Test Your Prepositions - Section 8

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Just for fun! This section contains some fun tests to help you revise prepositions in general. Enjoy! tad Girl: My cousin’s very good at bird impressions. Boy: Really? Girl: Yes. He eats worms! 86 Section 8: Just for fun! 5 Confused consonants Find the wrong letter in each of these newspaper headlines. What letter is needed so that the headline makes sense? HOME SECRETARY 4O BOOK INTO PRISON CONDITIONS FIREMEN WARNED: ‘DON’T PUMP TO CONCLUSIONS’ MYSTERY EXPLOSION IN HOTEL: POLICE ARE BOOKING INTO IT CHICKEN BREEDER ON FRAUD CHARGE TOLD BY JUDGE: YOU WILL HAVE TO LAY FOR YOUR CRIMES HIGH-SPENDING LOCAL AUTHORITIES TOLD: ‘MONEY DOESN’T GLOW ON TREES’ Section 8: Just for fun! 87 VETERINARY SURGEON ACCUSED OF CRUELTY TO CATS PROTESTS: ‘PEOPLE LIKE TO PUSS OVER NOTHING’ GAMBLER CONVICTED OF MURDERING BOOKMAKER BETS FOR MERCY FINANCIAL CRISIS IN SOCIAL DEMOCRAT PARTY: LEADER FALLS ON PARTY FAITHFUL TO COME TO THE RESCUE WELFARE OFFICIALS ACCUSED OF CRYING INTO COUPLES’ PRIVATE LIVES WE CREAM ABOUT THE GOOD OLD DAYS, SAY PENSIONERS 88 Section 8: Just for fun! What are they saying? 1 Supply the missing preposition(s) in each caption and then match it to the appropriate cartoon. ‘What do you mean it’s not that bad? I’m standing my husband's shoulders!’ ‘What a pity you haven’t brought your little dog you. We were so looking forward seeing him again.’ ‘Arthur's always been very sensitive his bald spot.’ ‘I've decided becoming a doctor - you have to wash your hands too often.’ ‘Is the banging the wall keeping you awake, darling?’ ‘I'm tired being Mr Nice Guy! I’m going to be much tougher now onl!’ Section 8: Just for fun! 89 Joke time 2 Complete the following jokes by filling in the missing prepositions. Girl: My cousin's very good _@t _ bird impressions. Boy: Really? Girl: Yes. He eats worms! Walker: Tell me, will this path take me the main road? Local: No, Sir, you'll have to go yourself. Girl: You remind me the sea. Boy: Because I’m so wild and romantic? Girl: No, because you make me sick! Father: Johnny, I've had a letter your headmaster. It seems you're very careless about your appearance. Johnny: Am I, Dad? Father: Yes, you haven't appeared school at all this term. BULLDOG SALE: Will eat anything. Very fond children. Woman 1: My husband's career is ruins. Woman Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Woman 1: There's nothing wrong that. He's an archaeologist. Piano tuner: I’ve come here to tune your piano. Man: But we didn’t send you. Piano tuner: No, but your neighbours did. Mark: I understand that the sports and social club is looking a treasurer. Geoffrey: That’s right. Mark: But I thought the sports and social club only hired a treasurer a few months ago. Geoffrey: They did. That's the treasurer they're looking ! I’ve always believed love first sight — ever since I looked a mirror. Teacher: What's the definition ‘minimum’? Student: A very small mother. 90 Section 8: Just for fun! What are they saying? 2 Supply the missing preposition(s) in each caption and then match it to the appropriate cartoon. bale | me ‘\. ‘I think we'd better apologize them waking them up.’ ‘It’s amazing me how people always seem to get married alphabetical order.’ names them all.’ ‘Do I take it you object my smoking a pipe?” ‘Sorry — we don’t have a menu. Just point my apron.’ something Ea a 13) ‘This is the part I don’t like - having to think different wz ‘5 luck, we should be London nightfall.’ Section 8: Just for fun!

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