Punctuation Practice Perfect Workbook

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Practice Makes Perfect

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Table of Contents
Punctuation Practice Makes Perfect
The Sun and the Wind
The Bear and the Bees
The Cat and the Rooster
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg
The Peacock's Complaint
The Wolf and the Goat
The Donkey and His Master
The Fox and the Crow
The Boys and the Frogs
Rainy Day
Ice Cream Shop
Baking a Cake
Bicycle Ride
The Lost Kitten
Josie's Garden
Earth Day
Baby Sister
The Pink Rabbit
The New Girl
Animal Friends
Bumble Bee

Certificate of Completion
An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the periods at the end of each sentence.

The Sun and the Wind tighter the man held his coat against

The wind and the sun argued one him The wind blew until he was

day over which one was the stronger exhausted, but he could not remove

Spotting a man man traveling on the the coat from the man’s back

road, they made a challenge to see It was now the sun’s turn He

which one could take the coat from gently sent his beams upon the

the man’s back the quickest traveler The sun did very little, but

The wind began He blew strong quietly shone upon his head and back

gusts of air, so strong that the man until the man became so warm that

could barely walk against them But the he took off his coat

man clutched his coat tight against and headed for

him The wind blew harder and longer, the nearest shade

and the harder the wind blew, the The End

An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the periods at the end of each sentence.

The Bear and the Bees rage He swatted at the log with his

A bear came across a log where a big claws, determined to destroy the

swarm of bees had nested to make nest of bees inside This only alerted

their honey As he snooped around, a the bees and quick as a wink, the

single little bee flew out of the log entire swarm of bees flew out of the

to protect the swarm Knowing that log and began to sting the bear from

the bear would eat all the honey, the head to heel The bear saved himself

little bee stung him sharply on the by running to and diving

nose and flew back into the log into the nearest pond

This flew the bear into an angry The End

An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the missing quotation marks.

The Cat and the Rooster better off without you.

One day a cat happened to grab No, said the rooster, I crow

hold of rooster for its evening meal. for the good of men. I wake them

She wanted, however, a good excuse up each morning when it is time for

for killing the bird. them to start work for the day, so

I need to rid the world of you, that they may earn their living.

she told the rooster, You constantly Ridiculous! said the cat, and

make your horrible noises throughout she ate him.

the night, interfering with men’s

much needed sleep. The world will be The End

An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the periods at the end of each sentence.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf laughed The naughty boy played this

There once was a boy who kept joke over and over until the villagers

sheep not far from the village He tired of him

would often become bored and to One day while the boy was

amuse himself he would call out, watching the sheep, a wolf did come

“Wolf! Wolf,” although there was no into the fold The boy cried and

wolf around cried, “Wolf! Wolf!”

The villagers would stop what No one came The wolf

they were doing and run to save the had a feast of sheep

sheep from the wolf’s jaw Once they that day

arrived at the pasture, the boy just The End

An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the missing quotation marks.

The Goose that Laid We wouldn’t have to wait for the

the Golden Egg
goose to lay her egg every day.

A man and his wife owned a very So, the couple killed the goose

special goose. Every day the goose and cut her open, only to find that

would lay a golden egg, which made she was just like every other goose.

the couple very rich. She had no golden eggs inside of her

Just think, said the man’s wife, at all, and they had no more golden

If we could have all the golden eggs eggs.

that are inside the goose, we could

be richer much faster. The End

You’re right, said her husband,
An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the missing quotation marks.

The Peacock’s Complaint one has it’s special gift. You have

A peacock was very unhappy with such beauty, the nightingale has

his ugly voice, and he spent most of his song, the owl has his eyes, and

his days complaining about it. the eagle his strength. Even if you

It is true that you cannot had a eloquent voice, you would still

sing, said the fox, But look how complain about another thing.

beautiful you are!

The End
Oh, but what good is all this

beauty, moaned the disheartened

bird, with such an unpleasant voice!

Listen, said the fox, Each

An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the missing commas and periods.

The Wolf and the Goat thicker down here Take my advice

A wolf who was out searching for and please come down from that high

a meal saw a goat feeding on grass cliff ”

on top of a high cliff Wishing to But the goat knew too well of the

get the goat to climb down from the wolf’s intent

rock and into his grasp he called out “You don’t care if I injure myself

to her or not You don’t care if I eat good

“Excuse me ” he said in a friendly grass or bad What you care about is

voice “It is very dangerous for you eating me ”

to be at such a height Do come down

before you injure yourself Besides The End

the grass is much greener and
An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the missing commas and periods.

The Donkey and his Master

A man was leading his donkey stubborn; the more the man tried to

down a road when the donkey got stop him the more the donkey pulled

free and ran to the edge of high the other way

cliff The man ran as fast as he could “Oh well ” said the man “if you

to the donkey and grabbed his tail to are determined to go your own way I

stop the donkey from going off the cannot stop you ”

edge of the cliff But the donkey was The End

An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the missing periods and quotation marks.

The Fox and the Crow her beauty, she would no

A fox was walking through the doubt be the jewel of all

forest when he saw a crow sitting on birds

a tree branch with a fine piece of The crow was so

flattered by all this talk

cheese in her beak The fox wanted
that she opened her beak
the cheese and decided he would be
and gave a cry to show the
clever enough to outwit the bird fox her voice

What a noble and gracious bird I Caw! Caw! she cried, as

the cheese dropped to the

see in the tree! proclaimed the fox,
ground for the fox to grab
What exquisite beauty! What fair

plumage! If her voice is as lovely as The End

An Aesop’s Fable

Fill in the missing periods and quotation marks.

