Neuroshima Hex 3 Partisans

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Medics may absorb Wounds inflicted by an Explosive

Traps in the usual way.
You cannot disarm a Trap with an Instant Action tile. If the Explosive does not explode at the beginning of
Sandstorm does not disarm Traps. the Battle (i.e. because they are Netted), they cannot
explode later (i.e. because they are no longer Net-
Quicksands may be moved onto a Trap marker and They say that the Doctor is the last hope of humanity.
activate it. ted) nor attack. If the Explosive is not connected to Traps
any enemy unit, it does not explode at all. If it is con- And that no one knows Moloch as well as he does.
Traps may not be played on Water spaces. When he’s not fighting a battle of wits against Moloch, Trap markers may only be placed on empty hexes.
nected to an enemy HQ, it explodes, but does not deal
he devotes all his energy to controlling the Partisans Traps may not be placed on Foundation tiles or hexes
any Wounds to the enemy HQ. In games against the
Withdrawal network, creating new weapons and tactics. The Doc- that already contain other Trap markers.
Dancer, Paid Explosives deal 1 Wound to a connect-
When playing against Dancer, Withdrawal played on ed Object. The Defense Drone may be Netted, Taken tor’s bunker is hidden deep underground—the coordi- Any tile, either one’s own or an enemy’s, including
an Object deals 1 Wound to this Object, but does not Controlled of, Pushed Back, etc. as usual. Reflection nates are unknown. Even if a stranger should wander Foundation tiles, may be placed on the Trap marker
Withdraw its tile. reflects the Explosives. into the nearby area, they’re met by guards, cannons, normally (or moved with a Move, Push, etc.), which
When a tile is Withdrawn from the board, all markers mines, traps, and dozens of different safeguards to de- either disarms or activates the Trap, depending on the
placed on it are discarded (Wounds, Net, Paralysis, fend the bunker. type of tile. This is the only way to remove the Trap
Venom, Satiety, Incubator, Zombie, etc.). marker from the board.
If the Withdrawal has been played after the last turn DECK DESCRIPTION Trap markers cannot be moved, Pushed Back, Netted,
of your Opponent, they do not get an additional turn. Taken Over, Wounded, etc. Instant tokens (Sniper,
The main advantage of the Partisans is their high level
Grenade, Bomb, Small Bomb, etc.) do not affect them.
of board control by arming Traps on unoccupied hexes
Trap markers do not block line of sight. For the pur-
of the board. Traps are armed in several independent
poses of Battles that begin because of a fully occupied
ways. The deployment of specific types of Traps on the
board, a hex with only a Trap marker is not considered
board is unknown to the opponent until they are acti-
an occupied hex.
vated. In addition, the Army has high endurance and
attack power as well as a TACTIC token, which gives The Partisans player may view the Trap markers dis-
them the choice of adjusting actions to the current sit- played on the board at any time during their turn, but
uation on the board. under no circumstances may they swap them for oth-
ers in their supply or already on the board.
TACTICAL ADVICE You may arm more than one Trap on your turn as long
as there are empty hexes on the board and a tile has
Players should take advantage of the Partisans’ HQ’s
been played that allows you to place them.
ability to rotate and make optimal use of its ability
to arm Traps. Partisans should arm as many Traps Trap markers
Sign up for our newsletter and get free as possible early in the game, thus taking control of
content for the game! Arming: place a face down Trap marker on an empty
as many hexes as possible. In the later game, arm-
hex on the board.
PORTALGAMES.PL/EN/NEWSLETTER/ ing Traps is more difficult. The success of this Army
depends on the proper deployment of Traps and the Disarm: occurs when any Partisan tile is either played
optimal use of their effects. or moved to a hex with a Trap marker. The marker is
not uncovered, and returns to the supply of available
Traps. The disarmed Trap may be played again later
35 Partisans tiles, 2 Partisans markers,
Our games are assembled with the greatest care.
However, if your copy lacks anything, we apologize.
TACTICAL ADVICE FOR according to the standard rules.
8 Trap markers, 8 Wound markers, Please, let us know through the Customer Service form THE OPPONENT Activation: occurs when any opponent’s tile (including
1 replacement tile, rulebook. on our website:
The board will fill up quickly with Traps. It’s often the HQ), is placed on a hex with the Trap marker. First,
worth risking a weaker tile and placing it on a Trap to the marker is revealed, then the effect indicated on it is
Authors: Artur Pawłowski, Marcin Zapart
Development: Jan Maurycy Portal Games Sp. z o.o. gain a key hex. Note that most Traps do not have ef- resolved. Unless otherwise indicated, once the effect is
Rulebook: Artur Pawłowski, Marcin Zapart, ul H. Sienkiewicza 13 fects that interact with Foundation tiles. If you occupy resolved, the Trap is discarded from the game.
Jan Maurycy 44-190 Knurów
hexes on the Trap Launcher line, your opponent will be
Illustrations: Hanna Kuik tel./fax. +48 32 334 85 38
Editing: Tyler Brown unable to arm Traps. IMPORTANT: If an opponent plays a tile on a hex with
Graphic design: Mateusz Kopacz a Trap marker, they must specify the direction of the
played tile before revealing the Trap. Abilities such as
Playtesters: Jakub Czekierda; Wojtek Duda; Grzegorz Filipowski; Piotr Kowalski; Mariusz Kulczycki; Gabriel, Maks Reconnaissance or Boarding are not considered until
i Tomasz Pawłowscy; Wojciech Skolik; Olek Trzewiczek; Wiktoria i Rafał, Radosław Zakrzewski; Tomasz i Romek Żak. Thank you
for all your help! after the effect of the Trap has been resolved.
Special thanks: Grzegorz Lewiński, Joanna Kijanka

