Hajdnfj Nevex

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This project would focus on the process design method and simulation of a Natural Gas
Treatment Unit, aiming to enhance the efficiency and smooth performance of the recovery
process. The study will integrate a conceptual design principles with state-of-the-art
simulation techniques through ASPEN HYSYS and evaluate the different types of technologies
to treat the raw natural gas. A Natural Gas Treatment Unit (NGTU) is a facility designed to
process raw natural gas extracted from underground reservoirs before it enters the gas
transmission or distribution systems. The purpose of natural gas treatment is to remove
impurities and contaminants from the raw gas stream, ensuring that the gas meets quality
standards and is safe for transportation and use.
The specific components of conceptual design and processes within an NGT unit can vary
based on from where the raw natural gas production carried out, but some common elements
include separation, dehydration, sweetening, compression and cooling. The various types of
process technology to separate the Co2 from the natural gases are Absorption processes
through chemical or physical absorption, Adsorption process, Hybrid solutions, Membrane
separators, and pressure swing separations or direct conversion or bed process.. As per the
instructions, 30% by mole Co2 in the feed composition would make it interesting to design the
process and equipment selections. It would be a challenging task to have optimal process
design and simulation.
The Co2 removal from natural gases is very essential task because if Co2 left into the natural
gas in a high amount, during the further process, it freezes into the exchangers and forms
hydrates. Thus, to prevent Co2 freezing, to avoid corrosion in equipment, and to sustain
healthy environment, its removal is mandatory. The technology selection of the CO2 removal
depends on factors like the concentration of CO2 in the natural gas, project economics, energy
efficiency, and environmental considerations and product gas specifications.. Often, a
combination of different methods may be employed in a natural gas processing facility to
achieve optimal results. It is a significant task to select the appropriate technology for
impurities removal as the inlet feed contains the 30% by mole Co2 majorly. Usually, in
conventional methods the process integrates the inlet separators with high and low pressure
in series following with product gas mist extractor in order to separate the heavy hydrocarbons
or condensates and waste water from natural gas. However, in this case, as the inlet gas
contains a massive amount of Co2, for meeting the product specifications we need to make
some additions to that conventional method or just need to use the sweetening technology
with having majorly Co2 gas removal specifications. The technology used would be discussed
with detail in project.
Simulation would play a pivotal role in evaluating the proposed conceptual design, allowing
for a detailed assessment of the unit's performance under various operating conditions. It
would also present the detail design and performance of each equipment of the unit,
equipment sizing and would cover the mass and energy balance of the whole unit. Throughout
the project, a multi-disciplinary approach would be employed, considering factors such as
thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and process optimization. Like, property package selection
for the hydrocarbon – Co2 mixture would be a crucial task to achieve the sweet gas
specification. The collaboration of these disciplines would aim to deliver a robust conceptual
design that not only meets the technical requirements but also aligns with economic
The anticipated outcomes of this project would include a validated conceptual design
methodology and a comprehensive simulation model for Natural Gas Processing Units. This
project would contribute to the ongoing efforts in the natural gas processing industry to
enhance the recovery of valuable treatment components while addressing operational
challenges. The insights gained from this project would have the potential to guide future
advancements in Natural Gas Processing technology and foster sustainable practices within
the energy sector.

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