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EcoSnap-Facilitating Community Empowerment

Objective: The core objective of Ecosnap is to create an inclusive and dynamic platform that
empowers individuals to actively engage in solving local issues collaboratively. By providing a
space for citizens to report, address, and fund solutions for problems within their communities,
Ecosnap aims to foster a sense of collective responsibility, transparency, and civic pride.

Target Audience: EcoSnap is intended for smartphone users who are interested in environmental
and social issues in their local communities. It could appeal to both tech-savvy individuals who
are keen on using technology to make a difference and those who are just starting to become
more aware of their local environment.

Geographical Coverage: Initially, the app could focus on a specific city or region, with the
intention to expand to other cities or countries in the future. This would allow you to establish a
user base and gather valuable feedback before scaling the app to a broader audience.

Platform Limitations: As an Android app developed using Kotlin, EcoSnap will be primarily
accessible to Android users. While it is possible to create cross-platform apps, the initial
development will be focused on Android devices.

Functionality: The main functionality of EcoSnap will revolve around problem reporting,
community engagement, and fundraising. Additional features such as a reward system, user
engagement tools, and transparent reporting mechanisms will be integral to the app's operation.

Integration: EcoSnap will integrate with geolocation services to pinpoint and categorize issues,
and with a secure payment gateway for fundraising. It will also likely integrate with local
government systems to report issues and ensure transparency in the resolution process.

Scalability: The app should be designed with scalability in mind, allowing for growth in terms of
user base, number of reported issues, and complexity of the features offered.

Sustainability: EcoSnap will align with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals,
particularly those related to community engagement, sustainable cities, and responsible
consumption and production.

Legal and Ethical Compliance: The app will adhere to legal regulations regarding data privacy
and security, as well as ethical standards for handling user-generated content and fundraising.

Overall, the scope of EcoSnap is to provide a platform that empowers users to take action on
local environmental and social issues, fostering community engagement and sustainable
Project Description:
Ecosnap, a cutting-edge mobile application, endeavors to revolutionize community engagement
by seamlessly connecting users with the challenges faced in their localities. Beyond being a mere
reporting tool, Ecosnap encourages users to be proactive problem-solvers. Users can submit
problems, categorized by city, ranging from infrastructure bottlenecks to environmental
concerns. The platform facilitates not only individual initiatives but also collaborative efforts,
allowing users to team up for more impactful solutions.

The app introduces a gamified element to incentivize user participation. Individuals earn points
for each problem they engage with, creating a competitive and rewarding environment.
Moreover, for substantial community issues, Ecosnap introduces a crowdfunding feature. This
empowers users to contribute financially, ensuring direct and transparent funding for specific
problems, minimizing the risk of misallocation and corruption.

Ecosnap's mobile application is developed using Kotlin within the Android Studio framework,
ensuring an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The backend functionality is powered by
Node.js, providing a robust and scalable foundation for the seamless integration of features. To
manage and organize user-generated content, problem reports, and financial transactions, a
reliable database management system (e.g., MongoDB, MySQL) is employed.

Software Requirements:
Language: Kotlin
Database: Node Js

Submitted by

Name R e g i s t r a t i o n Roll Number Semester & Branch Section

Yashaswi 210953010 2 VI (CCE) A
A d a r s h 210953164 30 VI (CCE) A
U Anurag 210953018 3 VI (CCE) A
Individual Responsibilities:
Yashaswi - Designing of the frontend and configuring the various components present

Anurag - Handling the structure and logic for the different aspects under consideration

Aadarsh - Implementing the backend and integrating with frontend

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