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Leader: Elandros Stormbringer

Size: 47,000
Colour Scheme: Orange upon the armour, Blue and gold on the shoulderpads
Unknown Striking Stomrhost

Mighty Heroes:
Arion Stormblade: A Lord Celestant that managed to defend a settlement named Everwatch
Hollow from a mighty army of chaos led by Morghar the Damned. Let it be known that
Morghar now lies slain thanks to Arion, Everwatch Hollow can now breathe a slight sigh of
relief as more freeguilders reinforce the battered settlement

Realms the host is waging war upon:

Ghyran: 2000
Ghur: 4000
Shyish: 468

In the realms of the Age of Sigmar, where the forces of Order strive to maintain a fragile
balance against the encroaching darkness, the Cometborne Crusaders emerged as a
Stormhost dedicated to the eternal cause of Sigmar. Clad in celestial armor forged from the
essence of fallen comets, this Stormhost stood as a beacon of hope in the tumultuous

Led by Lord-Commander Elandros Stormbringer, a seasoned warrior with a deep connection

to the celestial forces, the Cometborne Crusaders were renowned for their lightning-fast
strikes and unwavering resolve. Elandros, a charismatic and noble leader, bore a
comet-shaped sigil on his armor, symbolizing the celestial power that fueled their righteous
The Stormhost's celestial fortress, known as Astral Bastion, hovered in the skies above the
realm of Azyr. From this floating citadel, the Cometborne Crusaders descended like divine
meteors onto realms threatened by chaos and corruption. Their arrival was often
accompanied by the awe-inspiring sight of celestial comets streaking across the heavens,
heralding the Stormhost's righteous fury.

One of the most legendary campaigns of the Cometborne Crusaders took place in the realm
of Ghyran, where a virulent Nurgle contagion threatened to consume entire lands. Elandros,
with his retinue of Liberators and Prosecutors, descended upon the plagued realm, their
celestial armor shimmering with the power of Azyr.

The Crusaders waged a relentless war against the forces of decay, their weapons imbued
with celestial energy that cleansed the blighted landscapes. Elandros faced the daemonic
champions of Nurgle in epic duels, his cometforged blade cutting through the foul minions of
the Plague God.

As the Cometborne Crusaders advanced, the corrupted landscapes began to bloom once
more, and the sickly pallor that had gripped the realm lifted. The people, once resigned to
despair, found hope in the form of the celestial warriors who had descended from the

Yet, even in the wake of their victories, the Crusaders knew that the forces of chaos were
relentless. As the celestial comets continued to streak across the skies, the Cometborne
Crusaders stood vigilant, ready to answer the call of Sigmar and bring the light of order to
the darkest corners of the realms.

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