Physics B: Fybnvc08 G-Level Test On Electricity and Magnetism CH 16-19 & CH 20

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FyBCh16-19-20NVC08 Electricity and Magnetic Field


Physics B: FyBNVC08 G-level test on Electricity and Magnetism Ch 16-19 & Ch 20

Instructions: The Test Warning! There are more than one version of the test. At the end of each problem a maximum point which one may get for a correct solution of the problem is given. Tools Approved formula sheets, ruler, and graphic calculator. You may use your green personalized summary-formula-booklet which has your name on it. This should be submitted along with the test. 8:00-10:00 The multi-choice problems must be answered on the original test paper. Limits: This tests gives at maximum 36 points. minimum 18 points minimum 24 points. Qualified in this test, and filling the requirements in the higher level test.


Pass (G): Qualified For a higher than G: VG/MVG

Please answer in this paper and as clear as possible. Do not forget the UNITS!
Enjoy it! Behzad

16-20 P G G 16-20 P G G E 1 2 B, 8 1 PE 2 1 B, I 9 3 C 3 2 Q, B 10 2 C 4 2 Q, B 11a 2 E, B 5 2 Q, B 11b 2 B 6 2 FB 11c 2 C, E 7a 1 FB 11d 2 C, V 7b 2 FB 11e 2 C 7c 2 FB 11f 2 RC 7d 2 C, Q 7e Sum 2 20

Ch 16-20 Total Grade: 38

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FyBCh16-19-20NVC08 Electricity and Magnetic Field



In the Bohrs model of the hydrogen atom, an electron circles a proton at a distance 5.3 10 11 m . The electric field that acts on the electron is V 5.11011 a) m V 5.110 32 b) m V 27 c) m V 8.2 10 8 d) m e) None above. It is: ______________________ Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Show your calculations in the space available below. [1/0]


The potential energy of a system of two charges decreases as the charges are moved closer to each other. a) The two charges are both negative. b) The two charges are both positive. c) The two charges have different signs. d) The two charges both have the same sign. e) Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0]


Ten identical capacitors of capacitance 10. F are connected in series. The equivalent capacitance of the combination is: a) 100 F b) 10. F c) 1.0 F d) 0.10 F Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Show your calculations in the space available below. [1/0] Free to use for educational purposes.

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FyBCh16-19-20NVC08 Electricity and Magnetic Field



Doubling the distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C changes its capacitance to a) 4C b) 2C C c) 2 C d) 4 Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Explain. [1/0]


A moving electric charge produces a) only an electric field. b) only a magnetic field. c) both an electric field and a magnetic field. d) sometimes an electric field and sometimes a magnetic depending the direction of its velocity. Answer: Alternative ______________ [1/0]


A proton enters a magnetic field parallel to B . a) The protons velocity remains the same, but its direction of motion is changed. b) Both protons velocity and its direction of motion remain the same. c) The protons velocity is changed, but its direction of motion remains the same. d) Both protons velocity and its direction of motion are changed. Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Explain. [1/0] Free to use for educational purposes.

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FyBCh16-19-20NVC08 Electricity and Magnetic Field



A parallel plate capacitor, a resistor and a battery are connected as illustrated in the figure below. The two parallel plates of the capacitor are 0.500 mm apart. The plates are connected through a 100 . M resistor to a battery. When the plates are fully charged, the electric field between the plates is 200. kV / m .


Draw the electric filed lines as clear as possible on the figure.



The electric potential difference between the plates is: i) 10.0 kV ii) 1.00 kV iii) 0.100 kV iv) 10.0 V v) None above it is: ______________ Answer: Alternative:______________ Why? Show your calculations in the space available below.

[1/0] [1/0]


If the parallel capacitor has an area of 5.00 cm 2 and a plate separation of 0.500 mm . Its capacitance is: i. 8.85 pF ii. 8.85 nF iii. 8.85 F iv. None. It is: _____________ Answer: Alternative:______________ Why? Show your calculations in the space available below.

[1/0] [1/0] Free to use for educational purposes.

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FyBCh16-19-20NVC08 Electricity and Magnetic Field



The time constant of the circuit is i) 0.885 ms ii) 885. ms iii) 885. s iv) None. It is: _____________ Answer: Alternative:______________ Why? Show your calculations in the space available below.

[1/0] [1/0]


The total charge on the positive plate of the capacitor, when the capacitor is fully charged is i) 0.885 nC ii) 885 nC iii) 88.5 C iv) 8.85 pC v) 8.85 mC vi) None. It is: _____________ Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Show your calculations in the space available below. [1/0]


The physical reason for the electric motor is a) the torque exerted on a current loop by an electric field. b) the torque exerted on a current loop by an electromagnetic field. c) the torque exerted on a current loop by a magnetic field. d) the torque exerted on a current loop by first an electric field and then a magnetic field. e) the torque exerted on a moving charge by a magnetic field. f) the torque exerted on a moving charge by an electric field. Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Free to use for educational purposes.

