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Unit Test 1

Que. Important Questions


1 Define the term Algorithm .

2 What is keyword? Enlist any four keyword used in C.

3 Describe Generic structure of C programming.

4 List the formatted input and output instructions.

5 Explain any four library functions under conio.h header file.

6 Distinguish between variable and constant.

7 What is conditional operator with example?

8 What is mean by increment and decrement operator? Explain with example.

9 State four arithmetic and four logical operators.

10 Define following terms: (i) keyword, (ii)Token, (iii) identifier, (iv) constant.

11 Write four operators in C.

12 List any four Relational Operators.

13 What is Looping ? List various looping constructs of C.

14 Write a program to whether the character entered is vowel or not.

15 Write syntax of if else statement with suitable example.

16 Write syntax of switch case statement and give its example.

17 State use of break and continue statement with example.

18 Distinguish between while loop and do while loop.

19 Write a C program to accept two integer no’s from user and perform addition.

20 Write a program to find largest of 3 numbers using nested if else.

21 Give the syntax of nested if-else statement with suitable example.

22 With suitable example explain how else…if ladder can be used.

Unit Test 1
23 Program to find sum of all even numbers between 1 to 20.

24 Write a program to find whether an entered number is even or odd

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