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Draft AGENDA - Conference on Heritage Innovation Technology

Location: Hotel Ibis, TIMIȘOARA, ROMANIA

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

12,00- 13.30 Welcome brunch& networking

13.30- 14.00 Official opening

State Secretary- MDPWA- Daniel SURDU,
DG REGIO –Johan Magnusson,
CPMR- Stavros Kalognomos,
DSP- Robert Lichtner,

14.00- 14.15 Civitta Strategy & Consulting - Culture and Tourism support for integrated
sustainable development in the Danube Region. Main findings

14.15- 15.45 Session 1- Challenges of and responses in the field of Heritage

Innovation Technology
- Creative Hubs in Danube Region as promoters of Innovative
Technologies for Cultural & Creative Heritage - RESTART_4Danube
perspective- Prof. Alexandru Marin – Manager of RESTART_4Danube
project; present on site- 10 min
Catalog of the collections in 750 museums in Lower Austria: Christa
Zahlbruckner – present on site 15 min tbc
- Builiding regional and local resilience trough the valorization of
Danube’s Cultural Heritage-inolving stakeholders, tourist and locals by
digital platforms – Balint Kadar –Danurb project Lead -15 min-onsite
- Master Class- Museums of Danube - representatives University of
Beograd, Faculty of Arhitecture, - Dušan Međedović, m.arch and Uroš
Majstorović, m.arch- present on site -20 min
- Back to our common roots - Professional underground, aerial and surface
scanning of Botosani historical centre to reveal the myth of the lost
underground city;Creating the Botosani Multimedia Museum of Cultural
Diversity in one the cellars revealed by the scanning; Creating the Ivano-
Frankivsk Museum of weapon in the former location of Potocki Palace;
present on site -20 min

15.55- 16.15 Coffee break

16.15- 18.15 Session 2- Cultural Heritage and New Technologies

- Best practice in the display and perception of intangible World Heritage
- Frontiers of the Roman Empire- George Cupcea, Deputy Director,
National Museum for Transylvania's History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
onsite -15 min
- The facade is the face of the building- development of a system based on
remote sensing solutions for monitoring building facades for renovation or
reconstruction purposes and creating a cloud-based database -
representative of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences-
MATE, Hungary present on site- 15 min ; onsite
- ArcheoTales – Experiencing Archaeology in a Digital and Playful Way. An
online application designed to facilitate the playful transfer of knowledge
about archaeological and cultural heritage sites. Julia Gamper MA, Project
Manager, Oikoplus GmbH, Vienna AT Online presentation, 15 min
- Image resources & technologies. Art conservation and Cultural Heritage
StudiesWest University Timisoara; dr.Silvia Trion, Luisa Palade onsite- 15
- AREAacz-Videoclips - How students of the New Design University Krems
an der Donau deal with our cultural heritage and digitally reinterpret it-
Christa Zahlbruckner on site 15 min
- Reșița- flash back- flash forward- Livia Magina-Museum of Hihland
Banat; Ildiko Pataki, Educational policy Adviser, Municipality of Reșița-15
min, onsite
- Challenges before the study, protection, and promotion of the
underwater cultural heritage. Bulgarian experience and prospection –
Dr. Nayden Prahov,Director, Centre for Underwater Archaeology, Ministry
of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria-online-10 min
- DIGI Heritage NOW “Digital Heritage - New Opportunities for the
groWth of the cultural sector”. Dr. Gabriel Vladut – Manager IPA CIFATT,
DIGI Heritage NOW-onsite -10 min
Time Machine - Dr. Thomas Aigner MAS, project Time Machine-15 min

18.15- 18.30 Q&A

18.45 departure to Recaș Socio-cultural visit in Recaș, Timiș County- Networking & dinner
Thursday, November 10, 2022
9.00 – 10.45 Session 3- Bringing European Cultural Heritage into the digital age
- Development of the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route - 360VR
YouTube Channel under the title: Romans, Wine, Danube. & G&A
platform, Vladan Kreckovic DCC, Serbia on site -15 min
- Danube’s Archeological eLandscapes project- 15 min-onsite-tbc
- Connecting Historical Danube Regions Roman Routes – Interactive
Tools for Sustainable Regional Development-Clemens Beyer, Manfred
Schrenk, Georg Neugebauer-online 15 min
- "Slovenia, innovating at the crossroad of cultural heritage, advanced
technologies and tourism"-Matevž Straus ,Heritage+ Lead ,ARCTUR
Nova Gorica- online 15 min
- "Mysterious", an initiative of Dr. Swantje Volkmann (cultural
commissioner for the Danube region at the DZM Ulm0&(cultural
commissioner for the Danube region at the DZM Ulm) &Marton
Mehes-Danube Cultural Cluster, onsite-10 min
- E-Cultura- Alexandra Preda – Ministry of Culture-onsite
- Diocese St, Pölten- DI Philipp Orange MA, DIÖZESE SANKT PÖLTEN-
10-year digitization project of the Diocese of St. Pölten-online- 10 min

10,45-11,00 Coffee break

11.00- 12.30 Session 4- Cultural Heritage and Youth: Innovating for a Better
Future - Best examples & projects ideas from MRS

- Youth audience at the museum. Vassil Makarinov - the National

Polytechnic Museum in Sofia, present onsite -10 min
- EUSAIR best practice example: GIS system for cultural heritage and the
processes for digitizing cultural heritage-Ms Anuška Deranja Crnokić,
the Director of the Directorate for Archives, Libraries, and Museums in
the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media - 15 min online
- Youth involvement in heritage management of Roumanian UNESCO
Global Parks – Cristina Partal&Alexandru Andrasanu 15 min online
- "Cultural heritage and Youth"- Ancona-Union Adrion, Italy- University
of Architecture -online15 min
- Digital Innovation Strategies.Zagreb& Ljubljana (youth project)-10 min
- United for digitalization - labs for future- Cezar Grozavu, Cross Border
Cooperation RO-UA 10
- Danube Youth Network – Srdjan Stankovic- DYN core networker –onsite-
presenting DYN &Friends of the Danube &Friends of the Danube Youth
cam-15 min
- Danube Small Fund- The digital heritage implication for art in culture –
Krista Kretkova -10 min
12.45- 13,45 Session 5- Regions, cities and cultural heritage:
How the European Capital of Culture was instrumental in promoting innovative
use and management of cultural heritage- and/or digital heritage,

- EUSAIR –UNION ADRION-Mattera good practices

- „The connection between digital technologies and cultural heritage“-
Novii Sad Programme Director, Ms Sara Vuletić
- "Technology and the promotion of cultural heritage over the borders".
Ovidiu Megan- Timisoara Cultural Capital of Europe- 2022; Diana
Andone-Spotlight Heritage& Vlad Garboni Flight Festival

13.45- 14.30 Farewell brunch

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