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Noun + preposition This section looks at the patterns NOUN + PREPOSITION, e.g. a cure for, the opposite of, and VERB + NOUN + PREPOSITION, e.g. pay a visit to, take advantage of. There are also many expressions (sometimes called compound prepositions) with the pattern PREPOSITION + NOUN + PREPOSITION, e.g. on account of, by virtue of, for the sake of, in addition to, in favour of. Learn these compound prepositions as whole phrases. Often the choice of preposition depends on the meaning of a noun, e.g. an interest in, a demand for, in addition to. Sometimes the preposition is unexpected, e.g. an aversion to, where you might expect from. ‘Do you know of a cure for hiccups?’ 26 Section 3: Noun + preposition Matching pairs 2 Match the phrases in the two columns. Note which preposition is used with each noun. A bright student with an aptitude ... Congratulations ... Scientists conduct research ... He has fallen in love ... The Princess is heir ... Free tickets with the compliments ... Kenya is a country rich ... It is time for the children to pay a visit ... The Italian chef gave me a recipe ... Working constantly at a computer puts a strain ... Write your answers here: She is undergoing treatment ... Coffee drinkers have a choice ... .. in wildlife. . of the theatre manager. .. into the causes of ageing. ... for spaghetti carbonara. ... for learning foreign languages. .. On your arms and shoulders. ... for a serious illness. ... between black and white. .. to the Dutch throne. .. With the girl next door. .. on your Wedding Anniversary! ... to their grandparents. = 2 3 4 5 6 © Section 3: Noun + preposition 27 Fill the gaps 1 Complete the sentences below with one of the following nouns plus a preposition. basis campaign choice control cruelty excuse fall freedom genius anger knowledge objection -eppesite strain problem WH what is the _ opposite of _ ‘timid’? Is it ‘bold’ or ‘brave’? @ the chewing gum is that it loses its flavour too quickly. eg If you hada marrying for love or marrying for money, which would you do? ae I know you have a cold, but that’s no not doing your homework. ") If you have to deal with overseas clients, a foreign languages is very useful. "6! Do you have any my parking my car in front of your house? Pad Since the salmonella scare there has been a considerable the consumption of eggs. i Perhaps the three most important human rights are hunger, fear and persecution. ee Einstein hated school and often missed classes, but he was a real mathematics. 28 Section 3: Noun + preposition In the dispute between the union and the management, new proposals have been put forward which should at least provide a discussion. In our class, we can do as we like; our teacher has no us at all. The RSPCA is the Royal Society for the Prevention of Animals. Overweight people should not jog because it puts a great their hearts. The African elephant will be extinct within twenty years if an international the ivory trade is not started immediately. Vandalising public property is the only way some youngsters can. express their society. Section 3: Noun + preposition 29 9 Compound prepositions 1 Complete the following prepositional phrases by choosing a word from the list below. When you have finished, try to make up a sentence using each of the phrases. acest agreement answer behalf goodterms means peace pity reference the compliments the benefit _ the influence at a cost of at with by of for of in with to on of on with out of for under of with to BHEBEREREEEE : with of 30 Section 3: Noun + preposition Fill the gaps 2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition. Congratulations on ___ your thirty-fifth birthday! With reference your advertisement in today’s Guardian, I wish to apply for the position of Sales Manager. We have a good working relationship the local authority. Do you take pride your appearance, or are you just vain? The party's new policy document puts a strong emphasis public ownership of basic utilities like electricity and water. John’s got very strange taste clothes, hasn't he? There has been a considerable improvement the flow of traffic since they opened the extra lanes on the motorway. ‘Have you made proper provision your old age?” ‘No, | intend to become a burden on my children!’ Let Alicia work it out; she has an amazing aptitude figures. If you put as much effort your schoolwork as you do roller-blading, you might have a chance. In a surprising departure tradition, the Queen rode to Parliament on a bicycle. Football fans showed their disapproval the referee's decision by booing loudly. Please give my regards your mother when you see her. Extensive research artificial sweeteners has shown that rats die quickly if you drop large blocks of saccharine on them! Picking your nose in public is not illegal, but it is certainly an offence good manners. Section 3: Noun + preposition 31 Sentence transformation 3 For each of the sentences below use the noun in capital letters and a suitable preposition to write a new sentence. The new sentence should be as similar as possible in meaning to the original. (Are you and Jennifer related? RELATIVE Are you a relative of Jennifer’s? i Pay no attention to what he says. NOTICE Take no what he says. {3 People are demanding lower taxes. REDUCTION People are demanding a taxes. 