Space defines ae seible, set EFhypsthests) Yo Can seostrict hypothonis by. clefining sere bi0® - Go, in. suposasiserl Leos we can thirk of a destee , ushich expsses re fs epoce ol wath censiche® hypstress “gpace gn enden te fir Sut ene af hypethents ushich, Satisfy Cre OOUD "2 ictecl [Bins = yp “yo ] eT won Redicteel vole of y= YP A ee Abual Velo fF Y= Yo. 4 fe +| wren we usill select a poodiculese farction from all furcttar calthed Sauce Bios Pye axth = eax | L g = agine | -| Re selectect furctisn cotegeray is caged H “| Inthe furction. cokegery usken use us 1S callecl Hypsthests | | tf c= SF, ten ushedt ts value of > bees Aivibots,, Tanger: Vooriadle b “y= att G > _Hypsthesis Ff Fz 5 _Hypsthesis Pes 2st ae / yv v pothesis Space org be ae fianchion 4 if ° (Regression) 2 oxutttt bod = Preclii 38 F (lew Bios ) Lous Vasuonde yee peli — a « Tastget Volue +f F Bias) fol ® .vosuoree + Hows rouch acatbeszcl the testing x Ld dotosefotecl te each etSt- i) (QsenFiing Mocel) 9 raining Goor= © he? 4 fy | Vr Training Ace T « Testing Ace ~ Fainting Grove 2 flee Bice) = 20% igh. Vewance) > Treating Ger = be = eS Se oe «Lows Bias (Hgh Gop) 7 Fe predicted. salue is near te actual value (cdp i rene tO eS 0’. * High. Voswonc : Te date points coe. ecatbetad. tn. xafotion tS each ethex. «| [gus Vesuance, + Dato. paints 07% gprovpedl (cBustenccl- fa waniable 1 any Nurnbese ) quanti ete ty e°echeoracteruatic: trots can te rreasuredls Age, YP een ae 1 Tee coltecl a. variable, because te volue ware cleta unis in Population. Li reo chenge over time - pes of oocnblle vasinile INANE aS rote wo ~ pCeet ego ecb orca puree Neorinble : TE has, traluee thet iprmirab 0 petty ee.rontOs Jie ‘hwo ony’ Sh abe, ofraslen ee: adcortingys \bsviable a numestic. vasuabée Obseusation can the | | any walue betuseer co. coxtnin. seb of Heal number Ex Height Tee { |p) Discrete woounblle ts a numeric Uostinbhe Obeeupation. gan tale a value bagel 6 count frerr age discrete flistinct ushofe Valu. eB No of sogisteredl cases, No of chuidver® in a family d Geregseicall Vostio ble SE bos value that desorbe o quality out Gescctoueht of a dota unc, luke ‘shat gee Ushich. ontegory “hey oe. quabicatiice waownbles 8 to be sopresentect by o pencnumeuc valuns docdirat Voouiable : obsensation can take. a. value that are be Lepicably txcesocL ore seanked-. 6 Acaclernic Grredos, Clothtrg. Size - p, | 5) Nominal Voswable + ron. can tale. 0. value that can [epionthy erganizecl incr Megical sepore os bye Olt, Blood! Grvsup |Binory Nooulable : TE & a.cotegougal unttjable. uskich take DValuee . DP Syerebric + Rath phe eubisrnes CFC eqpoly tant & Garde “Aageevcbnt : autcones ase rf eqysaly emporctant BQ Medical Tere - (Geobuotion. te alyritre vpanee 8% ize 5 saidunerting cr Moorea ees Fe? ee [rn ane2yOf- Secwntng- algecutt ve ux porv Soy tb 2 af 7 We edo becnu2e ) of they aoe evaluated proportys hed can jusecl erpuare pul forc fue cetton / Se ea pany ae) pee to de tre eysntucdtton OF O Aosning, algorditern- ike. “Gro a “Precipion. | Recah Ener Ewer mebic & used to evaluate a predictor [evabuccting Prediction. Tha prediction moclet, use axe using He tosiget furctior. K(20) to ford 0. coloulatee! outpuce G eee ope Shee By be 2 wruginal pub Soutput valuor of o Single chatnn, MF GF Ly hare re diffewnce , tenthexe is Mo exor. Tf tee w& addfeurnce bewerr G Ey ythen HEL S a OO. | [EE bers KE I-yl] whew, noneef samples ) hxc) 3 tomy & functor [caloulated, g perginal, Outpt on eutpub +| Mean. Sqposad Volua Ever : [RE LOD * RE, GgF] Nee : Auscbate, Sore & sure Of Spare. ervprr ase geool evabuntien recuse Of Hogrosslon. pole ee ose. of Dtypes : a \. teense of Certral