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FyBCh16-19-20NVC08 Electricity and Magnetic Field



A straight wire carrying a 25.0 A current has a 4.00 T length 10.0 cm between the poles of a magnet at an angle 30. as illustrated in the figure below. The magnetic field is fairly uniform at 4.00 T . The magnitude and direction of the force on the wire. i) 500 . N out of the page of the paper towards 25 .0 A the reader. ii) 5.00 N out of the page of the paper towards the reader. iii) 5.00 N into the page of the paper away from the reader. iv) 500 . N into the page of the paper away from the reader. v) None. It is: _____________ Answer: Alternative:______________ Why? Show your calculations in the space available below.

30 .

[1/0] [2/0]


A charged particle moves in a circular path of radius r in a magnetic field B . The velocity of the charged particle is doubled. The radius of the circular path of the charged particle will be 4r a) 2r b) c) r r d) 2 r e) 4 Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Explain. [1/0] Free to use for educational purposes.

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FyBCh16-19-20NVC08 Electricity and Magnetic Field



An electron is shot into the region between the poles of a magnet. The initial velocity of the electron is 3.00 10 6 m / s perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. The magnetic field is uniform and its magnitude is B = 0.40 T 0 . 400 T as illustrated in the figure. Data: Q = e = 1.60 10 19 C , me = 9.11 10 31 kg a) The electron will v = 3.0 10 6 m / s i) move straight and will not be deflected by the magnetic field. Q = e = 1.6 10 19 C ii) will be deflected toward the left. iii) will be effected toward the right. iv) will be effected into the page. v) will be effected out of the page. vi) None above. Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Explain in a sufficient detail. [1/0]


The magnitude of the magnetic force on the electron is: 1.92 10 19 N i) ii) 1.2 10 14 N iii) 1.92 10 13 N iv) v)

1.92 10 13 J None. It is __________

Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] [1/0]

Why? Explain and show your calculations in the space available below. Free to use for educational purposes.

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FyBCh16-19-20NVC08 Electricity and Magnetic Field



The electron in the uniform magnetic field will: i) experience a centripetal acceleration, and as a result it will rotate in a circular path of radius 42.7 m ii) experience a centripetal acceleration, and as a result it will rotate in a circular path of radius 42.7 cm iii) experience a centripetal acceleration, and as a result it will rotate in a circular path of radius 42.7 mm iv) experience a centripetal acceleration, and as a result it will rotate in a circular path of radius 42.7 m v) None above. See the calculation below. Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Explain and show your calculations in the space available below. [1/0]


If the polarity of the magnet is reversed, i.e. if the direction of the magnetic field is changed, i) the magnitude and the direction of the force remains the same. ii) the magnitude of the force remains the same, but the direction of the force is reversed. iii) the magnitude of the force is reversed, but the direction of the force remains the same. iv) the magnitude of the force decreases, and the direction of the force is reversed. v) the magnitude of the force increases, and the direction of the force is reversed. vi) None above. It is ____________________________________ Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Explain and show your calculations in the space available below. [1/0] Free to use for educational purposes.

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FyBCh16-19-20NVC08 Electricity and Magnetic Field



If the electron is replaced by an alpha-particle, i.e. the nucleus of Helium, with the charge Q = +2e , and mass m = 6.65 10 27 kg , keeping everything else the same, compare the magnitude and the direction of the force on the electron, to the magnitude and the direction of the force on the on the proton i) the magnitude and the direction of the force remains the same. ii) the magnitude of the force is doubled, but the direction of the force remains the same. iii) the magnitude of the force is doubled, while the direction of the force is reversed. iv) the magnitude of the force is decreased by a factor of two, but the direction of the force remains the same. v) the magnitude of the force is decreased by a factor of two, while the direction of the force is reversed. vi) None above. It is _________________________________ Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Explain. [1/0]


The -particle in the uniform magnetic field will: i) experience a centripetal acceleration, and as a result it will rotate in a circular path of radius 15.6 m ii) experience a centripetal acceleration, and as a result it will rotate in a circular path of radius 15.6 cm iii) experience a centripetal acceleration, and as a result it will rotate in a circular path of radius 15.6 mm iv) experience a centripetal acceleration, and as a result it will rotate in a circular path of radius 15.6 m v) None above. See the calculation below. Answer: Alternative:______________ [1/0] Why? Explain and show your calculations in the space available below. [1/0] Free to use for educational purposes.

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