The Bloodbound

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The Bloodbound

The Bloodbound are a chaos warband that serve the blood god who make base on
the death world of Galmor. The Bloodbound share very little in common with the other
warbands of chaos as while most would attempt to grow their numbers, The Bloodbound
actively seek to keep their numbers in check so that they will only have the absolute best
in their band. The Bloodbound also separate themselves from the other followers of
Khorne as they shun warriors who have become blood crazed savages instead accepting
only “honorable hunters' ' who respect the sanctity of combat into their coven. The squads
of The Bloodbound are organized not through the standard military chain of command
but rather based upon the prey that each member seeks to hunt with only the greatest
hunter of any race having the right to claim superiority over their fellows. Throughout the
neighboring worlds, The Bloodbound are seen as almost a boogeyman type entity that
appears only a few times each year, but bringing naught but slaughter to whatever they
may be targeting on their hunts. The members of The Bloodbound do not trace their
lineage from one single legion as any marine that reaches the standards of the warband
shall be offered a position regardless of origin.

The core belief of the warband is to seek out the greatest warriors or beings of a
race, species, or faction and stalk them across the stars until eventually challenging them
to single combat and taking their ruin as a trophy and offering to Khorne. While the
warband does venerate Khorne, they do not go the route of the Worldeaters in becoming
mindless savages but rather call to him to be rewarded for besting the greatest warriors
and beasts of the galaxy. The Bloodbound do not accept any assistance from the demons
of their master or their brothers, for above all else the warband respects the sanctity of

During the Blood Crusade following the 13th Black Crusade, a great demonic
beast had taken up control along with a retinue of lesser demons of Khorne and possessed
on the planet of Reductia where they slaughtered the population without mercy. In an
attempt to stop the advance of chaos, the high lords ordered squads from the Space
Wolves, White Scars, and Black Dragons chapters to hold back the demons until further
reinforcements could be sent to them. The White Scars would send members of the 3rd
and 8th brotherhoods, the Eagle brotherhood and Bloodrider brotherhood, the Space
Wolves sent out squads from the Bloodmaws company and the Black Dragons took
members of the elite Dragon Claws company.

The three chapters would engage in bloody combat for days as they cut through
swathes of the lesser demons and possessed. Though the loyalists had suffered heavy
losses during the operation, once they had progressed further into the world they oddly
stopped encountering many enemies. Though the much more level headed members of
the White Scars advised caution against moving forward into such unusual conditions,
the proud Space Wolves would barge forward seeing it as the forces of chaos fleeing in
fear. Not wanting to allow their brothers to get themselves killed, the White Scars and
Black Dragons would follow suit. As the marines descended into a city of the planet,
encountering sparse amounts of demons, they would stumble upon a gaping maw within
the ground of the main center of the city. All of the marines could feel an indescribable
darkness seeping from the hole and all decided that despite the danger it could cause
further investigation was needed.

Throughout the astartes descent through the deep blackness of the cavernous
tunnels that the hole gave birth to it was sensed by all that there was something dreadful
awaiting them at the end. Upon the final stretch of their trek the already massive tunnels
would expand to the point that the true height would remain bathed in darkness, which
stood in stark contrast to the sight that they beheld before them. A boundless cavern in
which a mound of Khorne demons, possessed, and citizens’ bodies with a great winged
black beast gorging itself upon the corpses and lapping up their blood as the few
remaining demons slaughtered each other without reason. As the battle brothers gazed
upon the incomprehensibly large and twisted, almost feline, draconic form of the beast,
they stopped for but a moment to quickly come to a decision about their next course of
action. The leaders of the White Scars, Space wolves, and Black Dragons contingents;
Khunbish, Haknir Black-blade, and Anargyros; all decided that it was pertinent to escape
without drawing the beast’s ire so that they could call for a complete annihilation of the
world. But, they were too late. The allied forces of the marines had been spotted by the
forces of chaos and the great beast released a sundering roar that sent both the remaining
demons and the beast hurtling towards the marines who very quickly turned tail realizing
they were at a severe disadvantage against the beast in the caverns.

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