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Kerry Anne Hoffman Work With Me


Jan 11 • Written By Kerry Hoffman

2022 Goal Setting: Vision Board

If you had told me two years ago to make a vision board, I would have told you that
I didn’t want to make one because I am “not very crafty.” When 2021 began, I knew I
needed to shake things up and I thought I would try this whole vision board thing,
despite my inability to cut a straight line. And 1 year later, I am still working on it,
engaging with it, and loving it. So, let’s talk vision boards.

What’s a vision board? A vision board is anything you want it to be! Although I love
the digital space, I opted for a physical board. I bought a huge tri-fold board for my
visions. And I got these visions from magazines!

Let’s talk about magazines for a second. A lot of people don’t subscribe to paper
magazines anymore but in 2021, I did the opposite. I subscribed to A LOT of
magazines. Several annual subscriptions are under $12 A YEAR. The paper in the
magazine would ultimately get recycled onto my board or into the paper bin, so it
didn’t feel wasteful. And it’s fun to get mail that is mail you want! However, I
understand entirely why you might not want to start subscribing to magazines left
and right. First, if you are a Facebook member, I encourage you to sign-up for your
neighborhoods Buy Nothing group. Several people donate magazines that they are
all done with and you just go pick them up. If driving around your neighborhood
collecting paper sounds like a waste of time though, surf the web for cool pictures
to print out! Remember, it is your board!

For those that are not down with physical paper and boards, you have several online
options! Canva is a fun app that allows you to create beautiful collages. Pinterest is
a more obvious choice for pinning what speaks to you, and can be done at any time!
Or, there are vision board apps you can explore if you want to go deep on vision
boarding on your phone.

What goes on your vision board? Here’s what to look for when sourcing pins or

1. Find some words or phrases that speak to you! The words don’t have to
communicate a goal you have in mind. They can simply be words that resonate
with you. For example, I cut out “leading by example”, “get it done!” and
“cookies.” Yes, I cut out the word cookies. I love cookies.

2. Look for styles that boost your mood. I love purple so I tend to cut out anything
in purple. Maybe you like geometric shapes, velvet, or sparkly clothes (yes to all
for me!). Cut those or pin those images.

3. Seek inspirational people, ideas, articles, books, etc. Who is someone you
look up to or aspire to be? Seeing them, their words, or their ideas on your own
vision board may light you up.

4. Pull in things that are already a part of you. Your vision board should reflect
who you are just as much as who you want to be. I have pictures of french fries
and exercise equipment on my board because no matter what my goals are for
2022, I know that continuing on my fitness journey and stuffing my face with
french fries will never get lost in a sea of new ideas.

5. Consider adding photos to your vision board! I am not sure anyone prints
photos anymore, but if you do and you have some to spare, add them to your
board if they speak to you.

6. Lastly, put anything on the board that you think you should put on the
board. If you think it could belong on the board, it goes on the board. The
board is for you!

A great place for inspiration is in collaboration. I am hosting a 45-minute

workshop so we can share our vision boards with each other! You can share all of
it. You can share just one piece of it. Or you can just listen to others share. This is an
opportunity for you to stretch your creative mind and see how other people
indulged in the process. Sign-up now here. Hope to see you then!

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Kerry Hoffman

2022 Goal Setting: The Longest To- Mocktail O’Clock

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