1) My boss seems to enjoy humiliating people. PLEASURE My boss seems to take humiliating people. | The interview panel thought that Sarah had IMPRESSION a very good manner. Sarah made a good the interview panel. (©) My best friend is someone I can really trust. CONFIDENCE T really have my best friend. (Henry really knew how to make people laugh. TALENT Henry had a making people laugh. Ba Many filmmakers were influenced by the film IMPACT Citizen Kane. The film Citizen Kane had an many filmmakers. 32 Section 3: Noun + preposition This rule is always true. EXCEPTIONS There are no this rule. A lot more people are buying automatic cars DEMAND these days. There is a greater automatic cars these days. "A! Lloyds the butcher's and Lloyds Bank are CONNECTION two completely separate organizations. There is no Lloyds Bank and Lloyds the butcher's. B Emma knows a great deal about organic farming. EXPERT Emma is an organic farming. Section 3: Noun + preposition 33 Fill the gaps 3 Complete these sentences with a suitable preposition. Do you know of a cure __ for _ hiccups? The public is taking a lot of interest the new courses being offered by the university. The attendance Saturday’s match was very poor. Did he give you any reason his awful behaviour? ‘Take advantage while stocks last!’ this special offer! 50% off list price At school today, we had a long discussion the best way to learn a foreign language. There's a big difference between being fond of someone and being in love them! ‘Because of a lack interest, tomorrow has been cancelled.’ (notice outside a theatre) It’s a pity poor old Fred: everyone got a Christmas present except him. There has been a sharp increase house prices in recent months. Competitors in the New York Marathon began to drop out of the race one one. There seems to be some confusion what Nelson actually said as he lay dying. Was it ‘Kiss me, Hardy’ or ‘Kismet, Hardy’? Professor Jonah Newt is a specialist marine biology. Because of the increase in the number of firms offering financial services, there’s a bigger demand than ever qualified accountants. If you want to know how to get into other people’s computers, pay a visit the website! 34 Section 3: Noun + preposition Compound prepositions 2 Complete the prepositional phrases below by choosing a word from the following list. When you have finished, try to make up a sentence using each of the phrases. account addition common exehange favour odds regard respect the exception the expense the sake virtue @ in exchange for A enn 8) in to eon B at with ee at of @ with to with of 9° for of fo out of for @ on of WB by of Section 3: Noun + preposition Noun + preposition crossword Read through the sentences below and complete the crossword. Most of the missing words are either prepositions or nouns. > 8 S 8 There has been a sharp in the number of people staying on at school over the age of sixteen. There are at least 25% more now than there were three years ago (8). For this job you need to be fluent in French and have a good working knowledge at least two other European languages (2). She has a for being very efficient and hard-working (10). Don’t your bike out in the rain: it will get rusty! (5) You shouldn’t have any in getting to know people in Ecuador. Everyone is so friendly there (10). Being tall, Audrey had a definite advantage others in the team (4). My company will not do business countries that use child labour (4). : on tight, the bus is about to move!’ (4) Fighting the threat of global pollution is a race time (7). Can I have the for your fruit cake? (6) (4) ‘To be or not to be’ isa__ from Hamlet (9). me about your date with Dave. I want to hear ALL the details!’ The letters RSPCA stand for the Royal Society for the Prevention of to Animals (7). Is there a great difference British and American English? (7) What is your attitude people who break the speed limit? (7) On her eighteenth birthday Linda’s grandmother gave her a for £1,000 (6). | Brazil is rich natural resources (2). | Switch the light : it’s more fun in the dark! (3) S se8 aes B? a BESe& ae SEs 2 = = 5 Does anyone here have a to the problem? (8) } 36 Section 3: Noun + preposition 12 15 19 22 23 24 SECTION 3 The verdict was death natural causes (4) I've just heard about Angela’s to Thomas. I wonder when the wedding will be? (10) Since she was a mechanic, I asked for her __ on buying a second- hand car (6). See 23 down. Is your brother still having treatment asthma? (3) a2 1 a cat when I was driving to work this morning. I felt really bad about it (3, 4). She is heir___ the family fortune. That's probably why so many men would like to marry her (2). Section 3: Noun + preposition 37

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