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Refering to the above diagram Toyota capitalizes the strengths to meet its threat and take
advanatage of the external opportunities. It has a very strong cultural advantage that
increases the team work and enchances the organisation structture. It inspires creativity and
innovativeness to its employees to improve the quality of its products. Being an dominating
automobile firm it produces affordable cars and other auto products. Toyota's success both
on the japanese market and international market due to its only desire to manufacture
products of high quality. They only believed in Kaizen which means continuous
improvement. On the European market front Toyota recorded increase in sales from YoY,
through its success in owing to adapt its supply to the needs and requirements of the
europeans based on total quality strategy, innovation and continuos improvement. On the
US market fron, their was a cut throat competition between the GM & Toyota, the race
between both of them is not only about the no. of vehicles sold but also in terms of
profitability, But the market where they sell most of the Toyota Cares is North America. On
the Australian market front, Toyota become the first manufacturer which manufactures
mass productions of cars powered by a hybrid system. Other markets, Toyota is also doing
very good in India, China & Russia, where their main strategy is to sell low cost cars.

Toyota is a well know automobile manufacturing company. When it comes to main focus on
Strategies of International Business their main focus was on the level of pressur of cost
reduction and pressure of local representation. Strategies of International business involves
strategic goals, vision, mission, environmental factors related to internal and external
surroundingss of a firm.

Toyota Corporation has a very strong production process that is not only effective but
efficient in saving costs, which in turn creates competitive advantage over the others.
Toyota uses fesourcesand eliminates unwanted costs in the production process. Toyota
strongly believes in increasing production capabilities and efficiency.

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