Tendlenry + Useel 46° 2 4 Types re Sareple. Hy Statistics | Stedistica ts the liscipline phe: Corceser® “the collection, SPyganizationr, 4 Orabyets inteepretedtion orc presentation of cate, Seeistics Cleals ustth. heus clocte- @n le usecl to solise cornplex problems J Deser(rtve 2») ryfee" ial « | Descrptivse Statistics une, GegonZe dota tr forwn OF rurnber Of gecaph . sroprenente center paint ert prschicullor | \wadue of dot set - [sabe of oe 3 cperrren pronsue, — Mean, Pedian )Macle - | B analyze, suena > Tecan be 0 population sample dato: Repona Distribution eC . i (oscinbibilyy 1» sornple ec papulotior Stordasccl Deviachor [Diepesion 1s Pleb, Hetepar) | Measisee. of Nooutobibit = Used fo clezotbe en ey © reeasied ¢ Range, Woetorc®) cfeortial Stodistics _ | Ze rokes infoar® D prediction about pepulotisry basecl on carp \f deta takon from roputtion 3 Theantiol Stadio OE | sealecienahip wethin he carnple ~ psthonis Test @nfidere apiece, RZBER0 cctt8N- [Tew ge of Statistics jon ove ppatation + His olec#6° of sebof rdisidual ushese Proper ashe anolyzec- ; | Some 2 pie tre alse’ fo pe te odicha. (Lmiltisn) A peice of a-te peopl F 3 4 Nota no of pp20pees eon oe Aa tight of ave peoples ie a Papusation- Meo! ihe ae a Li ~ 400. at } Popatntor Leon Sample Mer] Hea T= sarnple. ize = 40)COO [earple & Population] De : . Mean, : He & the rreasue Of aseege afro sabes tn a. date. seb 6h Semple of Height = [166,17 £50 260150) 240} n=6: freon = Z| ae gern tsor sone 20 = 161.8 | Adssantage * Gan be vaecl for bot. vertinents, &- discrete. cornet, dota - Lmmitations : a} aot be calloulated jor cotegortcal data a% vobur can be suremédt. 3) As reean. includes Pry, Salus dimbribation, mer © sfluareact be oe Hedign. + his recuse of corbod sole f a sornphle [doto. seb - SS) az ts reiddile, wodue in doda get) eohor Volue® asco, as orongec Se |steps te. find medion 5 Gael : Odd ne-sf pheevattt&O * The asecag® of mniclelderrost volu2& (Sthe eeedion. need x) 5H) 54, 4, 56) 5 BF, 53) 54) 60, 60 bevralt 2D p> Eka tom ZS]. ggscks the doday here Lig abreacy corte - wolue, Median = st i) = Geese tre red peeusatiorS Pe ovaxoge of HHS pnidddarrosxt alu, © oh Sy 8H 52644 BEB, 35 5A) 62) BF) S178 “| Senco dates 52,54, 4 95 56/57) the reedio.n : BA BS) 5S SO) 60 n= 22 : of tase rviddla wales > Medion = Gst57), - 56:2 Adenine . g " outlines , its Mean the peffoe rrensu9ee fe eae usually doto. cont be Were, ode! Es re ror aa 55) 5G © Commenty aceusung |? os Mee ee = waoBP 60) ct Vabue ip o distrrbutisn * MEG Buy (Ana) | i coors eccusu! yyortange * Ef value = By A Mede= an begpuinds poe fore bath numerical. & categorical Lake otoll- oho 8 date ase contines) disptbution re rele rede, edo, iE con pirit ib the abt gouldiy of rece Yee SAG Qi ® E x role, NurbOo te f A Diets Nove (up ethno Bef one oe bod Continent a. scone of COLNE veseable gee (40/2; 5, By & eploory ) LO by Trt date) erty use con hose cee pote) Yeneger scot a oxdirad && Fee Norsirot type 212 cat a a rh ee meaty Ue a dato. oe piel lex, Yous CHL US @ Ea 25/6) 1 01? a sees foes Zesmved | & on 8 ey 42 ue eons 44 6 “\epoono ee ees yes pe oe coge-e) ee f 32 srereo3ed a increas 3, ter } uty {Where evasion vote 4 octane | slas tery) AE noe) + fata i): “atic hele — 0c te +) 2 2 ceormiarct) Ls _ forge cod dort voncable. n= 70 ofeompte ete | \ C2, Ge loc) Paco (y\ GE size (x) Price (y) Au cq —- 200k | 4900 4ook | 2200 600k 24 + Cov (xinyi) = HE yt Se OF “4 ah ah # aA z |@rcwlation 7 Rereeawes fireose % Cro toee= FE coscribes hous S89 & pow = Ov Cu) | . Gre Oy x CorsaSuence 1) TP a eee B yirtly Hor 8 2 wits Byy pen cow 0 scou (xayi) = YE * ave = ake @ + ap aiden, By ye Or) fave & F