Test Ch2 Fya2nvco09

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Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1


You may need the following formulas: Mechanics 1D-motion; Linear motion Mekanik Linjebunden rrelse displacement x ; instantaneous velocity v ; average velocity v ; initial velocity v0 ; average acceleration a ; mass m ; force F ; pressure P ; area A displacement x ; Constant acceleration a Gller vid konstant acceleration dr s r strcka v0 r utgngshastighet a r acceleration och t r tid.

1 x = x0 + v0 t + at 2 2 x = vt at 2 s = v0 t + 2 x v= t s v= t v = v0 + at
v = v + 2ax
2 2 0 2 v 2 = v0 + 2as

For constant velocity. Gller vid konstant hastighet dr v r hastighet s r strcka t r tid instantaneous velocity v ; constant acceleration a Gller vid konstant acceleration dr s r strcka, v r hastighet, v0 r utgngshastighet, a r acceleration, och t r tid. average velocity v average acceleration a =
v v2 v1 = t t 2 t1
dv d 2 x = dt dt 2


v + v0 [m / s] 2 v v2 v1 [m / s 2 ] a= = t t 2 t1


dv d 2 x = 2 [m / s 2 ] dt dt

instantaneous acceleration a =

F = mg


Tyngdkraften som ett freml med massan m knner av vid jordytan. The weight of an object of mass m [kg ] where the gravitational acceleration is g [m / s 2 ] .

sin =

b a cos = c c b tan = c 2 = a 2 + b 2 a

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.

Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1


CHAPTER TEST: Ch 2 Motion in 1D Physics course A Spring 2009: FyA2NVC09 Warning: There are more than one versions of the test.

Instructions Test Time Tools The test

8:05-10:00 Formula sheet, ruler and graphic calculator. For most items a single answer is not enough. It is also expected that you write down what you do that you explain/motivate your reasoning that you draw any necessary illustrations. After every item is given the maximum mark your solution can receive. [2/3] means that the item can give 2 g-points (Pass level) and 3 vg-points (Pass with distinction level). Items marked with give you a possibility to show MVG-quality (Pass with special distinction quality). This means that you use generalised methods, models and reasoning, that you analyse your results and account for a clear line of thought in a correct mathematical language.

Mark limits

The test gives totally at the most 38 points, out of which 22 vg-points and 3 MVG-quality () points. To pass the test you must have at least 12 points and to get the test character Pass with distinction (VG) you must have at least 25 points out of which at least 7 points on Pass with distinction level. Excellence (MVG) requires 28 points out of which at least 14 VG points and excellent quality presentation of the solutions .

Name: P G 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 6i 6ii 6iii 6iv 7a 7b 7c 8 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 3 9 10 Sum Grade 0 4 2 4 16 22 12 25 7 G VG


behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.

Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1


In the multiple answer questions below circle clearly the correct answer(s) and write clearly the corresponding alphabet on the space provided for the answer. 1. A 10.00 g metal ball is dropped from top of a cliff. The sea level is 100.0 m below the point the ball is dropped. How long after it is dropped the displacement of the boll is 44.2 m ? Ignore air friction. [1/0] a) At t = 4.50 s . b) At t = 3.00 s . c) At t = 9.00 s . d) At t = 3.31 s . e) None of alternatives above. At t = s.

Answer: Alternative : Why? Explain. Show your calculations in details of your calculations in the space available below. [1/0]


What is the velocity of the ball in the problem above just before hitting the water surface below? [1/0]

a. v 44.3 m / s . b. v 1964 m / s . c. v 10.2 m / s v 20.4 m / s d. e. None of alternatives above. v = m/ s . Answer: Alternative:______ Why? Explain. Show your calculations in details of your calculations in the space available below. [0/1]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.

Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1


The same metal ball in the problems above instead is thrown at an initial velocity 16.00 m / s upward from the top of the same cliff 100.0 m above the sea-level. What is the velocity of the ball 5.0 s later? [1/0] a) 33.1 m / s going downwards. 65.1 m / s going upwards. b) c) 49.1 m / s going downwards. d) 49.1 m / s going upwards. e) None of alternatives above. v = m/ s . Answer: Alternative:______ Why? Explain. Show your calculations in details of your calculations in the space available below. [0/1]



What is the velocity of the ball in the problem 3 just before it hits the water surface 100.0 m below its initial position? [1/0] 33.1 m / s going downwards. a) 65.1 m / s going upwards. b) c) 47.1 m / s going downwards. 47.1 m / s going upwards. d) e) None of alternatives above. v = m/ s . Answer: Alternative: ____ Why? Explain. Show your calculations in details of your calculations in the space available below. [0/1]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.

Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1



How long after its thrown upwards will the ball in the problem above, will hit the water surface 100.0 m below its initial position? [1/0] a) At t 10.0 s . b) At t 11.8 s . c) At t 6.25 s . d) At t 6.43 s . f) None of alternatives above. t s . Answer: Alternative:_______ Why? Explain. Show your calculations in details of your calculations in the space available below. [0/1]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.

Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1


6. The velocity over time for a certain particle moving along the x-axis is shown in the figure below. [1/0] i. Find the acceleration of the particle at t = 2.00 s . ii. Find the total displacement of the particle. [2/2] iii. Determine the maximum acceleration of the particle. [1/1] iv. Describe the motion of the object during its entire motion. [0/2/]
Velocity vs time 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 1 2 3 4 5 t(s) 6 7 8 9 10

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1


7. A car manufacturer tests its cars for front-end collisions by transporting them up on a crane and dropping them from a certain height. a. Show that the speed just before a car hits the ground, after falling from rest a vertical distance h , is given by 2 gh . [0/2] b. What height corresponds to a collision at 72.0 km / h ? [2/0] c. What height corresponds to a collision at 90.0 km / h ? [2/0]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.

Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1


8. A kangaroo jumps to a vertical height of 2.9 m . How long was it in the air before returning back to Earth?


behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.

Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1


When asserting your work with this problem your teacher will take into consideration: How well you plan to solve the problem. How well you carry out your calculations. How well you justify your calculations. How well you present your work. How well you use the mathematical and physical languages.

9. A falling stone takes 0.30 s to travel past a window 2.2 m tall. From what height above the top of the window did the stone fall? [0/4/]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.

Chapter Test K2 FyA2NVC09 V1


10. Bond is standing on a bridge, 10 m above the road below, and his pursuers are getting too close for comfort. He spots a flatbed truck loaded with mattresses approaching at 30.0 m / s , which he measures by knowing that the telephone poles the truck is passing are 20 m apart in this country. The bed of the truck is 1.5 m above the road, and Bond quickly calculates how many poles away the truck should be when he jumps down from the bridge onto the truck, making his getaway. How many poles is it? [2/4/]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes.


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