The Boys and the Frogs

Some boys were playing around a frogs so hard that they died

pond when they spotted a group of F ina l l y o ne fro g h o p p e d u p o n a

frogs hopping and swimming about l il y p a d

in the water The boys began to Please stop, he pleaded, What

throw rocks at the frogs and even may seem just fun to you is

competed against each other as to death to us

who could hit the most frogs

Sometimes the rocks hit the The End

Rainy Day
Write each sentence using correct
capitalization and punctuation.

it is raining hard

i like to play in the rain

should i wear my boots

can we jump in the puddles

the snails will come out

i see a pretty rainbow

Ice Cream Shop
Write each sentence using correct
capitalization and punctuation.

do you want to go to the ice cream shop

we can ride our bicycles

what is your favorite flavor

my favorite flavor is chocolate

how many scoops do you want

the ice cream is very tasty

Baking a Cake
Rewrite each statement correctly.

my mom and i are baking a cake

the cake is for my brother’s birthday

chocolate cake is his favorite

i mixed the cake batter

my mom placed the cake in the oven

i put vanilla frosting on the cake

Bicycle Ride
Write each sentence using correct
capitalization and punctuation.

is it sunny outside today

have you seen my new red bicycle

i would like to ride my bicycle

do you want to ride our bicycles together

we can ride around the park

i think it will be a lot of fun

story and fill in the
Read the story the proper
proper punctuation.

The Lost Kitten went straight to her mother May

One cold and rainy day Polly I please keep him she asked

was walking home from school Yes said her mother But you

Suddenly she heard a loud and must promise to take care of him

mournful cry Meow meow meow and feed him every day

She looked under a bush and Polly poured some warm milk

saw a little wet orange kitten into a bowl and put a soft pillow

Who do you belong to she in a basket for his bed

asked She picked up the kitten I will name you Fletcher

and snuggled him under her coat she said happily

When she got home Polly The End

Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation.

Bigfoot I think it is Bigfoot yelled

Matt and his brother David David They got their flashlights

were going on a camping trip in and went outside to investigate

the Sierra Mountains Everything was quiet and still

You set up the tent said Matt The next morning when they

and I will gather the firewood left the tent they suddenly froze

Later that night they woke In the mud surrounding their tent

to the sound of foot steps What were the most

is that asked David gigantic foot prints

The sound grew louder Do you they had ever seen

think it is a bear asked Matt The End

Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation.

Josie’s Garden under her apple tree

Josie lived in a small house Help yourself Josie said You

surrounded by a beautiful garden are what makes this place special

Every day she watered and Later that evening as she

tended to her plants and trees rested in the shade she spied a

One day she saw a caterpillar rabbit nibbling on some spinach

eating her lettuce What kind of She smiled at the rabbit Just

beautiful butterfly will you grow make sure to leave some

up to be she asked for me she said

In the warm afternoon Josie

The End
watched a deer munching apples
Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation.

Earth Day said Jeff Lets go

One day Jeffs teacher The children picked up cans

announced that it was Earth Day bottles and old candy wrappers

Today is the day that we and put them in the trash bags

celebrate the world that we live When they were done they

in his teacher said Lets all do sat on the rocks around the

something to help the earth creek listening to the birds and

The children decided they the bubbling creek

would clean up the trash around Isnt it beautiful

the creek that flowed by their asked Jeff proudly

school Ive got the trash bags The End

Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation.

Baby Sister arms and looked down at her

Today was a special day Her fingers are so tiny he

Today Joeys mother was coming said She is so small and helpless

home with his new baby sister Annie is going to need a big

But Joey didnt want a baby brother said his mother She is

sister He liked it the way it was going to need someone to be her

His mother came home friend and protect her

carrying a small bundle Would Im a big brother now Joey

you like to hold her she asked thought And I think I

Joey was nervous Carefully he will be a good one

took the warm little baby in his The End

Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation.

The Pink Rabbit hopped through the forest

There was once a family of searching for a helper

rabbits that lived in a forest All When the Easter Bunny saw

the baby rabbits were white Pinky he exclaimed You are

except for one named Pinky As perfect You are just the rabbit

you might guess she was pink I have been looking for

I wish I was like all the other Pinky became the Easter

rabbits said Pinky Why do I have Bunnys helper and from then on

to be different she was glad that

Then one day a few weeks she was different

before Easter the Easter Bunny The End

Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation.

The New Girl new girl and how I felt

One day at school Teacher Would you like to sit by me

Jones made an announcement I asked patting my chair Abby

Today we will have a new smiled shyly and sat down This is

student she said Her name is Elizabeth and Tyler I told her

Abby I would like you all to pointing to the kids at our table

welcome her to Room 20 I smiled at her I

Abby had straight brown hair knew that very soon

and blue eyes She looked down at she would no longer

her shoes and didn’t smile be the new girl

I remembered when I was the The End

Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation.

Animal Friends castle window and watched the

Once upon a time long ago deer and rabbits and birds play

there was a princess who lived in They looked so happy One day

a castle high up on a mountain she had an idea She called to

The castle was surrounded by them Will you play with me

forests lakes and rivers No one Every day after that she

ever came to the castle went outside and played with her

The princess was very lonely new animal friends

I wish I had a friend she said I and wasnt lonely

wish I had someone to play with any more

Every day she looked out her The End

Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation.

Bumble Bee Emily’s mother went outside

Every day after school Emily’s with her We are so lucky to

mother made her a peanut butter have bees in our garden she said

and honey sandwich She ate it in Without bees we wouldn’t have

her garden while looking at the any flowers or vegetables And no

beautiful flowers honey for your sandwich either

One day a bumble bee buzzed Emily looked at the flowers

around her head Aaaah she and smiled I guess I

screamed A bee She ran into the am not scared of

house and yelled Mother a bee is bees after all

in the garden The End

Great job!

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