Cae) yer} cohen Hae > meon of © Jy 7 Meer of Y ww O : se = LUE: Gs) 4c — +e: a) ae > size wy ip ln Gyidge (4 then las (ye nee Ve don + Gv (cyi) = Ve * — w= =e linen me Tig t= cov (nse) i at: Yl = CO Oe jac tiy? 2 +e duection beck doesnt east Puch +80 vacP ry 2) ve darection but doesnt 7 Cay hous reuch. ~e igraxp between the vvosiab bos the selation between tue VOGUt whee 6, = Stondorel dasditton of veewobh 2 - Sy = Stordovel deseation of Y a axtiyT atve vectien, “Sys (za | at He YEO ve anak hectionsxp Grclotion + | @sostiance a hight number meas . Asinbistical meosuse tot irclicactes higher le REP ep edetionsha ‘| Volue axe betuseer,~ °° | +ve |. Value betuser tel ; pro O78 mg ; te satus in your. ata. clipe from ore. 0S ls ppoxe T howe wooriable %’ is continere containe sorre cantare 4,600 : cL Em : [ Hoan (=k BoC { IS tot Foes Pos ae ceo ees & & & a 3 < Height F cadets ee Mean = pep +suor 160474 = et ot date pods B55, Sees Ue eb) 160-f p-15 45) tre mea 450 _ 4552-9 u sano 22% beleus ge tre rea ve om phot cet ponte “ 4 3 the mean (on ar 7 ‘ sadud inp" tof ASCOF 4.48 ase tue aoe i & the, sore dato ps Vootionee 2 (4 sare By OY = AB Yf re =u dotapsint ausay mean Stondasc Desiotion 6)= We = (25 - 8 SQ VP How do outliers influence the measuse of contre tenclaney® 1 7% Outbiese cove. extreme ore typlcel cata. vale thak axe, deffescert from sustof dota . Thi dnpsctant: to dotect outliers ustthine a disbibatign because they cbtesc-dhe sort of dota. 5. “Mean how is neve sensitive to. existence & tho, orbbiee® thar the Nellans serra Value crangecl- | 5y, By Buy, 5, 56) 54, SF) 5B 58) 60, EL : 5 the value Sf ‘ roche high@x than the ethere wooriabls (sales £ could be Consideract as an. ouller. > caleuterting. Median = BF Yooxs - : (thas, rob changes te » Ne alue of the distabution & rexefoe median (3 sti same) a Coleulerting. Mean. = 58-B Years Jug (Gosrlivee te mean 1908 56-6) hence the presence Of ethos increased the, rear abut) Dispewion (Metrscla of Vosciablcly- Mesvowrort) slais a mensuxe of ooistions tetuseen. ern ' 7 Measustes, the amount of scatter (690) goreadout tno. dedaseb \ (Range. ; BE the d7fesurce betuseen. He fosgestz & srroblost value sbserusotton |B Rerge of AD )5,2, 100) Goo-2.)= 95 ITE tse reeasust oF arwabelcey - er o-set oF pbserasations (Ste casetage of the squcews Of doviotion» of He pleesuvadion® frerathar mean - Vesdarce of the Te Sbsereatior® hy La. X3- “a Be. «gts bux) + bo SY. tn-®)" | peters bk Nosianee of B42 => | = 2 tHe, =D- Mean, 2 3 Ke Veoionea B= 6-5) 6-5 16-5) Jaa (9 et Yh / ei By at 2 ore tt Some Mathematical, & Statistics Gocopts. "| Gebyshas's Thequollay EE cates that fora uoide class of probability clishrebections ee, Peposdtion of dato-thety Ales vocthin Kk) standestd, dastation 6f reear- & otkeost: ’: Ais er) whew />t . os OY Ulithin 2. stendesd cleviations ef mean, use can-find ot Mest + t-Yyge= t-4£,= 0.75 = 75% of data. 2 PPE ceed de wbaerwse the bouncl ef wosusble tno dichribution. FH states that of you hase 0. population. ustth. mean. Lt areL stondlestel daniction 6 btake suffice Lasge order. sorslen fren OY nt | Pepufertion. ustth seophacorrent yon Le disbibutisn. ef sample ™ Usill be approxtrately nermnads olistribuled « : Eigen Decorrpeschiore LTA motrix, bis cectype- of clacornpaactton ate Insebses decsrapssing- a eqpase ratsix orto. Seb oF eugan vector ondl eiger. values + | Giger Vecters, + Troy ase unit vectors» uohich means thot thay Bergth |eecrnognitucle ts equalte £- Giger. ed. : ase coefficients Line wectesea their th oe POG! Ms ‘ nor setebec a& ae ve Cigar. lun og sasruc the dnedkion of eigen

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