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Melee attacks. Melee attacks. Each connected friendly Traps:
Special feature – Trap Armor. unit may Rotate once per
Launcher: Once per turn, a round.
- Mine x1 – the unit activating this Trap is immedi-
face down Trap marker may Toughness. ately destroyed and removed from the board. The
be placed on any empty hex Medic may take the damage inflicted by this Trap
located in a straight line normally. Does not work on HQs.
from the Trap Launcher.
- Smokescreen x1 – the Partisans player may freely
SLEEPER AGENT 2 Armor. Implant. By activating this rotate the enemy unit that activated this Trap.
Each enemy unit in the line Implant, the Partisans
Melee attack. player may Rotate the HQ
of sight gets 1 Wound.
Arming the Trap: When Bonuses that increase once per turn. - Drill x1 – the Partisans player may move the unit
played, the Partisans player firepower CANNOT improve Toughness. that activated this Trap to any other empty hex on
may place a Trap marker this attack. Armor protects the board without rotating it. If there is no such
on an adjacent empty hex normally against this hex, then this Trap has no effect. The unit may not
in the direction indicated by
this token.
attack. WITHDRAWAL 1 be moved to a hex with a Foundation tile or another
Trap. Does not work on Foundation tiles.
Connected friendly units When this token is played,
gain +1 Strength in Melee MAD SID 1 the Partisans player
- Medpack x2 – this Trap does not affect the tile
attack. Withdraws (moves to the
Ranged attack. top of the original owner’s that activates it. Instead, the Partisans player places
Armor. draw pile) any enemy unit this marker on a Partisans unit on an adjacent hex
ASSISTANT DOCTOR 2 (except the HQ). When and gains an additional Toughness. The marker is
removed after that unit receives a Wound. If there is
the opponent draws new
Rotation. tokens on their turn, this no adjacent Partisans unit, nothing happens.
Melee attacks. token is the first to be
Arming the Trap: When drawn. - Net x1 – the unit activating this Trap is Netted until
played, the Partisans player SCOUT VETERAN 1 the end of the Battle. Place this Trap marker on this
unit. After the Battle, the marker is removed from
may place a Trap marker
on adjacent empty hexes in A connected friendly unit TACTICS 4 the unit and removed from the game.
the directions indicated by gains +2 Initiative.
this token. This tile allows you to
resolve either of these 2 - Rabies x1 – the attacks of the unit that activated
actions: this Trap receive the Friendly Fire feature. Place this
DEFENSE DRONE 1 • Push Back an enemy unit.
Trap marker on this unit. Until the end of the Battle,
this unit deals Wounds to both enemy and allied
Arming the Trap: When • Place a Trap marker on units. If this unit has a Web, this Web is considered
played, the Partisans player any empty hex on the a Spider’s Web—it Nets enemy units as well as its
may place a Trap marker
SCOUT 2 board. own. After the Battle, the marker is removed from
on adjacent empty hexes in Connected friendly units the unit and removed from the game.
the directions indicated by gain +1 Initiative.
this token.
MOVE 3 - Paralysis x1 – the unit activating this Trap is Par-
alyzed until the end of the Battle. The Paralyzed unit
Explosives: At the begin-
ning of a Battle (before Move a friendly unit to an may move and perform any action—except attacks.
any Initiative phases), the adjacent, unoccupied hex Place this Trap marker on the unit. After the Battle,
adjacent enemy tile, indicat- and/or Rotate it freely in the marker is removed from the unit and removed
ed by the Explosion icon, any direction. from the game.
is destroyed along with the MEDIC 1
Defense Drone. It does not
A connected friendly unit
cause Wounds to HQs.
must ignore all Wounds
from 1 attack; the Medic is
CYBORG CHARLIE 4 then discarded. BATTLE 5 Implants are a new type of unit, allowing a player
to perform the action depicted on the Implant
Start a Battle. After Battle, tile during their turn. Once per turn, a player may
Melee attacks. the player’s turn ends. This activate one of the Implants of their own Army on
Toughness. tile cannot be used to start the board.
a Battle if any player drew
X their last tile.
X - number of tiles

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